I'AGE VOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, MAY 6, 1936 THE MICHIGAN DAILY tody and the Federal men say they have an "air- tight" case against him. But however important the actual capture of Karpis, even more significant is how the press handled the account of the New Orleans raid. Heretofore there has been much criticism of news- papers for their accounts of various happenings in the underworld. In many cases criminals were painted as "men who never had a chance," and they themselves, as well as their bloody careers, were at times glorified. Two years ago these criticisms were justified. In the accounts of the Karpis capture no glor- ification was evident. The attitude of the press has changed, and the articles telling of it were written more objectively and less sensationally. In the case of the Karpis arrest, merely the cold facts were given. Compare this with the articles on the Valentine Day Massacre and the "capture" of John Dillinger. This change in attitude has become more and more noticeable. Now, instead of glorifying the Al Capones, Dillingers and their partners in crime a true picture of these characters is received, un- tainted by any sensational, human interest ma- terial. This change can hardly help but aid in the prevention and suppression of crime. ~-- ~-- ~ --__ _ _ _ __ _ _ Publisned every morning except Monday during th University year and Summer Session by the Board in Control of Student Publications. MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press Is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or t otherwise creditd in this newspaper. All rights of repubication of all other matter herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier. $4.00; by mail, $4.50. Representatives: National Advertising Service, Inc., 420 Madison Ave., New York City; 400 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, Il. EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT Telephone 4925 BOARD OF EDITORS MANAGING EDI'TOR ..............THOMAS H. KLEENE ASSOCIATE EDITOR ............. .HOMAS E. GROEN Dorothy S. Gies Josephine T. McLean William R. Reed DEPARTMENTAL BOARDS Publication Department: Thomas H. Kleene, Chairman; Clinton B. Conger, Robert Cummins, Richard G. Her- shey ,Ralph W Hurd, Fred Warner Neal. Reportorial Department: Thomas E. Groehn, Chairman; Elsie A. Pierce, Joseph S. Mattes. Editorial Department: Arnold S. Daniels, Marshall D. Shulman. sports Department: Wiiflam .. Reed, Chairman: George Andros, Fred Bueser, Fred DeLano, Ray Goodman. Women's DepartmellL: Josephine T. McLean, Chairman; Josephine M. Cavanagn, Florence H. Davies, Marion T. Holden, Charlotte D. Rueger, Jewel W. Wuerfel. BUSINESS DEPARTMENT Telephone 2-12I4 OUSrNESS MANAGER..........GEORGE A. ATIERTON CREDIT MANAGER...........JOSEPH A. ROTHBARD WOMEN'S BUSINESS MANAGER ....MARGARET COWIE WOMEN'S SERVICE MANAGER ...ELIZABETH SIMONDS DEPARTMENTAL MANAGERS Local Advertising, William Barndt; Service Department, Willis Tomlinson; Contracts, StanleyrJoffeAccounts, Edward Wohlgemuth; Circulation and National Adver- tising, John Park; Classified Advertising and Publica- tions. Lyman Bittman. NIGHT EDITOR: ELSIE A. PIERCE Miss Farmer Astoundl s Us . . A STOUNDED, we read that colleges are now being accused of being too intellectual. It seems that movie actress and Washington University graduate Frances Farmer (don't be alarmed, we hadn't heard of her either) thinks "this 'thing of being intellectual, meeting each problem rationally and all that is a terrible thing." She believes college induces too much intro- spection, self-analysis and standardization of nor- inal feminine emotions, and philosophizes: "Wom- en live on emotion, and when that's taken from them by too much introspective thinking they're not feminine any more." "Social researchers, wondering why collge women marry so late in life, should take a look at the product," she omnisciently observed. Now it is most difficult for us of The Daily, who have, oft of an evening, shortly before 10:30 p.m. weekdays, shortly before 1:30 a.m. Fridays and shortly before 12:30 p.m. Saturdays, glanced across the street toward the Betsy Barbour and Helen Newberry rear entances - and gazed introspec- tively at obviously non-introspective goings on -it is most difficult for us to worry greatly over a possible "standardization of normal feminine emotions." Those of us who have piloted our hurrying way 'midst oblivious islands of merged humanity clus- tered back of Mosher-Jordan Halls, insist on re- taining a firm and admiring faith in college fem- inini ty. Campus "social researchers" who have, upon; frequent occasions, researched in vain for an empty davenport or even