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February 22, 1936 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1936-02-22

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will complete a bloc even stronger than the ben-
tral Powers of 1914, and a bloc much more ag-
gressive - Germany, Japan, Poland, Italy and
Austria, all fascist or militarist nations. Japan's
armies are already in China and on the Outer
Mongolian border, Italy's have been in Africa for
months. Germany is spending millions for arm-
aments and not bothering to pretend that she
will thus maintain the peace.
Outstanding among all this evidence of the per-
ilous proximity of war is the fact that the people
of almost all nations desire nothing more than they
desire peace, whatever the temper of their govern-
ment may be. Realizing this, the one course which
much be followed if catastrophe is to be averted is
clear. This vast majority which hates war must
be organized into a unified group. Some nations
already have active political parties with pease as
their major aim. And perhaps soon, in our own
country, we shall see a party which will include
in its platform the tremendously important plank
of vigorous opposition to war.

The Conning Tower]
For Anne Hathaway
I wonder what you did the day he left,
You couldn't throw yourself upon the bed
And weep -you hadn't time to be bereft -
Because there were children to be fed
I am so glad that you had tasks to do
Though later in the middle of the night
Did loneliness leap out and clutch you
Till you were almost mad with pain and fright?

Publisned every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of
republication of all other matter herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as
second class mail matter.
Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, $4.00;
by mail, $4.50.
Representatives: National Advertising Service, Inc., 420
Madison Ave., New York City; 400 N. Michigan Ave.,
Chicago, Ill.
Dorothy S. Gies Josephine T. McLean William R. Reed
publication Department: Thomas H. Kleene, Chairman;
Clinton B. Conger, Richard G. Hershey, Ralph W.
Hurd, Fred Warner Neal, Bernard Weissman.
fteportorial Department: Thomas E. Groehn, Chairman;
1Ssie A. Pierce, Guy M. Whipple, Jr.
editorial Department: John J. Flaherty, Chairman; Robert
A. Cummnins, Marshall D. Shulman.
Sports Department: William R. Reed, Chairman; George
Andros, Fred Buesser, Fred DeLano, Raymond Good-
Women's Departmex,: Josephine T. McLean, Chairman;
Dorothy Briscoe, Josephine M. Cavanagh, Florence H.
Davies, Marion T. Holden, Charlotte D. Rueger, Jewel W.

And yet I think just knowing you were the
Would sometimes bring to him serenity;
Perhaps he felt your fingers in his hair
When Rosalind was born! Yes, he was free-
But finally - when he came home to rest
I'm sure he laid his head upon your breast.




Telephone 2-1214

Local Advertising, William Barndt; Servce Department,
Willis Tomlinson; Contracts, Stanley Joffe; Accounts,
Edward Wohlgemuth; Circulation and National Adver-
tising, John Park; Classified Advertising and Publica-
tions, Lyman Bittman.
Democracy Still
Functions Well...
M R. SCOTT NEARING, that bril-
liant radical, stated a viewpoint
here Tuesday that was diametrically opposed to
stands previously taken and reiterated by The
Dr. Nearing, although not a member of the
Communist party, believes in Communism. He
advocates violent revolution, because he thinks
that his objective- a Communistic order- can-
not be brought about through democratic means.
He asserted that Capitalism has failed, and to
back up his opinion, showed a curve of capitalistic
society which after two centuries of rising is now,
apparently, declining. Only by harnessing land,
labor and capital and putting them together for
production for use, rather than profit, can we
save our great present civilization, Dr. Nearing
We do not question Dr. Nearing's knowledge
of economics or sociology, but we do differ with his
interpretations. Reiterating a conviction in the
rightness and expediency of constitutional democ-
racy, we feel that Dr. Nearing completely misses
the point.
Without doubt our social and economic order
has been severely rocked during the past decade.
There are serious evils in our system, evils which
should and must be corrected if we are to continue
to advance. But dictatorial Communism, especial-
ly a Communism brought about by violent rev-
olution, will not correct any evils and will create
additional ones. We see nothing in Communism
to guarantee that it will not. We see in it no sub-
stitute for the profit motive. We see in it noth-
ing but a regimented dictatorship which exploits
the many even more than Capitalism-a dicta-
torship under which freedom and initiative of any
kind is ruthlessly stamped out.
Although we recognize that Communism in
Russia is vastly different than would be Com-
munism in the United States, we see nothing in
the Soviet experiment to indicate that social
evils are not just as rampant there as in America,
without the corresponding blessings of freedom
and democracy.
It is our belief that under our democratic gov-
ernment, operating in conjunction with the cap-
italistic system, the people can work out their own
problems and need no dictator to help them. On
every side now there are indications that we are
working out those problems. Just and necessary
social legislation is the topic of the day. Our con-
stitution has been changed and will be changed
still further to meet the problems of the day.
And until it has been proven beyond doubt that
through democracy and capitalism we cannot pull
up Dr. Nearing's curve, no other form of govern-
ment, neither Communism, Socialism or Fascism
is needed.
An Uncomfortable
International Scene.
between Fascist Italy and Nazi Ger-
many, which will, in all probability, culminate in
an alliance, is a cause for real alarm on the part
of those who hope that the peace of the world may
be maintained.
Disagreement over the status of Austria, another
fascist nation, has in recent years kept Italy and
Germany apart. But now Italy is facing one of
the greatest crises in her history. With her pop-

