GE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, APRIL 29, 1936 ~E FOUR WEDNESDAY, APThTL 29, 1936 THE MICHIGAN DAILY since the Communists didn't have a chance. That is what the Tampa officers evidently thought when they beat these three men suspected of advocating Communism, one of which later died from injuries sustained. It is this kind of action that Hearst advocates. If Roosevelt is re-elected, it is probably the kind of bigotry the American Liberty League will advo- cate. Combined with ignorance, it is what will draw us into Fascism unless Americans learn to reject Hearst's un-American ideas. Some might answer that this sort of violence is peculiarly Southern, but it is not. Michigan State College students who interrupted the anti-war strike in Lansing and threw an Ann Arbor min- ister in the river displayed the same narrow-mind- edness, and college students are supposedly able to treat all sides of a question intelligently. We hope that no other college students in America will be duped into barbarism by Hearst and the Liberty League as German college students rwere by Hitler. ----- ----- ---------------- - The Conning Tower NEW YORK STAGE LOVE ON THE DOLE: DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the fiversdity. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President uti 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday. ORISON Impatient and beautiful, Love be this to me - The low wing of the gull Dipped in mortality. Be death forever after. Be covetous and gloat. Be pearly laughter From this lovely throat. Love, be not confined To any narrow mould. Be ductile as the wind, Be malleable as gold. JULIAN (Continued from Page 2) By C. HART SCHAAF 30 at 4:15 p.m., Room 1025 Angell ONCE in a while a proletarian play Hall, for students in the College of is produced which, without the aid Literature, Science and the Arts and of elaborate scenery, or costly mob others interested in future work in effect hokum, or superimposed me- graduate studies. The meeting, one chanical melodrama, nevertheless of the vocational series designed to achieves the rank of first rate, grade give information concerning the na- A theatre. "Love On The Dole" is such ture and preparation for the various a play. professions, will be addressed by Dean Written by Ronald Gow and Walter C. S. Yoakum of the Graduate School. Greenwood, first produced in Eng- Literary Seniors: Commencement land, and now presented in this announcements will be sold in An- country by an excellent cast, it is as (ell Hall lobby Wednesday 1 to 5 and rI i WO ,. Publisned every morning except Monday during tha University year and Summer Session by the Board in Control of Student Publications. MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matter herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor. Michigan as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50. Representatives: National Advertising Service, Inc., 420 Madison Ave., New York City; 400 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, Ill. FARREN I 8 U THE FORUM) EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT Telephone 4925, BOARD OF EDITORS MANAGING EDITOR ..............THOMAS H. KLEENE ASSOCIATE EDITOR.............. THOMAS E. GROHN Dorothy S. Gies Josephine T. McLean William R. Reed DEPARTMENTAL BOARDS Publication Department: Thomas H. Klene, Chairman; Clinton B. Conger, Robert Cummins, Richard G. Her- shey, Ralph W. Hurd, Fred Warner Neal. Seprtorial Department: Thomas E. Groehn, Chairman: Elsie A. Pierce, Joseph S. Mattes. Editorial Department: Arnold S. Daniels, Marshall D. Shulman. Aports Department: William R. Reed, Chairman: George Andros, Fred Buesser, Fred DeLano, Ray Goodman. Women's Department: Josephine T. McLean, Chairman; Josephine M. Cavanagh, florence H. Davies, Marion T. Holden, Charlotte D. Rueger, Jewel W. Wuerfel, BUSINESS DEPARTMENT Telephone 2-1214 BUSINESS MANAGER. .....GEORGE H. ATHERTON CREDIT MANAGER .... .. ..JOSEPH A. ROTHBIARD) WOMEN'S BUSINESS MANAGER ....MARGARET COWIE WOMEN'S SERVICE MANAGER ...ELIZABETH SIMONDS DEPARTMENTAL MANAGERS Local Advertising, William Barndt; Service Department, Willis Tomlinson; Contracts, Stanley Joffe; Accounts, Edward Wohlgemuth; Circulation and National Adver- tiskrg, John Park; Classified Advertising and Publica- osLyman Bittman. NIGHT EDITOR: CLINTON B. CONGER The Unextinguished Torch... W E OF COMMON FIBRE here pay tribute to one whose life, pursued with courage and nobility, illumined our paths as briefly he passed among us. Our fellow student, James W. Bird, displayed in his life the spirit and determination and will to conquer which has been the irresistible force of man