a chair in dormitory lounges,, must feel at times that if college women do marry "late in life" the phenomenon is due not to in- trospection -certainly not to incompetence-- but rather to indecision. Three possible conclusions suggesting themselves' concerning the statements of Miss Farmer are: (1) Washington University is indeed a unique institution. (2) Miss Farmer has suffered from arrested de- velopment. (3) We are playing the gullible to a Hollywood press agent. Su Qiestionis To Be Answered .. . S ENATOR BORAH, in his recent speeches, has mentioned one ques- tion that is of fundamental importance in Aner-1 ican, as well as world, economic life today - the question of monopolies.. Dominant economic power and economic benefits, for a small group have been one of the heaviestE factors in bringing world crisis, and one of the most oppressive factors in the continuance of the crisis. The basis of middle class prosperity, and1 therefore of capitalistic prosperity, is an oppor- tunity for business enterprise throughout a broad group of persons. Monopoly, which chokes off this opportunity, is strangling the middle class of all nations. Senator Borah apparently realizes this, but he has not made clear any specific plans he has for breaking monopolies. Present inadequate anti- trust laws must be replaced, and, if Senator Borah can overcome the opposition of powerful Repub- lican monopolists, how and to what extent would he move to crush these monopolists? That would THE FORUM Letters published in this column should not be construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The Daily. Anonymous contributions will be disregarded. The names of communicants will, however, be regarded as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked to be brief, the editors reserving the right to condense all letters of over 300 words and to accept or reject letters upon the criteria of general editorial importance and interest to the campus. Sex Education To the Editor: It seems to me that the most serious defect in the programs of study now made available to Michigan students is the almost total lack of attention to sex education. A reasonably intelli- gent student body can hardly be unaware of this fact, and yet almost no public comment on the subject by students has been forthcoming. Such hesitation about speaking is understandable, but certainly in view of the importance of the problem, very regrettable. Educators and doctors who have studied this problem all agree that most students have a woefully inadequate knowledge of sex matters, of the physiology and psychology of sex- ual relationships. Attending the University dur- ing the part of their lives when their most im- portant personal adjustments must be made, they are not at all equipped for the task, proceeding chiefly on the basis of half truths passed from one to the other. The ones who claim to have had "experience" are often the ones who have made the least intelligent approach to the prob- lem. It seems a shame that the University should fail so dismally in this important duty to its students. It could provide courses in human an- atomy, physiology, and reproduction; courses to help students understand the causes and effects of petting, venereal disease, and sterility; courses in which birth control and pre-marital prepara- tion might be considered; courses for the study of the psychology of courtship and marriage; courses that might explain the abnormal sex life. To do this would, I am sure, be to render an invaluable service to the students. Most students will not I voluntarily interview the advisers now available on the campus until long after problems have developed. The sole course offered on hygiene hardly fills the bill. Study of the life of plants and insects casts but feeble light on the matters which students should insist on knowing. My own conviction that the need I write of exists is based on such observation as I have been able to make of the rather representative group of persons I have come to know during five years at Michigan. If I am correct, and if the students really consider such education desirable, I urge the student body to make its views known. Iso- lated suggestions at Parleys are not enough. By letters to the administration and to The Daily and by speaking to the faculty, students should urge the University to take this very important step forward. -J.W. Mo vieIHeckling To the Editor: The arrest and fining of a University student for disorderly conduct in the Michigan Theatre will, I hope, have a good effect on the rest of the imbecilic hooters, wise-crack artists, and bronx cheer experts who infest the theatres to make life miserable for the patrons