THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY. APRIL 26, 1936 THE MICHIGAN DAILY .i c --v.. A I! .-. Publisned every morning except Monday during th University year and Summer Session by the Board in Control of Student Publications. MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the us for republication of all news dispatches credited to it o not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights o republication of all other matter herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan a second class mail matter. Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, $4.00 by mail, $4.50. Representatives: National Advertising Service, Inc., 42 Madison Ave., New York City; 400 N. Michigan Ave Chicago, Ill. sion her aggressive war against Ethiopia, every mile of territory taken condemning the impotency of the League of Nations. We see the founda- tions of the League of Nations, a body whose exist- ence depends upon its ability to keep peace, dis- integrating because the powers have used it pri- rnarily as an instrument of selfish diplomacy. We see the corallaries of the League Covenant, the post-war treaties, smashed as the fever of rearm- ament and potential conquest hold sway. The I sky was no blacker in 1914. But although Europe's big politicians may play this desperate, ruthless game, there is in almost every country a majority of the people whose de- sire for peace is as fierce as the desire of their "leaders" for plunder. The immediate and force- ful repudiation of the British of the Hoare-Laval a proposals is one example of the strength of this a popular feeling. In France this anti-war sentiment is organized e in the People's Front. A decisive victory for its r candidates today will be a victory for the forces of peace, both in France itself and in every country. s For only through actual popular rule can the ; Hearsts and Hitlers and the persons they repre- 0 sent be beaten, and the relations of the govern- ments of the world reflect the essential comrade- ship of the peoples of the world. EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT BOARD OF EDITORS Telephone 4925 M(ANAGING EDITOR ............. THOMAS H. KLEENE ASSOCIATE EDITOR..............THOMAS E. GROEHN Dorothy S. Gies Josephine T. McLean William R. Reed DEPARTMENTAL BOARDS Publication Department: Thomas H. Kleene, Chairman; Clinton B. Conger, Robert Cummins, Richard G. Her- shey, Ralph W. Hurd, Fred Warner Neal. Reportorial Department: Thomas E. Groehn, Chairman; Elsie- A. Pierce, Joseph S. Mattes. Editorial Department: Arnold S. Daniels, Marshall D. Shulman. 4ports Department: William R. Reed, Chairman- George Andros, Fred Buesser, Fred Delano, Ray Goodman. Women's Departmet±.: Josephine T. McLean, Chairman; Josephine M. Cavanagn, Florence H. Davies, Marion T. Holden, Charlotte D. Rueger, Jewel W. Wuerfel. AUSINESS DEPARTMENT Telephone 2-1214 BUSINESS MANAGER..........GEORGE H. ATHERTON CREDIT MANAGER ............ JOSEPH A. ROTHBARD WOMEN'S BUSINESS MANAGER ....MARGARET COWIE WO0MEN'S SERVICE MANAGER...ELIZABETH SIMONDS DEPARTMENTAL MANAGERS Local Advertising, William Barndt; Service Department, Willis Tomlinson; Contracts, Stanley Joffe; Accounts, Edward Wohlgemuth; Circulation and National Adver- tising, John Park; Classified Advertising and Publica- tions, Lyman Bittman. NIGHT EDITOR: RALPH W. HURD The Way To Income Redistribution..*0 A CCORDING to a table compiled from the Treasury statistics of in- come by the National City Bank of New York, the total of undistributed income for all corporations in the United States during the period from 1921 to 1933 inclusive, amounted to MINUS $9,700,- 000,000. President Roosevelt's administration, if daily news reports for months past are to be credited, would impose a tax on undistributed corporate income. The philosophy back of the administration's pro- posal is coming to be regarded more and more as sound economics, and it has oft been expressed in these columns. It has to do with the need for a certain amount of redistribution of income in our present national economy - a subtraction of a few ciphers from the upper income brackets and the addition of those ciphers to the cipherless lower income brackets. The facts substantiating this concept, taken from Federal government sources, reveal, as typ- ical, the situation in 1929 during which year 10.35 per cent of all those receiving income, or 5,175,- 600 people, received less than $500. More than 80 per cent of income receivers gained less than $2,- 000. At the same time a handful of people, 1.33 per cent to be exact, received 25.51 per cent of the total