to survive. Handicapped by infantile paraly- sis in his youth, James Bird determined against surrender: thus determined, he, as Franklin Roose- velt, worked through college, and, at the age of 28, entered the law school. His would have been a brilliant career, had he lived. But the example of his moral strength will preserve long in the future in the minds of those of us who knew him, and seek to emulate his no- bility. An Illogical Exam System 1. . . HE OLD ADAGE about the stolen horse and the unlocked barn would be damning to the pertinency of this editorial ... if there were only one horse. But the raison d'etre lies in a situation duplicated twice yesterday. When University students are not in unreason- ing, belligerent moods, they unconsciously must agree that the distribution of their final examina- tions is at best on the basis of absolute chance, if it is not arranged by some Diabolic Torturer who thoroughly enjoys seeing students weighted with three consecutive examinations or by a stu- pidly illogical arrangement. The I'll-sell-out-for-a-C brand of student is perhaps gratified that a bunching of examinations may allow him more moments to indulge in non- scholastic pursuits, even though this situation is a terrific handicap to his securing better-than- average grades. However, the more ambitious scholar, which universities delight in developing, is unfairly handicapped by a hit-or-miss arrange- ment of examinations, one which might, by allott- ing four examinations to a two-day period, prevent a full realization of his talents. Workable remedy for this illogical distribution of examinations can be found in a college catalog which contains, in addition to the usual informa- tion, the specific time of the examination. Having a four-year perod in which to take the required subjects, a student could sign each semester for those courses which would have a smooth-running and healthful examination distribution. That this can be done is attested by the fact that the Har- vard catalog, for one, regularly contains the ex- amination date. Special difficulties may prevent the realization of the plan in the University of Michigan. For this reason we offer such a vital issue not as an urgent demand of students maddened by illogical fate, but merely as a suggestion which we hope will be considered. Tampa And East Lansing. . THE TAMPA, FLA., flogging trials, beside being decidedly un-American - a type of un-Americanism that Mr. Hearst could never comprehend - remind us that Hearst and DuPont are not the most dangerous harbingers of Fascism. Ignorance, narrow-mindedness and bar- .nricm nr the Porn~tc- eicic fa fn f - in. Letters published in this column should not be construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The Daily. Anonymous contributions will be disregarded. The names of communicants will, however, be regarded as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked to be brief, the editors reserving the right to condens all letters of over 300 words and to accept or reject letters upon the criteria of general editorial imnortance and interest to the campus. An Incident At The Parley To the Editor: ' The following words are not for the Counselor of Religion or for Professor Jones especially, but are rather for all who have attended the Saturday evening session of our Spring Parley. These words should be taken to represent a plea for broader and clearer, more human-sense-of-value minded- ness. On Friday evening, before the Parley session was called to order by the chairman, an intelligent looking student walked down the aisles of the room distributing some literature of the Non-Sectarian Anti-Nazi League. Suddenly, above the chatter of the audience, the Counselor of Religion raised his voice declaiming the student's act as immoral. How bitterly antagonistic the Counselor of Re- ligion! How scornful! How bitterly he tried to put to shame! How unreligious-like! How childish! How un-childlike! How utterly failing to give his help to rally "the forces of education against the dark enemies of all the values that make life worth living." . . . The audience was somewhat stunned, no confusion resulted, and the session was called to order. Some minutes later in the program, Professor Jones with fervent words brought this matter back for more punishment, after the audience had both forgotten and forgiven the Counselor of Religion. Professor Jones was hissed at a little, but he thought he had made his point when he received an affirmative answer to the query concerning whether or not (the Professor wanted only a direct yes or no answer!) the student would distribute literature before a church service. So