THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE FIVE M I. - - -- - ______ Lantern Night And Freshman Fiesta To Be Held June 2 Dames To Hold Annual Banquet For New Ideads The annual Ins al1aon Banquet of the Michigan Dames will be held at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday in the League, atr which time Mrs. Lewis Haines, Mrs. Edward Hard, Mrs. George Wynn, Mrs. James Bradbury, and Mrs. Da- vid Andrews will take over their new duties as officers of the club. Prof. P. W. Slosson will address the club on "The Current American Po- litical Situation" and will be one of the guests of honor. Other guests honored at the ban- quet will be Mrs. Slosson and advisers of the Dames, Mrs. G. E. Carrothers, Mrs. A. G. Ruthven, Mrs. G. C. Hu- ber, adviser of the Art group; Mrs. Edward Adams, President of the Fac- ulty Women's Club; Mrs. R. C. Hus- sey, adviser of the Music group; Dr. Margaret Bell, Miss Ethel McCorm- ick, Mrs. W. W. Bishop, adviser of the Book group; Dr. Lavinia MacKaye instructor of Pediatric at University Hospital and adviser of the Child Study group; Mrs. F. W. Peterson, who is resigning because of ill health; Mrs. Ira M. Smith, adviser of the Athletic group; Mrs. C. V. Weller, ad- To Head Proj e't Charlotte Rueger, '37, president (A the League, will act as head of the League division in the annual Lantern Night fcstivities. The Freshman Fiesta, sponsored by the Lc ague, will be held in conjunction with Lantern Night. viser of the Drama group, and Mrs. A. H. White, adviser of the Tour grlOul. Co-Chairmen Of Annual Aff air Are Announced Vargaret Hiscock (hosen To Lead Line Of Marclh At Palmer Field Supper Is Pla'med Dance Ott Tennis Courts Arranged As Final Even[. Of Entertaitinent (Contri_-1__rom Page 1) that all unaffiliated women should also eat their suppers on the field. No meals are to be served in sorority' houses and dormitories that night. It has been planned that all sorori- ties, dormitories and zones will eat their suppers together at 5 p.m. The undergraduate division of the League is to furnish coffee free of charge to all women attending, as has tradi- tionally been done in years past. There will be an opportunity to buy soft drinks on the field. The League will furnish box lunches at a regular price of 35 cents to anyone wishing them._ Immediately after the supper, at night-fall, the Freshman Fiesta is to be presented. This is the first time that first-year women have produced. anything along this line for approxi- mately three years. At that time a Freshman Pageant was given but it was not made an all-campus affair as will be the case this year. Theme To Be Announced Jenny Petersen, '39, general chair- man for the Fiesta, said yesterday that the theme of the project is to be announced soon. Other first-yearj women on the central committee are Stephanie Parfet, Frances Suther- land, Harriet Pomeroy, Magna Mountford, Roberta Chissus, Mary Anne Loughborough, Jean Holland and Mary Rall. Following the fiesta, the annual Lantern Night presentation is to take place. Miss Hiscock will speak over the microphone and call all four classes together to assemble on the different corners of the field. The juniors, sophomores and freshmen will promenade around the field and will escort the seniors to their places in the line of march. Chosen Co-Cl airun" New Members Are Elected To P hi BetaKappa 57 Students Are Chosen For National Hlonorary Scholastic Fraternity ORCHESTRAS TO PLAY Orchestras composed of students from several well known colleges will play dance music this summer on Ihips of the Hfamburg-American line. SENIOR CAB'S and GOWNS Place Your Orders Without De- lay. No Deposit Is Required When Orders Are Given. We furnish all new outfits of the better quality and made ac- cording to the Intercollegiate Standards. Phone Orders - 6915-7296 GEO. J. MOE Sports SIhops Ill iii Service and Quality Reviain Supreme at LI RETTE'S 611 E. Liberty 3083 i The following students of the Uni- versity have recently been elected to Phi Beta Kappa, national honorary scholastic fraternity. The senior students are: Ward Phil- ip Allen, John Alexander Babington. Grace Irene Bartling, Bernard Baum, Ross Allen Beaumont, Marvin C. Becker. Edward Griffith Begle, Win- ifred Bell, Alfred Jacob Berger, Rich- ard Selig Brawerman, B. Ilene Brun- son, Dorothy Irene Carr, Eleanor Lydia Coles, Dan Kates Cock, James Koblitz Davis, Willis Allan Fisher, and Dorothy Sophia Gies. Carla Emma Gilmore, Josephine Sedgwick Hadley, June Madeline Hendler, Margaret Rose Hiscock, Emil Mark Isberg, Tom Dunbar Johnson, Brenda Parkinson, '36, past presi- Esther Kaplan, Nina Jean Knutson, rnt of the W.A.A., will assist Char- Jack Lapides, Bertram Henry Lebeis, lotte Rueger as co-chairman of Siegfried Herbert Levy, Samuel David Lantern Night. She will supervise Lipsky, Barbara Eyre Miller, Louis theLativ it.s the W.A.A.eistheOlivier, and Arthur William Ralston. the activities of the W.A.A. n the Robert Wentworth Rogers, Murray affair. _ Edward Satz, Seymour Schuback, Mil- -- -- dred Louise Shapley, Samuel Stearns, John Gordon Steele, Ann Timmons, Iecturie SerieS Philip H. Trezise, George Joseph Var- ga, Gertrude Marie Veneklasen, Tho- (omas Huckle Weller, Edward John Wendrow, Alfred Lawrence Wilds, Samel Dien er, Frederick Keith amBr wn, Erwin Christian Moessner, Kaj Leo Nielsen, anid William Joseph - - Weipert. Discussion For Womiiell Is Six juniors were also lected int(T " Burau ~the fraternity: Israel Harris Finkel- ponsored By BureauO stein, Raymond Harold Gehl, Betty Apointents Goldstein, Harvey William Patton, Donald Neil Sweeny, Jr., and Tho- - --.C mas Herman Wagner. mt-,, T.