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May 10, 1936 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1936-05-10

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AY, MAYl 10i, 1936





Publisned every morning except Monday during tho
University year and Summer Session by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
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Dorothy S. Gies Josephine T. McLean William R. Reed
Publication Department: Thomas H. Kleene, Chairman;
Clinton B. Conger, Robert Cummins, Richard G. Her-
shey, Ralph W. Hurd, Fred Warner Neal.
Beportrial Department: Thomas E. Groehn, Chairman;
Elsie A. Pierce, Joseph S. Mattes.
Editorial Department: Arnold S. Daniels, Marshall D.
Sports Department: Wiliam R. Reed, Chairman: George
Andros, Fred Buesser, Fred DeLano, Ray Goodman.
Women's Departmexxv: Josephine T. McLean, Chairman;
Josephine M. Cavanagn, Florence H. Davies, Marion T.
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Local Advertising, William Barndt; Service Department,
Willis Tomlinson; Contracts, Stanley Joffe; Accounts,
Edward Wohlgemuth; Circulation and National Adver-
Using. John Park; Classified Advertising and Publica-
tions. Lyman Bittman.
Toward An Actual
Democratic Idealism.
AM SURE that you will choose in
the end the American view of demo-
cratic idealism," Dr. Frederick B. Fisher, pastor
of the Central Methodist Church, Detroit, told 450
delegates to the annual Michigan Interscholastic
Press Association convention Friday night.
Communistic atheism, biologic nationalism, and
imperialism, he branded as the fatal philosophies
which were luring the youth of the world toward
disaster. Dr. Fisher cited Russia as the land where
atheism was the dangerous force, Germany and
Japan where biological nationalism is a corrosive
influence, and Italy as probably the best and
most timely example of the effect of imperialist
philosophy. America, in turn, is the land of demo-
cratic idealism, and, apparently, is free from the
tainted creeds of the outer world.
To this we cannot agree. Communistic atheism
is probably but a minor factor in the thinking
of American youth, but the system which Dr. Fisher
characterizes as being so open-minded that we
have become indifferent to dangerous foreign be-
liefs, has brought biological nationalism, and im-
perialism to a development in America comparable
to that attained in foreign lands. Our imperialist
ventures against Mexico, Spain, Cuba, the Philip-
pines, Latin America and the Far East have be-
come an accepted, and, in many instances, a glor-
ious chapter in our nation's history. Those per-
sons who recognize and are sincerely concerned
about the similarity of the Fascist seizure of Ethi-
opia and past or future American subjugation,
either open or indirect, of weaker nations are com-
paratively few ,indeed.
And what has been - what is - the attitude of
the white American citizen to the black American
citizen but biological nationalism? The sharp
torture which the Jew has undergone in Nazi Ger-
many in recent years is almost trivial in compar-
ison with the tradition of oppression which the
American Negro is bearing to this day.
Does the youth of America have a democratic
idealism worthy of the same upon which it can
fall back in these tense years of world flux?
What political campaign in our life-time or our
fathers' life-time was fought for democratic ideal-
ism for example? Is our system appreciably su-
perior to that of the world as a whole? It is diffi-
cult to honestly reply "Yes" to these questions. The
most satisfactory answer that youth can give is,
"We are ready to look honestly and unselfishly at
the facts, admit that we have often been wrong in
our comparatively brief careers as thinkers, and
then work for a society which is better than any
we have had before, no matter how gold-plated
our past has supposedly been,"
Mark Twain!.
Twain was right when he pointed
out that you can't do anything about the weather,
we, living here in Ann Arbor, can't agree with him
that that is a valid excuse for not talking about it.

Even Mark, we believe, would have talked about
the weather - if he had lived in Ann Arbor.
And you can't pass it off by saying "Oh, you're
never satisfied with the weather." Of course we're
not satisfied. Who would be. For more than
a month after the arrival of spring, the weather
stays at sub-normal temperatures. Then, when
it warms up a little, the traditional Ann Arbor
rains start falling in large quantities. And -

