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February 25, 1936 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1936-02-25

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As Others See It

Publisned every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session by the Board in
CVontrol of Student Publications.
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of
republication of all other matter herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as
second class mail matter.
Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, $4.00;
by mail, $4.50.
Representatives: National Advertising Service, Inc., 420
Madison Ave., New York City; 400 N. Michigan Ave.,
Chicago, Ill.


Telephone 49251

Dorothy S. Gies Josephine T. McLean William R. Reed
Publication Department: Thomas H. Kleene, Chairman;
Clinton B. Conger, Richard G. Hershey, Ralph W.
Hurd, Fred Warner Neal, Bernard Weissman.
Reportorial Department: Thomas E. Groehn; Chairman;
XlsJie A. Pierce, Guy M. Whipple, Jr.
Editorial Department: John J. Flaherty, Chairman; Robert
A. Cummins, Marshall D. Shulman.
Sports Department: William R. Reed, Chairman; George
Andros, Fred Buesser, Fred DeLano, Raymond Good-
Women's Departmen: Josephine T. McLean, Chairman;
Dorothy Briscoe. Josephine M. Cavanagh, Florence H.
Davies, Marioz T. Holden, Charlotte D. Rueger, Jewel W.
Local Advertising, William Barndt; Service Department,
Willis Tomlinson; Contracts, Stanley Joffe; Accounts,
Edward Wohlgemuth; Circulation and National Adver-
tising, John Park; Classified Advertising and Publica-
tions, Lyman Bittman.
The Bar.

Let Mr. Dodge Explain
(From the New York Herald Tribune)
ducting a mysterious investigation into the
policy and conduct of "The Daily Worker." This
newspaper, as everyone knows, subscribes to com-
munistic doctrines. Short of advocating and con-
spiring to effect the violent overthrow of the gov-
ernment, however, it has a perfect right to do so.
Communism as a concept of social organization
seems to many of us even more illogical and ridic-
ulous than the Townsend Plan, but, in the absence
of incitement to riot and bloodshed, its preachers
are entitled, as in the case of good, gray and
now prosperous doctor, to a fair field for their
If District Attorhey Dodge is anxious to deter-
mine merely that "The Daily Worker" does not
overstep this line there can be no quarrel with
his inquiry. But apparently he has taken no one
into his confidence, and in the meantime he seems
to be proceeding under the state's criminal an-
archy statute, which, until he got busy, had not
been invoked since the malodorous Lusk Investi-
gation. This law is so loosely drawn that a prose-
cutor can easily make of it a weapon of perse-
cution. What is the occasion of his sudden inter-
est in "The Daily Worker"? What is his objec-
tive? It is to defend the freedom of the press
against abuse, or is it to use his office to smother
If the latter he deserves neither sympathy nor
support. The Herald Tribune deplores commu-
nism, but it deplores even more deeply any attempt
to infringe on the liberties which it enjoys m
common with all American newspapers, radical
or conservative. Communism, to be sure, is no
friend of the freedom of the press. Its record of
suppression and restraint forms one of the most
damning counts against it, and one can find en-
tertainment in the excited protests of communists
against tactics which are a commonplace under
communistic regimes. But all the more reason
why a democratic rule should be true to his own
faith and illustrate thus dramatically this funda-
mental contrast between the two systems of gov-
ernment. Mr. Dodge, unless he can immediately
and fully justify his inquisition, would be well
advised to drop it. The principle of the freedom
of the press permits no discrimination.
Our Leisure Time
(From the U. of D. Varsity News)
)ROPER use of leisure time, an accomplishment
usually attributed to the truly cultured, has
recently received critical analysis by the New
York Times, writing in relation to the college
student and leisure time, in an article entitled
"Undergraduates" A Case Study." Based on sta-
tistical material of 700 colleges, the treatise re-
vealed what the average college student does with
his leisure time.
The college student is purported to spend al-
most as many hours in aimless pursuits as he does
in attending classes and studying.
According to the survey, out of 29 forms of leis-
ure time amusement, those most popular are,
"sheer idleness, random conversations, listening
to the radio, 'bull sessions,' drinking, and cruising
around the campus in a car."
College social life, the writer states, is built
upon "small talk." It is smart to be bright and
inconsequential. Conversation crackles like pop-
corn -and has as much substance.
Further, not much time is allotted to extra-
curricular activities. And cultural diversions, such
as listening to concerts or lectures - they're
shoved to once-a-month routine.
Students of the University of Detroit are unique
in that, on the average, they probably waste less
time than the majority of students attending
other colleges. Part-time jobs and positions are
responsible for this exceptional situation, since
they occupy a good part of the time usually de-
voted to leisure among the majority of college stu-
Since some relaxation and recreation are neces-
sary for the well-being of any individual and stu-
dents of this University are acting in accordance
with the fact, it may be well to take self-inventory
to determine if that precious leisure time is being
rightfully employed.

