THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, MAY 1, 1936 Plymouth And Kalamazoo Debate Tonight For State Champi 4< . .A onship Y Finalists Meet At 8 Tonioht In Hill Auditorium 19th State Championship To Determine Best High School Debating Team Munitions Is Topic Regent Hem ans Chairman; Pollock And Densmore Are On Judging Board Plymouth High School and Kala- mazoo Central High School will de- bate at 8 p.m. today in Hill Audi- torium in the finals of the Michigan High School Forensic Association's nineteenth annual s ate champion- ship debate. The topic of the debate is: "Re- solved: That the Several Nations Should Make Government Monopolies of the Manufacture and Sale of All Combat Instruments of War." All member high schools of the Association have debated on this question throughout the year, the first preliminary debates for the con- test having started Nov. 22, 1935. After a point winning series in which the schools debated four times win or lose, the teams with the largest num- ber of points went through an elimin- ation series. Seventy-three schools entered this elimination series this year and the last to be eliminated were Gladstone High School and Northern High School of Flint, leav- ing Kalamazoo and Plymouth in the running for the state championship which will be decided by tonight's debate. Plymouth's, Record Leaders Plymouth High School's team has carried on a highly successful season in which they won all ten of their de- bates in the preliminary series. Ply- mouth will support the negative side of the question and its team is in order of speaking in the debate: Thomas Brock, Miss Jewel Stark- weather, and Jack Sessions. The coach of this team'!is James E. Lat- ture, director of debate in Plymouth High School. Kalamazoo Central High School won three of its preliminary debates and lost one. The affirmative team in order of speaking is: Harold J. Handelsman, Thomas H. Cook, and William C. Henning. Clarence A. Peters, director of debate in Kalama- zoo High School is coach of the team. The three judges of the debate are: Prof. Gladys L. Borchers of the de- partment of speech of the University of Wisconsin; Prof. G. E. Densmore of the University speech department, and Dr. James K. Pollock of the Uni- versity political science department.. The chairman of the debate is the Hon. Charles F. Hemans, regent of the University. Prizes To Be Awardedj High School Debating Teams In Finals Here Dr. Mnyskens' Speech Clinics Grow In Seope Correct Speech Developed By Waide-Spread Groups Founded By Muyskens Cor rect speech has long been pint- ed to as an effective instrument for obtaining success and the cultiva- tion of it is accented as a true edu- cational process. With these senti- ments in mind asjseech clinic is operated by the University under the uidance of Prof. John Muyskens of the speech department. - Though this clinic is menioned as a part of the University, this does not mean to imply that its activities are restricted to University students, to Ann Arbor, or even to Michigan. Next week for instance, Prof. Muy- kens will go to Toledo with two o his assistants to set u a speech clinic there for more than 20 Toledo schol children who are sutIfering from speech impedimentsof various sorts. Highland Park Clinic Exemplar The largest clinic o this type is 1 he one operated by Prof. Miyskens for the children in the schools of Highiland Park, Mich. The treat- ment used on these children to miti- gate or remove their speech difficulties has proved so successful that more than 50 teachers in the Highland Park school system are taking extension work in speech correction from the University Extension Bureau. Other Michigan cities in which the speech department has operated clinics sim- ilar to the one in Highland Park are Saginaw, Marquette, Iron Moun- tain, Menominee, and the one opened yesterday by Prof. Muyskens in Mt. Clemens. "Shady Trails" is a camp in North- port, Mich., which is held during the summer for children with speech dif- ficulties. The camp is non-profiting and receives financial assistance from the Rackham Fund. Every summer poor children enter this camp in June after having been diagnosed by Prof. Muyskens, and in the ensuing weeks the pleasures of camping are com- bined with the latest methods of speech correction with the result that these children emerge from the camp more adequately equipped to function and enjoy themselves in society. Local Clinic A Mecca The purely local manifestation of of this movement for speech correc- tion occurs every Saturday morning from 8 until 12 when parents drive in from cities as distant as 150 miles to bring their children to Prof. Muy- skens for consultation and help in clearing uip speech difficulties. Diag- nosis in such cases is frequently in- tricate and often can be traced back to faulty pre-natal development of the child. Diseases such as whooping cough and scarlet fever often bring about