THE M I C HI GA N D A ILY FRIDAY, MAY 8, 1936 Publisned every morning except Motday during tho University year and Sumimer Session by the Board. In Control of Student Publications. MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise- credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matter herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by mal, '$4.50. Representatives: National Advertising Service, Inc., 420 Madison Ave., New York City; 400 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago; Ill. cards were so stacked that it could well have been disastrous for European peace if a reactionary element had gained control of the government. Let Hearst and other Fascist Americans fear for the large number of Communists now in the Chamber of Deputies, but they with the Socialists and Radical Socialists will hold France to the course that will keep Herr Hitler's hands tied. As long as the Franrco-Soviet pact remains intact, Hitler will be afraid of war without the assistance of several other powerful nations; and it was en- tirely likely that the pact would have been re- pudiated if the reactionaries had gotten in. The question of France's permanent influence for peace rests largely, of course, on the success of the Popular Front to unite. We believe they will be successful. The coup d'etat of Hitler's Nazis in Germany in the face of strong liberal fronts is too fresh in the minds of the leaders of the Popular Front. They are not going to sit placidly back and let the Croix de Feu and other similar groups organize strong-arm groups to overthrow the cabinet. They will probably abolish most of the Fascist groups and adopt a few strong- arm methods themselves -and they are justified in going so, because it was the failure of the liberals to strong-arm the Nazis that let Hitler into power. The speculation of the moment all resolves around the Communists. Will they, under direct control of the Third Internationale, cooperate? Perhaps they will, force a compromise with some radical measures, but their directing heads, Rus- sia's diplomats, often considered the most astute in the world, will see that they don't become too balky and let the reactionaries in. The Conning Tower NOAh WEBSTER (Reprinted because of "Noah Webster," by Henry A. Werbel) 'S THE indefinite article; Zythum's a kind of malt; An atom's a pretty small particle; And sodium chloride is salt; And I, a bard of great modernity, Could keep this up till half-past eternity, And I don't mind telling in a racketty rhythm That I know a lot of words from A to Zythum. But words and their meaning -I wouldnt know 'em, Without the help of the subject of this poem. In seventeen hundred and fifty-eight, Webster was born in the Nutmeg state. And believe or not in omens and signs That's the selfsame state wherein I write these lines And I am a glutton for atmosphere. But maybe my way's deleterious; My wife says I take my art too serious. Shakespeare, she says, wrote "The Merchant of Venice" Up in Stratford while playing tennis, And Thornton Wilder wrote about San Loo Without ever having been near Peru; Benet wrote about John Brown of Kansas In the atmospheric Paris which is France's. But though my work smells of lamps and benches, It's anyhow careful and conscientious, And a hundred million people would probably laugh" To see a false rhyme on my epitaph. So Noah Webster, far from frail, At the age of sixteen entered Yale. Listen, my children and you shall hear Of Noah Webster's freshman year: It was late in the spring of '75, When General Washington, then alive, Through the town of New Haven had to pass On his way to the town of Cambridge, Mass. But Washington hurried his officers' limbs on, And that's why the Blue detests the Crimson. A Washington BYST ANDER By KIRKE SIMPSON WASHINGTON, May 7. The Lan- don write-in vote in the Massa- chusetts and Pennsylvania primaries sharply emphasizes this: The rank and file of Republican voters in theI east seems areed that their presiden- tial nominee must hail from the west. It is true that apparently not moreI than one out of any 10 Massachu- setts Republican primary voters ex- pressed a presidential preference. Yet when 75,000 or more did take the trouble to write in Landon's name to give him a 10-to-1 margin over any other write-in beneficiary, Landon stock certainly went up. With California and Ohio next to be heard from in the preferential primary schedule, there soon will be some opportunity to compare notes on the growth of the Landon boom east and west.. Western Republicans certainly agree with their eastern brethren that a westerner must car- ry the party banner; but