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February 25, 1936 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1936-02-25

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- --


Supreme Court
Powers Upheld
By Dean Bates
Praises Performance Of
Justices As Effective
Over 150 Year Period

Treasures Of $20,000,000 Sunk In Great Lakes

An interpretation, an explanatior
and a defense of the Supreme Couri
and its power of declaring acts o
Congress unconstitutional were nade
Sunday in the Union by Dean Henry
M. Bates before more than 100 stu-
dents, faculty members and towns-
In the course of his remarks, Dear
Bates remarked that "as a nomina]
Republican, I have a lot of sympathy
with the New Deal, but I think the
finest thing in the world for Presi-
dent Roosevelt was the NRA deci-
sion. I don't like the AAA decision,
but even that might be good for the
New Deal, since a part of the AAA
policy was ill-conceived and it was
beginning to work out badly."
Dean Bates said he should "like to
feel that professors of law had per-
formed as well and as effectively over
a period of 150 years as has the Su-
preme Court. Erroneous decisions
have been made," he declared, "but a
lot of harm has been prevented."
Traces Objective Of Judicial Review
A judicial power with the ability
to pass on the validity of acts of the
parliamentary body is the essence of
constitutionalism, Dean Bates told
his listeners. "One objection to ju-
dicial review is that it tends to pro-
mote irresponsibility of legislators,"
he said, "but you can't preserve a
federation like the United States un-
less there is some authorized body to
draw the line of action and power
among the states."
"Neither the opposition or support
of the court by the New Deal and
anti-New Dealers amounts to much,"
Dean Bates declared, pointing out
that throughout American history
different political parties have at
various times supported and opposed
the high tribunal when it was be-
lieved to be to their best interests to
do so.
Government Limitations A Blessing
He emphasized that "government
limitations through a constitution
and a court are a blessing one would
not part with," referring to the
court's action in attempting to guar-
antee free trial to the Scottsboro de-
fendants and mass executions with-
out trial or hearing in European dic-
tatorships. He pointed out the dif-
ficulty in understanding the intricate
maze of legal technicalities, and said
that the United States Constitution
,d-the laws pertaining to it "are of
a peculiar brand."
The Dean cited these facts:
Out of the thousands of acts passed
by Congress, the constitutionality of
but 65 came before *the Supreme
Court, and of these, only 28 were
tossed out.
There have been 100 unanimous
decisions for every one the court was
divided on in any way, only 15 acts
of Congress being upheld by 5-4 de-
cisions and only 10 tossed out.
Organization Of
Anti - Japanese
(Continued from Page 4)
in the course of time weld them-
selves into a strong national unit.
General Fang minimized the im-
portance of recent Russo-Japanese
"incidents" on the Mongolian and
Manchukuoan borders. He empha-
sized the opinion that these skir-
mishes, now being investigated by a
joint Nippon-Soviet commission, are
merely Japanese attempts further
to invade China and to conceal it by
making it appear as if they are clash-
ing with Russia. ' The investigation,
proposed by the Japanese foreign
minister, is but a bluff, he asserted,
to hide the real purpose of his move-
ments-- aggression in China.
General Fang rather avoided the
topic of Communism in China and

declared that neither Chinese nor
Russian Communists play an im-
portant part in the melodrama being
unfolded in the Orient.
General Fang was formerly gov-
ernor and warlord of the northern
province -of Anhuei and a member of
the central executive committee of
the Koumin tang ( the Nationalist
party). For the past decade he has
been associated intimately with Chi-
nese military enterprises, serving as
assistant commander when the 19th
Route Army defended Shanghai
against they Japanese in 1932. When
Japan's army s ormed into northern
China in 1933, General Fang sold
much of his property, organized an
emergency army and marched across
the Great Wall to Chahar. where he
was victorious in a pitched battle.

~ ~12; CZ 27BUFFALO
-Associated Press Map
This map shows where some known treasures lie in rotting hulks at the bottom of the Great Lakes. In
the years since the white man's boats supplanted Indian canoes, the Great Lakes have swallowed cargoes
valued, it is estimated, at more than $20,000,000.

