The Weather Occasional thundershowers today and tomorrow, somewhat cooler. - mommur ig4r SirF Iai3 Editorials Toward An Actual Democratic Idealism . . Lucky Mark Twain! ... VOL. XLVI No. 157 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, MAY 10, 1936 PRICE 5 CENTS Illinois Team Overwhelmed ByMichigan Wolverine Championship Big Ten Track Squad Scores Nine Firsts High Hurdle Record Smashed By Osgood, Sam Stoller Winm Victory1 Over Bob Grieve And Indians Take Five Firsts' By WILLIAM R. REED I Michigan's Big Ten championship track team weit through its paces before a home crowd yesterday for the only time this season, overwhelm- ing a weak Illinois team 79/2 to 46/2. Favored by the best running condi- tions of the season, better than at the Penn Relays where Michigan en-' tries contributed to the humbling of the East, and far better than on the rain-bogged field at Columbus last Saturday when Ohio State submerged the Wolverines, the Michigan team scored nine firsts including slams in five events. The Indians scored ar slam in the high jump and took firsts in the 220-yard dash, the low hurdles, pole vault and broad jump. Osgood Paces Squad Bob Osgood paced the Michigan squad to its win with a record-smash- ing victory over a strong Indian en- try in the high hurdles as he regis- tered :14.3, bettering the National Intercollegiate record of :14:4, the Michigan record of :14.5 set last year' by Willis Ward and the dual meet mark of :14.6 set by Ward in 1934. Osgood's performance, however, shared attention with Sam Stoller's payoff victory in the 100-yard dash over Bob Grieve, who has been his persistent conqueror since high school days. Stoller was off his blocks firsts never to be headed, winning going away in :09.7. Stan Birleson broke the tape in second fastest time of his career in the quarter mile, but the race was featured by the appearance of Bill, Miller, a sophomore making his first1 Varsity start, running extra yards as I he was far outside, Miller easily1 passed the Illinois entries and pressed Harvey Patton in second position. Illinois Stars In Low Hurdles Illinois' best showing was in the, low hurdles when Wright sprinted far ahead of the field to win in :23.4, bettering the dual meet record of Don Cooper and Jack Tarbill by a tenth d Bnnr Ritn of Illini tu. Militant, Aggressive Auto Union Policy Presaged Iii convention Significance Of Actions Is Analyzed By Industrial Research Assistant A more militant and aggressive pol- icy significant to the future of or- ganized labor in the automobile in- dustry was presaged in the proceed- ings of the United Automobile Work- ers Union convention in South Bend last week, according to Anthony Lu- chek, research assistant of the Uni- versity Bureau of Industrial Relations, who has just returned from the con- vention. Attracts Wide Attention. With the attention of labor in- terests throughout the nation focussed on the convention, the Union officially emerged from its probationary period, shook off the yoke of American Federation ofhLabor imposed leaders dominating the Union since its in- ception last August, and assumed for the first time its own independent, autonomous leadership Amidst much off-the-scene dicker- ing and horse-trading, according to Mr. Luchek, Homer Martin of Kansas City was elected president, ousting Frank J. Dillon, who was appointed to that office by the Executive Coun- cil of the A. F. of L. Labor interests were looking for- ward to a settlement of the craft- industrial jurisdictional dispute which arose at the time the Union was or- ganized within the A.F. of L. but this issue was noticeably avoided, Mr. Lu- chek stated. Run By C.I.O. The convention was largely run, however, he continued, by four repre- sentatives of John L. Lewis' Commit- tee for Industrial Organization, an. extra-legal group of nine industrial unions affiliated with the A.F. of L. which are now in rebellion against the domination of craft unions over the parent body. The convention marked the begin- ning of what might be called the pro- bationary period of this organization in the automobile industry, according to Mr. Luchek, and a large measure Churches Plan Services For Mother's Day Dr. Brashares Will Speak of the success of organized labor in this industry will depend on the abil- ity of the C.I.O. to provide leadership, funds and general support. The U.A.W.A. may be expected to continue its policy of accepting all workers in the automobile industry, Mr. Luchek stated in regard to the