The one good thing about Ann Arbor weather, as
we have said before, is that it does not get monot-
Get your fur coat ready for tomorrow.
Letters published in this column should not be
construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The
Daily. Anonymous contributions will be disregarded.
The names of communicants will, however,sbe regarded
as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked
to be brief, the editors reserving the right to condense
all letters of over 300 words and to accept or reject
letters upon the criteria of general editorial imortance
and interest to the campus.
Naziism Vs. Democracy
To the Editor:
The following quotations are from German
1. "I alone decide the policy of Germany."-
Herr Hitler, Berliner Boersen Zeitung, Nov. 23,
2. "We must get rid now of the last remnants
of democracy, especially of the methods of voting
and majority decisions . . ."-Herr Hitler, on the
6th of July at a Conference of Governors of the
Reich, Blick in die Zeit, July, 1933.
3. "The National-Socialist is the deadly enemy
of the democratic principle. In the National-So-
cialist State there is no voting, no majority. The
enforcement of this principle means that parlia-
ment as a parliament is done with." - Goering,
Vossische Zeitung, July 8, 1933.
4. "Those who abstain from voting are not neu-
tral but are enemies of Germany." - Herr Kube,
Deutsche Zeitung, Oct. 28, 1933.
5. "Those who do not cast their votes for Hitler
on the 12th of November are committing High
Treason." - Dr. Frank, Voelkischer Beobachter,
Oct. 29, 1933.
6. "Last Sunday two people were led through
the streets of Puppen in the OTtelsburg district
in East Prussia with placards fixed at the back
and in front of them on which was inscribed in
large letters: 'I did not vote out of nastiness.' A
drummer marched in front of the procession. One
had refused to vote altogether and the other had
refused to wear the 'Yes' badge after having
voted." Frankfurter Zeitung, Nov. 26, 1933.
7.d"In Lichtenstein-Callnberg seven Bible stu-
dents abstained from voting during the elections.
After the election was over they were led through
the streets of the town by storm-troopers who
carried torches in their hands. Placards on which
their conduct was exposed were hung around their
necks. As there were hostile demonstrations
against them the seven Bible students were taken
into preventative arrest."- Der Volksstaat, Dres-
den, Nov. 16, 1933.
8. "This election has been absolutely free,
without compulsion and without any intimidating
control for the German people." - Hamburger
Fremdenblatt, Nov. 13, 1933.
9. "The election has been a peaceful demon-
stration of National-Socialist Germany and has
given to the world the example of a true People's
State and has therewith shown that the authorita-
tive management of a state and real democracy
do not exclude one another but that one is essen-
tial to the otheh. -M. Levi.
Freshmen, Cont.
To the Editor:
Once again have my two pseudo-sophisticated
classmates, Shroyed and Barbour, lived up to the
prevailing opinion concerning university freshmen.
In case they should be wondering what this opin-
ion is, in as few words as possible -,smart (in their
own opinion), but dumb (in reality). Why! oh why,
must they persist in these colossal displays of their
own ignorance, thus, creating a very poor opinion
of the freshman class, which opinion I hope and
believe is false.
But now to the work in hand. Messrs. S. & B.,
because J. W.'s letter appeared in the merry
month of May have, with their super powers of
deduction and intuition divined that J.W. has
been disappointed in love or at least is anticipating
some venture into the domain of Eros. And so
working from this sophisticated premise they go
on with a vulgar explanation of where the ini-

vidual phases'of J.W.'s proposed sex-education may
be studied. Incongruously enough, their plan
combines two distinctly low-class institutions with
a college dormitory. These three fountains of
knowledge where S. & B. would have us drink are
(1) The burlesque shows of Detroit, (2) the red-
light district of Hamtramck and (3) the Mosher-
Jordan Dormitory in Ann Arbor.
Your plan, my dear S. & B., is exactly the word-
of-mouth and experience-of-the-gutter which J.W.
is decrying. If I entertained any notion of pos-
sible success in appealing to your reason (which I
don't) I would attempt to explain the obvious and
excellent reasons put forth by J. W. for the adop-
tion of his plan. But since you have missed the
reasons themselves, it is only logical to conclude
that any explanation of these reasons would be
incomprehensible to you.
In conclusion may I add my hearty support to
J.W.'s plan and in all sincerity and, incidentally,
anxiety, appeal to S. & B. to discontinue their lit-
erary endeavors which only serve to disparage and
disgrace their class. -W.S., '39.
To the Editor:
I think that the worthwhile thought expressed
in your Forum column during the course of the
year has made the column a valuable asset to your
paper. But when you allow such inane trash as
Friday's letter from two freshmen to clutter up
the space, my estimation takes quite a drop. Just
because the college freshman is a peculiar phe-
nomenon, just breaking out of his high school egg
shell, he should not be prevented from expressing
his ideas if he has any. But when two abnormal
cases decide to break into print with the only

