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April 28, 1936 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1936-04-28

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The Weather
Unsettled today and tomor-
row; showers probable; warm-
er In east portion today.


Sir iga


Horatio Abbott ...
Thoughts On The University
Parley ...



House Seems
Sure To Pass
Tax Measure,
Republicans To Fight Bill
As Whole, But Concedt
Defeat Of Efforts
LaFollette Will Try
Higher Income Tax'
Wisconsin Senator Says He
Will Offer Amendments1
In Committeet
WASHINGTON, April 27. --(A"P) -
House Republicans decided at a two-
hour conference tonight to concen-
trate their opposition to the $803,-
000,000 tax bill in a virtual mass vote
against passage without organized1
effort for any particular amendment.
They conceded, however, the op-i
position would be in vain.
Representative Snell of New York,1
muinority leader, sat on the edge of
a desk in the House chamber and
told reporters:-
"The only real effective opposi-1
tion is to vote against the bill. It is1
practically the only way we can ex-
press ourselves under present condi-
-No decision was reached, he said, toi
bAck any particular amendments, al-t
though individual party members
plan to suggest changes after the bill
reaches the amendment stage on the
house floor tomorrow.
Two other major developments re-
volved around the revenue bill during
the day:
'Senator LaFollette (Prog., Wis.),
announced he would try to swing the
Senate over to higher income tax
rates and lower exemptions on indi-
vidual taxpayers to bring in more rev-
Lafollette, saying he would offer
three amendments in committee and
on the floor, if necessary, probably,
from $2,500 to $1,500 for a married
person and from $1,000 to $800 for a
single one; increase the normal in-
come tax from 4 to 6 per cent and
raise surtaxes on net incomes up to1
$50,000. Surtaxes on larger incomes3
were boosted in last year's tax bill.
James W. Bird
Dies Here Of
Heart Attack
James W. Bird, '38L, 28-year-old
University student, died in his wheel
chair of a heart attack Sunday night,
while conversing with friends on
South State Street near the Staebler
Gasoline Station at Jefferson. Bird
was the son of James B. Bird, '93,
formerly a faculty member here, and
his home was in Northfield, Minn.
A victim of infantile paralysis at
the age of 13, Bird earned his A.B. and
M.A. degrees at the University of Il-
linos before coming here to study law.
He was living at the Law Club, and
friends said he had suffered from
heart trouble before.
Dr. William Brace of the Health
Service pronounced Bird dead when
he arrived at the scene, and the body
was taken to Dolph's funeral home
to await the arrival of his parents.
Alpha Nu, Adelphi

In Annual Debate
The annual debate between the new
members of Alpha Nu and Adelphi,
the two oldest forensic societies on
the campus, will take place at 7:30
p.m. today in the Adelphi Room on
the fourth floor of Angell Hall. Adel-
phi will attempt to repeat its victory
of last year when it broke a series of
Alpha Nu victories which lasted sev-
eral years.
The subject to be debated will be
"Resolved: That the United States
should join the League of Nations."
Alpha Nu will take the negative and
Adelphi the affirmative. Prof. Ar-
thur Secord of the speech department
will act as critic judge.
Adelphi will be represented by Bert
Saul, '39; Edward Macal, '39; Saul
Ziff, '39, and Arnold Kambly, '39, al-
ternate. Edward Gardner, '39; Wal-
ter J. True, '38; Harris J. Gram, '38;
and Arthur Jefferson, alternate, will
represent Alpha Nu. The debate is
open to the public.

