The Weather
Unsettled, local thundershow-
ers today. Tomorrow showers.
i gan
Five Inches On An Inside
page ...
Repeat Order...
Program Of Discussion
Groups Is Announced;
25 To Be Held
Brummn Addresses
Opening Assembly
High School Journalists
Meet For Round - Table
Discussions, Lectures
With more than 370 registrations
already on hand, the Michigan Inter-
scholastic Press Association is looking
forward to its most successful con-
vention in the 12 years of its his-
tory, with the first meeting at 7:30
p.m. tonight in the Union ballroom,
where the delegates and advisers of
the high school publications consti-
tuting the association will meet for
their first general assembly of the
three-day session planned for them.
The convention, sponsored annually
by the journalism department of the
University, will bring to Ann Arbor a
record gathering of the representa-
tives of newspapers, magazines, and
annuals of Michigan secondary
schools to discuss the problems and
special topics of their publications in
general" assemblies, addresses, and;
round-table discussion groups.
Housing Problem Acute 1
The problem of housing the dele-
gates is still acute, according to the
journalism department, and anybody
who has available rooms is urged to1
offer them to the association for the]
week-end by calling the department
office in Haven Hall.
Registration of delegates will begin
at the Union this afternoon, with
members of Sigma Delta Chi, na-i
tional professional journalism fra-
ternity, 'and honorary journalism so-,
cieties assisting in conducting the
delegates to their rooms and showing
them the campus.E
Brumm To Speak!
The general assembly will be ad-
dressed by Prof. John L. Brumm,
chairman of the department of jour-
nalism, on "Let's Try Intelligence,"
followed by a reception of delegates
with staffs of the University High
School Broadcaster and the Ann Ar-
bor High School Optimist as hosts.
At 9:30 the delegates will make a tour
of the Student Publications Bldg.
Prof. Preston W. Slosson of the his-
tory department will address the
general session opening Friday meet-
ings on "The High School and the
World Outside." The first of the
25-round-table discussion meetings
will follow his address.
Program Of Discussions
The full program for the round-
table conferences follows:
At 10 a.m. Friday a demonstra-
tion of interviewing, by Ralph L.
Peters of the Detroit News, inter-
viewer, and Dr. Clyde R. Ford of
Michigan State Normal College, sub-
ject. "Getting the Breaks in Ad-
vertising," by Frank Kissell, of Mt.
Clemens High School; "Literary As-
pects of Annuals," by Sister Mary
Consilium, of St. Mercy Academy,
Grand Rapids; "Gloves and Pigskins,"
by James "Bingo" Brown, dean of.
men at Michigan State Normal and
state boxing commissioner; and "Cir-
culation Problems in Large High
Schools," by Spenser Fishbane, ad-
viser of the Central Student, of Cen-
tral High School, Detroit.
At 11 a.m. Friday: "Humor," by
Hamilton Easton, of Lakeview School,
Battle Creek; "Publishing the Smaller
School's Newspaper,' by Gordon
Fisher of Howell High School; "A
Staff That Clicks," by Mattie Crump,
# of Arthur Hill High School, Saginaw;
(Continued on Page 2)
Riksen's Case Is Set
For Next Wednesday
The city of Ann Arbor's case against
D. Ray Riksen, fraternity sandwich-
man, for peddling without a license,
has been postponed until Wednesday,
May 13, at the request of Riksen's
attorney, Carl Stuhrberg, it was an-
nounced yesterday.
His driver, Charles Golder, was
again arrested Tuesday night for im-
proper license plates, no certificate
of registration, and a second offense
of driving without a chauffeur's li-
cense. He was arraigned yesterday
and assessed fine and costs of $9.55
for having passenger car plates on a
car used for commercial purposes,
--A QMA CC S....Cho nthor-..+ - x,.. -n n n r rOC'
"il" " "peak"Today"On"Peaceou cilProgram
City Manager
Plan Holds Up
In Depression
rl'Iofessol' Bro triage Slows
Ini Survey Only Seven
Cities Abandoned It
No Inherent Flaws
Reveaded, Ile Says
Laek Of itil
Causes Fails
Points Out
Su pport
The Rt. Hon. George Lansbury (left), former leader of the British
Labor Party, who will speak on "Ways To Peace" at 4 p.m. today in the
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. Kirby Page, American author, will intro-
duce Mr. Lansbury and will also speak at a faculty luncheon at noon
today in the Union.
