The Weather Showers today or tonight, and tomorrow; not much change in temperature. C, 4r Sirtian :43 tl Editorials The WPA Theatre,. .. History Repeats Itself .. VOL. XLVI No. 149 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, MAY 1, 1936 PRICE 5 CENTS Defeat Is Seen By Fitzgerald And Comstock Leaders Foresee Possible Victories For Opponents In National Election Vandenberg Hits Presidential Poll Announces It Is Calculated To Cut G.O.P. Showing To Minimum By FRED WARNER NEAL LANSING, April 30. - (Special to The Daily) -The spectacle of Gov- ernor Fitzgerald foreseeing a possible Democratic victory in Michigan and of former-Governor William A. Com- stock predicting a Republican victory took place here today. Michigan, quoted in the American Institute of Public Opinion's poll as "doubtfully Democratic" is regarded as anything but "in the bag" for the Republicans in the national election, and some observers even go so far as to predict that Fitzgerald may be defeated by a Democratic opponent. May Endorse President Governor Fitzgerald emphatically denied that a Democratic State ad- ministration "ha a chance" of getting in, but he admitted that Michigan probably favors, Roosevelt now, and may endorse him in November. The nomination of Senator Vandenberg at the Cleveland convention, he said, will "unquestionably swing the state. Comstock, who although he has an- nounced in no uncertain terms his opposition to the New Deal is still looked on as one of the state's fore- most Democrats, declared that he "just can't see Michigan going for Roosevelt" this fall. About the state going Democratic, he'd like to see it, but he's "afraid it isn't in the cards." He said that the death of Horatio J. Abbott "could not help" but have a "demoralizing influence" on the Michigan Democratic party. "Ab- bott was always a stabilizing influ- ence," the former-governor asserted. Michigan Doubtful Admitting that Michigan may be "doubtfully Democratic" at the pres- ent time, Senator Vandenberg wrote today from Washington that it is be- cause of the fact that "President Roosevelt does not yet have an iden- tified opponent." The preponderance of Roosevelt sentiment throughout the nation, Senator Vandenberg said, is because "the choice at the moment is between Mr. Roosevelt and some- body as yet unnamed. It is the old story that you cannot beat somebody with nobody." The poll is "exceedingly unfair," Senator Vandenberg asserted, "and I think it is well calculated to reduce the Republican showing to a mini- mum. The moment the Cleveland convention has written a construc-, tive and spirited program and has chosen an acceptable Republican no- minee for President, the man on the street will be able to make a far (Continued on Page 2) Main Library Holds Annual Visitors' Day As special features of the annual Visitors' Day at the General Library and the department of library science to be held today, Lionel R. McColvin,, librarian of the Hampstead Public Library and Dr. George H. Locke, li- brarian of the Toronto Public Library, have been secured as lecturers by Dr.' William W. Bishop, University libra- rian. Mr. McColvin, also honorary secre- tary of the Library Association, will speak at 9:30 a.m. on "Some Features of Public Library Work in England." At 3 p.m. Dr. Locke, vice-president of the British Kipling Society will dis- cuss "Kipling." Both lectures will be held in Room 110 of the Generalj Library. The lecturers are being broughtr with the aid of Carnegie Corporation grants and will be the third and1 fourth speakers to be presented in1 the library science lecture series. Dr. Bishop has extended an invi- tation to all the librarians of Mich-1 igan and neighboring states to in- spect the libraries of the University and the library science department. Prof. Reeves Returns From Brussels Today Repentant Robber Brings Big Relief To Fretted Pi Phi's Yesterday morning when the post- man made his matutinal invasion of the Pi Beta Phi sorority house hej deposited in addition to the customary sheath of letters a curiosity provok- ing package. Unending conjecture failed to suggest to the girls what the peculiar box might contain, and when Gi ace Snyder, '37, the girl to whom it was addressed, finally relieved the tension by unwrapping it, the general reaction was one of high exuberance. Carefully padded by several sheets of a Detroit newspaper the six-inch loving cup was finally brought to light. It had be.en missing since last Saturday night when it was awarded to the Pi Phi's for having the prize winning booth at the Penny Carnival and disappeared shortly after the presentation from their booth. Though the package bore a return addressit was fictitious and no at- tempt will be made to identify the repentant robber. The cup is the property of the Women's Athletic Association and until the mysterious package was opened the Pi Phi's seemed to be faced with the ironical duty of purchasing a new one. University Host At Homecoming May 15, 16, 17 Visitors To See University In Actual Operation; Final PlansCompleted Final plans for the sixth annual Spring Homecoming, to