Place advertisements with Classified
Advertising Department. Phone 2-1214.
The classified columns close at five
clock previous to day of insertion.
Box numbers may be secured at on
3xtra charge.
Cash in advance Ile per reading line
(on basis of fivetaverage words to
line) for one or two insertions. 10c
per reading line for three or more
insertions. Minimum 3 lines per in-
telephone rate - 15e per reading line
for two or more insertions. Minimum
three lines per insertion.
10discount if paid within ten days
from the date of last insertion.
6y contract, per line -2 lines daily,
one month .................8c
4 lines E.O.D., 2 months........8c
2 lines daily, college year ......7c
4 lines E.O.D., 2 months .....,...8c
100 lines used as desired .. ..9c
300 lines used as desired.......8.
1,000 lines used as desired.......<
2.000 lines used as desired .. .....6
The above rates are per reading line
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1Oc per line to above rates for bold face
capital letters.
The above rates are for 71, point

TWO board jobs. Also part-time,
paid work evenings for student
with iar. 602 Monroe. 334
PRACTICE piano for rent in home
half block from Mdsher-Jordan
dormitory. Phone 5489 after 6 p.m.
ONE THIRD OFF on all fur work.
E. L. Greenbaum, 448 Spring Street.
Phone 9625. 14x
EYES examined, best glasses made at
lowest prices. Oculist, U. of M.

LOST: White evening bag containing
gold Gruen watch, initials B.P.H.
Probably in front of Intramural
Bldg., Feb. 14. Reward. Call Bar-
bara Horton, 2-2569. 336
LOST: Bulova wrist watch with silver
spring band. Reward. Call 3968.
LOST: Law note-book Friday morn-
ing. Please call 3042 or 3960. 333
LOST: $33 in Ann Arbor Savings
Bank or on North University or vi-
cinity. P. B. Kay. Phone 7617. Big
reward. 330
LOST: Ring with green stone in yel-
low gold setting, in vicinity of
Mosher Hall. Reward. Phone 4541.
WANTED: An odd ski or a good sec-
ond hand pair. Call 3687. 320



