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February 25, 1936 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1936-02-25

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TWF-l',4f4Y FEERUAIL 25, )A06

Allow Foreign
Studeits" To Be
Rotary To Invite Limited
Group From Other Lands
To Luncheon Meetings
Announcement that the Ann Arbor
Rotary Club has recently voted to
change its by-laws so as to provide
for a limited number of so-called
"international guests" was made yes-
terday by Prof. J. Raleigh Nelson,
counselor to foreign students.
Students from other lands who
have shown themselves outstanding
personalities on the campus will be
invited to become guest-members of
the Rotary Club. They will be priv-
ileged to attend the weekly luncheon
meetings of the club and will receive
the weekly publication of the club
and the Rotarian, the organ of Ro-
tary International.
This courtesy of Rotary will offer
the chosen students an unusual op-
portunity to become familiar with the
workings of Rotary and to make the
acquaintance of a group of repre-
sentative town and faculty men.
The plan of introducing "interna-
tional guests" into Rotary was orig-
ins ted at Cornell, where it has proved
very satisfactory. The Cornell Club
has 25 such guests. Here the num-
ber will be limited at first to five or
six members.
Professor Nelson expressed him-1
self as enthusiastic over the possibili-
ty of the plan. "It will be valuable
experience for th~e students thus hon-
ored, and will add, I feel, an element
of keen interest to the Rotary Club'
meetings," he said.
One of the chief objects of Rotary
is the development of international
understanding and good will. By in-
troducingrthis new plan, the local
Rotary group will be furthering this
principle, and at the same time, it
can acquaint foreign students with
the purpose of service clubs.
The men to be so lonored will be
chosen soon by the International Re-
lations Committee. Dean Joseph A.
Bursley is chairman of the com-
Baxter Speaks
Of Danger In
Lumber Decay
Says Steel And Stone Is
Used Today Because Of
Faults In Wood

Naval Official Dies


Desj47qns Of Car
Brakes Will Be
Students From 4 Colleges
WillI Defe lnd Entries At
Meeting Tollighit
.Select engineering students of the
University, Michigan State College,
Wayne University and the Detroit In-
titute of Technology will submit de-
signs for automobile brakes and de-
bate on their respective merits be-
fore faculty and Detroit automotive
experts at the Tri-College Confer-
ence on Brakes at 8:15 p.m. today
in the Union, it was announced yes-
terday by Prof. Robert D. Brackett
of the engineering college English
The University entry will be a var-
iation of the Lockheed double master
cylinder type, Professor Brackett said,
and Michigan State College will pre-
sent a variation of the Bendix type.
The Detroit Institute of Technology
and Wayne University will collabor-
ate on an entirely new design, some-
what resembling the Chevrolet type,
he said.
The first student representative of
each college will be allowed 12 min-
utes to explain the merits of his col-
lege's selected brake design, and will
be followed by a second student rep-
resentative who will answer ques-
tions and diverging opinions of the
opposing students and experts.
The most effective design will be
selected by the faculty and Detroit
automotive experts at the termina-
tion of the debate, Professor Brack-
ett said.
Preliminary investigations and
criticisms of the variousddesigns, al-
ready submitted to a body of judges
in Detroit, will be undertaken before
the conference, he said.
Prof. F. N. Menefee of the engi-
ieering college will preside at the
initial proceedings of the conference.
ing of the vessel has been completed.
Professor Baier said. Railroads will
cooperate in the excursions through-
out the summer.

t All Comes

Out In




-Associated Press Photo.
Col. Henry Latrobe Roosevelt
(above), assistant secretary of the
navy, who died of an acute heart
attack in Washington, will be bur-
ied in Arlington cemetery over-
looking the Potomac, with full mili-
tary honors.
Baier To Advise On
Prof. Louis A. Baier of the naval
architecture and marine engineering
department will be retained as con-
sultant in the work of reconditioning
the S.S. "Seminole," ex-revenue cut-
ter, at Houghton, it was announced
yesterday by the State Works Prog-
ress Administration, which is under-
taking the reconditioning.
The "Seminole," which has been
given to persons in Houghton as a
self-help project, by the Federal gov-
ernment, will carry tourists between
Houghton and Isle Royale three
times a week when the recondition-


LET THE CARS splash the mud, what
care you! For you have the satisfaction
of knowing that one of the laundries listed
below will do the dirty work. All you have
to do is leave your wash on your doorstep,
where it will be picked up and returned to
you spotlessly clean !
WHEN you send your clothes to one of
the four laundries listed below, you know
without question that wear will be reduced
to a minimum; that tensile strength of all
fabrics will be carefully preserved; that the
original brightness of colors will be protect-
ed and guaranteed. All of these things and
more you may eXpect and will receive at no
extra cost fromsafe, scientific, certified Ann
Arb~or Laundries

Lumber retailers are facing one of
the greatest problems they have ever
had -that of preventing the decay
of wood used in building - Prof. Dow
V. Baxter of the forestry school stated
in an interview yesterday.
Pointing out that interest in wood
substitutes is steadily growing, Pro-
fessor Baxter declared that one rea-
son why customers are turning to
steel and stone is because of decay
and stain in wood.
Decay, Professor Baxter continued,
"results from the growth and activity
of low forms of plant life which we
call fungi. These plants consist of
minute and microscopic threadlike
filaments which penetrate the cells
of the wood. The wall of the cells
in the lumber constitute the food of
these low forms of plant life."
Fungi Cause Decay
Under favorable conditions, Profes-
sor Baxter added, "these fungi form
compact masses of tissue which are
called fruiting bodies." The fruiting
bodies, he said, bear countless spores,
which, after germinating, produce fil-
aments which grow and penetrate
the wood cells. "The wood becomes
soft and disintegrates as a result of
the dissolving action of the fungus
- and the resulting condition is re-
ferred to as rot."
Four environmental conditions are
essential for these fungi to grow, Pro-
fessor Baxter emphasized --moisture,
air, favorable temperature and food,
which is the wood itself. Thus, he
explained, logs under water remain
sound because of the lack of the re-
ouired amount of air, lumber is dried
in kilns in order to prevent decay
during storage, and high tempera-
tures are used to destroy the organ-
Wood Needs Treatment
"To prevent decay," Professor Bax-
ter continued, "it is necessary to de-
prive the wood-destroying fungi of
one or more of these growth require-
ments." It would be difficult, how-
ever, he said, to eliminate air from
exposed lumber, dried lumber would
soon take up moisture when placed
in the weather; air and temperature,
and to a limited extent at least,
moisture, are more difficult growth-
factors to control.
"It is therefore natural for us to
look to the possibilities of poisoning
the food supply of these fungi," Pro-
fessor Baxter commented. "If the



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