THE MICHIGAN DAILYSATURDA V. MAY 9,1936!* THE MICHIGAN DAILY I R r i TF FORUM The Conning Tower -. -. . _- - - _ _ _ . -.L - -- Er Publisned every morning except Monday during tha University year and Summer Session by the Board in Qontrol of Student Publications. MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matter herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor. Michigan as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by mail. $4.50. Representatives: National Advertising Service, Inc., 420 Madison Ave., New York City; 400 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, Ill. EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT Telephone 4925 BOARD OF EDITORS 6CANAING EDITOR .............THOMAS H. KLEENE SSOCIATE EDITOR...........THOMAS E. GROEHN Dorothy S. Gies Josephine T. McLean William R. Reedi DEPARTMENTAL BOARDS publication Department: Thomas H. Kleene, Chairman; Clinton B. Conger, Robert Cummins, Richard G. Her-i shey, Ralph W. Hurd, Fred Warner Neal. Reportorial Department: Thomas E. Groehn, Chairman; Elsie A. Pierce, Joseph S. Mattes. Editorial Department: Arnold S. Daniels, Marshall D. Shulman. Rports Department: Wiliam R. Reed, Chairman: George Andros, Fred Buesser, Fred DeLano, Ray Goodman. Women's Department: Josephine T. McLean, Chairman; Josephine M. Cavanag, Florence H. Davies, Marion T. Holden, Charlotte D. Rueger, Jewel W. Wuerfel. BUSINESS DEPARTMENT Telephone 2-1214 BUSINESS MANAGER .........GEORGE H. ATHERTON CREDIT MANAGER...........JOSEPH A. ROTHBARD WOMEN'S BUSINESS MANAGER ....MARGARET COWIE WOMEN'S SERVICE MANAGER ...ELIZABETH SIMONDS DEPARTMENTAL MANAGERS Local Advertising, William Barndt; Service Department, Willis Tomlinson; Contracts, Stanley Joffe; Accounts, Edward Wolgeuth; Circulation and National Adver- tising, John Park; Classified Advertising and Publica- tions, Lyman Bittman. NIGHT EDITOR: ROBERT CUMMINS Born Thirty Years Too Soon.. . THERE ARE MANY faults, it is said, with our present educational sys- tern, and one of the most noticeable is that brought about by the separation of the student from his professors. This is due, perhaps, to the lecture system commonly used in American university systems today, and to the formal manner in which classes are conducted. Attempts have been made to remedy this fault, among them the roundtable method now being used at Harvard, and at Exeter Academy. These methods, although they are a step in the right di- rection, are not of themselves sufficiently advanced to correct the present system to any great extent. An excellent suggestion, "Utopian" though it may be, has been offered by Prof. Stuart Courtis of the School of Education. His ideal is a college without prescribed courses and the routine of definite program of classes. Any materialization of this scheme is far in the future, but it is not difficult to see its advantages. First of all, it will bring much closer relations between student and faculty. That this is necessary for a truly com- prehensive learning is undoubtedly true. Further- more, the student, himself directing his efforts, will experience a sense of independence and re- sponsibility which will prove of value in later life. Professor Courtis' plan would also give the stu- dent a broader background, one richer with experi- ences which are not to be niet in a classroom or lecture, experiences which cannot be included in a more formal education. His knowledge, which would include more true learning than the stu- dent is now able to amass in four years of directed study, would also be more practical, in that he would have encountered face-to-face the ex- periences which he will later meet in the actual struggle for his existence. These are only a few, and perhaps the most superficial, of the advan- tages. "Utopian" perhaps, but the best goal is often that which seems so far in the future as to be unattainable, and there is no better striving than toward this goal, which is as near perfection as any yet suggested. Who Is To Say?.. WITH INTEREST, we listened to George Lansbury, former British Laborite leader, denounce force as a means of obtaining peace. He gave an excellent address, but with one statement, small in its import in relation to the whole speech, we take issue. "The mere fact that citizens are able to vote," Mr. Lansbury said, "does not constitute democracy. Only the intelligent use of the vote makes a de- mocracy." Of course, if by an unintelligent use of the vote is meant a condition like that in Germany under Hitler, where the voter is compelled to cast his ballot the way his governors tell him to, Mr. Lans- bury is quite right. But, if he means voting for such measures as he, Mr. Lansbury, thinks right and intelligent, we believe he is wrong. Democracies are slow and wallowing. Frequent- ly