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May 06, 1936 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1936-05-06

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Roosevelt Throws
Support To Hopkins
WASHINGTON, May 5. - ('1
-President Rooseelt threw new
support today to Harry L. Hop-
kins' plans for spending a lion's
share of the proposed $1,50,001,-
000relief fund, declaring flatly he
was opposed to earmarking $;400,-
000,000 for PWA projects of the
type now administered by Secre-
tary Ickes.
He spoke at a press conference
only a few minutes after Ickes, at
a pres" conference of his own,
blamed Hopkins for part of the
delays now holding up 90 PWA
projects. If new funds were
given him, Ickes added, 3,000) new
prcjets could be staned "almost
at once."'
The President's Ntatement was
interpreted by many of his hear-
ers to mean, however, that vir-
tually all the new money would
go to WPA -unl !s a group of
House Democrats succeeds iii last
minute revolt.
Iowa Ment Cleared
Of Criaft Charges
DES MOINES, May 5. - (') -
Only a day after a Pulitzer Prize
for meritorious public service was
awarded the Iowa newspaper
whose campaign helped bring
about their indictment, the State
Supreme Court today wiped out
Grand Jury charges of participat-
ing in graft and official corrup-
tion extending "into the State
House" against 31 defendants.
Aggre isive, 47-year-old Verne
Marshall, editor of the Cedar
Rapids Gazette, whose publica-
tion won the award in New York
last night, termed the tribunal's
action against the las of the
Woodbury County "graft ase"
defendants "to be expected."
li-e said the Pulitzer commit-
tee's reognition oif the Gazette's
work was "an answer to any one
who interprets the Supreme Court
ruling as a vindication of the
crowd indicted at Sioux~ City
many months ago."
The Supreme Court's invaida-
tion of the indictmets was ]rased
on the grounds that Special Pros-
ecutor H. M. Havner and M. E
Rawlings, Woodbury County At-
torney, were not qualified to ap-
pear before the special grand
Two Aviators Killed
lit Ohio Crash
25. - (IP - Alfred Miller Cauey,
24, pilot, and William Wayne
Lynch, 20, passenger, both of
Bowling Green, wee killed to-
night in a crash at the municipal
Peace Coinil Will
Holdl Sale Of Bonds
(Continued from Pagel)
nitions for profit? 2a) Should our,
neutrality legislation, applying equal-
ly to all belligerents, be maintained?
2b) Be strengthened to include loans
and credits?' 3) Should we abolish
the compulsory feature of miilitary
training in educational institutions?
4) Dto you support drastic reduction
of military and naval armaments by
interna itonal agreement? 5)'Should
the United States join the Lague of
Nations, avoiding all conmitments to
the use of armed force?
The remaining 60 per cnt of the
amount of the bond is to be sent to
the National Council for the Prevn-
tion of War, an organization which
has the backing of William Alen
White, famous Kansas Edit or, Mrs.

Louis D. NBrand is, wife of the Su -
premle COur(, Justice, MI's. Carrie
Chapman CtM, Will Irwin, Bishop
Francis j. Mc~omell, James 0 C. Me-
Donld, former lr trif I i hHigh lCorn -
nlis;;ioner of P elmPresident
Mary E. Woolley of Mt. Holyokce, and
numerous others.

