CRJIDAY, APRIL 24, 1,936 THE "IMICHIGAN DAILY 1' AG E I'll"" THE MICHIGAN DAILY VAGE FI~ r 'Clotard et Cie' Is Annual Play Of French Club Vandenberg, Nelson. And Potter Have Leads I The Production The French Club will present Cho- tard et Cie, its annual production Tucsday, April 28, at the Lydia Men- delssohn Theatre. The following cast has been an- nounced for the play: Francis Cho- tard, Carl Nelson, '37E; Julien Col- linet, Vaudie Vandenberg, '36; Par- paillon, Ross MacPherson, '36; Le Capitaine, Robert Rogers, '36; Le Sous-Prefet, Harold Barnes, Grad.; Marie Chotard, Martha Dynes, '39; and Augustine, Margaret Cutler, '36. Nelson, Vandenberg and MacPher- son have been active in Play Produc- tion for -everal seasons. Miss Cutler, Baines, Nelson and Vandenberg all took part in the French Club's pro- duction last year. Miss Dynes has lived in France for ten years. The plot of the play revolves about the struggle between art and the bourgeois ideal. Julien Collinet, poet and dreamer, has married into a family cf wholesale grocers whose life is entirely devoted to money-mak- ing endeavors. Relations become so strained that Julien is about to leave when he receives a prize of 10,000 francs for a novel. Overnight he be- comes a celebrity. This fact changes the familiy's atti- tude for they can count his success in commercial terms. They try to regiment his success until he turns about and enters the grocery busi- ness. Thus he is assured of com- parative peace in which he can dream him dreams unhampered by the others. Tickets, priced at 50 cents, will be on sale Monday and Tuesday at the boxoffice of the League. Cercle Fran-t cais membership cards will be accept- ed for 25 cents on the purchase of tickets.x Few Houses To Hold Activities This Week-End Tau Beta Pi To Entertain At Annual Formal Part Tonight At League Very few houses are entertaining this week-end. The fraternities that will hold activities tonight are Phi Sigma Delta, Sigma Alpha Epsilon, and Theta Chi. Tau Beta Pi, honorary engineer- ing fraternity is holding its annual closed formal dance tonight in the Ethel Fountain Hussey Rdom of the League. Fred Newberg, '36E, is gen- eral chairman for the affair; Roy Sandstrom, '36E, is in charge of the music and invitations, and Robert Alexander, '36E, is in charge of the chaperons and arrangements. The chaperons will be Prof. and Mrs. James H. Sams and Prof. and Mrs. Walter C. Sadler. The Blue Collegians orchestra will play. Sigma Alpha Epsilon will have an informal party tonight, Henry Alex- ander, '37, social chairman, an- nounced. Chaperons will be Mr. and Mrs. David Reed and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Gibson. Theta Chi is holding its an- nual Bowery Ball tonight according to Paul Krans, '37E, who is in charge. It will be a radio dance which will be chaperoned by Mr. and Mrs. Leon- ard Wilson and Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Palmer. Phi Sigma Delta will hold a radio dance at the house tonight. Mr. and Mrs. Willis Koffman and Dr. Jerome Hauser will act as chaperons, and Seymour Golden, '37, is in charge of the arrangements. Alpha Gamma Sigma Alpha Gamma Sigma, Girl Reserve sorority, is holding a spring semi-t formal in honor of the pledges to- night in the Alumnae Room of the League. The co-chairmen, Ruth Miller, '38SM, and Gladys Parkinson, '39, have planned decorations carried out in black and gold with the dance programs patterned after the sorority pin. Smile All TheWhile TwoCampus CHAPTER HOUSE Engraemeints ACTIVITY NOTES Made Knowni Officers for the coming year have Parents Of Mary O'Brien been announced by many fraiernigst and sororities. Also, several houses And Eleanor Johnson have added new pledges to their list. Reveal Their Plans Alpha Omicron Pi Dr. and Mrs. E. J. O'Brien iave an- Alpha Omicron Pi sorority an- nounced the engagement of their nounces the pledging of Roberta Ross, daughter, Mary, '36, toR oscoe Day, '36, Ramsay, N. J.; Armeila Fenlon, Jr., Grad., son of Mr. and Mrs. Ros- ; 39 Tully, N. Y.; and Doris Gooding, ccc Day of Oakland, Calif. 