The Weather
Scattered thundershowers to-
way and tomorrow; somewhat
warmer in the north today.
Ar Ador
stflt t an
Amw . r4 9
At The League This Morning .
Will An Era Pass With
Spengler? ...
Daily Again
Tops School
Collegiate Press Designates
Michigan Student Paper
National 'Pacemaker'
295 School Papers
JudgedIn Contest
Improvement Of 45 Points
Is Made Over Last Year;
Features Rate High
The Michigan Daily was again
awarded "Superior All-American Rat-
ing," and for the second successive
year was designated as the "Pace-
maker" by the Associated Collegiate
Press in its annual critical service for
college newspapers, Fred L. Kildow,
director of the . organization, an-
nounced yesterday.
Out of the 295 papers that were
submitted for criticism by schools and
colleges throughout the country, The
Daily was the only daily paper to be
awarded the title of "Pacemaker."
Mr. Kildow, in sending his letter of
congratulations to the editors, de-
scribed the "Pacemakers" as "the
leaders in their respective groups
and the cream of the All-Americans."
News Value Highest
The other papers to receive the
"Pacemaker" rating were the "Junior
Collegiate," a tri-weekly publication
of the Los Angeles Junior College,
the "Carnegie Tartan," a weekly is-
sued by students of the Carnegie In-
stitute of Technology, and the "Echo,"
a weekly paper of the Milwaukee
State Teachers College.
All the papers submitted were
judged and graded upon the bases
of news values and sources; news
writing and editing; headlines, typog-
raphy, and make-up; and depart-
mental pages and special features.
Out of the possible 1,000 points, The
Daily won 925, an improvement of 45
points over last year's 880.
The Daily got the highest percent-
ages from the divisions of news value
and courses and headlines, typog-
raphy and make-up, being allotted 235
out of a possible 250 in both cases,
receiving the maimum percentage of
points for its news gathering system
and for its typography, printing and
make-up of inside pages. The front
page make-up was adjudged "excel-
lent," receiving 55 out of a possible.
Is Sixteenth Judging
The department pages and special
features division received from the;
judges a vote of 195 out of a possible
220. The sports page was also called
"excellent," and the women's depart-
ment, under the leadership of Jose-
phine T. McLean, '36, women's editor,
was given the maximum number of
points allotted to that particular sec-
This year marked the sixteenth
time that the Associated Collegiate
Press, a division of the National Scho-
lastic Press Association, has conduct-
ed this critical service. The score-
book of the organization states defi-
nitely that the competition is not a
contest, except in the "sense that a
teacher in a class room conducts a
contest with every student striving for
the best record possible."
G.O.P.'s Task
Topic Of Talk
By Fitzgerald
CASPER, Wyo., May 1. -(P) -
Gov. Frank D. Fitzgerald of Michi-
gan told the Republican state con-
vention here today the party "has a
bigger job on its hands than to re-
cite the long list of injustices and
extravagances that have come out of
the blunderings of the New Deal."
The keynote speaker asserted the
Republican party "must call to its
side that type of stalwart citizen who
sickens at the thought of a welfare
questionnaire, but prays for a regu-
lar pay envelope.
"It must face frankly the fact that
there is something wrong in an ec-
onomic system which permits great
fortunes to accumulate in industrial
and commercial enterprises while the
workers who produce these surpluses
are never far from want.
Yoakum To Deliver
Vocational Lecture
Monkey Business
In Maternity Ward
Suzy Has A Baby
Suzy gave birth to a baby ester-
day at the University Hospital ma-
ternity ward.
The baby arrived at exactly 7:26
p.m., according to Dr. Jack Schene-
decker, who was in attendance. Both
mother and child were doing well, he
said last night.
Suzy, it should be mentioned, in-
cidentally, is a monkey.
She and two companions have been
playmates in the maternity ward for
the past year. They hail originally
from the University zoo.
Suzy's baby had not been named
last night.
Doctors expect that the monkeys,
happy with their recently swelled
ranks, will stay on to brighten the
lives of theamedical tribe.
Special Train
To Come Here
With Musicians
Visit Marks Completion
Of Nation-Wide Tour By
Symphony Orchestra
The Philadelphia Symphony Or-
chestra will arrive at 6:50 a.m. tomor-
row morning by special train to par-
ticipate in the six concerts of the
May Festival, to be held Wednesday
through Saturday, Dr. Charles A.
