The Weather Unsettled, thundershowers to- day except in extreme south- east; cooler in West and North today; tomorrow showers. L Sir 4an lIat Editorials To The MIPA'S . Stop Thief! ... Communism In France VOL. XLVI No. 155 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, MAY 8, 1936 PRICE 5 CENTS _ . MIPA Has Its 12th Meeting In Union Here 400 High School Writers Hear Brumm' s Address On Intelligence Convene In Round Table Discussions Detroit Pastor Principal Speaker; League Scene Of Annual Banquet The twelfth annual convention of the Michigan Interscholastic Press Association opened last night with more than 400 delegates already reg- istered, and more expected today. Representatives from high school papers, magazines, and annuals throughout the state gathered in the Union ballroom for a general assemb- ly, and heard Prof. John L. Brumm, chairman of the journalism depart- ment, which is sponsoring the con- vention, welcome them to Ann Arbor with an address on "Let's Try Intel- ligence" After the opening address the dele- gates held an informal get-together dance, with a floor-show by Universi- ty High School students, and a prize waltz contest. Many of them also were conducted on a tour of inspec- tion through the Student Publica- tions Bldg. Today they will meet at 9 a.m. for a second general assembly at which Prof. Wesley H. Maurer of the jour- nalism department will preside, to hear an address by Prof. Preston W. Slosson of the history department on "The High School and the World Outside." After the general assembly they will separate for nine round- table discussion groups meeting at 10 and 11 a.m., resuming their sessions at 1:30 p.m., with an address by Prof. Lowell J. Carr of the sociology de- partment on "Who's Going to Jail?" Eleven more round-table confer- ences will be held at ,2:30 and 3:30 p.m., and the annual banquet will be held at 6:15 p.m. in the League. Professor Brumm will act as toast- master, and the principal address, on the subject "Can the Youth of Amer- ica Match the Youth of Europe," will be given by Dr. Frederick B. Fisher of the Central Methodist Church of Detroit, former pastor of the First Methodist Church of Ann Arbor. A dance in the League Ballroom will follow the banquet, with Al Cowan's Orchestra furnishing the music. Collision Sinks Dutch Steamer; All Are Saved Antonietta Lauro Crashes Into Columbus In Straits Of Dover OffBelgium LONDON. May 7.-(/P) -The Dutch steamer Alphard was sunk in the North Sea tonight when it col- lided with the Hamburg-American liner New York, but all 26 members of the Alphard's crew were saved. In a crash in the Straits of Dover, the forecastle of tne Antonietta Lauro, an Italian vessel, was smashed as it collided with the steamer Co- lumbus of the North German Lloyd Line. The New York, a 21,000-ton vessel bound for Hamburg, rescued the Al- phard's crew after the accident and put about for Southampton. The collision occurred in a mist in the open sea north of Ostend, Belgium. The Columbus, of 32,564 gross tons, was en route to Bremen, Germany, from New York. Both the New York and the Columbus left New York City April 30. Ruthven' Io Attend Banquetlit Chicagyo President Ruthven left for Chicago yesterday with T. Hawley Tapping general secretary of the Alumni As- sociation to attend the annual ban- quet of the University of Michigan Club of Chicago which will be held tonight at the Hamilton Club in Chi- cago. Because of the injury received early . __,. c . .cn . Education By Achievement Is Proposed By Professor Courtis (--) AlternativeTo Aydelotte's 'University System' Is Suggested In Interview By RALPH W. HURD A college without prescribed sub- jects or courses without "blue books," without the daily routine of class- rooms and hand-me-down learning, a college in which students become edu- cated by self-directed and self-ex- pressive activities applicable in a real sense to social problems, important to their lives - this is the ideal col- lege as visioned by Prof. Stuart Cour- tis of the School of Education. Interviewed in regard to the Honors Convocation address last Friday of Dr. Frank Aydelotte, in which the University was urged to return to the old "University system" in operation here during the 1880's, Professor Courtis advanced the above ideal as a "forward looking alternative." The University system, according to Dr. Aydelotte, allowed progressive stu- dents, especially in their last two years in college, to work on one major rand two related minor subjects in- dependently of classes and examina- tions, with a comprehensive written and oral examination at the end of the period. Society has changed since the '80's, Professor Courtis pointed out, and "what might have been a successful system then is by no means feasible now." In the old days "rugged in- dividualist" students acquired an adaptation to their environment, a self-reliance