The Conning Tower
Saturday, February 15
O THE OFFICE, where all morning, and in the
afternoon to beat Norman Anthony a game
of pool, owing to his ineptitude towards the end
of the game, and so home to supper, and to
bed before ten o'clock.
Sunday, February 16
LAY LATE, and at some work in the morning,
and in the afternoon to M. Pemberton's, to
see his daughter, now a wedded woman that
not so long ago was known as Ickle Floppit;
and had a talk there with Geo. Seldes, who tells
me he hath given the manuscript of "Sawdust
Caesar" to the Publick Library; and talked also
to the admirable Kyle Crichton, my second most
severe critic. So to C. Burrows, and met there
a Miss Traub, and we discussed the Post, and
I told her what I thought was the matter, or
the matters with it. For in the main its faults
are not those of youth, but of immaturity. So
to dinner, and home to bed.
Monday, February 17
crO THE OFFICE, and found there a section
from the beam of S. Olav's Hart Street
Church, which Jack Bell sent me, and the beam
was supposedly over Pepy's pew, he having at-
tended that church many years. And on August
19, 1660, he wrote: "This morning Sir W. Batten,
Pen, and myself, went to the church to the
churchwardens, to demand a pew, which at pres-
ent could not be given us, but we are resolved
to have one built." And on Sunday, November
18, 1660, he wrote: "In the morning to our own
church, where Mr. Powel (a crook legged man.
that went formerly with me to Paul's School),
preached a good sermon. In the afternoon to
our own church and my wife with me (the first
time that she and my Lady Batten came to sit
in our new pew) and after sermon my Lady
took us home and there we supped with her
and Sir W. Batten, and Pen, and were made
much of. The first time that ever my wife was
there. So home and to bed." Lord! I am no
great antiquarian, but this piece of wood thrilled
me moderately. Made of oak it is, and originally
painted blue, and there is a star-print at the
top where a lead star had been affixed and gilded,
to represent the stellar vault of heaven. So
home, and in the evening with Phyllis McGinley
to see "End of Summer," beautifully played by
all save that I could not always hear what Miss
Ina Claire was saying. But I found it too slight
a play for its content, and it seemed to me a
long time in passing a given point, which seemed
to me to be the poisoning burden of wealth and
the ratiocination of psychoanalyism; or the
second-guessing of a psychoanalyst. So took
Phyllis home, and so home, and on the way
met J. Chamberlain the critick who tells me next
week will be his last with the Times.
Tuesday, February 18
THIS MORNING to the office, of another cold
morning, it being one month ago this day
when the sleet fell on Weston, and a month1
ago the morrow morn when the snow fell sot
mightily, and with a few replenishments, it stillc
is here. So fell to thinking about the three who5
may be contenders for the Republican nomina-
These are the boys who arouse me to sing: t
Vandenberg, Landon, and Knox.f
These are the lads with their hats in the ring:
Vandenberg, Landon, and Knox.-
Each of them seeking the why and whereforei
He should be one that the party will care for.s
Well, I'm a boy will not tear his hair forr
Vandenberg, Landon, and Knox.t

