'AGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, MAY 3, 1936 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Publisned every morning except Monday during tho' University year and Summer Session by the Board in Control of Student Publications. MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not .otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matter herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50. Representatives: National Advertising Service, Inc., 420 Madison Ave., New York City; 400 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, Ill. fact that the antagonism, the bitterness and the strife of labor-employer relations are due not so much to greed as to fear. The average employer, as we know him, will readily concede the theory underlying collective bargaining, yet he is afraid of the actual consequences once workers have ob- tained that power. As R. W. Wilkinson, of General Motors Corpora- tion, who also spoke at ihe meeting Tuesday, said: "Industrialists are the greatest cowards in the world." Their fear is perfectly understandable. In every industry the employer can point to instances in which unions have abused their power. Ask an employer in the automobile industry why he insists on the open shop and he will point to the out- rageous demands of organizer Matt Smith's Me- chanics' Education Society, which precipitated the Detroit Motor Piod cts strike, as an "object les- son." Even a highly-respected automobile union, the United Automobile Workers Association, has gone, on record as advocating the over-throw of the cap-- italistic system of private profit. And so the issue seems to resolve itself into a challenge to th working class. Increasingly ad- mitted is their "right" to bargain collectively, still dubious is the sentiment of employers toward their "ability" to bargain collectively in a reasonable manner. For students as prospective employers, it is a problem of giving workers a chance to demon- strate this ability, and at the same time protect- ing themselves against. the possible failure of the test. For students as prospective labor leaders, it is a problem of patience and of unceasing vigilance in maintaining an integrity of union policy con- sistent with their "integral" right to organize. EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT Telephone 4925 BOARD OF EDITORS IANAGING EDITOR ..............THOMAS H. KLEENE ASSOCIATE EDITOR...............THOMAS E. GROEHN Dorothy S. Gies Josephine T. McLean William R. Reed DEPARTMENTAL BOARDS Publication Department: Thomas H. Kleene, Chairman; Clinton B. Conger, Robert Cummins, Richard G. Her- shey, Ralph W. Hurd, Fred Warner Neal. Reportorial Department: Thomas E. Groehn, Chairman; Elsie A. Pierce, Joseph S. Mattes. Editorial' Department: Arnold S. Daniels, Marshall D. Shulman. sports Department: Wimam R. Reed, Chairman: George Andros, Fred Buesser, Fred DeLano, Ray Goodman. Women's Departmeul: Josephine T. McLean, Chairman; Josephine M. Cavanagn, Florence H. Davies, Marion T. Holden, Charlotte D. Rueger, Jewel W. Wuerfel. BUSINESS DEPARTMENT Telephone 2-1214 BUSINESS MANAGER..........GEORGE H. ATHERTON CREDIT MANAGER...........JOSEPH A. ROTHBARD WOMEN'S BUSINESS MANAGER ....MARGARET COWIE WOMEN'S SERVICE MANAGER ...ELIZABETH SIMONDS DEPARTMENTAL MANAGERS Local Advertising, William Barndt: Service Department, Willis Tolinson; Contracts, Stanley Jofe: Accounts, Edward Wohlgemuth; Circulation and National Adver- tising, John Park; Classified Advertising and Publica- tions. Lyman B-ttman. NIGHT EDITOR: RALPH W. HURD Dr. Schaclit's Dismissal.. . T HE LATEST BRAINSTORM of Adolf Hitler - the displacement of Dr. Hialmar Schacht as economic dictator by General Herman Goering -is an act which may greatly alter the future of the Nazi state, if, in- deed, not all ]Europe. Dr. Schacht has been widely recognized as the one man who, more than any other, has kept the keel of the Third Reich as even as it has been. That the economic situation in Germany, as bad as it is, is noit worse, is credited largely to the common sense policies of Dr. Schacht, who is as skilled as any economist in the world in the A.B.C 's of money, banking and trade. That he realized his own worth to the Reich is evident from the fact that he would frequently say publicly: "I'm the only person that dares to criticize the Nazis. They dare not do anything to me, because they still have use for me." With the economically-illiterate General Goer- ing in control, nobody knows what the course of Germany will be. It is significant that German issues took a considerable drop immediately after the Goering appointment was made known. In- flation to raise money for wild Nazi schemes, under Goering, is regarded as a probability, despite Ger- many's great lesson with "easy money" after the war. Dr. Schacht, recognizing the necessity for in- ternational good-will if Germany is to prosper, was a firm opponent of German reoccupation of the Rhine.