jurisdictional question. "The issue is one of potential jurisdiction, not ac- tual, since craft unions within theI auto industry have done little to ex- ercise their jurisdictional rights," he pointed out. Mr. Luchek was inclined to min- imhize the importance of jurisdictional disputes, "It isn't the jurisdictionthat makes the membership of a union," he, remarked, "but the membership which makes the jurisdiction." Newspaper reports to the effect that the U.AW.A might consider a (Continued on Page 2) Michiran Golf Tleamn Defeats Northwestern Crucial Victory Is Won By Varsity, 12-9; Kocsis Is Low With Par 72 By GEORGE J. ANDROS Michigan's Varsity golf team made1 up for Friday's defeat at the hands1 of Louisiana State yesterday by win- ning from Northwestern, conqueror of the southern team and the Wol- verines' biggest rival for Big Ten1 honors, 12 to 9, over the University; course. Coach Ray Courtright's National Collegiate and Western Conference champions could win only two of the five sinries matches, but shut-out vic- tories in both of the morning's doubles matches allowed them to ride to their) third Big Ten win of the season. Capt. Chuck Kocsis put together a) pair of perfect 36's during the doubles to take medal honors with a par 72, while Woody Malloy posted 36 and1 37 for a 73 to run second, winning his' individual match from Bill Kostel-' ecky, 2 to 1. Kostelecky's 74, which included a 35 on the last nine, was the best ' Northwestern effort, although Pink Wagner was headed for a 72 when he won his match from Captain Koc- sis on the 16th green and did not complete the round. Al Saunders, Michigan number three man, also scored 74 with a 38- 36 in winning 2/ to r/2 from Capt. Tom Saielli of the Wildcats. Jim Marew with 42-38 - 80 won; three points from Larry David of1 the Wolverines who turned in 44-42- 86. Bill Barclay was the third Mich- igan man to drop a singles match when his 38-41-79 cost him a 2-1 decision at the hands of Dick Gra- ham who had 39-37-76. Captain Kocsis with his par 72 teamed with Malloy, who had 38-36- 74, to blank Kagner and Kostelecky who had, respectively, 38-37-75 and 43-40-83. Saunders with 39-36-75' and David with 40-36-76 shut out Saielli and Marek who posted 41-39-- 80 and 38-38--76. Baseball Team Slugs Its Way To 2 Victories Ohio State Suffers Defeat In Both Ends Of Double Header, 4-2 and 14-2 (Gee And Fishmani Winning Pitchers Strong Offensive Power Is Displayed By Michigan; Brewer Outstanding By FRED DELANO Twenty-five hundred sweltering baseball fans, many of them visiting high school coaches and athletes, yes- terday learned why Michigan is con- sidered a serious contender for the 1936 Big Ten crown when they saw the Wolverines slug their way to victory in both ends of a double header with Ohio State, 4-2, and 14-2. John Gee and Herm Fishman gave the Buckeyes more southpaw pitch- ing than the aggregation from Co- lumbus could solve and as a result registered Michigan's fourth and fifth Conference triumphs of the year.. As yet the Wolverines have not lost to a Big Ten foe and are tied for first place in the league standings. Michigan also beat Ohio, 4-2, Friday. Brewer Astounds Them Especially cheering to Coach Ray Fisher, besides the offensive power his club displayed throughout the afternoon, was the work of Don Brewer at shortstop. The sophomore infielder handled numerous difficult chances without error and actually astounded the fans with some of his pickups and throws. Faurot, Ohio's centerfielder, turned in the most spectacular fielding gem of the day, however, when he made a div- ing catch of Rudness' drive in the second inning of the secondgame. In the opener Gee limited the Bucks to four hits and three of these were of the scratch variety. Michigan counted twice in the fourth when Kremer lined a single into left with Jablonski and Lerner on second and third. In the fifth Jablonski followed Kremer's example with a hit while Rudness and Ferner were resting on the sacks for the other two runs. Ohio's two runs came in the eighth and were aided by a pair of walks from Gee and a Michigan error. Fishman Allows 4 Hits Herman Fishman, pitching in the nightcap, was also touched for only four hits. This fracas lasted only seven innings, the Buckeyes deciding that they had had enough by that time. Elsass started and gave two hits and two runs in the first frame and from this time on the Wolverines were not headed. Four more crossed the plate in the second on three hits' and an equal number of Ohio