THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, APRIL 28, 1936 THE MICHIGAN DAILY ;, x -=-.?; . --.. e ' t s py a ....a.k ( 0 - - ,I Publisned every morning except Monday during thl University year and Summer Session by the Board in Control of Student Publications. MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of repubication of all other matter herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor. Michigan as second class mail matter. bsacriptions during regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50. Representatives: National Advertising Service, Inc., 420 Madison Ave., New York City; 400 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, Ili. and his pal "Bill" Comstock, then of Grand Rapids, were the active element of the party "way back when' Horatio and 0. J. Campbell were the only Democrats in Ann Arbor. Enemies questioned his party loyalty, called him stubborn, but Abbott saw as party loyalty loyalty to those to whom the party owed the most. When the insurgents who had jumped the Democratic bandwagon on its way to the victory he and Com- stock had slaved for a quarter of a century turned aiound, and, in his belief, threw Comstock overboard, he declared war on them--not on the Democratic party, as they maintained. To him, party loyalty was loyalty to its leader through years cf adversity, years in which he had suffered, woi ked, and shrugged off the laughs that had been handed him in defeat. His guiding principle was friendship . that fi endship that brought to his funeral almost as nmany Republican leaders as Democrats, that biought to the Republican state convention in De- tioit at the time of his death a moment of silence, thinking of the worthy antagonist lost. As former Governor Green said, "Michigan will miss Hora- tio Abbott." His keynote of frierfdship was "I call 'em all by their first names," and he did it inwardly as well as outwardly, with a real interest in the prob- lems and affairs of everybody he came to know. All Ann Arbor was his neighbor, and yesterday, when the cars rolled in from Western Michigan, from the Upper Peninsula, from all over the state and even from Washington and South Dakota, they came, not to see Mr. Abbott's funeral, but to the burial of "Horatio," who called them all by their first names. The future of the Democratic party here may well depend on the extent to which the spirit of Horatio Abbott - fighting, unswerving in his loy- alty, uncompromising, steadfast in his ideals of a great Democratic party, lives on. Michigan will indeed miss Horatio Abbott. Letters published in this column should not be construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The Daily. Anonymous contributions will be disregarded. The names of communicants will, however, beregarded as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked to be brief, the editors reserving the right to condense all letters of over 300 words and to accept or reject letters upon the criteria of general editorial imnortance and interest to the campus. ,The Conning Tower THE ROOTS OF EVIL The roots of evil stretch down to the dark. When has he known the splendor of the sun, This burrowing mole, this pale automaton, This feeder on corruption's seething bark? False happiness, deceive him with your spark Of pleasure till his little hour is done. The roots of evil stretch down to the dark. When has he known the splendor of the sun? Of his divergent life he bears the mark. Oh, why were his fantastic days begun? Though he has sought, no faint peace has he won. The roots of evil stretch down to the dark. When has he known the splendor of the sun? HELENE MULLINS. Perhaps some psychologist can explain why the Moose River story is one of the most engrossing stories of a disaster since the days of Floyd Col- lins. To most readers it is more excitingly heart- breaking than the story would be of, say, 500 min- ers entombed. Our guess is that every reader identifies himself with one of the men, or with a wife, a sister, or a mother. With a large num- ber involved in a disaster the ordinary mind can- not grasp the horror of it. Why don't the papers telling about Rome's birthday print the date? This is 2689 A.U.C., and any old gentleman who had some Latin instead of the so-called useful languages can tell you what those initials stand for. We looked up Senator Steiwer in "Who's Who," and the Republican keynoter is all right. He is a Mason, an Elk, and a Rotarian. It was freely admitted in union and real estate cirlees, however, that these changes were bound to find expression in increased rentals. - Times story on wage increase for service workers. It was on March 11 that The Conning Tower exclusively predicted that the patient, good-na- tured tenant would eventually be Caspar Milque- toast. EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT Telephone 4925 BOARD OF EDITORS MEANAGING EDITOR .............THOMAS