Letters published in this column should not be
construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The
Daily. Anonymous contributions will be disregarded.
The names of communicants will, however, be regarded
as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked
to be brief, the editors reserving the right to condense
all letters of over 300 words and to accept or reject
letters upon the criteria of general editorial importance
and interest to the campus.
Scott Nearing
To the Editor:
The opportunity to comment on Scott Nearing's
advice to young radicals should not be neglected,
since he laid himself wide open, if correctly re-
ported. I hope those instructions were not a
sample of his usual reasoning.t
Whether any subtlety was intended, one can-
not fail to perceive the implication of his advice
about supporting oneself through a part-time
job to which no more time or thought than re-
quired is given. As a means of keeping a young
revolutionary dissatisfied with his surroundings, it
is splendid. A student going out to work with
such an attitude will have no difficulty in main-
taining his animosity toward the bourgeoisie, for
his successive employers (there will be more than
one) will show no friendliness and the wicked
"system" no sympathy toward him.
And "don't buy an automobile," because it might
give you some responsibilities or a stake in the
game you want to upset and it might make you
a little contented with your existence. In other
words, in order to stay mad at capitalism you
should keep yourself thoroughly uncomfortable so
your outlook won't change. Keep pounding your
head or your headache may disappear.
At least there is one spark of light in his advice,
and that is his urging of young radicals "to
think." Difficult as this may be to the prejudiced
and novel as it will be to some of the "socially
conscious," it is still the sovereign remedy.
As Others See It

Misinterpreting The TVA Deciston
(From the St. Louis Post-Dispatch)
THANKS to the ever-readiness of public officials
to comment offhand on important govern-
mental actions such as Supreme Court decisions,
the usual crop of inaccurate observations and un-
justified claims appeared in the news columns yes-
terday in the wake of the ruling in the Tennessee
Valley Authority case.
Senator Norris of Nebraska, who sponsored the
TVA legislation in the upper branch of Con-
gress, welcomed the decision as "a help" to his
rural electrification bill, which calls for ex-
penditure of a billion dollars over a period of 10
years in a program to extend electrical power to
farms. Among the activities held constitutional
under the decision, according to Senator Norris,
are the soil erosion and reforestation programs,
of the TVA, the resettlement and model community
enterprises in the Tennessee Vallley area and the
construction of other power dams included in
the plans for the project.
As a matter of fact, the decision does none
of these things. Chief Justice Hughes was at
great pains to limit the effect of the ruling to
the issue brought before the court by the 14 pre-
ferred stockholders of the Alabama Power Co.,
namely, whether the sale of transmission lines by
the privately owned utility company to the TVA
gave rise to a violation of the Constitution. Said
the Chief Justice:
The question of the constitutional right of
the government to acquire or operate local or
urban distribution systems is not involved. We
express no opinion as to the validity of such an
effort, as to the status of any other dam or
power development in the Tennessee Valley,
whether connected with or apart from the
Wilson Dam, or as to the validity of the Ten-
nessee Valley Act, or of the claims made in
the pronouncements and program of the au-
thority apart from the questions we have dis-
cussed ...
Nothing could be plainer than that. And noth-
ing could follow more logically from it than that
the claims of Messrs. McNinch, Foley, Norris, Bone,
Schwellenbach and others are without founda-
tion. The court expressly says that it does not
consider the status of any dam in the TVA enter-
prise, other than the Wilson Dam. How, then.
could the decision uphold power dams on the
Columbia River? The opinion says unequivocally
that it does not pass on the validity of the act
establishing the TVA and its program to shape
the life of the Tennessee Valley area. How, then,
can it be said that the decision either approves
or disapproves the resettlement phase of the proj-
ect? And so on.
We do not mean to condemn Senator Norris'