Phi Beta Kappa
litiates Hear'
Bonniuer Speak:
(.;reekIDeparmnt Head
Urges Memlbers To Gain
StandIards Of Values,
One of the most important fun-
tions that the Phi Beta Kappa or-
ganization can perform is to en-
courage its members to make distinc-
tions and to acquire a standard of
values, said Prof. Campbell Bonner
of the Greek departmnent in his ad-
diess on "Distinction and Standards"
last night before mnembers of thc local
chapter who met to fete the 57 new
members elected to the organization
Professor Boner stated that "it
was not t he purpose of Phi Beta
Kappa to fosteri a feeling of compla-
cency a mong its members.' He said
that he felt the eletion to this or-
ganizationi shoild not be considered
so much an honor as the achievement
of a certain standard.
Turning t o deinitc s anards in'
literature and1 language, Prof essoi
Bonner criticized the attitude taken
by many educators that elementary
teaching should deal mnainly with lit-
erary works which were not consid-
ered as masterpieces because such
works are usually above the heads
of the youthful students. Professor
Bonner maintained that there are
many literary efforts in the English
language that are "very simple."
Students can learn to appreciate
the finer distincitions and standards
in literature, Professor Bonner stat-
ed by studying pieces which contain
these selfsame standards. One can-
not, he remarked, expect to fashion
a first class product from a second
or third rate model.
Professor Bonner went on to show
the value of making distinctions in
the use of language, and finally in
the use of words.
Henefian Sees
Unstable 'Left,'
Fascist Control
A 'Qua lified Victory' Since
Possible tCoperationl Of
Popular Front Is $1n1,
(Continued from Pae 1)
candidates for the first coalition pre-
Reiterating his conviction that the
united leftist government will, strike
troubled waters, Dr. Heneman point-
ed to the coalition of the left in the
elections of 1924 and 1932. "But
then," he explained, "the center group
was strong enough to lend its support
to the continuance of the govern-
ment. Now, the center is so weakened
that there is no formidable bloc be-
tween the right and the left.
"There is an analogy between the
present situation in France," accord -
ing to Dr. Heneman's analysis, "and
the situation in Germany just prior
to the establishment of the Hitler
dictatorship. In Germany also," he
paid, "the extremes were trengthened
ait the expense of the demoiatic cn-
If the right Fascist groups deandl
a dissolution of the chamber, Dr.
Heneman said, it could be done uinder
the constitution by President Albert
LeBrun, with the consent of the sen-
ate. But this, he declared, while con-
stitutional, is improbable because it is
outlawed by custom. It has only been

attempted once, when General Mac-
Mahon was president, in the early
days of the 'Iihird Republic, and thc
popular reaction was so gi'eat that
no president since has dfared a ttemp:t
'rhe only other course open to the
rightists, prior to the next gener'al
election in 1940, Di'. Heneman said,
is a coup d'etat, a plan of action
cited as p)ossible by French fascist
spokesmen. 'Ihis may come, he be-
lieves, if the various fascist groups
Members of the Michigan Chapter
of the American Society of Mechan-
i'al Engineers, along with students
from Wayne University and Mich-
igan State College were addressed by
William A. Batt, president of the
A.S.M.E. at a banquet given in De-
troit, last night.

(I..~ Mliinister' Jo Eth~iopiaAidedfBy TBritish

(By the Associated Press)
Because his own mesisengers couIl not get through the riot torut
streets in Addis Ahaha, Cornelius Van 11. Engert, U.S. minister to Ethi-
opia, shown above with a native gnard, requested the state department
in Washington to transmit visa Londoni a plea to O w British legation,
only four miles from his own ('otnhlatc, for British assilace in fighting
native bandits. T1he plea was granted.
Lewis Seeks A clsrContact
Between church And ,students