their choices are unintelligent. But more often they are intelligent. Certainly there is no democ- racy where the voter is prohibited from partici- pating in an election because someone or some- Letters published in this column should not be construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The Daily. Anonynous contributions will be disregarded. The names of communicants will, however, be regardedI as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked to be brief, the editors reserving the right to ondensef all letters of over 300 words and to accept or reject letters upon the eriei'a of geneal editorial importance and interest to the campus. Wrong Tact ic To the Editor: To the "noble defender of student rights": You ask two Faculty members and all thoser who seek to defend them to reconsider the arbi- trarism of their attack. I in turn entreat you to do a little "thinking over" of your own. Do you mean to state that in passing out this literature,I and by this subsequent discussion you are unself- ishly seeking to defend a vital right of students - or are you not delighting in a chance to call your professors names? What is the heart of the ques- tion frankly? 1Ibelieve I know. You are deliberate- ly putting the University in a corner if you can,1 and some day you will end up in an attempt to< broadcast a mistake of the administration. LikeI any small man, having your opponent down, youi will not hesitate to glorify yourself to the worldt to the tune of brass drums and trumpets. Am I nott right in assuming that nothing would suit you morei than to be able to force the University to take< back the expelled students and then be able toc shout it to the world and boast of your victoryi as a savior of humanity?1 Of course that is one way to win a point. It1 has always been the tactics of a cheap Free- thinker. For which reason he has never been more popular, or I should say, has enjoyed but one type of popularity. Why did the professors jump at the student passing literature? Because they know,1 as well as he did, that here was a sore point of dis- pute between the student body and the administra- tion. Such an act could mean only one thing, a slap in the face of the administration. The student was deliberately defying the laws of the University doing what he knew four students had been expelled for doing. As much as to say, "Now what are you going to do about it?" I ask you to seriously "reconsider." When the Spring Parley is a definite attempt to get students and faculty together to exchange ideas, trying to find a common ground of understanding, is it even reasonable appropriateness to stir up old quarrels again? Would it not have been better to let sleep- ing dogs lie here - to try at least to understand the viewpoint of the professor, and then later calmly and quietly attack this problem? Perhaps even with the cooperation and guidance of the professor? Whether the manner in which the professor and counselor of Religion sought to put the student in his place was of the best or not, I must say that the attitude and manner of the student provoked such a procedure. I can't believe that he was honestly seeking to give out this literature because he felt it was the only way to stop Naziism in this country. He knows as well as anyone, I hope, that there are as many different ways to get one's point across as there are different situations. The student could only have been insincere, seeking merely to create a sensation, or else unpardonably stupid and tactless. For why, may I ask, are pamphlets of such great value in a discussion meeting such as this? Do you really mean to state that there was no chance for free and intelligent discussion at the Parley? That can't be. Everyone who was there, who heard the discussion, must feel they were given a free chance to say what they thought. We were there to exchange ideas. What good would leaflets do, except to flatter the vanity of the person giving them out? He would feel he was furthering a noble cause, thus satisfying his ego in the only way he could, not being able to dis- cuss on the same level with the rest of the group. I suppose that the only cway to cure these people of the literature craze would have been to grant free distribution to everybody. In fact advertise it. Let our intelligent gentleman distribute the Anti-Nazi literature, then must come the Peace literature. Now we must give the R.O.T.C. their chance. Perhaps the Engineers could give us some papers dealing with the place of engineering in society. Remember, as you say, you are "mak- ing a plea for broader and clearer, more human- sense-of-value-mindedness." We must have all sides. No doubt the American Legibn has some- thing for us to read. And after all this paper has been thrown around