who go to enjoy the show, and don't feel that the entertainment af- forded by these intrepid grammar school men- talities is included in the admission price. The theatre managers here in Ann Arbor have been long-suffering and tolerant toward University pranksters, but when one of their patrons walks out on the show with the complaint that she cannot enjoy it while the students are using rasp- berry whistles and moose-calling implements to express themselves, the management's tolerance must end - after all, they are in the business to make a living, as well as to give the students entertainment. Perhaps two or three more similar incidents will wake up the fun-loving Rover Boys to the fact that they might behave theniselves as homo sapiens instead of homo sap, to use an oft-repeated gag, while they are in public. Perhaps, however, this retarded mentality is the hall-mark of the college student, for all his intellectual caterwaulings about peace, academic freedom, and cultural education. May we suggest to the management that in the "old days" they had an excellent safety valve for the expansive students in their weekly vaudevilles, for which the present "Wahoo" organ singing does not offer an entirely adequate substitute. SomeI such outlet might again be provided for the irre- pressibles-perhaps a Major Bowes amateur unit The ConningTower LEAP YEAR Franc s asked me, --- we were st anding By the window on the landing; She is modern; so am I; Neither one was scared or shy. Still. I thought of "Locksley Hall," And the planets seemed to call. Frances, backing toward the stars, Saw not Pleiades nor Mars; Like a young Joan, tall and slim, Hearing cries of cherubim, All her soul was in her eyes While I strained to watch the skies, Where Orion, I could swear, Reached for Berenice's hair. Frances's head is sleek and brown, A shining line from nape to crown; Why should stars disturb me so When Frances, sweet from top to toe, All her woman's love confessed, Laid her hands upon my breast? Pleiades, planets, shut your eyes; Only time can make us wise! One short hour ago I came To this landing --stars, for shame! Why will things go so contrary?- And told my burning love to Mary! VIRGINIA TAYLOR McCORMICK. Whether the House's newest bridegroom, Rep- resentative Marion A. Zioncheck, of Seattle, Wash., is this or that we don't know. But his biographies, as furnished by him to "Who's Who in America" and the Congressional Directory, endear him to us as a non-chatterbox, as the Laconic Kid. His Con- gressional Directory stuff says merely: "Marion A. Zioncheck, Democrat, of Seattle, Wash." His "Who's Who" life history - it will be longer next time, what with the date of his marriage and the name of his bride -is: "mem. 73rd Congress (1933-'35), 1st Wash. Dist. Democrat. Address: Northern Life Tower, Seattle, Wash." REMEMBER BOSTON HARBOR Sir: You were such a help to Connecticut in the great Milk-Bottle-Top uprising of 1933 that a lot of us who don't thrive on the national beverage, coffee, hope you may be induced to strike a few words against the Orange Pekoe Conspiracy in Restraint of Tea. The only tea Americans know is Orange Pekoe It isn't tea at all; it is hay. All it has is an allur- ing name, which is why it got its start in the U.S. (through women's clubs). But try to get any other tea in nine out of ten restaurants in New York, not to mention Olathe, Kansas, and Broken Bow, Nebraska. The coffee interests are backing it now, they know that tea might get Americans - as it got Chinese, Russians and English - but Orange Pekoe never. GREGORY MASON. c i t i E ] 1 s 1 I t t t 1 t 1 t f 1 E f 1 t t cded to pay artists by the week to supply decorations for public build- President and Mrs. Ruthven will be ings, and to develop their genius in at home to the students on Wednes- personal enterpise. day, May 6, from 4 to 6 p.m. The collection of sketches, car-? toons, photographs and full-sized de- Procedure in Case of Articles Stol- tails of panels carried out under the en or Missing: Notice should be given WPA Federal Art Project in New at the Business office, Room 1, Uni- York City, and now being shown in versity Hall, with the utmost prompt- the third-floor galleries of the Archi- ness whenever any articles, whether tectural Building, supplies a logical owned privately or by the institution, answer. As was to be expected there disappear under circumstances which is some work in the exhibit that is indicate theft. art, and some that is not. However, - - the photographs of the uses to which To Members of the Faculty and the murals done by the WPA artists Others Interested: Each year the Uni- is being put is of no small signifi- versity arranges housing