and a courage necessary for right living before they came to college, he continued, and their "higher education" was undertaken as a broadening of this already-formedi organization of experience. Nowadays "rugged individualism," with its component self-sufficiency, is disappearing, according to Professor Courtis. An educational system, he continued, adapted to modern condi- tions must be based on a program designed to develop this quality, this Prison Board Told To Have Open Meetings Fitzgerald Imposes Power Upon That Of Chairman Shaw WhoMay Resign LANSING, May 7. - (') - Govern- or Fitzgerald flatly imposed his own authority tonight upon that of Chair- man William T. Shaw of the State Prison Commission, ordering that the organization conduct no more secret meetings. A rumor immediately became cur- rent among commission members that Shaw was about to resign "to save his face," but the chairman de- clined to comment. Earlier in the day he had insisted he had no in- tention of quitting. The Governor overruled Shaw for the first time this morning, ordering an open session of the prison com- mission, which voted to install the civil service system in the State's penal institutions. Shaw angrily left the meeting, tell- ing the Governor and assembled com- missioners that "I will take a walk." He did not return to the meeting but explained later that he had suddenly recalled another engagement. Tonight, however, Governor Fitz- gerald ordered a fixed policy of open meetings, which Shaw has opposed throughout his regime, "The prison commission has held ( its last meeting behind closed doors," the Governor said. adaptation of individuals to environ- ment. From this point of view, the "Uni- versity system," with 4ts emphasis on1 imposed subjects rather than self- conceived achievements, is woefully out-of-date, he asserted. An actual illustration of his ideal type of educational system was cited by Professor Courtis A student enters college. He is interested in journal- ism. The inability of his father to find a jcb has brought home to him1 the seriousness of the problem of un- employment in this country. He thinks people need to be educated to to a social change through editorial columns. He writes an editorial and submits it to the campus newspaper. It is re- jected. He confers with a professor. of journalism and has pointed out to him certain reasons explaining the rejection. The removal of these obstacles he finds out, require pro- longed study of the unemployment problem and of the technique of edi- torial writing. Gradually he perceives the necessity for a comprehensive cultural back- ground for the composition of any good editorial. He explores that back- ground, explores the territories of ideas constantly being discovered. All his exploration is a magnification of his original interest in journalism, his original desire to express through theI (Continued on Page 2)I New Deal Held Back Recovery Landon Claims; Indicates ie Would Wage 'Fighting Campaign' If Nominated In June. TOPEKA, Kas., May 7. - P) -< Gov. Alf M. Landon, in a radio inter- view tonight, assailed the New Dealt for "heedless retarding of recovery," and in his first national expression on the liquor question "accepted the1 verdict of the people" in returning control to the individual states. Landon indicated he would wage a "fighting campaign" if nominated for the presidency by the Republican National Convention in June and as- serted:, "The real issue before the American people today is not whether you are better off now than you were in 1933. "The real question and issue is this: Have we made as much prog- ress in coming out of this depression as you have a reasonable right to ex- pect?" The interview, broadcast nationally was conducted by H. V. Kaltenborn, radio commentator, in the study of the executive residence. Hughes To Attempt New Speed Record DETROT, May 7. -- ) - Howard Hughes, 31-year-old oil magnate and motion picture producer whose hobby is speed flying, said today he might No Student Senate Io Be Held In 1936 The Student Senate will not meet again this year, its executive commit- tee decided lat night. However, plans arc being laid for continuance of the Senate, non-par- tisan, all-campus discussion medium, next fall, according to Edward Stone, '36, chairman. The Senate grew out of a meeting of students and faculty members from the social science units of the University in March. The pur- pose of it, as announced at the time it was organized, is "to furnish a means for discussion on current topics, especially political, for all Uni- versity of Michigan students." More than 300 students attended the first session in the Union Ball- room when debate centered around the question, "What Party Should the Student Support in 1936?" Plans Making Italian Empire Are Continued Fascist Soldiers Take Over French-Owned Railroad, Occupy Jijiga