FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, APRIL 30; 1936 1 THE MICHIGAN DAILY n- -r f --. te . ' t 'n 11 Publisned every morning except Monday during tho' University year and Summer Session by the Board in Control of Student Publications. MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press Is exclusively entitled'to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matter herein also reserved, Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by mail., $4.50. Representatives: National Advertising Service, Inc., 420 Madison Ave., New York City; 400 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, Ill. EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT Telephone 4925 BOARD OF EDITORS MANAGING EDITOR ..............THOMAS H. KLEENE ASSOCIATE EDITOR.............THOMAS E. GROEHN Dorothy S. Gies Josephine T. McLean William R. Reed DEPARTMENTAL BOARDS Publication Department: Thomas H. Kleene, Chairman; Clinton B. Conger, Robert Cummins, Richard G. Her- shey, Ralph W. Hurd, Fred Warner Neal. Reportorial Department: Thomas E. Groehn, Chairman: Elsie A. Pierce, Joseph S. Mattes. Editorial Department: Arnold S. Daniels, Marshall D. Shulman. sports Department: William R. Reed, Chairman; George Andros, Fred Buesser, Fred DeLano, Ray Goodman. Women's Departmeno: .Josephine T. McLean, Chairman; Josephine M. Cavanagh, Florence H. Davies, Marion T. Holden, Charlotte D. Rueger, Jewel W. Wuerfel. BUSINESS DEPARTMENT Telephone 2-1214 BUSINESS MANAGER..........GEORGE H. ATHERTON CREDIT MANAGER...........JOSEPH A. ROTH ARD WOMEN'S BUSINESS MANAGER ....MARGARET COWIE WOMEN'S SERVICE MANAGER ...ELIZABETH SIMONDS DEPARTMENTAL MANAGERS Local Advertising, William Barndt; Service Department, Willis Tomlinson; Contracts, Stanley Joffe; Accounts, Edward Wohlgemuth; Circulation and National Adver- tising, John Park; Classified Advertising and Public- tions, Lyman Bittman. NIGHT EDITOR: RICHARD G. HERSHEY Tariffs And The New Deal .. . NOT SUFFICIENTLY emphasized in popular criticism of Roosevelt and the New Deal, it seems to us, is the Adminis- tration's policy of obstructing tests of the consti- tutionality of New Deal legislation. This policy was termed by William D. Mitchell, former United State attorney-general, as "the worst sort of tyranny" in his address Friday at the Founder's Day dinner in the Lawyer's Club. Three arguments advanced as substantiation by Mr. Mitchell included: 1. President Roosevelt's message to Congress concerning the Guffey Coal Bill, in which Con- gress was urged to pass the act "regardless of its constitutionality." 2. With the cooperation of the Administration, every Congressional act could be submitted for review by the Supreme Court within five or six months after passage. 3. Obstacles have been incorporated within the laws themselves. Illustrating this, according to Mr. Mitchell, is Section 2 of the act giving the President power to adjust tariff rates. This sec- tion repeals a section in the existing tariff law which allows court appeal of tariff rate adjust- ments by the farmers, manufacturers or whole- salers not directly engaged in foreign trade. The justice of the section that was thus repealed is clear. A reduction in tariff rates would bene- fit importers and reduce internal prices of those commodities affected. Producers in this country, faced with price reductions which may or may not be justified, cannot appeal the matter to the courts since they are not directly involved in the import transaction. Hence every tariff law in the history of this country, Mr. Mitchell points out, has included this provision to recognize the rights of home industries. Since importers are obviously not going to bring this tariff act to the courts, and since consumers are not going to object to lower priced goods, it is safe to assume that the Supreme Court will not be able to review the law. Now it is probably true, certainly most econo- mists agree, that reductions in tariff rates are, in the long run, desirable. No matter how desirable, however, such an "end" does not justify the "means." The "means" is essentially a side- stepping, an avoidance, a denial of the efficiency of our constitutional form of government. The situation is accurately analagous to a rob- bery. The robber may, from a standpoint of social welfare, need the money and expend it. more wisely than his victim - but that, in our opinion, does not justify stealing. The Administration, from the standpoint of social welfare, may be entirely right in seeking to crumble the tariff wall - but that, again in our opinion, does not justify thumbing one's nose it the Constitution. The American Communist . . 