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April 24, 1936 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1936-04-24

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G.O.P.. Meeting
To Be Held In
Detroit Today
Leaders Are Faced With
Republican Division On
Briicker-Couzens Split
Brucker is Strongeri
Support For Vandenberg
As Presidential Choice
Also Raises Problem
Delegates to the State Republican
Convention in Detroit today will be
confronted in the course of their ses-
sion with one large question mark -
former governor Wilber M. Brucker,
now in the field for the senatorial
nomination to the seat of the present
incumbent, Sen. James A. Couzens.
Along with that question mark is
being raised the ugly spectre of party
harmony, with fears that favoritism
shown to either candidate by the con-
venition may in the long run be dis-
astrous to Republican interests in
As the situation rests now, county
conventions in the state have, by
a ratio of more than ten to one,
adopted resolutions favoring Bruck-
er over Couzens, or at least endorsing
Brucker while ignoring Couzens. A
group of service men have intended
to carry the issue to the floor of the
convention hall, by asking the meet-
ing to go on record endorsing Bruck-
er for the senatorial nomination and,
censuring Senator Couzens for "par-'
ty irregularity," and late last night
Vhe Republican Servicemen's League,
of which many members are delegates
to the convention, proclaimed that
intention by adopting a resolution to
..at effect.
May Still Preserve Peace
Peace inside the party may still
be preserved in that event, it is felt,
if a resolution endorsing Couzens is
put through the convention simul-
taneously with one endorsing Bruck-
er, but the party organization will
thus be left in an almost untenable
position if they wish to work for
Brucker and against the present sen-
ator during the pre-primary cam-
paigns in early September.
Organization Republicans have been
prone to view with foreboding ad-
vances wings of the Democratic party
made to induce the incumbent Sen-
ator to run on the Democratic ticket,
and it has long been pointed out that
Couzens has more frequently voted
for than against the New Deal on
important questions of policy.
Even if the issue is dodged on the
endorsement of senatorial candidates,
party leaders fail to see at the present
moment how it can possibly be avoid-
ed when delegates-at-large to' the
National Convention, July 9, in Cleve-
land are named. The convention
picks four delegates-at-large and
four alternates, and the posts are
usually given to former governors
and others similarly respected by the
Original plans had been to name
former governor Fred W. Green, Gov-
ernor Frank D. Fitzgerald, former
governor Chase S. Osborn, and
Brucker, but. when party men who
feel that Couzens' potential voting
strength is too strong to ignore put
forth the argument that it would be
showing favoritism to name Brucker
and not Couzens, it was felt that
Herbert J. Rushton of Escanaba, a
former state senator, should be sub-
Alger Named Delegate
Osborn then wrote Governor Fitz-
gerald that he would prefer not to be

named if the place could better be
given someone else to promote har-
mony. As a result, his place is sched-
uled to go to Mrs. Fred M. Alger of
Detroit to sooth the Wayne county
bloc, which feels it is entitled to at
least one delegate-at-large. In grant-
ing it to her, party leaders have
hoped to make her content to drop
her fight for the national committee-
woman's post now held by Mrs. Jacob
Steketee of Grand Rapids. But here.
again the Republican ,Servicemen's
League has complicated matters by
endorsing Mrs. Alger for the national'
post over Mrs. Steketee. The na-
tional committeewoman is electedby
the Michigan delegates at the na-
tional convention.
And at the last minute now Bruck-
er himself, who has been thought will-

Offered As Haven For Foreigners In Addis A bao(

hoffman Calls
For Hearing On
Townsend Plan,
DETROIT, April 23.-(- U) -Rcp
'Lne E. Hoffman, )Rep., Mich.),
r. ne of the. House committee in-
::ting twtivities of Townsend
'1>> organizations, taid today he
, ould oPo hearing at Battle Creek
Kenneth Romney, Sergeant at
Arms cf the House, was expected to
ai 2ive from Washington tonight. He
will go to Battle Creek possibly to-
morrow to arrange for the appear-
anc~e of witnesses. The number to1
be called is indefinite, Representa-
tive Hoffman said, although he said
he had received some letters from
foimer offleers in Townsend Plan
'lubs volunteering to testify.

