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May 09, 1936 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1936-05-09

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The Weather
Increasing cloudiness today;
cooler in afternoon; tomoarrow
showers, cooler.





Bor Thirty Years Too Soon ...
Who Is To Say? . ,



House Ready Twelve Art Students Produce
To GrantBig Praiseworthy Sculpture Exhibi


Relief Funds
Moves To Scrap PWA And
Earmark Relief Money
Are Defeated
Couzens Surprises
By Hitting Tax Bill
Sen. Harrison Says Revolt,
Will Not Stop Enactment
Of Roosevelt Measure
WASHINGTON, May 8. - /P) -
After first beating down Republican
attempts to scrap Harry Hopkins'
PWA and then delivering a parlia-
mentary coup de grace to Democratic
efforts to earmark funds for Secretary
Ickes' WPA, House leaders today
drove the Administration's $2,364,-
000,000, relief and deficiency bill to
the point of passage.
At dusk, however, the House ad-
journed until Monday. Having al-
ready approved the relief and other
sections of the huge measure, only a
final vote on passage remained, along
with a ballot on another Republican
attempt to turn the administration of
relief back to the states.
WASHINGTON, May 8. - (IP) -
Troubles besetting the New Deal tax
bill were augmented tonight by a
blast of opposition from Senator
Couzens, ranking Finance Committee
Republican, on whom the Adminis-
tration had counted for support.
"I am against the bill," he said,
even as some Democrats on the com-
mittee, which today concluded its
hearings, began a series of backstage
conferences seeking a substitute for
President Roosevelt's proposed tax on
the undistributed profits of corpora-
Discounting reports of a "revolt"
within the finance committee, how-
ever, Chairman Harrison, (Dem.,
Miss.), predicted his group would ap-
prove a measure retaining the basic
philosophy of the Roosevelt plan and
do so with fair promptness. He con-
ceded, however, there would -be some
Among the Democratic members of
the committee, who were not yet pre-
pared to talk for quotation, two al-
ternative proposals were under con-
One would seek to raise the $603,-
000,000 estimated as needed by in-
creasing present corporation income
taxes five per cent and subjecting all
dividends to the normal income tax
of four per cent.
The other would retain the present
corporate tax structure and superim-
pose a surtax on undistributed profits,
as a compromise between the present
and proposed plans.
Bank Officials
Deny Preparing
False Reports
DETROIT, May 8. - (P) - Two of
the defendants testified today in the
Federal court trial of three former
executives of the Peoples Wayne
County Bank, charged with making
false reports to the Federal Reserve
John R. Bodde, former president of
the bank,\answered with an emphatic
"no" when asked whether he had any
intention of deceiving the federal
reserve when he voted as a director
to remove from the bank's cash items
1,143 shares of Detroit Bankers Co.
stock accumulated for customers, and
converting it into a trustee note for
The Detroit Bankers Co., a holding
company, owned the Peoples Wayne
County Bank. The government con-

tends acquisition by the bank of the
stock was illegal.
Donald N. Sweeny, former executive
vice-president, said he was in Santa
Fe, N. M., when the executive com-
mittee approved the loan. He said
his only connection with the trans-
action was in carrying out instruc-
tions of the committee and the di-
Barristers Initiate
15 At Library Steps
The Barristers, honorary law so-
ciety, yesterday initiated 15 men in
the traditional ceremony on the steps
of the General Library. Following
the initiation, a banquet for the ini-
tiates was given in the Union. Prof.

