PAGE FOUR i1i1EMICHIGAN IDAILY SATURDAY, APUi IL , 19 G t THE MICHIGAN DAILY Publisned every morning except Monday during tho University year and Summer Session by the Board in Control of Student Publications. MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matter herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor. Michigan as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by mal., $4.50. Representatives: National Advertising Service, Inc., 420 Madison Ave., New York City; 400 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, Ill. EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT Telephone 4925 BOARD OF EDITORS KANAGING EDITOR ..............THOMAS H. KLEENE ASSOCIATE EDITOR...............THOMAS E. GROEHN Dorothy S. Gies Josephine T. McLean William R. Reed DEPARTMENTAL BOARDS Publication Department: Thomas H. Kleene, Chairman; Clinton B. Conger, Robert Cummins, Richard G. Her- shey, Ralph W. Hurd, Fred Warner Neal. Reportorial Department: Thomas E. Groehn, Chairman; Elsie A. Pierce, Joseph S. Mattes. Editorial Department: Arnold S. Daniels, Marshall D. Shulman. Rports Department: William R. Reed, Chairman: George Andros, Fred Buesser, Fred DeLano, Ray Goodman. Women's Departmen,: Josephine T. McLean, Chairman; Josephine M. Cavanagh, Florence H. Davies, Marion T. Holden, Charlotte D. Rueger, Jewel W. Wuerfel. BUSINESS DEPARTMENT Telephone 2-1214 BUSINESS MANAGER...........GEORGE H. ATHERTON CREDIT MANAGER............ JOSEPH A. ROTHRARD WOMEN'S BUSINESS MANAGER .... MARGARET COWIE WOMEN'S SERVICE MANAGER ...ELIZABETH SIMONDS DEPARTMENTAL MANAGERS Local Advertising, William Barndt; Service Department, Willis Tomlinson; Contracts, Stanley Joffe; Accounts, Edward Wohlgemuth; Circulation and National Adver- tising, John Park; Classified Advertising and Publica- tions, Lyman Bittman. NIGHT EDITOR: ROBERT CUMMINS order to preserve mismanagement or obsolescence of machines in a certain industry. A decrease in tariffs, especially an eimination of high protective tariffs, would also be a great stimulus towards ending this suicidal rush fo new markets. Many a nation today, especially those who normally export to the United States which has the highest tariffs in the world, would not be seeking in vain now for new markets and a source of raw materials if it were allowed t exchange its goods for those of countries around it. By such means could the impetus to the race for markets be eliminated, and without changing the capitalistic system more than it is in England today. And not only could one of the roots o0 war be destroyed, but it could well result in the economic amelioration of the civilized people o1 the world. Primitivismn i Massahuses.. . ENRY LEWIS MENCKEN once held a long investigation to determine which is the most "civilized" state in the Union. Long sets of tables were carefully computed, and after two months of work it was announced in The American Mercury that Massachusetts led the field. That was four years ago, and by now Mencken most likely realizes his error. Less than a month ago the state legislature of Massachusetts con- firmed the law requiring all educators to take the Teachers' Oath of loyalty. Two days ago two grammar school children were sentenced to terms of five years in the reformatory for refusing to take the Pledge of Allegiance. The children, sister and brother, are Disciples of Jehovah, and are pre- vented by their religious beliefs from taking the Pledge. Adding a new note to the ridiculous tenor of the affair, a national official of the Daughters of the American Revolution has announced that the children are criminals, that their father is an alien and should be deported, and that the fam- ily should show more gratitude to the nation which has given them an opportunity to "make a living." It is hard to believe that only four years ago Massachusetts was called the most civilized state in the union, but the reason for the change is not hard to discover. It is summed up in the name James Michael Curley, three-times Mayor of Bos- ton, alderman, common-councilman, legislative- representative, Congressman and at present Gov- ernor of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Long a thorn in the side of the Democratic party, Curley attended the Cleveland convention in 1932 as the representative from Puerto Rico, because his home state refused to delegate him. Since that time, Curley has been snubbed by Washington, and relegated to a minor spot in the Democratic roster. Even our national leaders are unwilling to trust his rough and ready style of ward politics. And it is through his bold sys- tem of patronage that Curley has smashed