Ave Attue Vale
"I announce to the peoples of Italy and the world
that the war is finished.
"I announce to the Italian people and the world
peace has been established. It is not without emo-
tien, without pride, that after seven months of
fierce hostilities, I pronounce this great word, but
it is strictly necessary for me to add it is our peace,
Roman peace which is expressed in this simple,
irrevocable, definite phrase -'Ethiopia is Ital-
Thus, in typically dramatic style did Premier
Benito Mussolini announce the successful conclu-
sion of the Italian campaign in Italy. The capital
city of Addis Ababa was occupied by the army of
Marshall Pietro Badoglio, who, it is expected, will
be appointed viceroy of the new Italian state -
the first viceroy in the history of the Italian people.
With the approach of Badoglio's army early this
week, Emperor Haile Selassie, one of the last offi-
cials to remain in Addis Ababa, fled his country,
stopping along the route of his flight only to empty
his treasuries.
The exact significance of Italy's victory remains
to be seen. Little can be expected from the League
of Nations, which even now is lying bathed in
its own blood. England's cabinet is split over the
question of whether or not sanctions should be
applied against Italy, the anti-sanction group be-
ing headed by Winston Churchill. There can be
no question that Italy's official annexation of Ethi-
opia will bring her closer into conflict with Great
Britain. Mussolini's opinion concerning this con-
flict is indicated by his statement that the new
peace is a "Roman Peace."
The United Front
Winning 375 out of 618 seats in the Chamber of
Deputies, the Leftist People's Front swept the
French elections Sunday. Communists and social-
ists both made great gains, winning 81 and 145
seats respectively. The bugaboo of the Leftist
groups, who campaigned on a gold-standard plat-
form, was that their policies might cause infla-
tion, but it is expected that the conservative Sen-
ate would serve as a parliamentary check upon
them. Premier Albert Sarraut was expected to
submit the resignation of his cabinet following
the elections because of the loss of four ministers
and an undersecretary.
Political realists look to the greatest benefit
from the elections where the Franco-Russian pact
is concerned. They feel sure that the Leftists will
extend and perhaps strengthen the pact, making
peace in Europe more certain for a while at least.
Not only is the British cabinet in a state of
tension over sanctions. The League meets on May
11, and the member nations will be confronted with
the fact that the Italian campaign has been ac-
complished in spite of sanctions. One plan to be
submitted to Foreign Minister Anthony Eden on
Monday by a League delegation in the hope of
saving Ethiopia from annexation by Italy, is the
cutting off of Italian communication with the army
in Africa. This step would, of course, entail the
closing of the Suez Canal, and the danger of a
general European war makes it almost impossible.
The Communist Bogey
One of America's greatest disgraces, the Tampa
1 flogging trial, which arose from the tarring and
feathering of three men suspected of Communism
and resulting in the death of one, continued last
week with little publicity - just as it has been
going since its beginning.
In brief, several Tampa policemen are accused
of being active in the brutal treatment of these
men. The story relates that the officers arrested
the victims at a meeting of their political organ-
ization and, freeing them from the police station,
kidnaped them and tortured them.
Among other things, the trial has brought out
the fact that part of the ritual of the organization
was singing patriotic songs and reading sections
of the Constitution of the United States. Then
it was found that they were advocating Dr. Francis
E. Townsend's ideas.

Strangely enough, the St. Louis Post-Dispatch
is the only newspaper accessible to us that is giv-
ing the trial the treatment it deserves. Of course
it can be argued that such a story is not in-
teresting, but we think it is decidedly so.
Whatever happens to this case will be signifi-
cant. If the verdict suggests leniency because
Communism is un-American (as the judge who
gave the father, involved in a divorce suit,
the children because the mother was a Commun-
nist), we feel that American justice will be stupified
and disgraced.
On the other hand, if the law will stand firmly
behind the constitutional rights of free speech and
right of assemblage, the decision will be a land'
mark of great importance.
* * * *
Kicking Up Their Heels
Nine Democrats on the Senate Finance Com-
mittee, a sufficient number to delay or block the
passage of President Roosevelt's corporation tax
bill, indicated Friday that they would unite on
common grounds to oppose the bill.
They disagreed with the underlying philosophyj
of the measure. The opposition ranged from those
who wanted to discard the measure entirely to
those who wanted to try it for a few years as a
test case.