errors. In the fourth Brewer and Ferner doubled and Uricek tripled to drive Elsass from the box and Galloway, who relieved him, managed to escape with only one more man scoring. Ohio picked up a run in the sixth and another in the seventh but couldn't equal Michigan's rallies which netted two in the fifth and three in the sixth. Tuesday Michigan will play Western State's powerhouse at Kalamazoo. VIOLENCE IN MINNESOTA ST. PAUL, May 9. - (/P) - Viol- ence flared in Minneapolis late today, climaxing developments of the third day in the strike of twin cities gaso- line station operators. Authorities reported that 30 policemen were re- 'quired to cope with the largest of the+ demonstrations which accompanied[ increased picketing activities. Fitzgerald Isf Mentioned For Vice-President Believed Likely Candidate If Senator Vandenberg Doesn't Head Ticket Republican Support In State Is Sought Governor's Speech In New York Marked Rapid Rise In Prominence By FRED WARNER NEAL LANSING, May 9. - (Special to The Daily) -Mention of Governor Fitzgerald as a possible Republican vice-presidential nominee, provided Senator Vandenberg is not named to head the ticket, was circulating around the capital today. The higher-ups in the State ad- ministration will not admit it pub- licly, but they are quite convinced that if the Cleveland convention next month decided on Landon or Borah, rather than Vandenberg, Michigan's governor will be right up there in the vice-presidential run-offs. They are frankly worried although they won't be quoted, worried about keeping Michigan in the Republican column as far as the national election goes. Governor Fitzgerald was not as much of an alarmist as might be supposed when he said last week that there was a "grave danger" of Michigan going for Roosevelt. State Would Back Vandenberg If Vandenberg is nominated, even the staunchest Democrats here con- cede that the State will back him in November. But if he is not, even the staunchest Republicans are wor- ried about it. Michigan, they'll tell you, is a pivotal state. It will go Re- publican safely enough in the State election, but in the national election they are not so sure. And they have fitful dreams when they think of the way various and sundry national polls show Michigan as anything but solid- ly Republican. Has Won Prominence Certainly, even the few politicians that pooh pooh the idea that Fitz- gerald has a chance to win the vice- presidential nomination admit that the Governor has won considerable prominence recently in national Re- publican circles. His rise in the ranks started with his speech to the Junior Chamber of Commerce in New York City during the winter. On the basis of that, Governor Fitzgerald indicat-' ed that he had some very definite ideas about the future of the Republi- can party, and, in no mincing words, he set forth his opposition to Old Guard dominance. Recently he was invited to address a big Republican conclave in Boston, and more recently he accepted the (Continued on Page 2) Same Scale Of Football Ticket Prices Planned Voting to maintain the same price scale for tickets to all home football games as was in effect last season, the Board in Control of Physical Ed- ucation also passed several other measures, it was announced yester- day following the May meeting. Instead of issuing the usual medals to point winners in all Big Ten meets, certificates were awarded this year to save money and help swell the Olympic fund. The Board yesterday voted the money necessary to give each Michi- gan man the customary medal. At the same time it was announced that the receipts collected from the Gala Swim held here early this year would be turned over the Olympic Fund. The prices for home football games next fall will be as follows: Michigan State and Indiana-box seats, $2.75; side seats, $2.20 and end seats $1.10, Columbia, Illinois, and Northwestern games-box seats $3.30; side seats $2.75 and end seats $1,65. Season tickets, $10. Meeting On Accidents Is Planned By Society An open meeting to consider the problems of auto accident prevention and the treatment of automobile in- juries will be sponsored by the Wash- tenaw County Medical Society at 7:15 Wolfe Is Appointed Union' s President; Struve Is Secretary * * * * President Wolfe Appointees Will Officially Take New Positions Next Thursday Night Installation Banquet Will Be Held Then Union Executive Council To Be Announced At Dinner; Murfin To Talk Secretary Struve On . Key 'Who Carries The To Your Home?' 1 i 1 