all that was good in Massachusetts government. The most dangerous thing that he has done was the changing of the parole rules so that the board became a completely political affair. Minor of- fenses are his fantastic expenditures, his support of the Teachers' Oath and the frank selling of high offices which has characterized his regime. The corruption which has led to as ridiculous an affair as the sending of the two children to the reformatory can be directly traced to Curley's activities. He has destroyed every remnant of liberty under law in Massachusetts, has laughed at the ethics of decent government and made of the State house a muck-hole of corruption. The only hope which the state has of ridding itself of him is a Republican landslide in the next election. And it will take a new generation of Republicans to rebuild their party machine, which has been smashed by the Curley power. Foolishness Nip ed.*** I N ESTIMATING the effect of sanc- tions upon Italy, Time Magazine for this week comments as follows: "Exports were cut almost 50 per cent. The country most effective in applying sanctions was Yugoslavia, which bought only $300 worth of Italian goods in February. The U.S. profited most from trading with outlawed Italy, her exports from November, 1935, through February, 1936, increasing $2,148,000 over the same period the year before.'' Some of our more impractical compatriots have from time to time suggested that we join the League of Nations. It is just a matter of sound reasoning that if we were to join, it would mean that we would have to impose sanctions on our- selves, and as every hard-headed business man knows, this would be very foolish, in view of our increasing profits. To cut our profits just when they are beginning to rise would aggravate the employment problem. It's just a matter of com- mon sense. Capita ism And Warfae. . NE OF THE SPEAKERS at the peace assembly Tuesday pointed out that he believed our decadent capitalistic system necessitates warfare because of the pres- sure it exerts upon business to seek new markets, causing strife between nations' in their constant striving for these ever-diminishing markets. This speaker advocated for this reason the changing of the capitalistic system for that of a socialistic one. Unfortunately he neglected in his elucidation of his opinions the possibility of re- forming or modifying the capitalistic system in, such a manner that this relentless and violent competition for new markets may be eliminated. For this reason alone the capitalistic system can- not be called unjustifiable, for there is nothing inherent in the capitalistic system which will cause war. For instance the excess goods that are exported because no market can be found for them in the home country could be used to a great advan- tage by the people of that country with low in- comes, and these number more than three fourths of the population. This could be done by increas- ing the purchasing power of the people by various means, such as redistribution of the income through income taxes and pensions, by increasing the bargaining power of labor, or by lowering prices. Whatever the means may be, it is quite possible, mainly through more government con- trol, to shift our productive capacity into serving ourselves, instead of foisting marketless goods upon Chinese or other foreigners. The role of monopolies in causing competition for new markets can scarcely be over-estimated. Since monopolies limit their production in order to make the greatest profit, they are left with productive capacity which could be put to use in producing goods to be sold at a very low price in foreign countries. Such a practice is known as dumping, and is very common in monopolies. What they are really doing is selling goods cheap- ly to foreigners and on the other hand selling the same goods to Americans at very high prices. This continual search for new markets in which to sell goods cheaply at the expense of Americans could be eliminated by a more drastic attack upon monopolies and the spreading of a realization of The Conning Towerj r - - MINISTER Sing ho for the life of a minister, Protected and carefree and gay- o Whose day contains nothing that's sinister, Who lives in perpetual May. His life is assuredly the best of all; e His luck is a joy to record- Except when, in moments of festival, fHe visits a hospital ward. e The work of a pastor is genial; No duty to make humans quail- Though sometimes a chore may seem menial, Like greeting a prisoner in jail. Fate owes to the cloth no indemnity; In smiles holy features abound: Still, oft there is show of solemnity- Mayhap on a burial