they may not be so keen about a western pick- ing. Where the Borah challenge to eastern Republican leadership is par- ticularly appealing in the west, that eastern Landon vote could prove a liability. * * * * A 'POPULAR' PRODUCT UNQUESTIONABLY a lot of able Landon spade work must have been done in the old bay state. Yet1 there was no particular evidence in the pre-primary news from Massa-, chusetts of an extraordinary educa- tional drive in his behalf. The surface indications were much more such as to rate the Landon write-in sweep as a "popular" pro- duct. At one time Landon was re- puted to rest his potential candi- dacy upon the development of just that sort of "demand" for his nom- ination. EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT BOARD OF EDITORS DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Pubilcation In the Bulletin is construettve nC tlce to all members of the :WYrsty. opy received at the ottice of the Assi-tant to the.Presidont vm9M3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday. Telephone 4925 MANAGING EDITOR ..............THOMAS H. KLEENE ASSOCIATE EDITOR...............THOMAS E. GROEHN Dorothy S. Gies Josephine T. McLean William R. Reed DEPARTMENTAL BOARDS Publication Department: Thomas H. Kleene, Chairman; Clinton B. Conger, Robert Cummins, Richard 0. Her- shey, Ralph W. Hurd, Fred Warner Neal. Reportorial Department: Thomas E. Groehn, Chairman: Elsie A Pierce, Joseph S. Mattes. Editorial Department: Arnold S. Daniels, Marshall D. Shulman. Rports Department: Wiliam R. Reed, Chairman: George Andros, Fred Buesser, Fred DeLano, Ray Goodman. Wnmen's Departmeru: Josephine T. McLean, Chairman; Josephine M. Cavanagn, Florence H. Davies, Marion T. Holden, Charlotte D. Rueger, Jewel W. Wuerfel. BUSINESS DEPARTMENT Telephone 2-1214 $USIN'ESS MANAGER.........GEORGE H. ATHERTON ,,CREDIT MANAGER............JOSEPH A. ROTHBARD WOMEN'S BUSINESS MANAGER ....MARGARET COWIE WOMEN'S SERVICE MANAGER ... ELIZABETH SIMONDS DEPARTMENTAL MANAGERS Local Advertising, William Barndt; Service Department, Willis Tomlirnson; Contracts, Stanley Joffe; Accounts, Edward Wohlgemuth; Circulation and National Adver- tsing, John Park; Classified Advertising and Publica- tions, Lyman Bittman. NIGHT EDITOR: RICHARD G. HERSHEY To The MIPA s . . T O THE YOUNG journalists visiting the campus this week-end, we ex- tend the welcome of Michigan students. We re- spect your desire to improve the standards of high school journalism through joint discussions of your problems with recognized leaders in various phases of newspaper work. We of The Daily greet you as fellow workers in a field that cries for more youthful idealism in professional practices. We feel that to supply the world with information of its own activities is to be a kind of day-to-day historian, and because we feel it is an important service, we are prepared to dedicate our lives to it. Newspaper work should demand keen minds, alert and discriminating, and there should be no room for the irresponsible, hard- drinking hat-tipped-back kind of hack writer fa- miliar to metropolitan news rooms. We believe that when journalism is recognized as a profession, salaries of trained correspondents will no longer be less than half of what compositors receive, and the reporter will not have to look for- ward Ito pitifully small wages with a minimum of security. We believe that when newspaper writers get enough to live upon decently, then newspaper ork will become increasingly the work of self- respecting writers. To the newspaperman who covers up unethical practices with the protest that he is "writing what the public wants," we reply with firm, conviction that what the public wants is dependability, integ- rity, decency; while there are those who will pay for sensational pictures, and sex stories, to write to gratify such tastes is to. put oneself in the po- sition of a panderer. The New York Times or the St. Louis Post-Dispatch is worth a whole chain of Hearst newspapers, and the ideal of this par- ticular writer is to work on such a newspaper, where there need be no compromise between ideal- ism and expediency. .. .. .... I!T E FORUM -- Letters published in this column should not be construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The Daily. Anonymous contributions will be disregarded. The names of communieants will, however, be regarded as confidentilal upon request. Contributors are asked to be brief, the editors reserving the right to condense all letters of over 300 words and to accept or reject letters upon the criteria of general editorial importance and interest to the campus. Service Dept. To the Editor: My dear