where are you? Who is going to read any of it? There is a time and place for such material but who wants to read more at a time when we are trying to digest what we have al- ready read. It is too bad one hadn't come pre- pared to meet the issue, but then one hardly, thought that anybody would have placed the Parley below his personal vanity. All this may be unjust, but what else can one deduce from such tactics? I'm afrtid I agree with our unenlightened professors. After all, there is something in appropriateness, tact, and sportsman- ship. Terms I grant you from a conservative so- ciety but they make for graceful living, with every- thing in its own time and place. I think it might be worthwhile to cultivate the art of being a clever, interesting, diplomatic radical, rather than always remaining a dull pedantic one who must put his foot in it every time he turns around. It seems to me better to fight at a place and time set and for some great important issue with all the facts and knowledge at one's back, rather than to try and pick a fight at every occasion just for the glory of fighting. -Ax Observer. Columbia's Prof. Colin G. Fink believes uni- versities should have less "blackboard scientists," more practical laboratory workers. "Today men are not employed because they hold TO A DWELLER IN A GLASS HOUSE I shall lie down hungry in the cold and dark: I shall eat my heart, take counsel of despair:; And if the world be mad I shall not care, Nor right one wrong for youth or patriarch. v I sh all weep all night, but not for any wrongs, l Not for the past and never for the future- . The world is at large according to its nature.( I weep for denial of beauty and her songst Beauty is deathless. By her breath we live. Nothing is alien to her native touch.t She has no memory and nothing to forgivet Whether we like her little or too much. Whoso denies her in a lyric curse Proclaimsli her in the beauty of his verse. -. A. 1 The death of Finley Peter Dunne robs thei world of as sweetly salty a gentleman as it is1 likely ever to see. When a man like Peter Dunne dies there always is a lot of stuff written about how, though a humorist and satirist, he wrote it all in good nature and there was no bitterness or malice in his writing. Peter Dunne, in and out of writing, had many a healthy hatred. It is evident even now to readers of the Dooley articles; his piece on the once famous Luetgert case is a terrific arraignment of expert testi- mony. And, as we said when Dreyfus died, all that many Americans remember about the Drey- fus case is Mr. Dooley's "Jackuse," he says, "and they t'run him out." Dunne's memory for details was unusual. Three years ago, in Bermuda, he was telling about his brother, who had covered races at the Wash- ington Park racetrack in the eighties. Just to help the story he told about various races, nam- ing the way the horses finished in three or four races. Nor was there any hypocrisy about the love of writing. After the Whitney bequest he wrote no more. "And I'm the boy," he said, "who believes you when you say that if you had enough money you'd never write another line." HISTORIANS PEEKLY-WEEKLY Some reasons why Book Sharing Week was held over for a Second Smash -- well --Week. I Book sharers from Brooklyn to the Battery are in a dither about how to share Josephine Law- rence's novel, "If I Have Four Apples." At a late hour Saturday night, the score stood Brooklyn 2, the Battery 2; 4 runs, 4 hits, 4 coresies. II Earle Stanley Gardner, author of such freedom- of-the-press mysteries as "The Case of the Cu- rious Bride," and 'The Case of the Caretaker's Cat," and "The Case of the Sleepwalker's Niece," unable to work out a title short enough to be con- tained in the first seven days of Book Sharing Week, is now playing around with an idea that- if Book Sharing Week can be held over long enough - ought to be shared by the pound. Rumors say I that the mystery will be called "The Case of the Book Sharer's Grandmother With the Case of the Keglined Beer." I Mr. and Mrs. Vivid R. Plaid, 1821 Brainfag Ave- nue, the Bronx, decide to share a copy of "The A.B.C. Murders," by Agatha Christie, with a WPA worker by the name of Eben Van Pi. Mr. Van Pi gets through the A and B murders all right, but +before he reaches the C killing, he comes down with a bad case of Alphabet's Foot. His doctor, fearing an epidemic, prescribes an antidote: "Monogram," by G. B. Stern --offering to share his own copy with his patient; but when Mr. Van Pi discovers the initials "GBS" on the jacket, he mistakes it for one of George Bernard Shaw's plays and takes a turn for the worse. Eventually, bits of A.B.C., WPA, and G.B.S., together with such hard-working combinations as E.S.T., E. and O.E., A.N.P.A., N.Y., N.H. & H.R.R., and WJZ, bring Mr. Van Pi