ground. So sing to the pit and the gallery The minister's freedom from strife, From worriment over his salary And all the grim mishaps of life! -A. BURSTEIN. The Conning Tower's congratulations to Mr. Clark B. Firestone for his book about the rivers of the Middle West, "Sycamore Shores." Often we have wondered what had become of him. In 1904, and for a few years after that, Mr. Fire- stone was an editorial writer for the Evening Mail. His was the boomingest voice ever heard by any of the Mail's staff. His "Boy!" could have been heard in the Evening Post office, across the street. When Rube Goldberg, whose desk was nearest to Fire- stone's, first heard that rafter-shaking barytone, he said, "That guy'd just waste money telephon- ing." "If we are to be fortified against a youth move- ment which may tear down the building of which they know not," said Mrs. William A. Bencker, president general of the D.A.R., "and set civiliza- tion back countless ages, let American citizens Ilook to their homes and their communities, and provide character training and occupation for their youth." Yes, ma'am, and if the Daughters of the Revolution (1776) and Mr. Hearst don't like the way American citizens are looking to their homes and their communities, the D.A.R. and Mr. Hearst will tell American citizens just how to look and where -such as under the bed for nassy ole Communist - and will also tell American citizens just what character training and occupation youth ought to have. Rome was 2,689 years old yesterday. Romulus and Remus are dead, but their lupine nurse still is at my door. CINEMA SOLILOQUY (After seeing "Pettticoat Fever" and "The Bride Comes Home") Strange is the way of a man with a maid; But stranger, I ween, Is the way a man's way with a maid is portrayed On the screen. -JUNIUS COOPER. That impression may have been created. In- deed, I saw a banker and a utility man gaze in my direction and then go into a whispering buzz about. my dinner coat. I thought I heard one of them say, "The dirty proletarian." - Heywood Broun in the World-Telegram. No. What he probably said was "The dirty din- ner coat." Of course, the financial concert will include "I Know a Bank Where the Wild Dime Grows." And Russel Crouse says that he will sing M'oney That I Love So Well." And the bankers' children probably recite "A diller, $1." The newspaper publishers are discussing the maintenance of a free press, most of which seems to be academic discussion. The publishers have the power to keep the press free, and that free- 'dom is a privilege which carries with it an exactly equal responsibility. We have been employed by various newspapers, some freer than others. Yet never has our free- dom been questioned by a publisher. But that is not enough. Sometimes we have felt that we were not interfered with because our stuff was sur- charged with syrup, or was drooping with gallop- ing anemia. It is easy enough to shout the battle cry of press freedom, but we don't know what the shout- ing is for. That there is a partisan press, a press that colors its news stories and places what we consider wrong emphasis on its news there is no doubt; nor is any paper utterly free from bias; sooner or later, for periods varying from a fleeting instant to eternity, newspapers get the messianic complex . . . Nobody with unrestricted power is without the desire to set things right, to re- mold things to the heart's desire. Nor is hope mortal. For we still think that we can make the Commissioner of Licenses do something about the newsstands next to subway stations, newsstands that so narrow the adjacent sidewalks that they constitute an inconvenience and a menace. We hope that we can make him do something about it; and years of experience have taught us that we can't do any such thing. For what said Lord Byron? Come gather round us and we'll tell you: The Journal looks on Marathon, And Marathon looks nn the R - PP [ DRAMA- ESTELLE WINWOOD'S "LUCK" By ROBERT HENDERSON (Director of the 1936 Dramatic Season) Through my association with the theatre festivals I have worked with and watched at work nearly all of the distinguished actresses of the American stage. With the exception of the Lunts, Miss Cornell and Miss Hayes, Ann Arbor has had the im- portant stars of our theatre. Of all those I have known I feel the two finest artists have been Miss Win- wood, and Eugenie Leontovich who appeared in the festival two years ago in "And So To Bed" and who is now the sensation of the London sea- son in "Tovarich." Estelle Winwood does not especial- ly enjoy this coupling of names. As an actress she admires Leontovich; as a person her British reticence