flutIicawn In th ,Prl .' lt is nortr('riv 1ot er to all members of the
Walversity. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President
watls 3 30: 11:700 s.rn. on Saturday

SUNDAY, MAY 10, 1936
VOL. XLVI No. 155r
Notices ,
President and Mrs. Ruthven will be
at home to the students on Wednes-
day, May 13, from 4 to 6 T.m.
To the Members of the Universityt
Council: The next meeting of the"
University Council will be held on f
Monday, May 11, at 4:15 p.m., in
Room 1009 Angell Hal.
Student Loans: There will be a a
meeting of the Loan Committee in
Room 2, University Hall, Wednesday
afternoon, May 13. Students who
have already filed applications for
new loans with the Office of the Dean
of Students should call there at once
to make an appointment to meet the
J. A. Bursley, Chairman Committee
on Student Loans.
Students of the College of Litera-
ture, Science and the Arts: A meeting,
will be held on Tuesday, May 12 (in-
stead of April 30 as previously an-
nounced) at 4:15 p.m., Room 1025
Angell Hall, for students in the Col- I
lege of Literature, Science and the
Arts and others interested in future
work in graduate studies. The meet-
ing, one of the vocational series de-
signed to give information concerning
the nature and preparation for the
various professions, will be addressed
by Dean C. S. Yoakum of the Grad-
uate School.
Attention of all Concerned, and
Particularly Those Having Offices in
Haven Hall or the Western Portion of
the Natural Science Building, is called
to the fact that parking cars in the
driveway between these two buildings
is at all times inconvenient to other
users of the drive and sometimes re -
sults in positive danger to other dri-
vers and to pedestrians on the diag-
onal and other walks. You are re- I
spectfully asked not to park there
and if members of your family call
for you, especially at noon when traf-
fic both on wheels and on foot is
heavy, it is especially urged that the
car wait for you in the parking space
adjacent to the north door of Uni-
versity Hall. Waiting in the drive-
way blocks traffic and involves con-
fusion, inconvenience, and actual
danger just as much as when a person
is sitting in a car as if the car is
parked emptly.
University Senate Committee On
To All Candidates for the Teach-
er's Certificate for the Present Year:
The first convocation of undergrad-
uate and graduate students who are
candidates for the teacher's certifi-
cate will be held in the Lydia Men-
delssohn Theatre on Tuesday, May
12, at 4:15 p.m. This convocation is
sponsored by the School of Education,
and members of other faculties, stu-
dents, and the general public are
cordially invited. Faculty members
and students who are candidates for
the teacher's certificate are request-
ed to wear academic costume. Presi-
dent Ruthven will preside at the Con-
vocation, and Dean Henry W. Holmes
of the Graduate School of Educa-
tion of Harvard University will give
the address.
University Women: The lists of
approved Summer Session residences
for women students are now available
at the Office of the Dean of Women.
Student Accounts: Nour attention
is called to the following rule passed
by the Regents at their meeting of
Feb. 28, 1936:
"Students shall pay all accounts
due the University not later than the
last day of classes of each semester
or Summer Session. Student loans
which fall due during any semester
or Summer Session which are not

paid or renewed are subject to this
regulation; however, student loans
not yet due are exempt. Any un-
paid accounts at the close of busi-
ness on the last day of classes will
be reported to the Cashier of the
University, and
"(a) All academic credits will be
withheld, the grades for the semester
or Summer Session just completed
will not be released, and no tran-{
scripts of credits will be issued.
"(b) All students owing such ac-
counts will not be allowed to register
in any subsequent semester or Sum-r
mer Session until payment has been
S. W. Smith, Vice-President
and Secretary.
To Members of the Faculties: The
Annual Spring Homecoming, May 15,
16, and 17, is expected to bring to the
campus a considerable number of vis-
itors, who as parents of students on
the campus are interested in the
University's work. With the consent
of the Deans of the various Schools
and Colleges it has been agreed that
as far as it is feasible these guests
of the University may be permitted to
visit classes. The cooperation of
members of the faculty in this mat-
ter will be much appreciated.


