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May 03, 1936 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1936-05-03

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The Weather
Partly cloudy, cooler in south-
east today; tomorrow generally
fair, warmer.


i~Ifr 43U


Dr. Schacht's Dismissal ...
Fear And The Problem
Of Labor...



Bond Sale,
For Peace
Four Projects Instituted As
Campus Responds To
Spur Of Convocation
50 Students Enlist
For Sale This Week'

Haile Selassie
Flees Capital;
Defenses Fall
Addis Ababa is Reported
In- Flames As Armed
Mobs SackCity
Legation Equ ippedl
To Defeind Subjects
Believed Italians Will Not
Meet With Resistance

Filing Applications
The Board in Control of Student
Publications will hold its meeting
for the appointment of managing
editor and business manager of
The Michigan Daily, The Summer
Michigan Daily, the Michiganen-
sian, and the Gargoyle, and busi
ness manager of the Summer Di-
rectory, at 2:30 p.m. May 16, 1936.
Each applicant for a position is
requested to file nine copies of his
letter of application with the
Auditor of Student Publications
rnot later than May 9, 1936, for
the use of the members of the
Board. Carbon copies, if legible,
will be satisfactory. Each letter
should state facts as to the ap-
plicant's experience upon the pub-
lication or elsewhere, so far as
they may have any bearing upon
his qualifications for the position
sought, and other facts which the
applicant may deem relevant.
Business Manager, Board
In Control of Studeit Pub-
Plans Released
For Convention
Of Press Club
Interscholastic Associationi
To Meet here May 7-9
In 12th Session

I111prove iient
In Comniercial
Courses Urged
Says Schools Should Teach
Cooperation, How To
Make Contacts
Teachers Society
loses Sessions
2,000 Registrations Are
Received To Establish
Membership Record
The Michigan Schoolmasters' Club
closed its sessions yesterday withuthe
final meetings of the music confer-
ence, business schools conference, and
a meeting on the coordination of
high 'school studies with freshman
courses at the University.
Forrest W. Boswell, president of the
Boswell-Maytag Company of Flint,
and former personnel director for
Buick, told the conference of business
schools "What Business Expects of
the Business School Graduate." The
schools, he said, must not confine
themselves to a technical training of
their products, in such matters as
shorthand, sales, and the processes
of business, but must teach them how
to make contacts and cooperate with

Speaker Here IThursday;
Bureau Is Organized; On Occupation

Camp Work Included
The campus fight for peace, hav-
ing received new impetus from the
University Peace Convocation April
21, is driving forward with four sep-
arate projects.
A corps of 50 students will begin
the sale of Peace Bonds in Ann Ar-
bor this week, it was planned by Jul-
ian Orr, '37, chairman of the special
committee of the Peace Council. A
series of bonds, non-negotiable and
bearing no interest, will be issued in
denominations of one, five, ten and
twenty dollars.
Issued By Council
They are being issued nationally by
the National Council for the Pre-
vention of war, and each bond car-
ries with it a subscription to "Peace
Action," an eight-page weekly paper
issued in Washington. Forty per cent
of the money from each bond is al-
lotted to any local organization which
the subscriber feels is working for
peace, and the committee is seeking
this money for the University Peace
Council. The remainder will go to
the National Council, a permanent
organization which has as its plat-
form three main planks: the fur-
therance of world organization; dis-
armament by agreement; and edu-
cation for peace.
The Peace Bond salesmen will meet
today for organization for their two-
week campaign. It is hoped that
more than 50 will begin the sale on
Thursday, and prizes of five and three
dollars have been offered to those
ranking highest. Fraternity, sorority
and League houses will be asked to
buy bonds as groups, and various
town groups will be reached. The
committee now includes: Willis Play-
er, '37, Ross McPherson, '36, Doris
Wisner, '37, Hilia Lane, '36, Clarence
Krisin, '37, Phyllis Brumm, '37, Cath-
leen Shurr, '37, Evelyn Ehrlichman,
'37, Claire Gorman, '36 and Orr,
To Speak Thursday
Second: The Peace Council is
bringing to the campus at 4:15 p.m.
Thursday George Lansbury, member
of the English Parliament and lead-
er of the labor ,party, and Kirby
Page, famous author and publicist,
both of whom are well known fight-
ers for peace. The lecture by Mr.
Lansbury will be called "Ways to
Peace"; it will be in the Lydia Men-
delssohn Theatre and there will be a
charge of 25 cents.
Third: The Peace Council has or-
ganized a campus speakers bureau,
and is sending out speakers to all
groups requesting them, it was an-
nounced by Alice B. Brigham, '36, sec-
Fourth: The local branch of the
Emergency Peace Campaign, a na-
tional organization intending to bind
together under a general platform all
those working for peace with the slo-
gan "Do your sacrificing now." is
planning to send a group of young
men and women to work camps this
summer where they may be trained
to circulate among rural communities
to organize peace sentiments. The
local chapter includes many faculty
members, among them Prof. John P.
Dawson and Prof. John E. Tracy of
the Law School, Prof. Howard B.
Calderwood of the political science
department, and Wilfred B. Shaw, di-
rector of alumni relations.