44T IS A MISCONCEPTION to sup- pose that the American commu- nism is a politico-economic theory of government. With its childish illogic and florid emotional ap- peal, it bears closer resemblance to a primitive religious cult. It is a refuge for the frustration, a delusion of the defeated the supposed opiate of' the proletariat. A united front of Morons, as it were." to contrast the American Communist party with the basic theory of communism. His article, although it lambasts communism and communists in this country, is not essentially an invective against communism itself as an eco- nomic theory of government. It merely points out the personalities and character of the leaders of the party, "the crusaders responsible for these civic pageants and tableaux of public disorder, the legmen of communism, the stooges, the heelers who do the dirty work and keep the ball rolling.' The typical heeler, Ross relates, is born of im- migrant parents who were proud to initiate their son into the mysteries of education denied them But "the parents could not envisage the results of introducing entirely new and heady theories into a brain hardly prepared for them by cen- turies of traditional ignorance and repression.' By the time he was ready to leave school he had arrived at his own interpretation of democ- racy which essentially was that America owed him a living. But when he went to the city he dis- covered that he had to work under keen competi- tion so he decided that he had been double-crossed by the bosses. "At this point he discovered com- munism and the Communist party. He embraced one and joined the other." The professional communist then went on relief for his activities did not allow him time for work. But he became disgusted with the small checks and passed out revolutionary material among his relief colleagues. He developed a neurotic adora- tion for Soviet Russia, that happy land where everyone works and everyone is equal, since no- body has anything. He marveled at the glorious Stakhanov Speed-up system and was furious over the speed-up system of the capitalist taskmasters. He picketed a freighter about to sail with a cargo of scrap iron for "Mussolini's capitalistic war" but sublimely ignored the fact that Russia is shipping oil and war materials to Italian ports through her back door at Odessa as fast as she can. Strikes fail because the original strikers find1 themselves adopted by these communists and in the general confusion the original cause of the strike is forgotten. Most of the time he regards communism essen- tially as something that will give him a chance to be one of the Ins instead of one of the Outs. His appeals are simply a device to aid him in carrying out his cherished dream of up-ending the economic system so that he will be on top instead of at the bottom. Although Ross may have what he regards as adequate information for what he says, we re- gard his article and its effect as unfair to the many whose labours for communism are grounded in a sincere and altruistic ideal. No doubt there are many such as he describes, perhaps even a majority. We must remember that those who judge communists rather than communism are more often seeking a defense for stubborn reac- tionaryism. It is too bad that Marx should be interpreted to Americans by such persons as Ross describes, and we must allow for the inevi- table human element, and let our judgment be based on more substantial grounds. The Conning Tower PERCY HAMMOND died on Saturday at mid- night. The public that has been reading him for thirty years will feel the loss; his friends among the critics will feel it; the men who worked with him on the Herald Tribune, who had grown deeply attached to him in his fifteen years in New York, feel it with ineffable acuteness. And some of us whose friendship with Percy began thirty-five years ago, whose manner of life and expression had such a strong influence that it became a part of ours, find words now an immovable mass of blurred syllables. Percy Hammond was, to our notion, the most glamorous of Chicago newspaper men in 1901. At that time he was covering the City Hall for the City Press, which corresponds to our New York City News Association; also he was press agent for the Grand Opera House, owned by the Hamlins, whose fortune had been gleaned from the wide sale of Hamlin's Wizard Oil, an emolient that gentlemen in the county fair and medicine show professions vounted ,as a panacea. He was known, as we have said from time to time, as the Paid Piper of Hamlin. It is possible that George Whar- ton, one of Chicago's wittiest phrasemakers, gave him this nickname; it is more likely that Percy gave it to himself. That was the year when "The Wizard of Oz" opened at the Grand Opera House. Night after night Percy's friends - Walter Whiffen, Sam Gerson, Bill Moore, and even Burns Mantle, at that time the Inter-Ocean's drama critic, would occupy a box. And two years later, when "Babes in Toyland" played during the summer and au- tumn of 1903, the group of dramophiles was aug- mented by