Off The Record
'AGOLD bracelet set with crved
A carnelians caught the eye of Mrs.
John Garner, wife of the vice-presi-
dent in a Tokyo shop this summer.
She wanted it, and told the merchant
she would be back with her decision
in the afternoon. But when she re-
turned, she found it had been sold.
The other evening she sat down
to dinner at a Washington affair next
to Doris Gibson, daughter of the
senator from Vermont, who also had
been to Japan this summer. She
was wearing the bracelet.
Representative William L. Nel-
son of Missouri wound up to a
climax as he outlined the farm
problem to the House. He de-
picted the future of worn out
farms, and drew a scene in which
a farmer was turning over his
land to his son.
The son, said Nelson, replied,
"Thanks for the farm, Pop, but
where'd you put the soil?"
NDIAN legislation was being ex-
plained by Representative Jack
Nichols of Oklahoma. He said he
saw a smug grin on the representa-
tives from the industrial states which
have no Indians.
But Representative Vito Marcan-
tonio of New York corrected him:
"The gentleman is mistaken. On
Manhattan island we have a very
old, historic tribe of Tammany In-
dians. And as a matter of fact they
need more help now than ever be-
fore, especially as their big chief with
the brown derby has decided to take
a walk."
Ginger Rogers, the movie star,
left Washington with a unique
souvenir: the original copy of the
President's birthday address, au-
tographed. She was one of the
small group of guests in the Pres-
ident's study as he broadcast the
A Universal picture starring Ma-E
garet Sullavan and James Stewart, fea-
turing Ray Millard.
"Next Time We Love" is a picture
with great potentialities, few of whicht
have been realized. Taken from an
Ursula Parrott novel, it is the storyt
of a college girl who elopes with a1
young globe-trotting foreign corre-
spondent whose career means every-1
thing to both of them. She, unwill-
ing to hamper him, becomes an ac-1
tress, and their paths lead in dif-
ferent directions. But they continue
to love each other and their child,
which was born to her while he was'
in Rome and she in near-poverty
in New York. They are repeatedly
separated from each other for pe-t
riods of a year at a time, and each
time they seem to become strangers
to each other and have to begin1

'T HE APPOINTMENT and approval
of grievance committees in each
of the state congressional districts to hear and
investigate all charges of malpractice by members
of the State Bar may lead to the reform the
bar has needed for some time and to a reform
on a nationwide scale.
According to the act of the 1935 legislature,
the committees are empowered to hold closed
hearings, summon witnesses and to make recom-
mendations for disbarrment to the circuit courts.
Three circuit judges will pass upon the findings of
the committees in each case, and results of the
investigations will not be announced until the
judges hold hearings in open court. Thus there
will be no opportunity to "bring pressure" upon
the committees, and the act of the Legislature es-
tablishing the committees has real "teeth."
For years, experts have believed the high crime
rate in the United States has not been lessened
because of the presence of numerous unscrupulous
and wily members of the Bar, including judges
and lawyers. One reason why crime flourished
in Chicago was because of the conditions prevail-
ing in the courts and because of the smart and
unethical "mouthpieces" representing the alleged
criminals and notoriously bad characters. Crime
was literally protected by the very agencies erect-
ed for its abatement.
Time and again the State and the nation has
been put to the expense of litigation which in some
instances could have been eliminated and in others
considerably shortened. An unethical lawyer can
very often purposely allow an "error" to go into
the record of a case and upon appeal gain a re-
versal and a new trial.
Instances where this has happened are in no
small number and are often found in cases where
all evidence points clearly to the guilt of the de-
fendant. Yet a new trial , was necessitated be-
cause of the carefully placed "error" in the record.
Such occurrences as this are not the fault of
the courts but the fault of the persons in the
The grievance committee set up by the State
Bar was a step in the right direction. If they
do their job thoroughly, the can raise the stand-
ards and enforce discipline and ethics in the law
profession. Such reform will doubtlessly de-
crease crime in the state and nation as a whole.
These committees will do much to eliminate that
small number of trials in which, not the defen-
dant in the case, but the counsels for either the,
plaintiff or the defendants should be on trial. ,
Si( n ansit
Gloria usf[-
or not psychologists have ever ex-a
plained the underlying causes of collecting. There+
are bibliomaniacs, match book mad men, phila-
telists, blotter grabbers, and so on through the
whole list of material possessions.1
There may be a logical basis for much of this+
hoarding, and such pursuits as book collecting can
usually be defended very successfully. However,
it is very difficult to understand the mental trait
that motivated the recent spirited bidding at a
Paris auction which offered for sale the guillo-
tine blade alleged to have been instrumental in+
bringing to an abrupt conclusion whatever nh'al-