V. F. W.'s Future Outlook Dark
As Local Chapter Head Resigns

National Leaders Prepare
To Demand Civil Service
Position Preference
Fears that the Michigan Post of
the Veterans of Future Wars, still
in the formative stage on the campus,
is in grave danger of being dissolved,!
were expressed by Paul Brunt, '38,
founder of the post, who announcedc
his resignation last night.
Brunt's fears for the survival of the1
local organization are supported by1
his statement that he has been un-
able to find anyone willing to fill theE
position which he leaves open.
Brunt explained that his decision
to resign, which came as a surprise to
charter members of the post, was
brought about by the lack of enthus-
iasm which the organipation has en-
countered on the campus and by a
change in his own policies. It is my
opinion, he said, that since the V.F.W.
is not an organization withra positive
peace policy, and since it requires a
series of "stunts" to keep interest in
it alive, it is not thoroughly prac-
tical or likely to achieve any lastingly
worthwhile results.
Lack of interest in .tne organization]
on campus was attributed by Brunt
to the fact that it was started too
long after the founding of the original
post at Princeton by Lewis J. Gorin,
Simultaneously with the announce-;
ment of Brunt's resignation there was,
reported from Princeton headquar-
ters a new bill to be presented by the
Veterans of Future Wars before the
"legislative bodies of the country."
The new bill seeks the passage of an
- -
Children Under
16 In Majority
On Relief Lists
688,800 Persons Are Now
On State Relief Roles,
Dr..Haber Reports
LANSING, April '27.-() - Dr.
William Haber, State emergency re-
lief administrator, prepared an an-
nual report today showing that 41
per cent of the persons on the welfare
lists today are children less than 16
years old.
Dr. Haber termed it "the real tra-
gedy of family unemployment."
The report, to be distributed soon,
wil lshow a case load of approximate-
ly 90,000 supported by WPA and 74,-
000 maintained on direct relief. Each
case-a family group-is considered
as 4.2 persons. This would mean a
total today of 688,800 persons on di-
rect and work relief, of whom 282,408;
are children.;
"In this youngest group ther e are
thousands who have grown to school
age without knowning any other sit-
uation but dependence on relief," the
report asserts.
"The need for maintaining ade-
quate and humane relief standards.
assumes a terrific significance when
it is realized that a quarter of the
children in the state have no other
protection against hunger, insecurity
and a broken family life," he said.
Percentages in the report are fig-
ures from the welfare census of 1933.
If every 1,000 persons receiving re-
lief, 76 were professional workers,
proprietors of various types ofrbusi-
nesses, office workers and salesmen;
107 were skilled workers in building
and construction trades; 63 were
skilled in manufacturing and other
"A representative sample of 1,000
workers selected in proportion to the
state total also would have included
55 farm laborers, 44 farmers, 64 work-
ers from occupations connected with
domestic and personal service, and

202 employable persons without pre-
vious work experience," the report

act giving preference ;;o members of
the organization in the United States
Civil Service. The bill demands that
members of the VFW be given a five-
point preference in all civil service
exams, and a preference of ten points
for future disabled members of the
VFW, regardless of how low a score
they may make on the examinations.
The bill also demands that members
of the VFW be given preference over_
all non-members, and that they be
given absolute preference in case of
promotions, and protection in case of
dismissals due to inefficiency or
National Commander Gorin has an-
nounced that the VFW is planning a
national convention in the middle of
the summer ,and a coast-to-coast ra-
dio broadcast in three weeks.
Abbott Funeral
Draws 1,200,
Many Notables
Democrats, Republicans
Attend Last Rites For,
National Committeeman
More than 1,200 persons yesterday
attended the funeral of Horatio J.
Abbott, late Democratic national
committeeman from Michigan, who
died here Friday.
After a private prayer service for
relatives conducted at the Abbott
home, the public funeral service was,
held at the First Methodist Church
here, officiated over by the Rev. Dr.
Charles W. Brashares of that church
and the Rev. Dr. Frederick B. Fisher
of Detroit, its former pastor.
No Eulogy
At the request of the family, no
eulogy was delivered, and in addi-
tion to prayers, the two ministers read
only the 13th chapter of I Corin-
thians, described as Abbott's favorite
scripture, and a poem by James Rus-
sell Lowell. Floral offerings over-
flowed the auditorium, and were
placed in adjoining rooms, while part
of the audience had to be content with
hearing the service over a loud-
speaker in a downstairs hall.
Among the notables who thronged
to Abbott's funeral were almost as
many Republicans as Democrats. For-
mer-Governor William A. Comstock,
former U. S. Representative John C.
Lehr, Elmer B. O'Hara, titular head
of the Democratic state central com-
mittee, Mrs. Christine MacDonald of
Ypsilanti, vice-chairman of that
group, Don Canfield, its executive sec-
retary, Frank A. Picard, former chair-
man of the State Liquor Control Com-
mission, and Alfred Debo, former pa-
role commissioner, were among the
Democrats who attended the funeral.
University Represented
Representing the University were,
former Regent Edmund C. Shields of
Lansing, Dr. Charles W. Sink, pres-
ident of the School of Music, who was
head usher, Dean of Students Joseph
A. Bursley, Prof. Edson R. Sunderland
of the Law School and Jrof. Joseph
R. Hayden of the political science
Headingmthe list of Republicans
were former Governor Wilber M.
Brucker, State Banking Commissioner
Howard C. Lawrence, chairman of the
state central committe, and Rep.
James G. Frey, secretary of the state
central committee and chairman of
the University appropriation commit-
tee. The state administration was
also represented by Secretary of State
Orville E. Atwood, State Highway
Commissioner Murray D. Van Wag-
goner, State Treasurer Theodore I.
Fry, State Tax Commissioner Chester
M. Martin, and State Police Com-
missioner Oscar G. Olander.
After the services the body was
taken to Washtenong Memorial Cem-