Avard Fairbank's Class
Shows Work At League
Starting May 12
The nation's most unique art course
- taught on the little-known fourth
floor of University Hall by Prof. Avard
Fairbanks of the fine arts division --
will produce its annual sculpture ex-
hibition in the League next week, an
exhibition that gains more credit
throughout the world than it does in
Ann Arbor.
The exhibition, the seventh annual
one ,will open at 8:30 p.m. Tuesday
in the League Concourse. Twenty-
five statues, all created by the 12
students in Professor Fairbanks sculp-
toring class, will be shown, in addi-
tion to four figures by the professor
himself. They will be exhibited until
after commencement.
What makes Professor Pairbanks'
course so unusual is that it is in
the literary college, takes students
almost with no training at all and
makes expert sculptors of them within
two or three years. That it does that
is evident from the praise Professor
Fairbankse has received on his ex-
hibition from prominent figures in
the world of art - from Andrew W.
Mellon, Pittsburgh millionaire and
art benefactor, from John Moore,
chairman of the Congressional Art
Commission, and from famed artists
the globe over.
And Professor Fairbanks, himself a
widely-noted sculptor, says that "in
comparison to what other schools
of art are doing and considering
what professional schools are doing,
we are turning out work far in ad-
New Careers
Await Women,
Speakers Say
Radio, Advertising Offer
Unique Opportunities;
Vocational Talks End
Radio and advertising were both
described as excellent vocational fields'
for women yesterday in the last two
of a series of discussions on women's
occupations held in the League under
the sponsorship of the Bureau of Ap-
pointments and Vocational Informa-
"Women have an excellent oopor-
tunity in advertising because it is a
newer and less conventional occupa-
tion and ideas are the important
thing," said Miss Louise Grace, of
the Detroit Women's Advertising
Club, the first of three speakers oni
advertising. The others were Miss1
Beatrice Morgan, advertising manag-
er for Himelhoch's, and Mrs. Helen S.
Stauch, of the Women's City Club.
Miss Grace advised students who
want to enter the advertising field
to get a general knowledge of busi-
ness as well as an academic back-
ground, but stressed the point that
one must know exactly what she
wants to do before trying to get a
job. Copy writing and research are
the two chief fields for women, she
said, but added that if these jobs are
not available to the recent graduate,
it is wise to accept a clerical position
and make your own opportunities for
Miss Beatrice Morgan, the second
(Continued on Page 3)
Dr. Edwin Goldman
To Speak To Band
Dr. Edwin Franko Goldman, direc-
tor of the world-famous Goldman
Band, will be the guest speaker at the
first annual banquet of the Univer-
sity Band, May 18.
Dr. Goldman is to act as senior

judge at the national high school
band contest to be held in Cleveland
May 13-16, and will come directly
from that city to Ann Arbor for the
The banquet, which is to be held
at the Michigan Union, will mark
the founding of a new University of
Michigan Band Alumni Club. Plans
for the new club and the banquet
are rapidly nearing completion. In
addition to the speech of Dr. Gold-
man, the banquet will have Professor
John L. Brumm, of the department
of journalism, as toastmaster.
Cup To Be Given
At Fraternity Sing
Bob Merrill, '37, chairman of the
Interfraternity Sing committee, an-I