WASHINGTON, May 2. - (1) -
Fire, pillage and riot raged in Ethi-
opia's ancient capital of Addis Ababa,
tonight as, in the absence of govern-
ment, bands of plunderers poured
through the town.
The royal family had fled the city
in the anticipation of an attack by
advancing Italian troops.
A report radioed to the State De-t
partment by the American minister,
Cornelius Van H. Engert, said the
center of the city was burning fierce-
ly; that three stray bullets had struck
the American legation but none of its
occupants had been hurt. Van Eng-
ert reported heavy firing in the town'
with bands of plunderers roaming the
streets seeking loot.
In a message filed at 5 p.m. Addis,
Ababa time, he reported the home
of the American vice consul, W. M.
Cramp of Philadelphia, had been
sacked of all his possessions while
he was in the legation.
ROME, May 3.-- (Sunday) -(P) -
Italian press dispatches from Djibouti,
French Somaliland, early today said
EmperoK Haile Selassie and his family
would reach that city by special train
today after fleeing from Addis Ababa.
The news of the Negus' departure
threw Rome into an impromptu cele-
bration last night.
Newspapers printed extras. Crowds'
packed around newsstands, snatch-
ing up the papers as fast as they were
delivered for sale.
Marshal Pietro Badoglio's forces al-
ready were close to Addis Ababa after
working their way up the slide-torn,
tortuous road from Dessye. The troops
were not moving as fast as when they
started their victorious upward climb.
Heavy rains had set in, bogging the
narrow highway, and landslides were
DJIBOUTI, French Somaliland,I
May 3. - (Sunday) -- (1P) - Last re-
ports reaching Djibouti today from
Addis Ababa before telephone lines
were cut indicated that Italian planes
dropped pamphlets announcing that
a son of Lij Yasj, grandson of the
great Ethiopian Emperor Menelik,
would be the "new" Ethiopian em-
The proposed ruler to succeed the
fleeing Emperor Haile Selassie was
said to be living in Tajura, French
Rtithvens To Hold
Faculty Tea Today
President and Mrs. Alexander G.
Ruthven will entertain members of
the faculty and their wives at a tea
to be held from 4 to 6 p.m. today at
their home.