be held May 15, 16 and 17 for former students, alumni and guests who are returning and desire to see the University in actual operation, are practically com- pleted John C. McCarthy, '36, record- ing secretary of the Union, 'stated yesterday. President Alexander Ruthven, in a statement issued to those planning to attend the Homecoming stated that 'you have at all times the cordial invitation of the University to visit its campus but I wish to ask that you make a special effort to be inl Ann Arbor the Homecoming week-t end." Visitors will be welcome in thet laboratories, lecture rooms, and classrooms, and members fo the fac- ulty and administration will co- operate in the Homecoming and willt endeavor to demonstrate the insti- tution in the regular course of itst activities. A complete announcement concern-1 ing the program for the week-end has been sent out to about 5,000 per- sons interested in the University.e Special invitations have been issued1 to the parents of all students who are residents of Michigan and othersI have been sent to the relatives of those living in the larger cities such as Buffalo and Chicago. Supplementary information as toI the program will soon be availables either at the Union or at the League The two student organizations arec sponsoring the Homecoming jointly, and the high point of the week-end1 will be the reception to be held at 4:30Y p.m. May 16, in the League. President t and Mrs. Ruthven and other faculty nembers will receive the Homecom- ing guests, May Festival artists and 1 students at the reception.1 Registration of the guests will take t place at either the Union or the League, and student guides may be; obtained at the Union who will show visitors to the campus, around the various buildings and outstanding lisplays. 700 Students Will Receive Honors Today 1.3th Annual Convocation To Be Held At 11 A.IM. In Hill Auditorm Frank Aydelotte Is Principal Speaker All Classes Except Clinics To Be Dismissed Early To Attend Assembly More than 700 students in all schools and colleges of the University will receive public recognition for scholastic achievementl at the 13th Annual Honors Convocation, which will be held at 11 a.m. today in rill Auditorium. All classes, with the exception of clinics, will be dismissed at 10:30 a.m. for the occasion. However, President Ruthven has announced that stu- dents in clinical classes who are re- ceiving honors at the Convocation will be excused in order to attend. Dr. Frank Aydelotte, president of Swarthmore College, has been se- lected as the principal speaker by a committee head by Dean Joseph A. Bursley. President Alexander G. Ruthven will be the presiding officer. Instituted in 1924 by the late Ma- rion LeRoy Burton, the Convocation has been held annually since that time in order to give the University the opportunity to honor publicly those students who have shown out- standing scholastic ability and achievement. Dennison Was Speaker The Convocation always hears an educational leader. Last year at the Convocation, held April 26, Henry Sturgis Dennison was the speaker. Among the famous educators who have addressed the Convocation are Robert Maynard Hutchins, president of the University of Chicago, James Rowland Angell, former president of Yale University, George Edgar Vin-1 cent, former presient of the Uni- versity of Minnesota, and Rev. Lynn Harold Hough, distinguished scholar of the University of Vermont. - All seniors and graduates in the1 honors groups have been asked by thet committee in charge to wear the tra- ditional cap and gown at the Con- vocation, and a section of the Audi- torium will be reserved for those re- ceiving honors. Special invitationsf to attend the Convocation have been sent to parents of students in ther honors group.- Announce honor Students r At the same time as the honoringr of the recipients of scholarships, fel- lowships and prizes, announcements1 will also be made of elections to Phi1 Beta Kappa, Pi Kappa Phi, Sigma Xi, Phi Eta Sigma, and other honor- ary campus scholastic societies. Im- mediately preceding the address by Dr. Aydelotte, Dean Bursley will pre- sent the honor students to the presi- dent. Palmer Christian will be the organist for the occasion. Students who will receive seniorr honors recognition are those whor rank in the highest 10 per cent of the senior classes in the varioust schools and colleges of the University.- Junior, sophomore, and freshman honors will go to those students who have attained an average equivalentt to at least half "A" and half "B." Honors will go to 144 recipients ofr special scholarships and awards, 1201 graduate students, 108 holders ofr graduate fellowships and scholar- ships, 187 seniors, 72 juniors, 82 soph- omores, and 93 freshmen. 