1 _ ._ ._ _


vance of them." Professor Fairbanks'
students: sophomores, juniors, sen-
iors and graduates, frequently come
to him with no previous art train-
ing, and he insists they gain train-
ing in Ihe basic fundamentals. "A
student who first gains knowledge
and secures a general cultural back-
ground, he believes, "can advance
faster than if he only tinkers." Prof.
Bruce Donaldson's course in fine
arts is "very helpful" in this regard,
he said.
"Our students create their own
subjects," he explained, "and their
subjects are interpretative of real life.
Each has a thought behind it. They
are not merely forms but ideas."
The students of the class with the
names of the outstanding figures
they have created, all in plaster and
imitation bronze plaster are:
Harry Bethke, "Prayer;" Jean Jack-
son, "Study of a Monk"; Lillian Polit-
zer, "Let Me Guide You," a mother
pleading with her two children; Ber-
nard Rosenthal, "Wanderer," a figure
symbolic of a race driven across the
face of the world; Michael R. Swit-
(Continued on Page 2)
Nine Beats Ohio,
4-2, For Third
Big Ten Victory
Berger Larson Fans 11;
Team Plays Two Games
At Ferry Field Today
With Capt. Berger Larson so com-i
pletely baffling Ohio State with hisi
sharp-breaking curve ball that hei
struck out 11 men, Michigan's base-1
ball team yesterday stayed in thei
fight for the Big Ten championship i
by beating the Buckeyes, 4-2, beforec
a large crowd yesterday at Ferry
At 1:30 p.m. today the same clubst
will start the first game of a double-
header which the Wolverines will bec
favored to sweep. John Gee willc
probably start the opener with Herm1
Fishmanworking on the moundin.the
nightcap for Coach Ray Fisher's ag-
Larson's amazing performance oni
the hill yesterday was a duplicationi
of his recent victory over Wisconsin
when he also fanned 11 alleged hit-
ters. He was touched for five hitsI
in the game yesterday, three of them
in the fifth inning. Aside from this
frame and the first, when he walkedI
two men, he was in rare form and
had little trouble in disposing of the
Harry Mauger did the hurling for
Ohio and also gave five hits, but lost
the decision through his own wild-
ness. The Bucks opened the scoring
in the first inning but their satis-
faction of holding a lead lived only
until the second. In the first Larsonc
passed Raudabaugh and Wayslik andi
after the former had stolen second,c
Zarnos lined a hard single into center
to score him. Wayslik also tried'
to score on the hit but was thrown<
out at the plate on a beautiful playt
from Rudiess to Larson to Jablon-
In the second, Steve Uricek led off
for Michigan with the first of his
three infield hits. He stole second
and tallied when Joe Lerner drove a
screaming single into right center.
Lerner was later thrown out at third.
Ohio State did not threaten again)
until the fifth when it staged its
biggest offensive drive of the day.
Larson fanned two men in the first,
second and fourth innings and again
(Continued on Page 6)
MT. PLEASANT, May 8. -- (!P)
-An Ann Arbor Railroad section
crew found the dismembered body of
a man along the tracks east of here
today. Fingerprints were taken, as a

possible means of identification.

1"lsOn P blcations
(aindidates Due Today
Staff members of The Daily, the
Gargoyle and the Michiganensian
who have not yet cast their vote
for senior positions must do so by
3 p.m. today.
Ballots may be obtained in the
Publications Building from Miss
Eugenia Allen, with whom they
must be deposited. Both business
and editorial staff members are
asked to vote.

Students Make
Reports Of Bad
Working Places
Workers In Eating Places
Issue Most Complaints
Against Un just Wages
Complaints against certain campus
eating places and other establish-
ments employing students are being
received by the Student Workers Fed-
eration, according to Eugene Kuhne,
Grad., who is secretary of the organ-
"There is no question about exist-
ing conditions being undesirable in
many cases," he said. "There has
been a tendency to take advantage
of student labor, as it is realized that
about 3,000 must work in order to
remain in school." He added that,
fortunately, vicious exploitation was
not the general rule.
Members of the union have been
asked to submit written reports con-
cerning conditions in their own places,
and of any others with which they
are familiar. Eating places, employ-
ing the largest number of students,
naturally have been the subject of
most complaints received up to yes-
terday, Kuhne said, citing also that
more than 100 students were working
in local retail grocery stores, both in-
dependent and chain, for as little as
20 cents an hour.
The hourly rate for restaurants, if
figured on a cash basis, sometimes
amounts to as little as 15 cents, ac-
cording to reports. Tom Downs, '38E,
chairman of a committee to corre-
late grievances, said that such rates
were "far too low."
It was announced yesterday that
endorsements of the union had come
in from many members of the fac-
ulty, the Teachers Federation, the
Ann Arbor Trades Council, various
Ann Arbor churches, and from em-
ployers themselves. Several requests
for students for part-time permanent
work have been received from em-
Kuhne was pleased at what he
(Continued on Page 3)
SCA Tag day Coal
$1,000 May 15, 16
Hopes that 200 underprivileged!
children could enjoy a healthful sum-
mer through the generosity of stu-
dents and faculty members were
voiced last night by Howard Holland,
'37, chairman of the SCA Tag Day
committee. The drive, which aims
to net more than $1,000 in a two-
day campaign May 15 and 16, will
help to sustain the University of
Michigan campifor boys.
The camp is located at Lake Pat-
terson, about 25 miles from Ann Ar-
bor. It offers swimming, nature
study and outdoor athletics to chil-
dren whose home environment offers
insufficient opportunity for rounded
Members of the SCA tag day com-
mittee will be stationed at points on
the campus and also at downtown
posts, Holland said.