H. KLEENE ASSOCIATE EDITOR...............THOMAS E. GROEHN Dorothy S. Gies Josephine T. McLean William . Reed DEPARTMENTAL BOARDS PEubrlication Department: Thomas H. Kleene, Chairman; Clinton B. Conger, Robert Cummins, Richard G. Her- ahey, Ralph W. Hurd, Fred Warner Neal. Ser lntlr Department: Thomas E. Groehn, Chairman; Eli . Pierce, Joseph S. Mattes. Editorial Department: Arnold S. Daniels, Marshall D. Shulman. . Spo ts Department: William R. Reed, Chairman: George Anros, Fred Buesser, Fred DeLano, Ray Goodman. Wmen's Departmenv: Josephine T. McLean, Chairman; Jpsephine M. Cavanagn, Florence H. Davies, Marion T. oen, Charlotte D. Rueger, Jewel W. Wuerfel. BUSINESS DEPARTMENT Telephone 2-1214 TINESS MANAGER.........GEORGE H. ATHERTON CIT MANAGER ".. .JOSEPH A. ROTHARD WOMEN'S BUSINESS MANAGER ....MARGARET COWIE WOMEN'S SERVICE MANAGER ...ELIZABETH SIMONDS DEPARTMENTAL MANAGERS Local Advertising, William Barndt; Service Department, Wli~iis Tomlinson; Contracts, Stanley Joffe; Accounts, Edward Wohlgemuth; Circulation and National Adver- tising, Joh Park; Classified Advertising and Publica- tions, lyman iRittman. NIGHT EDITOR: FRED WARNER NEAL Thoughts On The Spring Parley.. . AS A WHOLE, the Spring Parley this year did much to restore our faith in Michigan students. Perhaps sports and society will not be the only arts to flourish in the next generation., In addition to the obvious benefits of a free dis- cussion of the future, dispassionately and with a, measure of intelligence, by three hundred earnestI students, the Parley produced many incidental, suggestions which deserve consideration - such as Professor Brumm's suggestion of 'student boy- cott of poor motion pictures, a course in mental and social hygiene, support of the League of Nations, redefining of the aims of the liberal arts college, and many others. Most of the discussion we felt was worthwhile for us as students, and many of the faculty have expressed themselves as having enjoyed them- selves, and even, perhaps, as having learned some-1 thing. The faculty we felt were much more will- ing to talk squarely this year than last, but there were several occasions when faculty men "hedged." Although greater than that of last year, the at-t tendance is still discouragingly small. Three hun- dred people out of ten thousand is a pitifully small number to be interested enough in their own world to attend. Where Here the other nine thousand? Hill Auditorium ought to be too smallt to hold all those of us vitally interested. As individuals, many of us walked away from the Parley feeling anew that we have a great deal to learn. There were so many subjectsf discussed that we as intelligent citizens, as self-~ respecting intellectuals ought to be informed about, that those of us who were intent upon our own specialized field felt the need for a great deal of fortification alpng other fronts than our own -a healthy feeling. Two specific suggestions occur to us. First,c much of the discussion was irrelevant, and wan-r deed. A certain percentage of stupid questions 1 cannot be helped, but discussion could be much more helpful, and could proceed more purposefully perhaps if the chairman of the general sessions1 and the individual sections defined certain chan- nels of discussion, outlining specific questions to be investigated. This does not mean an imposi- tion of only certain safe topics but the defin- ing of topics which students want to discuss into pecific aspects rather than generalized aspects. Second, it might be interesting if an attempt were made next year to bring for the discussion of our country, for example, a man prominent in govern- ment affairs to answer questions as to government policies and problems, to bring prominent news- papermen, artists, citizens. While not affecting. the general family tone of the Parley, as between students and faculty, it would contribute inter- est to hear voices from without the college walls, and it can probably be arranged without costt to the Parley., We do agree with the criticism of the pamphlett distribution at the Parley, unfortunately expressed on Thursday night. Despite complete sympathyI for the anti-Nazi efforts, we feel that the sanel tenor of the Parley would be imperilled by pamph- leteers. Some have criticized Professor Jones' conclusionr of the Parley as an attempt to "laugh off" the prob- lems raised. There were in many cases persons who are dedicating their lives in a very real sense to the advancement of a single social cause.t It is interesting to observe two types among us - those who preserve their "sense of proportion"' and those who regard social change as the dom- inant value of their lives. i 1 1 7 1 a 1 7 a THE L. E. & W. R. .R Foolishness Nipped)W"Whoooooo! Whooooo! Whooooo! shrieked and To the Editor: moaned the old Lake Erie & Western engines as they bumped over the countryside in Hancock I can hardly express my surprise at