- Doubtless that was one of the prime rea- sons why he was removed, and doubtless, now, Germany's foreign policy will be more bold than ever. As to what that may mean, with the Euro- pean situation as tense as it is, one cannot even hazard a guess. One foreign correspondent, writing of the Schacht demotion, termed it "the final open declaration of the uniop of the military with the big business powers that forms the Nazi dictator- ship." Whether this is the case or not, Dr. Schacht was, at least, the last tie the Nazi government had with the former German democratcy. And it is not too much to suggest that, henceforth, we may expect the dictatorship on the Rhine to be more ruthless, more open and more domineering even, than it has been in the past. Fear And The Problem Of Labor... A NTAGONISM, bitterness, strife, conflict, greed -brands seared all over the hide of our industrial and economic life, the life that most of us will enter - that is the impression created by Frank X. Martel, president of the Detroit Federation of Labor, in his talk Tuesday night at the Union. Mr. Martel was exceedingly definite in his an- alysis of the origins of these painful and unsightly blemishes disfiguring the world of supply and de- mand outside of college. They arise, in his belief, fundamentally from the failure of industrial owners to allow industrial workers the "inalienable American right" of com- ing together in collective bargaining organizations, and the resultant failure of laborers to command a "fair share" of industrial income and a reason- able assurance of steady employment. These are familiar charges, and his audience at the Union was inclined to be skeptical. When he talked about the ruthlessness of opposition to organized labor, some of us recalled the ruthless- THE FORUM Letters published in this column should notbe construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The Daily. Anonymous contributions will be disregarded. The names of communicants will, however, besregarded as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked to be brief, the editors reserving the right to condense all letters of over 300 words and to accept or reject letters upon the criteria Ofl genera editorial lmuortane and interest to the campus. Gosh! To the Editor: I want to expess to you my sincerest congratu- lations on the two editorials which appeared in today's Daily, entitled "Night Thoughts" and "Dressed Fit to Kill." Of the first I want to say that it is one of the most excellently written pieces of writing that I have seen in The Daily in four years at Ann Arbor. Not only is it well constructed and perfectly phrased, but it has that peculiar quality of con- cretizing, as it were, thoughts ol college life which I am sure many of us have felt, but few expressed. Its theme is one of universal application - it deals with a unique feeling of endlessness and timeless- ness which is strangely bound up with an amazing- ly swift passage of time ---it is the expression of the never-done and the quickly finished. It de- serves every congratulation and appreciation. Of no less excellence is the editorial "Dressed Fit to Kill." You have brought out with clarity and simplicity the incongruousness of the Scabbard and Blade demonstration in the Union - you have shown the innate obscenity of teaching one group of college students how best to murder and maim another group of college students -you have expressed much and implied much more. The editorial is pertinent in view of the growing peace sentiment among the students and faculty and merits the highest praise not only from the point of view of this pertinence but from the point of view of literary standards as well. This is the first time that anything in The Daily has ever moved me to praise. This is the first time in four years that I feel that anything significant has been written in The Daily. I hope it is not too much to expect that these editorials are only the first in a series of similarly well-written work. -Senior. IIell Week To the Editor: It has been with considerable interest that a number of us have read in the daily papers articles about Hell Week and the difficulties some of the national fraternity chapters are having in Ann Arbor. As one gets older he is apt to be more critical of the actions of younger people and although we speak of the "Men of Michigan," at times you get the impression that the undergraduates are pretty much like school kids, with very little cultural background. To