Sink, president of the School of Music,
announced yesterday.
Their stay in Ann Arbor makes the
completion of their phenomenal na-
tion-wide tour, and after the Festival
they will return to New York.
Four of the Festival soloists, who
will sing in Elga's "Caractacus," in
the Thursday night concert: Jean-
nette Vreeland, soprano; Paul Alt-
house, tenor; Keith Falkner, baritone;
and Julius Huehn, baritone, have al-
ready arrived in Ann Arbor, and have
begun rehearsals for the concert.
Bach And Wagner Featured
The orchestra will open the series
tomorrow night at 8:15, playing a pro-
gram made up completely of works by
Bach and Wagner. Leopold Stokow-
ski, renowned conductor, will lead the
100-piece orchestra in Bach's "Toc-
cata and Fugue in D Minor, "Aria,"
"Fugue in G Minor," "Come Sweet
Death," and "Passacaglia." The sec-
ond half of the concert will consist
of selections from Wagner's operas,
including "Prelude to 'Die Meister-
singers,'" "Prelude to 'Lohengrin,' "
and "Love Music from 'Tristan and
The children's concert, in which
the special Festival Chorus of 500 Ann
Arbor school children will appear, will
be given Friday afternoon. They will
sing Pierne's "Children at Bethle-
hem," and a program of Christmas
carols. Harold Bauer, pianist, will also
be featured in this concert, playing
Beethoven's "Emperor Concerto."
Efrem Zimbalist To Play
Lily Pons, famous French operatic
star, will be heard in the fourth con-
cert Friday night. The first half of
this concert will be a group of num-
bers played by the orchestra, under
the direction of Saul Castn and
Charles O'Connell, after which Miss
Pons will sing several operatic selec-
An orchestral program, again con-
ducted by Dr. Stokowski, will feature
the Saturday afternoon concert. A
group of selections by the modern
composers, Sibelis and Tchaikowsky
will be played. Efrem Zimbalist, vio-
linist, will be soloist at this concert.
Inflation Bloc
Wins Victory
In First Test
Frazier-Lemke Farm Debt
Refinancing Bill Assured
Vote This Week
Winl Be Called Up
For 6 Hour Debate
House Votes To Take Bill
From Rules Committee
For Showdown
WASHINGTON, May 11. --W)-A
tumultuous House voted today to
take up the politically explosive Fra-
zier-Lemke farm debt refinancing
bill and the first real currency ex-
pansion issue of the session.
The Democratic House leadership
failed by a 67 vote margin to prevent]
consideration of the bill that would
call for the issuance of $3,000,000,-
000 in new currency, and then of-
fered no resistance to a rule under
which it will be called up tomorrow;
for six hours of debate.1
Members of the Democratic high
command contended, however, that
today's ballotting was no real test+
and that the bill would be defeated+
on the vote on passage next Wed-+
nesday or Thursday.+
On the other hand, Representa-
tive Lemke (Rep., N.D.), co-author,
said he expected the measure to
comimand even more votes on 'pas-+
sage than it did today.1
"There aren't 75 members who
know what the bill is about," he said.
"I'm satisfied that after we have
explained it, the membership will
realize it is not inflation and thatt
it will mean the salvation of thef
farmers and of the nation."1
The bill would authorize issuance,
of new currency for refinancing ex-1
isting farm indebtedness, with farm-1
ers paying the government 12 per+
cent interest and 1/2 per cent prin-~
cipal over 47 years.
First; by a 145 to 134 standingI
vote, and then by a 220 to 153 roll
call ballot, the House agreed today
to Lemke's motion to take the bill
away from the rules committee,,
where it had been pigeonholed since
last session.
Immediately the chamber shouted
down the opposition to adoption of
the rule allowing six hours of de-
bate. To the expressed surprise of
Speaker Byrns, there was no record
vote on this.
League To Exhibit
Student Sculptures;
The seventh annual exhibition of
work created by Prof. Avard Fair-
bank's sculpture class will open to-
night in the League Concourse.
The public is invited to a reception
to be given at 8:30 p.m. in the Con-
course, just prior to the start of the
exhibition, Professor Fairbanks said.
His class is to be feted at a banquet
this evening.