the Professor sat down. At the next opportunity for speeches from the floor, the intelligent-looking student arose and gave a highly sincere and sensible defense for his action. Now it seemed that the matter was settled to everyone's peace of mind. But no! Professor Jones once more denounced the student's act, in the most foolish and fervent speech of the whole evening. The Counselor's and the Professor's arguments floated around two points: first, the forgetfulness of the student in that he did not go to the Parley authorities for permission to distribute the literature - forgetful- ness, because everyone seemed to take it for granted that permission would have been given; and sec- ond, the fact that after the Parley session was over, there would be so many pieces of paper on the floor, the janitor expense for which would have to be borne by the Union and not the student. Permission was necessary, it was so forcefully stated, because otherwise every and any other student might have distributed literature likewise. And the Counselor of Religion vigorously claimed that without per- mission the act was a sneaky one and therefore immoral. Perhaps the Counselor and the Professor had preconceived ideas concerning the origin of the student's act. I mean: that perhaps they flew to the conclusion that such an organization as the ill-fated National Student League was the cause of the act, and then, without stopping for breath, flew to the conclusion that the act was sneaky, immoral and inappropriate. I think the few moments the Professor was seated were spent in hunting for reasons and principles which might possess enough of seemingly good logic to con- demn the student's action. At this point, answers to four questions may be duct of the Parley a reason? Preposterous! Was condemnation? Childish! Was the orderly con- duct of the Parle y a reason? Preposterous! Was the fact that every other student might have dis- tributed literature a reason? Childish again! Was the janitor expense a reason? Absurd! I believe I am right in saying that Hitler would have answered as the Professor and the Counselor of Religion did, that Hearst would have answered so, and Mussolini and the Munition Makers would have answered so. But would Charles A. Beard have given their answers? You reasoned your answer, Professor, but not reasoned it enough. Had you done so, you would have reached the conclusion that your heart ought to have uttered at once : May God give strength to you in your noble work; may the truth be known so that we might help ourselves to receive the light of honest action toward salvation. Truly, you would have spoken a benediction. And would it not have pleased the god of appropriateness more? Would you not have pleased the god of peace more, even though you might have hurt the vanity of the god of appropriateness? Would God not have answered so, dear Counselor of Well, the 2-cents-a-mile rate has been ordered on all railroads for June 2. The rate from South Norwalk to New York is now $1.48. The rate June 2 will be 80 cents; maybe 82. We will bet anybody $29.18, the price of a 25-ride ticket between Westport-Saugatuck and New York, that on June 3, 1936, a ticket from South Norwalk to New York will cost $1.48. Connecticut Botanie Cornus Florida (Dogwood) will Pretty soon bloom on Greenfield Hill. "To my sense," writes Mr. J. Middleton Murry, in "Shakespeare," "this is the blank verse of a poet who hs learned to write blank verse by speaking it, who therefore, in composing, speaks it rather than writes it, and who is always in- stinctively striving to reconcile a larger and freer breath with clarity." It seems to us that this is the judgment, of a man who is not a writer of rhymed or blank verse. Every poet whose stuff is speakable and singable uncon- sciously and instinctively speaks it; he instinc- tively knows quantities and vowel sounds; he knows the effect of harmony and even of dis- sonance. It is a sense of sound, of vowels and consonants. It is something that is common to such poets as Shakespeare, Keats, Longfellow, and Calverley, to name four widely different writ-; ers. It is something that the authors of "The Star Spangled Banner" and "The Battle Hymn of the Republic" could not have had, it sounds to us, or they could not have written lines that clutter themselves up in a speaker's mouth. Historians' Peekly-Weekly Our Own Thornton W. Burgess Opens the Baseball Season The Cubs, the Cards, the Pirates bold Can't beat our Giants, I am told. OLD MOTHER NATURE (after Blondy Ryan) Peter Rabbit had never thought that he would be playing second base for the New York Giants. The very base that had once been covered by Larry