400 In 11igh School Musical Festival More than 400 participants took part in the High School Music Festi- val held yesterday in Morris Hall, under the direction of William D. Re- velli. The high school solo and ensemble festival, the purpose of which is to promote education through music, was spotmnsored by the band and or- ciestra department of the School of Music in collaboration with the music section of the Michigan Schoolmas- ters' Club. The judge were Mr. Forest Buch- tel, Chicago and Mr. Anthony Guer- rera, LaPorte, Indiana. Entrants were (judged by five honor ratings, and Ann Arbor High School students win- ning first division ratings were Bea- trice Parsons, viola, John Wallace, oboe, and Ann Hansen, violin. Townsend Plan Denotinced As 'l1hmey Racket' Former 0ff icers Criticize Old Age Pension Clubs At Congressional Probe BATTLE CREEK, April 30.-- (P) - Two formier officers of Michigan old age pension clubs testified at a Con- gressional hearing today they de- serted the Townsend organization because they were convinced it was "a money racket." The testimony was given by the Rev. David B. Moore, 60, of Tra- verse City, and Mrs. Juanita H. Jack- son, of Jackson, before a small au- dience of elderly people who booed repeatedly at criticism of the $200- a month proposal.. Rep. Clare E. Hoffman (Rep., Mich.), conducting the investigation in his home state, previously had declared in a formal statement that the hearings had convinced him "the plan is a racket, whatever the origi- nal purpose may have been." Hoffman concluded the hearing to- day. The white haired Mr. Moore said he believes strongly in pensions for the aged, but testified he had re- tired as president of the Traverse City Townsend club because "the Townsend plan is a money racket." Mrs. Jackson described in detail conversations she said she had with Dr. Francis E. Townsend, founder of the plan, when he spoke at Jackson in January, 1935. "All he could talk about was money," she said. 1 Mrs. Gladys Brittain, secretary of a club at Niles, Mich., told of discov- ering a shortage in club accounts when she took office. She advised national and regional headquarters of the Townsend organization of the misappropriation, she testified, but received no reply.1 S ,A To Make 3 Day Survey OAni Areas Off for a three-day sociological survey of Chicago, 40 University stu- dents will leave by railway and auto- mobile at 1:20 p.m. today with an itinerary including among other things, visits to the Ghetto, to Bug- house Square, to the stockyards and slum areas.1 This is the last of the series of field1 trips sponsored this semester by theI Student Christian Association to nearby cities, William Wilsnack, '37, president of the organization, an- nounced yesterday.I Since the second semester, SCA trips have been made to Toledo and Detroit, and in each city the students saw the best and the very worst to be seen. The purpose of the field trips was to enable the 100 students that took part in them, to study at first hand actual living conditions of American families. Officers of the SCA hope to con- tinue the trips next year it was made known. Law School Research Man Shows That Congress Can Take Jurisdiction By RALPH W. HURD Seldom realized by the average "man on the street," according to Dr. Ralph A. Martig, legal research as- sistant of the Law School, is the fact that Congress is not at the mercy of the Supreme Court, and that Con- gress has power, under the Constitu- tion, to regulate and make excep- tions to the appellate jurisdiction of that Court. Writing in the March edition of the Michigan Law Review, Dr. Martig pointed out that "despite popular concern about the Court's powers of judicial review, Congress definitely has the whip hand." In an interview yesterday, Dr. Mar- tig expressed the belief that Con- gress is not likely soon to exercise this power, and that an important restraining influence undoubtedly has been the fact that "our legislators are answerable to the electorate." However, he cautioned, although Congress has not attempted to upset the tripartite balance of powers, this has not been due to any lack of power. "The power is there, and with it the danger," he asserted, "and this proper use of what might otherwise be an arbitrary power is a happy commentary on the soundness of our basis priciples of government." "Thought-provoking" in view of this Congressional power, according to Dr. Martig, is the much-publicized statement of President Roosevelt, made in reference to the "carrying out of the laws of the land" and in- cluded in his annual message to Con- gress January 3: "The Congress has the right and can find the means to protect its own prerogatives." Among the "rights" and "means" available to Congress is the Consti- tutional provision: "In all cases affecting ambassadors, other public ministers and consuls, and those in which a State shall be a party, the Supreme Court shall have original jurisdiction. In all the other cases (before mentioned), the Supreme Court shall have appellate jurisdiction, both as tolaw ard fact with such exceptions and under such regulations as the Congress shall make." An example of the use of this pow- er, according to Dr. Martig, is the famous "MCCardle case" of 1868. While it was under advisement, a revenue measure, drawn up in the Treasury Department, was amend- ed in such a way as to deprive the Court of appellate jurisdiction in the MCCardle case. The amended