Clifford Raymond, Richard Henry Little, Arthur Sears Henning, and now and then William Hard. Nightly attendance was almost compulsory. Percy, still a Cadiz, Ohio, boy at heart, mingled not with the stars, who were Wil- liam Norris, Bessie Wynn, Mabel Barrison, and Amy Ricard. Percy introduced us all to the lovely choristers, Mabel Frenyear, Jean Carnegie, Lesbia,] Grealis, Virginia Foltz, Helen Hahn, Bertha Krieg- hoff - and we are confident that a week ago Percy could have recalled a few more, also without bene-' fit of reference. There were many night suppers, unecessarily frugal, at the Bismarck, the Edel- weiss, and Vogelsang's. It was about the time when Richard Carle, in "The Tenderfoot," was singing "I met my love in the Alamo, when the moon was on the rise." So the Grand Opera House stage door anthem became "I met my love in the, alleyway, when the 'Babes' were at the Grand." Percy Hammond, the only journalist in that semi-rural Chicago carrying a cane, became a reporter on the Chicago Evening Post. In 1909, when Bert Leston Taylor was an editor of Puck,l he got a letter from Mr. Joseph Medill Patterson, asking who was the best critic in New York for the, Chicago Tribune to acquire. Taylor wrote to say that Percy Hammond of the Chicago Evening Post was better than anybody in New York. He became the Chicago Tribune's critic of the drama, from which fortress he frequently kidded the trousers off what seemed to him the more spur-, ious and pretentious of the errant mimes. It was at this time that Mrs. Robert Mantell, wife of a well-known Shakespearean actor, gazed at the no-{ longer-slender Hammond, saying, "Ah, that one' so gross should write of Art!" Hammond's decision to come to New York was made a week or two after the death, in 1921, of Bert Leston Taylor, who had been the Chicago Tribune's columnist. The Tribune ordered Ham- mond to succeed Taylor; he spent three or four days writing one -his first and only - column; said that he couldn't do it. We had been trying' to get Hammond to come to the New York Tribune since 1914. His 1914 letter said: "The town grows more hopeless daily, and I have become ambitious for the first time in my life to venture into Newt York." So in 1921, on a visit to Chicago, we tried again. He gave Mr. Patterson an ultimatum, and wrote "I am now in the ominous umbra of his dis- pleasure.". . . And in the same letter, when "Dulcy" was playing Chicago, he wrote: "I met Miss Fon- tanne at Joe Ryerson's the other night and she said she was hurt because you did not call on her Sunday evening. But she was pleased with the re- port that I gave her of your comment on her beauty and that of her performance." Well, the New York Tribune sent its managing editor, Mr. W. 0. McGeehan, out to Chicago toi sign Percy up. And he wrote: "I'll be happier in New York than I am here under the circum- stances, provided that I can get away with it.a I like McGeehan, who impressed me as a regular human being; and I take it from you and him and Julian Mason among others that Mr. Reid ist aces. Burns Mantle writes that after a year of misery in New York I'll have it as much my own way in New York as I have it now in Chicago. Which cheers but does not inebriate me. Tremble,I Stephen Rathbun!" To write about Percy Hammond thus, instead of with the dignity that thanatopsis is supposed to inspire, may be a whistling to keep from being afraid, afraid of a world without Percy Hammond.- -F.P.A t nearly all of whose training has been in this country, who are at all cap- able of treating their material with a linguistic ability and understanding sufficient to make the result convinc- ing. That such students can be found in the University should be a matter of congratulation to all who have had a part in their training. The matter of comprehension and handling is further complicated by the vast gulf which must exist be- tween the experiences presented and the experiences of the student actor. The writer's point of view is far dif- ferent from that of the English or American writer, the milieu is one usually not even envisaged by the actor, the development of plot and idea frequently progresses at a pace and with a nuance entirely foreign to our own literature. Roger-Ferdi- nand's Chotard et Cie. is no excep- tion. The play occasionally suffers from over-emphasis on analytical de- tail which produces scenes in which, to the average American audience, action seems almost non-existent. De- spite judicious cuts the performance at the Lydia Mendelssohn suffered somewhat from this fault. With all these difficulties facing it, the Cercle Francais under the able direction of Professor Talamon and his aids turns out year after year agreeable productions in the field of French drama new or old. If the per- formances lack a professional bril- liance, the audience none the less, realizing the necessary limitations, accepts them, makes the most of its opportunity to see something un- usual, and enjoys the evening. Tues- day evening was no exception, and probably offered more real enjoy- ment than any recent play. 