Complete plans for the 12th annual ' NedeTa i ,yg
convention of the Interscholastic Bsns ead.frt htyu
PrnenAssoiation of Meinschasic products be highly trained, efficient,
Press Association of Michigan which and capable, and secondly, that you
will be held here May 7, 8, and 9' teach them how to live," he told them.
were released yesterday by Prof. John It is incumbent upon the business
L. Brumm. The-department of jour-Itiinubtupnheuses
schools, he continued, to hold up be-
nalism is sponsoring the meeting in fore their students striking examples
cooperation with the Council of Ad- of success among graduates, to in-
visers of high school publications in culcate enthusiasm, furnish objec-
the state. tives, and provide a sort of indirect
Four general assemblies will be leadership.
held, addressed by prominent speak-
ers. There will be 26 round table ie deplored, the fact thatrman-
discussions. A banquet and dance power cannot, likeraw materials, be
will be given at the Michigan League tested in the laboratory before being
Friday evening and delegates will put into service, but must rather be
be admitted without charge to three tried on the proving grounds.
athletic events Saturday. H. A. Tape of Ypsilanti, secretary-
Brumm To Speak tary-treasurer of the club, announced
Miss Thelma McAndless of Roose- yesterday afternoon that more than
-elt High School, Ypsilanti, president 2,000 registrations had been received
of the Association, will preside at the during the three-day annual session
opening assembly, Thursday evening. of the society, a new record mem-
An address of welcome will be given bership. A few registrations expected
by Professor Brumm on the topic from the closing sessions of the bus-
"Let's Try Intelligence." Iness schools conference had not yet
Prof. Preston W. Slosson of the his- I been included in the totals.
tory department will present an ad- Licensing Plans
dress "The High School and the World George H. Fern, assistant state su-
Outside" at the Friday morning as- pervisor of public instruction, ad-
sembly which will be presided over dressing members of the business
by Prof. Wesley H. Maurer of the de- schools conference at a luncheon, told
partment of journalism. The as- of the plans that are being made by
sembly will be followed by 10 round his department for licensing all vo-
table discussions. cational institutions.
At the general assembly Friday By this means it is hoped to keep
afternoon, Prof. Lowell J. Carr of the out those schools which have low
sociology department will talk on standards and which jeopardize the
"Who's Going' to Jail." Prof. Donal chances of the good schools. Special
Hamilton Haines of the department i investigators are being commissioned
of journalism will preside. Eleven to visit the schools.
round table discussions and a campus After the meeting, round tables
tour will follow the meeting. were held for teachers of accounting
Maurer Will Preside and shorthand and managers of the
The final generalbassembly Satan- different schools represented and the
day morning will be addressed by registrar~s also met.
Hersohell Hart of the Detroit News ----- ---
on the topic "Gossip of the Stars." w ar
'-rfA- lu-m- will aYin nreside eIII( o r e 1-0a

Lantern Night
Plans Include
Traditional Affair Will Be
Celebrated Together At
Freshman Fiesta, June 2
Margaret Iliscock
Outstanding Senior
Selected By Senior W.A.A.
Board, She Is To Lead
Line Of Niarch
For the first time in campus his-
tory the Women's Athletic Associa-
tion and the League are cooperating
to present the traditional Lantern1
Night celebration in conjunction with
the Freshman Fiesta June 2 on Palm-
er Field. Thus the two exhibitions
are expected to attain campus-wide
Margaret Hiscock, '36, chosen by
the senior W.A.A. board as the most
outstanding senior, will lead the line
of march, consisting of representa-
tives of all classes.
The co-chairmen for the presen-
tation are Charlotte D. Rueger, '37,
League president, and Brenda Park-
inson, '36, last year's president of
W.A.A. Harriet Hathaway, '37, has<
been appointed chairman of the<
League patronesses and Helen Shap-
land, '37, fills that position for
Betty Ann Beebe, '37, president of
Panhellenic Association, and Mary
Andrew, '37, president of Assembly,
are in charge of attendance at the
supper and participation in the line of
march for sorority and unaffiliated
women, respectively.
Betty Greve, '36, and Jean Groh,
'36, are in charge of the dance the
W.A.A. plans to give on the tennis
courts, while Ruth Kennedy, '38, has
been announced head of the music
committee. Adele Gardner, '36, will
manage the field properties commit-
tee. Barbara Lovell, '38, and Beteyi
Anderson, '38, are co-chairmen of
the publicity committee.
Miss Hiscock, who is to be honored'
at festivities, has been prominent in
numerous campus activities during
her career. In her second year shef
was general chairman of the Soph(
Cabaret. Positions held during heri
junior year include finance chair-
manship of Junior Girls Play, the
presidency of Wyvern, junior wom-
en's honorary society.l
At a special meeting of the Pan-
hellenic Association held last Tues-
day, it was decided by a unanimous
vote to give box lunch suppers on1
Palmer Field for all sorority women.
The Assembly, in a special meeting
last Wednesday, unanimously agreed
(Continued on Page 5)
Aid Of Citizens'
Is Soutoht By
Civil Serviee
The aid of 100 Michigan citizens
will be sought by the Michigan Merit
System Association, its organization
committee, meeting yesterday in the
Union, decided.,
Meeting with the committee were
William Lovett of Detroit, secretary
of the association and secretary of
the Detroit Citizens League, and L.
C. Smith of New York City, secretary
of the National Civil Service League.
The association, formed at Lansing