bill was passed without any serious op- position, and it was not until two days later that the Democratic mi- nority realized that the Radical ma- jority was seeking to deprive the Court of that jurisdiction. In spite of President Johnson's veto (he was standing trial for "high crimes and misdemeanors" at the time) the Radical majority had no difficulty in commanding the re- quired two-thirds vote to enact the measure. The amendment was actually suc- (Continued on Page 2) Europe Recady For May gay Demonstrationi United Labor Front Hopes To Smash Fascism And Prevent War LONDON, April 30. --- (P) -- Work- ers of Russia, Great Britain, France and Spain tonight prepared for huge May Day demonstrations calling for a united labor front to smash fascism and prevent war. The demonstrations come as nations of Europe, tense over the Rhineland situation and the Italo-Ethiopian war, are piling up more armaments. The Communist Internationale in Moscow issued a proclamation to workers of the world urging them to join a "united front" against fascism and war. London's May Day organizers pub- lished a resolution calling for a world conference of labor in the interests of peace. Preparations have been made here for the most extensive workers' dem- onstration against war since the 1926 general strike. These leaders have issued a flam- ingly worded program in which, "with the shadow of war and fascism over' Europe," they announced their aim of "welding all peace lovers into one single front against war" so as to "deal a smashing blow at the govern- ment, sufficient to overthrow it." A University professor, a Com- munist and a labor leader will ad- dress the United Front May Day meeting at 8 p.m. today in Labor Temple here. The meeting is sponsored by the Ann Arbor TIrades Council of the American Federation of Labor, the Conference for the protection of Civil Rights, the American Civil Liberties Union, the Farmer-Labor party, the Socialist Party and the Communist Party. Prof. Harold J. MFarlan of the College of Engineering will speak for the Federated Teachers' Union, the Rev. H. P. Marley of the Unitarian Church for the civil rights confer- ence, Harold A. Franklin for the Fed- eration of Labor, Ira Welch for the Communist Party and George Taylor for the Workers' Protective Union. Congress Has Whip Hand Over SupremeCourt, Says Dr. Martig The Worm Turns As Medic Students Wreak Vengeance "Is there a doctor in the house?" The question would have brought a roaring affirmative from the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre last night, where present and prospective medi- cos filled every seat to see the All- Medic Smoker presented by Galens, honorary medical association. The All-Medic Smoker is the one time during the year when the stu- dents of the Medical School are free to drop all - well, almost all-of their natural social inhibitions and take a round-house swing in skits and lyrics at their faculty and fellow stu- dents. Take, for example, the last of the five full length skits and three entre- acts that were presented tonight- supposedly the trial of Dr. Badgleet (Carl E. Badgley) for malpractice as a result of which a can-can dancer couldn't. Dr. Badgleet took the stage and the witness stand with a huge sucker, clad in full fishing regalia in- cluding rod, creel and waders. When, at the end of the performance, Dr. Badgley was called on the stage, to be presented with the fish his counter- part had snared in a Detroit fish market, Dr. Badgley stared at Dr. Badgleet and then said, "Go ahead and talk, you look more like me." Other faculty men who went for a ride last night were Drs. Smeller (Carl Weller,) Holler (Frederick A. Coller) and Wurstenberg (Dean Al- bert C. Furstenberg.. Aydelotte Rated College Presid Dr. Frank Aydelotte, speaker at today's Honors Convocation and for 15 years president of Swarthmore College, is recognized as one of the outstanding college presidents in the United States. Aside from his duties at Swarth- more College, he is American secre- tary to the Rhodes Trust, chairman of the board of the Guggenheim Foundation, and trustee of the In- stitute for Advanced Study at Princeton. Writing in the Atlantic Monthly last June, Edwin R. Embree of the Rockefeller Foundation, in rating the American institutions of the higher learning, said, "If I were picking a smnl nnllp-n T chilA nnl -nr+I'. - Teachers To Open Assembly IHayden To Address Group On 'Changimg Orient' At Morning Session Dewey rToSpeak At Banquet [oday Propose dTeachers G uilds D~iscussed By M''oehhnan At ThursdayMeeting After preliminary sessions which met yesterday, the Michigan School- masters' Club will open its full pro- gram this morning with a business meeting, general assembly, and 11 of the 19 special conference sec- tions of the society. Edith L. Hoyle of University High School, president of the Club, will open the annual business meeting at 8:45 a.m. in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre, and after the election of officers and other business the meet- ing will be converted into a general assembly of the Club to