J. W., so spring has come and found you unprepared! And you have been here for five long years. Where have you been? Surely you know the tale of the little bee who tenderly carries bits of pollen from flower to flower, don't you? However, if you wish to delve into the deeper mysteries of sex, might we have the honor of recommending some authoritative sources which we have found pregnant with information. We refer to "Sane Sex Life" by Long, and Dr. McDoug- al's well known guide, which may be bought from your corner drug store for the sum of twenty-five cents. You request information relative to "human anatomy, venereal disease, petting, and repro- duction." Might we recommend the Avenue Bur- lesque for your study of anatomy, Hamtramck for your study of venereal disease, and Mosher-Jordan for any information desired about petting. As for reproduction - Well !- This is indeed refreshing, and a pleasant op- portunity to extend to you the benefits of our experience. The pleasure of being of service to you in the future is indeed our fondest anticipa- tion.. -Frederick Shroyer, '39. -George H. Barbour, '39. AsOthers See It The VFW (From "The New Statesman and Nation," London) ANEW and delightful example of American humor is the formation of an Intercollegiate Association of the Veterans of Future Wars which is claiming from Congress pre-payment of the bonus they will have merited after the wars now brewing for them have been fought. They demand an immediate cash payment of $1,000 each as "adjusted compensation" for their part in the next war, maintaining that they have already seen quite as much of it as many of the bonus-benefitting veterans saw of the last one. The movement started last month in Princeton University, was promptly taken up by the University of Virginia, and is spreading. An auxiliary of Potential Gold Star Mothers is forming at the woman's college at Vassar. It is natural that the American Legion and the Veterans of Foreign Wars should find this example of college-boy irony as uncomfortable as breadcrumbs in bed. More surprising, many people with handles to their names do not even see that their legs are being pulled. Major Gen- eral Fries, U.S.A. retired, decries the new Asso- ciation as "a damned fool idea" in the best Blimp- ian style; Congressman Hamlin of Maine says he knows nothing about it, and "the government is paying enough pensions already." One lone Dem- ocratic Congressman from Texas supports the movement. "I think their scheme is swell!" he is reported as saying. "If we paid for our wars in advance we wouldn't have any wars." One newspaper, also, hails their activities as patriotic, and points out that almost every argument ad- vanced by the World War Veterans to carry their bonus bill over the President's veto earlier in the year can be adopted with equal force by these "pre- veterans." The movement is as yet in its infancy. Important points such as becoming caps, a suitable magazine, appropriate medals and the procedure to be followed at National Conventions have still to be settled. But with the example of the older organizations before them, the Veterans of Future Wars should be able to arrange these matters quickly and get down to the chief problem con- fronting them, the formation and upkeep of their lobby in Washington. We are prepared personally But on the record let it be engraven! Washington did stop in New Haven, And the students drilled for the C. in C., And they gave him the Brek-kek-kek times th But Noah Webster, '37, Leading the Elis' musical line, Sang "Boola" throughout New Haven town, And "here's to George Washington, drank him down'!" "I'd rather stay here," said George, in tears, Than fight the war for four more years." hree. BOOKS +: So Noah Webster emerged from Yale, and opened a school in Sharon, Conn., in 1782. - It was a school that specialized in the English language. Then he kept a classical school. And he wrote: "I there compiled two small elemen- tary books for teaching the English language. The country was then impoverished, inter- course with Great Britain was interrupted, schoolbooks were scarce and hardly attainable, and there was no certain prospect of peace." One of the books was: "A Grammatical Institute of the English Language, Comprising an Easy, Concise, and Systematic Method of Education. Designed for the Use of Schools in America." It was Webster's unabridged title, if you ask me. Of course, that was-before the electric light age, Or there probably would have been a sign on Broadway advertising the book. Then came "The American Spelling Book"- A good speller, a best seller, And in 1789 he wooed and married Rebecca