reading in County. "Whoooo? Whoooo?" they called as they the editorials of the Saturday, April 25th, edition rumbled along dark nights back of Maple Grove of The Michigan Daily an article entitled "Foolish- Cemetery and roared across the old covered rail- ness Nipped," which stated the most asinine ar- road bridge over the Blanchard River. "Whoooo?" gument ever heard against our entrance into the they asked, and you shuddered as you sat in Aunt League of Nations. The author of this editorial Kate's parlor and listened to them. "Who," you pointsout that because the United States did not thought they called, "Who has been buried today?" enter into sanctions against Italy our exports Aunt Kate's parlor was' all black walnut wood- have increased $2,148,000 by our trading with that work and grandfathers and grandmothers who outlawed country. He goes on to say, "It is just stared doan at you from dusty gold frames. The a matter of sound reasoning that if we were to joiim- book cases were too tall and too tightly locked on, it would mean that we would have to and the books looked as though they never were pose sanctions on ourselves, and as every hard- read. The mantle and the table were of marble headed business man knows, this would be very foolish, in view of our increasing profits." and very, very cold and mottled - as if they were decaying. The curtains at the windows were of In other words the author is saying that we stiff white lace, stretching down to the carpet- should not try to help terminate a war as long much too stiff and much too whlite. There were as we can profit by it. Especially is this alarming, many trees and vinesmround the house, and the coming immediately after efforts have been made pary was always apund chl at nt parlor was always damp and cold at night. On to take the profits out of war so as to leave the his tall pedestal in the corner stood the Indian's least possible incentive for resorting to that most head with that long feather thrust in his head- cruel and uncivilized method of settling disputes band The feather was real, and you wished very between nations. I am not making a question of much it were not, for it waved in the breeze com- the advisability of our entrance into the League of ing in from the dark front hall. It made the Nations. I am not in favor of that, or our par- Indian seem to nod his head. This was almost un- ticipation in any more foreign entanglements than bearable, for it always happened when the old is absolutely necessary, but I would like to point out Lake Erie shrieked "Whoooo?" The light was to the author of "Foolishness Nipped," as well as not soft and cosy as at Our House, but was to the whole student body, that in order for the furnished by a Welsbach burner, which sputtered United States to avoid becoming involved in an- and threatened to go out. In which case the Lake other European war, which seems inevitable be- Erie would no longer have had to ask whoooo, fore many years, we will have to resign ourselves for it would unquestionably have been youuuu. MUSIC UNIVERSITY CONCERT BAN) By ERNEST A. JONES Through the comparatively new medium of the symphonic concert band, Ann Arbor music lovers will hear the first symphony ever written expressly for band tomorrow evening in Hill Auditorium. The program will open with the Finale from the Sym- phony in B Flat, by Paul Fauchet, first played in France in 1936. A theme of vigorous march-like character per- vades the entire Finale. The secon- dary theme is thoroughly lyric and in sharp contrast to the martial in- tensity of the first theme. The in- tent of the composer is always clear- cut and to the point, so that the listener is never burdened with an overcrowding of figurations and thematic embellishments. The band will also play the Over- ture Ariane by Louis Boyer. This composition is highly representative of a type of French music that is at once graceful, replete with melodic charm and permeated with a per- petual freshness. The form of the Overture follows the generally accept- ed pattern, opening with an Andante which is followed by the Allegro re- stating the principal theme and de- veloping it to a climax. In the London Suite by Eric Coates, the band finds every opportunity to display its extensive instrumentation. This work has created a sensation abroad and is finding a warm recep- tion with American audiences. The composer's intention is to impress the listener with the atmosphere of fa- mous old Westminster Abbey and to take him along the Thames river- front, concluding this Meditation with an organ-like reverie. The con- cert march, Knightsbridge, which brings this suite to a close was made popular by Jack Hylton's band at a command performance before the King and Queen of England. The composer found his inspiration in the Cavalry Guards of Hyde Park and the listener can well imagine the bright- ly scarlet uniformed Guardsmen