interferents which hinder or re- tard the normal development and in- tegration of the tissues used in speak- ing thus destroying the rhythm of speaking which results in what is commonly known as stuttering. The fact that fractional speech is fre- quently caused by such difficulties as this or improperly placed teeth or bad tonsils accounts for the success of these clinics -- for it means that chil- dren suffering from such difficulties can be taken in hand and assure. a more normal development. With the aid of his assistants, Dr. Henry Moser and Dr. Hide Helen Shoara, Prof. Muyskens will continu this crusade for better speech which has aktracted national attention and promises to be an even more signifi- cant part of every child's education in the future. Five Separate Speech Groups Flourish On Michigan Campus Faculty And Students Give approxinate membership of 37. The determination of which society of the Support To Seechii l, T ,n ive is the oldest seems to be im- Itebate Organizations possible, since an age-old feud be- tween Alpha Nu and Adelphi has By VANDERBILT R. SPADER, , +never been settled. Strong, silent men, swaggering PupssVr about the University campus and The general purpose of all of the sporting golden letters upon their Societies is to promote speech pro- bulging chests, should cast an a l- ficiency and to foster interest in for- binensive cse across the forensic ensic activities among the students. horizon. Sigma Rho Tau claims the purpose of Silece my begolen, ut i~ ~ creating a closer bond of understand- Silen e may be golden, but it tk, not campbtwee members of the technical the only phase of campus life receiv- professions and the public. Adelphi ing recognition at Michigan today, is distinctive in that its meetings are judging from the number of speech held after the form used by the Houset societies in existence here and the of Representatives at Washington. support they receive from the stu- This society holds an honorary ban- dent body. Indeed, it is a fact worth quet every year, giving gold keys to noting that the organizations for the members who have been outstanding promotion of the art of self-expres- inm the society's activities. lion, debating and forensic activi- ties in general, carry on programs To encourage interest in public which are among the most extensive speaking, Sigma Rho Tau gives an offered by campus groups, annual award to the member pre- senting the best speech. Another Groups For Mc1 Ahd Women tradition of the engineers group is the There are five such societies, in initiation which is held at the Sigma marked contrast to the single organ- Rho Tau stump near the Engineer- ization usually maintained by other ing Arch every year. departments or interest groups. Three The inter-club debates are annual of these are for men and two boast an aflairs and are conducted upon both exclusively femininemembershi, 11 -se yous and humorous topics.vNeed- dicating a possible error in the well less to say, those which prove most known assumption concerning the interesting to the innocent bystander more loquacious sex. Alpha Nu and are the forensic battles in which the Adelphi are the speech societies for feminine contingent is opposed to men in the literary school, with Ath- the not always dominant male. ena and Zeta Phi Eta corresponding ____ ________ organizations for women and Sigma Rho Tau the honorary speech group Association Delegates Are for engineers. Invited To Baseball Gale All of these organizations are hon- orary, admittance to membership for Delegates of the Michigan High most of them coming after a period School Forensic Association will be of pledgeship. Election may be ob- admitted free to the ball game this tained by trying out with a series of afternoon, according to Dr. William speeches before eligibility boards of P. Halstead, manager of the Associa- the respective societies. tion. The game is between Michigan With the average membership of and Michigan State Normal College each society totaling about 40, Sigma of Ypsilanti. It will last from 4 to Rho Tau leads all others with an 5 and will be played in Ferry Field. Radio On Campus Of LongStanding Radio broadcasting was espoused by the University in 1923 when the first broadcast from the campus was sent over the student constructed 200 watt station, WBC. In 1925 Dean Edward H. Kraus arranged for re- mote control broadcasts from Uni- versity Hall over station WJR and the now defunct WCX. Waldo Ab- bot was placed inccharge of these broadcasts and since that time the University has been on the air an- nually over WJR. In 1928 Morris Hall was remodelled as a broadcasting studio, and its acoustically constructed main studio will accommodate the 125-piece band, symphony orchestra or the Varsity Glee Club. Though the University studios are equipped with condensor and car- bon microphones and have their own public address system, station WJR furnishes its facillLies free to the University. With Morris Hall serving in a sense as a laboratory radio studio, the University teaches classes in radio technique and its equipment is used by the speech department in various of its classes. 