THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, Y 7, 19361 THE MI... CHIG.... ......... ... AN D . ,A.-ssILY. .. .,: THURSDAY... M.. 1AY 7i. *19a11 Y THE MICHIGAN DAILY six to one victory, showed clearly the sentiment of Maryland voters. The Democratic congressman who was quoted as saying," we now have nothing to fear, either in the convention or in the election," did not exaggerate. On every front, the President has not only won the Democratic primary, but the votes he polled have been, in every case, in excess of the leading Republican running on the other ticket. The Daily is not especially interested in push - ing the reelection of President Roosevelt. But, unless the Republican candidate nominated at Cleveland is one of whom we have not yet thought, or unless some recent and unexpected development takes place in the national situation, it is difficult to see how the President can be defeated. But electoral votes, like eggs, should not be counted until they're hatched. Publisned every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session by the Board in -ontrol of Student Publications MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ' The Associated Press Is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it orx not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matter herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50. Representatives: National Advertising Service, Inc., 420 Madison Ave., New York City; 400 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, Ill. EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT Telephone 4925 BOARD OF EDITORS MiANAGING EDITOR ..............THOMAS H. LEENE ASSOCIATE EDITOR..............THOMAS E. GROEHN Dorothy S. Gies Josephine T. McLean William R. Reed DEPARTMENTAL BOARDS Publication Department: Thomas H. Kleene, Chairman; Clinton B. Conger, Robert Cummins, Richard G. Her- shey, Ralph W. Hurd, Fred Warner Neal. Reportorial Department: Thomas E. Groehn, Chairman; Elsie A. Pierce, Joseph S. Mattes. Editorial Department: Arnold S. Daniels, Marshall D. Shulman. Sports Department: Wiliam R. Reed, Chairman; George Andros, Fred Buesser, Fred DeLano, Ray Goodman. Women's Departmenx: Josephine T. McLean, Chairman; Josephine M. Cavanagn, Florence H. Davies, Marion T. Holden, Charlotte D. Rueger, Jewel W. Wuerfel. BUSINESS DEPARTMENT Telephone 2-1214 BUSINESS MANAGER..........GEORGE H. ATHERTON CREDIT MAN AGER ............JOSEPH A. ROTH'IBARD WOMEN'S BUSINESS MANAGER ....MARGARET COWIE WOMEN'S SERVICE MANAGER ...ELIZABETH SIMONDS DEPARTMENTAL MANAG4RS Local Advertising, William Barndt; Service Department, Willis Tomlinson; Contracts, Stanley Joffe; Accounts, Edward Wohgemuth; Circulation and NationalcAdver- tising, John Park; Classified Advertising and Publica- tions, Lyman Bittman. NIGHT EDITOR: CLINTON B. CONGER Five Inches On An InsideN age..*. A HEAVY EARTHQUAKE today ter- rorized residents of Szechwan Prov- ince already in the grip of famine with an esti- mated 10,000,000 to 30,000,000 facing death or al- ready dead." Following this statement in an article by the Associated Press last week was a comparatively short and dispassionate account of a catastrophe of such tremendous proportions that the minimum number of its victims exceeds the population of New York City; it exceeds the combined popula- tions of Michigan, Indiana and Wisconsin and is greater than the population of the entire United States in 1820. The article mentions the cannibalism to which these sufferers have resorted, and tells of frantic parents who, driven by hunger, are already selling their children. Millions are moving from the flood1 regions leaving homes they have not been more1 than a mile or so removed from in a life time.1 Thousands of others have been forced to abandon their river boats in which they have lived for1 years. In the past few weeks, Chinese from 5 to 651 years old have been setting foot on land for thes first time in their lives, knowing for the first time what it is to have the feel of the earth beneaths their feet.t This spectacle of one of the oldest civilizations ona earth being deracinated by the millions, whole cities being swept away, is an occurrence that iss forcefully provocative of thought. When we looks back into history, we find this people acquainted with gun powder when the conquering Charle-v magne and his followers were satisfied with heavyv bludgeons. Printing was being used by the Chi-o nese before the Rhenish towns had begun workf on the development that was to give them world-a wide recognition. Astronomical observations werea made in China which did not occur to the Euro-e pean mind until centuries later. Co-existent with this stupendous death toll ande migration was the plight of three Canadians who had been fatuous enough to enter an abandoned gold mine. They had been trapped with the resulta