leav- ing the barracks for a march in the Park. A cornet trio, Bolero, by Walter M. Smith and Cabins, a Southern rhaps- ody by James Gillette, contribute to the variety of the program. The band will conclude the con- cert with Carleton Colby's Headlihies, an impressionistic reflection of the violent pace of modern life. The work is not graphic in the descriptive sense; the music does not seek to im- itate, but rather to reflect in modern musical idiom a cross-section of life in the press-room-resounding to the rhythm of daily struggle, grinding' out Headlines-the rhythm of life. THE SCREENI AT THE MICHIGAN **11 'WIFE VS. SECRETARY'1 A Clarence Brown production star- ring Clark Gable. Myrna Loy and Jean Harlow, featuring May Robson, George Barbier. James Stewart, and Hobart Cavanaugh. Directed by Clarence Brown. "Wife vs. Secretary" is an import- ant picture, not because it is a good picture, for it certainly is not that, but because it is one of the best ex- amples of Hollywood's giving the average American public what it wants-in other words, a picture that will make plenty of money for the' producers. As seen in "Wife vs. Secretary" here is what Mr. and Mrs. America (and particularly Miss America) seem to delight in. A wealthy, rushed, hand-1 some business executive is married to a beautiful, satisfying, decorative young woman whose only thought in1 life is to make her husband happy before and after office hours. She succeeds beautifuly, extravagantly, and fashionably until the husband's' secretary, an efficient, helpful, but voluptuous creature gets in the way merely by being efficient, helpful and; voluptuous at the right time. The hus- band and wife part, as is only natural; but they are of course reunited in the end by the self-sacrificing secretary.- This sort of plot needs a wealth of freshness in its dialogue ,a series of new and disguising incidents, and no little amount of good acting to put it across to a highly intelligent audi- ence. But there is very little if any of this in "Wife vs. Secretary."' What the audience really sees is a lot of marital billing and cooing (known as necking to some) between Gable and Loy, several unadulterated sex scenes between Gable and Har- low, a series of successful business deal scenes between Gable and every-+ one who comes along, and a superfi- cial, happy, logical ending to it all., The scenes are laid in New York's' fiftieth and sixtieth stories-=-pent- houses, office buildings and such furnished in Hollywood's most ex- travagantly modern taste-and few, will dispute the decorative excellence of any of them. Some, however, will notice the incongruity of having Gable run down a flight of stairs in+ his dignified club which are obviously+ meant to represent marble but which+ are resoundingly wooden under his' heavy tread. Miss America gets a heart flutter wl? irh-in a ('nlabia 'n, M iir Amari on 2:30, 2:40, 2:50, 3:00, 3:10, 3:20, 3:30, 3:40, 3:50, 4:00, 4:10, 4:20, 4:30, 4:40, 4:50, 5:00, Lingnan University Scholarships: All applications for the undergrad- uate scholarships offered by Lingnan University, Canton, China, must be in my office, Room 9, University Hall, by this afternoon, April 28, at 4:30 p.m. J. Raleigh Nelson. Mcch and Aero Branches of A . S. M. E.: Please sign up if you plan to attend the Detroit Section meeting which will take place Monday, May 4, during the afternoon and evening. Lists and details of the trip will be posted on the bulletin boards in West Engineering Building and the Aero bulletin board until Wednesday at 5 p.m., so sign up before then. An inspection trip through the Ford Motor Company's new steel mill and power plant, a supper at Dearborn Inn, and a speech by the national president of A.S.M.E., Mr. William L. Batt are the high points of the trip. Literary Seniors: orders -or Senior Literary Commencement Invitations will be taken in the lobby of Angell Hall on Tuesday, 9 to 12 a.m. Seniors: College of Literature, Science and Arts: Senior class dues must be paid by May 10. Finance committee members will be in An- gell Hall lobby on Thursday from 9 to 3 for purposes of collection. Senior Engineers: The sale of com- mencement announcements will con- tinue through Friday, May 1. Or- ders will be taken by Auburn, Bodine, Mason, Reading and Stevens. University Bureau of Appointments and Occupational Information: In order to render the most service to the individuals on the campus, we are arranging to meet groups of stu- dents with common interest. This is being done for the purpose of call- ing attention to various opportuni- ties and for the purpose of discussing better methods of. procedure. Many superintendents will be in the city, this week and for that reason we wish to meet all Seniors desiring to teach on 1. Tuesday, April 28, at 7:30 p.m., Room 116, Michigan Union. All graduate students interested in teaching on 2. Thursday, April 30, at 7:30 p.m. in Room 116, Michigan Union. All Seniors interested in getting business positions on 3. Tuesday, May 5, at 4:30 p.m. in Room 116, Michigan Union. All graduate students interested in business positions on 4. Wednesday, May 6, at 4:30 p.m. in Room 116, Michigan Union. T. Luther Purdom. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the :W;:rsaty. Copy received at the othe of the Assistant to the President wai 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday. (Continued from Page 2) Hahn, W. A. Hay, J. Jensen, M. Johnson, F. H. Kanter, B. B. Kaplan, S. Kresin, C. E. Krieg, L. E. Lovenheim, E. P. McIntyre, W. E. McKenzie, B. Moore, W. 0. Pecherer, B. Raiford, A. M. Seeley, A. L. Swan, D. H. 202 South Wing. Prof. Max S. Hand- man, of the Department of Economics, p will speak on "The Decline of Capi- talism as Religion." All graduate students in Philosophy are invited to attend. Botanical Journal Club meets in Room 1139, N.S., at 7:30 p.m. Papers concerning light responses of the Phycomycetes, life history of Cerati- omyxa, and the Zoopogaceae will be reviewed by Ralph Bennett, Lloyd Shuttleworth, and Gene Manis. A. H. Smith will review Heim's monograph of the genus Inocybe and Dr. Weh- meyer will review two recent text books on mycology. Alpha Nu members are urged to be present at a debate at 7:30 p.m. This is the annual debate between Alpha Nu and Adelphi and the question for debate is very timely. It is; Resolved: Thatthe United States should join the League of Nations. Any friends of Alpha Nu will be welcomed at this meeting as at any other meeting of the society. Members of Alpha Nu should remember the change of time from Wednesday to Tuesday night. This is due to the fact that Adelphi has its regular meeting on this night. There will be a meeting of the Tri- angle Honorary Society at 8 p.m. to- day at the Union. Adelphi House of Representatives will dispense with its regular open meeting at 7:30 p.m. in order to fa- cilitate a debate at that time. The debate will be with Alpha Nu on the subject, "Resolved: that the United States should join the League o f Na- tions." All members and others in- terested are urged to attend. There will be a closed meeting after the debate. Cercle Francais will present "Cho- tard and Cie" at the Lydia Mendel- ssohn Theatre, at 8:15 p.m. The gen- eral public is cordially invited. Tick- ets at the Theatre all day. Poetry Reading Conest: Prelimi- naries for this contest will be held this afternoon beginning at 3 p.m., Room 205 Mason Hall. The order of speaking will be as follows: Killen- ney, Martin, Kemster, Platte, Ayers, Cranmore, Rice, Barr, Sanders, Gray, Chubb, Li, Roberton. The public is cordially invited to attend these pre- liminaries. Student Christian Association meet- ing at Lane Hall at 8 p.m. Prof. How- ard McClusky, of the School of Edu- cation, will meet with the group to discuss the purpose and function of the SCA on the Michigan Campus. Anyone interested is invited. Christian Science Organization: There will be a meeting of this or- ganization tonight at 8 p.m. in the Chapel League Building. Students, alumni, and faculty members are cor- dially invited to attend. Michigan Dames Homemaking Group will hold its pot-luck supper at 6:15 in the Russian Tea Room of the League. Please be on time. Coming Events Junior Mathematical Society will, meet Thursday, April 30, 7:30 p.m., Room 3201 A. H. Prof. R. L. Wilder will discuss "The Nature of Mathe- matics." Refreshments. Delta Sigma Rho will hold its thir- tieth anniversary banquet Saturday, May 2, in the Michigan Union. The banquet ,starting at 7 p.m., will also be in honor of Professor Trueblood, one of the national founders of the society. Members of any chapter who wish to attend may make their reservations with Sam Travis at the Lawyers' Club. Dinner will be $1.25 and the dress informal. Quadrangle Club: Prof. I. L. Sharf- man will speak to the Club on Wed- nesday evening, April 29, on "Ec- onomic Control and the Supreme Court." Officers will be elected at this meet- ing. Contemporary: Tryouts for next year's business staff will be held Wed- nesday, 4:15 p.m., in the Contem- porary office, Student Publications Building. Contemporary: Luncheon meeting Wednesday noon at the Haunted Tav- ern. Staff members are urged to at- tend. A New Dancing Class is being or- ganized on Wednesday, April 29, 7:30 p.m., Michigan League Ballroom. 