graduate, 44 years practice. 549
Packard. Phone 2-1866. 13x

Gold, Coal, And Whiskey Lie In
Hulks On Bottom Of Great Lakes

Salvage Operations Have
Yielded Profit Long
After Ships Sank
BUFFALO, N. Y., Feb. 24. -() -
Thar's gold in them Great Lakes -
and coal and whisky, too.
The treasure, estimated to be
worth more than $20,000,000, lies in
the sunken hulks scattered on the
floor of America's great inland sea-
Nobody knows the grand total but
in the last 70 years more than 2,000
ships have been lost in the five lakes.
Strung out in a row there would
be a wreck every half mile in the
1,100 miles from Buffalo at the foot
of the lakes to Duluth at the head.
The gold is there but in meager
quantity. The real money lies in
coal and whisky.
Three of the better known car-
riers of "firewater" were the Lexing-
ton which vanished with 110 barrels
6:00-WJR Goodwill Musicale.
WWJ Ty Tyson.
WXYZ Southern Gentleman.
CKLW Omar.
6:15-WJR News of Youth.
WWJ Dinner Music.
WXYZ Contacts in Music.
CKLW Joe Gentile.
6:30-WJR Duncan Moore.
WWJ Bulletins.
WXYZ Day in Review.
CKLW Rhythm Rhapsody.
6:45-WJR Hot Dates in History.
WWJ Musical Moments.
wXYZ Lowell Thomas.
CKLW Old Bill.
7:00-WJR Mert and Marge.
WWJ Amos and Andy.
WXYZ Easy Aces.
CKLW Shadows on the Clock.
7:15-WJR Adventures of Jimmie Allen.
WWJ Popeye the Sailor.
WXYZ Short Stories.
7:30-WJR Kate Smith. a
WWJ Evening Melodies.
WXYZ Musical Momcnts.
CKLW Sunset Nocturne.
7:45-WJR Boake Carter
WWJ You and Your Government.
WXYZ Red Horse Ranch.
CKLW Washington Merry-Go-Round.
8:00-WJR Lavender and Old Lace.
WWJ Leo Reisman's Music.
WXYZ Crime Clues.
CKLW Rick Roberts.
8 :30-WJR Lawrence Tibbett:
Don Voorhies' Orchestra.
WWJ Wayne King's Music.
WXYZ Edgar Guest in Welcome Valley.
CKLW Music for Today.
9:00-WJR Walter O'Keefe:
Glen Gray's Music.
WWJ Vox Pop.
WXYZ Ben Bernie and All The Lads.
CKLW Sweet and Hot.
9:30=WJR Fred Waring's Pennsylvanians,
WWJ Eddy Duchin's Music.
WXYZ Helen Hayes in Latest
Episode "New Penny."
CKLW Pop Concert.
10:00--WJR Parties at Pickfair.
WWJ Studio Party.
CKLW Eddy Brown.
WXYZ Washington Medal Award,
10:30-WJR March of Time.
WWJ Jimmy Fidler.
WXYZReis and Dunn.
CKLW Follies.
10:45-WJR Melodies.
WWJZProf. Bryan Rust.
WXYZ Gray Gordon.
11:00-WJR Bulletins.
WWJ Russ Lyon's Music.
WXYZ Baker Twins.
CKLW Hockey Review.
11:15--WJR Ozzie Nelson's Music.
WXYZ Biagini's"Music.
11:30-WWJ George Kavanagh Music.
WJR Don Redman's Music.
WXYZ Duby Newman's Music.
CKLW Freddy Martin's Music.
11:45-WJR Solay, violinist.
CKLW Stanley Meyer's Music.
12:00-WJR Bert Stock's Music.
WWJ Dance Music,
WXYZ Shandor: Jimmny Darsey's Music.
CKLW Kay Kyser's Music.
12:30-WJR Jim Fettis' Music.
WXYZ Enric Madrigeurra's Music.
CKLW Xaviar Cugat's Music.
1:00-CKLW Jack Hylton's Music.
1:30-CKLW Will Osborne's Music.

between Cleveland and Port Huron;
the Anthony Wayne, lost in Lake
Erie with 300 barrels of whisky and
wine, and the Westmoreland, wrecked
near Manitou Island with a similar
Despite the passage of years sea-
men say these cargoes still would be
in good condition if recovered because
of the cold, fresh water in which
they lie.
Submerged freighters hold thou-
sands of tons of coal.-the Gilcher
and Ostrich in .Lake Michigan; the
Africa in Huron and the St. Peter in
Ontario and others.
Seekers of heavier stuff would find
$50,000 worth of pig zinc in the holds
of the Dean Richard; $20,000 in steel
billets in the Foy and $50,000 in
copper in the City of Detroit.
Hundreds of similar wrecks which
took an appalling toll in lives, are
clutched in the ooze and slime of
decades in all the lakes.
Successful salvage jobs have paid
well. The Atlantic, located 25 years
after it sank, gave up $30,000; the
Erie, brought up 14 years after found-
ering, had $180,000 in immigrant
savings; and Capt. Harris W. Baker
of Detroit earned $50,000 by salvag-
ing the William H. Stevens.
The gold is in the tiny little Grif-
fin, built near here. In 1679 she
sailed past Detroit and on into Lake
Michigan, picked up a return cargo
of furs and $12,000 in gold and van-
ished. She still is believed to be one
of Huron's countless victims.
Scond Seniester
Grad(Ies ShOw Rise
(Continued from Page i)
second semester and the number of '
hours with grades of "A" and "B" also
increased considerably.
The number of hours with a grade
of "C" dropped from 45 per cent to
44 per, cent and number of hours with
a grade of "E" dropped one full per-
centage point in the second semester.
However, the number of hours
graded with "I" or "X" rose in the
second semester. In the first, this
percentage was 1.7 while for the sec-
ond semester the percentage was 2.5
of the total number of 20,080 hours.
There was a small difference in the
number of first year students in the
first and second semesters. The
greatest decrease in number was not-
ed from the literary college while the
enrollment of the dental school re-
mained the same. The pharmacya
college had the smallest freshman
enrollment with 10, and for the sec-
ond semester the enrollment was but'
nine students. Enrollments for the
other colleges remained about the
same. The total freshman enroll-
ment was 1,333.
Dr. Frederick Colier, head of the{
department of surgery in the med-
ical school, gave the principal ad-'
dress at the dinner of the Cleveland
Academy of Medicine Friday night.
He returned to Ann Arbor Satur-