6:;0----xvi .air Ju ' 'eSte racc soi.
C'KLW' Omar. le Al) 'tc.
6i15 -WJuR 'hliAre llen.
C6 W1 vi[ ~ Je S ite.
(IWXYZ Day rn Rvew.
CK(LWV IMiusi'il dMonarchs
'1:00 W'J P .nuca v 'ae o Amc'ric.
WW\J )rm, :Mars Firntly.
WXY/, Vows> de. Paris
CKLW Fitm IMarley ;Music.
7:30 WVJR Buirnrs arid Allen:
.l('ques flerardl'.;Music
WWJVIWayne Kin; 1TMus(c.
WVXYZ 1I aeirde and Old Lace.
CKLW1 M: i\ I ox Reiew.
8:0 JO X ly ls~Pns Anreh'
WW\I,T 'red Allen: iPeter Van
XXYZ 'Ihe Long KParr.
3 ~'30-W If?'L SI15S' c itsIf et11.
WNXYZ (';'wr( IHourn.
CKtLWV Alfrol \Valluutritr' Si-'
ttui lt ta.
3:15_--WIR S3pc?2'1;a ci iParadc.
WWVJYour Ft ilJarade.
WvXY'Z 3obi Lln'i r's Muic;~r.
9:15--N'."YZ L 'axrdcl Mc~oy
51::30---WJR? IMarchi of 'I'Vne.
WXYZ B0111 -'rii rnil's Varit Ic:.
('KILWVMart Kelics Musc.
9:15 -XVJ, hot Da tes inHistory
10:00.-)W..JRl Dun'an M~ore.
WWJv~ Amos and Andy.
WXY7, Low~ry C(lar's Musc.
CKi.W -:ores and New:.
WWJ Studio flour'
WXYZ 1Dol healor's Muai.
CKLW JLloyd (I rn ev':;Ms.
10)30 -WJR,. Wa 1 (ATimre.
WXY7 Sid Alstin's Mush'.
CK(LW Kay K ysr's ]Vu~sic
10.45 -WWJ 1"w;'iirMelodies.
WxvxI ro('h I ightt's music
1 :00 --WJR MAelrit, Car~'ls':M(us.
WWJ T'lrouper's.
WXYZ Bakher 'Iwir r
tiKIW 11a:It en i' Muicar.
11:15 - WWJ Dan'e Music.
wxYvz Joe Rines musc.
11:301-W,JR Xavier Cugat's Musc.
WWJ Bob Chester's Mrusic.
WXJ'Y' Luligi Roinrieli's Musc.
CKLW red iWeems' Muisic.
1 1:45 -WJRP Meditations.
12:00- WJFZ ax Leib's Music.
WW.J Russ Lyon's Mu~sic
WXYZ Bert. Stock's Mu.sic.
CKLW Clyde Tras';; Music.
1:0(1 CKLW 'redl Weems' Music.
I :15--CIKLWV Joe Sander's Muisic.
350 MeIre I noII1)'o'w
1('mrrtrired Friomn Page 1)
round-Itable sessions will follow his
speech at 2:30 p.m., and six discus-
sion groups will meet at 3 :30 p.m.
Dir. Frederiik B. Fisher of the Cen-
tral Methodist Church in Detroit,
formei' pastor of the First Methodist
Chui'ch of Atin Ar'bor, will addess
the banquet Friday evening on "Can
the Youth (Jr Amnerica Match the
Youth of Eur'ope." The banquet will
be followed by a (ance with music
by Al Cowan and his band.
At the general assembly Saturday
mnorning leischll Hart, editor of A'
Gossip in the Detroit News, will speak
onl "Gossip of the Stars," and the final
five round-table sessions will then be
held, to be followed by, the closing
luncheon of the meeing.
Detroit Mackenzie High School has
sent in t he largest enrollment to date,
Linive sly
South UI ilvet ity 01)p) the Delli