Doyle, Charley Herzog, Frankie Frisch, and Happy Jack, the Gray Squirrel. Yet here he was, miles and miles from the Old Briar Patch, bouncing around, lipperty-lipperty, right in the middle of a great big field. It wasn't a bit like the Old Pasture or the Green Meadows where he was once chased by Bowser the Hound. This field was called the Polo Grounds. There were great crowds of people - 55,592 Paid Admissions - up in the stands. Peter imagined he saw Shadow the Weasel and Spooky the Screech Owl sitting in Section 24. But, of course, he couldn't be sure; it may have been only a couple of fans from Our Flatbush, Fair or Foul. Farmer Brown's Boy was at bat for the Dodg- ers. He had been obtained in a trade with the Boston Bees during the winter. To get him, thec Dodgers had had to give up Al Lopez, the? Catcher; Ray Benge, the Pitcher, and As Always,k the Bundle of Cash. Because, you see, Farmer Brown's Boy had hit .091 with the Bees; and .091 is still considered to be heavy hitting in, Boston.- Just then Farmer Brown's Boy hit one, lip-c perty-lipperty-lip, right at Peter Rabbit!1 "Oh! Oh!" shouted Peter, "what ever shall I do?" "Throw it to first, you sap!" yelled some one up in the stands. And Peter was sure the voice was that of Jimmy Skunk. , But did Peter throw it to first? He did not! Instead he hurried, just as fast as he could, lipperty-lipperty, straight for the nearest Rabbitc Hole. It proved to be the Independent System,1 a competitor of the Interborough Rabbit Transit, and it had a sign over it marked "Subway." "Ah!" said Peter to himself, "this is the place. This will get me back to the Old Briar Patch and away from those awful Fans." But Peter reckoned without the 55,592 Paidr Admissions. They, too, were all bent upon get- ting back to the Old Briar Patch, or somewhere,1 in a hurry. And poor Peter was handled withi less care than if he had been Welcome, thec Door Mat. So by the time Peter got home, Farmer Brown's Boy was there ahead of him; and ther News and the Mirror were both out with thel Final Box Score. So that's how Peter knew that the baseball season had opened and that Spring had come to the Old Pasture, lipperty-lipperty-lip. YE OULDE AL GRAHAM - -F.P.A. c to unmask yourselves. I ask you, however, to enlighten yourselves; and you are forgiven forI being grown-ups, although even grown-ups might be great. we, strivers for the educated mind and heart and for truth, ought rather to look upon such acts (considering the specific time, place, and manner)1 as one of the higher decencies of human conduct. . At least I am sure of one thing, Professor, and that is this: Had you been a student instead of n - nrfacn cffnr incfhi T -r1 - rm ,,nil straightforward and real and tragic as any play pioduced on Broadway in a long time. The plot is simple. It is the Hard- castle family versus Depression. They and their friends are honest and am- bitious, eager for a chance to earn their daily bread, and not immune to a pitiful desire for just a little love and beauty besides. But almost from the rise of the curtain it is apparent that Depression will break them, as relentlessly and pitilessly and inexor- ably as ever stern fate stalked its puppets in the old dramas of super- stition. Sally, daughter of the family, is at the beginning of the play a brave and hopeful idealist, but by the end eco- nomic desperation has made her a whore. Larry, her sweetheart, loses his job and is later beaten to death by a policeman while participating, not even as a Communist, in a labor demonstration. All Sally's father can say as he bitterly surveys the chaos about him is, "I did my best." And conviction rushes upon the spectator that Henry Hardeastle has done his best, his desperate best, along with millions and millions of other citizens the world over; but that somehow, in some strange crazy, immoral way, he and they have been cheated out of what should be theirs by every rea- son of ambition, worth, and frantic willingness to work. Radicals criticize this play because it contains no Communist doctrine - because Larry says specifically that he is not a Communist. Well, radicals may be sure of one thing: if those who control economic society today fail much longer to wake up and rem- edy the tragic conditions that make plays like "Love On The Dole" possi- ble, Communism is absolutely bound to burst deservedly upon them, strip- ping them of all the gain which they have been too selfish and blind to pre- serve and augment by sharing. The night this reveiwer saw the play only about half the orchestra was filled. But the balcony was packed and the gallery was jammed. So per- haps the radicals are right. Perhaps the ominous truth