Green- leaf of Boston. It so happened that Webster was talking one night at their home in Hartford, And he said to his wife, "I'm a man of few words," "You're a man of a few thousand," she said. "I'll bet that you. were christened Noah kase yo' Pappy though yo' sho' would ride on a flood o' words." "Beck," said Noah Webster, "it appears to me like as if how you had hit on something big." So Noah went to his desk and wrote: An American Dictionary of the English Language By NOAH WEBSTER Then he thought, and thought, and thought. You know how it is yourself (Though I'd give 10 to 3 that you don't); And then he looked out of the window, And went upstairs and shaved for an hour, And then went out to buy a Hartford Courant (Established 1764), And stalled for another hour. You may not know how that is, but I do. And then he wrote: "To my wife, Rebecca Greenleaf Webster, but for whose kindly suggestion I never should, No, would Have thought of writing this collossal, No, humble little book'" Then he tore that up. He was afraid that she might see it. As though wives ever read the dedications of their husband's books! (Hey, Mom?) Then his pen began to fly. You who know about the Dictionary may want to know how he began. You remember the Aard-vark? Well, it seems that there was a Swede in Hartford, and he used to refer to the place as Aardvark, Connecticut. Maybe he was Middle High German. The rest is history, Webster went abroad and studied etymology, and Names of Men and Women, and Abbreviations, THE ETERNAL ALICE How few people realize that the most famous document born on the fourth of July is not the Declaration of Independence at all, but a much choicer bit of writing and a deal easier to take in doses large or small - that marvelous compendium of de- licious absurdities, Alice in Wonder land. On July 4, 1862, Charles Lutwidge Dodgson, Oxford don better known to posterity as Lewis Carroll, wrote this memorable entry in his diary: "Made an expedition up the river to Godstow with the 3 Liddells; we had tea on the bank there and did not reach Christ Church till half past eight. On which occasion I told them the fairytale of 'Alice's Adventures Underground," which I undertook toI write out for Alice." And thus was conceived the classic which deserves to rank with Shakespeare and the Bible on the shelf of every literate person. A great many writers have been ridiculous without half trying; a few have been sublime with considerable effort; but only Lewis Carroll is both ridiculous and sublime by the merest twitch of one erudite eyebrow. The piquant flavor of Alice never dulls on the palate. It is perhaps the only book in the language to furnish more abdominal laughs on the seventieth reading than on the first. The wild- est absurdities, the most preposterous characters and lowest of puns mingle with the subtlest nuances of humor and the most touching whimsies. One should not, however, depre- cate for one moment the profundity of Alice, whose philosophy is, in truth, as deep and delightful as the Dor- mouse's treacle well. While a cele- brated and worthy contemporary of Lewis Carroll bemoaned "Tears, Idle Tears," the amanuensis father of Alice settles the problem much more simply and practically: "'Consider anything, only don't cry!' the White Queen says. Alice asked, 'Can you keep from crying by considering things?' 'That's the way it's done,' the Queen said, 'nobody can do two things at once, you know.' " Another morsel of wisdom from the White Queen's mouth: "The rule is, jam tomorrow and jam yesterday but never jam today." What a text for the 99 per cent of civilization who live on anticipation and regret, for whom the jam of life is always just ahead or just behind. It is this amazing versatility of wit and genius that lends permanence and stability to the Wonderland epic, and makes it quite as charming for sixty years old as for six. Through the vistas of eternity the White Rabbit will bustle, looking for his lost glovesj and fan, and up in some rosy and immortal heaven that timeless tea party of the Mad Hatter will go on. "'One can't help growing older," Alice said. "One can't, perhaps," said Humpty Dumpty, "but two can. With proper assistance you might have left off at seven." And so indeed, Alice did leave off at seven, with the help of Mr. Carroll, and seven she will remain forever and ever. FRIDAY, MAY 8, 1936 VOL XLVI No. 153 Notices To the Members of the University Counil: The next meeting of the University Council will be held on Monday, May 11, at 4:15 pnm., in Room 1009 Angell Hail. Households having rooms for light housekeeping, furnished and unfur- nished apartments suitable