-;. ~"<;+, t2,, 0<,, f Av if 'I !I READ THE WANT ADS - 11 4 I i The- - GRD-A4BOUT a a a For Information - Call MISS JONES at 21-21-4 THE SWEETEST STORIES ever told were discovered by your sleuth last night. Coming out of the show, went into the MARTHA WASH- INGTON in the Michigan Theatre building for a dish of their deli- sius ice cream and couldn't resist their tempting CANDIES. Honestly have never tasted such delicious sweets at any price. And they have just be-oo-tiful packages for MOTHER'S DAY. You can't go wrong by thinking of MOTHER with candy from there. And they will mail it without any inconven- ience to you. * '* s* THE SMART CO-ED is dressing a l'anglaise this spring. She dashes about the campus in tweeds, huge plaids, anything that is bright and tailored. It's lots of fun to drop into the Elizabeth Dillon Shop- just around the corner on Williams - and mix up a suit to your own taste. Take a plain or checked jacket that is as tailored as your best beau's. The skirt can match the top in color and design or not just as you like. Cleverly styled linen blouses that harmonize finish the suit to perfection. And there you are with a highly individual ' costume for less than $10.00. THERE ARE MANY slight sen- sations from which I derive great pleasure. One of them is touching heavy paper that has a satiny fin- ish. There is some stationery in Wahr's which is about the nicest I have ever felt --it makes letter writing a positive joy. Naturally, this is not the only kind you'll find there and it is all distinctive and appealing to the eye if not so much to the touch. More people ought to use a distinctive stationery. After all, you wouldn't wear uni- forms, would you? And a new paper will give your correspon- dence a lift just as a new dress changes your appearance. IN POLAND there's a Polish inn, where Polish soldiers stout and thin are always passing out and in -But in Ann Arbor it's the Parrot, and all the boys and all the girls am e always dropping in there. A helt means the Parrot. A date for lunch or tea means the Parrot. That's the place to show off your new clothes- bewail the latest iniquities of faculty or administra- tion. You'll always find your friends there enjoying a cigarette, of talking over a cup of coffee or a ccke. MY SENSITIVE NOSE was agreeably startled yesterday in the UNIVERSITY FLOWER SHOP, opposite the Michigan. The place simply has an enchanting odor. This inquirer was shown the fine selection of floral offerings which were on display. What could be finer for Mother's story to send her some flowers, attractively wi apped and boxed? The Univer- sity Flower Shop is a member of the florists' association and has complete facilities to telegraph your order to your home city. All you do is leave your order and they'll do the rest. Mother will ap- preciate your thoughtfulness. Do surprie her with flowers: Make your selection now. * * * * Have you seen the glamorous gels in Dey's window lately? You know it is the one there on State Street just beyond the Parrot. Well, it seems that the glamor isn't en- timely due to nature. =Much credit goes to Mr. Dey and his swell new way of using lights. He calls it high key lighting and has devel- oped it especially for women- Also notice how the photographs are pcsed -very natural and casual without being queer. All in all they are the most successful I've seen. You had better call 5031 and make an appointment instantly. ' white BC I The University Bureau of ppoin - ments and O:cupational Information will hold a series of vocational dis- cu:sion groups for women, Wednes- day, Thumsday and Friday afternoons at 4 to 7 p.m. in the League. There will also be a dinner at 6 p.m. each day in the Russian tea room and the discussion leaders of the day will be guests at dinner. All girls interested in meeting them a iinvited to come to the dinners. The round table discussions will concern a limited number of occupa- tions outside of the professions, sueh Emblems Differ , advertisi-mu, (ileprtmwnt. store work, Each class is to wear distinct em- government service, journalism and blems different from last year's. This publishing, radio, and social service. will be the firt time the sophomores The wcni speaking on each field have been allowed to carry such em- arx Crecotnized leadein the ir hosen Slems. As usual the seniors will vocation and have been selected for