'Honors seem to go to Martha Dyne and Carl Nelson, in the roles of Mme Chotard, and her husband, the pro-1 vincial wholesale grocer into whose family Julien, the artist, has married. Both Mr. Nelson and Miss Dyne turned in completely convincing work as a French bourgeois couple, hand- ling their lines competently and easi- ly, and keeping the character as they had set it. Their best bit was prob- ably the family dinner scene at the end of act one, where Mr. Nelson, particularly, showed an ability to eat and talk at the same time which was truly marvelous. Miss Dyne's French was at all times well under control and her accent and intonation are excellent. Mr. Nelson likewise handled his French well. Julien, the artistic son-in-law, played by Vaudie Vandenberg, also gave a very creditable performance in a long and difficult part which de- manded a large effort from him. His wife, Reine, done by Mary Potter, handled her lines agreeably well, and her characterization was consistent, if occasionally a little stiff, a fact due mostly to the unfamiliarity of the medium. It is a great pleasure, not only to French students, but to others who enjoy French literature and drama, to have this annual opportunity to see a play presented in French, and Ann Arbor is fortunate in having a group of students willing to assume this task. ::0 MvUSIC :: DRAMA CHOTARD ET CIE By FRANCIS W. GRAVIT It is extraordinarily difficult to mount a play in a foreign language. The mere mechanical obstacles to memorization are appalling. The choice of a cast is dependent on the number of persons available who can handle the language involved, and this is frequently limited. It is no easy task to produce students, all or THEI FORUM i i DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the WAdversity. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President _ Watl 3:34; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday. THURSDAY, APRIL 30, 1936 VOL. XLVI No. 146 Notices Honors Convocation: The Thir- teenth Annual Honors Convocation of the University of Michigan will be held Friday, May 1, at 11 a.m., in Hill Auditorium. Classes, with the exception of clinics, will be dismissed at 10:30. Those students in clinical classes who are receiving honors at the Convocation will be excused in order to attend. The faculty, seniors and graduate students are requested to wear academic costume but there will be no procession. Members of the faculty are asked to enter by the rear door of Hill Auditorium and proceed directly to the stage, where arrangements have been made for seating them. The public is invited. Alexander G. Ruthven. Student Admission to Schoolmas- ter's Club Meeting: Students may se- cure passes admitting them to all sessions of the Schoolmaster's Club by applying at the Recorder's Office, 4 University Hall, or the office of the School of Education. Faculty Meeting, College of Litera- ture, Science and the Arts: The regu- lar May meeting will be held in Room 1025 A.H. Monday, May 4, beginning at 4:10 p.m. Agenda: Report of Executive Committee- Remer. Report concerning University Coun- cil--Hunt. Three Special Orders: a. Degree Program in the Field of Religion and Ethics. b. Changes in Combined Curricula. c. Admission as a Student Not a Candidate for a Degree. Phi Beta Kappa: The Annual In- itiation Banquet will be held on Tues- day, May 5, at 6:30 p.m., at the Mich- igan Union. Prof. Campbell Bonner, Head of the Department of Greek, will deliver the principal address. An attempt has been made to reach all members of record who have ex- pressed a desire to have notices of thet Banquet sent to them. In case there are any members who have not re- ceived notices, or if there are new members from other Chapters in town who would like to come to the' Banquet, reservations can be made through the Secretary's Office, 3233 Angell Hall up to noon of May 2. The price of the dinner is $1. Tickets may be gotten at the door. Reservations should, however be made, as without them it is impossible for the Chapter to make proper arrangements for their guests. Orma F. Butler, Secretary. Seniors, College of Engineering: Seniors will be excused from classes on Thursday, April 30, at 10 a.m. to attend the class meeting to be held in Room 348, West Engineering Build- ing, at that hour. The University Bureau of Appoint- ments and Occupational Information has received announcement of United SStatesCivil Service Examinations for Assistant Architect (Industrial Ex- hibits), Division of Labor Standards, Department of Labor, salary, $2,600; Federal Agent for Agricultural Edu- cation, salary, $4,600, and Specialist in Agricultural Education (Part-time and Evening Schools), salary, $3,800, Office of Education, Department of the Interior, Washington, D. C.; Med- ical Officer (Specialist in Venereal Disease Control and Cardiovascular- Renal Disease, salary, $3,800. For further information concern- ing these examinations call at 201 THE SCREEN AT THE MAJESTIC Double Feature "EVERYBODY'S OLD MAN" A Twentieth Century-Fox picture, with Irvin S. Cobb, Rochelle Hudson, Johnny Downs, and others. Also a liearst newsreel. 