Wednesday, is pushing the efforts of
Prof. James K. Pollock of the political
science department, chairman of Gov-
ernor Fitzgerald's Civil Service Study
Commission, to bring civil service to

Kocss LedM (olf
Team To 16-2 Win
COLUMBUS, May 2. -<Special to
The Daily) - Again led by Capt.
Charlie Kocsis, who scored a sub-par
71 on the Arlington Course, Michi-
gan's National Collegiate champion-
ship golf team defeated Ohio State
here today. 16 to 2, in the second Con-
ference dual meet of the season.
The Wolverines held the advantage
in every match, both in singles and
best-ball foursomes. Ohio State
scored single points as Larry David
defeated Brindel, and Allen Saunders
defeated Landis by 2-1 scores.
Woody Malloy had second low med-
al of the meet with 76, while Saund-
ers was close behind with 77, andI
David followed with 78, one stroker
better than the best Buckeye effort.I
Summaries: David (78) def. Brin-t
del (79), 2-1 Kocsis (71) def. Coe
(79), 3-0; Malloy (76) def. St. John
(79), 3-0; Saunders (77) def. Landisi
(81), 2-1. Kocsis and David def. Coe4
and Brindel, 3-0; Malloy and Saund-I
ers def. Landis and St. John, 3-0.t
Jones To Speak
At Harris Hall
Academic Freedom' To Be<
Subject By Professor;t
Services Variedt
Featured among the student meet-t
ings of Ann Arbor churches tonight
will be that at 7 p.m. at Harris Hall
where Prof. Howard Mumford Jonest
of the English Department will speakt
on "Academic Freedom.
Early morning Holy Communion is
at 8 a.m. at St. Andrews Episcopal1
Church. At 11 a.m. at the regular(
morning service Communion will be
Morning services of the First Meth-
odist Church are at 10:45 a.m. The
Rev. C. W. Brashares will talk ont
"Making Faces." The installationt
of the new Student Council of the
Wesleyan Guild will be held at 6
p.m. at Stalker Hall.
The Congregational Church will1
hold its regular morning service at
10:30 a.m. The Rev. Allison Ray
Heaps will deliver the sermon on the
subject, "Your Words Have Put Men
on Their Feet." The Student Fel-
lowship will meet at the church at
5:30 p.m. to go to the Island for an
outdoor meeting.
The Rev. Norman Kunkel will con-
ductmthe First Presbyterian Church
forum for youth at 9 :45, his subject
for discussion being "Life's Little
Ironies, Can We Evade Mystery of
Evil?" Sermon topic of the Rev. Wm.
P. Lemon for the morning service at
10:45 a.m. is "When Life Grows
Stale." At the regular meeting of
the Westminster Guild at 6:30 p.m.,
Dr. Lemon will speak on "The Re-
ligion of the Future." A supper at
6 p.m. will precede this meeting.
The regular morning service of the
Disciples' Church is at 10:45 a.m.
The Rev. Fred Cowin will deliver the
sermon. At noon H. L. Pickerill will
lead the students' Bible class, and the
afternoon social hour will be followed
by the discussion program. Miss
Nancy Fry will speak of public health
(Continued on Page 2)