around to the point where he can take light nour- ishment and play anagrams. But he has lost his taste for murders arranged alphabetically; and he decides to call his memoirs "More Shared Against Than Sharing." IV "What this country needs is a good five-cent Book Sharing Week slogan," says Lothario W. Milquetoast, no relation to Caspar. "How about 'With Thee I Share, Babyt' or 'A Biography Built for Two.' V A chap known only as "Two-Twitch Ralph" slinks into a Book Sharing Salon on upper Fifth Avenue. Pulling a water pistol out of his pocket, he croons "Stick 'Em Up!" in a rich (but not quite ripe) baritone. The Salon manager, a quick- thinking fellow, tosses Two-Twitch a copy of "Wake Up and Live!" by Dorothea Brande. "So this is the book," says Two-Twitch, sarcastically, "that caused the typist of the original manuscript to quit her job and open her own typing agency!" "That's the book," answers the manager; "and on page 80 you will find 8 words that are changing Failures into Successes." Two-Twitch thanks him and leaves. The next afternoon he is back, this time with a real gun; and in his rich (and now ripe) baritone he barks, "Stick 'Em Up!" The Salon manager, not quite so quick-thinking a fellow as he had been the previous day, realizes his mistake too late. Two-Twitch is upon him; and in less time than you can say Dorothea Brande, he forces the manager to share a neatly-typed' manuscript with him. Three hours later when the police arrive, they find the pair autographing the first edition, which has just come off the press. "My theories will be shared by millions," prophe- sies Two-Twitch. 'Wake Up and Sleep!' will go into countless bedrooms." It does. YE OULDE AL GRAHAM. A Washington BYSTANDER1 By KIRKE SMPSON W ASHINGTON, May 8. - The Breckinridge "protest" primary vote against Roosevelt New Dealism having been recorded in Pennsylvania 4 and Maryland, determining its elec- ion Iignificance is in order,.It cer- ainly does not imply any convention I troubles for the President since he emerges from that test with the Penn- sylvania and Maryland delegations to the Philadelphia meeting safely inE the bag by margins too great to war-t rant a contest. A six-to-one showingt over the gallant colonel in Marylandl and perhaps three times that in z Pennsylvania settles that.r What then does it all show as to1 election probabilities? Colonel Breck- inridge indulged in the primary con- test, presumably, for the purpose of disclosing that there was a protesting faction in the Democratic party. He1 certainly could not have been disap- pointed that he failed to gather in any delegates; but was the percentage of the protest vote recorded for him up to his hopes? MARYLAND'S '32 VOTE 11o SOME anti-Roosevelt commen- tators, the Maryland outcome seemed highly encouraging. They set up calculations to show that, if the same one-out-o f-seven Bieckinridge ratio was carried through the Demo- crats who failed to vote at all in the primaries, the President might have difficulty in carrying Maryland in Novembe'. That does not appear on the basis of the '32 presidential vote ini the state. Maryland divided then some 315,000 for Roosevelt and 184,000 for Hoover. Assuming that even one in five of those 315,000 Roosevelters of '32 not only went anti-Roosevelt in the recent primaries but will follow through for his Republican oppon- ent in November, there still will be a Democratic victory margin. The basis of the theory that the Breckinridge vote implies uncertain- ty as to Roosevelt prospects in Mary- land must rest on a theory that a lot of Republicans also voted for him in '32 who will go back to their own party in November. After all, Mary- land has gone Republican four times since 1872, being carried by McKinley in 1900, Taft in 1908, Harding in 1920, and Coolidge in 1924. With the ex- ception of Harding's majority of al- most 60,000, these Republican victor- ies were by slim margins. * * * * IT'S A 'BORDER' STATE YET in '32 Roosevelt polled some 13,000 more Maryland votes than did Al Smith in '28. By contrast, Hoover lost nearly 40,000 votes be- tween '28 and '32. That would indi- cate that about 27,000 disgruntled Re- publicans did not vote at all in '32. It is also a notable fact that the La- Follette progressive vote in Maryland reached nearly 50,000 when Coolidge was elected in 1924. As a "border" state, Maryland ob- viously is not under the same tradi- tion of Democratic solidarity that her southern sister states know. Yet she has leanings that way which need to be counted in reckoning how many anti-Roosevelt Democratic primary voters would go along with the Re- publicans on election day. Senator Tydings of Maryland has been out of harmony with many New Deal bills, yet, like Senators Glass and Byrd of neighboring Virginia, he did not