is that people with enough money in their pockets to buy orchestra seats are not able to under- stand "Love On The Dole." Ten Years Ago From The Daily Piles Of April 29, 1926 Phi Beta Kappa, national lonorary society, elected to membership yester- day 51 seniors and 14 juniors from the Literary College, five seniors in the School of Education, and two mem- bers of the 1925 literary class. The failure of the coalition parties after four months deliberation to pro- duce an alternative for the socialist- communist bill providing for the con- fiscation of the properties of former German rulers without indemnity, found the Luther ministry in its weakest position since taking office. The government was charged with lack of leadership throughout its pro- tracted relations with the Reichstag. Arrangements for the annual all- campus elections, which will select the leaders of campus organizations for next year and which have been set this spring for a week from next Wednesday, were concluded by the Student Council in a meeting today. Senior class of 1926 held their an- nual mock election today. They picked as per senior class custom, the most bashful, best hand shaker, best look- ing, class shiek, smoothest politician, class vamp, and many others. Twenty-three were elected to full membership of Sigma Xi, national honorary society for the promotion of research in both pure and applied sciences. Thirty-nine were advanced within the organization. More than half of the 3,000 'Ensians ordered have been delivered. Two hundred invitations have been issued to faculty members and their wives to be patrons at the faculty tea which will be given Saturday after- noon, in the Union as part of the Mother's week-end program. Malcolm W. Bingay, of the Detroit News, notified the directors of the vocational guidance lecture series that because of illness he will be un- able to speak here tomorrow. Thursday 9 to 12. These will be the final days to place orders. Senior Engineers: Caps and Gowns for Honors Convocation will be dis- tributed on Thursday, April 30, at the Michigan League, 9-12 and 1-6 p.m. See notice of distribution room on League Bulletin Board on April 30. Caps and Gowns for Commencement will be distributed at a later date. Seniors, College of Engineering: Seniors will be excused from classes on Thursday, April 30, at 10 a. in., to at- tend the class meeting to be held in Room 348, West Engineering Build- ing, at that hour. H1. C. Sadler, Dean. Mch and Aero Branches of A . S. M. E.: Please sign up if you plan to attend the Detroit Section meeting which will take place Monday, May 4, during the afternoon and evening. Lists and details of the trip will be posted on the bulletin boards in West Engineering Building and the Aero bulletin board until Wednesday at 5 p.m., so sign up before then. An inspection trip through the Ford Motor Company's new steel mill and power plant, a supper at Dearborn Inn, and a speech by the national president of A.S.M.E., Mr. William L. Batt, are the high points of the trip, Academic Notices Final Examination Schedule, Sec- ond Semester, 1935-1936: College of Literature, Science and the Arts, School of Education, School of Music, School of Forestry and Conservation, College of Pharmacy, School of Busi- ness Administration and Graduate School. All courses in the Anounce- ments of the College of Literature, Science and the Arts, and School of Music carry final examination group letters: some courses in the An- nouncement of the Graduate School carry these letters also. The schedule follows: Group Examination A-Saturday a.m., June 13 B-Saturday a.m., June 6 C-Wednesday a.m., June 10 D--Monday a.m., June 8 E-Monday p.m., June 8 F-Tuesday p.m., June 16 G-Saturday p.m., June 13 H-Monday p.m., June 15 I-Wednesday p.m., June 10 J-Thursday p.m., June 11 K-Monday a.m., June 15 - L--Tuesday a.m., Tune 16 M-Tuesday p.m., June 9 N-Friday p.m., June 12 O-Thursday a.m., June 11 P-Tuesday a.m., June 9 Q-Saturday p.m., June 6 R-Friday a.m., June 12 X-Courses in this group may be examined at any time mutually agreed upon by class and instructor, but not earlier than Saturday morn- ing, June 6. Other courses not carrying the letters will be examined as follows: Classes Date of Examination Monday at 8-Saturday a.m., June 13 Monday at 9-Saturday a.m., June 6 Monday at 10-Wednesday a.m., June 10 ercise is the time of the first lecture period of the week; for courses hav- ing quizzes only, the time of exercise is the time of the first quiz period. Drawing and laboratory work may be continued through the examina- tion period in amount equal to that normally devoted to such work during one week. Certain courses will be