accommoda- cance, as has been clearly explanied j Lions for its guests at the annual by Prof. Jean Paul Slusser of the Ar- 1 conference of the Michigan Inter- chitecture College. scholastic Press Association. This "This exhibition is significant," he year, because of the calendar con- said, "in that it records the beginning flict with Mothers' day week-end of a new trend in American art_ (which cuts down the number usual- widespread and systematic govern- ly accommodated in sororities and inent patronage of painters. Compe- fraternities), and because of an an- tent observers generally agree that ticipated record-breaking attendance, the WPA Federal Art Project has been it is necessary to secure additional both from the point of view of the rooms for the nights of Thursday, government and the individual ar- May 7, and Friday, May 8. Those tist one of the happiest of the social- having rooms suitable for these high ization experiments undertaken under school editors will please write or the New Deal. Many artists of gen- telephone details to Maynard Hicks, uine ability have been given support journalism secretary, room 213 Hav- and have contributed their best work en Hall, campus phone 485. to mural projects for public build- The University Bureau of Appoint- ings -- schools, libraries, and hospit- ments and Occupational Information als. For a relatively low figure the gov- has received announcement of United ernment has obtained much vital dec- States Civil Service Examinations for orative work, and the American ar- Associate and Assistant Naval Archi- tist has had in many cases for the tect, (Optional Branches, Ship Piping first time in his life the important ex- and Ventilation, Hull Structures and perience of fitting into the larger Arrangements, Scientific Ship Calcu- social scheme." lations, General, Small Boats), salary, Aside from its social significance, $2,600 to $3,200. the work -- or some of it - has true For further information concerning artistic value. . The finest work in the these examinations, call at 201 Mason group is the preliminary sketches, and Hall, office hours, 9 to 12 and 2 to those which show the most finish, and 4 p.m. ART Can it be Art at $35 a week? This was the very pertinent ques- tion which was aSkecd of the adminis- tiators of the WPA when they de- WEDNESDAY, MAY 6, 1936 VOL. XLVI No. 151 Old Greenwich, Conn. Jean Harlow, business-like blonde with a Rotary Club handshake, said she was through issuing mis- understandable statements in public, and took forty-five minutes to say so. "Before I pleased," said Jean, who turned twenty-five March 3, "but grew up I used to say what I pleased; that's all over now. I've learned you can't trust every- one like your mother."--Hollywood dispatch to the Daily News. . Well, the News's make-up man just wouldn't let Jean be through. THE SECOND SELECTMAN'S WOODLOT We were tired looking unsuccessfully for Mother and Father's summer home. We grew disheartened when each enthusiastic discovery of "just the right place" was a dubious one to Sister and Brother. The search for others became finally a search by us for just us, and a fever grew to have and to hold our own small parcel of ground. So one warm October day found us walking down the Mopus road. And there on the second Selectman's woodlot Jack and I knew we had come home! . . . All the farms on the main road had for generations had their little acreage for the cut- ting of wood. Ours was almost a mile into the trees. We were the second pair of modern pioneers who had walked the Mopus. One other couple before us had dreamed sufficiently to clear the road of fallen trees and fill the incipient swamps so that our triumphal progress was comparatively smooth. Our five acres! We found we had a vertical as well as horizontal piece of land. As we walked the different levels we pointed out where, through the hemlocks, we would cut our entrance road, where we would clear a place for a cabin on the hill edge. In that sheltered slope Jack would carve the garage. The oldtime logging road, be- come a deer run, would lead to the deer lick which some distanct day might become a pool. This high ground would be cleared for an orchard. The west ledge would be perfect for a permanent home. On the second level we might even have a tennis court! Of such stuff are our week-day dreams made when Jack sits at his desk and I push the apartment carpet sweeper. And when on Satur- days we bumble down the Mopus road and turn in our rock-lined driveway we look at each other and know that some of our week-time dreams have come true. -JILL,. BOOK REVIEW I found Charles Morgan's "Sparkenbroke" A much-too-tough-to-finish book. I can tell a chasepot rifle from an ancient javelin, For I'm the very model of a modern major general. -The Daily Worker's Credit line is "Gilbert and Sullivan." It would be even more difficult to sing that to C11ie~~ ~i fla i k a ita rhe "ilA DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constrctie t notite to all members of the li'versity. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President mltl 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday. the most fully-developed technique are the "Studies" by Maxwell B. Starr. In his sketches of hands and arms, Starr demonstrates effective and ma- ture powers of expression. The other artists represented are all surprisingly similar as far as style is concerned. The subject matter is varied --circuses, Greek scholars, labor, justice, etc., etc. The most en- couraging part of the exhibit is the collection of photographs showing the murals completed and in place. There can be no doubt that they are serv- ing a valuable and much-needed dec- orative function. So more power to the artists of the WPA! Ten Years Ago From The Daily Files Of May 6, r1926 r'HE close of the second day of Great Britain's vast industrial upheaval found the country on the whole following out Premier Bald- win's advice -"keep steady." Eve- ning added a faint ray of hope that tomorrow may bring developments for renewed negotiations between the government and the trades union. "We have got to become soldiers of scholarship, and the sword of scholar- ship must be wielded against ignor- ance, superficial knowledge and frag- mentary knowledge," ,declared Dr. Lynn Harold Hough, former president of Northwestern University in ad- dressing the Honors Convocation yes- terday in Hill Auditorium. Continued illness has occassioned further postponement of the lecture of Malcolm W. Bingay, managing ed- itor of the Detroit News. "If Asia is not yet new, she at leasts has a vision of the new, and is striving to attain it," declared Sir A. Frederick Whyte, former president of the legislative council of India, speaking yesterday afternoon in his second University lecture on "The Political Awakening of Asia." --- As the final lecturer in the course of Alpha Omega Alpha.national hon- omary medical fraternity, Dr. Peyton Rous of the Rockefelle- Institute for Medical Research will discuss "Reac- tion of The Tissues Under Normal and Pathological Conditions." In meeting Wisconsin and Minne- sota tomorrow and Saturday on for- eign fields, the Varsity baseball team faces two of the hardest games of the year, and victories in the week-end competition would put the Wolver- ines in a commanding position in the Conference race. That the Philippines had trade connections with China as far back as the 11th century was indicated by the findings of the University expedition to the islands, declared Dr. Cal E. Guthe, associate director of anthro- nolnov vnd ladeo ro-f tah pyndition. Kirby Page Luncheon: At the Mich-1 igan Union, Thursday, 12:15, Kirby Page author and lecturer, will speak upon "The Religious Significance of Constructive Peace Plans." All fac- ulty persons are invited to attend. Please call University 303 before Thursday noon. E. W. Blakeman, Counselor in Religious Education. C. E. Seniors Notice: A representa- tive of the Carnegie-Illinois Steel Corporation will be in the city Thurs- day, May 7, and would like to inter- view senior Civils in regard to em- ployment from 10 to 11 a.m. in Room 221 West Engineering Building. Seniors, College of Engineering:; Any engineering senior who has not paid his class dues by Saturday, May 16, will automatically be left out of the group picture which is to be placed in the hall of the West Engi- neering Building. Part of the dues collected will be used to finance this picture. The dues are payable to Laurence Halleck, Thomas Jefferis, George Frid, Charles Donker, Perci- val Wilson, Robert Merrill, Robert Warner, or1 Howard Jackson. Stanley Chorus: Will the girls hav- ing the following numbers please re- port for practice tonight at 7:15 p.m. 127, 88, 81, 113, 104, 121, 125, 33, 123, 124, 118, 1, 92, 105, 73, 16, 40, 39, 117, 126, 115, 78, 57, 58, 29, 106, 109, 91, 5. Spring Parley Questionnaires: Will those students having Spring Parley questionnaires please return them filled out to Dr. Blakeman's office, Room 9, University Hall, immediate- ly. Play Production and Michigan League will hold reception immediate- ly following opening performance of "Alice in Wonderland." All those attending opening performane are cordially invited. University Bureau of Appointments and Occupational Information: In order to render the most service to the individuals on the campus, we are arranging to meet groups of students