1/2 No movie can hope to combine all of the trite situations, cliches, and droopy sentimentalities upon which the tradition of Hollywood is built, but in "Everybody's Old Man" an un- usually successful attempt has been made to mold and blend the greater part of them into one film. Old William Franklin, who lost the hand of beautiful Mary Travis to a business rival many years ago, finds her two children drinking and gam- bling. But the daughter brings flow- ers to place before the portrait of her mother every day, and he knows they are really fine young persons at heart. When he puts them on the right road, he murmurs to Mary's portrait, "Well, Mary, I told you everything would be all right." Johnny Downs is one of the most objectionable juveniles since Dickie Powell. -R.A.C. "MUSS 'EM UP" An RKO-Radio picture, with Pres- ton Foster. Margaret Callahan. Alan Mason Hall, office hours, 9 to 12 and 2 to 4 p.m. University Bureau of Appointments and Occupational Information: In order to render the most service to the individuals on the campus, we are arranging to meet groups of students with common interests. This is being done for the purpose of calling at- tention to various opportunities and for the purpose of discussing better methods of procedure. Groups are scheduled as follows: 1. All graduate students interested in teaching on Tuesday, May 5, at 7:30 p.m. in Room 116, Michigan Union (Attention is called to the fact that this group has been changed from Thursday, April 30.) 2. All Seniors interested in get- ting business positions on Tuesday, May 5, at 4:30 p.m. In Room 116, Michigan Union. 3. All Graduate Students in- terested in business positions on Wed- nesday, May 6, at 4:30 p.m. in Room 116, Michigan Union. T. Luther Purdom. Instructors of Engineering College Courses whose classes are too large to be examined properly in their regular classrooms, will please report that fact to the undersigned representa- tive of the Committee on Classifica- tion, before May 9, stating the num- ber of students in each class that must be accommodated. H. 11. Higie. Angell Hall Observatory will be open to the public from 8 to 10 Fri- day evening, May 1, to observe the moon. Children must be accompan- ied by adults. Students of the College of Litera- ture, Science and the Arts: A meeting. will be held on Tuesday, May 12 (in- stead of April 30 as previously an- nounced) at 4:15 p.m. Room 1025 An- gell Hall, for students in the College of Literature, Science and the Arts and others interested in future work in graduate studies. The meeting, one of the vocational series designed to give information concerning the na- ture and preparation for the various professions, will be addressedby Dean C. S. Yoakum of the Graduate School. Literary Seniors: Commencement announcements will be sold in An- gell Hall lobby Thursday 9 to 12. This will be the final day to place orders. Seniors, College of Engineering: Seniors will be excused from classes on Thursday, April 30, at 10 a.m., to attend the class meeting to be held in Room 348, West Engineering Build- ing, at that hour. H. C. Sadler, Dean. Seniors; College of Literature,Sci- ence and Arts: Senior Class dues will be collected today from 9 to 3 in Angell Hall lobby by the Finance Committee. Tickets for "Alice In Wonderland" will go on sale Saturday, May 2, at 9 a.m. in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre office. Hillel Dance Tickets: Tickets for the dance at Palmer Field House Sat- urday night may be procured at the Foundation or from Committee members. Academic Notices Candidates for the Master's De- gree in History: The language ex- amination for candidates for the Master's Degree in History will be given at 4 p.m., Friday, May 22, in Room B Haven. Students who wish to take this examination should reg- ister before May 15 in the History Department office, 119 Haven Hall, indicating in which language they wish to be examined. English 102, Make-up examination, will be given at 7-8 p.m. tonight in Room 25, Angell Hall. J. L. Davis. Lecture Lecture on Wordsworth Country: The Reverend Frederick Cowin, min- ister of the Church of Christ, Ann Arbor, will give an illustrated lec- ture on English Lake District at 10 a.m. today, Room 3017 A.H. Interest- ed persons, students or faculty, are cordially invited. Concert Graduation Recital: Anne Farqu- har, pianist, will give the following program in graduation recital Thurs- day, April 30 at 8:15 o'clock in the School of Music Auditorium, to which the general public, with the excep- tion of small children, is invited. Toccata and Fugue in D major .Bach Sonata in G minor, Op. 22 ........ .......................Schum ann Presto Andantino Scherzo Rondo Letters published in this column should not be construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The Daily. Anonymous contributions will be disregarded. The names of communicantsswill, however, be regarded as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked to be brief, the editors reserving the right to condense all letters of over 300 words and to accept or reject letters upon the criteria of general editorial Importance and interest to the campus. Capitalism And War To the Editor: - Your editorial entitled "Capitalism and War- fare" submits that the struggle for markets can be shorn of its reletless and violent character by a reformation of capitalism rather than the adoption of socialism, and that this can be ac- complished by increasing the purchasing power of the majority of the people at the expense of the wealthy minority, by a drastic attack on monopolies and by the lowering of tariffs. You point to England as an example. Without entering into a discussion as to the difficulty or impossibility of achieving the desired end in the manner you propose, this much may be said in reply to your argument: - 1. No capitalist class or its government has chosen to do what you propose; in fact, the tend- ency is the very opposite. The New Deal was hailed as the answer to socialism, a reformed cap- italism. But what did the New Deal do? Failed to reduce unemployment materially; raised the profits of the "monopolies" and big business gen- erally; shifted the tax burden to the low income groups; reduced the real income of the wage earning class; suspended the operation of the anti-monopoly laws; did not lower tariff's; and, appropriated the largest peace time war budget in the history of any nation. 2. "Government regulation" depends a lot on who regulates the government. There is far more government regulation now than you probably dream of; our lives are affected by a thousand and one local, state and national regulations; there are administrative tribunals for most every- thing. Are we any farther on the road you lay out? 3. Since when has England ceased to struggle for markets, colonies and spheres of influence, new or old? One cannot always believe what the papers say, but many people have been given the impression that England is practically ready to go to war against Italy over just such things. There is ground to believe that England has not adopted the measures you propose and if she has, then they are of no effect in curbing the violent com- petition for new markets and preventing the drive to war. But suppose that under capitalism, more pur- chasing power for the majority of the people can be secured, monopolies can be curbed, tariffs can be lowered, steps for the elimination of war can be tqalrn hithe f~mf is Iha.f- in on ncontry theod r1 By MARY JANE CLARK Mr. William D. Revelli is the young musician whose ambitions and labors did much for the musical lives of the Hobart ,Indiana folks and who, since his residence in Ann Arbor has dem- onstrated the same knack for turning fiction into fact. Last night's concert in Hill Auditorium was just such a feat -guaranteed by the musicians in the band to be an almost perfect recital with Mr. Revelli at the helm, the concert did everything the label said it would. For showmanship, and yet main- taining ethical standards of musi- cianship, the program was wisely chosen. Almost every musical taste should have been satisfied with at least one portion of the program, for variety abounded: there was the un- usual represented in the symphony for band (a good starter for youthful composers to use as inspiration); there was the showy trio for cor- nets for the ear that likes virtuousity; there was the Ariane Overture for those who like a band to have or- chestral qualities; and then there were the good old marches and pieces of distinctly band character for the kind of person who will sit half a hot sultry summer evening on a park bench listening to the home band play "The Stars and Stripes Forever." The best part of the whole pro- gram was that irregardless of the kind and other points in "Soviet Communism: A New Civilization?" by Beatrice and Sidney Webb, copy in the Legal Research Library. They find that Soviet Communism is a "multiform democ- racy." They say, "Nowhere in the world outside the U.S.S.R. is there such a continuous volume of pitiless criticism of every branch of government, every industrial enterprise and every cultural es- ,. ,1,y. , . ...{ 1 i A- - l , . . , : .... ..1 ... .. . _ -. c l j 1