examined at special periods as noted below the regular schedule. All cases of con- flicts between assigned examination periods should be reported for adjust- ment to Prof. J. C. Brier, Room 3223 East Engineering Building, before June 3rd. To avoid misunderstand- ings and errors, each student should receive notification from his instruc- tor of the time and place of his ap- pearance in each course during the period June 6 to June 17. No single course is permitted more than four hours of examination. No date of examination may be changed without the consent of the Classifica- tion Committee. Time of Exercise Examination Monday at 8--Saturday a.m., June 13 8-12 Monday at 9-Saturday a.m., June 6 8-12 Monday at 10-Wednesday a.m., June 10 8-12 Monday at 11-Monday a.m., June 8 8-12 Monday at 1-Monday p.m., June 8 2-6 Monday at 2-Tuesday p.m., June 16 2-6 Monday at 3--Saturday p.m., June 13 2-6 Tuesday 2-6 Tuesday 10 Tuesday 11 Tuesday at 8- Monday p.m., June 15, at 9-Wednesday p.m., June 2-6 at 10-Thursday p.m., June 2-6 at 11-Monday a.m., June 15 8-12 Tuesday at 1-Tuesday a.m., June 16 8-12 Tuesday at 2-Tuesday a.m., June 9 2-6 Tuesday at 3-Friday a.m., June 12 2-6 E.M. 1, 2; C.E. 2; Draw. 2 *Tuesday, June 9 8-12 Surv. 2, 4 *Saturday, June 13 2-6 M.E. 3; Draw. 1, 3 *Thursday, June 11 8-12 Met. Proc. 2, 3, 4 *Saturday, June 6 2-6 E.E. 2a *Friday, June 12 8-12. *This may be used as an irregular period provided there is no conflict with the regular printed schedule above. Lectures Lecture on Wordsworth Country: The Reverend Frederick Cowin, min- ister of the Church of Christ, Ann Arbor, will give an illustrated lecture on the Lake Country on Thursday, April 30 at 10 a.m., Room 3017 A.H. Interested persons, students or fac- ulty, are cordially invited, Henry Russel Lecture: Dr. John G. Winter, professor of the Latin Lan- guage and Literature, Henry Russel Lecturer for 1935-36, will speak on the subject "Papyrology: Its Con- tributions and Problems" on Thurs- day, May 14, at 4:15 p.m., in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. An- nouncement of the Henry Russel Award for 1935-36 will be made at this time. Students, members of the faculty, and the general public are invited. Concert Band Concert: The University of Michigan Concert Band, William D. Revelli, conductor, will give a concert in Hill Auditorium, Wednesday night, April 29, at 8:15 p.m., to which the general public is invited without ad- mission charge, except that small children will not be admitted. The program is as follows. Symphony in B-fiat .........Fauchet Bolero, Trio for Cornets ......... ................. W alter M. Smith Overture, "Ariane"......Louis Boyer Ronde d'Armour . . . .Van Westerhout Cabins...................Gillette London Suite, 2nd and 3rd move- ments...............Eric Coates Headlines ..................Colby Graduation Recital: Anne Farqu- har, pianist, will give the following program in graduation recital Thurs- day, April 30 at 8:15 o'clock in the School of Music Auditorium, to which the general public, with the excep- tion of small children, is invited. Toccata and Fugue in D major .Bach Sonata in G minor, Op. 22 ........ .... Schumann Presto Andantino Scherzo Rondo Pastorale Variee ............ Mozart Intermezzo, Op. 117, No. 1 . .Brahms Pour le Piano .............Debussy Prelude Sarabande Toccata Exhibition Exhibition: All students and espe- cially those following engineerin, so- Monday Monday Monday Monday 13 Tuesday Tuesday 10 Tuesday 11 Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday at 11-Monday a.m., June 8 at 1--Monday p.m., June 8 at 2--Tuesday p.m., June 16 at 3-Saturday p.m., June 13 at 8--Monday p.m., June 15 at 9-Wednesday p.m., June at 1 0-Thursday p.m., JuneI at 11-Monday a.m., June 15 at 1---Tuesday a.m., June 16 at 2-Tuesday p.m., June 9 at 3-Friday p.m., June 12 Further, the courses listed below will be examined as follows: Education Cl--Saturday p.m., June 13 Bus. Adm. 102--Thursday a.m., June 11 Bus. Adm. 122-Tuesday a.m., June 9 Bus. Adm. 206-Friday a.m., June 12 Bus. Adm 254-Friday a.m., June 12 Any course not listed in any of the above groups may be examined at any time on which the instructor and class concerned may agree. Each student taking practical work in music in the School of Music will be given an individual examination. Each such student should consult the bulletin board at the School of Music to learn the day and hour assigned for his or her individual examination. Regular class work will continue through Friday, June 5. Examina- tion hours, a.m., 9 to 12; p.m., 2 to 5. This notice will appear three times only, April 29, May 19 and June 5. Please preserve, as no offprints will .- t- 1