E EIGHT THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY, MAY 2,;1936 Bandits Sourht By State Poice In Bank Theft Highway Blockade Flung Across Lower Michigan To Catch Five Men Ohio Police Assist Search Concentrated Near Lake Erie Shore Area; Consider Boat Escape DETROIT, May 1. --(/P) -Michi- gan State Police, in their first wide- spread bandit hunt in two years, flung a line of highway blockades across southeast Michigan tonight in an effort to intercept five men who seized $50,000 in a noon-hour holdup of a Detroit branch bank. The search, joined by Ohio State police from Toledo, concentrated in the Lake Erie shore section of Stony Point, where a beer truck driver told Monroe County officers he saw a large sedan turn from the Dixie Highway into a dead-end road which led to the lake shore. Police Order Search The State Police, reinforced by county officers and railroad special agents, beat the area thoroughly and then ordered a detailed search of all cottages, garages and boat houses. They considered the possibility the men might have used a boat in their escape, but could not find a trace of an abandoned car. The robbers, leaving one man at the wheel of the large sedan, worked without a moment's hesitation after they strolled leisurely into the bank, a branch of the Detroit Savings Bank, oldest Detroit institution. The leader, carrying an automatic rifle, crisply ordered "everybody lie down," and then stood guard while two of his confederates scaled a high partition which separated the tellers' cages from the lobby. The fourth man stood guard at a window overlooking the street. Two Injured After scooping the cash into a white cloth sack, the leader fired one shot. It ricocheted off a marble counter, and splinters of the stone injured Mrs. Inva Hershey and Henry Taylor, customers. Mrs. Hershey was taken to a hospital for treatment of a hand injury. Employes said the robbers took only four minutes to complete the robbery and leave the building. Patrolman Ray Stevens, on the beat, said he was in the bank five minutes before the robbery to cash his pay check and had gone only a block when he heard. the burglar alarm sound. Bank officials said the large amount of cash had been placed in the cages to handle a noon-day rush from industrial plants where em- ployes were paid today. The men overlooked a larger sum in the vault. Herold I. Reinecke, Division of In- vestigation of the Department of Jus- tice, said his men were joining in the seaich, but after an examination of descriptions given by witnesses, said he did not agree with the belief of Chief of Detectives Henry Piel that the men might have been led by Al- vin Karpis, now the nation's No. I gangster. Christian Plans Bach Proyoram For Tomorrow Palmer Christian, University organ- ist, will play a program of Bach selec- tions at 4:15 p.m. tomorrow in Mill Auditorium. This program will con- tain numeious works by the dis- t inguh hed composer which are still (.xaml les of the best works in the field of organ. Mr. Christian will open the pro- gram with "Toccata and Fugue in D Minor," after which he will play three chorale preludes, entitled "Wa- chet Auf. Ruft' uns die Stimme," "Dies Sind Die Heiligen Zehn Gebot (Fughetta " and "Ich Ruf' zu Dir." The next number will be "Con- certo in G (Vivaldi)" including "Al- legro, Grave and Presto," to be fol- lowed by "Toccata and Fugue in C." Itis last two selections will be two transcriptions from Cantat orchestral interludes: "March (Dramma PeT Musica)" and "Sonantina (Gottes Ziet ist die allerbeste Ziet)" and "Passacaglia and Fugue in C Minor. The general public with the excep- tion of small children is invited to attend the recital. Reduced Student Library's Incunabula Section " 1 uia punted inVene ini1481. fineuuabula v.hi'h inimbem 6. Tlw11se h-ave' beenii1}archlis- d frole ,a Contains Rare ,Valued Books fod given in nicn";y of Dr. E. W. r Haas, '92M-. curentExhbitIs evoedown one of these rarest of books and Printing was first introduced in Current Exhibit Is