Twenty-five pieces of statuary done
by Professor Fairbanks' 12 students,
in addition to several figures by the
professor himself, will be shown. They
will be on exhibition until after com-
Prof. John L. Brumm, chairman of
the department of journalism, was
reelected secretary-treasurer of thei
Interscholastic Press Association of
Michigan at a business meeting Sat-
I urday.I
Bartlett Hits
Japan's Role =
Phi Kappa Phi Addressed
By Botanist After His
Stay In Far East
Japanese Attitude
Termed 'Rapacious'
Dr. S. A. Courtis Elected
Society's Head, Moore Is
Chosen Vice-President
The picture of Japan as a "rapa-
cious neighbor," standing ready to
intervene in the Philippine Islands,'
was presented last night to 100 new ean
Harley H. Bartlett of the botany de-
partment, who returned in February
from a two-year stay in the Far
Whether Japan will attempt in- 'Alumn
tervention before or after the 10-
year period of the American protec -Leagu
torate is over, Professor Bartlett did Financ
not attempt to predict. But, he de-
clared, the Nipponese "would be Certainl
on their good behavior if they wait who retired
out the 10-year period." He ad- the League,
dressed the annual initiation ban- League vice
quet of the national scholastic hon- terday if sh
orary fraternity in the Union. scription to
Both the Philippine Islanders and to help the
the United States would be better scholarship
off if the Islands remained a de- "Sold," re
pendency of this country, Professor is in charg
Bartlett asserted. tion drive.
Japanese Illegal Method getting a ba
Japanese interests in the Islands Miss Lam
have been acquired by illegal meth- are picture
ods, he said, since only Anericans sale.
and Filippinos are allowed to lease League w
lands in the Islands and Japan has started yest
acquired her interest by sub-leasing to the Alu
lands that the Americans and Filip- the regular
pinos knew they were illegal letting-
out. This justifies Japan in her own
eyes as far as the legal aspects of ExpeX
intervention are concerned, he main-
tained, adding that the United States InI
still has a "moral responsibility" to-
ward the Islands."
Regardless of what policy the Jap- WI
anese or the United States pursue,
the many millions of dollars the
Japanese have invested in the Thermo
Islands will remain a source of fric- Lwes
tion, Professor Bartlett continued.
He suggested political independence Barom
for the Islands while they remained
under the military protection of the A break
United States. heat wave
Holds Filippinos Capable been swelte
The United States must grant in- zon last ni
dependence to the Philippines to* With the
keep its promise, and the Islanders weather bu
must take it "to save their faces," temperatur
he continued. The Filippinos are falling ba
capable of self government, however, northwestw
he held, suggesting an extension of der showe
the Monroe Doctrine to an independ- lowest tem
ent Philippine state. reau said,
Dr. Stuart A. Courtis of the School 7 a.m.
of Education was elected president of yesterda
the society for the next year and tive unsea
Prof. Earl V. Moore of the School of wave. The
Music, vice-president, height Sun
reau recor
in the mor
Medical Group intemr
Will Consider The hot
linen suits
. 1Lcreated a
Auto Accidents swimmngE
ain dispe
An open meeting to consider the T
problems of auto acident prevention
and the treatment of automobile in-
juries will be held by the Washtenaw
County Medical Society today at 7:15 Is
p.m., in the Union.
Lieut. Herbert McCaske of the De- U
troit police department will present
an illustrated talk at the meeting on
"The Solution of the Traffic ProbW A garag
lem." The treatment of various J. Walser a
types of injuries will be discussed by Drive
Dr. Max Peet, professor of neuro- Drive in
surgery in the Medical School, and by Conrad
Dr. Charles Washburne, surgeon of stroyed by
Saint Joseph Mercy Hospital. Dr. igin Sunda
Carl Weller of the department of Arbor firec
pathology will describe the condition volunteers
of patientsabrought to the hospital gether wit
after auto acidents. spent three
The auto accident is, the largest which con
single cause of accidents, according portion of
to Dr. John V. Fopeano of the Uni- dangerousl
versity Health Service, secretary of woods.