Maze Provides
Information On
Prof. Shepard Finds Men
Depend On Seeing, Rats
On Auditory Senses
(Continued from Page 1)
carrying on the work, while now he
has a number of NYA assistants. His
first trials in this maze proved that
greater control was necessary over
the conditions influencing the ani-
rmls. Therefore, when the Natural
Science Building was constructed, a
specially suited room was devised in
w hich to place the maze.
The room has a double brick wall
to exclude any possible noise, the
lights are specially designed to pro-
vide uniform and regulated lighting,
a special cheese cloth net is suspend-
ed over the maze to shut off any vis-
ual cues that the rat may receive, and
a hole in the ceiling above, which
opens into a room adjoining Profes-
sor Shepard's office, affords the rec-
order a full view of the maze and the
rat running through the alleys. In.
a room adjoining the maze are housed
more than 70 white rats.
Thus, according to Professor Shep-
ard, the only cues that the rat may
use are the kinesthetic cue or the
pattern of movements which he
learns, and the auditory cue which
he receives from the sound of his
feet running over the specially con-
structed floor of the maze.
However, Professor Shepard is now
constructing a new maze in the base-
inent of Haven Hall with which he
expects to limit the cues to only one,
that of the kinesthetic cue. The floor.
of the maze will be of woven wire to+
give the same sound throughout the
maze, the alleys will be narrower, and+
the walls suspended from above. *
Professor Shepard has not as yet
published the results of his experi-
ments except in a few short articles.
By this summer he expects to pub-
lish more of his results, although a
lengthy report of his extensive ex-
periments will not be published until
the following summer.
Fellowships To Be
(Civen To Chinese
Research fellowships and research1
grants offered by the China Founda-
tion of the China Institute in Amer-C
ica are open to Michigan students,1
Prof. J. Raleigh Nelson, counselor tof
foreign students, announced yester-
This foundation, which was created
by wealthy Chinese philanthropists,1
awards annual grants to advanced1
students in astronomy, meteorology,E
geography, geology, mathematics,c
physics, chemistry, biology and relat-
ed sciences. In the past some Mich-
igan students have been on the list
of those students receiving fellow-
ships. Any Chinese student who is
interested in applying should see Pro-
fessor Nelson immediately in his of-

FOR RENT: Single room across from
Architectural School. 912 Monroe.
Phone 8741. 328
SUITE for three men. Sunny rooms.
Private bath and shower. Addi-
tional room if group of four. Steam
heat. Continuous hot water. Phone
8544. 422 E. Washington. 325
FOR RENT: Warm, pleasant room,
single, east side. Convenient for
medics or hospital workers. Phone
7234. 326

buy old and new suits and over-
coats for $3 to $20. Also highest
prices for saxophones and typewrit-
ers. Don't sell before you see Sam.
Phone for appointments. 2-3640.
MAC'S TAXI-4289. Try our effi-
cient service. All new cabs. 3x
STATIONERY: Printed with your
name and address. 100 sheets. 100
envelopes. $1.00. Many styles.
Craft Press, 305 Maynard. 9x
reasonable. Free delivery. Phone
3006. 6x
LAUNDRY 2-1044. Sox darned.
Careful work at low price. dx
LAUNDRY, carefully washed in soft
water and hand ironed. Reason-
able. Telephone 7287. llx