income, not to mention the envy of the rest of us. Starting from this generally-accepted premise, however, the Administration and others who seek to impose additional taxes on corporations have, in our opinion, gone slightly awry. In their en- deavour to get at the source of the excessive in- comes of a few, they have failed to realize that it is not the yields per unit of stock in corpora- tions that have been excessive, but the number of units which some people have been able to acquire and the excessive aggregate of non-excessive divi- dend payments which they have received. Further quoted from the National City Bank's compilation, all United States corporations ac- quired a total gross income of -hold your breath -$1,578,900,000,000. Of this total, the balance left after all expenses -including taxes and in- terest - amounted to the relatively small sum of $41,000,000,000. This balance amounts to 2.6 per cent of the total gross income. Now anyone saying that 2.6 per cent of the income from corporate productive activity, with 97.3 per cent going to the "other factors of pro- duction" is too much to become available to stockhold'ers, is, again in our opinion, "slightly awry.", If further taxes are not to be imposed on cor- porations, and if you believe that the way toward a redistribution of income lies through the medium of taxes, it seems much more to be desired to "soak the rich" through their personal income figures. If you believe that the way toward a redistribu- tion of income is not fundamentally through taxes, the most logical alternative is that espoused by Prof. Max Handman of the economics depart- ment - price adjustments downward which will, in effect, increase the purchasing power of con- sumers and thus their real income. France Votesr On Peace Vs. War .. . T ODAY the people of France go to the polls to elect 615 members of THE FORUM Letters published in this column should not be construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The Daily. Anonymous contributions will be disregarded. The names of communicants will, however, be regarded as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked to be brief, the editors reserving the right to condense all letters of over 300 words and to accept or reject fetters upon the criteria of general editorial imnortance and interest to the campus. Spring Parley A n d Thefaly To thu Editor: If the Spring Parley is to achieve any of the values hoped for, it is essential that honesty of purpose must be a driving force. Irrespective of differences of opinion that may exist before- hand and which may never be reconciled, the Par- ley can be of great benefit. But those who speak must do so with conviction and clarity; and those who listen and discuss have the responsibility of listening with accuracy, and when they get the floor, of interpreting or quoting what they have heard, with at least the intention of giving an hon.. est quotation or interpretation. Too many failures in either respect inevitably will mean the discon- tinuation of an excellent institution. Time for debate is short, and many rightfully wish to be heard. It follows that there is often no opportunity for a speaker either from the panel or the floor to defend a position when an attack is made: the Parley must get on to other things. However, when arguments remain unfinished with- in the meeting, no great harm is done; for everyone who heard the debate is still present, and having heard all that was said, can form his own conclu- sions. It is fortunate that when The Daily's report goes astray in some particular, ample opportunity exists for making a correction. When your head- line writer says the writer "Chides Engineers for Total Lack of Social Consciousness," he doesn't know what he is talking about. When a para- graph has me declaring against engineers in gov- ernment, it gives me a new idea; at least, I never entertained it before. I think it is a fine idea for engineers to take governmental posts, along with lawyers, physicians, and others. Royal S. Cope- land, M.D., is in the Senate. Is he there as a physi- cian, or as a senator? As a physician, he may and I hope does have a unique usefulness as a senator; but he's a senator nevertheless. Herbert Hoover was once an engineer, and maybe he is again; but when he was President, he was not and could not be an engineer. The Presidency is not that kind of a job. Unless we make such distinctions, we might someday send dentists to the legislature because our laws need more teeth in them. Un- less our reporters can follow such distinctions, they may do a queer job of reporting. The