The University Bureau of Appoint--
ments and Occupational Information o
has received announcement of Cleve- g
land Civil Service Examinations for
Playleader. $3.00 per diem, Play- n
ground Director, $3.25, General Play- p
ground Supervisor, $5.00 and $6.00.1
Instructor of Special Activity, $3.75,h
Supervisor of Special Activity, $3.75
to $5.00. Approximately 130 posi-t
tions are to be filled for the summer
playground season. Applicants must
be Cleveland residents. For furtherP
information concerning these exam- t.
inations call at 201 Mason Hall, office
hours, 9:00 to 12:00 and 2:00 to 4:00.
The May Festival. May Festival
attendants are requested to bear in
mind the following suggestions or
regulations which have been worked
out in order to make the concerts as
effective as possible:
Rehearsals will be private, and no
visitors will be admitted. Concertst
will begin on Eastern Standard time,
evening programs at 8:30 instead ofC
8:15 as formerly, and afternoon pro-
grams at 2:30. Holders of seasont
tickets are requested to detach the
proper coupons for each concert and
present for admission, instead ofN
presenting the whole ticket. Con-
certs will begin on time, and doors
will be closed during numbers. Late-
comers will be required to wait until
admitted. Those who leave the Audi-
torium during intermissions will be
required to present their ticket stubs
in order to reenter. Notices will notr
be announced from the stage. Traf-t
fic regulations will be enforced by the
Ann Arbor Police Department and the
Buildings and Grounds Division of
the University. Lost and found arti-
cles should be inquired for at the
office of Shirley W. Smith, Vice-Presi-
dent and Secretary of the University,
University Hall. The right is reserved
to make such changes in the programs,
or in the personnel of the partici-
pants as necessity may require. Tick-
ets are sold at purchasers' risks, and
if lost, burned, mislaid or destroyed
in any manner, no responsibility will
be assumed nor will duplicates be
issued; likewise, money will not be
refunded for tickets purchased.
An art exhibition will be conducted
in Alumni Memorial Hall during the
May Festival.
Academic Notices
Reading Examinations in French:
Candidates for the degree of Ph.D.
in the departments listed below who
wish to satisfy the requirement of a
reading knowledge during the current
academic year, 1935-36, are informed n
that examinations will be offered in
Room 103, Romance Language Build-
ing, from 9 to 12, oi Saturday mors-
ing, from 9 to 12, on Saturday morn-
to register at the office of the De-
partment of Romance Languages
(112 R.L.) at least one week in ad-
vance. Lists of books recommended
by the various departments are ob-
tainable at this office.
It is desirable that candidates for
the doctorate prepare to satisfy this
iequirement at the earliest possible
date. A brief statement of the na-
ture of the requirement, which will
be found helpful, may be obtained at
the office of the Department, and
further inquiries may be addressed
to Mr. L. F. Dow (100 R.L., Saturdays
at 10:00 and by appointment).
This announcement applies only to
candidates in the following depart-
ments: Ancient and Modern Lan-
guages and Literatures, History, Eco-
nomics, Sociology, Political Sciece,
Philosophy, Education, Speech.
Public Lecture: "Byzantine Civiliz-
ation, its Character and Influence,"
by Prof. Arthur E. R. Boak. Sponsored
by the Research Seminary in Islamic
Art. Monday, May 14, 4:15 p.m.,
Room D, Alumni Memorial Hall, Ad-
mission free.
Henry Russel Lecture: Dr. John G.

Winter, professor of the Latin Lan-
guages and Literature, Henry Russel
Lecturer for 1935-36, will speak on
the subject "Papyrology: Its Con-
tributions and Problems" one Thurs-
day, May 14, at 4:15 p.m., in the
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. An-
nouncement of the Henry Russel
Award for 1935-36 will be made at
this time. Students, members of the
faculty,and the general public are
May Festival Programs. The pro-
grams for the May Festival concerts,
subjectto any necessary changes, are
announced as follows:
Wednesday evening, 8:30. Phila-
delphia Orchestra, Leopold Stokowski,
Toccata and Fugue in D Minor
Fugue in G Minor
Come, Sweet Death
Prelude to "The Mastersiners'
Prelude to "Lohengrin"
"Tristan and Isolda" Love Music
- Bach
Thursday evening, 8:30. Philadel-
phia Orchestra. University Choral
Union, Earl V. Moore, conductor. So-
loists: Jeannette Vreeland, soprano;
Paul Althouse, tenor; Keith Falkner,