etery for burial, with more than 100
automobiles following in the funeral

Old Age Plan
Probe Started
Within State
Investigation Is Begun Of
Michigan Townsend Club
Audience In House
MostlyOld People
Leasia Tells Of $23 Dinner
On Organization In Night
DETROIT, April 27.-(P) - Jack
T. Leasia, former manager of the
Townsend plan organization in Mich-
igan and associate of former-gover-
nor Wilber M. Brucker, now a candi-
ate for the Republican senatorial
nomination, testified today before a
congressional committee that a
Townsend official had warned him
"not to get this job done too fast. We
want to milk this crowd for two more
The hearing, which is being con-
ducted by Rep. Clare Hoffman, (Mich.
Rep.) opened today before an audi-
ence composed largely of elderly
Leasia testified that the warning
was given him by H. H. Schwinger,
who then was an official in the
Townsend organization's Chicago of-
The witness said he had gone to
Chicago to protest that organizers in
the congressional districts were
"starving to death" on their pay of
five cents for each new member en-
Schwinger spent $23 in an expensive
night club for a dinner for Leasia, an-
other man and a girl, Lesia testified.
Schwinger subsequently told him, the
witness said, that "there's a lot of
money in this thing for men above
the level of organizers," and ex-
plained that the organization work
was to be drawn out to permit "milk-
ing" the contributors.
"I was in the upper strata then
but I didn't stay there long," Leasia
said. He was dismissed as Michigan
manager March 17, he said, and was
succeeded by F. Manley Goldsberry,
Chicago regional director of the or-
Goldsberry told him, he said, that
complaints had "gone right to head-
quarters" that Leasia "was going too
fast," and that it was reported he
was trying to build up a big organi-
"They thought I was going to turn
it ove'r to some politician, perhaps my
associate, Governor Brucker, who was
then being talked of as a candidate
for Senator," Leasia testified.
Faith In Future
Urged At Parley
By Prof. Jones
Have Sense Of Proportion,
He Tells 300 At Final
Session In Union
Our tomorrow - what shall we
make it?
The answer, as given by Prof. How-
ard Mumford Jones of the English
department when he concluded the
sixth annual Spring Parley Sunday
morning in the Union, is a tomorrow

of hope and faith, above all.
More than 300 students, who had
attended the general sessions Friday
and the section meetings Saturday,
convened in the Union Ballroom to
hear a summary of the student-fac-
ulty discussion that had gone before.
Professor Jones was applauded for
two minutes when he arose to close
officially the Parley after the section
chairmen had presented resumes of
what had taken place in their groups.
"Mr. Chairman and fellow suf-
ferers," the English professor who is
going to Harvard next fall began
amid roams of laughter. Referring
in a satirical manner to the long list
of grievances against society cited
by students at the parley, he gravely
announced: "We are all doomed.
Butncthink there is one hope: we
are here."
"I never realized there were so
many problems until I attended the
Parley," Professor Jones said. "I'm
almost afraid to step outside for fear 1
will bump into a problem."
But one must not worry about such
nIrnhln 4 9 honur a dav. he to'ld the

Paris Issues
Sag As Left
Gains .Seats
Authorities Fear That New
Communist Chamber
May Devaluate Franc
Run-Offs To Fill
433 Seats Sunday