that rescuers working at white heat had afteru ten days extricated two of them alive, one dead.P Newspapermen are sometimes perplexed over thed problem of how much attention to give a story.s These two happenings presented no such problem,1 for the three Canadians were given indisputablea precedence over the 30,000,000 Chinese.u To say, "Well, that's the papers for you," isn hardly an adequate comment, for it is ultimatelyb the American people upon whom the news policy of a paper revolves. The ironic relationship be-1 tween such stories will continue to occur day inn and day out, but sagacious readers will perceived it and realize that the editors are quite largely caterers to a not too discriminating public. Thusn a five inch item of universal significance flankedb by advertisements on an inside page was un- doubtedly relegated there by an intellectualy leth-b argic public too much concerned with the battinga average of some illiterate baseball player. ti RepeatI OrderĀ®..o ii RESIDENT ROOSEVELT'S over-a whelning victory in the Marylande presidential preferential primary does away witha all doubt of any opposition to his renominations and is indicative of his prospects in November. i Col. Henry Breckenridge, the other candidate in the *Marvlandi eletion. is the first real obponent s r THE FORUM] Letters published in this column should not be construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The Daily. Anonymous contributions will be disregarded. The names of comunicants will, however, be regarded asconfidential upon request. Contributors are asked to be brief, the editors reserving the right to condense all letters of over 300 words and to accept or reject letters upon the criteria of general editorial importance and interest to the campus. Lansbury Lecture To the Editor: In the spring of 1914 were held the greatest peace demonstrations the world had ever seen. In 1914 came the greatest war the world had ever seen. On April 21, 1936 at the University of Michigan and on April 22, in other colleges and universities all over the world was held a great student-faculty peace convocation. Is it to be as futile as the meeting of 1914? It does not have to be if only those who are against war will realize that the preservation of peace need as much unremitting and continuous effort as munition makers, mil- itarists, and modern dictators apply to war. To give direction and force to this effort a student- faculty Peace Council has been organized with branches at most of the universities and colleges in the United States. We have a branch at this University. It arranged the peace convocation for us. It is bringing to this campus famous speakers who have experienced both war and peace and know the true cost and value of each. Thurs- day, May 7, we have the opportunity of meeting not one, but two of the most reknowned men in the field, Rt. Hon. George Lansbury and Kirby Page. The Peace Council is trying to do a great deal more but its future depends upon us, the students and faculty of this University. Our apathy can destroy it - our support can make it a great instrument for the preservation of peace. Let's give it our support! -Evelyn Ehrlichman. Reply Replied At To the Editor: Congratulations, Mr. T.B.M., Congratulations! Not only do I think and believe, but I conclu- sively know (!) - I do so simply to please you - you have already received the unexpressed grate- fulness of Dr. Blakeman for defending him. I myself thank you: the Counselor of Religion needs it! However, you omitted one most insignificant point in your defense. The Counselor, you remem- ber, denounced the student's act (and do use the singular, if you please) as immoral. Taking the basis of sneakiness for such condemnation, you leave only an unnamed haze upon which the Coun- selor might have based his weighty judgment. The Counselor must have meant that the act was sneaky, sneaky both colloquially or semi-face- tiously and seriously. And while smiling with a certain flavor, the good Doctor denounced the act as immoral. One wonders at the security that a smile can obtain for a Counselor of Religion. But smiles protect our morals! The Counselor disclaimed responsibility. Oh, what a moral way to do it! But see here, just why did the Counselor have to disclaim any kind of responsibility? Heaven itself is sure he didn't feel guilty. It is surprising how eager some people; are to disclaim responsibility when there is no act, neither real nor unreal, to be disavowed. Sil- ence should have been a perfect disavowal. My dear T.B.M., if the distributing of this lit- erature would have been a familiar part of our Spring Parley, we should not at all have bothered The Daily about it. If the student would have asked for permission before proceeding, all of us should have been content. But neither of thesei possibilities