9~ Cookies .. . Home-made Cookies are a specialty with yrs. Let is serve you. We please our cu s- tomners. PURITY PASTRY SHOP 707 PACKARD ST. .4 7,. When Kalamazoo debates Plymouth in the Michigan High School Forensic Association's state championship cntest the above students will speak for the two schools. The Kalamazoo team supporting the affirmative is in the right column and its members from the top are: Har- old J. Hendelsmian, Thomas H. Cook, anal William C. Henning. The Plymouth High School team reading from the top: Toni Brock, Miss Jewel Starkweather and Jack Sessions. The debate is under the generai di- rection of the University Extension Division which will award both of the competing teams bronze trophy cups. The six finalist debaters will be pre- sented with gold wrist watches by the Detroit Free Press which is spon- soring the debate and the two run- ner-up teams, Gladstone High School and Northern High School of Flint, will receive cups for second honors. The trophies and watches are now on display at Moe's Sport Shop, 711 N. University Ave. State championship debates have always attracted widespread atten- tion, according to Dr. William P. Halstead, manager of the Forensic Association, and audiences of past years have usually totaledabout 4,- 500, with 1,500 of this number being rooters and members of the bands of the competing schools. The Varsity band will be present at the debate and under the direction of William D. Revelli will play 30 min- utes before the commencement of the forensic program. Contest To Be Held By Speech Classes During the past few weeks students in Speech 31 and 32 have been lis- tening to speeches by their classmates with the intention of selecting a capable representative for the speech contest finals which wil be held at 2:30 p.m. today in Lydia Mendel- ssohn Theatre in the League. This elimination has resulted in the following students who represent the seven classes of Speech 31: Horace Allen, '38, Herbert Nitke, '37, Charles Frank Payton, '37, John R. Stiles, '38, James B. Talcott, '36, and Betty Whitney, '37. Students selected from the six classes of Speech 32 are as follows: William Aigler, '38, James B. Douglas, '38, Howard Holland, '37, Earnest Jones, '38, Arthur Rapport, '38, and Norman Soodik, '38. Program Is A rranged For Visiting Students FRIDAY High School Student Conferences Concerning University Admission (Throughout the day) Registrar's Office, Room 107, Ma- son Hall Conducted by Ira M. Smith, Registrar University of Michigan 11:00 A.M. Hill Auditorium Annual Honors Convocation Address by Frank Aydelotte, Presi- dent, Swarthmore C o 11 e g e, Swarthmore, Pa. 2:30 P.M. Speech Contest Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre Contest Among University Stu- dents in Speech Varsity Debate rs ave Busv Season Varsity debating attracted a large number of try-outs this year and has been unusually active in building up a new squad and keeping a schedule which included 27 men's debates, and has involved several out of town con- tests. Last fall the prospects were quite inauspicious, since there was only one veteran back in school. Tryouts were announced and the interested students were given a debate subject on the League of Nations to treat in a five-minute speech before the judges. By means of tryout speeches a squad was picked and Arthur E. Se- cord, Varsity debating coach began preparations for the approaching sea- son. Mr. Secord, who was formerly with Western State Teachers College, is also women's debate coach and is in charge of coaching which was done last year by Prof. James H. MacBurney, of the speech depart- ment. The Varsity women's debating team had a better start in that three of its former members returned to the team. for Oratorical Association Prize. TES be J ig'ed by the Audience. ::30 P.M. Campus Tour Laving from front entrance of haven Hall Conducted by Uni- veisity of Michigan Varsity De- iawers. ' 4:05 PM. Ferry Field Cormplimentary Baseball Game Tv icingan State Normal College versi University of Michigan. 7:45 P.M. Hill Auditorium Concert Varsity Band 8:15 P.M. Hill Auditorium Debate . Chocola te Peanut Sunwadae l 1c MADE WITH OUR OWN HOME MADE CHOCOLATE SYRUP and ICE CREAM MONDAY, MY MAY FESTIVAL TICKETS - _ _ _ _ _ _ _. _ ® ____ _ _ _ n _______- _ at General Office, School of Music $2.50-$2.00-$1.50-$1.00 Each --- A Limited Number of Season Tickets Still Available-$60 - $7.00 - $8.00 The Overothe-Counter Sale of Indi- vidual Concert Tickets will begin I I , .., , t 0 4th FOR A ENJOYABLE EVEN ING. . 0 RAINBOW ROOM r\1.Of The cf7Cichigan Union BARBARA STRAND, Singing with the Orchestra FLOOR SHOW, Entertaining and Unique ThT(7T A T iC Tr/ + A X TX T A T Tr/r