(*(* * *i
George LansbUr. Will Speak
On "Ways TO Peace"~foa
Kirby Page Also To Talk
At Meeting Sponsored By
Peace Organizations
"Ways to Peace" will be the subject'
of the Rt. Hon. George Lansbury,
well known British political figure
and leader of the English Labor Party,
in his address at 4 p.m. today in the
Lydia Mendelssohn theatre.
Kirby Page, American author, will
make the introductory speech at the'
meeting, which is being sponsored by
the University Peace Council and the
local Emergency Peace Campaign
committee. Mr. Page will also speak
at a faculty luncheon to be held this
noon in the Union.
Mr. Lansbury has been active in
the political circles of Great Britain
for several decades, having been
elected to Parliament in 1910. He
resigned, however, to fight for the
cause of woman suffrage. In 1912
he became the editor of the first So-
cialist daily in England.4
Later, Mr. Lansbury was elected
mayor of Poplar, a borough of Lon-
don, and insisted on an adequate
scale of relief for the unemployed.
Rather than reduce the relief ap-
propriations at the demand of a court
order, Mr. Lansbury and the entire
Town Council went to jail and re-
mained there until the measure was
put through.
Mr. Lansbury is convinced that the
present state of world affairs is a
Sivma iRho Tau
To Meet Ypsi
Team In Debate
Second Of Series Will Be
Held At McKenzie Union
This Evening
Sigma Rho Tau, honorary engi-
neering speech society, will meet the
woman's varsity debate team of Mich-
igan State Normal College of Ypsi-
lanti at 7:30 p.m. today in the Mc-
Kenzie Union at Ypsilanti to de-
bate on the subject, "Resolved, that
Congress Should Be Empowered to
Re-Enact by a Two-Thirds Majority
Legislation Declared Unconstitutional
by the Supreme Court."
The engineering society will take
the affirmative side. It's team will
be composed of Charles Probst, '39E,
Earl Brenn, '39E, Louis Slabkowicz,
'37E, Kenneth Parkhurst, '38E, and
alternate Joe Trueblood, '38E. Those
representing the negative side from
Ypsilanti will be Mary Jean Purcell,
Ruth Holleran and Dorothy Fin-
Tonight's debate will be the second
in the series of three designed to give
the newly-elected members of Sigma
Rho Tau debating experience, said
Prof. Robert D. Brackett, faculty ad-
viser of the speech society. The first
debate on the same subject was given
Tuesday night in the Union when the
Ypsilanti team, taking the afirma-
tive side defeated the engineers. Dif-
ferent teams were used by both
schools at that time.
The series of debates will be con-
cluded May 19, when the Sigma
Rho Tau affirmative team, engages
the Men's varsity debate team of
Ypsilanti in Ann Arbor and the neg-
ative team meets the Ypsilanti wom-
en's squad at Ypsilanti. The propo-
citrn fr teseramne mmil bete
threat ti the maintenance of peace,
and last February introduced a mea-
sure in the House of Commons where-1
by England was to call in interna-
tional conference to deal with the
subject of a more equal distribution
of raw materials.
Mr. Page is known for his many
books on international, religious, eco-
nomic and social questions. His works
have been translated into 10 lan-
guages and have been read by people
throughout the world. At present
Mr. Page is contributing editor for
the "Christian Century," having
formerly been editor of "The World
Traveled extensively, Mr. Page has
talked with many of the famous per-
sonages of other nations and received
their viewpoints on matters of in-
ternational significance. Among the
people he has talked with in his tour
of 35 countries are Mahatma Gand-
hi, the late President Hindenburg of
Germany, Ramnsay MacDonald, Cli-
ang-Kai-Shek, George Bernard Shaw,
Toyohiko Kagawa and Lloyd George.
Band Occupies
New Rooms In.
Newberry Hall,
Monday's rehearsal of the Univer-
sity Band was the first one to be
held in the organization's new quar-
ters in Newberry Hall. Previous tol
this time the band has occupied Mor-
ris Hall, which has served as the or-
ganization 's headquarters since its
official recognition by the University
in 1913.
The city manager plan of govern-
ment came through the depression
practically unscathed, according to
Prof. Arthur W. Bromage of the po-
litical science department, who de-
clared yesterday that the seven Amer-
ican municipalities abandoning it be-
t ween 1931 and 1935 did not do so
Lecause of any "inherent weakness in
the plan itself."
These facts were shown in a survey
written by Professor Bromage for the
National Municipal Review of the five
cities, one town and one village which
repudiated the plan during the recent
"lean years." The fact that the city
government system survived as well
as it did, he called a "remarkable
record" and declared that "the seven
reversals are only the exceptions that
prove the rule of its durability."