[HE General Motors concerts, with
an orchestra under the direction
of Erno Rapee, continue featuring as
;uests the finest attractions of the
musical world. Appearing on to-
night's program will be the Metro-
politan opera quartet, comprising
Helmn Gleason, soprano, Helen Cel-
heim, mezo-soprano, Carlo Morelli,
baritone, and Armand Tokatyan,
Mischa Elman, violinist will serve
in the guest star capacity tonight on
the Ford symphony hour.
Bizet's "Carmen" next Saturday af-
ternoon will inaugurate the first
spring series of broadcasts by the
Metropolitan opera.
STARTING this week Colonel
Stoopnagle and Budd will broad-
tast their half hour of nonsense on
Thursday evening instead of Satur-
day. The boys are, in our opinion,
doing quite a bit of all right. Some
of the Colonel's latest inventions in-
clude a folding, collapsible skyline for
small towns, and an airplane that
flies straight up and then straight
down again. This latter quirk is de-
vised for delivering air mail in the
same town,
TODAY Arthur Fielder takes over
the direction of the Boston
Symphony orchestia for the annual
series of Pop concerts. The Pop con-
certs constitute one of the finest sum-
mer entertainments on the air, al-
though the broadcasts are not nearly
as pleasureful as the actual attending
of the concerts in Symphony Hall,
where one can sit and sip the amber
fluid whilst the orchestra is playing
"The Blue Danube."
Several Mother's Day programs are
scheduled for this afternoon. There
will undoubtedly be other contribu-
tions made tomthe observation of this
holiday on almost all of today's
broadcasts. Did you remember the
D UKE ELLINGTON, who supplants
Ben Pollack at the Joseph Urban
Room of the Corgress Hotel, has re-
turned to the ether waves and can
now be heard nightly over WENR.
Ben Pollack, who has built up a fair-
ly good band again after losing most
of his men to Bob Crosby, will in all
probability hit the road for a spring
tour of dance spots.
A combine of really veteran enter-
tainers broadcast over CBS Monday
nights, when Benny Kruger, a sax
player who has been around for a long
time, and his orchestra are featured
with the Landt Trio and White, an-'
other group that has been on the air
since way back when. Pick and Pat,
of whom we heartily disapprove, are
also included on the program, al-
though why, no one seems to know.
Concerto No. 5 in E flat for
Piano and Orchestra ...Beethoven
Harold Bauer
Friday evening, 8:30. The Phila-
delphia Orchestra. Lily Pons, so-
prano.. Charles O'Connell and Saul
Caston, conductors.
Oveture to "Marriage of Figaro"
- Mozart
Arias from "Magic Flute" ...Mozart
"Pamina's Air"
"Queen of the Night"
Lily Pons
Symphony No. 1 in C. Major, Op. 21
Canope ....................Debussy
Minstrels... . ............Debussy
Aria, "Bell Song" from "Lakme"
Miss Pons
Chorale and Fugue ......Zemachsen
Saturday afternoon, 2:30. Phila-
delphia Orchestra. Efrem Zimbalist,
violinist. Leopold Stokowski, con-

Symphony No. 1 in C minor .. Brahms
Concerto in D minor for Violin
and Orchestra ............ Sibelius
The Bird of Fire........Stravinsky
The Fire Bird and Her Dance
Dance of the Princesses
Kastchei's Infernal Dance
Saturday evening, 8:30. Philadel-
phia Orchestra; University Choral
Union, Earl V. Moore, conductor.
Soloists: Jeanette Vreeland, Rose
Bampton, Giovanni Martinelli, Keith
Falkner, and Palmer Christian. The
"Manzoni Requiem" for soli, chorus,
orchestra and organ, by Verdi.
Tickets on sale at the School of
Music office, Maynard Street. Begin-
ning Wednesday morning May 13,
the Box office will be moved to Hill
Events Of Today
First Methodist Church:
Dr. C. W. Brashares will preach on
"Who Carries the Key to Your
Home?" at 10:45 a.m.
Stalker Hall:
12 noon, Dr. E. W. Blakeman will
lead a discussion on "Nationalism as
a World Catastrophe."
5:30 p.m. Wesleyan Guild. We will
meet at Stalker Hall and go as a
.ronn to the Preshvterian meeting at

To date this has been
the Democrats will not
President on this issue.

the only indication that
fall solidly behind the

Rogers Deering, farm machinery fortune heir,
has bequeathed $7,000,000 to Northwestern Uni-
- f

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