39, Turwyd. Miss O'Brien was a member of Wy- ' Norwood. vern and Mortarboard, Women's bus- Delta Tau Delta iness manager of The Daily last year, Delta Tau Delta announc;es as its and served on the League Council for new officers: president, Franklin Dan- two years. She was finance chair-n man for Soph Cabaret, a member of nemiller, '37; vice-president Frederick the cast for J.G.P., and for two years Buchanan, '37; corresponding secre- a r'epresentative for her class. She tary, Don Belden, '39; and social is affiliated with Kappa Alpha Theta. chairman, Louis Belden, '37.j -Associated Press Photo. The girl with the million dollar tiile is Peggy Anne Spencer, pretty brunette of Grand Rapids, who re- cently wcn the title of "Smile Girl" in the Kent State University con- test at Kent, O. Petitions For League Jobs CloseToday Petitioning for positions on League committees closes today. The appli- cations are to be submitted in the Undergraduate Office. The five com- mittees which are open to petitioning are: the house reception, social, pub- licity, theatre-arts and merit system groups. There will be no positions open as yet on the orientation com- mittee. All scholastically-eligible women may file applications. Women may petition for more than one commit- tee but should indicate their prefer- c.nce by the order in which they place uhe different groups on the blanks. The Council will announce the :Memberships of the various commit- ,ees. There will be no interviewing of the applicants. INTERVIEWS SCHEDULED Petitioning for positions for the Freshman Fiesta will be held to- day and tomorrow in the Under- graduate Office of the League. Interviewing of applicants is scheduled for 3 to 5:30 p.m. to- day, and 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. tomor- row. i I i Iy was graduated iroim LelandG- ama Phi Beta Stanford University in '34, where he was a member of Chi Psi fraternity. Gamma Phi Beta announces its of- He has been a graduate student in ficers for the next year. They are: the forestry school for two years. president, Mary Potter, '37; vice-pres- The wedding will take place in De- ident, Louise Sprague, '37: recording troit sometime in June. After this, secretary, Dorothy Webb, '37; corre- the couple plan to make th'eir home sponding secretary, Charlotte Hamil- in Portland, Ore. ton, '37; treasurer, Shirley Crosman, Dr. and Mrs. C. W. Johnson of '38; and rushing chairman, Mary Lawton, Mich., announced yesterday Lambie, '37. the engagement of their daughter, Lambda Chi Alpha Eleanor, '36, to John H. O'Brien, '35, Lambda Chi Alpha announces the son of Mr. and Mrs. M. E. O'Brien election of the following officers for of Detroit. next year: president, Arthur A. Whit- Miss Johnsonis a member of Sen- ing, Jr., '37; vice-president, Ronald ior Society and has been secretary and Hayes, '37; treasurer, Charles F. Par-j treasurer of Betsy Barbour dormi- ker, Jr., '37; secretary, William tory, where she has lived on the Struve, '37; pledge trainer, Edward campus. She was on the women's ;W. Foote, '38; and social chairman, staff of The Daily for three years, Walter Truc, Jr., '38. and was a member of the Junior Girls Play publicity committee. She par- ticipated in the Soph Cabaret and was The newly-elected officers of Phi in the Freshman Girls' Glee Club. Kappa Tau are president, Donald Mr. O'Brien, who was Ann Arbor Ralston, '36; vice-president, Hillary correspondent of the Detroit Times Everson, '37; secretary, George Frank, when he was on the campus, was a '37; house manager, Howard Carroll,1 winner in the Hopwood awards. '37; treasurer, and Wilson Hardle- ben, '38. OMEGA EPSILON Sigma Phi