J A 1 1 7 tenh secon . Irunon of ul nois was . Special services and sermons con- second and Osgood faded after his cerning Mother's Day will be featured high hurdles race to place third. in most Ann Arbor churches today. Grieve's victory in the 220 in :21.5 IAt 10:45 a.m. Dr. C. W. Brashares saw the appearance of Fred Stiles, of will speak on "Who Carries the Key to Michigan, as a potential Conference F point winner when he closed in on Church. Dr. E. W. Blackeman will the faded Indian star to place sec- lead a discussion on "Nationalism as ond. aaWorldsCatastrophe" atnoon at The other Illinois winners included Stalker Hall, and at 5:30 p.m. the Brunton, who won the broad jump Wesleyan Guild is to meet there. by a margin of four inches from Sam The First Presbyterian Church Stoller with a jump of 23 ft. 8 in., forum for youth is at 9:45 a.m. with Hackett in the pole vault, and Rieg- el, Spurgeon and Spurlock, who Dr. William P. Lemon leading a dis- ceased jumping in the high jump at cuksion at that time on "How To 5 ft. 10 in. Make the Bible Real." A special In the distance events Clayton Mother's Day service will be held at Brelsford led a comeback of the 10:45 a.m. when Dr. Lemon will Michigan entries as he ran all alone pearch on the subject "Blessed of to win themile in 4:20.1, and Walt All Generations." The Westminster Stone won the two-mile in 9:48.7 af- Guild will meet at 6 p.m. on the ter McGraw, the lone Illinois entry, lawn of the new church site at which had doppedout.time Miss Emily Morgan will be the had dropped out. leader in a discussion on "The Chris- tian Choicel of a Life Work." Edm onson TellS The Rev. Allison Ray Heaps will preach on the subject "The Power of N A Of lrt Example-Fathers and Mothers" at theemorning service of the First Con- gregational Church at 10:30 a.m. The Hittin O Schools student fellowship will meet at the _"l church at 4:30 p.m. to go to their picnic meeting. Herbert B. Wolfe, '37, and Wiliam S. Struve, '37, are the new president and recording secretary of the Union respectively, Prof. Leigh J. Young, chairman of the electoral board, an- nounced late last night. Wolfe and Struve, who will succeed Wencel A. Neumann, '36E, and John C. McCarthy, '36, will officially take office at the Installation Banquet to- be held Thursday night. The new president, Wolfe, is a member of Zeta Beta Tau social fra- ternity and Sphinx, junior men's honorary society. His home is in Memphis, Tenn. During the past year Wolfe has been chairman of the Union house committee. In this capacity he has had charge of the two Union Open Houses and the bridge, table tennis, chess and billiard tournaments. Banquet To Be Held Thursday Struve, a member of Lambda Chi Alpha fraternity, has been the head of the Union publicity committee and has edited the Union Monthly Re- view. At the Installation Banquet Thurs- day night, the appointments to the new Union Executive Council will be announced. The membership of the council will be chosen from a group of approximately 30 sophomores who have been members of the house, re- ception,ddance, publicity, coopera- tive and other Union committees. !Gold Tower charms will also be awarded to the retiring members of the Executive Council. Regent James C. Murfin, Detroit, will give the prin- cipal address at the Banquet, and the retiring president, Neumann, will pre- side. Nominations Will Be Made Nominations for the vice-presi- dencies of the Union for the various schools and colleges will be announced soon and elections will take place as soon as possible, Union officials announced last night. Any student in any of the schools and colleges is eligible to run for election to the vice-presidency of his partciular school. Candidates not already nominated, however, must submit petitions signed by not less than 200 students from any school or college. No Relief Is E xpected From May Heat Wave No relief for sweltering Ann Arbor residents from the record-breaking May heat wave was in sight last night. The mercury fell to 86.6 degrees above zero, at approximately 2:30 p.m. yesterday, the weather bureau of the University Observatory reported. It is a record high for the year and the highest the temperature has risen this part of May in many years, ac- cording to the Observatory. The lowest temperature yesterday was 67.8, shortly before 7 a.m. At 7:30 p.m. yesterday, the mercury was at 81 degrees, the Observatory said, and a drop was predicted for the night. However, with only a slightly falling