Preacher F
Baths F



avors Sun
Ur Colleagues

Policy Change
Economy Is

In Budget


PARIS, April 27. -()- Com-
munist gains in the Chamber of Dep-
uties election yesterday, along with
the prospect of a leftist victory in
next Sunday's runoffs, caused French'
issues to sag heavily today on the
Financial authorities anxiously
speculated whether the new cham-
ber, with a majority possibly more
radical than heretofore, might not1
drag the franc to devaluation.
The stock market's slump was at-
tributed to uneasiness over the out-i
come of the runoffs, when manyI
Communist, Socialist and Radical So-r
cialist candidates are expected to
withdraw to give victory to the strong-l
est candidates in their "peoples
All French issues suffered under
the selling wave, rents falling a point
and a half and Bank of France 400
A change soon in France's policy of'
keeping the franc stable by budget
economy was considered unlikely in
financial quarters, regardless of the
makeup of the new chamber. Some,'
however, publicly asked if the leftist
government might not attempt "man-
aged economy" inflation or even de-
With results of only two Corsican;
districts missing, official returns
showed leftists and the center with
63 seats each and rightist with 57.
Runoffs will be necessary to fill 433
seats, or more than two-third of the
chamber. There are 618 districts.
Italy Threatens
Addis Ababans
With Bombing
ADDIS ABABA, April 27. - ( P)-
A warning that the Italians would
bomb and "destroy" Addis Ababa if
their advance on the capital is re-
sisted was made today in leaflets
dropped from a Fascist airplane.
"Our mission is to occupy Addis
Ababa and Ethiopia for civilization,"
said the leaflets, which were signed
by the Chief of Staff of Marshal Pie-
tro Badoglio, whose headquarters are
now in Dessye.
"If Addis Ababa is delivered with-
out resistance, we will not bomb it.
Otherwise We will destroy it all."
(Three separate Italian columns are
advancing on Addis Ababa, Rome dis-
patches reported).
The leaflets urged Ethiopians to
desert Emperor Haile Selassie and
pledge allegiance to Italy. They
warned that resistance was useless,
asserting Italy already has captured
the entire northern half of Ethiopia."
"We have destroyed Haile Selassie's
armies and have occupied Dessye,"
said the leaflets. "Soon Harar will
be occupied.E
"We are your friends. Make no

PHILADELPHIA, April 27. - "IP' -
Dr. Christian H. Shirk, secretary of
the Methodist preachers' meeting,
told the group today that ministers
should do a "daily dozen" and take
sun baths.
"The greatest benefit accrues when
sun baths can be obtained when void
of clothing," he said. "I would not,
however, suggest going the limit of
joining a nudist colony."
"The pale-faced anemic youth
should not be encouraged to enter the
ministry," he declared.
Detroit Labor
Chiefs To Hold
Debate Tonioht
Three Sides Of Question
To Be Taken By Burke,
Martel And Blackmore
Determined opinions on the prob-
lem of organized labor will be brought
into conflict at 8 p.m. today in a tri-
angular debate among Lloyd Black-
more, patent attorney for General
Motors, Frank X. Martel, president
of the Wayne county division of the
A. F. of L. and prominent Detroit
labor organizer, and Fred W. Burke,
personnel director of the Graham
body plant, Detroit. The debate will
be sponsored by Sigma Rho Tau in
the Union.


Schedule Out;
Starts June6
Literary College Exams
Will Last Three Hours;
Duration Of Finals.

Blackmore, according to Professor
R. D. Brackett of the engineering
college English department and ad-
visor to the debate society, believes
firmly that the employes will benefitl
more from the thorough development
of each company's personnel than
from organized labor. .
He has been instrumental in de-
veloping his company's system of
handling inventors and designers,
Professor Brackett said, and hasj
formed thorough opinions on the1
proper treatment of labor.{
Martel, who Professor Brackett said
believes decidedly in organized labor,
is widely known for his organization
of specialized employes at Eloise,
the poor farm for the Detroit area,'
which increased their annual wage by
One Killed In
Auto Accident
An unexplained automobile acci-
dent early yesterday morning caused
the death of Edward M. Michelfelder,
25 years old, of 413 South Fifth St.,
and minor injuries to his companion,
Miss Ruth Eggelson, 800 3rd St., when
the sport coupe in which they were
driving east on Dexter Road left the
highway and overturned near Honey
Creek, three miles west of Ann Arbor.
Miss Eggelson and Michelfelder
were the last couple to leave a party
at a cottage near Dexter, and were
following others into Ann Arbor
shortly after midnight yesterday.
Sheriff's officers who were called to
the wreck were unable to determine
who had been driving, as both were
flung clear of the car, but said that
the car had careened from the road
with its brakes set and wheels turned,
as if to avoid a person or animal
crossing the road.
Michelfelder was decpitated by the
radiator cap of the car as he was
hurled out of his seat. Passing mo-
torists took him and Miss Eggelson
to St. Joseph's Hospital, where Miss
Eggelson was described as suffering