for gradu- ate women students for the Summer Session are requested to call the Of- fice of the Dean of Women as soon as possible. Summer Session: Any woman stu- dent desiring residence in the Uni- versity dormitories for the Summer Session should make application as soon as possible at the office of the Dean of Women in Barbour Gymna- sium. Jeannette Perry. Graduates of the Class of '36: The University of Michigan sends several bulletins each year which are of un- usual interest to all the Alumni. In order that you may receive these bulletins, please be sure and send your future address changes as they occur to Alumni Catalog Office, Mem- orial Hall, University of Michigan. Lunette Hadley, Director. Seniors, College of Engineering: Any engineering senior who has not paid his class dues by Saturday, May 16, will automatically be left out of the group picture which is to be placed in the hall of the West Engi- neering Building. Part of the dues collected will be used to finance this picture. The dues are payable to Laurence Halleck, Thomas Jefferis, George Frid, Charles Donker, Perci- val Wilson, Robert Merrill, Robert Warner, or Howard Jackson. Vocational Discussions Today on Radio and Advertising: All women on campus interested are invited to par- ticipate in the vocational discussion groups for women at the Michigan League. Radio will be discussed at the 4 p.m. meeting this afternoon and Advertising will be discussed at the 7:30 p.m. meeting. Following the presentations of the discussion leaders the remainder of the meeting will be given over to answering ques- tions. The discussion leaders will be guests at dinner in the Russian Tea Room at the Michigan League at 6 p.m. and those girls who are interest- ed in meeting them and in joining them at dinner are welcome to do so. There will be no vocational discus- sion group Saturday. If there are enough girls interested in Govern- nent Service a discussion group in that field will be offered later. Please leave your name at the Bureau of Appointments and Occupational In- formation if you are interested in in- formation in that field. Bureau of Appointments and Occupational Information. University Bureau of Appointments and Occupational Information: Mr. Typer, Secretary of the George Wil- liams College, Chicago, will be in Ann Arbor Saturday morning, May 9, to interview Seniors who are in- terested in preparing for leadership in agencies such as the Y.M.C.A., Y.W.C.A., Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, or work in health and physical educa- tion, character education, community recreation, behavior guidance, adult education, creative arts and adminis- tration. Any one interested will please call at 201 Mason Hall for an appoint- ment. Seniors: The L. G. Balfour Com- pany, 1107 South University Avenue will continue to take orders for Com- inencement invitations through Fri- day, May 8. There will be no further opportunity to purchase these Senior programs and invitations. Seniors: College of Literature, Sci- ence and Arts: Dues must be paid in order to get your name included in the list of graduates in the leather- bound invitations. Dues will be col- lected today from 10 to 3 p.m. in Angell Hall lobby. English Journal Club: The nomi- nees for officers of the English Jour- nal Club have been named and the list has been posted on the third floor (A.H.) bulletin board. Anyone wish-, ing to make other nominations should notify Secretary Davis before the next meeting. Choral Union Members: Member- ship tickets for rehearsals and con- certs will be issued to Choral Union members in good standing at Room 107, main floor, School of Music Bldg., Monday, May 11, from 10 to 12, and 1 to 2 o'clock only. These tickets are positively not transferrable, and must be presented by the members for admission to all rehearsals of the Philadelphia Orchestra and to con- certs. Please read instructions on both sides of tickets. Women Students wishing to usher nounced for Friday evening, May 8, has been indefinitely postponed. "Alice In Wonderland" matinees today and Saturday at 3:30 at the Mendelssohn Theatre. Evenings at 8:30 p.m,. Academic Notices Candidates for the Master's Degree in History: The language examina- tion for candidates for the Master's Degree in History will be given at 4 p.m., Friday, May 22, in Room B Haven. Students who wish to take this examination should register be- fore May 15 in the History Depart- ment Office, 119 lRaven Hall, indicat- ing: in which language they wish to be examined. Exhibition Exhibition, College of Architecture: A collection of sketches, cartoons, fphotographs and full sized details for murals