even await the primaries to de- clare himself still on the Roosevelt bandwagon this year. [DAILY OFFICIAL 0 BJLIiTIN D Publication in the BI letin l Icar rt'ie rn ht to all iwmn-rs of the %Veraity. Copy received at the offce of the Assistant to the President wtt 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday. SATURDAY, MAY 9, 19:36 "Alice In Wonderland" final per- VOL. XLVI No. 154 formnates today at 3:30 and 8:30 p.m. Notices a the Mendelssohn Theatre. To the Members of the University Counil: The next mtt ling of wth The lilh'1 Indeiendents will hold University Counil will 1e icM .n(i, open meting at tlhe Foundation Ift 8:30 pt). Wit l)the interesting Vonday, May1, IIat,4-1.a:NIii, il . l o fgmra which has been planned and Room 1009 Angell Ilhall, tit'freshments which will be served no charge , the gathering will be To All Members of the Faculty and very enjoyable. Administrative Staff: If it seems cer- - tain that any telephones will not be R.O.T.C. Air to Ground Communi- used during the summer months, cation Demonstration: This after- please notify Mr. Shear in the Busi- noon at 2 p.m. there will be a dem- ness Office. A saving can be effected onsti'ation of air to ground communi- if instruments are disconnected for a cation. It will take place between period of a minimum of thr-e nlth:s. Packaid and Washtenaw along the Herbert C .Watkimls, cut-ofl, about 100 yards to the south. 1 The oubliicis woleo anid is ur ead I ti Student Loans: There will be come and witness the three types of a meeting of the Loan Committee in communication which will be used. Room 2, University Hall, Wednesday The 107th observation Squadron of afternoon, May 13. Students who the National Guard is cooperating have already filed applications for with the R.O.T.C. and is sending a new loans with the Office of the Dean plane from Wayne county airport to of Students should call there at once assist. to make an appointment to meet the 1 z 1 71 i Committee . A. Bursley, Chairman Commit- tee on Student Loans.t To All Candidates for the Teach- er's Certificate for the Present Year: The first convocation of undergrad-I uate and graduate students who are candidates for the teacher's certifi-: cae will be held in the Lydia Men- delssohn Theatre on Tuesday, MayI 12, at 4:15 p.m. This convocation is sponsored by the School of Education, and members of other faculties, stu- dents, and the general public are cordially invited. Faculty members and students who are candidates for the teacher's certificate are request- ed to wea' academic costume. Presi- dent Ruthven will preside at the Con- vocation, and Dean Henry W. Holmes of the Graduate School of Educa-! tion of Harvard University will give the address. University Bureau of Appointments and Occupational Information: Mr. Typer, Secretary of the George Wil- liams College, Chicago, will be in Ann Arbor Saturday morning, May 9, to interview Seniors who are in- terested in preparing for leadership in agencies such as the Y.M.C.A., Y.W.C.A., Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, or work in health and physical educa- tion, character education, community recreation, behavior guidance, adult education, creative arts and adminis- tration. Any one interested will please call at 201 Mason H-all for an appoint- ment. Uiversity Women: The lists of approved Summer Session residences for women students are now available at the Office of the Dean of Women. Choral Union Members: Member- ship tickets for rehearsals and con- certs will be issued to Choral Union members in good standing at Rooml 107, main floor, School of Music Bldg., Monday, May 11, from 10 to 12, and 1 to 2 o'clock only. These tickets are positively not transferrable, and must be presented by the members for admission to all rehearsals of the Philadelphia Orchestra and to con- certs. Please read instructions on both sides of tickets. English Journal Club: The nomi- nees for officers of the English Jour- nal Club have been named and the list has been posted on the third floor (A.HJ bulletin board. Anyone wish- ing to make other nominations should notify Secretary Davis before the next meeting. Acadene Notices - Psychology 32 will not meet on Sat- urday, May 9. Psychology 128 will not meet oil Saturday, May 9. Fine Arts 192: T'ang Decorative Art, and Interior Decoration for you. Sunday morning, 9:00 to noon, 2307 Vinewood Boulevard (near Geddes. Lecture Public Lecture: "Byzantine Civiliz- ation, its Chaiacter and Influence," by Piof. Arthur E. R. Boak. Sponsored by the Research Seminary in Islamic Art. Monday, May 14, 4:15 p.m., Room D, Alumni Memorial Hall, Ad- mission free. Events Of Today Iota Sigma Pi: The Michigan chap- ter of Iota Sigma Pi, National Hon- o'ary Sorority for Women in Chemn- istry and allied Medical Sciences, will