same paragraph has me saying that engi- neering students should not be expected to be skilled in the social sciences. Of course, no one is privileged to demand that all engineering stu- dents shall be so skilled; hence, there is a grain of truth in the statement as written. Let me say here that most of us in engineering education have long since grown tired of listening to blanket prescrip- tions for engineering curricula, as written in haste by well-intentioned but uninformed friends outside the profession. On the other hand, we heartily welcome the constructive suggestions of anyone who demonstrates that his knowledge of the prob- lems involved is more than superficial. Let the Parley and The Daily proceed. They are both indispensable. But let us recognize thatt the continued usefulness of both will depend some- what on the making of vital distinctions and ofr reasonably accurate interpretations. After all,r what are we here for? -A. D. Moore. Castes In India By JAMES A MILLS NASIK, India, April 25.-P(A)-Under the in-I .piration of Mahatma Gandhi and Pandi Malaviya wo of India's greatest spiritual leaders, thousands >f "untouchables," or social outcasts, are becoming 3aste Hindus. This is the first time in centuries that theI ill-powerful caste system has broken down.t Gandhi, who is devoting most of his time toE olving the problem of the "untouchables," says his curse must be removed if India is to attain her full status as an independent self-respecting ration. He is supported vigorously by Pandi Mala- iya, 75, head of Benares University, and himselfc i Brahmin, the highest caste in Hindus. Recently several hundred Harijans (untouch- ibles,) including Chamars, Mangs, and Mahars, vere given ritualistic immersions in the river here r The Conning Tower YE OLDE STUFFE Silk that is finer than silk, Steel that is sharper than steel, Robots, hormones, and their ilk- Fanciful fish in the creel. "So what?" you may audibly snicker. Well, a pineapple soda is slicker. Tours from Tobolsk to the tropics, Cars many ells to the wheelbase- These and a hundred such topics, Swell as they are, make me feel base: Gimme the dawn on my pillow, And sparrows that chirp by the willow. Words that are written are strenuous- Paintings that hang on the wall Are either by infants, or tenuous, And sculptuie is wildest of all: So let us be praising, ad-libbing, The joys of old-fashioned contribbing. -LEMUEL. Maybe Mr. C, Wayland Brooks will be Governor Landon's keynoter. We care not who makes the keynote speech of a nation as long as we don't have to listen to them. The extensive alteration which the Corn Ex- change Bank Trust Company has subjected the five-story building at 265 Broadway, between Chambers and Warren Streets, to... The Sun, Submitted by H. K. S. for the prepositional- postponement prize. The Retort Snappy, or Wit in the House (From the Congressional Record) Mr. BOYLAN. He is young and impulsive and needs a little seasoning, which he will probably get in time. (Laughter.) My admiration, my re- spect and love for the gentleman are so great that I would not put a stone in his way, but I do say that if he is left to himself he is liable to squirt himself out of his seat, and I would not like to see that happen. Mr. ZIONCHECK. Mr. Speaker, a point of order. The SPEAKER. The gentleman will state it. Mr. ZIONCHECK. The point of order is this: When I squirt myself out of my seat where will I squirt myself and who cares? Mr. BOYLAN. The gentleman will probably squirt himself into that oblivion from which he emanated. L RADIO By TUURE TENANDER rTHIS afternoon will be your last chance to hear the New York Philharmonic Symphony under the direction of Arturo Toscanini, pre- mier symphonic conductor of the present day. The program will in- clude: Symphonytin G minor, Mo- z ,rt; Overture to Lenore No. 3, Beethoven; and Symphony No. 7 in C major, Schubert. Incidentally, John Barbirolli, young European composer will conduct the first ten broadcasts of the Philharmonic next season. Barbirolli's work is prac- tically unknown here in America but one can hear him Tuesday by tuning in on a broadcast from London. A NEW program of dance music and leading song hits will be inaugu- rated over CBS at 10 p.m. Friday. The orchestra will be composed of 45 musicians under the direction of Andre Kostelanetz and will play all the dance movements of the present day, including fox trots, rhumbas, boleros and others. Kay Thompson and Ray Heatherton, vocalists, will also be heard on the program. A LA EVANS PLUMMER of Radio Guide, we'd like to submit a few prunes to Mr. Walter Cameron's talks on the