the society. "One hundred persons The bla
are killed in automobile accidents in start befor
the United States every day," he said. Wageman's
"This number is twice as great as the ier and M]
combined deaths from infantile pa- the main1
ralysis, meningitis, scarlet fever, dip- building, w
No. 1 Subscriber, No. 1 Salesman
Its Defie
Council Firm In Refusal
To Recognize Conquest
Of EthiopiaBy Italy
Baron Aloisi Takes
Walk From Session
Selassie Delegate Present
As African War Stays On
Committee Agenda
Despite Mussolini's warning of
"hands-off," the League of Nations,
determined not to recognize the Ital-
ian conquest of Ethiopia, set put last
Seeley First Subscriber
4sMagazine Sale Is Started
Receipts To Aid
In Scholarship
y," said Jean Seeley, '36,
1recently as president of
when Mary Lambie, '37A,
president, asked her yes-
e would buy the first sub-
the Michigan Alumnus
League earn money for its
,turned Miss bambie, who
e of the League subscrip-
"And remember, you are
bie (left) and Miss Seeley
d above, making the first
omen, all over the campus,
erday to sell subscriptions
nnus for $2, exactly half
price. The money, ac-
ct Break
Heat Wave
th Showers
meter Reads 82.3;
t 63.7 At 7 AMX
peter Falling
in the record-breaking
in which Ann Arbor has
ring loomed on the hori-
University Observatory's
reau reporting the highest
e yesterday at 82.3, a
romneter and a shifting
wind indicated that thun-
rs were probable. The
perature, the weather bu-
was 63.7, shortly before
y was the fifth consecu-
sonable day of the heat
temperature reached its
day when the weather bu-
ded it at 87.7 early in the
The lowest Sunday, early
ning, it was reported, was
weather has brought out
and white shoes, and
broadened market for
suits and the soda foun-
)0 Damage
Caused By
u seen Blaze
e-house owned by Mrs. J
t the end of Barton Shore
3arton Hills and occupied
I J. Wageman was de-
fire of undetermined or-
y afternoon after the Ann
department and a score of
from nearby houses, to-
h nearby swimmers, had
e hours fighting the blaze,'
lsumed the entire upper
the basement and spread
y into the surrounding
ze already had a strong
e it was reported, as the
s had left two hours earl-
rs. Wageman, who lives in
house next to the garage
was out, of town. As the
cording to Charlotte Rueger, '37,
League president, will go toward the
$30,000 goal the organization has set
for its scholarships and fellowships
for undergraduate women.
The League, Miss Rueger explained,
is building up capital funds . for the
$15,000 Ethel McCormick Scholarship
and the Alice C. Lloyd Fellowship.
The Alumnus, edited monthly here
by T. Hawley Tapping, general secre-
tary of the Alumni Association, goes
all over the world carrying news of
the University and its alumni. All
money taken in by League women
during the next two weeks will go to-
ward the scholarship funds,
More than 75 women are handling
the sales at tables in Angell Hall
and other places in all the main
buildings on the campus. Compos-
ing a central sales committee are
Jane O'Ferrall, '37, and Grace Wood-
ley, '37, both League vice-presidents;
Janet Allington, '38; Marjorie Mack-
intosh, '37; Caroline Beltramini, '38;
Helen Louise Arner, '38; Joan Wentz,
'38; Barbara Johnson, '38; Ruth
Bertsch, '38; and Barbara Lovell, '38.
Deficiency Bill
Passes House
By Laroe Vote
Senate Leaders
Quick Passage
Billion Dollar
For Two
Student Death Rate Increased,
But General Health Is Steady
WASHINGTON, May 11. - (/P) -
The $2,364,229,712 deficiency bill,
carrying $1,425,000,000 for relief, rodeI
throughthe House on a 341 to 381
vote today and went to the Senate
where leaders forecast a quick trip;
to the White House.l
A potential obstacle appeared,
however, as friends of Senator Hay-t
den (Dem., Ariz.) said he would re-;
new the fight started in the House
to obtain $700,000,000 for the Public,
Works Administration.
Administration leaders succesful-
ly defeated efforts of a House bloc;
headed by Representative Beiter
(Dem., N.Y.) to earmark part of the
relief fund for the PWA. Hayden
seeks to obtain $700,000,000 in addi-
tion to the money voted for relief.
Chairman. Glass (Dem., Va.) of
the Senate appropriations committee
told reporters he believed the de-
ficiency measure would be passed by
the Senate before the controversal
tax bill received approval. Relief
and revenue legislation are the only
so-called 'must' measures to be
passed before adjournment which
leaders hope will come in the first
week of June.