hold its annual initiation at 3 p.m. An informal tea will follow. The in- itiation will be held at the home of Mrs. Mary E. Rogers, 1020 West Hur- on Street since it is impossible to meet at the home of Mrs. Alfred H. White. Graduate Outing Club cordially in- vites all graduate-student to attend1 the annual Spring Overnight Party at the University Fresh Air Camp on Patterson Lake. There will be games, boating, swimming, tfor those who Coming Events Phi Kappa Phi: The Spring Initia- tion and Banquet to a hundred and twenty-three seniors and graduates will be held in the ballroom of the Michigan Union on the evening of Monday, May 11, at 6:30 p.m. Several musical numbers have been arranged and Prof. H. H. Bartlett speaks upon "The Philippines at the Beginning of the Coinmonweal th." Place cards will be laid for those members who noti- fy the secretary, 308 Engineering An- nex. .Campus phone 649. Beta Kappa Rho: will have a Sun- day night supper in the Russian Tea Room of the Michigan League Bldg. at 6 p.m., Sunday ,May 10. Stalker hail, Sunday: 12 noon, Dr. E. W. Blakeman will lead a discussion on "Nationalism as a World Catastrophe." 5:30 p.m. Wesleyan Guild. We will meet at Stalker Hall and go as a group to the Presbyterian meeting at the Church House on Washtenaw Ave. First Methodist Church, Su'nday: Dr. C. W. Brashares will preach on "Who Carries the Key to Your [Tome?" at 10:45 a.m. Micliganensian Business Staff will please meet at the Student Publica- tions Bldg. at 4:15 p.m. Monday. This meeting is very important. First Presbyterian Church, Sunday: Meeting at the Masonic Temple, 327 South Fourth. Ministers, William P. Lemon and Norman W. Kunkel. 9:45 a.m., Forum for Youth. The discussion on the theme, "How to Make the Bible Real" will be led by Dr. Lemon. 10:45 a.m., Mothers' Day service with sermon by Dr. Lemon, "Blessed of All Generations." 6 p.m., The Westminster Guild will meet on the lawn of the new church site at 1432 Washtenaw Ave., where South University crosses. The mem- bers of the Wesleyan Guild of Stalk- er Hall will be guests. A picnic sup- per will be served and the discussion on the subject "The Christian Choice of a Life Work" will be led by Miss Emily Morgan. Alpha Epsilon Mu meeting Sun- day at the Michigan League, 6 p.m. All members please attend. Harris flall, Sunday: The regular student meeting will be held in Harris Hall at 7 p.m. Mr. Ray Frutiger of the University of Michigan will speak on "A Journey Through the Moun- tains of Switzerland." All students and their friends are cordially invit- ed. Saint Andrew's Episcopal Church, Sunday: Services of worship are: 8 a.m., holy communion; 9:30 a.m., Church School; 11 a.m., kindergarten, 11 a.m., Morning prayer and sermon by The Reverend Henry Lewis. First Baptist Church, Sunday: 10:45 a.m., Rev. R. Edward Sayles, minister, will speak on "Honor Thy Father and Thy Mother." Special music for the day. 9:30 a.m. the church school meets in the church. 9:45 a.m., Dr. Waterman's class meets in the Guild House. Roger Williams Guild, Sunday: "The Christian Family" will be the topic for discussion. Mr. Chapman will lead. 6 p.m., Students gathering at Guild House. Miss Catherine Stitt will be in charge of a service approp- riate for Mother's Day. Students whose mothers are in the city are specially invited to bring them. Fol- lowing the meeting refreshments will be served during a social hour. Ch-rch of Christ (Disciples), Sun- say: 10:45 a.m., Church worship service, Rev. Fred Cowin ,minister. 12 noon, Students' Bible Class, H. L. Pickerill, Campus minister, leader. 5:30 p.m., rE'en Years Ago From The Daily Files May 9, 19 6 -, Appointments of the Managing Ed- itor and Business Manager of The Daily, executives of the Gargoyle, and business manager of the Michigan- ensian for next year were 'made by the Board in Control of Student Pub- lications. Smith H. Cady, '27, was appointed managing editor of The Daily and Thomas Ollnstead, '27, was named business manager'. .Michigan's well-balanced track team scored a decisive victory over the Ohio State squad yesterday at Ferry Field in the annual dual meet. the final total reading 82-53. Michi- gan scored nine first places, tied for another, and secured eight second and eight third places in amassing their grand total. Richard H. Freyberg, '26, star miler and captain of the Wolverine track team, was awarded the Conference medal for all round excellence in scholarship and athletics for the yearI 1926. Michigan defeated Minnesota today in one of the hardest fought games that has ever been played on the local diamond, by the score of 5-3. Cap night, the traditional ceremony where the freshmen burn their gray "pots" to signify their entrance intol the ranks of the sophomore class, will be celebrated in Sleepy Hollow. On