Zeppelin Near
Goal; Sig0hted
At Nantucket
Ship Expected To Reach
Lakehurst At 3 A.M.;
New Record Possible
Contact With Shore
AchievedBy Radio
Weather Conditions Fine
For Arrival Of Speedy
German Airship
LAKEHURST, N. J., May 9. -(Sat-
urday) - (IP) -The giant dirigible
Hindenburg, establishing direct radio
contact with the Naval air station
here early today indicated it might
reach its westward terminus by 7 a.m.
(EST) and thus set a record of less
than sixty hours for the crossing
from Friedrichshafen, Germany.
The previous record of 81 hours was
set by the dirigible Los Angeles in
1924. That once prized queen of the
Navy's air fleet was put out of the
hangar last night to make room for
the new dirigible. The Los Angeles
was decommissioned some years ago.
The first radio message received
direct here set the Hindenburg's po-
sition at 11 p.m. (EST) as latitude
40-41 north, longitude 68-49 west,
and said she was then making 56
Officers computed this as putting
the ship off Nantucket, 240 miles
from the station, and giving it a good
chance to land here by 3 a.m.
The landing crew - 90 trained blue
jackets from the station and 200 army
regulars from Camp Dix-was
ordered out for duty at that time.
A brisk east wind which came up
late in the afternoon, gave added
speed to the huge airship.
Although expressing regret that the
Hindenburg would not fly over New
York in daylight so that she might1
be better observed, he said it was
important to achieve fast time.
The passengers enjoyed themselves
participating in a broadcast to the
United States.
Lieutenant George F. Watson,
press-liaison officer, said this was
"perfect" for the landing operation
as the wind would be "down hang-I
ar," making easier the task of work-
ing the air ship into the hangar.
Commander Charles E. Rosendahl,
commandant of the station, ordered
the removal of the Los Angeles to
give the landing crew more space to
handle the Hindenburg, largest craft
of its type ever built.
Physician Slain
In Ethiopia On
Faculty In 1932
John M. Melley, head of the British
Red Cross unit in Ethiopia, who died
Wednesday after being shot in the
chest, was a member of the Medical
School faculty here in 1932, it was
revealed yesterday.
Melley, a fellow of the Royal Col-
lege of Surgery, first gained fame in
the Italo-Ethiopian war when, on
Jan. 16, he came from Dessye, 90
miles away, to give medical aid to a
wounded British officer. He was shot
in a recent Italian raid.
Expressions of regret came from
members of the faculty here who
knew him, among them Dr. Walter
Maddock and Dr. Frederick Coller,
both of the Medical school, and Prof.

Robert C. Angell of the sociology
department. Dr. Maddock said that
"Melley was one of the best examples
of the higher type of Englishmen
that I have ever known."
Melley, who despite the fact he
was widely recognized as a skilled
surgeon, did not have a M.D. degree,
was the last of a group of 10 men
to come here for a year from St.
Bartholomew Hospital in London. He
was a captain in the British Army
d~aring the World War and was
awarded the Military Cross.
After spending a year as instructor
of surgery here, Melley went to
London and was quickly transferred
to Ethiopia, where he headed the Brit-
I ish Red Cross unit until his death.

