WEDNESDAY, MAY 6, 19 3) 4 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE FIVE WEDNESDAY, MAY fi, 1~13f~ PAGE FIVE L. Mo re Than 250 Women Are Accepted Forl Con m ittees B y League Memibers of 4, Weaver Discerns League GroutpsGeniuns of 'Aice, Ar'e Aiino unced B lZBT NESN5 "Alic in Wonderland" is completly v Charltte Rueger ldeports removed from Lewis Carrol's math- c Very Large Numbher O e f th Engli eatmnt ex- C Appili inspainel that, in his estimation, the w _____two were closely connected. n More than 250 WOmIcII have been Actually, he stated, mathematics u accepted to work onl various League rise to a high degree of imagination. t commit tees, according to Charlotte From the abundance of his imagina- P _Rueger, '37, 'League president. The tion, Lewis Carroll found it easy to o committees are the social, horse re- draw down the fanciful situations Lz ception, merit system anld publicity and characterizations of the story. f groups. It was but natural, he concluded, for MissRueer aidyesterday th at' Carroll to write his famous, candid p: shew waseverplasdwthth work rather than a record of a Doe- p: she* wa vey peasd wth he age tor Jkyle-Mr. Hyde. number of applications submitted. Satkyf. Both Ault And hld 1 More women have petitioned this year Prastegets etr ftei are evr bfor, an th comiteesbook is the way it satisfies both the i, are correspondingly larger. adult and the child. The chil see.; N The new social committee, headed merely the lighter fancies which are I by Harriet Heath, '37, is composed of o plasantly treated, whle th adult the following women: Priscilla Abbot, gt ,gipeo h naigudr '39, Mary Andrus, '38, Mary Margaret lying it all. Barnes, '37A, Doris Bolton, '39A, Jean On fPoesrWae' aoie1 Bonstel, 38,Josphie Cvahghpoemns is "Jabberwocky," a seemingly it '37, Roberta Chissus, '39A, Marcia nonsensical work belovedl by chldren Connell, '39, Margaret Cram, '39 all over the world. Actually, it is a t Mary Jane Crowley, '38, Fay Dibble, biight satire on war, playfully re- I '37, Geil Duflendaek, '38, Jean Drake, vealimg the fighting instinct of the '39, Agatha Fegert, '7. human race,'he asserted. Social Commc ittee Namned Another lovely satire, he pointed u, Armela enln, '8, argret er-I ot, i th stry o HuptyDum t. guson, '37, Betty Jane Flansburg, '37,Ie quoted the sentence, "When I use aw Ruth Fowler, '38, Eleanor French, '39, word," Humpty Dumpty said in a o Ruth Friedman, '38, Janet Fullen- rather scornful tone, it means just wider, '39, Betty Gatward, '38, Mary what I choose it to mean - neither NA Gies, '39, Hattibel Grow, '38, Virginia more or less'." Chuckling, Professor l Handeysidle, '38, Hope Hartwig, '38, Weaver suggested that, in this way, Barbara Heath, '39, Virginia Jackson, Carroll shows the dogmatist to be e '38, Barbara Johnson, '38, Helen just an empty shell. a Johnson; '39. Pauline Kalb, '39, Nancy Croquet Scene Dramaticd Kover, '38, Kathryn Keeler, '37, Sally Still another great characteriza- 0 Kenny, '38, Janet Lambert, '37, Mar- tion is that of the queen of hearts in jorie Langenderfer, '37, Gretchen the croquet scene, he explained "She Lehmann, '37, Marjorie Link, '39, is a perfect queen, a stupid, spunky, Margaret Lorenz, '39. vicious rascal as she struts around Mary Loughborough, '39, Dorothy screaming off with his head'." Luth, '39, Jean MacGregor, '37, Mar- Peraps the reason "Alice In Won- ,jorie Merker, '39, Betty Miller, '37, derland" is so universally enjoyed is Virginia Nimmo, '37, Stephanie Par- that stated by Professor Weaver. "I o fet, '39, Janet Pike, '38, Jane Pitcher, love it because it gives me such a per- a '37, Elizaeth Powers, '38, Mary Red- feet and assured release into the b den, '3, Jean Rheinfrank, '39, Elea- realm of childhood. Perhaps better t nor Doxaiis Smith, '39, Priscilla Smith, than any other book in the English f( 38, Hjelen Smithson, '37, Ann Smyth, language, this one carries us back m '38, Betty Spangler, '39. into the land of fancy where a child c Louise Sprague, '37, Dorothea Stae- so completely lives." a bler, '39, Jean Stere, '38A, Irene' Stil- The nearness of a child to the son, '38, Jane Steiner, '38A, Sybil physical world around him- the an-w Swartout, '39, Judy Trosper, '37, Helen