ROME, May 7. -(/) - Highly re- liable sources asserted tonight a com- plete role in international affairs once sanctions are lifted will issue from Saturday night's session of the Fascist Grand Council and Council of Min- isters This pronouncement, it was stated, probably will be made in connection with a proclamation of Ethiopia's an- nexation and merger with Eritrea and Italian Somaliland under the name of Italian East Africa." Plans went forward in Rome to make the Italian kingdom the Italian Empire. as Fascist soldiers took over a French-owned railroad in Ethiopia and occupied the important southern town of Jijiga. Dispatches from Ethi- opia said Harar, second largest city in the country, was expected to fall into Italian hands soon and that com- plete subjugation of the whole country was at hand. Whether King Victor Emmanuel would be proclaimed Emperor in con- junction with the announcement of Ethiopia's annexation could not be ascertained definitely but it was re- garded as most likely. IHouse Debates New Relief Bill; Funds Are Cut Predict Measure Will Pass By This Evening; More Amendments Demanded WASHINGTON, May 7. -UPW) -- Buffeted by insistent demands for changes from both Democratic and Republican quarters, the Adminis- tration's new relief measure rode through a stormy first day in the Lansbury Hits Arms As Way Toward Peace Page Appeals To Students To Aid In Keeping U.S. Out Of War 300 Hear AddressesI By Two Pacifists: International Cooperation To Obtain World Peace Is Asked By Lansbury By SAUL KLEIMAN A denunciation of "collective se- curity by force of arms" as a myth, and a plea for peace organization "on a basis of cooperation between; nations" were the key notes of the address yesterday afternoon by the Rt. Hon. George Lansbury before an audience of 300 in the Lydia Mendel- ssohn Theatre. Kirby Page, American author, pre- ceded Lord Lansbury on the program, with an appeal to Michigan students on behalf of the Emergency Peace Campaign to "have a part in the mass movement to keep the United States out of war and promote world peace." "The American people," Lansbury said, "cannot like Pilate, wash their hands and say of the brewing war in Europe, 'this doesn't concern us.' The world now is too closely knit togeth- er." America Should Lead It was Lord Lansbury's belief that America, with its composite "melt- ing pot" make-up, should take the lead in peace activity. "If there is anywhere," he said, "that interna- tionalism should conquer national- ism, it is here." "We should call a new world con- ference of all the nations - get our experts around the table and have them devise a scheme of dividing the markets of the world equitably and with justice. I believe that we can organize the world just as well for the service of the world as for its de- struction." Hitting at the imperialist feeling in many countries, his own especially, Lord Lansbury said, "What we need is a purge of spirit. We must give up our imperialist notions." Only One Way Out The only way out for Europe, he I said, is for each nation to give up part of her sovereignty to a league of nations, just as each state here gives up part of her sovereignty to the Federal government. "You mustn't tell me you know that Europe is made up of different peoples. You are, too, you know." Kirby Page, in the introductory speech, pointed out that the present governmental policies of this country are leading us to war, He said that there were two things the people of this nation had to do to keep out of war - pass adequate neutrality legis- (Contnued on Page 2) Wyvern elects 12 Sophomore Women Twelve sophomore women were tapped for membership last night by Wyvern, junior women's honor so- ciety. After the tapping the mem- bers were entertained by Mrs. Byrl Fox Bacher, assistant dean of wom- en, and advisor of the group. The following women were selected to membership: Janet Allington, Mar- garet Ann Ayres, Margaret Curry, Betty Gatward, Hope Hartwig, Mary Johnson, Barbara Lovell, Angeline Maliszewski, Roberta Melin , Irene Stilson, Betty Strickroot and Betty Whitney. Eckener Is Gleeful As New Dirigible Races For Record ABOARD THE ZEPPELIN HIN- DENBTJRG OVER THE NORTH AT- LANTIC, May 7. - (P) - As this giant new German dirigible raced over the Atlantic today, Dr. Hugo Eckener, its commander, voiced the belief it might reach New York early Saturday. Eckener gleefully rubbed his hands at the prospect of beating the trans- Atlantic record of the new French liner Normandie. "The. Hindenburg is running like mad," the commander said, "averag- ing over 80 miles an hour, with the possibility of reaching New York early Saturday." Side-winds aided in giving the air- ship good speed. "The French evidently refuse per- mission to fly over their country," said Eckener. "because they consider that permission a trump card." "They forget," he stated, referring