The Weather Partlyc coudy; warmer today: grintle to fresh winds, shifting south. I Cl I 4r LitAo Iaiti Editorials Miss Farmer Astounds Us... Some Questions To Be Answered ... Newspapers Change Tactics... VOL. XLVI No. 153 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, MAY 6, 1936 PRICE 5 CENTS Plan Sale Of B1onds For Peace Three Coupons Are Cited As 'A Concrete Effort To Prevent War' Funds To Be Spent In Peace Education National War Prevention Council Names 10-Point Pacific Program More than 25 students last night volunteered assistance to the Peace Bond Committee of the University Peace Council, which is to begin the sale of Peace Bonds in Ann Arbor Thursday morning. Citing the effort as a "concrete ef- fort to prevent war," Prof. Walter C Sadler of the engineering college, president of the Ann Arbor Common Council, yesterday lent his endorse- ment to the movement. Practical Views Used { "The proposed sale of Peace Bonds by the Michigan Peace Council is part of a concrete effort to prevent war," he said. "Unlike many similar movements the Michigan Peace Coun- cil is approaching the problem from a practical point of view. Others have failed in the past because their sole approach toward a solution rested upon complete disarmament with no regard for practical considerations of the situation. The causes of war apparently lie in the peculiarities of human nature, and armament is a mere means of a defective society to solve an international difficulty; ,"The direction of the present move- ment is against the causes of war, so weakening the power of international diplomats that the sparks of confla- gration will be stamped out at the start, or their effects minimized. It is a pleasure to learn of efforts being di- rected at fundamentals, rather than merely destroying the defensive arms of the country. 3 Types Issued The bonds are to be issued in de- nominations of $1, $5 and $10. Each bond has three coupons attached to it. The first coupon provides that thirty cents from the amount of the bond will pay for a year's subscription to "Peace Action," a monthly maga- zine issued in Washington, D.C. The second coupon provides that 40 per cent of the amount of the bond be given to some organization specified by the subscriber, and the local Peace Council is planning to give its share of money thus gained to the Emer- gency Peace Campaign, which is sending youths to camps this summer to be informed on the subject of peace, and subsequently to circulate in rural areas, organizing peace senti- ments. The third coupon provides oppor- tunity for a peace poll on important issues after the manner of the recent British peace poll. It asks the fol- lowing questions: 1) Should we pro- hibit the private manufacture of mu- (Conthnued on Page 2) Inte rf rateriity Sing Will Give 2 Loving Cups Two loving cups, one for attend- ance computed on a percentage basis and one for the finest melody, will be awarded to fraternities at the sec- ond annual Interfraternity Sing in front of the General Library at 7 p.m., Friday, May 15, it was announced last night, by Robert E. Merrill, '36E, chairman of the Interfraternity Coun- cil Sing Committee. Each fraternity will sing one fra- ternity song and one Michigan song. There will be group singing, Merrill said, probably upon completion of the fraternity competition. The melody of the Rraternities will be judged by Dean Joseph A. Bursley, Prof. David E. Mattern and Prof. E. William Doty, both of the School of Music. In developing the Interfraternity Sing as a tradition here Michigan fraternities are following similar movements of Wabash University and the University of Chicago, both of which have proved highly successful, Merrill said. ir~l 'VT iZ.C' aV7L'Q FtW17.1_ Likely Unstable Left May Give France To Fascists flenentan, Failure ()f Popular Front To Unite After 'Q alllified Victory' Likely By FRED WARNER NEAL Not Communism but unstable gov- ernment which may ultimately give Right fascist groups control of the country is in store for France as a result of Sunday's overwhelming left wing victory at the polls, Dr. Harlow J. Heneman of the political science. department declared yesterday in an interview. The success in the election of the left wing united Popular Front-Radi- cal Socialists, Socialists and Com- munists -has been hailed as a great victory for the left. But Dr. Hene- man believes it is a "qualified vic- tory." This is so, he said, "because it will be a miracle if these leftists parties can get together to support permenantly a government. They have united for electoral purposes against a common enemy - fascism. But the question now is, can they unite in the chamber of deputies to support a positive program of action? History indicates they cannot." There is a great difference between a right wing Radical Socialist, who is