imals, the flowers, in fact all nature E Vidok, '37, Betty Walsh, '37, Dorothy is shown, he pointed out, in the way s Webb, '37, Virginia Weidlei, '38 Alice approaches such creatures as_ Mary Wheat, '39, Betty Whitney, '38, mice and rabbits, in the joy with Sue Willard, '37, Mary Louise Wi- which she enters a garden of living toontinulea on rage 6) flowers and even carries on a conver- '6he 6lizabeth Pillon; SHOP Season-End Cl earance Beg inning Wednesday lasting thru Saturday S UITS an DRESSES Off the OriginalPrice DRESSES Darker~ Crepes -- Prints and Knits Sizes to 46 Vcalues to $29.75 SUITS All Swggers and Two-piece Tci l leurs Excepting light pastels. S ic'akggers to Size 42 - T ail/curs to Size 20 V1alues from $14.95 to $29.75. Clearance Sale of Spring Hats Wednesday through Saturday Ala theiiualical In iWonderland' Collnitteeiieni R~lvisPhuin Announc I e(]. ~dI 1 1 111 II ")i'-A( I mi LeF ation with a caterpillar. The naive 'FiirsI OBVoealioiial The firsts of the series o1 vocat ional di. cusstlSti for women to be gi vcI~ his wcek will be held at 3 pIm. today in the League. The subject of 11w dilscus°sions will' be "Opport uniti es for Wome:).n in the Departmentii Store 1' icldi. Personnel work in derutt imn 1:'(,ores will be out lined by Ms Sara Roiane, director of pei'soniii for the mianner < nd the fresh .joyousness with which a child faces life pervades the ntire book, he explained. Professor Weaver cieczared that' Carroll writes 'Alice In Wonderland.' with the attitude of a mature man ememberin g childhood. He delight3 is with a perfect fancifulness rather thani wvith rat ion allity, Professor Weaver showed. He went on to point ut thatI obviously, in the preface, it i;stat ed t hat, the story is toldt merely for the en ljoyment of children. But then, he continued, a large fit of our really great literature ileases children as xvell as adults. Gulliver's Travels" was, for a time, rccognized only as a. childrcn's book, Js great satiric power not being real- ied, lie explained. "The Arabian ights," he stated, is another excel- lnt example of this. Aiinials tlscd In Literature The custom) of using animals in lit- rature to bring out human traits be- an, hie explained, with stories told in India many years before the birth f Christ. He revealed that these ,ales xwcre related to instruct young Indian princes. Aesop was another fictitious person asing creatures of the animal world !o show the characteristics of human eings, he pointed out. His satiric visdom has, the asserted, become part f the heritage of all educated people. A delightful thing about "Alice In Wonderland" is that it all seems real- y' to happen, he stated. Professor Weaver also brought out the fact that verything follows in logical order s the story continues helps to keep ,he reader near to Alice in the world f fancy. Signia Xi. Members Some 138 members of the Society f Sigma Xi, designed to promote nd recognize scientific research, will e honored tonight at a banquet in ;e Union. The banquet will mark r a part of those 138 elevation to a more advanced standing in the So- ,ity, and for others it will serve as in initiation. The speaker for the banquet, which will begin at 6:30 p.m., will be Dr. 1.C. MacDowell of the Carnegie In- Litution, Cold Springs Harbor, N. Y., Nw, l'lkeeiionieIONOI Tos e rami l lioli cii 10 SV('UtI II 4)IM(' stylist, will be u mtlined hb Miss Flor ei' cvaath (Irector of style for the J. 1'. hhiutson ('U. Cilis who wish to imeet an.y of the d :r.iscsion lde ur,.nersonlly shouldi con >ic fromt) 2 :)0 Ito)3 p.m to the Grand11 the ~lcdiiigof MlredM rhr ':3t, of l lint. 1-ye Glass Frames , Repaired. Lenses Ground.