The House shouted its approval
of the deficiency bill after a motion
by Representative Taber (Rep., N.Y.)
to recommit the measure with in-
structions to the appropriations com-
mittee to substitute a system of State
grants for WPA handling of the re-
lief fund had been defeated 286 to
Other items included in the bill
besides the relief fund are $458,621,-
860 for the social security program
and $39,900,000 for the Tennessee
Valley Authority.
Preferences Of Co-Eds
Will Be Debaters' Topic
"Resolved: That co-eds prefer en-
gineers" will be the topic for debate
night to decide on a course of action.
The Italian delegate, Baron Pom-
peo Aloisi, abruptly left the session
when the League voted to retain the
question of the Italo-tEhiopian war
on its agenda, and the whole prob-
lem was being discussed by the coun-
cil in a secret meeting last night.
GENEVA, May 11.-(/P)-The League
of Nations Council, deadlocked with
Premier Mussolini on the conquest
of Ethiopia, was summoned for a
secret, unofficial session tonight to.
the home of Joseph A. C. Avenol,
League Secretary-General.
The purpose of the meeting, it was
understood, was to discuss what ac-
tion the Council will take tomorrow
on the Italo-Ethiopian war.
British Present League Stand
British delegates said the League
would resist Italy's claim of sov-
"Futile,"exclaimed the Italian Ba-
ron Aloisi as he stalked out, refusing
to sit at the table with Wolde Mar-
iam, whose country - Ethiopia -e
said, no longer exists.
Resistance by the League, said
British delegates, means:
1. The League does not recognize
Italy's claim to soverignty over Eth-
2. The League does recognize the
continued existence of Emperor Haile
Selassie's Ethiopian government.
Through Aloisi, Il Duce demanded
the outright removal of the Italo-
Ethiopian dispute from the Coua-
cil's agenda on the grounds "There
is no Ethiopian state. The only sov-
ereignty is Italian."
But with quiet stubborness the
Council voted to keep the Ethiopian
problem on the agenda.
Italy Not Leaving For Good
An Italian spokesman said the
walkout of the Italian delegation did
not mean Italy was leaving the
The immediate effect of Mus-
solini's peremptory demand that the
League takes its hand off the Eth-
iopian question, coming after the
outright annexation of the country,
appeared to be a stiffening of de-
termination among those states ad-
vocating the maintenance of sanc-
tions. Certainly, no definite move
was made in the direction of lifting
Several Council members said the
logical next move would be to con-
demn Italy's action and then ad-
journ until June, when a new leftist
French government will have been
Chuck oesis
Qualifies For
National Open
DETROIT, May 11. -- Capt. Chuck
Kocsis of the Varsity golf team was
among the six players from the De-
troit district to qualify for the Na-
tional Open tournament in the 36-
hole trials today over the Meadow-
brook Country Club course.
Kocsis, who put together scores of
75 and 72 for a total of 147, tied for
third place among the six qualifiers
with Louis Chiapetta, of Cascades,
Jake Fassezke, Michigan open
champion and another Jackson pro-
fessional, led the six making the grade
with rounds of 69 and 76 for 146, one
stroke better than Bob Gray of Es
sex. Stanley Hancock of Detroit and
Chris Brinke, Detroit District cham-
pion, completed the list with scores
of 148 and 148 respectively.
A large increase in the various ser-
vices rendered the student body by
the University Health Service has
been reported by Dr. Emory W. Sink.
His reports for the fiscal year begin-
ning June 1, 1935 indicate that al-
though the student health has re-
mained of average grade, the death
rate has risen above those of the past
two years, as has the number of stu-
dents using the various departments
of the Health Service.
There have been eight deaths in
the University since the beginning of
the fiscal year, compared to one in
1935 and three in 1934. One half of
the eight were accidental, but only
one was caused by an automobile ac-
The number of room calls has in-
creased this year to 125 over 77 for
last year, and the number of pre-
scriptions filled by the Health Service
has increased to 1,303 over 984 for
the fiscal year of 1934. The number
of laboratory examinations this year
has also reached a new high of 2,156,
as compared to 1,908 for last year and
944 for 1934.
One of the "special services" of the
Health Service during the past year
has been the fitting of glasses and
refraction of eyes. According to Dr.
Sink, about 15 per cent of the total
student enrollment receives a com-
plete eye refraction annually. Of
these, about 35 per cent are "first re-
fraction." About 96 per cent of the
natients complain of symptoms of