Devoted ssSwitzerland not later than 1468 in To Collection; Euclid's 1 eprc sented in the exhibit by Basel while the first press in Paris First Work Included facsimile of a page of the psalter. began functioning about 1470. Pr7t4. The Nuremberg Chronicle, printedj ing did not reac h Spain until 1474. in 49 isalo icldedamng he William Caxton w as the first By I. S. SILVERiMAN in143,ma s inc ude nna h prinl er in Enetland3. Ie is especially LiteGerman incunabula. noted for printing Chbaucer's " Can- Little used by students in ordinary The beginning of printing fro i terbury Tales." genuine leaff assignments and little known by the moveable type in Italy probably began the firt plrinted edition of this book average student, the incunabula sec- about 1465 in the little town of U-p rinted in Westminster about1 ,173 tion of the library nevertheless con- biaco, near Rome. But the 0-1nter is included in the exhibit. tains the rarest and most priceless of printing activity in Itay was Ven- The exhibit is puyrepresentative group of books owned by the library ice. The total output of the Italian of the type and quality typical of -tpress, as pointed out in the explan- the first century of printing from To acquaint the students and satory cards accompanying the books, moveable type. Beside being of value itors to the library with this valuable was almost equal to that of the because of their content, which is collection of books the current library whole of the rest of Europe. Probably chiefly concerned with theology and exhibit is devoted entirely to incunab- 10,000 Italian incunabula are stillt h1f Ymv ula. Miss Ella M. Hymans, curator extant. of rare books, has prepared the ex- Nicolaus Jenson, a Prenci hibit. printed in Italy, was perhap Incunabula, derived from the Latin noted of the early Venetiai "cunal," a cradle, is the term applied His fine Roman fount of to all books printed in the 15th cen- been constantly imitatedI tury, the first century to see the surpassed. Another Itali utilization of the moveable type in Manutius of Venice, one of the printing of books and manu- famous printers of all time, scripts. Twenty thousand titles are his first book in 1494. Two known to have been issued from these of his work are includedi early presses, and the University Li- hibit. He is credited with u brary is in possession of 235 of these. type for the first time. Originated In Germany death his family carried on The printing of books from move- and the name of Aldus, al able type first began naturally in famnous for fine book bindi Germany where the first printing Famous Editors Sho press of this sort was utilized in pub- A recent gift of John C. lishing the Gutenberg Bible, printed '97, who has contributed 30 at Mainz by Johann Gutenberg and ula to the library, figures p Johann Fust in 1445. It is known as ly in the exhibit. It is the f the Gutenberg, the Mazarin or 42-line ed edition of Euclid, and th Bible, of which only 45 copies are work with printed nathem known. Twenty of these are imper- signs, printed by Ratdolt feet. Because the library does not Pliny's "Natural History," hman who s the most n printers. type has but never an, Aldus the most produced specimens in the ex- sing Italic After his his work so became ing. Lilt;, ti l ilU.>, gul ulluugil IlialC y . Auj.c) occupied the content of these early books, the incunabula are extraordi- nary in the quality of the workman- ship which went into their making. The examples in the exhibit tetne-t the value in both content as well as appearance. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN (Continedfroi nPleu 1) meet at the Church to go together "e nd for their outdoor supper : nl nuting. In case of rain the oup will meet at the Church. First Presbyterian Church, Sunday: Meeting in the Masonic Temple, 327 South Fourth Ave., Ministers William P. Lemon and Norman W. Kunkel. 9:45 a.m., Forum for Youth, Mr. Kunkel, lkader. "Life's Little Ironies - Can We Evade the Mystery of Evil?" 10:45 a.m., Morning worship with ue11mon by Dr. Lemon, "When Life Grows Stale." 