my mind, Hell Week, as far as it applies to fraternities, is unnecessary and a very foolish kid notion of trying to discipline freshmen. Practically all fraternities were founded on brotherly love, friendship and fairly high ideals and why any group should want to destroy the feeling on the part of the new members that they are joining something worth while, by acting like a lot of hoodlums, is beyond me. I know that when I was pledged and initiated in- to the Michigan chapter of Alpha Tau Omega that we had no Hell Week. The nearest, during all the time that I was in school, to such a thing was one night just prior to initiation the entire chapter, with the new members, gathered in the living room and the freshmen were made to entertain the rest of the chapter by either reciting, singing songs or doing various stunts, and being somewhat heckled in their efforts. This was a lot of fun and even though it might have been a little bit embarrassing to the per- formers, there was nothing malicious about it and certainly no physical hazard or humility. As one representing quite a large group of Fra- ternity Alumni from Michigan, we would be almost willing to go on record that any fraternity chapter in Ann Arbor or any other school thnt <:n rt odrae I WEEK IN REVIEW FOR EICN G rounded The continent has passed through another quiet week, with nothing more exciting happening than Foreign Secretary Anthony Eden indulging in some very close sets of tennis. A touch of comedy prevented boredom in diplo- matic circles when aviator Rene Dronillet, tech- nical adviser on aeronautics to Emperor Haile Selassie of Ethiopia, spirited a plane destined for Ethiopia out from under the noses of French oi- cials, only to have a faulty oil-line force him to land in Italy. The plane, officials announced, will be impounded until the end of the Italo-Ethiopian war. Paris witnessed more comedy on Friday as a small group of American Legionnaires barricaded thlemselves in Pershing Hall, after they had been ordered to evacuate by Colonel Francis Drake be- cause of financial difficulties. Police summoned by Colonel Drake went into conference with the embattled veterans and decided that they were acting within their rights. The police left the veterans victorious on the field. 'Rams Mkt Ihm Only in Germany were there any new develop-l ments in the political situation. General Hermann Goering, Hitler's director of defense, was moved into a position which placed him above Dr. Halj- mar Schacht in authority. The change means that General Hermann Goering now has supreme con- trol of all Germany's financial affairs. Foreign ex- changes do not look with any great joy to the results of the change, because Goering is rumored to be completely ignorant of finances and their workings. The turnover did not come as a complete sur- prise, for only recently Schacht has severely crit- icized Hitler, boldly announcing that he is the only man in Germany who dares to do so, because "Germany could not do without him." Hitler seems to have replied that he can do with or without any- thing lie damned pleases The Last Stfl(i In Africa, the Fascist campaign took on the most serious aspect of its long and rather tedious history. General Rudolfo Graziani, pressing for- ward with brilliant speed, announced on Friday the occupation of Daggah Bur, the last obstacle in his way to Harar. Addis Ababa, meanwhile, is a desolate city, patrolled by military police, and crowded with vans full of luggage being moved to secret refuges. The Italian troops, when they en- tered Daggah Bur, had advanced 110 miles from headquarters in forced marches reminiscent of the days of unbeatable Roman legions. The only high official left in the capitol was Emperor Haile Selassie, who returned from the battle-lines when it became clear that the Fascist troops could not be stopped in their advance. Upon his arrival he announced that Addis Ababa would remain an open town, that is, one not de- fended by troops. Italian headquarters, meanwhile has agreed not to bomb thie city as long as it re- mains open. NA TIONAL 'Ef fective' Wt/ar Strilkes! The Congress of the United States of America evidently feels War Strikes are products of im- maturity or else they discount the number of peace-loving Americans, for last week the House passed the nation's largest peacetime army and navy bill in record speed, 24 hours after it had been introduced by Appropriations committee. Rep. Vito Marcantonio, insurgent Republican from New York, led a small bloc that maintained the bill was a "mad armament race with the powers of the world, the cost of which would be borne by the workers of the world." Time after time trying to rule out specific pro- visions after he saw the bill's passage was inevi- table, Marcantonio was told by Rep. Vinson that the bill was necessary for national defense. Rep. Gerald J. Boileau, Wisconsin, possibly spok the outstanding truth of the day when he charged Congress of being packed with men imbued with the big army and navy idea. "Congress," he said, "has gone wild on the subject." 