existed. Now then, in what manner did the Counselor and the Professor handle the situation at hand? First, your statement, "No issue was made of the actual distribution; it was allowed to proceed,"' although only half true if we consider ends and not means, is granted. By now we know the essence of the Counselor's method. Morals are an intricate matter, I agree, but surely not as intricate as the Counselor of1 Religion intimated. Professor Jones, on the otherf hand, handled the case before him by vigorouslyi demanding a yes or no answer to one extremely foolish question, then by sitting down for five minutes, and then by coming back with a veritable; brief "tirade" of two irrelevant (we agree on this) points which no doubt had a prejudice for background. That prejudice concerns our just accusation of reformers: most reformers, in their1 zeal to reform humanity, go to extremes, vulgar- sms, indiscretions, and before unfair in their ac- ions. This specific instance, we might realize, wasj not basically a question of reform at home, but1 waving this aspect: Was the act of this reformer on this occasion, by word or deed, so extreme, so ndiscreet, so vulgar, and so unfair as to merit such1 arbitrarily and childishly weak, vague, and fervent1 condemnation? Now then, appropriateness is( an austere, rather cold and strict matter, but surely not as void of reason as the professor madec t. The Professor evidently allowed prejudicec to determine his manner of handling this specificI situation. The Conning Tower, THE SQUARE SHOOTER Horace: Book 1, Ode 22 Integer vitae scelerisque purus 'HE gent of life upright & serious ideals Needs neither tommy-gun, Bartram, nor Length of lead pipe; for that matter, What needeth he knockout drops for his enemy's puree of turnip? No, not though he travel through Savin Rock, Not though Manhasset know him, where the smokeys Give him the bum's dirty rush at the Riverside saloon. Listen: it was only last Tuesday, or maybe Wednesday after Compline, And I was strolling along down yonder where the State Highway ends, And singing too, sort of, not a care in the world-- Singing about Cornelia, if you know her - when What should I meet but a man-eating Hyena escaped from the Bridgeport Zoo! (And me without so much as a beanshooter on me.) The which Wild Beast Took 1 look at me, lent 1 ear to my song, Quiver'd. sobb'd, & went larruping off hell-bent in the general direction of Meriden. WIHO IS INVITED TCO MIRAN~D11A Publication in the Bulletin i scon I vendsty. Copy received at the off CLAYFOOT'S PARTY? [ 32 33 11:00 on Saturday. It is not in any way necessary for the enjoyment of "Party" to know THURSDAY, MAY 7, 1936 whom the various characters in the VOL. XLVI No. 152 play represent; but actually all of Notices the important figures in Ivor No-N vello's comedy with music are thinly Notice to all Members of the Uni- disguised portraits of prominent per- i versity: The following is an extract sonalities in the London theatre and of a By-Law of the Regents (Chap- 'its Mayfair society. Mr. Novello has ter III-Z, Sections 8 and 9) which called his comedy "A parade of per-I has been in effect since September, sonalities" with good intent. p 1926: Estelle Winwood's role of Mrs. Mac- "It will hereafter be regarded as Danald, of course, is Mrs. Patrick contrary to University policy for any Campbell, although Miss Winwood is one to have in his or her possession purposely going to make it more than any key to University buildings or a caricature. The part is genuine parts of buildings if such key is not and even poignant and could stand stamped as provided (i.e. by the for any great star in the theatre. Buildings and Grounds department). Robert Henderson brings to the di- If such unauthorized keys are found rection of this part more than a mere the case shall be referred to the Dean hear-say knowledge of Mrs. Camp- or the proper head of the University bell, as he directed her in the "Elec- I division involved for his action in tra," his first New York production, accordance with this principle. Any He has always said that after Mrs. watchman or other proper represen- Campbell no actress alive could tative of the Buildings and Grounds frighten him. Department, or any Dean, department Miranda Clayfoot, who is giving head, or other proper University offi- the party after her latest London cial shall have the right to inspect premiere, is played by Doris Dalton, keys believed to open University build-, surely one of the most beautiful and ings, at any reasonable time or place. talented of the young Broadway " . . . For any individual to order, stars. Miranda obviously is Tallulah have made, or permit to be ordered Bankhead; who, incidentally, is Miss or made, any duplicate of his or her Winwood's closest friend. University key, through unauthorized Lord Bay-Clender (Alan Handley) channels, must