ClassifiedDirect-o ry_
Si C(OST~UME r1ent ld foi'Archiitects'
v Ball. Re'asonable rt 'Wuerth
A'K I Theatr'e. 2nd floor.
w Piniec adve f1 rtiennts with Classi'fied __._....-. __.
Adver t-'1i, 1I)erlunc'It. Phoile 2-1.214. WARNING: Only a reliable furrier
'I'li l ass~:.ified ('olunrns ('lose at five
1' : hpreiousto day ;ivof insrtion. can clean your furs and fur coat
oxnumbers m lay be secured at 10 wthunamigteokn. 3
cxlr, -a charlge.wtothrnLgteSil,3
('shin a dvan~ce lie per reading line years of expetrt fur ser'vice recoin-
ion ais,>:, of f ive average words to line) ncnds ZWEFRDLING'S FUR SHOP
orr rn' or two) insecrtiorns. loc per r'ead-
ir- line( for th~ree or ninore insertions. for' safe fur cleaning and storage.
Mirfnira urn thrre liner: per inser'tion,.hn 57 6
'Felephlone rate -1",w per readi ng line Phn857 6
[or'" two or more inusertions., Minimum ~-- _______
trelies ,)nor insertion.f EYES examined, best glasses made at
It', discount if paid within ten days lws rcs clsU fM
f(ee) the date of last insertion. oetpieOclsU fM
I BY c on tract, per linie-- 2 lines daily, graduate, 44 years practice. 549
4,r lines BOD.. 2mnh ......8c Packaird. Phone 2-1866. 13x
l1 liie daily, college year ...........7c
a limer :Xi, months .. .........8( NOTICE: We clean, upholster, repair
10o0 lire:;~rsed as desired ,.........9c
::W) lines, used asr desir'ed .........8e and refhii'I fur'niture. Phone 8105.
1,000 lines u .irinsd(deired .........,7c A. A. Stuhirnan. 15x
.'.000 I ire rse!,d as ; desired .. -.. . (;c
fieie aove rates are per reading line - - - -- - _ ___-
bas-ed on igh41t reading lines per inch SELL YOUR OLD) CLOTHES: We'll
lo~niti'type, uprper' and lower e(. Add byod n e sisan vr
(se per line to above rates for all capital byodai e ut n vr
leitr' s. Add 6e' per line to bove for coats for $3 to $20. Also highest
'ltld fac, 111upper and lower case . Add
10t' ier' lirre to above rates for bold face pritcs for saxophomics and type-
c,pita.+l letter;,. wr'iters'. Don't sell be fore you see
'1re strove r'ate:; are for '71, point type. 4am. Phonie fur appoiintments.
--- - - - - - - - ®2-3640. lox
U1_ (- ;A.Knd white thin-s-triped Pal'r - --
ker' VacI Rntual m fountain pen with FIVE-ROOM apar'tment, completely
the mime Lewis E. Bulkeley, Jr. furnished. Electm'ic stove. Summer
lprinted on the barrel. Reward if sessions. ' Shor't distance fromt
rcturllner.] Phone 8937 with informea-, campus. Call eveningrs 4907. 459
LionUNDRY____Engraved ______$
LANR____100 Cards ts .65
t rAUN)R Y 2-1044. Sox darned TH ATHENS R
Caref ul work at low price. lx THPR S
_______ riotersI
WANTEDI City's Lowest Prices on Printing.
-- -- 308 :North Main Street - Dial 2-1013]
cheap. Anytime in May. Ph. 5539.
with a delegation of 27 studemits, while
the Detroit Meti'opolitan area, ac-
cordiing to the journalism depar t-
mrent, has fulfilled its promise to send
at least 150 delegates.
Continuous 1:30 - 11 P.M
15c TO06 N-25cAFTER6r
HER BOSS'" Two Pounds $1.00
LATEST NEWS EVENTS We handle all detais@f
mailing and guarantee delivery



piscoi al Pastor WVants 1)1151 nuchi, foi' today it is oiutside the
Church r n i cIp Solvt real life of most oif thlemembers of
(1011 gregation I'rob1 In impossible for one or two ministers
_______ to (10 this because of the great num-
b('i of people thatI must be reached.
By HOR£ACE GILI4t)RE T'elpeple(0l hired, he said, should be
EDITOR'S NOTE:'lThrs is the second well trained in psychiatry and know
)f a series of intenrviews with Ann Arbor'
ninister's on the sitbje't (if studen'it how to meet and cope with people.
cligion. Mr. L~ewis poinited out how students
The Church mulst know its students take as much interest in the work of
titer and deal with their personal his church as can be expected, and
oblems more if it is to do any real went on to say how some of them
finite good in this modern world. surprise him by taking as deep an in-
d the Rev. Henry Lewis of St. An- terest in religion as they do. He
ew's Episcopal Church in a recent: stated t hal students contribute much
erview. to the life and organization of St.
A closer contac't should be made Aindrew's Church by teaching Sun-
tween the Church and its stuldents, cday School. conductinig student meet-
eLewis stated, if the Church wishes intgs at Hlarris Hall and doing work in
accomplish its true, purpose. lie social centeri's
inted out that a student shouild feel ----- -
.e to come to a person in the
urch with his tr'oubles and e'xpect iA wis Carroll
ieceive help, foi'. Mr. Lewis wentI
to say, this condition does notI
ist in the majority of cases today. Il/ W IO e
n't think they can receive help fromt 1 r I' ip h
eChurch, and therefore they don't - -

Long Distance and Local


go to it for adlvice and
Mr. Lewis suggested tl
ditiomi cou~ld be remeied
ing of tr'ained men an(
the Church, and~ theseI
get out and know the
well. Then, Mr. L ewis
say, when sotrcin em ber
gregationi felt he needs
woldtgo toL)one1Wof Ilies(
receive it'. It is t his wa'
stated, thatIthe Chll c
.Rockefeller I~acsca
]VIan ToLeci
tA lecture onl 'he Inter:
tion Theory of Elec trol;y
givein by Tar. 1). A. Mace
Rockefeller Institute for
search at 4_:15 1)nm. Ioday
of the Chemisti'y Buildii
TPhis lecture is orie of <?
cored by the 11 u~i'si ty ch