barometer, chances were good last night for unseasonable high tem- peratures again today. The highest temperature Friday, the Observatory weather bureau re- ported, was 84.7 degrees above zero, and the highest Thursday 85. Michigan Student Hurt By Broken Plate Glass A University student suffered severe headucuts as a result of being pushed through a plate glass window of the Mrs. Lohr Sent iO Hospital For Insane Mrs. Bessie Lohr, 47 years old, held here on two charges of obtaining money under false pretenses, yester- day was ordered committed to the state hospital for the insane at Ionia by Circuit Court Judge George W. Sample, after she was declared to be suffering from an incurable persecu- tion complex by a sanity commission composed of local doctors. More Student Jobs Than Applications Demands for part-time employes, for housecleaning and yard and gar- den work have far exceeded the supply of student applicants, it was announced yesterday by Elizabeth A. Smith, assistant in charge of the Student Empolyment Bureau. Ann Arbor high school pupils have been called to satisfy the demand, she said. All students who desire this type of work, which she said will prob- ably develop into regular employ- ment paying $6 weekly, are asked to register at the bureau as soon as possible. The hourly rate of payment is 35 cents. -dart, Jackson Address MIPA; Session Ends The Michigan Interscholastic Press Association yesterday closed the three-day session of its twelfth an- nual meeting with a luncheon at the Union following a general assembly and five final round-table discussion sections. Miss Harriet Blum of Detroit East- ern High School acted as toastmaster of the luncheon. Carlisle Biggers of r'ooley High School, Detroit, an- nounced that the National Scholastic Press Association had at last ac- cepted an invitation to hold its an- nual convention in Detroit, and would meet there Dec. 3, 4 and 5 this year. At the general assebly held yes- terday morning, Herschell Hart, ed- CHICAGOU, May 9. -(/P) inc e- ucational policies commission of the National Education Association, rep- resenting presidents and heads of leading schools, colleges and univer- sities throughout the country, re- ported today that it has found "many weak points" in America's educa- tional system. Dean J. B. Edmonson, of the Uni- versity of Michigan, spokesman for the commission finds that "America has not yet established a system of free education for all children regard- less of social and economic conditions of their parents." "The commission," he continued, "is alarmed over the number of young people who are out of school and un- employed. Many of these cannot be taken care of because the schools are crowded. "Communities and states must be An open forum will be held at 11 a.m. at the Unitarian Church. The subject will be "Music and Art Re- lated to Life," with Marland B. Small and George Brigham as the speakers. The meeting of the Liberal Students' Union will be at 7:30 p.m. and the social hour at 9 p.m. iIiird-Quarter Drop I Business Is Seen Business can expect a recession during the third quarter of 1936, fol- lowed by a resumption of an upward trend regardless of the outcome of the presidential election, W. W. Cum- berland, New York investment bank- er, stated last night. This prognostication, contained in an addeshbfore 150 elega~tes to One English Freshman Equals One American Senior Whitehall Affirming that the English college freshman is on a par with the average American college senior, Dr. Harold; Whitehall, formerly of London Uni- versity, England, and now assisting; the work of the Middle English Dic- tionary here, compared the typical colleges of the two countries in an interview yesterday. "One great difference I have noted is the amount of work required of English students- much morethan from Americans," began Dr. White- hall. "We matriculate in the universities by taking a comprehensive examina- tion in English, mathematics, one pected to know at the end of four years. For instance, if we are to specialize in English, we study the English language from its Germanic stage and the literature from Beo- wolf to the present time. We take one major and one minor subject,, the minor subject being completed in two years. "At the end of the first year, we take an intermediate examination- the first of a long series of exams which constantly weed out the poorer students and push on the better ones. The mortality rate on these exams is fearful." Asked about the manner of atten-