Titterton Slayer

Conlract For New
The contract for the new building
for the Horace H. Rackham School
of Graduate S udies has been let to
the Willin E. Wood Co. o' Detroit,
Shirley Smitn, vice-p'e dent of the
University, !st i ed e:;tc]'da.z
A "top' iu L$,5000 z e i
yet gas the o t expend i.tor for the
new bu1)n W wor will begin
has not .t been determined, but
work has begn razing the few build-
ings in the newest block acquired for
the setting: ,1' 'h new structure.
Plans are not as yet complete al-
a though several have been submitted,
and until the final diawings are ap-
} proved no excavation or other dig-
ging can begin. The ground under
she building has been tested and
samples have been sent to the arlhi-


Associat'd r'ss Photo.
The British legation in Addis Ababa (above), has be:n ,efft-rcd as a ha F i'nr Lzeigners hould the Ethi-
opian capital become the target for Italian bombs. The legatiwn has a i c n o' sh ,terI and is guarded by
British soldiers.


R2presentative Hoffman said that
it. necessary arrangements could be
made, he would conduct a hearing at
Kalamazoo, starting possibly Wed-
nesday, but that was uncertain. No
other hearing is planned in Michi-
The Allegan Representative said he
would ask the witnesses principally
I about claims reported to have been
made by Townsend Plan lecturers
about the amount of money that
would be given to members of the
organization if the old age revolving
pension law should be enacted.

--Associated Press Photo.
John Fiorenza (above), 24, i pa-
roled convict and upholsterer's
hlpr, admitted the slaying of
Mrs. Nancy Titterton after New
Yirk police traced the crime to
him by a piece of cord found under
the author's body.

Varsity Glee Club Travels1500 Mile

i _..__ .._ f


Tired but triumphant, 42 members
of Michigan's Varsity Glee Club, ac-
companied by Prof. David Mattern
and Prof. Hempstead S. Bull and
members of Max Collins Band, re-
turned from their Easter Vacation
tour early Sunday morning, April 19,
having appeared before 5,000 people
in nine appearances in the Northern
Peninsula of Michigan, and traveling
more than 1,500 miles by chartered
The group left Ann Arbor early
Easter Sunday, traveling northward
all that day, and reaching Sault Ste.
Marie late that night.
The crossing of the Straits of
Mackinaw was very interesting since
the boat has to plow thru ice all the
way across. Motor trouble twice, and
a flat tire caused long stops, during
which time the club held informal re-
hearsals of the lighter Michigan
Monday the entire day was spent
in the $oo, most of the fellows tak-
ing- a look around the Locks and
Power Plant. The Glee Club sang
before the Kiwanis at lunch.
Although the object of the trip was
to advertise the University on the up-
per peninsula, it is doubtful whether
any fruits will be gathered from the
Tuesday noon .concert, since the Club
then sang before the 700 inmates of
the Marquette State Prison on Lake
Superior. .The most enthusiastic lis-
tener was Warden Gries, a former
Michigan man, who by a flick of his
little finger got all '700 "of the boys"
ing to be'left off the list of delegates,
has announced that he will go before
the convention tomorrow and fight
for election if the anticipated oppo-
sition develops.
It has been suggested that Bruck-
er's best chance would be, not to risk
losing a fight to Couzens, but to
count on the possible nomination of
Sen. Arthur H. Vandenberg for presi-
dent, in which event, it is thought
Vandenberg would resign from the
Senate and allow Brucker to be ap-
pointed in his place.
A third problem before the con-
vention today will be Senator Van-
denberg, Michigan's favorite son, and
his possible candidacy for the presi-
dential nomination. Informal cauc-
uses before the convention have de-
termined to go the limit for him, to
the extent of pledging the Michigan
delegation to his orders, with in-
structions to vote for him at Cleve-
land until he releases them.
But Vandenberg himself has looked
with disfavor upon the movement,
and would probably prefer to dawn
upon the Cleveland convention, when
and if the opportunity arises, as a
dark horse. He has therefore refused
to ask for the state's endorsement, but
may get it just the same.
The state convention will be held
at 10 a.m. today in the auditorium of
Cass Technical High School, Detroit.
Former governor Fred W. Green will
be keynoter and chairman.