but a mild liberal, Dr. Heneman explained, and a left wing Commu- nist, who is openly affiliated with the Third Internationale. And in be- tween these extremes of the leftists, he continued, are the left wing Radi- cal Socialists, right wing Socialists, tion long held by the more conserva- tive Radical Socialists. The Com- munists now have 81 seats, a total which Dr. Heneman pointed out sur- passes anything like what Commun- ist leaders dared hope for. And since 310 votes are needed for a majority and thus for support of a govern- ment, Dr. Heneman is of the opinion that no one party of the Left can withdraw its support without the fall of a cabinet. "It is doubtful," he declared, "if the Communists will allow any of their members to participate in a cabinet. Premier Albert Sarraut, Radical Socialist head of the govern- ment, will probably resign before Parliament convens in June, and if a government is to be formed at all, the Communist support is necessary." Dr. Heneman pointed to Leon Blum, head of the Socialist party, and Ed- uard Deladier, left wing Radical So- cialist and former premier, as logical (Continued on Page 2) Attacks Campus1 Work Situ ation i Student Workers Accept Reform Program; Low Cost Dormitory Asked t l I 1 l 7 1 i ( I left wing Socialists and right wing In an attack against, existing work- Communists. ing conditions on the campus, Prof. What may happen, Dr. Heneman John F. Shepard of the psychology fears, is that unstable government department, .told an overflow gather- will result in this period when strong ing of student workers last night: government is needed. And such a "Students, as well as any other class situation, he believes, will give the of people, are entitled to a decent right wing fascist groups, i.e., the wage." He hoped that "the organi- Croix de Feux, Pesants' Front, Young zation would spread to all students Patriots and others, a chance to gain living here by self-support." power by pointing out the evils of a Hitting the reported twenty-cents- Marxist government. These groups an-hour rate paid students by some might then, he said, demand dissolu- eating places and other establish- tion of the chamber of deputies or at- ments, Professor Shepard believed tempt a coup d'etat. Neither of these that the University would give any aid courses of action, however, are prob- possible to any program to better liv- able in the immediate future, he ing conditions on the campusl. He added. advocated that a standard wage be The Popular Front won 380 seats set and that the University be asked out of the 618 in the chamber. The to help by refusing cooperation to Socialists, who heretofore have re- places not living up to it. fused to participate in forming a A standing room audience contain- cabinet, are now the strongest, with iing more than 100 men student work- 145 seats, taking the dominant posi- ers and at least 10 women attended the meeting in the Unitarian Church E rj * to hail the outlined program "to stop exploitation of student labor." Pointing out that one of the needs Par ty 'Vacane ,of working students was low-priced housing, Professor Shepard urged concerted agitation for low cost dor- rmitories. The proposed addition to the Michigan Union was termed "a rich man's club," and of little help LANSING, May 5.- (P) -- The in the acute housing situation. Ruth Democratic State organization aban- Horland, '39, was named on a com- doned efforts today to fill the va- mittee to investigate housing con- cancy on the party National Com- ditions. mittee caused by the death of Hora- Eugene Kuhne, Grad., secretary, tio J. Abbott. Edmund C. Shields, said: "The Federation is large enough Lansing attorney and rated as the now to undertake its full functions leading candidate for the place, re- as a labor union. With a member- quested that a special meeting of the ship of more than 200, we have a State Central Committee take no ac- tool with which to work. As soon as tion. He declared the State body investigations of working conditions has no authority. can be correlated, we must begin any Shields' name will be placed before activities that will lead to their bet- the delegates to the National Con- terment." He saw possibility of a vention, who will elect two members national organization; this was the of the National Committee. Miss first known attempt to organize stu- Evelyn Mershon, National Commit- dent labor. teewoman in the meantime, was given The meeting was addressed by C. sole power to represent the State Boorum of the Ann Arbor Trades in National Party councils. Miss" Council, who advised that 'the old Mershon will be opposed for reelec- days of smash-em-up tactics are tion by Mrs. Thomas McAllister, of over," and that more diplomatic Grand Rapids. She will serve alone means must be used. He maintained until new members are