hear Prof. Joseph R. Hayden of the political sci- ence department speak on "The Changing Orient." The meeting will be dismissed in time to let the audi- ence attend the University Honors Convocation. Dewey To Speakc The other main feature in today's program is the Golden Anniversary Reception and Banquet, to be held at 5:15 and 6 p.m. in the Union ball- room. Dr. John Dewey, well-known leader in education and one of the four surviving members of the School- masters' Club's first meeting in 1886, will give the principal address at the banquet. Yesterday's program centered around the morning meeting of the Allied Conference on Teacher-Edu- cation, presided over by Dean James B. Edmonson of the School of Edu- cation. Prof. Arthur B. Moehlman of the School of Education spoke on the proposed teacher guilds, which, he said, had been suggested as a united front to the emergencies which from time to time confront the teaching profession. He listed a number of greatly di- versified organizations now in the field, citing as the most conservative the National Association of School Business Officials, and as the one having the greatest "leftist" tend- encies the "Educational Section of New America, whose membership and aims are secret." He estimated their membership at anywhere from 500 to 5,000. Outlines Ideal Guilds The ideal guild, or "united profes- sional organization," as the more con- servative teachers call it, according to Professor Moehlman would follow the organization, aims, and activities in its own field that the American Medical Association does in its profes- sion. A panel on the proposed certifica- tion code for Michigan teachers came to the conclusion that the new reg- ulations are fundamentally desirable, but questioned whether certain of the provisions would have their intended (Continued on Page 2) Hull Announces New Program Of Reciprocity Trade Measure Designed To Maintain World Peace And Expand Commerce WASHINGTON, April 30. -(A) - Warning of a "rising danger" of a new world war, Secretary Hull was applauded by the Chamber of Com- merce of the United States today as he outlined the administration's re- ciprocal trade program designed, he said, to expand world commerce and maintain peace. A short time later a resolution call- ing for continuance of the trade agreemeents under adequate safe- guards for American agriculture was adopted by the chamber along with others attacking the new tax bill, and declaring opposition to govern- ment regulation of wages and hours and competition with private indus- try. Describing the twelve trade agree- ments the United States has con- Prof. John Dewey To Attend Dinner Of Schoolmasters' Club By PAUL D. JACOBS The one man who, more than any other, was the moving force toward the creation of the Michigan School- master's Club exactly 50 years ago, and who today has attained the repu- tation of being "the greatest Amer- ican educator of modern times," will tonight be present at the golden an- niversary reception and banquet of the association. This man is Prof. John Dewey of Columbia University. Prof. A. A. Whitiey, Dean-Emeritus of the School of Education, has char- acterized his greatness as being due to "a persistent spirit of revolt against the mechanical rote methods of tra- ditional American education. "Pro- fessor Dewey is one of the pioneers "Dr. Dewey is the only Amemrican who I~~~~~ ho w- nll"plnllnif rit has ever influenced me ud o du- cation in Germany." Professor Dewey has, on many oc- Wisconsin Students casions, had official connection with the University of Michigan. In 1884, Like Beer, But Gosh- he accepted the post of instructor of philosophy here at the suggestion of MADISON, Wis., April 30. - UP) - Prof. George Morris, who at that time The Interfraternity Council at the comprised the entire faculty of the University of Wisconsin countered a philosophy department. In 1888 he proposal to ban the drinking of any- was called to the staff of the philos- thing but beer at social functions ophy department of the University of with this suggestion today: Minnesota. "No attempt will be made to limit One year later, Professor Morris drinking at University functions but died and Dr. Dewey was recalled to individual cases of misconduct due the University where he remained for to excess drinking will be dealt with five years. as customary by the Fraternity and fh 7e1:111f- o mit or n fltin Leader Amongr lents Of America 1921, President Aydelotte said of Honors Work in America, "We seek to give those students who are really interested in the intellectual life harder and more independent work than could profitably be given to those whose devotion to matters of the intellect is less keen, to demand of the former, in the course of their four years' working, a standard of at- tainment for the A.B. degree dis- tinctly higher than we require of them at present * * *. Our examina- tions should be less frequent and more comprehensive, and the task of the student should be to prepare him- self for these tests through his own reading and through the instruction r-rrar hs.+1- nr 7n ,, ;I