to rise when the club sang "The Yel- uneventful. Supper was eaten in
low and the Blue." The entire club j Bay City to 'the accompaniment of

was shown thru the cell blocks, and
a veritable banquet was served the
club in the Prison dining room, at
which time the "no talking" rule
was relaxed. Many of the members
purchased prison made goods, most
interesting of which were a delicate
suede'purse, and a small novelty dog,
both made by the famous lifer, "Kil-
ler" Burke.
In most of the towns on the trip,
the members lodged in two's and
three's in the homes of Michigan Al-
umni who were their hosts during
their stay in that town. In Marquette,
the entire club stayed together in
the Northland hotel as the guests
of the manager, himself a former Glee
Club man. The concert Tuesday
night was sung in the Auditorium of
the Northern State Teacher's College,
and numerous co-eds were among the
large audience present.
Whereas the first two days had
been spent driving thru Timberland,
the next two were spent in the cop-
per and iron countries respectively.
The itinerary took the group thru the
typical mining towns such as Ne-.
gaunee and Ishpeming.
The club traveled furiously Thurs-
day morning to teach Ironwood inI
time to sing for the Rotary Club in
that city.
Friday afternoon, the group stop-
ped in Iron Mountain long enough
to sing Michigan songs at a high
school mass meeting, after which
they went on to Escanaba. Here they
were met by the High School band,
and the band, buses and a number of
private cars paraded for over an
The club left early next morning
for the trip back to Ann Arbor. The
Saturday morning ride was a race
to catch the noon Ferry at the
Straits, caught wi~h only a few min-
utes margin. The trip home was
Expect 300 At
Spring P0rarley
Meetin Today
(Continued irom rage 1)
will be called in t~ set on the religion
section panel, according to Levitt,
who is student chairman of that sec-
Although many hotly contested
points and hot questions will be
thrashed out today, tomorrow, in the
sub-sections, the questions will flow
I even faster. In the section on re-
ligion, for instance, there will be
protestants, catholics. Jews, Mo-
hammadenas, and protagonists of
other Oriental sects. In the section
on the University, the entire prob-
1em of academic freedom, the lecture
system and compulsory class atten-
dance will be discussed, and the fam-
ily group, students will debate pro
and con, the question of the disin-
tegrating family and the sex problem
and their relation to personal ad-
justment. In each section these per-
tinent topics will be tossed into the
laps of professors to expound their
pet views on.

self-supplied Michigan songs, and the
group arrived back in Ann Arbor safe
and sound shortly after midnight.
WPA Art Exhibit
Will Be Displayed
Fred. L. Fulton of Detroit, director
of the fifth WPA district, has an-
nounced that a WPA pictorial exhibit
will be shown in Ann Arbor on April
27 and 28 in Alumni Memorial Hall.
The exhibition will include a group'
of life-size photographic plaques, a
movie showing a number of WPA
engineering projects and actual dem-
onstrations of women's work projects.
Thomas McGuire of Detroit will de-
liver a speech explaining the various
The display, according to Mr. Ful-
ton, is intended primarily for stu-
dents of engineering and sociology,
but the public is invited, he said, be-
cause it will be of benefit to learn
"how and why the WPA accomplishes
its work better than any other organ-
ization possibly could."
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