be regarded as a spe- is Ivor Novello himself; while Lilly cial and willful disregard of the safety Bandman (Muriel Hutchison), the of University property." amusing sketch of a chorus girl who These regulations are called to the has married into the nobility, is attention of all concerned, for their variously reported as being either information and guidance. Any per- Lady Diana Manners or Adele As- son having any key or keys to Uni- taire. versity buildings, doors, or other locks, Heather Angel (Eduard Franz), the contrary to the provisions recited sour dramatic critic, is the infamous above, should promptly surrender the Hannan Swaffer; while Clutter (John same to the Key Clerk at the office Winthrop) who enthuses over every- of the Superintendent of Buildings thing and everyone is supposed to be and Grounds, James Agate of the Daily Express. The Shirley W. Smith. gossip writer, Esme Riddle, (Ray- mond Greenlef) is Archibald Moulton, Smoking in University Buildings: a kind of male English Louella Par- Attention is called to the general rule sons. that smoking is prohibited in Univer- Fay Strube (Lee Pope), the dress sity buildings except in private offices designer, is supposed to be Fania Tir- and assigned smoking rooms where rell of the famous house of Revell, precautions can be taken and control London, who design Queen Mary's exercised. This is neither a mere hats. Bill Widdy (Nancy Sheridan) arbitrary regulation nor an attempt is Lilly Morris, a kind of English to meddle with anyone's personal Fanny Brice. Mrs. Mumford and her habits. It is established and enforced bumptious son (Lois Maier and Wil- solely with the purpose of preventing ham Merill) are actually You and fires Durina the eat two ve (And yet, you can take it from me, That there was a mean baby; yea, O Kelley, They don't come any meaner: Not where the CCC boys wean them frantical bob-cats on gin-&-bitters, Not where East Rock Park (dry nurse of lions!) grows 'em big as elephants). So what I say is this: You can get me a one-way tcket for some God- forsaken place out West Where you see a tree once in a hundred miles, maybe, if you look hard: where The whole set-up's as burnt & dry as a lizard's larynx; Or you can get Franklin D. to appoint me Min- ister to the Antipodes, 'Way to hell-&-gone under the earth, where the Chinks walk upside down & the sun shines twice a year, And that in January; Or you can lock me up in a. concentration-gow that buzzards would blush to visit, Where the cockroaches get eyebrow-strain from snooting the inmates: Listen: I'll make out O. K. - And you know why? I'll just keep on thinking about and singing about and wishing about Cornelia, Cornelia, the cutie with the smile that pays, Cornelia, the babe with the line that's got what it takes. -PARTHENOSTOMOS. There is little to say about the late A. E. Hous- man that has not been said. He was one of the few great Latin scholars, and his fame will last upon the poems in "A Shropshire Lad" and "Last Poems." It may be said that many a rose- lipt versifying maiden and many a lightfoot ver- sifying lad never would have written a respectable line without Housman's poems in mind. Eleven years ago in Cambridge we wanted to see ! Housman; a timorous knock at his door brought no response. It transpired that he was not in Cambridge at all that day, and our first feeling was one of relief, for we should have been mute or over-garrulous in his presence. But next day we regretted not having seen him. He was one of the few members of a society founded many years ago in this department's imagination: The Dudless Writers' Club. But stock exchanging aside, think of the gamble in the insurance business. You will now listen to the baritone voice of Wallace Cox: You buy a policy - and you're betting one of several things: Your house will burn down, be burglarized, or just blown away entirely., Your cook will cut her finger, or break her neck. Your car will kill or injure two or more people in a Motor Crash. You will fall down the Cellar Stairs. Your dog will attack a friendly milkman. A pal will slip on a costly rug and sue for $50,- 000. Your wife will lose a Priceless Gem. Your plane will crash in the Alleghenies. P. S. -Any bets? -F..A. training of the mind and the will to do justice to each specific instance. Now think again of the Counselor and the Professor; and think about yourself . . . Moreover their acts were not at all moral, to say nothing of their being wise; and to an alarming degree they were unjust. What, may I ask, was the dangerous probability of some harmful fury resulting from the distribu- tion of that specific literature, a literature that transcends the common meaning of propaganda? Only the Counselor and the Professor were ener- getic enough to look for it; and they must have flown into a fury when they did not find it. And, by