Ford symphony hour on Sun- day evenings. Why such an excel- lent program should be subject to expositions of the rugged individual- ism philosophy is more than we can see. THE Sigmund Rombcrg Studio Par- ty is consistently a good program. This Monday night Cora Sue Col- lins and Lionel Barrymore will re- enact a scene from "Alice in Wonder- land." THURSDAY night promises to be a gala one, if only because of the program featuring Bing Crosby. The dramatis personae for the program will include Bing, Jimmy Dorsey's or- chestra, Bob Burns, Louis Prima's swing outfit, Una Merkle and Leo- pold Stokowski. All of which leads us to wonder just how the musical tastes of Messrs. Dorsey, Stokowski and Prima will jibe. TOMMY DORSEY and his orches- tra have replaced Isham Jones at the Blue Room of the Hotel Lincoln in New York City, and can be heard broadcasting from there several nights a week over CBS. UST so you won't be caught asleep at the switch, remember that all programs originating in the East will be on an hour earlier this week be- cause of the change to daylight sav- ing time. TH E SCREEN The tax collector follows you around like a hound dog on the heels of a rabbit. He does not care how poor you are. - American editorial. In fact, he prefers you to be poor; and if you are not, he soon will make you so. The American Newspaper Publishers are meet- ing this week, and there will be speeches about the freedom of the press. Well, this section of the press is free to express wonderment why the publishers don't invite a certain passionate be- liever in the freedom of the press to address them. We refer, gentlemen, to Heywood Broun of the American Newspaper Guild. SPRING ON THE MOPUS The "peepers" have been shrilling for three weeks, but that does not mean spring has come. Last Sunday we took our trowels and filled our baskets with enough hepaticas- blue and white and pink - to leave us breathless climbing Ker- ber hill. That is not the surest harbinger. But I am losing a finger-nail, for I have started build- ing wall. And that is absolute evidence that spring has come to Connecticut. On the five acres we have stopped chopping wood and clearing and burning. The frost has for a time now been out of the ground; even the last reluctant.patch of snow has been forced from its rock hollow. The mattock, the crowbar, and the rake have again appeared; and close to the cabin I am digging and assorting rock. Small ones are used for the road ruts, medium ones for road holes, large ones for my well. Every year I build a bit, every year I forget last year's lessons. Though I put on heavy gloves I forget flesh is weak when caught between stone and stone. So it was with the second rock I let down suddenly upon an- other, and two fingers abruptly shouted with pain. It was the old familiar pang. I couldn't cry because the lad would say, "Why build a wall? You should have called me; you shouldn't lift heavy stones." I ran to where he was shaping logs and walked around in circles for awhile, then took a rake and worked furiously. Soon the throbs lessened, and I removed my gloves. No skin broken this time, but the purplish black was showing strong. "Look," I said rather proudly, "guess I'll lose that nail all right; spring has come to the Mopus road!" -JILL. To which may be added "Spring Along the Saugatuck": Forsythia is now alive All along Conn One-O-Five. Suggested name, in honor of a sponsor, for the Landon ticket: Block Party. SUPPER IS I-CUMEN IN (From the Stamford, Conn., Advocate) A ye alde beanne supper will be served at the Baptist Church, tomorrow evening, from 5 to 7:30, under the auspices of the World Wide Guild. Tick- ets may be bought at the door. Revised song for the Bankers' Convention: "Just Teller That You Saw Me." card containing rules of conduct, and a cloth with sacred inscriptions on it. There are 60,000,000 "untouchables" in India. They present one of India's major problems. As a 'ule, they live in dire poverty and are shunned DAILY OFFICIAL I U LJLI :T IN PUbilcat2,,n lit the Bul lu'ti I ,C).. l be t ICe toall ',ti)e 'r. (it trt swvwslty. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the Presidaent Wtn 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday (Continued from Page 3) Contemporary: Manuscripts for the fourth issue should be left in the English office, 3221 Angell Hall, as soon as possible. Members of the Faculty: In order to assure accommodations for the Michigan Schoolmaster's Club din- ner, Friday evening, May 1, at which Dr. John Dewey is to be the guest speaker, members of the faculty are urged to get their tickets in Room 4. University Hall, not later than Tues day afternoon, April 28. A cademic Notices Geological Field Courses in Colo- rado: Students planning to enroll in the field courses given in Colorado from June 22 to August 14 are re- quested to attend a meeting in Room 2054, Natural Science Building, at 7 p.m., Tuesday, April 28. Professor Lvering will give a lec- ture on the geology of the camp area, illustrated with colored lantern slides and movies. All those interested are invited to attend. Announcements regarding t h e courses will be made at this time. Astronomy 31, 1 p.m. section. Make-up bluebook April 28 (Tues- day), 2 to 4 p.m., at the Observatory, corner of East Ann and Observatory streets. Lecture Public Lecture: "Islamic Decora- tive Arts," by Dr. Mehmet Aga-Oglu. Illustrated. Sponsored by the Re- search Seminary in Islamic Art Mon- day, April 27, 4:15 p.m., in Room D, Alumni Memorial Hall. Admission free. Events Of Today First Methodist Church: Dr. C. W. Brashares will preach on "Teach Me to Pray" at 10:45 a.m. Stalker Hall: 12 noon, Dr. E. W. Blakeman will lead a discussion on the subject "The Meaning of the Oxford Oath." This is the first in a "Peace-War" series of discussions. 6 p.m., Wesleyan Guild meeting. Under the chairman- ship of Herbert Soper there will be a discussion following the Spring Parley on the topic "Our Tomorrow-- What Shall We Make It?" Reports of the various sections will be given by members of the group. 7 p.m. Fellowship hour and supper. First Presbyterian Church: I Meeting in the Masonic Temple, 327 South Fourth. Ministers, William P. Lemon and Norman W. Kunkel. 9:45 a.m., Westminster Forum for Youth. The leader for this Sunday will be Prof. Howard McClusky. 10:45 a.m., morning worship with sermon by Norman W. Kunkel. Sub- ject: "Youth Raises Its Voice." 6:00 p.m., Supper meeting of the Westminster Guild. The subject for discussion at the meeting is to be "Tomorrow's World-What Shall We Make of It?" led by Rose Perrin. The high points of the Parley will be con- sidered. Harris Hall: Regular student meet- ing in Harris Hall this evening at seven o'clock. Professor Robert B. Hall will be the speaker. All students and their friends are cordially invited. Saint Andrew's Episcopai Church: Services of worship today are: 8:00 a.m., Holy Communion; 9:30 a.m., Church School; 11:00 a.m., Kinder- garten; 11:00 a.m., Morning Prayer and Sermon by The Reverend Henry Lewis. -------- First Baptist Church: 10:45 a.m., Mr. Sayles will speak on "Reverence for Life." Sunday School at 9:30 a.m. Dr. Waterman's class at Guild House at 9:45. Roger William Guild: Students Class omitted on account of closing session of Spring Parley. 6:00 p.m., Students at Guild House, 503 E. Huron. A panel of six stu- dents who have listened to the dis-I cussions at the Spring Parley will dis- cuss the bearing of the main ethical and religious issues raised. Gordon Stow in charge. Social hour, with refreshments will follow program. Church of Christ (Disciples) : 10:45 a.m., Church worship service. Rev. Fred Cowin, minister. 12 noon: Students' Bible Class. Leader, H. L.. Pickerill, campus minister. The study of Immortality will be con- tinued. 5:30 p.m., Social hour. 15 cent supper will be served. 6:30 p.m., Discussion hour. The topic will be "The Parley-What did we get from it?" Members who have1 been assigned to visit various sections will present reports. Congregational Church: 10:30 a.m., service of worship andl religious education. Guest speaker,' St. Paul's Lutheran Church: Carl A. Brauer, Pastor. 9:30 a.m., Church School. 9:30 a.m., divine service in German. 10:45 a.m., morning worship. Ser- mon subect: "The Good Shepherd." The Student Walther League will attend the Zone Rally at Trinity Church, Wyandotte in the afternoon and evening. Cars will leave the church at 1:30 p.m. Lutheran Student Club: Walter Bietila, University of Michigan mem- ber of the Olympic Skiing team, will speak to the club of which he is a member, this evening in the parish hall on Washington Street. He will tell us of his experiences with the Olympic team in Germany this winter. All Lutheran students are invited. The talk will follow supper at 6 p.m. Unitarian Church, 11 a.m., service, "Altruism" (based partly on recent biography of Theodore Parker). 