Buckeyes Obtain Second
Victory In Long History
Of' Competition
Four First Places
Are Won By Jesse
Stoller Close In Century
Dash Won By Tying
World's Record
COLUMBUS, O., May 2. -Ohio
State took very sweet revenge for
long years of track domination by
Michigan here this afternoon, hum-
bling the Wolverines in a dual meet
721 to 53, for the second Buckeye
win in the history of competition be-
tween the two schools.
Not at all to the surprise of a good-
sized crowd, braving a downpour of
rain which fell throughout the meet
and which made footing conditions
precarious in the field events and the
track one great puddle, Jesse Owens
of Ohio State was the meet's mdi-
idual star, with four wins in his
favorite events, including a 100-yard
dash timed at 9.4 seconds, tying the
world's record.
Reversal of Form
The meet was marked by the re-
versal of form on the part of Mich-
igan's mile and two-mile entries, as
they were upset by Buckeye winners
in both events, and the emergence
of Ohio State's Pettigrew, who won
the javelin event. The efforts of those
three along with Owens, Charlie Bee-
tham and the Buckeye entries in the
high jump and pole vault, gave the
Scarlet ten first places to four for
the Wolverines.
In the mile George O'Brien, who
ran a brilliant half as a member of
the Buckeye two-mile relay team at
the Penn Carnival last. week, ran
Clayton Brelsford into the ground in
4:25.3 after a slow half done in 2:18.
Paul Benner completed the overthrow
of the Wolverine distance stars, and
incidentally Michigan hopes for sal-
vaging the meet, when he outsprinted
Walt Stone down the stretch to win
in 9:46.8, as Bill Staehle, Conference
champion indoors, faded to a bad
185 Foot Throw
Pettigrew, evidently not so ad-
versely affected by the wet footing,
threw the javelin 185 feet, 5 inches
to place ahead of Adam Stone.
Bright spots in the very dreary
meet from the Michigan point of view,
were in the hundred, the quarter
and the high hurdles. In the dash
Sam Stoller gave Owens his greatest
race of their long rivalry as he led al-
most to the tape, where the Scarlet
Scooter put on a final burst which
gave him a bare six-inch margin. The
time, :09.4, will receive no recognition
in view of a high wind which blew at
the runners' backs, but observers
pointed to the condition of the track
as partially counter-balancing that
and proving the actual character of
the race.
In the quarter Stan Birleson evened
the score with Chuck Beetham, the
brilliant middle- distance star who
ranks as the country's finest at a half-
mile, as he pounded down the stretch
to win going away in .497. In the
high hurdles Bob Osgood registered
the almost amazing time of :14.6,
amazing in view of the track condition
and despite a strong wind.
Michigan entries also showed to
good advantage in the half when Ben
Starr, came from behind to take a
second behind the flying Beetham,
and in the 220, when Harvey Patton,
Fred Stiles and Steve Mason finished
behind Owens. Patton, however, was
disqualified for cutting across the lane
markers, erased by the downpour of

Sing Is Planned
Friday,_May 15
The second annual Interfraternity
Sing, with prizes for melody and at-
tendance, will be held at 7 p.m., May
15, in front of the main library
George Williams, '36, president of
the Interfraternity Council, an-

Jesse Owens, Rain


To Defeat

Varsity Traekmen

Pruolessor ivaurer wm aga piiut
and the meeting will be followed by
five round table discussions.
Dr. Frederick B. Fisher of the Cen-
tral Methodist Church, Detroit, will
speak at the Friday evening banquet