It should be said that we quoted Senator
Barkley exactly when he misquoted Hamlet, cit-
ing Shakespeare to his purpose. He actually said:
There is a destiny that shapes our ends
Rough-hew them how we may.
It seems to us that if there is not a copy of
"Hamlet" in the Senate library, there should be
at least a Bartlett's F.Q.
Speaking of quotations, it seems to us that
Mr. Stephen Royce, objecting to the President's
use of quotation from his father, the late Pro-
fessor Josiah Royce, is not the wise philosopher
that his father was. He doesn't like the New
Deal, and he feels certain that his father would
have been out of symphony with it. This, it
seems to us, opens up limitless possiblities. The
Bible, for example, is widely quoted by all
parties. Mr. William Green is a great Bible
quoter; Mr. John L. Lewis is a Shakespeare addict.
Why not have the descendants of the authors
object to having these overthrowers of the repub-
lic quote from these sources?
Of course, it seems that the President's use
of the Royce quotation is upheld by the courts,
that make it not mandatory that the source of1
news shall be revealed. And the President, it
will be recalled, never peeped.
The season is on. Two weeks ago Saturday
the Liberty League series opened. And, accord-..
ing to scorer G. P. B., in the first inning Al-
Smith walked, and then, reversing things, Joe
Robinson threw out the first bawl.
And J. S., our favorite economic interpreter
of the AAA, wants to knowwhy the consumer
should not be paid for not consuming the producet
which the farmer is paid not to raise.1
Historians' Peekly-Weekly<
What They Said at the Dog Show
STREET: "What a show, folks! It was all1
me, except for Gene Venzke and Ted Husing,
right from the opening gun. Tearing downt
the back stretch with Clem McCarthy at myt
heels, I could feel his hot breath on my1
starb'd flank, or southeast corner. Then as
I tripped over a Fox Movietone cameramant
on the final lap, I could feel the hot breaths
of Ed Thorgeson, Graham McNamee, and LowellI
Thomas all describing the highlights in the
world of sport. The only hot breath I didn't1
feel belonged to Lew Lehr who, oddly enough,.
had gone to the newsreels on a dialectician'st
pass. Anybwhawdy in d'hwaudience want to1
CH. CH-CH-CH-CH-CHA O' HA-CHA: "Ha-cha!"1
TIAL PROXIMITY: "While being draggede
through Grand Central Terminal the othert
day, I heard an organ solo rendition of 'Myt
Old Kentucky Home' (on which the sun wasf
alleged to be shining bright at the moment,
while the adjacent Snow Chart reported 'Goodt
Skiing' at North Creek, Pittsfield, and Pershing1
Square). This solo was being blatted, acoustict
by acoustic, from the Terminal's new loud-
speaker. Pausing at the information booth to
ascertai the 'meaning, if any, of this im-
promptu free concert, I was struck from behind1
by a false note from the organ -an F sharp
major note, I believe, which apparently had
been emitted by the loudspeaker and hadf
bounced willy-nilly, from one acoustic to
another, eventually coming to light, not unshot-
put-like, upon my rapidly aging posterior. Now
I ask you, is that cricket of the N.Y.C. and the
N.Y., N.H.&H.? If these two railroads insist
upon serenading their passengers, even though
the latter do not insist upon being serenaded,
can't it be done quietly, and on some lower
and better acoustized level? Furthermore, can't
they play something more appropriate to their
own business than 'My Old Kentucky Home'-
to which no train leaving Grand Central ever
runs? How about, for instance, 'I'm A-Workin'
on the Railroad,' or 'Take Me Back to New
York Town'? I pause for what the writers
of Letters to the Editor hopefully call a reply."z
LOCH-LOURIE: "Hoot mon m'sieur! Isst
diss a system?"
ME-NOT: "Will some one kindly tell me

whatever became of Ch. Wilber Brotherton
Huston? You remember Wilber: the lad whot
won the first Edison scholarship exam in thef
summer of '29; the lad who matriculated atl
M. I. T. just about the time that Richard Whit-f
ney was shouting '205 for Steel!' Wilber was#
known as America's brightest Bright Boy in1
those days and he still was pretty bright whenj
he was graduated from Tech in 1933. But what-
ever became of him? Doesn't anybody care?
Has 'summa cum laude' come merely to mean
'Buick's the Buy'? . . . Ah, Wilber, cum laude!
all is forgiven."
First to object to our recollection of Rh RuthI