elected in that a union should 6e "militant, but June. I not destructive." South Dakota Yoting Gives Landon Lead Un instructed Slate Leads (overnor' s Delegates II CaldifloIria IPrimnaries Ka nsan Rgeeies 1e11essee Stpport. Roosevelt Leads By Wide Margin '1owIIseIIditeS' And dEpics' In California (fy the Associated Press) Gov. Alf M. Landon's chances for he Republican Presidential nomina- ion rose last night as he took the lead from Sen. William E. Borah in arly voting of the South Dakota pri- naries but dropped again as the un- irtrau t ed slate opposing him in Cali- ornia led in early returns. Although delegates favorable to governor Landon were listed on the a"lots of South Dakota, where sup- porters of Borah and Landon are crapping for eight Convention votes, they had pledged themselves to his support as long as he was conceded a chance for nomination. In early returns from 592 of South Dakota's 1,955 precincts, Landon re- ceived 15,822 votes while Borah re- ceived 13,726. California Returns Of California's 11,708 precincts, 915 recincts in 19 of 58 counties gave he following returns: Landon, 20,- 685; Warren (uninstrfeted), 25,604. President Roosevelt held a wide margin over Upton Sinclair and Rep. John S. McGroarty, Townsend sup- porter in the California Democratic Presidential primaries. Tennessee Republicans, after in- stucting 15 delegates to support Lan- .on in their convention yesterday, will instruct their remaining two dele- gates tomorrow. A Democratic presidential prefer- ence pimary in Alabama found Pres- ideit Roosevelt unopposed. The state's 32 convent ion votes were in- structed for him. Roosevelt Strong In Maryland Late ballot counting in Maryland, which voted Monday, showed Presi- dent Roosevelt maintaining a more than five to one lead over Col. Henry Breckenridge of New York for that state's 16 delegates to the Democratic convention. Connecticut Republicans also met ir state convention yesterday to se- lect 19 delegates. Scattered returns from twelve con- gressional districts of Indiana mdi- ^ated last night that voters in today's primary election favored renomina- tion of all representatives running for reelection. Varsity Tennis Squad Blanks Yp~silanti Team Michi ganHlomeSchedule Is Opened With 9-0 Win; Kalii Easily" Victorious By CARL GERSTACKER Michigan's Varsity netters opened the local tennis season yesterday with a smashing 9-0 victory over an out- classed but valiant Michigan State Normal team at the Ferry Field courts, with the loss of only one set. .Capt. Howie Kahn, unhampered by the cold blasts that usually sweep the courts, played a cool, heady game to polish off his opponent, Anthony Sargenti in straight sets, 6-4, 6-2. Kahn, although bothered by a rac- cruet to which he is unaccustomed, showed flashes of very fine tennis and had the situation well in hand thrnoughout the match. Miller Sherwood, who is rapidly earning the title of the "old faith- ful" of the team romped to an easy win over James Richards of the Ypsi- lanti team, 6-0, 6-1. Sherwood was never extended during the match and had little chance to demonstrate the brand of tennis of which he is capable. Ted Thorward and Jesse Flick, moved up to the number three and four positions respectively, also won in straight sets over Romine Minard and Edward Bernard although Flick was extended in the first set whichi he finally won, 8-6. 1 ni- i t i Rf i- .W.,u n~sv wn, a, d BULLETINI A fire of undetermined origin this morning swept through the M Hut, Myron T. Slater's College Bookstore, the Powder Puff Beauty Parlor and vacant apart- ments immediate'ly above the Hut causing unestimated damages. The fire, discovered at 12:45 a.m. by a passerby who noticed the smoke-filled front windows of the Hut, was believed to have started between the partition sep- arating the Hut from the book- store and beneath the stairway leading upstairs between the two establishments. Both C. J. Fingerle and Myron Slator, owners of the respective stores could not give an estimate of the damages but stated that they were covered by insurance. The fire did not penetrate the walls of the bookstore but water from the fire hoses and smoke filled the store causing damage unofficially estimated at $1,000. Local police officers expressed the belief that the fire may have started either from faulty wiring or from the furnace room of the College Bookstore. The fire was well under con- trol by 1:45 a.m. MIPA Opens Session Here Oan Thursday Press Convention To Draw Record Crowd; Faculty Members On Progran Almost 350 registrations for high school delegates to the twelfth an- nual Michigan Interscholastic Press Ass6ciation have already been re- ceived for an all-time high enroll- ment, it was announced yesterday by the journalism department, which is sponsoring the convention. The three-day meeting, which will