The guests will be received by on "Can the Youth of America Match
President and Mrs. Ruthven in the the Youth of Europe?" Professor
living room. Presiding at the tea Brumm will be toastmaster at the
table in the dining room will be Mrs. banquet.
Arthur G. Canfield. The tables will The convention will be officially
be decorated with large bowls of flow- ended at a luncheon Saturday at the
ers. Michigan Union with Miss Harriet
Approximately 75 guests are ex- Blum of Detroit Eastern High School
pected to attend. presiding.
Reeves, Home From Brussels,
Says Leatiie 'Commi-tted Suicide'

Student's Foot
Is Amputated
Injured In Northville Auto
Accident While Riding
With Three Internes
The right foot of Jean E. Hoover,
21 year old senior medical student,
of Connellsville, Pa., was amputated
yesterday as the result of injuries she
sustained in an automobile accident
in Northville, shortly after midnight,
while riding with three University
Hospital internes.
The internes are Doctors G. W.
Balyeat, 24 years old, who was driv-
ing, Francis McCus, 24, and Charley
J. Smythe, 25. They were driving
south on the Northville-Plymouth
road into Northville, when, according
to Harry LeoClear, Wayne County
deputy sheriff, their car was "side-
swiped" by a Ford sedan driven by
Oren Fisher, 21 yearsold of 365 South
Harvey Street, Plymouth. LecClear
said that doctors told him that Fish-
er "had been drinking." Fisher's car
is held by the Wayne County sher-
iff's office, pending decision of Dr.
Baleat whether or not to prefer
charges of reckless driving against

The League of Nations, in the opin-
D Club ions of theequasi-official statesmen
from all over the world attending
H ol Bdnt the Institute of International Law in
t Brusselslast week, has "committed
political suicide."
Elects Officers Prof. Jesse S. Reeves, chairman of
the political science department and
one of the few Americans attending
Edward H. Litchfield, Grad., was the Belgian conference, reported yes-
elected president of the local chapter terday that that was the consensus
of Delta Sigma Rho, national.honor- of those who attended the Institute,
ary forensic society, at the banquet legal advisers to state departments,
held last night celebrating the 30th famed international lawyers and uni-
anniversary of its founding and hon- versity professors.
oring Professor-emeritus Thomas C. The belief that the Leagueis

ly because of the economic situation.
Pointing to tremendously high food
prices in Belgium and France, he de-
clared that the "economic situation in
Europe is very, very bad. They can't
go to war."
The way out of the international
difficulties that beset Europe, Pro-
fessor Reeves said he was informed,
is through the method of bilateral
agreements, which may ultimately re-
vamp the entire Treaty of Versailles.
"Even the French," he pointed out,
"are realizing that they must have
a permanent peace with Germany.'
But the opinion at the Institute, re-

Proposal For Arm'iy-Navy Game'
Here Gets Favorable Comment'
By FRED DeLANO i ing the site of the game he stated.
The proposal that the 1936 Army- Professor Aigler stressed the fact
Navy football game be played in the that Michigan itself will not make a
University of Michigan Stadium, as concerted effort to have the Stadium
suggested by Rep. George A. Dondero, selected, but would undoubtedly be in
Royal Oak congressman, in the House a receptive mood to the offer. It was
of Represenatives last week, received reported from an authoritative source
favorable comment yesterday from that Director Yost is as much in
University athletic officials, favor of the proposal as either Aigler
Although Director of Athletics or Kipke.
Fielding H. Yost could not be reached, It has been the custom for a num-
both Prof. Ralph W. Aigler, chairman ber of years to play the Army-Navy
of the board in control of athletics, game in the East, the last time it was
and head football coach Harry G. staged in the Mid-West being in
Kipke expressed opinions that the 1927 when it was held at Soldiers'

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