present their symbols to the juniors, their wide background of training who will give theirs to the sopho- 12d expei A'lice ill iite field. Because mores. The second year women, in of this, ther ability to answer the turn, will present theirs to the fresh- questions of the girls is assured. men. The march will be concluded The organizations with which these by the formation of a block "M" by women are employed have been very the entire group. willfig to cooperate in the project, The League is in charge of the at- in the hope of rendering service to tendance and is attempting to make the women students of the Univer- it 100 per cent this year. Following sity by giving them first hand occupa- an old tradition, the League will pre- tional informatlion from those at pres- sent a flag to the class with the largest ent actively engaged at work in each number of representatives on the particular field. field. The lantern dance, sponsored by v1 BETA P i the W.A.A., will make its bow to thej campus on the outskirts of the Palmer The Alumnae of Pi Beta Phi held Field tennis court. The dance is their annual meeting and conference an additional drive sponsored by the at the chapter house yesterday. A W.A.A. to gain additional funds for Founders' Day buffet luncheon was the proposed swimming pool. held at 12:30 p.m., which was at- Key Dance Will Be SPonsored May 22 The Key Dance will be held, con- trary to previous announcement, on May 22 in the Union Ballroom. Marking the first time in the his- , cry of the University when all the engineering and honorary societies have combined to sponsor a dance, the Key Dance will take the place of the former B.V.D. and Gridiron dances However, the old tradition of giving away the Sigma Delta Chi "Oil Can" to "the most loquacious lubricator" of the faculty will be followed. Michigamna, Sphinx, Triangles, Vulcans. Sigma Delta Chi and Druids are jointly sponsoring the party which will be the last before the close of the present semester. When tickets will go on sale has not yet been decided, Bernard said, but it is very probable, he added, that they will be available by the middle of the week. BEAUTY SHOPPE "PERSONALITY" Waving By MISS EMMA KNIPER Formerly of the Smiiley Beauty Shop 30o. State & Liberty, above Kroger's - So attached have smart women become to this rich. pliable leather that Jacque- line encores in white with an eyelet tie its lines beautifully moulded ... a subtle " ' "touco silver" over the instep ... a suave three button stroller trimmed with Seen in VOGUE British Tan Calf. We're not modest, for we a ndHARPER' S say...they're the most'epieces of the dayl BAZAAR Sold Exclusively by JACOBSON'S COLLEGIATE SHOE SHOP r t rty , r" }.gpS' y' ";".. :::i;::"?al.{.:.,'( r~~~.1". .. L Li:"""t" ::{ t F. .L ,I { t I To Entertain Committee tended by alumnae from Detroit, Birmingham, and Ann Arbor. The active members of the chapter as- I I rk "' For Dramatic Season sisted as hostesses. Mr. Daniel L. Quirk, Jr., chairman ANNOUNCES PLE)GING of the Civic committee of the 1936 Ann Arbor Dramatic Season, and Alpha Omicron Pi sorority wishes Mrs. Quirk will entertain at 8:30 to announce the pledging of RuthI p.m. tomorrow for the committee at Wood, -'39. of Kalamazoo. their home in Ypsilanti. Following ----_---_-_-_ a business meeting a buffet supper will be served.AR T EL The guests, who are members of the Civic committee, and their wives will include Dean and Mrs. Joseph (il746ier of (OWNS Bursley, Dean and Mrs. A. C. Fur- SUITS1 a1d COATS stenburg, Dean Alice Lloyd, Prof. and Mrs. Howard Mumford Jones, Prof. Expert Designing and Mrs. Leo Sharfman, Prof. Louis and Workmanship A. Strauss, Mr. and Mrs. Frank De- Iemodeling - Alterations Vine, Mrs. W. D. Henderson, Mr. Robert Henderson, director of the Phone 3468 series, Mr.-and Mrs. Guy Maier, Mr. 506"A" Est LIBERTY and Mrs. Neil Staebler and Mr. Val- entine Windt. -------_ NEMO WEE Two- Way Stretch SENSATION Regular $5.00 $ 50 A. Aw Style 504 14-inch step-in girdle. Supple- spun weave. Double-knit back. This little girdle yields to every move, yet gently moulds and flattens the front figure line. It enhances your strong points and soft pedals any weaker ones. A joy to wear -simple to launder. All sizes, 24-32. _~-. . .. : , ::: ' i2Ll S1p ffei! slips off for warm weather comfort-leaving a cool sheer chi fon dress. You'll always be fashion-right in this Franklin Salon Original.. 11 E ND Special - Th r As many curls as your head reqcuires MON. TUES. WED. I Women's Hair Cutting ree Days. O.nly JACOBSON'S underscores the rage for dapper tailoring by presenting blouses for sharp contrast with your new man-tailored suit. There's a cuoy, feminine touch to the tuck-ins and over-blouse effects and espe- cially so in lovely materials of nets, laces, chiffons, organdies and linens. For those who wish to stay strict- ly mannish, there's the .tailored blouse, delightfully severe - hand- somely finished. $1.95.... and more at $ {{d 40C I I By a Man Carl1 knr By=Mnar 1 III1111I 11