with common interests. This is being done for the purpose of calling at- tention to various opportunities and for the purpose of discussing better methods of procedure. Groups ai'e scheduled as follows: 3. All Graduate Students interest- ed in business positions on Wednes- day, May 6, at 4:30 p.m. in Room 116, Michigan Union. T. Luther Purdom. Academic Notices Schedule for Doctorate Examina- tions in Psychology: General Experi- mental, Saturday, May 8, 10-12 a.m., Room 3126 N.S. MComparative and Genetic, Friday, May 15, 2-4 p.m., Room 3126 N.S. Physiological, Saturday, May 16, 10-12 a.m., Room 3126 N.S. History, Friday, May 21, 2-4 p.m., Room 3126 N.S. Tests and Measurement, Saturday, May 22, 10-12 a.m., Room 3126 N.S. Abnormal and Applied, Friday, May 28, 2-4 p.m., Room 3126 N.S. amination will cover Education A10, C1, D100, and special methods. Stu- dents enrolled in any of the spe- cial curricula in the School of Educa- tion will be examined on such of these courses as are included in those cur- ricula. Directed Teaching-Qualifying Ex- amination: All students expecting to do directed teaching next semester are required to pass a Qualifying Examination in the subject which they expect to teach. This examina- tion will be held in the auditorium of the University High School on Sat- urday afternoon, May 23, starting shamply at 1 p.m. The examination will consume about four hours' time; promptness is therefore essential. Lecture Chemistry Lecture: Dr. D. A. Mac- Innes, of the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research, will lecture on "The Interionic Attraction Theory of Electrolytes" on Wednesday, May 6, 4:15 p.m., Room 303 Chemistry Bldg. The lecture, which is under the aus- pices of the University and of the American Chemical Society, is open to the public. Concert Graduation Recital Omitted: On account of illness, the piano gradua- tion recital by Jean Hoover an- nounced for Friday evening, May 8, has been indefinitely postponed. Exhibition Exhibition, College of Architecture: A collection of sketches, cartoons, photographs and full sized details for murals carried out under the WPA Federal Art Project in New York City is now being shown in the third floor exhibition room in the Architectural Building. Open daily 9:00 to 5:00 p.m. except on Sunday, through May 23. The public is cordially invited. Events Of Today Botanical Seminar meets at 4:30 p.m., Room 1139, N.S. Bldg. Paper by Sam Granick "Distribution of the enzyme urease in the bean plant." Sigma Xi: The annual banquet and initiation will be held at 6:30 p.m., Michigan Union. Dr. E. C. McDowell, of the Carnegie Institution, Cold Springs Harbor, N.Y., will speak on "Wild Blood Cells." Tickets may be obtained at the door, price $1.25. As arrangements must be made in ad- vance, please notify the secretary, Ralph G. Smith, Pharmacology Bldg., if you intend to be present. Druids will hold a luncheon meet- ing at 12:00 today in the Union. Alpha Nu meeting at 7:30 p.m. in the chapter rooms on the fourth floor of Angell Hall. It is necessary that every member be present at this time because certain changes in pol- icies will be discussed and other im- portant business will be transacted. There will be a short program which will be in the nature of a discussion on a topic of current interest. All fi- nancial obligations must be taken care of at this meeting. Contemporary: Important business meeting at 4:15 p.m. in the Contemp- orary office, Student Publications Bldg. Stalker hall: OpemiHouse and stu- dent tea from 3:30-5:30 p.m. All students cordially invited. Student Alliance puolic meeting at 7:30 p.m., Rooms 319 and 321 of the Union. Interesting speakers will be heard and a discussion held. Dance Committee, Union: There will be an important meeting of all 'freshman and sophomore committee- men of the Dance Committee at 5 p.m. at the Union. All committeemen please be present. Coming Events Zoology Seminar: Mr. M. R. Ray- mond will speak on "A Limnological study of the Plankton of a Concre- tion-forming Marl Lake" and Mr. David S. Shetter on "A Study of the Migrations and Life History of the Brook Trout in Michigan, by Means of Tagging Experiments" on Thurs- day, May 7, 7:30 p.m., Room 2116 N .S. Delta Epsilon Pi will conduct its installation of officers Friday, May 8, Michigan Union. All members must be present at 7:30 p.m. Dr. S. Nittis, former staff member of the University Hospital at present located in Detroit, will deliver a speech at the open meeting of the Delta Epsilon Pi at the Michigan Union Friday, May 8. The public is cordially invited at 9 p.m. to hear his discussion of the Justinian New Deal and the Present New Deal. Weekly Reading Hour: Professor N 0