The municipalities which aban-
doned the city manager plan are
Cleveland and Brattleboro, Vt., in
1931; Lima, 0., and Windsor, Vt., in
1932; Sulphur, Okla., in 1934; and Fall
River, Mass., and St. Albansc, Vt., in
1934; and none in 1935.
States Abandonmedmt Reasons
But in these same five years, Pro-
fessor Bromage pointed out, there
were 48 referenda in which cities
voted to retain the manager plan.
In general, he asserted, the reason
for abandonment is that the friends
of the plan relaxed their vigilance
after the manager charter had been
adopted, and scheming politicians and
foes of the system were thus able
"quietly to gird their forces to the3
"Supporters of the plan," according
to Professor Bromage, "must exercise
eternal vigilance at councilmanic
elections, and they must be on guard
against the day when opponents of
the manager plan will come out of
hiding to swing the pendulum against
the manager charter." Non-voters,
Professor Bromage said, play an im-
portant part in the drama surround-
ing the manager plan, and "some-
times an organized minority of think-
irig voters succeeds in putting over a
manager charter and bows later to
an organized minority of politicians.
An indifferent mass of non-voters per-
mits these active groups to resolve the
issue. The manager plan, like any
other governmental institution, may
be prey to passing politics."
Abandoned In Cleveland
Expect To Hold Ceremony
In Cleveland Municipal
Nominee To Decide
Concerning Meeting.
No Significance Is Placed
On Green Statement By
WASHINGTON, May 6. -WP) --
Plans for a giant outdoor notifica-
tion ceremony for the next Repub-
lican presidential nominee, to be
staged in the Cleveland Municipal
Stadium immediately after the June
convention, were announced tonight
by the Republican National Commit-
Whether the plans are carried out,
however, depends upon the wishes of1
the nominee, Henry P. Fletcher, na-
tional chairman, said tonight in a
statement. He added that in putting
forward the proposal he was taking
a leaf from the Democrats' book. Im-
mediate notification ceremonies are
planned after the Democratic con-
vention later in June.1
Green's Statement Discounted
Fletcher said in another statement,
issued simultaneously, that the com-
mittee "attaches no particular signifi-
cance to the statement by William
Green that he favored Mr. Roosevelt."
"The American Federation of Labor
is non-partisan," Fletcher said. I
"Its members and officers can bef
for whom they please, and always
are. There is no more news in thet
statement of Mr. Green, who has al-t
ways been a Democrat, than there
would be if Tugwell should announcet
that he was a"New Dealer'"
Regarding the notification cere-p
monies, Fletcher said:s
"Strange as it may seem I approvet
the precedent established by Mr.I
Roosevelt in going to the conventionr
to receive the notification of his nom-
Fletcher Makes Tentative Plans
"I am making tentative plans fort
holding the ceremonies connected
with the notification of the Repub-f
lican candidates for President andt
Vice-President at the stadium inf
Cleveland as soon as possible afterf
the nominations are made.f
"Whether these plans will be car-
ried out will depend entirely on the1
desires of the successful candidates."
President Roosevelt accepted his
1932 nomination in the Chicago con-
vention hall. The 1936 Democratic
nominee is to be notified in Franklin
Field, Philadelphia.t
Senator Vandenberg of Michigan,'
one of those prominently mentioned1
for the Republican nomination, had
no comment on Fletcher's proposal.
S.CA. Seeks
Donations For
Youths' Camp'
$1,000 Toward Expenses
Of Running Boys' Fresh
Air Center Is Needed
A crew of students armed with
pails and tags will take to the campus
May 15 and 16 to collect donations
for the University of Michigan camp
for boys, which annually provides
healthful rest and nourishment for
approximately 200 needy and under-
privileged youths from Ann Arbor
and Detroit.
The camp, located at Lake Patter-
son, about 25 miles from Ann Arbor,
is sponsored by the Student Christian
Association and is directed by George
Alder. It has been in existence 13
years and is conducted by members
of the University faculty and stu-
According to Howard Holland, '37,
chairman of the SCA Tag Day com-
mittee, the drive is hoped to net at
least $1,000 toward the expenses of
running the camp. Holland said last
right that the camp, which has tak-
en care of 5,500 boys from the ages
of 9 to 14 in its history, expects to
have 200 youths enjoy its program
this summer. The boys going to the
camp will stay for four-week periods,
Holland said.