bring to Ann Arbor high school stu- dents from throughout the state for discussions, lectures, and conferences on the problems of publishing school, papers, magazines, and annuals, will open with a general assembly and re- ception tomorrow night at the Union, followed by a trip through the Stu- dent Publications Bldg., and will close with a luncheon Saturday noon. While on the campus the delegates will be housed by fraternities, sorori- ties, and other parties who have of- fered to help the journalism depart- ment. The unprecedented enrollment has created a shortage of room accom- modations for the delegates, and the University has joined the journalism department in asking that any fra- ternity, sorority, or private citizen with extra room at their disposal be generous enough to offer it to the MIPA for the short stay here by calling the department office in Haven Hall. Prominent speakers will address four general assemblies during the sessions, and authorities in special fields will head 26 round-table discus- sion on topics of interest to the high school journalists. In addition there will be a banquet and dance at the League Friday night, the Saturday noon luncheon, and three University athletic events in the afternoon to which the delegates will be admitted free of charge. The opening address, "Let's Try Intelligence," will be given by Prof. John L. Brumm, chairman of the journalism department, Thursday night in the Union ballroom, and at 9 a.m. Friday a general assembly will be addressed by Prof. Preston W. Slosson of the history department on "The High School and the World Outside.', A general assembly at 1:30 p.m. will hear Prof. Lowell J. Carr of the sociology department speak on "Who's Going to Jail?" Five more (Continued on Page 2) JEAN G REENWALD Lewis Carrioll Play Will Open Lef re Toniut 'Alice II Wonderland' Will Be Presentel For 4 I ays By Play Production ILewis Carroll's "Alice in Wonder- land," Play Production's last offer- ing of the season, will open at 8:15 p.m. today in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre for a four day run with mat- inees Friday and Saturday. Jean Greenwald, '37, will take the part of Alice. The White Queen will be played by Sarah Pierce, Grad., and the Red Queen by Evelyn Smith, '38. Grace Bartling, '36, will play the role{ of the Mouse and the Mad Hatter role has been assigned to Charles Harrell, Grad. The parts of the March Hare and the Door Mouse will be taken by Karl Nelson, '38, and George Sipprell, '36, respectively. Two women's roles will be played by men- to add to the grotesqueness of the play, according to Valentine B. Windt, director of Play Production. They are those of the Queen of Hearts and the Duchess, taken by Charles Maxwell, '37, and Frederick Crandall. The King of Hearts and the Knave of Hearts will be played by William Iverson, '37, and Jack Porter, '37. Among the animals included in the cast are the Eaglet played by Grace Gray, '37; the Lory, Margaret Rob- erton, Grad; the Dodo, Julius School- nik, '36; the Penguin, Frederick Dens- more, '36; the Fish, Richard Shappell, '37; the Turtle, Ralph Bell, '37; the White Rabbit, William Soboroff, '37; the Duck, Edith Folkoff, '37; the Gryphon, Alfred James, '37; the Cook, Marian Sanders, '37. The group of Clubs, Spades and Hearts is played by Phyllis Blauman, '37, Lois Blom, '37. Marjory Coe, '37, Jeannette Craver, '38, Eva LaGallienne's production of (Continued on Page 2) BORAH NOT BLOCKING LANDON ZENSVILLE, O., May 5. ---t(P)- I Sen. William E. Borah (Rep., Ida.) said here tonight that he was not a party to any combination to stop the nomination of Gov. Alf. Landon of Kansas, or any other potential can- didate for the Republican Presiden- tial nomination. To P'lay 'Alice' D uce Flails Peace As Italian Armies Take Addis Ababa talians Stage Delirious Celebration; Mussolini To Dictate Terms t . erican Legation Will Request Help J. S. Minister Describes Troops' Entrance Into Ethiopian Capital ADDIS ABABA, May 5.-- ("P) - 'he Italian tri-color fluttered from he palace of Emperor Haile Selassie n half-razed Addis Ababa Tuesday ight and the world's only war was Benito Mussolini, the dictator who tefied Great Britain and 51 other na- ions to seize one of Africa's last ter- itorial plums, in a voice trembling rith emotion announced in Rome that peace had come. A dusty, motorized column of Fas- ist troops clattered into the Ethi- pian capital Tuesday afternoon to nd the trail of conquest they began o hew only seven months ago. The arrival brought relief to thou- ands of foreigners. They had been arricaded within various legations gainst marauding warriors since Em- >eror Haile Selassie fled his throne aturday. The American legation, which had een evacuated, was partially reoc- upied. Legation Attacked The State Department of Wash- ngton Tuesday