shrinks from the Russian emotional- ism of Leontovich. Last summer in London Sybil Thordike, Miss Win- wood and Leontovich met after the play in a restaurant. To Miss Win- wood, Leontovich seemed affected and theatric. It is the innate English sense of breeding that suspects every other nationality of a lack of taste. Actually, barring the fact that one is Russian and the other English, the two are extraordinarily similar in their work and their art. Both, off the stage and in their rehearsals, are simple intent craftsmen, indefatig- able workers. On the stage, in per- formance, both are the essence of temperament. Both are exotiques. In other words, Miss Winwood, like Leontovich, works in the mould of the theatre that is theatre. She has be- come famous for her eyes --larger even than Joan Crawford's - for her bangs, for the 18th century mould of her lips. All these are the externals which have built up the legend and glamor of Estelle Winwood. These' are the excressances that make her the darling and delight of the New York critics. Underneath this very definite fas- cination -only Mary Garden can walk across the stage as excitingly as Miss Winwood - there is an artist who probably knows as much or more of her trade than any other actress in the country. It is not generally known that Miss Winwood founded and directed for four years the Liverpool Repertory Theatre, one of the first of its kind in England and the only one still run- ning successfully. It is this back- ground that makes her able to play a sweet old woman like Lady Emily in "The Bishop Misbehaves" or the. sybil tragedy of her Constance in "The Ugly Runts"; or the street- walkers who act like ladies, and the ladies who act like street-walkers which have made her reputation as a New York star. She is famous for "stealing" shows; in "The Circle," in "The Little Jour- ney," in "Scarlet Sister Mary," in the amusing case of "Spring Clean- ing" where Violet Heming was left high and dry in the same cast by Miss Winwood's brilliant perform- ance, indeed in "The Distaff Side" last season with Dame Sybil, she in- variably makes you leave the theatre. thinking she is the only actress in the cast. "Oh yes," I remember one star speaking of Miss Winwood, "but who couldn't 'steal' a play with the won- derful parts that woman gets." This winter, when I was in the cast with Miss Winwood in "I Want a Police- man," I witnessed the rebuttal of the story that she could only make a success of a good part. In "I Want a Policeman," I give you my word, she had in her role of Lady Breen as stupid and inept and dull a role as I have ever read. It was unbelievable that she would ac- cept such a part. And then, during the three weeks of the play out of town, I saw her by the sheer mastery of her technique-of her art, really -twist and turn that pitiful part un- til it became rare and amusing and' the hit of the show. People used to pour back into her dressingroom and congratulate her on her luck in get- ting such an amusing part. Again, they said, the Winwood luck had worked. Again Estelle Winwood had' picked herself a "fat" part which stole the show. To all this, Miss Win- wood would smile in appreciation and admit that, yes, her "luck" was still with her! +BOOKS +: THE NEW YORKER BOOK OF' VERSE; an Anthology of Poems First Published in the New Yorker, 1925-35; $2.50; Harcourt, Brace' and Company.! By DON T. SMITH A great writer once wrote that the world is full of poetry; the air is liv- ing with its spirit, and the waves, dance to the music of its melodies, and sparkle in its brightness. By even a rapid persual of this anthology, one feels that the editors had suh a thuanoht in mind wheni (Continued from Page 3) This meeting will be in the form of a reception for our new students in the Federal School. A good male voice accompanied by a piano will be part of the entertainment. All active members are urged to be on hand to receive these new addi-, tions to our Public Health Dept. To make it a total success we also urged the Federal students to come and get acquainted with their fellow students. Graduate Outing Club will have an early morning bird hike, Sunday, April 26. The group will meet at 6:00 a.m. in the park behind the Museum at the corner of Geddes Ave. and Forest. Breakfast will be served for approximately 15 cents. All graduate students are cordially invited to attend. Choral Union Rehearsal: There will be a full rehearsal of the University Choral Union Sunday, April 26, at 2:30 p.m., at the School of Music Auditorium on Maynard Street. All members are expected to be present. Genesee Club meeting Sunday, April 26, 5:15 p.m. at the