TUESDAY, FEB. 25, 1936
VOL. XLVI No. 98
Change of Rooms 16 and 209 Angell
Hall: Beginning with classes meeting
Wednesday morning, Feb. 26, the
classes in Rooms 209 Angell Hall and
16 Angell Hall will exchange rooms.
All classes scheduled for Room 16 will
report to Room 209; and all classes
scheduled for Room 209 will report
to Room 16, except History 126, which
will move to Room 35 Angell Hall.
D. L. Rich
Sigma Xi: In order to be acted up-
on this year, nominations for mem-
bership must be submitted to the sec-
retary, Ralph G. Smith, Pharmacol-
ogy Bldg., by March 1.
Senior Engineers: Class dues must
be paid promptly. Failure to do so
will result in the denial of the fol-
lowing privileges:
1. Attendance at Senior Ball.
2. Picture included in class'picture
to be hung in hall of W. Eng. Bldg.
3. Name included in special com-
mencement program; also right to
purchase special program.
4. Rental of cap and gown
through Cap and Gown Committee.
History Make-Up Examinations:
The make-up examinations in all
history courses will be held Thurs-
day, March 5, from 3 to 6 p.m., in B
Beginning Badminton Tournament:
The draw has been posted on the
board in Barbour Gymnasium. All
students entered for this tournament
are asked to get in touch with their
partners and opponents and play off
the first round within the next two
Academic Notices
Make-up Final Examination in
Botany I will be held Saturday, Feb.t
29, at 9:00 in Room 2003 N.S. Bldg.
English 190 will meet in 3217 today
from 4-5 p.m. Bennett Weaver.
English 293: The class in Biblio-
graphy will meet for organization on
Tuesday, Feb. 25, at 11 o'clock, in
2220 A.H. All candidates for ther
degree of M.A. in English are re-
quired to take this course.
W. G. Rice,
Physics 158: Radioactivity Labora-
tory, section 1 will meet Thursday, 3
p.m.; Section 2 will meet Friday, 3
p.m., Room 2046 East Physics Bldg.
Ch. E. 153 will meet on Tuesday,1
Feb. 25, 9 a.m., in Room 1042 EastY
Engineering Building.
Psychology 31: (Lecture Section I
and Lecture Section II.) For those
students who missed the final exam-
ination, a make-up will be given
Thursday evening, Feb. 27, from 7r
to 10 in Room 1121 N.S.
History 12, Lecture II (Professor
Hyma) TuTh, 10, will meet in Na-
tural Science Auditorium second se-f
University Lecture: Earl Hanson,
Planning Consultant of the Natural
Resources Committee assigned to the
Puerto Rico Reconstruction Admin-
istration, will lecture on the subject,
"Puerto Rican Reconstruction Prob-
lems," Friday, Feb. 28, at 4:15 p.m.,
in the Natural Science Auditorium.r
The public is cordially invited.
Mathematical Lectures: The sec-r
ond of the series of lectures on Pro-
jective Differential Geometry by Pro-
fessor Eduard Cech of Brno, Czecho-
slovakia, will be given on Wednesday,c
Feb. 26, 3 p.m., Room 3011 A.H. E

French Lecture: Professor Eugene
E. Rovillain will give the fifth lecture
on the Cercle Francais program: "La
Vie et 1'Oeuvre de Jean-Jacques
Rousseau" (illustrated) Wednesday,
Feb. 26, 4:15 o'clock, Room 231, An-t
gell Hall.
Tickets for the series of lectures3
may be procured at the door.t
'1'lh Aim, Arbor Artists Exhibition
is open for inspection in the West
Gallery, Alumni Memorial Hall, dailyl
from 2 to 5 p.m., through Feb. 28. I
Exhibition of House Designs, Arch-
itectural Building: A group of beau-I
tiful drawings of selected designs forl
houses are now on view through thec
courtesy of "Pencil Points." Open
daily from 9:00 a~m. to 6:00 p.m.(
through Feb. 29.
Events Of T oday
Botanical Journal Club meets in
Room 1139 N.S. at 7:30 p.m. Papers
concerning chromosome structure in
the meiotic cycle, cytoplasmic in-
heritance, X-ray treatment of1
Oenorthera chromosomes, and cyto-1