night 'announced re- ;ipt of a message from Vice-Consul Nilliam M. Cramp at Addis Ababa eporting the American Legation had een attacked by marauding natives vho retired after a five-minute skir- nish. Cramp said he would request an rmed guard from the Italian forces. Advices received in Rome said Field Marshal Pietro Badoglio immediate- y installed troops to bring quiet to he riot-torn city. "Ethiopia is Italian!" Il Duce shout- d at a gigantic fascist celebration n Rome. "The war is ended!" Mussolini proudly said it was a "Ro- nan peace." There was little doubt hat he would dictate the terms and there appeared to be little the League of Nations, which set out last fall to defend Ethiopia, could do about it. All Italy joined in delirious celebra- tions. When word of the occupation came sirens screamed and bells tolled to call fascists to headquarters. Italian Entry Described A message to the state department from the American minister-resident in Ethiopia describing the entry into the remote capital saidy: "At 4 p.m., Addis Ababa time, about 20 motorcycles passed the British legation along the Dessye road, fol- lowed by nine baby tanks and a large number of trucks and staff cars. They proceeded in good order without any opposition to various strategic points in the town. There was much agitation in Europe f or a revamping of the League of Nations because of its failure to halt the war it branded as one of aggres- sion. Retreat Parade To Be Feature Of Homecoming One of the outstanding events of the sixth annual Spring Homecom- ing May 15, 16 and 17 will be the retreat parade to be given by the R.O.- T.C, unit at 5 p.m. May 15 on Palmer Field. Headed by the 100-piece Varsity R.O.T.C. band, the complete unit of 650 men will give one of their week- lyspig-etet prdesepcally for thegstudents, returning alumni and other guests of the University for the Spring Homecoming. Plans for the Homecoming have been practically completed, John C. McCarthy, '36, recording secretary of the Union, stated last-night, and the climax of the week-end will be the reception for faculty, students, home- coming guests and May Festival ar- tists to be held from 4 to 6 p.m. in the League, May 16. The Central Committee refused to interfere with county controversies which developed in recent county conventions and which resulted in the naming of a number of split del- egations to the State Convention in Grand Rapids. The next meeting of the Student Workers Federation was set for Tues- day, May 12, at 8 p.m. in the Uni- tarian Church. More than 30 new members were added to union mem- bership lists last night, according to Kuhne. NYA Workers Reecive Praise From Wiers On Skilled Work (Fool Proof' Plane For U. S. Developed By MiehiganM ani By ARNOLD S. DANIELS The value of NYA workers as skilled mechanics and artisans was pointed out yesterday by Paul Wiers, grad- uate fellow in sociology, in connec- tion with his discussion of the highly specialized statistical work being car- ried on under his direction in the lab- oratory in Haven Hall. The mechanical work which has anteceded the task of sorting thou- sands of case-cards to assist in a study of juvenile delinquency in Mich- igan has resulted in a number of One student working at a machine can multiply 225 sets of numbers in one hour with far greater efficiency than is obtained with ordinary com-- puting machines. The "tin cans" are used largely in connection with two NYA-sponsored projects, the study of juvenile delinquency and an analysis of the diffusion of cultural traits in all the states of the nation. The purpose of the former, according to Wiers, is the comparison of the per- capita rates of juvenile delinquency in the various counties of the state in an a ttenm~ft~ to Cdiscover causl 15-es fan~d mens I The first of a type of "fool proof" planes, the Hammond Y-1, developed by D. B. Hammond, '30E, of the Hammond Aircraft Co. of Ypsilanti has been delivered to the Department of Commerce. Fourteen more of the planes are under construction and will be purchased by the government to be used by department inspectors. The ship is a monoplane with the fuselage above the wing and is of the pusher type. It is held in a level po- sition all the time it is on the ground by the wheels, one of which is at the by...-i the la A- cj "kj I t.p 1P .- over 100 miles an hour but consumes1 no more gasoline than a low-priced autonobile. It is able to take off at 40 miles an hour after a run of slightly more than 200 feet and is; able to land and come to a stop in less than 100 feet. The small landing space is made possible by the steep angle at which the plane is able to glide to a landing and because of the way it levels off regardless of which of the three wheels hits the ground first. The rate of descent of the plane has been compared to the rate at