'The Road To M'oscow)' About one hundred thousand New York persons took the alternative "road to Moscow," offered by Al Smith under the auspices of the Liberty League a while back, and either marched in the gigantic May Day parade or attended a meeting in the Polo Grounds the same day. Not all of them, to be sure, were headed straight for Moscow, but they were going in that general direction. There were Socialists - the right wing Socialists refused to march in the parade but met in the Polo Grounds - various labor organi- zations, Communists, and every other group tainted with Marxism, all united against their common enemies, Hearst, War and Fascism. The celebration was in marked contrast to its predecessors. A New York Herald Tribune writer wrote: "Yesterday marched seemingly endless thousands of well-dressed men and women, thou- sand of well-fed, well-dressed children. There were thousands of college and high school stu- dents, well over a thousand school teachers, thou- sands of white-collar workers. All sang 'The In- ternationale,' for May Day is the international holiday of the working class movement." Perhaps the preceding description of May Dayl celebrations' growing respectability is significant of America's growing determnination to eliminate Hearst, Fascism and War. Harvard's courses in introductory French and German have been modernized to give students RADIO By TUURE TENANDER ASYMPHONY orchestra under the direction of Frank Black will officially inaugurate National Music Week on the Magic Key program at 1 p.m. today. Immediately following the Magic Key hour, Howard Barlow will start the first in a series of ''Everybody'!; Music'' over (CBS, A REALLY unusual raoio broadcast will take place this afternoon, when 225 pianists sitting at 125 pianos, all playing at the same time,t will be heard from Indianapolis. Thel pianists will be playing in the field house of Butler University as a part of the Indianapolis Music Festival. IAST N[ITTT the Boston Symphony, undaler the direction of Serige Konsevilsky, completed its series of broadcasts, including on the program Sibelius' "Pohjola's Daughter," a number that the orchestra played in its concert here last winter. Next Sunday Arthur Fiedler will take the podium of the Boston Symphony for' the annual series of pop concerts. AljORE GOOD NEWS. Eddie Can- tor's present series ends next Sunday. Now Jack Benny may have some competition worthy of him, al- though we doubt it. It certainly is funny to hear the announcer, suf- fering from spasms of laughter, tell us that "Here comes Eddie, folks, all dressed up in a newsp aper ad a frying pan," r"HE OTIER NIGHT we heard Dick Stabile and his newly-formed or- chestra broadcasting from the Fla- mingo Room of Levaggi's in Boston. Dick Stabile, as you may know, is a saxophonist and arranger of no mean ability, Ile has been the chief main-. stay wi ith Beln Bernie for many years. We did not hear enough of the new o'chestra to pass ,judgment, but we rust that Dick will do the right thing. IN COMMEMORATION of Robert Browning's birthday, the Radio Guild will present that poet's lyric- drama, "Pippa Passes," Thursday afternoon over NBC. Milton J. Cross will act as narrator. This broadcast should prove interesting, especially to those who were in that English 31 section last semester. Remember? FOR THOSE who like "swing" as it really should be played, a wise move would be to tune in on Joe Vei- uti at 2:15 p.m. today. AWRENCE TIBBETT will be the guest artist on the General Motors symphony concert tonight. The orchestra is under the direction of Erno Rapee. 1N CONNECTION with the observ- ance of National Music Week, many collegiate organizations will be on the air this week. Thursday after- noon the Choral Art Society of Boston will be on, the Michigan State Normal College choir will broadcast on Fri- day afternoon, and at 1 p.m. Saturday the orchestra and choil of Olivet Col- lege will broadcast an hour program. T IS RUMORED that Isham Jones, whom we heard in Detroit last week, will be on a sustaining broadcast for the summer from some hostelry, start- ing in a few weeks. urns Mantle Calls DramatIic Season A National Institution IContinued from Page 3) he was contemplating a "Hamlet" re- vival for New York. Two courtroom dramas, both sue- cessful in New York during the past season, Edward Wooll's "Libel" and Ayn Rand's "Night of January 