the way, we have no assurance that they even as much as saw the literature before they began acting like children. Consider: If two Professors boiled over, at least a half dozen others might have sizzled! But those half dozen were as wise as the audience. There was infinitely more of arbitrariness than of logic in the Counselor's and the Professor's denunciations. Perhaps only great men could have made such great mistakes. DRAMA DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN I. It is important to remember that Gilbert Miller, who telephones Mir- anda at the end of the play and in- vites her to be in his next production, is as prominent a manager in London as he is in New York. Of all the sophisticated, delightful enterprises of our time, probably the one that most intr'igues the imagina- tion of the Mrs. Mumfords and other common citizens is the after-the-play party of the royal-circle of theatric- al stars. No wonder, then, that when Ivor Novello was clever enough to trans- fer the whole fabulous business- wit, elegance, champagne, current celebrities, the appalling frankness of sophisticated conversation -to the London stage, and invite everyone, for the price of a ticket, to come, he could not accommodate the crowds. It all has an exotic and enchant- ing quick-silver quality. Mr. Novello competes in London for co-honors with Noel Coward as an actor who is a brilliant playwright as well. "Symphony in Two Flats," "The Truth Game," "Fresh Fields" now current in New York ,and "Proscen- ium" are some of his recent successes. Of them all, "Party" is his smartest and the most fun. Mr. Novello has coupled with his wit a human and warm sentiment quite lacking in Mr. Coward's hard brittle style. And Mr. Novello never quite commits the cheap sin of vulgarity, for all his Mayfair settings. -R.H. ii THE STAGE AT THE LYDIA MENDELSSOHN "ALICE IN WONDERLAND" A Review By C. B. CARPENTER The most outstanding aspects of the Play Production version of "Alice in Wonde'land" are the remarkable costumes, the dexterous handling of difficult problems in the scenery, and the sparkling rapidity with which the nineteen scenes are presented. So outstanding are these achievements, and so realistically grotesque is the whole production that it becomes to the audience a kaleidoscopic pano- rama of almost monotonously fan- tastic events none of which assumes any more importance than the one which pr'eceded it. But the play itself is largely re- sponsible for these difficulties. It is, in reality, no more than just such a series; and in spite of the subsequent dramatic difficulties there are very few dull moments in the production. The part of Alice, played capably by Jean Greenwald, is a difficult one being that of a contrastingly ordi- nary human confronting such aston- ishing figures as The Duchess, The March Hare, The Mad Hatter, The Queen of Hearts, Mock Turtle, The Ace of Clubs, Tweedledum and Twee- have been twenty fires in University buildings, seven of which were at-" tributed to cigarettes. To be effec- tive, the rule must necessarily apply to bringing lighted tobacco into or through University Buildings -in- cluding such lighting just previous to going outdoors. Within the last few years a serious fire was started at the exit from the Pharmacology Building by the throwing of a still lighted match into refuse waiting removal at the doorway. If the rule is to be en- forced at all its enforcement must be- gin at the building entrance. Further, it is impossible that the rule should be enforced with one class of persons if another class of persons disregards I it. It is a disagreeable and thankless task to 'enforce' any rule. This rule against the use of tobacco within the buildings is perhaps the most thank- less and difficult of all, unless it has the willing support of everyone con- cerned. An appeal is made to all persons using the University build- ings - staff members, students and others - to contribute individual co- operation to this effort to protect; University buildings against fires. Summer Session: Any woman stu-" dent desiring residence in the Uni- versity dormitories for the Summer Session should make application as soon as possible at the office of the Dean of Women in Barbour Gymna- sium. Jeannette Perry. Households having rooms for light housekeeping, furnished and unfur- nished apartments suitable for gradu- ate women students for the Summer Session are requested to call the Of- fice of the Dean of Women as soon as possible. All Women on campus intersted are invited to participate in the voca- tional discussion groups for women at the Michigan League. Jouralism and Publishing Work will be discussed at the 4 p.m. meeting this afternoon and Social Service Work will be dis- cussed at the 7:30 p.m. meetingtthis evening. Following the presentations C of the discussion leaders the