carried out under the WPA Federal Art Project in New York City is now being shown in the third floor exhibition room in the Architectural Building. Open daily 9 to 5 p.m., ex- cept on Sunday, through May 23, The public is cordially invited, Events Of Today Delta Epsilon Pi meeting at the Michigan Union at 8 p.m. sharp. All members are urged to be present. The guest speaker, Dr. S. Nittis, will speak on, "The Justinian New Deal vs. The Present New Deal." The pub- lic is cordially invited. Stanley Chorus: Important short meeting at 5 p.m. Usual room-in Union. All voices must be present. Disciples Guild: There will be an- other Recreation evening in the base- rnent of the Church of Christ, Hill and Tappan Sts., this evening from 8 to 11 p.m. Several new games have been secured since last Friday eve- ning, Come and bring your friends. Coming Events American Association of University Women: The annual luncheon will be held at the Michigan Union, at 1 p.m. Saturday, May 9. The luncheon and meeting is to be followed by bridge and sewing. Please phone the Union for reservations. Iota Sigma Pi: The Michigan chap- ter of Iota Sigma Pi, National Hon- orary Sorority for Women in Chem- istry and allied Medical Sciences, will hold its annual initiation on Satur- day, May 9, at 3:00 p.m. An inform- al tea will follow. The initiation will be held at the home of Mrs. Mary E. Rogers, 1020 West Huron Street since it is impossible to meet at the home of Mrs. Alfred H. White. R.O.T.C. Air-Ground Communica- tion Demonstration: At 2 p.m. Sat- urday afternoon there will be a dem- onstration of Air to Ground com- munication about 100 yards south of the Cut-off between Packard and Washtenaw. Pickup and drop mes- sages, Panel work, and Radio. The 107th Observation Squadron will co- operate with the R.O.T.C. Open to the public. Graduate Outing Club cordially in- vites all graduate students to attend the annual Spring Overnight Party at the University Fresh Air Camp on Patterson Lake Saturday, May 9. There will be games, boating, swim- ming, (for those who dare) and ep- tertainment in the evening. Meet at Lane Hall at 3 p.m. Saturday after- noon. Transportation will be pro- vided. Blankets and bedding are furnished. Bring flashlights. The total cost, including transportation, supper and Sunday breakfast will be approximately 85 cents. Please make reservations at Lane Hall or with any club officer by Friday night if pos- sible. Lutheran Student Club: Sunday, May 10, is being left open by the Lutheran Student Club because of a large number of members attending the deputation meeting in Detroit. Those wishing to go with the deputa- tion group are asked to get in touch with Rev. Yoder at 23680 or Gear- hard Naeseth at 3754. The new officers elected at the pre- vious meeting are Paul Hinzler, prei- dent; Margeurite Groomes, vice-pres- ident; Katherine Elke, secretary and Milton Bendor, treasurer. Mr. Rolf Haatvedt will speak at the meeting on May 17. St. Paul's Lutheran Student Club have planned a bicycle ride Sunday evening, May 10. Please meet at the church at 5 p.m. The Hillel Independents will hold an open meeting at the Foundation Saturday, May 9, 8:30 p.m. With the interesting program which has been planned and the refreshments which will be served (no charge), the gath- ering will be very enjoyable. I Stop Thief!.. . THE EUROPEAN POWERS are now faced with the question of whether, now that Italy has successfully completed her con- quest of Ethiopia, League sanctions against the aggressor nation should be lifted. A consideration of the pusillanimous course of action adopted by the League in its attempt to halt the Italian seizure of Ethiopia makes it fairly certain that sanctions will be lifted. An effort was made to prevent the crime, but the criminal succeeded in spite of what was done. The story will probably end here. But to those who find it a serious personal con- cern that effective international machinery for the prevention of war be maintained, it is extremely illogical that sanctions be lifted -extremely fool- ish that the criminal, having seized his booty, should go off unscathed. There are reasons why Italy will escape further sanctions, however. It is inconceivable that she will give up the conquered territory. And, more- over, the French and British governments are only too glad that a problem that has embarrassed them before their constitutents may fade into the background, and that Italy may now be considered a likely candidate for membership in the anti- German front. Truly, all that is left at Geneva are some mighty pretty buildings. Tourists say they are among the most beautiful in the world. I