The activities of the camp include
swimming, nature studies and out-
door athletics. The water supply and
the food are tested by the State Board
of Health, and fresh fruit, vegetables
Meeting Of Board Set
F 8 A.M., May 16
The Board in Control of Student 1
Publications will hold its meeting J
for the appointment of managing
editor and business manager of
The Michigan Daily, The Summer 1
Michigan Daily, the Michiganen-
sian, and the Gargoyle, and busi-
ness manager of the Summer Di-
retoray, at 8 a.m., rather than at
2:30 p.m. as previously announced,
May 16, 1936.
Each applicant for a position is
requested to file nine copies of his
letter of application with the
Auditor of Student Publications
not later than May 9' 1936, for
the use of the members of the
Board. Carbon copies, if legible,
will be satisfactory. Each letter
should state facts as to the ap-
plicant's experience upon the pub-
lication or elsewhere, so far as
they may have any bearing upon
his qualifications for the position
sought, and other facts which the
applicant may deem relevant.
Business Manager, Board E
In Control of Student Pub- i
liatios. t
For 1.936-137 b
Choral Series
Bostoni, CicagoDetrot ,
Symphonies Scheduiled
To Appear Here
A brilliant series of ten concerts,
which will include three distinguishede
orchestras, the Boston, Chicago anda
Detroit Symphonies, has been planned L
for the Choral Union Series of 1936- t
37, Dr. Charles A. Sink, president ofn
the School of Music, announced yes-i
The opening concert will be one of
the most outstanding events of thet
series, with Kirsten Flagstad, thee
Norwegian -operatic soprano, who b
scored such a success this year with v
the Metropolitan Opera, appearing i
recital on Oct. 19 in Hill Audito-
Chicago Group To Return
The Chicago Symphony Orchestra,a
under the baton of Frederick Stock,
will return to the scene of its manyC
former triumphs in previous May Fes--s
tivals, for the second concert of theI
season on Nov. 2. This will be the
first time that this organization hasc
been heard in, Ann Arbor with its
full quota of men. On its Festivalr
appearances for the past 31 years, it1
has always been represented by its c
curtailed group of 70 players.
One of the most unusual concerts
will be the presentation of the Mos-
cow Cathedral Choir, consisting oft
two dozen singers, to be directed by
Nicholas Afonsky. They will presentf
a program of Russian music for thes
third concert, to be given Nov. 16.t
Jascha Heifetz, one of the most
famous violinists of the day, who
has been heard here on numerous
occasions, will appear in the fourth
concert on Nov. 30.
The Boston Symphony orchestra,
directed by Serge Koussevitsky, who1
presented one of the most outstanding
concerts in last fall's Choral Union
series, will be heard again for the
sixth time in Ann Arbor on Dec. 10.
Hofman Recital Scheduled
The sixth concert will be a recital1
by Josef Hofmann, world renowned
pianist, who has not been heard in1
Ann Arbor for almost 10 years. He
will appear on Dec. 14.
Bernardino Molinari, brilliantl
young Italian conductor, will appear
as guest director of the Detroit Sym-
phony Orchestra in the seventh con- 1
cert, to be presented Jan. 15. His
sensational success of last season was
so great that he was engaged again
for this series.
Appearing for the second time in
Ann Arbor, Gregor Piatigorsky, the
well-known Russian violin-cellist, will
present the eighth concert on the
series, on Jan. 25. The next concert,
will be given by one of Ann Arbor's
favorite artists, the piano virtuoso,
Artur Schnabel; who will appear in
recital on Feb. 23.
The series will close March 24 with a
recital by Nelson Eddy, baritone, who
has recently achieved outstanding
fame not only in the movies but on
the concert stage.
Robbi ts Edits New
Book On Umiversity
A book edited by Dr. Frank E. Rob-
bins and published by the University
to be sent to prospective students or
others interested in the University
has just come off the press.
The purposes of the book are to
Italians To
Begin Rule
In Ethiopia
.ritisi Statesmen Debate
Future Of League And
Eden Says Geneva
Body 'Must Go On'
English Laborites Request
Continued Economic
(By the Associated Press)
Italy swiftly began the task of
stablishing a civil government in
Ethiopia Wednesday while the Brit-
sh government debated the future of
he League of Nations and of collec-
ive security itself.
Fascist troops, who entered Addis
Ababa in triumph Tuesday, routed
the last of maurauding Ethiopian
bands and then began to clear bodies
from the streets of the looted, half-
'azed capital.
Despite the admitted blow to the
League by its failure to save Ethiopia,
the British government has no idea of
abandoning Geneva, it was disclosed.
Foreign Secretary Anthony Eden
old the House of Commons during
foreign affairs debate that the League
"must go on."
Sharp differences of opinion were
expressed as to whether sanctions
against Italy should now be dropped.