One Nude N yinmph
Is Shy A fer Visit
Of DailyReporter
The Daily's art critic was taking
his afternoon off, and a mere and
uncultured reporter was sent to write
about Prof. Avard Fairbanks' coming
sculpture exhibition.
Professor Fairbanks was showing
him all the figures of art in his un-
usual studio on the fourth floor of
University Hall. One of the pieces
was that of a coy-looking nude young
woman, her hands clasped and her
head half turned.
"What do you call this?" the un-
artistic reporter asked Professor
"Oh, that," the noted sculptor re-
plied, "is the 'Startled Nymph'."
"Why, she doesn't look startled,"
he was told. "She looks shy. Why
don't you call her 'Shy Nymph?'"
Professor Fairbanks looked up
quickly, and then gazed back at the
startled, or shy, nymph. "Not a
bad idea at all," he smiled, "We'll
do it."
And so the startled nymph,
created by Harry Bethke, is from now
on the "Shy Nymph." Just because
the art critic was taking the after-'
noon off.
Italy Prepares ,
To Face Leafgue
As Harar Falls
Iaooting, Rioting Precede
Seizure Of 'Carden City'
Of Selassie" x;m do
ROME, May 8. -(IP)- Italy's army
moved into Harar, press dispatches
reported today, to complete the Fas-
cist conquest of southern Ethiopia.
Under command of Gen. Rodolfo
Graziani, the Blackshirted troops7
occupied the "garden city" of Em-I
peror Haile Selassie's kingdom only
30 miles southeast of Diredawa, mid-1
control point of the Djibouti-Addis1
Ababa railroad.l
(From both Djibouti and LondonI
came reports of looting and fire in,
the second-most important city ofI
the Negus' domain.

Dr. Fredlerick Fisher fits
'Biological Nationalism'
And Russian Atheism
Talks Before 450
At MIPA Banquet
Professor Slosson Asks
Controversial Subjects
Be Discussed In Class
The three philosophies of commu-
nistic atheism, "biological national-
ism," and imperialism are making an
appeal to the youth of America which
can be countered only with a strong
bid by the true American philosophy
of idealism, Dr. Frederick Bohn
Fisher of the Central Methodist
Church, Detroit, last night told 450
delegates to the Michigan Interscho-
lastic Press Association assembled for
their annual banquet.
Flaying the three foreign govern-
mental philosophies for their regi-
mentation and "thinking from the top
down," the former Bishop of India
and pastor of the First Methodist
Church here told the students that
sooner or later, however, they would
be forced to make a study of them,
as they could not be ignored. "And
after that careful and impartial
study," he continued, "I am sure that
you will choose in the end the Amer-
ican view of democratic idealism."
Attacks Fascism
Dr. Fisher, who has spent five of
his six summers since returning from
India in Europe, said that the
youth of Europe is mobilized 100 per
He cited Russia, with "communistic
He cited Russia, the "communistic
atheism," as an example of educa-
tion from the top down, where every
bit of knowledge reaching the 28 mil-
lions under 30 years of age first passes
through the government.
Lashing out hardest at the Fascism
of Germany and Japan, which he
styled "biological nationalism," Dr.
Fisher said that he had found the