+ : ART +
The Ann Arbor Art Association is
holding its 13th annual exhibit in the
West Gallery of Alumni Memorial
Hall, and the result is interesting at
least, and in many cases noteworthy.
The most common fault seems to be
a lack of originality. There are a few
artists represented, however, who
have stepped out for themselves, and
there are still others whose work is
admirable despite the fact that it is
not original.
The outstanding work in the ex-
hibit, from the point of view of beauty
and technical excellence, is Prof. Al-
exander Valerio's "Sea Shells," a
small delicate mezzotint. Two nudes
are pictured with the accuracy of a
photograph, but with an appealing
softness of line and gentle contrast of
light and shade. And now to the
lesser awards.
A group of water colors all con-
cerned vith Maine moods are exhibit-
ed by Dr. C. W. Edmonds. Of the
group of three, "A Summer Fog In
Maine" is particularly interesting.
The shore scene is done in dull greys
and browns, and catches the feeling
of tenseness and gloom which is so
evident when a thick New England
fog closes in. In a brighter tone, Dr.
Edmonds presents "A Main Street,
Mohegan," a simple, well-balanced
One of the most unusual paintings
in the group is Don Brackett's "Grey
Day," a landscape of rich, deep col-
ors well-blended. The scene con-
tains almost nothing but orange, yel-
low and green, and the effect is ex-
tremely rich and warm.
In a style which is too much ne-
glected in contemporary art, Fred-
erick H. Aldrich, Jr., has pictured a
lovely, colorful group of flowers in
pastel crayon. The pastel effect is,
naturally soft, and the scene is well-
suited to this medium. "Garden" is
the name of this out-of-season pic-
ture, and it affords a pleasant con-
trast in the midst of the harsher and
brighter pictures which surround it.
Another of the unusual paintings
in the group is a portrait, "Study of
A Young Man" done in oils on a wood
surface. This process, which is un-
usual in portrait painting, is facilitat-
ed, we understand, by first coating the
wood with a white lead mixture,
which affords a smoother surface
than canvas. Another excellent .por-
trait is A. M. Babcock's "Sante Ana
Indian," a bright oil of a typical In-
dian type in ceremonial costume.
Just to prove that a frank imitation
can be good, we offer for your ap-
proval "Autumn," by Leon A. Makie-
laki.hThough it is impossible to tell
whether or not the artist intended
this landscape as an imitation, it is
true, nevertheless, that he has fol-
lowed very closely the style of Vin-
cent VanGogh. It is rather startling
to compare this painting with the
colotype of VanGogh's landscape in
the north gallery.
But all is not brightness at the ex-
hibit. There is, for example M.
Brown's "College Town," an unfor-
tunate, harsh example of poor com-
position which results from an at-
tempt to work in the style on the im-
pressionistic school. And at the other
end of the hall is an attempt at ex-
pressionism, "Roof Vista," by Lor-
enne Davis. The colors in this pic-
ture are brilliant and startling, but
the scene is too crowded and not care-
fully planned.
Among the few examples of sculp-
ture and modelling at the exhibit,
Avard Fairbank's "Tragedy of Win-
ter Quarters" is particularly impres-
sive, while, on a smaller scale, Dor-
othy Cowan's "Horse," is outstand-
The exhibit will be open until
March 2, and is worthy of attention
since it represents none but local