to the Hindenburg, "that I have a jolly joker." The passengers, for the first time in the history of air navigation, were treated to a piano concert by Franz Wagner, Dresden pianist. Shortly after lunch today the air-* ship ran into heavy weather, but it rode so evenly that nobody noticed. The liner Normandie shattered all trans-Atlantic ships' speed records by crossing from Southampton to New York in four days, eleven hours, 42 minutes, completing its trip June 3, 1935. Graf Zeppein To Pass Over French Border PARIS, May 8- (Friday) - (') The Graf Zeppelin, given emergency permission by the French Govern- ment to cross French territory on her return flight from South America, reached Saintes Maries early today and started up the Rhine Valley on her way to Friedrichshafen, Ger- many. The Zeppelin had radioed from a position off the Mediterranean coast of Spain that she feared she would be unable to fly sufficiently high to cross the Alps as a result of an ac- cident in Rio De Janeiro. (As she approached Barcelona, Spain, the Graf wirelessed her head- quarters in Friedrichshafen that she was experiencing no difficulty.) The Graf is expected to land at her port in Friedrichshafen, Ger- many, at 6:30 a.m. (local time) to- morrow. Earlier, permission had been grant- ed by the French government to fly over French territory on her return flight from South America. Police Find Clues In Robbers' Auto DETROIT, May 7. - ( ) - Police announced today that $64,724 was taken by the five men who held up a branch of the Detroit bank last Fri- day and disclosed that good finger- prints were obtained from the rob- bers' automobile, which was found in a garage here yesterday. The loot had previously been esti- mated at $50,000. Police Inspector Harry Schouw said "important clues" had been uncovered with the find- ing of the car. John Macinnes, care- taker of a large Woodward Avenue aapartment building, said he rented the garage April 16 to a "quiet, well- dressed young man" who paid $3 rent in advance. G-Men Capture Last Of Karpis Gang Membhers Campbell Caught In Ohio In Raid Lead By Hoover Without Bloodshed Bremer Kidnapper Flown To St. Paul Half Million Bail Is Asked; Gangster's 19-Year-Old Wife AlsoApprehended ST. PAUL, May 7. - (A) - In a capture that was almost a copy of that of his erstwhile gang chief, Al- vin Karpis, Harry Campbell, last un- caught principal of the Barker-Karp- is gang, was seized at dawn today in Toledo, Ohio, bundled into an air- plane, and whisked here for ques- tioning about a long series of kid- napings and robberies, Not a trigger was squeezed as Gov- ernment officers led by J. Edgar Hoover, chief of the Bureau of In- vestigation, closed in on the only re- maining fugitive from the 25 persons accused by the Department of Jus- tice of implication in the $200,000 abduction here in 1934 of Edward G. Bremer. "Campbell showed a little resis- tance" said Hoover, intimating his quarry reached for a gun. But the heavily armed federal men who had surrounded the Toledo apartment building during the night, pounced on the long sought limping outlaw this morning as he emerged and snatched his .45 calibre pistol from his pocket. Then following the same procedure which they initiated last Friday night after the arrest of Karpis in New Orleans, Hoover's men shackled their prisoner with legirons and handcuffs, hurried him to a chartered "flying patrol wagon" and sped him here with only a ten minute stop at Chicago Municipal Airport en route. On his arrival in St. Paul, U. S. District Attorney George Sullivan an- nounced that bail of $500,000 would be asked for the gangster when he is arraigned on the kidnap charge. 'This would equal the largest bail ever asked in a criminal case - that sought from Karpis in the Bremer and William Hamm, Jr., kidnapings. Last Kidnaper At Large Taken In G-Man Raid. SAN FRANCISCO, May 7. - (A')- William Mahan, last of the accused big-time kidnapers at large was cap- tured here today by Department of Justice Agents. Government men surrounded him as he sat in an automobile in a "south of Market" rooming house district, within gunshot of their office. They hustled the scar-faced former convict to the Federal Building prep- aratory to flying with him to face charges of perpetrating the $200,000 kidnaping of George Weyerhauser, timber fortune heir, a year ago, at Tacoma, Wash. } - _ - 1 _. attempt to break the speed record House. from Chicago to New York within a Nevertheless, majority leaders -- few days. undaunted by floor debate and to- His plans, he said, are indefinite, night's Democratic caucus called in an "I'll be flying from Chicago to New effort to force changes in the meas- York either the latter part of this ure --said they were convinced they week or early next week," he said, could push the legislation to point of "and if weather conditions are right, passage by tomorrow