6 lessons for $1.50. Entirely new rou- tines will be taught. Open to men and women who can dance. Hillel Annual Dance: Spring dance of Hillel Foundation is scheduled for May 2, from 9 to 12, at Women's Ath- letic Bldg., Palmer Field. $1 per couple. Al Cowan's Band. Refresh- i 4 to great sacrifices. And what alternative will we have? Either we sacrifice much of our trade, which means an indirect loss to each of us, or we sacrifice the bloom of our great nation to Mars, the God of War. I wonder if the students, who so enthusiastically supported the Peace Council, are going to be as enthusiastic in the acceptance of these individual and national sacrifices which will be necessary if we are to remain out of an- other war. At that time, $2,000,000 will be a drop in the bucket in comparison with the loss of profit we must suffer. Will you see more unemploy- ment and more depression, then, or will you see your brothers blown to pieces by flying hot lead? -Melvin W. Jaquier, '38. EDITOR'S NOTE: We are in total agree- ment, Mr. Jaquier. The Daily thought the profits argument so narrow, so specious, that it could best be shown in its true absurd light by an extreme statement of it. We were, in our feeble way, satiric. Disgusted Canary To the Editor: If the following article has any value or interest to students of the University and meets the re- quirements of your Letter Column, I should like you to print it in The Daily. Don't say I can't take a joke, but when it is played at two o'clock in the morning neither you nor anybody can take it. Here's what happened. I was awakened by repeated ringings of the tele- phone bell. As I released the receiver and if I recall correctly, I heard a nice, sweet, soft fem- inine voice from the other end. (Evidently there was a group, for I recognized three or four voices of identical characteristics.) She said, "I want to speak to Mr. so and so." It was your victim at the phone. At that instance I was greatly sur- prised as I thought something might be important. Hold on your breath: you ain't heard nothing yet. She continued the conversation, "This is telephone operator. We want to test your phone." Then Down near the cemetery there were oil wells on the Bookmiller Farm, and somewhere around there was a little gasoline engine whose putputput you could hear softly at times when the wind blew from that direction. Sometimes it missed a beat -like a heart that stopped for a dreadful minute. Then it caught up with a coughing flurry until it again reached that awful hesitation and stop. You were highly relieved when it coughed itself back to life. Sometimes you were even glad of the old Lake Erie, for then you could not hear the screech owl that whinnied and laughed outside in the trees. You were sure it laughed at you and that the Indian told it how cold and shivery you were. All this comes back as we hear the trains hooting on the East River these nights. And that is why we love the trucks on First Avenue. The noisy, bullying, arrogant, citified trucks. The charming, delightful, reassuring, tangible trucks. Dear, DEAR First Avenue. i-B. ROSS. A specimen of fossil has been found in the Col- gate University quarry, and Professor Harold O. Whitnall, of the geology department, identified it as a "brittle star," and said that it was 100,000,- 000 years old. That is the university that has Pro- fessor Donald A. Laird, the sleep expert, on its faculty. He can probably tell you just how many years the fossil spent in sleep, and Miss Dorothea Brande, author of "Wake Up and Live," will tell you that a fossil is as old as it feels. One hundred million years, eh? Seems like! yesterday. We hate publicity-seeking physicians, though we don't know any. But it seems to us slightly wrong, when a doctor does something like the operation on the cataract of young Samuel Mydosh, at St. Michael's Hospital, Newark, he ought to get some credit for it. It should be said that the hos- pital, in answer to our query, said that the doctor didn't want his name used . . . Well, here is a I, , Academic Notices English 182 will not meet morning at 9 o'clock. this Geological Field Courses in Colo- rado: Students planning to enroll in the field courses given in Colorado from June 22 to August 14 are re- quested to attend a meeting in Room 2054, Natural Science Building, at 7 p.m., Tuesday, April 28. Professor Lovering will give a lec- ture on the geology of the camp area, illustrated with colored lantern slides and movies. All those interested are invited to attend. Announcements regarding t h e courses will be made at this time. Concert Band Concert: The University of Michigan Concert Band, William D. Revelli, conductor, will give a concert in Hill Auditorium, Wednesday night, April 29, at 8:15 p.m., to which the general public is invited without ad- mission charge, except that small children will not be admitted. The program is as follows. Symphony in B-flat .........Fauchet Bolero, Trio for Cornets ......... .- Walter M. Smith Overture, "Ariane"......Louis Boyer Ronde d'Armour .... Van Westerhout Cabins... .............Gillette London Suite, 2nd and 3rd move- ments ................ Eric Coates Headlines ................... Colby Exhibition Exhibition: All students and espe- cially those following engineering, so- ciology and municipal management courses are urged to attend the ex- hibit consisting of motion pictures and other displays being shown at the Alumni Memorial Hall, featuring