Epsilon Omega Epsilon, national speech Sigma Phi Epsilon announces the and dramatics society, which is lim- pledging of James L. Lee, '39E; Grand ited on this campus to radio dra- Haven, James R. Lee, '38E, Niagara matics announces the pledging of Falls, N.Y., Donald Paquette, Super- Jeanette Strauss, '37, of Detroit and ior, Wis., and Russell A. Reed, '38, Jeanne Pray, '37, of Ann Arbor. of St. Johnsbury. Vt. ENTERING WED GE ii t i f I lenny Carnival To Give Fairy-, , ,-r- '' -; Story Pacrod 1Ir Stiaged As Pa( . I n Smart Wear The Trend Is Toward Part of the entertainment at the p esentation of Penny Carnival to be 1i ld Saturda y night at Barboutrr:n Smnasium will be the meilr7,ma v eich will be given during in ernis- ~in. n ntw r The play is a parody 'n Mother GWr S>ose tales and a combination of the The Trend Is Toward Yies of little Red Riding Hood and ri e Three Bears, with other well- k. own characters put in to add to the nia r 92 neral humor of it all. It will re done in pantomine with 1 reader commenting on the differentTh "nirs r p'irts. Appropriate music from pop- The Smar sports uiar songs will aid to express the Tw Pe F I f clings of the characters throughout wo-Piece rocks tie performance. Jane Carson, '37, will play the lead- Mannish Ensembles tug role, that of little Red Riding- locks. Betty Goutremont, '37, will . . . Boleros . . . Suits take the part of the "big, bad wolf." vhile Irene Sartor, '38, will appear in -these are creating a the role of Barnacle Bill, who comesn in at the end to "save the day." highly favorable impression. The much featured three little pigs will be played by Betty Kelser, '36D, Betty Wills, '37, and Jean McFarland, '37P. The parts of the mamma bear, the papa bear ,and the "itsy-bitsy" Priced bear will be taken by Joan Wentz, '38, Sue Willard. '37, and Barbara Johnson, '38. A "hot soup" danceaand UP d will be another part of the perfor- This model $16.95 mance. Virginia Hunt, Spec.SM, will ac- company at the piano, while the play is directed by Janet Lambert, '37.he E abeh "D dln THAT'S WHERE IT GOESher-i Eighty-five percent of family in- EAST WILLIAMS ONE BLOCK WEST OF STATE comes is spent by the woman, as the head of the family, ii Here's One of Those Keenly Awaited Teeming with Values! V IT is easy for college women to secure opportunities in liles they Vprefer, with Katharine Gibbs secretarial training as an eentcring wedge. Students from over a hundred colleges now enrolledl in our Special Course for College Women. Fall term opens September 22 in Boston and New York. Address College Course Secretary for 1935.1936 placement report, "Results," and illustrated Catalog. * NEW YORK SCHOOL ONLY ... advaced sumnmer opening, ,Tly 1:, fr li+mited college class preparing for early placeme.nt. . . .Immediate registraiion urged. Also Onje and Two Year Courses for preparatory and high school graduates FRIa KATH ARINE 230 Park Avenue, New York GIBBS SCHOOL 90 Marlborough Street, Boston 'I 5O% -- 3% men _ 1 7k Co/iJtp APRIL DRESS and SUIT EVENT Values You Can't Afford To Miss! SCUNT on -- SUIS MAIN STORE , 98$ D E S E%'#... 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DRESSES FOR STREET, TRAVEL, BUSINESS, DRESS-UP Prints - Sheers - Plain Crepes - Taffetas S UI--TS 4 SUITS -formerly to $17.95 ........45 9 SUITS - formerly to $21.75..........$14.95 12 SUITS - formerly to $29.75.........$19.75 SUITS - formerly to $49.50.........$32.50 10 REDINGOTES - formerly to $27.50 . . $19.75 50% 331/3% Discount 2- and 3-piece MANN ISH and DRESSY Models. 25% 50% Discount FASHION ANNEX DRESSES PRINTS -- PLAIN COLORS KNITS - CREPES - SHEERS Blouses - Sweaters 21 COt7S SPORTS and DRESSY TYPES Broken Sizes i $7.95 Values $8.95 Values. $2.97 X4.97 Wool Skirts ... . $ 59c 1*00 11 MAIN STORE ACCESSORIES LACE - ORGANDY - PIQUE lI'l I AR C All Sales Final +1 - 1l I 11 _.. - r- II .1 I IEI