Union. Monday Evcening Drama Section of the Faculty Women's Club will hold their annual dinner meeting Monday, April 27, at the Haunted Tavern, at 6:30 p.m Telephone Mrs. Win. R. Taylor for reservations. Bibliophiles of The Faculty Wom- en's Club will meet on Tuesday, April 28, 2:30 p.m., at the home of Mrs. W. T. Dempster, 401 W. Hoover Ave. The study of French Drama will be continued. Michigan Dames Homemaking Group will hold its annual pot-luck supper at 6:15 p.m. Tuesday, April 28, in the Russian Tea Room of the Michigan League. For reservations or cancellation's, please call Mrs. Haies not later than Sunday night', April 26. (Phone 730F21) . The faculty advisors will speak in- formally on hobbies, and each mem- bers is asked to bring a copy of her favorite recipe and of her most ec- onomical recipe. First Methodist Church, Sunday: Dr. C. W. Brashares will preach on "Teach Me to Pray" at 10:45 a.m. Stalker Hall, Sunday: 12 noon, Dr. E. W. Blakeman will lead a discussion on the subject "The Meaning of the Oxford Oath." This is the first in a "Peace-War" series of discussions. 6, p.m., Wesleyan Guild meeting. Under the chairman- ship of Herbert Soper there will be a discussion following the Spring Parley on the topic "Our Tomorrow- What Shall We Make It?" Reports of the various sections will be given by members of the group. 7 p.m. Fellowship hour and supper. Harris hll, Sunday: The regular student meeting will be held in Harris Hall at 7 p.m. Prof. Robert B. Hall of the Geography De- partment will be the speaker for the evening. All students and their friends are cordially invited. Saint Andrew's Epsicopal Church, Sunday: Services of worship are: 8:00 a.m., erage of the verse is more serious in tone than the publication from which it is staken. Even the lighter verse seems to have a definite idea besides nonsense or mere flippancy. That the world is full of poetry and subjects for poetry one is con- vinced if he reads every poem in this anthology. Subjects run from hotel lobbies to New England meeting houses, from Harlem to Bohemia, from Manhatten taxi-cabs to the open road, from the sweet and in- nocent to the sophisticated lady. The book is arranged in seasonal divisions rather than topical or emo- tional. The poems, that is, are divid- ed into twelve sections, one for each month, so that the reader, in a soft May mood, can get May poetry with- out skipping around. According to the preface, the pub- lisbers selected the 300 poems in the collection from more than 4,000 which appeared in the first ten years' is- sues of The New Yorker, and when one realizes the 4,000 were selected from some 90,000 which found their way into their offices than it is fair to assume the poems may all be clev- er, which they are indeed. The New Yorker Book of Verse containsepoemsby more than100 contributors, almost all of whom will be familiar to readers of poetry. A few names, however may seem a lit- tle startling. Ring Lardner is repre- sented, for instance, and so is Rollin Kirby. The others are well-known. Franklin P. Adams (who incidentaly pens The Conning Tower), Conrad Aiken, Joseph Auslander, Stephen Vincent Benet, Robert Tristram Cof- fin, Phlyyis McGinley, Christopher AT or t'"rrrl r - 1 - %- -+1 " -1. holy communion; 9:30 a.m., Church School; 11:00 a.m., kindergarten, 11 a.m., Morning prayer and sermon by The Reverend Henry Lewis. Congregational Church, Sunday: 10:30 a.m., service of worship and religious education. Guest speaker, Dr. Thomas E. Jones, president of Fisk University. Subject, "Toward Racial Understanding." Prof. Preston Slosson will speak on "Wilson, Peace by Law." 6 p.m., Student Fellowship. Fol- lowing the supper, Dr. Jones of Fisk University will speak. The Fisk Ju- bilee Singers will be guests, and lead the group in the singing of Negro spirituals. First Presbyterian Church, Sunday: Meeting in the Masonic Temple, 327 South Fourth. Ministers, William P. Lemon and Norman W. Kunkel. 9:45 a.m., Westminster Forum for Youth. The leader for this Sunday will be Prof. Howard McClusky. 10:45 a.m., morning worship with sermon by Norman W. Kunkel. Sub- ject: "Youth Raises Its Voice." 6:00 p.m., Supper meeting of the Westminster Guild. The subject for discussion at the meeting is to be "Tomorrow's World-What Shall We Make of It?" led by Rose Perrin. The high points of the Parley will be con- sidered. St. Paul's Lutheran Church, Sun- day: Carl A. Brauer, Pastor. 9:30 a.m., Church School. 9:30 a.m., divine service in German. 