13:00 p m., Supper meeting of the Wi-.tminster Guild. (3:30 p.m., Regular meeting of the Guild. Dr. Lemon will speak on the subject, "The Religion of the Future." The annual spring formal of the guild members and their friends will be held at the Huron Hills Country Club on next Saturday evening with a (Iinner-dance beginning at 6:30 p.m. Disciples Church, Sunday: 10:45 a.m., Morning worship. Rev. Fred Cowin, Minister. 12 noon, Students' Bible Class. H. L. Pickerill, Leader. 5:30 p.m., Social Hour. Supper served. 6:30 p.m., Discussion program- Miss Nancy A. Fry, head of the nurs- ing staf at the Disciples' Hospital, Nantungehow, China, will speak on the progress of hospitalization and public; health service in China. St. Paul's Lutheran Church, Sun- day: Carl A. Brauer, pastor. 9:30 a.m., Church School. 9:30 a.m., Divine service in the Gei man language. 10:45 a.m., Morning service and 5Oth May Day Passes Quietly In AllNations Peaceful demonstrations, with some tenseness here and there, marked the 50th international labor day. In the United States, where May sermon. Topic: "The Christian Re- ligion, A Religion of Joy." 4 p.m-., The Student - Walther League will leave the church for an out-door meeting at the Island. In ease of rain the meeting and supper will be held at the church at 6 p.m. Lutheran Student Club will hold election of next year's officers at its outdoor meeting Sunday, May 3. All members are urged to note the change of the date for election. Unitarian Church, Sunday: 11:00 a.m., starting Sunday morn- ing forums, topic, "Fellowship and the Cooperative Movement' --Harold Grey, Norman Nelson. 7:30 p.m., Liberal Students Union. Prof. Robert Hall will discuss Japan. First Baptist Church, Sunday: 10:45 a.m., Mr. Sayles will speak on "The Fruits of Discipline." The Church School meets at 9:30 a.m.; Dr. Waterman's class meets at Guild House at 9:45 a.m. Roger Williams Guild, Sunday: 12-12:40. First of a series of four dis- cussions on The Family. Mr. Chap- man, leader. 6:00 p.m., Students gathering. "Some Thoughts on Re- ligion" will be the topic. Discussion by the group. The usual period for social fellowship and refreshments will follow. Day usually is observed only by the more radical workers, the lartgest demonstration was at New York city. Thousands of Socialists and Com- munists joined in a "United Front" parade to Union Square. Soviet Russia's plea for peace was coupled with a warning by War Com- missar Voroshiloff that his country stood ready to defend itself against attack. Soviet preparedness was emphasized by the marching of thousands of troops in Moscow's Red Square while 900 airplanes droned overhead. Police armed with rifles and bay- onets supervised Mexico City's dem- onstration but there was no disorder. S Pi wn sermon by The Reverend Henry Low- paulding, is. incunab- ominent- (ong'egational (:h'rch, Sunday: rst print- 10:30 am., Service of worship. Mr. e earliest heaps' sermon subject is "'Your Words atical de- have Put Men on Their Feet." There in 1432. will be special music. an ency- 5:30 p.m., Student Fellowship will FRESH STRAWBERRY Sundae l0c MADE WITH OUR OWN HOME MADE ICE CREAM 727 N. University Ph. 9797 -Z// I :r " : " r : t: : .r; . : : 'r. ' > . ti : , the SANTA MARIA Columbus' Flag Ship r/ ?". ti ~ , k ' . A1 Il .I s3 (f fl f I I .K f.. " t ". t / ti... i' J { '' Y , b '. ' .rJ ti . , Y1 ; .^ GO y GO j' ./ G : P '\I .'.Zii . Ph r < ". ':.:::':::j':. .:::' . ' :'. History tells us that when Christopher Columbus' sailors took tobacco back home with them everybody hailed it as one of the first new pleasures in years. Today tobacco gives more pleasure to more people than ever before. Many different claims are made for I Opera Prices Set .. and now throughout the world smokers are sayng A 50 per cent reduction will be of- fered to all students and residents of Ann Arbor who wish to attend the opera "The Dybbuk," it was an- nounced yesterday by Dr. Bernard - _ 1 tobacco, Dbu it most everybody agrees