remaind- er of the meeting will be given over to answering questions. The discussion leaders will be guests at dinner in the Russian Tea Room at the Michigan League at 6 p.m. and those girls who are interested in meeting them and in joining them at dinner are welcome to do so. The discussions on Friday will cov- er the field of radio at the 4 p.m. m eeting and Advertising at the 7:30 p.m. meeting. Bureau of Appointments Forestry: All students who expect to attend Camp Filibert Roth this summer, please meet in Room 2039, Natural Science Building, Thursday, May 7, at 5:00 p.m. Robert Craig, Jr., Camp Director. Seniors: The L. G. Balfour'Com- pany, 1107 South University Avenue strurt ive notre to all members of the Mice of the Assistant to the President placed in the hall of the West Engi- neering Building. Part of the dues collected will be used to finance this picture. The dues are payable to Laurence Halleck, Thomas Jefferis, George Frid, Charles Donker, Perci- val Wilson, Robert Merrill, Robert Warner, or Howard Jackson. Graduation Recital Omitted: On account of illness, the piano gradua- tion recital by Jean Hoover an- nounced for Friday evening, May 8, has been indefinitely postponed. Academic Notices Comprehensive Examination in Ed- ucatio'n: All candidates for the Teacher's Certificate (except gradu- ate students who will have received an advanced degree by June) are re- quired to pass a Comprehensive Pro- fessional Examination covering the Education courses prescribed for the Certificate. The next examination of this kind will be held in the auditori- um of the University High School on Saturday, May 23, at 2 p.m. The ex- amination will cover Education A10, Cl, D100, and special methods. Stu- dents enrolled in any of the spe- cial curricula in the School of Educa- tion will be examined on such of these courses as are included in those cur- ricula. Directed Teaching-Qualifying Ex- amination: All students expecting to do directed teaching next semester are required to pass a Qualifying Examination in the subject which they expect to teach. This examina- tion will be held in the auditorium of the University High School on Sat- urday afternoon, May 23, starting sharply at 1 p.m. The examination will consume about four hours' time; promptness is therefore essential. Landscape Design 102 (City Plan- ring) will not meet today. Lectures Henry Russel Lecture: Dr. John G. Winter, professor of the Latin Lan- guages and Literature, Henry Russel Lecturer for 1935-36, will speak on the subject "Papyrology: Its Con- tributions and Problems" on Thurs- day, May 14, at 4:15 p.m., in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. An- nouncemet of the Henry Russel Award for 1935-36 will be made at this time. Students, members of the faculty, and the general public are invited. Public Lecture: "Byzantine Civiliz- ation, its Character and Influence," by Prof. Arthur E. R. Boak. Sponsored by the Research Seminary in Islamic Art. Monday, May 11, 4:15 p.m., Room D, Alumni Memorial Hall, Ad- mission free. Events Of Today Zoology Seminar: Mr. M. R. Ray- mond will speak on "A Limnological study of the Plankton of a Concre- tion-forming Marl Lake" and Mr. David S. Shetter on "A Study of the Migrations and Life History of the Brook Trout in Michigan, by Means of Tagging Experiments" 7:30 p.m., Room 2116 N.S. Varsity Glee Club: Full rehearsal for important concerts to be an- nounced. Every member please re- port at 8:30 p.m. Deutscher Zirkel: Meeting at 8 p.m. in Lane Hall. Volkslieder und Tanz. Everybody interested is invited to at- tend. Forestry Club: Meeting will be held in Room 2054, N.S.B. at 7:30 p.m. Dr. C. A. Arnold will be the speaker. Social Committee meeting at 4:15 at the League. Delta Epsilon Pi will conduct its installation of officers Friday, May 8, Michigan Union. All members must be present at 7:30 p.m. Dr. S. Nittis, former staff member of the University Hospital at present located in Detroit, will deliver a speech at the open meeting of the Delta Epsilon Pi at the Michigan Union Friday, May 8. The public is cordially invited at 9 p.m. to hear his discussion of the Justinian New Deal and the Present New Deal. Graduate Outing Club cordially in- vites all graduate students to attend the annual Spring Overnight Party at the University Fresh Air Camp on Patterson Lake Saturday, May 9. There will be games, boating, swim- ming, (for those who dare) and en- tertainment in the evening. Meet at Lane Hall at 3 p.m. Saturday after- noon. Transportation will be pro- vided. Blankets and bedding are furnished. Bring flashlights. The total cost, including transportation, supper and Sunday breakfast will be approximately 85 cents. Please make reservations at Lane Hall or with any club officer by Friday night if pos- sible. American Association of University Women: The annual luncheon will be 4 I