16," are to be featured. They will select a college jury from the audience for "Night of January 16," and that will be fun. The late Elsie Schauffler's "Parnell" is also to be given and I am glad that this gifted Kansas City dramatist, who lived only to see her first play in rehearsal, is to be permitted to reveal to her mid-Western friends the quality that she brought to the theatre. Miss Gillmore will be the glamorous Katie O'Shea for whom Parnell voluntarily sacrificed a ca- reer. In addition there will be revivals of John Van Druten's "The Distaff Side" which played in New York last season, with Blanche Yuika replacing Dame Sibyl, and Ivor Novello's "Party," which shows the players frolicking at one of their own after-theatre par- ties and will have mimicry by Eddie Garr, a clever imitator of Hollywood. It is, I know, Mr. Henderson's hope, and the hope of many of his earnest backers, that the Ann Arbor festival idea, spreading to other major and minor centers of the Middle West, South and West, will prove a factor in the decentralizing of the American theatre from New York. A factor I believe it will prove, but it will require a generation or more of future development of the crea- tive theatre in this country before there will be anything resembling a complete divorce from the influences SUNDAY, MAY 3, 1936 VOL. XLVI No. 149 Notices President and Mrs. Ruthven will be at home to members of the faculties. thlei r friends, and other resients of Ann Arbor on S indiy, May 3 from 4 to 6 p.m. Faculty Meeting, College of L~itera- ture, Science and the Arts: The regu- lar May meeting will be held in Room 1025 A.H. Monday, May 4, beginning at 4:10 p..m. Agenda: Report of Executive Commilltee- Remer. Report concerning iniverrit y Coun- cil Hunt. Tinee Special Orders: a. Degree Program in the Field of ReligiOvn and Ethics. b. Changes in Combined Curriu - la. c. Admission as a Student Not a Candidate for a Degree. Faculty, School of Education: The regular luncheon meeting of the fac- ulty will be held on Monday, May 4, Michigan Union at 12 noon. To Members of the Faculty and Others Interested: Each year the Uni- versity arranges housinig acconmnmoda-. tions for its guests at the annual conference of the Michigan Iter- scholastic Press Association. This year, because of the calendar con- flict with Mothers' day week-end (which cuts down the number usual- ly accommodated in sororities and fraternities), and because of an an- ticipated record-breaking attendance, it is necessary to secure additional rooms for the nights of Thursday, May 7, and Friday, May 8. Those having rooms suitable for these high school editors will please write or telephone details to Maynard Hicks, journalism secretary, room 213 Hav- en Hall, campus phone 485. University Buerau of Appointments and Occupational Information: In order to render the most service to the individluals on the campus, we are arranging to meet groups of students with common interests. This is being done for the purpose of calling at- tention to various opportunities and for the purpose of discussing better' methods of procedure. Groups are scheduled as follows: 1. All graduate students interested in teaching on Tuesday, May 5, at 7:30 p.m. in Room 116, Michigan Union (Attention is called to the fact that this g'oup has been changed from Thursday, April 30.) 2. All Seniors interested in get- ting business positions on Tuesday, May 5, at 4:30 p.m. in Room 116, Michigan Union. 3. All Graduate Students interest- ed in business positions on Wednes- i day, May 6, at 4:30 p.m. in Room 116, Michigan Union. T. Luther Iardom. May Festival Tickets: The "over- the counter" sale of tickets for i- dividual May Festival concerts will begin Monday morning, May 4, at the general offices of the School of Music on Maynard Street. At that time, all unsold season tickets will be broken up and offered for sale for single concerts at $1.00, $1.50, $2.00 and $2.50 each. Orders with remittance to cover received prior to that date, will be filled in sequence in advance. A lim- ited number of season tickets are still available at $6.00, $7.00 and $8.00 each. (If Festival coupon from Choral Union season tickets is returned, the price is reduced to $3.00, $4.00 and $5.00 each.) Lectures Henry Mussel Lecture: Dr. John G. Winter, professor of the Latin Lan- guages and Literature, Henry Russel Lecturer for 1935-36, will speak on the subject "Papyrology: Its Con- tributions and Problems" on Thurs- day, May 14, at 4:15 p.m., in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. An- nouncement of the Henry Russel Award for 1935-36 will be made at. this time. Students ,members of the faculty, and the general public are invited. Chemistry Lecture: Dr. D. A. Mac- Innes, of