8:00 p.m., Liberal Students Union will meet following annual Church supper. Ilillel Foundation Sunday evening Forum: James Ellmann, president of the Zionist organization of Detroit, will speak on "What Zionism Means to Me," 'at 8 p.m. Varsity Glee Club: Full rehearsal for important concerts at 4:30. Choral Union Rehearsal: There will be a full rehearsal of the University Choral Union at 2:30 p.m. at the School of Music Auditorium on May- nard Street. All members are ex- pected to be present. Scalp and Blade meeting in the Union at 5:30 p.m. Plans will be formulated for the Annual Spring Formal and the Spring Stag. Mem- bers will please attend as this meet- ing is of grave importance. Phi Eta Sigma, freshman honorary fraternity, has been very fortunate in securing Professor Peterson, of the Economics Department, as the speak- er for a dinner today at 6:30 p.m. in the Union. The business will in- clude the plans for the coming ini- tiation. Members are requested to sign at the Union as usual. Genesee Club meeting at 5:15 p.m. at the Union. Coming Events Economics Club: Dr. Edgar M. Hoover, instructor in economics, of Harvard University will address the Economics Club on Monday, ApriiN27, at 7:30 p.m. Room 302 Union. Mem- bers of the staffs in Economics and Business Administration, and grad- uate students in these departments, are cordially invited to attend. Acolytes will meet Tuesday, April 28, 7:30 p.m., Room 202 South Wing. Prof. Max S. Handman, of the De- partment of Economics, will speak on "The Decline of Capitalism as Re- ligion." All graduate students in Philosophy are invited to attend. U. of WM. Public Health Club is hav- ing a meeting April 27 at 8 p.m., Michigan League. This meeting will be in the form of a reception for our new students in the Federal School. A good male voice accompanied by a piano will be part of the entertainment. All active members are urged to be on hand to receive these new addi- tions to our Public Health Dept. To make it a total success we also urged the Federal students to come and get acquainted with their fellow students. Michigan Dames Homemaking Group will hold its annual pot-luck supper at 6:15 p.m. Tuesday, April 28, in the Russian Tea Room of the Michigan League. For reservations or cancellations, please call Mrs. Haines not later than Sunday night, April 26. (Phone 730F21). The faculty advisors will speak in- formally on hobbies, and each mem- bers is asked to bring a copy of her favorite recipe and of her most ec- onomigal recipe. Music Section, Faculty Women's Club: Meeting at 8 p.m. Thursday evening, April 30, at the home of Mrs. George G. Brown, 1910 Hill Street. The speaker will be Mr. McGeoch,ofthe School of Music and his subject is "The Music of the May Festival." Members who will attend will please notify Mrs. A . J. Eardley, phone 4021. An invitation is extended to other members of the Faculty Women's Club who may be interested, and who will also notify Mrs. Eardley of their intention to at- tend the meeting. Monday Evening Drama Section of the Faculty Women's Club will hold their annual dinner meeting Monday, April 27, at the Haunted Tavern, at 6:30 p.m. Telephone Mrs. AT THE MAJESTIC "THE SINGING KID" A Warner Brothers' Picture, starring Al Jolson, featuring Sybil Jason, Cab Calloway, Edward Everett Horton, and 'lThe Yaht Club Boys. Directed by Wil- liam Keighley. With a generous amount of "Mam- my," a lot of ballyhoo about "the show business," and several fair songs, the best of which is "I Love to Sing-a," Al Jolson again comes to us as his same old self. This time he is Al Jackson, a fa- mous and very busy'Broadway show- man whose lawyer and fiancee run out on him taking most of his money. Overwork causes him to ose his voice and necessitates his taking a vacation in Maine where he meets "the girl" and her little niece both of whom charm him back to health, wealth, and the proverbially subse- quent happiness. If it were not for Edward Everett Horton, Sybil Jason, Cab Calloway's band, and Warner Brothers' extrava- gant method of presenting songs, there would be scarcely anything to recommend "The Singing Kid." And as it is there is very Litt e. There are no new ideas, few comic oppor- tunities for the assortment of person- alities in the picture, and not even a fresh twist to the extremely stale plot. Jolson's as well as every other one's acting is all routine, and it re- sults in the sort of picture in which a discerning audience can vision at the end of each scene what went on when it was finished on the set. Everyone was too busy rushing the picture through to bother putting much into it. -C.B.C. Europe Becomes Model For China In Place Of U.S. NANKING, China, April 25. - (IP) - Once the model for China's effort to bridge thedgap between the mid- dle and mnoder'n ages, the United States gradually is giving place to Europe as a source of inspiration and technical assistance. China at last has come to realize that American achievements in ef-1