Laborites asked for a continuance of
the economic penalties and liberal
members even demanded that they be
Italy To Demand 'Hands Off'
In Rome, where a delirous celebra-
tion of the occupation of Addis Ababa
extended into the second day, it was
learned that Italy would be adamant
when the League council meets next
She will demand, informed sources
said, that the League keep "hands
off" the Ethiopian question and will
assert "Ethiopia is Italian"
As Italy began the task of taking
over her vast new acquisition Giu-
seppe Bottai, former governor of
Rome, was appointed civil governor
of Addis Ababa.
Marshal Pietro Badoglio, who di-
rected the successful military cam-
paign, told newspapermen the labors
of peace would be "quite as arduous
as those required for war."
Detachments of Fascists stood
guard over various legations, where
thousands of foreigners were be-
sieged for four days. Many of the
foreigners had their firstsquare meal
since Emperor Haile Selassie fled
the capital Saturday.
American Minister Safe
Safely reestablished in his bullet-
dented Addis Ababa legation, Ameri-
can Minister Cornelius Van H. Engert
reported to the state department to-
day that he had accounted for all
his fellow countrymen in the razed
city except one woman.
She was Eleanor Meade, a New
York journalist, for which the min-
ister said he had begun a search af-
ter failing to locate her in making a
check of those Americans thought to
be in the Ethiopian capital when
rioting, looting and fire followed its
abandonment by the government last
He explained that it was possible
that Miss Meade had left Addis Aba-
ba, without reporting her departure
to the legation, by one of the last
trains before the disturbances began.
He added, however, that three
women attaches of the American
Mary Hasties School-the Misses B.
A. Dommermuth, and L. M. Ship-
pey of Avoca, Pa., and E. C. French
of Avoca, N. Y.-lost all their be-
longings at the hands of pillagers.
Zeppelin Crew List
Fails To Indicate
Eckener's Ranking
SHAFEN, Germany, May 6. - ()) -
Passengers aboard the new German
zeppelin were amazed tonight to find
the name of Dr. Hugo Eckener, com-
mander, in the crew list without an
indication of his-rank.
Many American passengers ex-
pressed indignation over this appar-
ent slight to the veteran zeppelin
Providing a larger practice room
than Morris Hall, Newberry Hall, it is In Cleveland, the latest and most
thought, will make possible more ef- important loss, for example, Professor
fective rehearsals of the 75-piece con- Bromage continued, the manager
cert band. The acoustics of the larger plan was abandoned because:
auditorium will more closely resemble 1. "Of unremitting bedevilment of
the sound properties of the halls administrative officers by party lead-
where the band plays its concerts . ers and partisan councilmen for party
Another in the series of spring con- spoils and special favors.
certs by the band took place last night 2. Of antagonism produced by
when Conductor William D. Revelli failure of the council and the first
took his group to Adrian for a con- manager to recognize the clear dis-
cet in the Adrian armory. The trip tinctions in the charter between their
was mate in three buses, and the or- respective fields of activities.
ganization returned immediately after 3. Of accumulated antagonisms,
the concert.uwhich develop against any charter
under the American idea of regard-
This afternoon the band will take in- government as a grab-bag into
part in the R.O.T.C. practice review which every citizen has a right to
at Ferry Field. This drill will be the dip his hand and grab all he can
first of the dress parades to be staged get.
in preparation for the annual retreat 4. Many voters disliked the pro-
parade during homecoming. .ontinuea on Page 6s
Printive Si n Lalv4are Causes
Decline Of Campus Social Life
Social life on the campus has suf-
fered a severe decline because of the
recent student adoption of the pris-
tine idiom of communciation used by_
primative aborigines. Sociologists,
hereabouts are looking askance at
students who are rapidly digressing
to the dawn of human culture and
using communicating devices common
to the Piltdown Man.
Strange as it may seem, gesticula-
tions that were used to while away
rainy afternoons in the Stone Age are
now the rage with the brilliant coterie
which spends fascinated hours in the
Parrot or even in sacred sanctums of
slunk into our social milieu and may
depart as inobtrusively.
Ingenuity is apparently super-
abundant in the mind of the creator
of "Guess What." There are few
fields of human endeavor that have
not been invaded by his fruitful mind.
Music has its "Broken Record";
transportation its "Mowhawk Riding
in Ford V8"; physiology its "Hang-
over"; chemistry its "Pasteurized
Milk"; Hollywood has "It Happened
One Night"; barbering its "Bald Man
Combing Hair," forensics its "Talk-
ing Off Hand"; grammer its "Split-
ting Infinitives"; plumbing its "Man
Taking Cold Shower," and so on ad