the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research, will lecture on "The Interionic Attraction Theory of Electrolytes" on Wednesday, May 6, 4:15 p.m., Room 303 Chemistry Bldg. The lecture, which is under the aus- pices of the University and of the American Chemical Society, is open to the public. Concert Graduation Recital: Burnette Bradley Staebler, soprano, will appear in a post-graduation recital Monday evening, May 4, at 8:15 p.m. at the School of Music Auditorium on May- nard Street, at which time she will play the following program in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the Master of Music Degree. Nebbie .................... Respighi Fiocca la Neve .............. Cimara DAILY OFFICIAL BITItIIIN Publication in the Bulletin is cUnstrua'~.ent, ~i(ce to all rnenb-rs of the Walversity. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President ut= 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday. 3. L'Indifferent The Green River ........ Carpenter The Song of the Palanquin Bearers .. .... . .Shaw Wild Bird ...............Greenfield The K i 'I tof Itthiehem ' .Thomson The Water Mill .... Vaughn-Will iams Events of Today Stalker Hall: 6 p.m., Wesleyan Guild meeting. Installation of t he New Student Council. 7 p.m., Fellowship lloumr and supper. First Methodist Church: Dr. C. W. Brashares will preach on "Making Fares" at 10:45 a.m. There will be a meeting of The Peace Bond Connnittee at 3:00 p.m. at the Iea ie. The room will be post- ed. Student Senate wishes to announce that Mrs. James H. McDonald, vice- chairman of the Democratic State Central Committee, has extended an invitation to all students, faculty, and others interested who will be quali- fied to vote in the fall election to par- ticipate in a series of informal po- litical discussions beginning Sunday, May 3 at 5 p.m. All opinions will be welcome. Refreshments will be served. The address is Glencoe Hills, Washt enaw Road, and is situated mid- way between Ann Arbor and Yrpilanriti. First Presbyterian Church: Meeting in the Masonic Temple, 327 South Fourth Ave., Ministers William P. Lemon and Norman W. Kunkel. 9:45 a.mn., Forum for Youth, Mr. Kunkel, leader. "Life's Little Ironies Can We Evade the Mystery of Evil?" 10:45 a.m., Morning worship with sermon by Dr. Lemon, "When Life Grows Stale." 6:00 p.m., Supper meeting of the Westminster Guild. 6:30 p.m., Regular meeting of the Guild. Dr. Lemon will speak on the subject, "The Religion of the Future." The annual spring formal of the guild members and their friends will be held at the Huron Hills Country Club on next Saturday evening with a dinner-dance beginning at 6:30 p.m. Congregational Church: 10:30 a.m., Service of worship. Mr. Heaps' sermon subject is "Your Words Have Put Men on Their Feet." There will be special music. 5:30 p.m., Student Fellowship will meet at the Church to go together to the Island for their outdoor supper and meeting. In case of rain the group will meet at the Church. Harris Hall: The regular student meeting will be held in Harris Hall at 7 p.m. Prof. howard Mumford Jones will speak on "Academic Freedom." All stu- dents and their friends are cordially I invited. Saint Andrew's Episcopal Church: Services of worship are: 8:00 a.m., Holy Communion; 9:30 a.m., Church School; 11:00 a.m., Kindergarten; 11 :00 a.mn., Holy Communion and sermon by The Reverend Henry Lew- Disciples Church: 10:45 a.m., Morning worship. Rev. Fred Cowin, Minister. 12 noon, Students' Bible Class. H. L. Pickerill, Leader. 5:30 p.m., Social Hour. Supper served. 6:30 p.m., Discussion program- Miss Nancy A. Fry, head of the nurs- ing staff at the Disciples' Hospital, Nantungchow, China, will speak on the progress of hospitalization and . public health service in China. First Baptist Church: 10:45 a.m., Mr. Sayles will speak on "The Fruits of Discipline." The Church School meets at 9:30 a.m.; Dr. Waterman's class meets at Guild House at 9:45 a.m. Roger Williams Guild: 12-12:40. First of a series of four dis- cussions on The Family. Mr. Chap- man, leader. 6:00 p.m., Students gathering. "Some Thoughts on Re- ligion" will be the topic. Discussion by the group. The usual period for social fellowship and refreshments will follow. St. Paul's Lutheran Church: day: Carl A. Brauer, pastor. 9:30 a.m., Church School. 9:30 a.m., Divine service in the German language. 10:45 a.m., Morning service and sermon. Topic: "The Christian Re- ligion, A Religion of Joy." 4 p.m., The Student - Walther League will leave the church for an out-door meeting at the Island. In case of rain the meeting and supper will be held at the church at 6 p.m. Lutheran Student Club will hold election of next year's officers at its outdoor meeting tonight. I