(Continued train Pagel)

fiat- this ('oil--_
dl by the hiri-
y women by ''Alice iii Wonderland'' is the one be-
p~~ie would nig given. According to) Mr. Windt,
congreg'ation Ibis is It'eimost comphhlicated play
s wliton o ver'; ttelultedl by Play Production.
r of the conl'-Flhe sc o elY anid properties have been
ed hell), ih' {'"r(' ,aI idifficullt duie to the need of
>e peop)Ile'anrd table'.Ithat inc'rease acid. decrease in
ty, Ali . vaewis -c',a, Chieshux' caltiwhich app~ears
r(',Il11 ht'eLril an ol isa pali's>, a baby which[tum'ns
v.- - i0t a j;i liioml a lyig' queeni. Lren
1;r ml. 'i as (lesifned thle stage set-
If1ell I ingsad ms 11 ,, ll)1'VV.I )oAllthe (Costum.h~i
[tire' 4'ollottiwgf he laer'forii nce tonight
Scrept iton will. be held in the League
:ionli 'AU rae - fi;., ftroomn for all pireseint at the play.
ytes" -\vill be 11" will be given ulnder' the sponsorship.
Innw:: of ltme of I lie League Coulncil with Harriet
mccdi'a I Re hathaway. '37,oand Betty Anne
ini _tomllr4.103 lcbe, '37,mui'h~l;:tmg. Altom-, those
mlg. wh( XVII i(1 i I, al (lie l'ecepl ion are
k' M11' SO v r,,A alcmfr l .,l II liven. Mr's.
lti 1 f f<1s.. Clr' +3di 3 ink, li .Ilcrlart /\. Keni-

--- ..


TrURN YOUR ,movliNG POI ILE~_.ms over to our expe iecced
organization. We ownl the cqu.ipl]llt we operate.
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One responsibility. Every load inlsLrcd.



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tiyand tU ne .Amie~c'xi li Etcjal 69- ; a yrI- ii iK. i'
ci et, ''V i I ' it',Ulit'phjI y r~c onl ale ad
1111'bp hlc~ of the 1erie Block:;
callzzrito It~r_ rc~-,r*body (fL10 r orc wi( V ll be sold iat a sliht
vince the :[l"rich lmdtplilcthat thet. ncc t hii lth Eenoig pcro50m-
is no hope inll adOicLal goiver'iinent ' nrli vnn ~'cSac5
andi that what, is need~etl is a sti'ozig anzd75 cestiiatrice 50 centsan
central governmuent withzot the hinl- ,'iid.'Sn'sotickets25o('cthfor any
chrance of a parlianment, I fjfe esntcesfrteCii
(1l'eii's Tlieatr'e llays may be used at
The explaniation of 1,1lit' sl ieL'tath Ie mat inee perifoirinan(es only.


3"1 WestAnn



- - - I


It Will Soon Be Too Late

increase in Ithe numncr o~f £' axaailihhil
ist seats in Itle dchamiber', Dr. fHce'-
nHain asserted, lies in the timJ'd>t
France is feelin-; r ilithel ii' dpl'essowtI
and in the tulc er c:;(If thle Corrluli lii
tst Illt das liti ilWh lhayedtl (I) taI a h
ahsxn, the g old stanidard aind a 50(1104
currency i1~~as thliru'platIform,

t~dd bbiu ~ tw v..+.. gs aa v ..au+... v w ii












Matinees 25c Nights 25c, 35c

Wallace Beery as a Hilarious S wash buckler.

Liberty Gives It
Four Stars!

Wo I rr-nain,
Sheaf fer,
and others
A large and choict
assortment of lead.
ing inakers, priced
$1.00 and Lup.

Brilliant and life-
l ike- Come in
and arrange for a
Sitt in g.
This work is Juone
exclusively at the

M~o a e 91,



Reserve Your


On the Campus
This Week.


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