10:45 a.m., morning worship. Ser- mon subject: "The Good Shepherd." The Student Walther League will attend the Zone Rally at Trinity Church, Wyandotte in the afternoon and evening. Cars will leave the church at 1:30 p.m. Trinity Lutheran Church, Sunday: Henry 0. Yoder, pastor. Church worship service at 10:30. Sermon will be delivered on the theme "A Question and a Commission" by the pastor of the church. Anthem will be "Thou art the Son of God" by Herbert. The Lutheran Student Club will meet at 5:30 p.m. for fellowship and supper hour. Mr. Walter Beitila, one of the Lutheran students, who was a member of the American Olympic skiing team will speak on his trip to Germany and Norway at 6:45 in Zion Lutheran Parish Hall, 309 E. Washington. Church of Christ (Disciples), Sun- day: 10:45 a.m., Church worship service. Rev. Fred Cowin, minister. 12 noon: Students' Bible Class. Leader, H. L. Pickerill, campus minister. The study of Immortality will be con- tinued. 5:30 p.m., Social hour. 15 cent supper will be served. 6:30 p.m., Discussion hour. The topic will be "The Parley-What did we get from it?" Members who have been assigned to visit various sections will present reports. Lutheran Student Club: Walter Bietila, University of Michigan mem- ber of the Olympic Skiing team, will speak to the Lutheran Student club of which he is a member, Sunday evening in the parish hall on Wash- ington Street. He will tell of his experiences with the Olympic team in Germany this winter. All Lutheran students are invited. The talk will follow supper at 6 p.m. Uritarian Church, Sunday: 11 a.m., Morning service, "Altru- ism" (based partly on recent bio- graphy of Theodore Parker.) 8:00 Liberal Students Union will meet fol- lowing Annual Church supper. hillel Foundation Sunday evening Forum: James Ellmann, president of the Zionist organization of Detroit, will speak on "What Zionism Means to Me," at 8 p.m. Ann Arbor Friends (Quakers)- Sunday: Michigan League, 5:00 p.m. Meet- ing for worship. Discussion: "Mysti- cism," Prof. Bennett Weaver. Those who wish may stay for cafeteria sup- per at the League. Ann Arbor Friends and others in- terested are especially invited to the "May Breakfast" of the Detroit In- dependent Friends' meeting, Sunday, May 3, at 9:00 a.m., Y.W.C.A., Mont- calm and Witheral Sts., Detroit. Ad- dress, "Quaker Frontiers." Meeting for worship. If you are interested in securing or furnishing transporta- tion, communicate with Arthur Dun- ham, 1217 W. Huron St., Ann Arbor (7830). First Baptist Church, Sunday: 10:45 a.m., Mr. Sayles will speak on "Reverence for Life. Sunday School at 9:30 a.m. Dr. Waterman's class at Guild House at 9:45. 4 DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin Is constructive notice to all menmbers of the *alverslty. Copy received at the ottice of the Assistant to the President mat 3w ;11 :00 a.m. on Saturday. THE FORUM Letters published in this column should not be construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The Daily. Anonymous contributions will be disregarded. The names of communicants will, however, be regarded as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked to be brief, the editors reserving the right to condense all letters of over 300 words and to accept or reject letters upon the criteria of general editorial Inortance and interest to the campus. Relief In New Jersey To the Editor:' I have just heard the March of Time, and the most discouraging event which I have ever en- countered, has been dramatized. The State of New Jersey has, temporarily at least, withdrawn relief from its indigent families, and in one area, the only solution which the "town fathers" could, decide upon, was to give the poor permits to beg from their fellow townsmen! I am an American, even a Southerner, and I have all the respect in the world for our institutions and ideals, but when I hear of such an event taking place, I am filled with apprehension. When the government begins to use an "I don't care" policy in respect to these matters, we are headed' for destruction in one way or another. Discontent, which such a plan must inevitably breed, will have a result which we should all fear and therefore fight against with all the resources at our com- mand. We have all seen in the past few years what has taken place in Europe through the machina- tions of dictators and would-be dictators. Every one of these men, and their followers, have played on the dissatisfaction of the people with the exist- ing form of government and general state of af- fairs in their country. Yet we are encouraging this very same thing in our country, and not only that, but are doing nothing to curtail it. Potential dictators seize on opportunties such as these to boost themselves to power, and believe me there are nlenty of notentin idictators in this