artists, and covers a largely diversi-
fied number of styles and schools of

The University Subcommittee on
Discipline, at its meeting on Feb. 14,
found that Mr. Fred H. DeLano, '37
Lit., Mr. Earl J. Meyers, '37 Lit., and
Mr. John Rieck, '37 Lit., were guilty
of removing books on reserve on the
reference shelves in the General Li-
brary from the Library, by the use of
fictitious names and false sign~atures,
and that these books were used in
connection with assignments in cer-
tain courses in the University. In
each of the three cases the Committee
directs that the student be placed on
probation for the second semester of
the University year 1935-1936, from
the beginning of the semester until
the beginning of spring vacation. In
accordance with the recommendation
made by the Committee, grades of E
are to be recorded, in the several
cases involved, in the courses for
which the books were placed on the
reserve shelves.
University Subcommittee on
Discipline, Earl V. Moore.
Research Fellowships and Research
Grants for Chinese Students: For the
purpose of fostering scientific re-
search, the China Foundation has
established scientific research schol-
arships and research grants which
are awarded annually. These arc
divided into three classes. The re-
search subjects are confined to stu-
dies in astronomy, meteorology, geo-
graphy, mathematics, physics, chem-
istry, biology and related sciences.
Those who have already received sub-
sidy from the Foundation but who
wish to renew their subsidies, and
those research students who are qual-
ified under the three classes and who
wish to apply for subsidies, may file
their applications according to the
regulations of the Foundation.
Students interested should confer
at once with the Counselor to Foreign
Students, Room 9, University Hall.
J. Raleigh Nelson, Counselor
to Foreign Students.
The University Bureau of Appoint-
ments has received notices of Grad-
uate Appointments in Syracuse Uni-
versity to be made for the school year
by 1936-37. These awards are open
to qualified graduates of universities
and accredited colleges in the United
States, Canada, and foreign coun-
tries. They include the following
fields: Liberal Arts, Public Adminis-
tration, Political Science, Social Psy-
chology, Education, student counsel-
ling for men, and deanships for
For details apply 201 Mason Hall
between 9-12, 2-4, Monday and Tues-
day, Feb. 24 and 25.
1936 Mechanical Engineers: Mr. T.
W. Prior of the Goodyear Tire and.
Rubber Company of Akron, Ohio will
be in Room 221 West Engineering
building on Monday, Feb. 24, for the
purpose of interviewing Mechanical
Engineers interested in possible em-
ployment with this organization. AI
tentative appointment is advisable. !!
H. C. Anderson.-
Last Semester's Students in English
6, College of Engineering: Last se-
mester's students in Report-Writing
are urged to call at once for their
notebooks. The office, Room 4, East
Hall, is open from 2 to.5 every after-
noon except Saturday.
J. Raleigh Nelson.
Notice: It is requested that any-
one possessing a picture taken of any
ROTC parade or ceremony be good
enough to inform the editor of the7
Michiganensian. The Ensian is very
desirous of borrowing Gne to use in
the 1936 publication. Such a pic-
ture, if lent, will be returned in good
Concerts Cancelled: The Faculty
Concert scheduled for Sunday after-

noon, Feb. 23; and the Orchestra
Concert scheduled for Sunday after-
noon, March 8, have been cancelled.
Contemporary: Manuscripts for the
third issue should be left at the
English office, 3221 A. H., as soon as

SATURDAY, FEB. 22, 1936
VOL. XLVI No. 97

Publication In the Builletin b construcltive ntice to all nmmbrs of the
unversity. Copy received tt he O f rOf the As istnt to the iresdent
until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday.