are Helen Houghtaling, Pearl Chen
and Elsie Bauchmann. Professor
Davis in charge. Refreshments.
The Romance Journal Club meets
at 4:15, Room 108, Romance Lan-
guage Building. Professor Julio del
Toro will read a paper on "Carlos M.
Ocantos, Argentine Novelist," and
Professor Camillo P. Merlino will dis-
cuss briefly three books. Graduate
students are cordially invited.
Economics Club: Prof. John W.
Riegel, Director of the Bureau of In-
dustrial Relations, will speak on "Ba-
sic Functions of Business Managers"
7:30 p.m., 304 Union. Members of
the staffs in Economics and Business
Administration, and graduate stu-
dents in these departments are in-
vited to attend.
Adelphi House ofRepresentatives
meets at 7:30 p.m., Adelphi Room in
Angell Hall. The meeting will be in
the form of a "Smoker" with Profes-
sor Hollister, of the Speech Depart-
ment, as speaker. Anyone interest-
ed in speech is invited. Membership
is open to Freshmen.
Athena: Meeting tonight at 7:30
Portia Room, Angell Hall.
Sigma Delta Chi: There will be an
important meeting of all members
and pledges at 5 p.m. today in The
Daily office.
Gargoyle Editorial Staff Tryouts
meet in the Gargoyle offices in the
Student Publications Building at 3:30
p.m. All persons interested report
at that time for instruction and prac-
tice assignments.
The Beginners Class in Social
Dancing meets in the Michigan
League Ballroom, 7:30 p.m.
Christian Science Organization:
There will be a meeting of this or-
ganization tonight at 8 o'clock in the
Chapel, League Building. Students
alumni, and faculty members are
cordially invited to attend.
Michigan Dames Homemaking
Group will meet at the home of Mrs.
John F. Lamb, Apt. 505 Forest Plaza
Apts., 715 Forest Ave., at 8 o'clock.
The topic will be an illustrated talk
on interior decorating.
Wives of all students and internes
are cordially invited to attend this
Catholic Students: There will be
an informal get to-gether for Catholic
students and their friends at St.
Mary's chapel from 4-6 o'clock. The
Union Band will play for tea-danc-
ing, and all are welcome.
Coning Events
Mechanical Engineers: Regular
meeting of the A.S.M.E. Wednesday
at 7:30 p.m., Michigan Union. Mr.
James W. Parker will speak on "A
more highly developedcivilization,"
with its effect on the engineer.
Interfraternity Council meeting on
Wednesday, Feb. 26, 7:30 p.m., Inter-
fraternity Council offices, Room 306,
Union. Plans for Hell Week will be
Transportation Club meeting on
Thursday, Feb. 27, 7:45, Union. Room
will be posted. Professor Waterman
will speak on the "Public Utilities in
Alpha Nu Debating Society: The
regular weekly meeting will be held
Wednesday evening, Feb. 26, 7:30
sharp. All old and new members are
requested to be present.
Zeta Phi Eta, national speech so-
rority invites women of the Speech
department to try out Wednesday at
8 p.m., in the Hostess Room of the
Micign eage. Zea Pi Eta

pledges meet Wednesday at 7:15 p.m.
in the Hostess Room of the Michigan
Luncheon for Graduate Students
on Wednesday, Feb. 26, at 12 o'clock
in the Russian. Tea Room of the
Michigan League Building. Dr. Ran-
dolph G. Adams, Director of the
Clements Library of American His-
tory, will speak informally on "Col-
lecting Local Americana."
The Advanced Class in Social
Dancing meets Feb. 26 at 8 p.m.,
Michigan League ballroom.
The Intermediate Class in Social
Dancing meets Feb. 26, 7 p.m., in the
Michigan League ballroom. All stu-
dents who were in the Tuesday night
class last semester are eligible for this
Drama Group of the Junior A. A.
U. W. will meet on Wednesday, Feb.
26, 8 o'clock, with Miss Helen Man-
chester, Pontiac Road.
Drama Section of the Dames Club
regular monthly meeting Thursday,
Feb. 27, at the League, 8:00 p.m. The
English play "Touch Wood" is to be

Publication in the BullettIn 'is struct ive not Ice to illenihmbers or the
il:vers1ty. Copy received at y the offce of the A.~istt. to the Pres.dent
u til 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday.