Violent riots, similar to the at- ris'e isaga Lnab nen IionaJLne
tacks in Addis Ababa, preceded the 19 millions under 30 years old in
Italian occupation of Harar, the dis- Germany almost unanimously in back
patches from Djibouti declared. of Hitler, as well as some of the
French troops posted at Diredawa most ielligeeduction there. nOne
stood ready to repulse bands of bri- man, whom I have long known and
gands from ' the' railway control admired, told me, 'If a dog should
point.) rise up and offer to return our self-
In Rome, diplomats looked ahead respect lost under the% Versailles
to the sessions tomorrow night of the Treaty and post-war consequences,
Fascist Grand Council and the Italian Germany would follow that dog.'
cabinet at which Ethiopia's annexa- "That biological nationalism, if car-
tion to King Victor Emmanuel's king- vied out in Japan and Germany, will
dom will be proclaimed. bring us to the greatest and most un-
A definite statement of exactly ending war in history. Let the ap-
what rights Italy will recognize for peal come to blood, not to the na-
Great Britain and France is expected tion, and we return to the days of
to accompany the annexation proc- Genghis Khan and the Tartars, to
lamation. Informed sources report- primitive atavism. There is already
ed these would be: a hegemony in Asia, led by Japan, to
1. Italy would guarantee Great fight the white man. If you want a
Britain may retain her water and war that will never end, let it be an
power interests in the Lake Tana re- atavistic war of race against race."
gion. America Indifferent
2. France would be assured her The third philosophy, the imperial,
interests in the Djibouti-Addis Ababa is best exemplified at the present
railway will be protected. moment by Italy, although a factor in
__the government of France and Great
Answ r Britain as well, Dr. Fisher asserted.
M ahan AnswersFrench and British opposition to the
Italian conquest could not be taken
seriously because they did not offer
K idnap huIra es to give up their own imperial posses-
sions. He flayed the League for
In Court Today passing off the Indian-British rupture
as a domestic problem, and pointed
out that the conquest of Ethiopia
TACOMA, Wash., May 8. - (I) -- would only increase the European
Justice Department agents tonight damination of Asia from 92 to 95 per
informed Federal court officials that cent.
William Mahan was ready to make Against these three menaces to
his plea of kidnaping and mail ex- democracy, Dr. Fisher continued,
tortion charges in connection with the America has been to date entirely
$200,000 abduction of George Weyer- indifferent, because our system of
haeuser. education has been self-defeating
Thy ents did not indicate how (Continued on Page 2)

HOLLYWOOD, May 8. - (3) -
Ginger Rogers and Lew Ayres have
separated but "no divorce is con-
templated at the present," said a
studio announcement tonight.

Fraternity Sandwich Men Tell
Story Of Cut-Throat Competition
By JOSEPH MATTES eused Spinelli of adopting "under-
Owners of Ann Arbor's three frater- the-table" methods of competition.
nity house sandwich services in ef- In justifying their individual ac-
forts to inform their customers tions, all three told the history of
through The Daily of the tiue status the fraternity sandwich business in
of their squabble, which two weeks Ann Airbor.
ago Monday brought the arrest of T o
one of them, B. Ray Riksen, last Tells of "Better Service"
night related the development of a Spinelli, who has been in business
peaceful business into a "dog-eat- four years, and Stanley, in business
dog" competition. since last fall, said tthat mutual
Arthur L. Stanley, '38M, and Sam agreements among the sandwich men
Spinelli, 422 West William Street, had given each a chance to make a

the scar-faced former convict would
United States Attorney J. Charles
Dennis said immediately afterward
the assei'ted "master mind" of the
notorious case would be brought into
court at 10 a.m. tomorrow
He will appear before Judge Edward
E. Cushman, the jurist who sen-
tenced Mahan's pals, Mr. and Mrs.
Harmon M. Waley, to 45 and 20
years, respectively, in Federal prisons.
Should Mahan plead innocent, Den-
nis said, the Waleys might be brought
back here from their prisons to tes-
tify against him.
The prosecutor added, however, he
expected 9-year-old George Weyer-
haeuser to be the pivotal witness of

Heavy Snows
Trap Busses,
(By the Associated Press)
A heavy spring snow broke the
drought in wide areas of the Western
plains yesterday as much of the na-
tion enjoyed "shirt-sleeve" tempera-
Unusual for May time was the scene
reported from Trinidad, Colo., in the
State's southern coal mining region,
nearly a foot of snow fell there cut-


Spike Farm Labor
LANSING, May 8.- W)-The State
Emergency Relief Commission spiked
today reports that it is causing a

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