To Be Eleven Days
Literary, Graduate And
Music Courses Are Given
Group Letters
Schedules for final examinations,
which will be held from June 6 to 16,
were released for the literary, engi-
leering and pharmacy colleges and
he the education, music, forestry,
>usiness administration and graduate
;chools yesterday:
All literary college, School of Mu-
ic and some Graduate School courses
re given group letters which desig-
ate the time of each examination
n their respective school and college
nnouncements of last fall. The
times of engineering college exams
ire arranged according to the time
>f the first class of each course in the
Examination times for all other
ourses will be determined by mutual
greement of the class and the in-
Each student taking practical work
n the School of Music will find the
time of his examination posted on the
school bulletin board.
Conflicts in the engineering college
schedule will be properly adjusted by
personal interview with Prof. J. C.
Brier, Room 3223, East Engineering
Building. Conflicts in other schools
and colleges will be adjusted by the
individual and instructors.
Engineering college examinations
will not last more than four hours,
from 8 a.m. to noon and from 2 to 6
p.m., while in all other schools and
colleges they will be given in three-
hour periods, from 9 a.m. to noon, and
from 2 to 5 p.m.
Class work will end June 5, but en-
gineering students will be allowed to
continue drawing . and laboratory
work throughout each week of the
examination period, but only equal
to the amount they normally devote'
to such work.
The examination schedules are as -
Group Examination
A-Saturday a.m., June 13
B-Saturday a.m., June 6
C-Wednesday a.m., June 10
D-Monday a.m., June 8
E-Monday p.m., June 8
F-Tuesday p.m., June 16
G-Saturday p.m., June 13
H-Monday p.m., June 15
I-Wednesday p.m., June 10
J-Thursday p.m., June 11
K-Monday a.m., June 15
L--Tuesday a.m., June 16
M-Tuesday p.m., June 9
N-Friday p.m., June 12
0-Thursday a.m., June 11
P-Tuesday a.m., June 9
Q-Saturday p.m., June 6
R-Friday a.m., June 12
X-Courses in this group may be
examined at any time mutually
(Continued on page 2)
Shooting Fray
Causes Death
Of Professor
LINCOLN, Neb., April 27. - () -
Hundreds of excited students rushed
fiom University of Nebraska class-
rooms to find two professors wounded,
one fatally, after three shots rang out
on the campus today.
The victims were:
John P. Weller, 40, a foreign lan-
guage instructor whose release from
his post had been ordered by the
faculty, dead by his own hand, and
Dr. Harry Kurz chairman of the
foreign language department, slight-
ly wounded.
Weller, whose relations with his
superior were termed "not satisfac-
tory' by Chancellor E. A. Burnett, shot
Kurz in the wrist with one bullet,

sent another wild ,and alter a cross-
campus dash fired a third into his
own chest above the heart. He died
before an ambulance could reach him.
Blucher To Lecture
On CityPlanning
Walter Blucher of Chicago, execu-
tive secretary of the American So-
ciety of Planning Officials, will lec-
ture at 9 a.m. today in Room 231 An-

Long Period Of Planning And
'Dickering' Behind Union Annex,

Professor Trueblood Honored
As Orators Meet On Birthday
A well-loved teacher will have the toastmaster, and former Governor
privilege of seeing the product of Wilbur M. Brucker and Federal Judge
his labors this Saturday when prom- Charles Simons are also expected to
inent judges, attorneys, and citizens attend. Among the faculty men who
will gather in Ann Arbor to honor are planning to come and pay tribute
their professor, Thomas C. Trueblood. to their former coach are Prof. James
The occasion will be the celebra- K. Pollock, of the political science de-
tion of the thirtieth anniversary of partment, faculty sponsor of Delta
the founding of Delta Sigma Rho, Sigma Rho; Prof. G. Shorey Peter-
national honorary forensic society, of son and Prof. I. L. Sharfman of the
which Michigan is the Alpha chapter. economics department; Prof. Howard
The organization includes only var- M. Jones of the English department;
sity debaters and orators, and the and Professors G. E. Densmore, Carl
-F---., 11 1 T fh oCM a t fn r-, 1 n T H n'is p nr1

When the new $300,000 addition to
the Union is ready for occupancy next
fall, it will mark the culmination of
plans for accommodations to relieve
the present housing crisis which were
first considered early in the fall of the
present school year.
At one time near the close of the
first semester there was a "wild" rum-
or that the University was contem-
plating a $5,000,000 dormitory, and
all that was needed was for some one
to draw up the plans. President
Ruthven, then in the University Hos-
pital, denied the rumor and stated
it was absolutely groundless.
However, the president comment-
ed at that time "we would have start-
ed a building some time ago if it had

ministration, but the loan did not go
The plan at that time was to build
the dormitory directly behind the
Union but have it connected with the
Union so as to use the Union dining
facilities. The proposed structure was;
to cost between $550,000 and $600,-,
Authorization by the Regents last
Friday for the Union to go ahead and
borrow the necessary $300,000 from
unknown sources marked the final
effort of the Union, under the direc-
tion of Stanley Waltz, to build a
Union dormitory.
Between $30 and $35 per month will
be charged for the rooms in the pro-
posed L-shaped annex, which will be-
L-in at the extreme end oaf the south

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