Ev en

A Conservative

(From the Daily Texan)
BUSINESS INTERESTS of the state often work
for the dismissal of a radical professor, but
University officials this week were facing some-
thing new. An economic group was out to lift the
hair from the head of a conservative teacher.
Dr. A. B. Cox is director of the University's
Bureau of Business Research and professor of
cotton marketing. He has long been convinced
that the national administration was far astray
in its farm policy, and especially did he oppose
the processing tax. But Dr. Cox favors some sort
of organized production, and when the Supreme
Court declared the AAA unconstitutional, he con-
fessed he did not know whether to be glad or sorry.
But he had made speeches against the program
all over the South and Southwest. Significantly,
he usual spoke before meetings of business men,
but he sincerely believed his work was also of bene-
fit to the farmer. It was irony when a farmers'
meeting in San Marcos Tuesday repudiated Dr.
Cox's help in vigorous terms and demanded his
dismissal. Though the meeting was probably or-
ganized by politicians, there seemed little doubt
that it expressed the opinions of the farmers
of Central Texas. Dr. Cox could only quote sta-
tistics he had accumulated to prove that he was
We are not concerned with whether he was
right or not. We are concerned with the attempt
to force his dismissal because he stated his own
conclusions on a problem he had studied. The
demand that he he dismised is habsrd.

But that reminded me of dark horses, and I al over again when they meet.
asked R. Kirby who he thought was the sable The action of the picture goes con-
steed, and he said his favorite was "Black Beauty." tinuously downhill, each new climax
So of a cold night to see "Come Angel Band," achieving a new low in dramatic
value, and there is not much chance
dull save for a courtroom sceney for either Miss Sullavan or Mr. Stew-
WeTdnaesday, February 1$) art to (10 justice to their talent. Miss
UP MIGHTY GAY with sleeping late, and so Sullavan is necessarily and monot-
to the office forthwith, and worked so evenly onously reflective, and Mr. Stewart
that I vowed never to rise early. To bed at is constantly and painfully heroic.
eleven, and up at nine, and all next day Ah This is too bad, because both of them
feels jes' fine. Young Wilber B. Huston come to would have contributed a great deal
see me, the boy that gave the best answers to of charm and interest to a more fully
the Edison questionaire in 1929, and tells me realized story, which, incidentally,
he is working for Tom Edison, and is now a "Next Time We Love" could have
Buchmanite, too. So home, and my boys taught beenifithad obeenftly shoritten. more in-
me a game of cards called Go Fish; and after mCyr .C.
supper I to see "Searching for the Sun," a play
about hobo life, and of anti-social characters,
and there were implications that these folk had AT TlE MICHIGAN
had unhappy childhoods, and that Society was "THE MILKY WAY"
at fault. But I did not feel guilty at all, nor did
I think that the play had enough drama in it; A Universal picture starring Harold
it being another of those "If I don't feel it, I Lloyd, featuring Verre Teasdale, Adolph
I, Menjou, Helen Mack. and William Gar-
don't feel it" plays. gan.
Thursday, February 20 Somewhat in the Chaplin tradi-
LOTS OF SILLY TALK about whether Walter tion, Harold Lloyd makes a picture
Johnson will be able to throw a silver dollar just about when it pleases him to do
across the Rappahannock River, as George so. And for that reason he retains
Washington is said to have done, albeit there some of the freshness which fre-
were no dollars until after Washington had died. quently-appearing stars sometimes;
But why did all of us think that it was the lose. "The Milky Way" is a typical
PotoacAndI realld te tie Je WberLloyd picture, primarily a clean-cut'.
Potomac? And I recalled the time Joe Weber fast-moving farce with a generouis
said that he knew of a man who could throw amount of laughs sprinkled through-
a ball five thousand yards. "It's possible," said out its film footage.
Fields. "It's impossible," said Weber, "I seen The hero is a timid milkman who
it myself." "Who could do such a thing?" asked'accidentally gets into a scrape with
Fields. "That was your brother," said Weber. the middleweight champion of the
"Oh," said Fields, "he could do it." And I won- boxing world - and knocks him out.
dered whether I could throw a dollar across the He springs into national prominence
Saugatuck; but I would not if I could, but would ! as a boxer and defeats all-comers
throw it from Lyons Plain into Mr. Sniffen's by means of some hilarious acci-
bank. And as to Sol Bloom betting twenty to dent or another. and winds up with
one against Walter Johnson, I would bet a silver the girl of his dreams in his arms,
dollar that not a cent changes hands. So to the . There are many amusing episodes
office, one and all saying how fine I looked, in "The Milky Way," n ief among
and I said, Well, if I get enough sleep I always atwhich are those fomd in the scenes
look fine. And one and all said, Did we ever the rudiments of boxing from his
invite you to stay up? And I had to confess manager's wise-cracking wrferm I
none had. think you will find himxtrem.l
FI'dav- F ,..- ... . 1 v 9 f1 fmdrec him_ - exftr;eme+-4y



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