the first round within the next two
Academic Notices
Psychology 31: (Lecture Section I
and Lecture Section ID. For those
students who missed the final exam-
ination, a make-up will be given
Thursday evening, Feb. 27, from 7 to
10 in Room 1121 N.S.
Ch. E. 153 will meet on Tueday,
Feb. 25, 9 a.m., in Room 1042, East
Engineering Building.
Final make-up examination in
English 127, Victorian Literature, will
be given Monday, Feb. 24, 7 o'clock
in the evening in Room 3217.
English 293: The class in Biblio-
graphy will meet for organization on
Tuesday, Feb. 25, at 11 o'clock, in
2220 A.H. All candidates for the
degree of M.A. in English are re-
quired to take this course.
W. G. Rice.
English 32, 72, 148: On account of
illness Prof. P. L. Schenk will not
meet his classes until Monday, Feb.
University Lecture; Earl Hanson,
Planning Consultant of the Natural
Resources Committee assigned to the
Puerto Rico Reconstruction Admin-
istration, will lecture on the subject,
"Puerto Rican Reconstruction Pob-
lems," Friday, Feb. 28, at 4:15 p.m.,
in the Natural Science Auditorium.
The public is cordially invited.
Mathematical Lectures: Prof. Ed-
uard Cech of the University of Brno,
Czechoslovakia, will deliver a series
of mathematical lectures during the
two weeks beginning Feb. 24g The
first of these lectures, in the nature
of an introduction to Projective Dif-
ferential Geometry, will be given on
Monday, Feb. 24, at 3 o'clock in 3011
A.H. The hours and subjects of the
succeeding lectures will be announced
later. All interested are invited to at-
Public Lecture: "Old Mesopotamian
Art" by Professor Leroy Waterman.
Illustrated. Sponsored by the Re-
search Seminary in Islamic Art.
Monday, Feb. 24, 4:15 in Room D,
Alumni Memorial Hall. Admission
An illustrated lecture on "Better
Light, Better Sight" will be given in
Room 231 Angell Hall at 7 o'clock,
Monday evening, Feb. 24. This lec-
ture is in connection with the Ex-
tension Department course in the
Building Trades and will be presented
by the Detroit Edison Company. A
talkie-movie film illustrating the sub-
ject and lectures and discussions by
experts will feature the prograrn.
This meeting is open to the public
and those studying illumination in
any of its phases, electrical engineer-
ing or architectural, are specially in-
vited. Also parties interested in
building or remodeling along modern
lines will find this lecture instructive.
The latest methods of electric wiring
and the most modern developments
in electrical lighting fixtures both for
residential and business work will be
given. There is no charge connected
with this meeting.
The Ann Arbor Artists Exhibition
is open for inspection in the West
Gallery, Alumni Memorial Hall, daily
from 2 to 5 p.m., through Feb. 28.
Exhibition of House Designs, Arch-
itectural Building: A group of beau-
tiful drawings of selected designs for
houses are now on view through the
courtesy of "Pencil Points." Open
daily from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
through Feb. 29.

Events Of Today
Women Students: There will be a
Winter Sports Party for all women
students this afternoon. The group
will leave the Women's Athletic
Building at 2 p.m. and return at 4
o'clock for refreshments.
Graduate Outing Club will meet at
Lane Hall at 2:30 p.m. Transporta-
tion will be provided to the Wolver-
ine Day Camp for an afternoon of
skiing, skating and tobogganning.
Supper will be served for approxi-
mately 40 cents. All graduate stu-
dents are cordially invited to attend.
Lutheran Student Club: Informal
party in Lane Hall this evening, from
9 to 12. Admission will be 35c. All
Lutheran students are invited.
Coming Events
Acolytes will meet for the first time
this semester on Monday, Feb. 24, at
7:30 p.m., 202 South Wing. Dr. Am-
brose, of the Philosophy Department,
will present a paper on "The Prob-
lem of Meaning." All members are
urged to attend.
Quadrangle Club will meet Wed-
nesday, Feb. 26, 8:15 p.m. Prof. Ralph
A. Sawyer will speak.




An Amkino production of Jonathan
Swift's satirical narrative, "Gulliver's
Travels," with 3,000 puppets and V.
Konstantinov, the cast. Music by '.
Krasny. under the direction of A.
Whpn f-.p Wi ty f T lli,,, -I- ,.

enL ne King o Lilliput who is
not more than four inches high,
mounts his steed which is not more Beginning Badminton Tournament:
than five inches high, it is sufficient The draw has been posted on the
reason for a critic to call out, "novel." board in Barbour Gymnasium. All
When the horse rears on its hind legs, students entered for this tournament
snorts and gallops up the legs and are asked to get in touch with their
onto the chest of a drugged and sleep- partners and opponents and play off
ing boy, it is good cause for a not too
distinguished "remarkable." But when tory, in the parliament, in the work-
the mounted King turns benignly to ers' underground work-prisons in two
his fearful subjects and jabs a lance years but it is hard to believe how
the size of a broken toothpick into they ever got that sensual, fat, fool-
the boy's nostril and the boy blows ish, salivary expression of the King
his tiny tormenter into the royal box in two years. For by the end of the
with a well-placed sneeze, any critic film you forget that the King, for
is amply justified in standing up in one, is a puppet. You are willing to
his seat to whisper to a howling au- bet your coat check and hers thai
dience, "wow!" this Lilliputian is Alphonso of Spain
And one wow could suffice for only with his mouth muscles slyly removed.
this scene. More wows would be Besides "The New Gulliver" which
needed for the other scenes in "The is, by the way, the most pricking



New Gulliver" which the Art Cinemaj
League has busted open in the Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre. The ni tI-P

fun in a long time, Mickey Mouse
plays Gulliver in his own rodential
t wav and l hou omh i if. nois I bn I.



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