- > HAILER'S J __tlr f State Str~eet at Liberty I { t r I t i 1 1 1 i { 71 1 'the guests of the memben, of i ait liven W. be aIt home to the stet The subject, of t raining profr ins t , f txeI dcv ts Poi 4 to 65 p.m. today. The,,,: in department, stores will be discuwsed central comnmit tee of the Architects aiidleigradi a e I eas are hieldl the first, by Miss Anne Gletne, direct or of Ball which will be held May 8 in j tw() eneuvso ee monith. j raining for the J. L. Hudson Co. of Bar'bourl. Gymnlasium has been an- j l oghals td't re inviteda Detroit. andl merchandiding, partic- nounced(. a t en, specia11 vii, at~ions have tilairly from the Point of view of a Bertha Cole, '37, wxill be tbe guest PsLThlaD~l ii, A S im a of Rober't Morr'is, 1:36A, generial ciir-n Chi.lel i.a 1Deit'a, Chii Oine~a,1 mn.i Other conlinilIftte i and te :h i I 2ii Kppa, snaAlpha ChiOmega, guests will include Edwaird Dufld,(1 l;ti h ,um ndAlpha Phi. Spec i alIShowingl9of '36A, who is taking Alice I'Aati hxvs, All t. liwU'ii'' of Ithe social cotn of ucld, ., nd ichrd tn Iittce !of ta tcwill assist 1)1'. o ltciOadllbS ick oli M".6. J r ta the affair. The- nicy, '36A wvhose gutest will be IEvelynvii hoxLaWti'1 '~pr'esidejat, the WII Hloadley of Montpelier, Ohio. Peggy 1 tllT aroa Z(itr 5i 3. . m Peterson of Oak Park.11ll., will ac- iu '~ ieI 3,MraeGet IA compasny IHerbert St evens, '36A and < ad KI Lanr tH A'37 Charles Stocking, '36, who wil have i 'h'~ Lglii ie will form in the as his guest Eleanor Wright;, '37A. ' wi ro,;):r11 wh. e Dr). and Mrs. .LIIi\ I'(-'Z/ els William Warwick. Spec., is taking ''ut AK'en will gect the gintescs. Tea I,~, Marion Gai'ner of Chicago. Jeanette will besexa ill lie dining r'oom. .I ps S!'l Rhuling, of East Lansing wvho xvill ac- S~ ~ iw'5ai le,\ii(O company Richard Pollman, '36A and ora(. te i ieales. O ver '200) ;;nests sire , Robert May, '36A xwho will have as'; petd.> h s g et J a i e B r e 37 ,e "9CIt, was announced by M orris that j X(1-I' 'T' ) UN' TYRZV JEW the entcertainment for the dance this T here xviii be a con:tinuationl of year will be one of ti~e most unusual , G.P. coi.: a colmmil tee interxviewvs MAY CLEARANCE of programs ever presented. h~owever, 1 bodaty i' iid ior)ow fromi.3 to 5 :301, all plans will be kept'secret until pro-, according, to Maryanina Chock- DARKER STRAWS sentation. !ey, '37, chaz rnt'.'n of the judiiciary BLACK - BROWN - NAVY Music for the dance will be fur- c'ou~ncil. Formerly priced up to $7.50 Dished by Jimmy Raschel and his or -_______________ chestra. The theme for the dance is Now "A World Cruise." The dance floor will be decorated like a ship with 1,! hug~e mrt'f.holes arond rithe walls- i ILAI11 SOPPA&-Ad" -*.., _W I One Group at 59c behind which will be scenes of foreign countries. Life preservers will ben hung ar'ound the rail of the balcony.j Costumes woi'n to the dance should3 be either of the type worn on ship board or native costumes of for'eign lands. Costumes are not compulsory for attendence, hoxwever. All students of the College of Archi- tecture who have not procured tickets as yet are urged to do so immediately, according to Morris, since they are receiving preference, but the tickets can not be held indefinitely. The' price of the (lance is $2.50 a couple. Tickets may be purchased at Ulrichi,, Van Bovens, the Union or' from any of the commiittee members. ior. Ste I ~,II : ty, abouve Krog('r':; I i ii _ a Jq -u 'q F'i'y 1iItiti's Y"oii (t(11)( )* 'ter DWJ ' d l /. cn . V yr' r., Ir WILL take~c so little of your Iime"1 . . . enld so little of your monley, to mcake. Mot-her happy on (.09 * her day! Here arc only a few suggestions! (_:: OPQP , "(Stifj } \ f X~~~r- live,' yA'liihe LiIA s Gifts SIw an tWvwlr, Usec (Ind Iull-l) Like!** S -IE MAY IjLmany ime., i a t r-rother,. luise still will love a gilt to flatter her fem-ininity. She will praise your good taste when your gjft comes in our boxy . . . for we've been mother's favorite store for years. Handbags In iiicst leather',and the larger shapes thatI Mother hikes best . ,$1,00 and $1.95 Gloves Falris, trngs fic-nics in xvlii~ :;' and past els; reds, green, blacks and navies. $1.00) and more Handkerchiefs The sheerest linen, and all hand made .. . for only the best is good enough for Mother. 29c and more Necklaces Pearls are perfect. for Moth- cr. Hlere are sinigie, double $ 1.040 and more Belle-Shuqrmeer Hosiery Beautiful, these (, but lui'aei- cal. Their wearing quafitieslC are surprising. : t andMore Lingerie Slips and ;;mwnsu, both lace and tailored - Satin and crepe, very dalinty and de- lectable. $1.95 and more Flowers How she'll love these gay costume flowers to aidorn her favorite dress or coat. 2fc and imp Clips A jc ( I ( Ti',c iii in 3rhine- stoni, s,'LiI iis. $1.t0 I /1f) I