night. Then I may try to set a record." they proposed to recess -the House Hughes, who set a world land plane until Monday. record of 347.29 in a racing plane re- The relief fund, cut to- $1,4'25,000,- cently on the West Coast, said he 000 although the President requested believed the Chicago-New York rec- a billion and a half, was contained ord was three hours and 46 minutes, in a $2,364,229,000 Deficiency Bill. established by Capt. Frank Hawks. Republic t hrough a day of r PI ! Lanshury Forecasts Collapse Of British Coalition Government By FRED WARNER NEAL Giving out a hurried interview in wheezing but clipped staccato, George Lansbury, former British Laborite leader, predicted yesterday thatit will be but a matter of months be- fore the present coalition govern- ment in England will collapse and be replaced by a Labor cabinet. Mr. Lansbury, long active in Brit- ish politics, broke with the party he led on the matter of sanctions, which the majority of Laborites thought should be applied against Italy. "Sanctions," the white, sideburned Lansbury declared, "would have meant war between Britain and Italy. And that would have meant a Franco- German war" ing to keep the League of Nations to- gether, when he said: "The foreign minister could do a better job if he1 stayed at home and tended to bus- iness." Eden, he said, "would be all right if he kept in the foreign office where he belongs. He's a pretty good foreign minister for a Conservative," As to what effect the decided French swing to the left would haveI on the international situation, Mr. Lansbury was not quite clear. "I do believe, however," he maintained. "that France will now tend to be more internationally minded." This is little danger, he believes of fascism coming to France, and "such a thing is prac- tically impossible in England." The British Laborite, who sat down, lnvorl n cjal, rof ,,npl if rl rnnmir'd clamorous debate, insisted the bill be amended to substitute direct state grants administered by local non-par- tisan committees for the present Fed- eral Work Relief program. Those who called the Democratic caucus sought to have $700,000,000 of the relief fund earmarked for Secre- tary Ickes' Public Works administra- tion. This has been opposed by the President. Preuss Addresses Vulcas' Initiation Vulcans, Senior Engineerbng Honor Society, elected 14 new members a~t its initiation held last night, At a banquct held after the initiation, Prof. Lawrence Preuss of the political science-department spoke. After the banquet, election of officers was held. The new members are Rush Bow- man, Robert Baldwin, Clayton Brels- Death Of McGregor Ends Career e e Of Great University Benefactor' The death of Tracy W. McGregor, GIregor Institute, one of the largest former prominent Detroit resident of its kind in the world. He lived and a son of the founder of the Mc- there the greater part of his life. Gregor Institute for the destitute in The insistence of Tracy McGregor Detroit, closed the humanitarian ca- that all his gifts to the University reer of one of the greatest benefactors remain anonymous was but one in- the University has ever had. stance of his modesty and true phi lan- During the course of his life, Mr. thropy. In 1927, when a drive for McGregor, made gifts to the Univer- I funds to aid unprotected women and sity which totaled more than $70,000 children was in progress, Mr. Mc- and which were used all the way from Gregor walked into the office of the the purchasing of books to the buy- drive with a pledge card signed by' ing of a new 85-inch mirror for the his wife. Lake Angelus Observatory now under With a s y smile, e handed the construction. card to the chairman and without All during his lifetime, Mr. McGreg- another word walked out of the office. or insisted that all his gifts to theBeforethe committee head could look University remain anonymous. In I Bp commits a ould ook "Who's Who in America" Tracy Mc- lip, McGregor was far out of the of- Irnror is isted as a nhilanthropist, and way down the street. The Mahan was unarmed and had $7,- 300 cash on his person but, agents said, he offered no resistance. Ad- mitting his identity, he refused to confess. The capture, coming on the same day as that of Harry Campbell and six days after the taking of Alvin Karpis, both wanted for the Edward G. Bremer kidnaping in St. Paul, gave the justice department virtually a clean sweep in its war on the "snatch." racket. Sale Of Peace Bonds Stopped; Abandon Plans Plans for the sale of Peace Bonds, which was to have begun yesterday, were temporarily discontinued, it was announced last night by Julian Orr, '37, chairman of the Peace Coun- cil's Bond Committee. The plans were abandoned, Orr said, because of the objection by fac- ulty advisers to the Peace Council, to the use of the word "bond" and several clauses in the coupons which A,- rlamor] "decebnve."