Winter Sports Prooram To Stop
Aecidents Is Asked By Forsythe
The unusually large number of program for winter activities. "Some
accidents in the last few weeks re- arrangement shouid be made either
sulting from skiing and tobogganing in the Arboretum or on the Univer-

drew forth an appeal yesterday from
Dr. Warren G. Forsythe, director of
the University Health Service, for
some sort of winter sports program
that will eliminate many of the
dangers now existing.
Seven students have been injured
seriously enough to be sent to the
University Hospital and Dr. Forsythe
estimated that many times that
number have been treateds t the
Health Service for injuries received
from outdoor activities. One of the'
seven suffered a fractured skull and
has been in a very serious condition
for several days. None of the other
injuries were considered extremely
"Skiing and tobogganing accidents
constitute the major health problem
which we have had to face this win-
ter," Dr. Forsythe said. "Anything
that puts seven people in the hos-
pital in a month cannot be ignored."
All the accidents occurred in the
Arboretum where trees and other
obstructions make skiing and tobog-
ganing dangerous for the inexperi-
enced. Danger signs have been erect-
ed but have been of little success
in diminishing the number of ac-
Warnings Inadequate
"It doesn't answer the problem to
merely warn the students," Dr. For-
sythe said. "There have been enough
accidents to warrant, some sort of
A.S.M.E. To Hear Talk By
J. W. Parker At Meeting
James W. Parker, Ann Arbor, vice-
president and chief engineer of the
Detroit Edison Company, will speak
at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday in the Union
at a meeting of the student branch of
the American Society of Mechanical
Engineers on the subject "A More
Highly Developed Civilization."
He will consider the duties for
which modern engineers should be
held responsible, and also what em-
ployers will expect of the graduate
engineering student. The meeting is
open to all engineering students.

sity Golf Court for students who want
to be careful and for those who
are inexperienced. We could afford
to appropriate a few dollars to save
money in the end."
Early Efforts Discouraged
A movement was started several
years ago, Dr. Forsythe said, to set
aside a part of the Arboretum for
Swinteri sports activities. The effort
was discouraged, however, because it
was felt that since the Arboretum
is used for the development of trees
it should be devoted solely to that
Accidents of this sort have been
much larger this year than in prev-
ious years because of - the large
amount of snowfall. The list of in-
juries include one skull fracture,
scalp lacerations, fractured spines
and ankles, a broken collar bone as
well as numerous minor injuries.
S'W+ g Treatment
Po 00jetsDelayed
Municipal sewage treatment, pa-
tient recipient of many rebuffs, post-
ponements, and delays, but finally
considered on its way to fruition, suf-
fered one more delay from the ex-
trcme cold weather last month.
The cold made ve'y little progress
possible on the contract for construc-
tion of the sewage treatment plant,
it was shown by the monthly report
for January submitted to the regular
meeting of the Board of Public
The public works department of
the city, the report demonstrated, has
become one of-Ann Arbor's busiest or-
ganizations, spending $2,129.58 last
month on snow removal and sanding,
a considerable increase over the sum
of $1,839.07spent for similar purposes
in December.


Trudi Schoop
and Her
Comic Ballet
"-the only absolute require-
ments aie that you have
lived, loved arnd laughed."
-N.Y. Post
"-she could have qualified
for a place in any silly sym-
phony." -N.Y. Sun
Friday, Feb. 28 - 8:30 P.M.
Saturday, Feb. 29-8:30 P.M.
Saturday Matinee, Feb. 29,
at 2:30 P.M.
Evenings: 75c - $1.00 - $1.50
Matinee: 50c - 75c - $1,00
Box Office Opens Feb. 24.
Telephone 6300
10pp b
tope 3)d hi9 .




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