AGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, APRIL 24, 1936 . ....... . .. 1 f a i THE FORUM Publisned every morning except Monday during tho University year and Summer Session by the Board in Control of Student Publications. MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of' republication of all other matter herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor. Michigan as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50. Representatives: National Advertising Service, Inc., 420 Madison Ave., New York City; 400 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, 111. EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT Telephone 4925 BOARD OF EDITORS MANAGING EDITOR ..............THOMAS H. KLEENE ASSOCIATE EDITOR .............. THOMAS E. GROEHN Dorothy S. Gies Josephine T. McLean William R. Reed DEPARTMENTAL BOARDS Publication Department: Thomas H. Kleene, Chairman; Clinton B. Conger, Robert Cummins, Richard G. Her- shey, Ralph W. Hurd, Fred Warner Neal. Reportorial Department: Thomas E. Groehn, Chairman; Elsie A. Pierce, Joseph S. Mattes. Editorial Department: Arnold S. Daniels, Marshall D. Shulman. Sports Department: William R. Reed, Chairman: George Andros, Fred Buesser, Fred DeLano, Ray Goodman. Women's Departmem,: Josephine T. McLean, Chairman; Josephine M. Cavanagh, Florence H. Davies, Marion T. Holden, Charlotte D. Rueger, Jewel W. Wuerfel. BUSINESS DEPARTMENT Telephone 2-1214 BUSINESS MANAGER...........GEORGE H. ATHERTON CREDIT MANAGER .............JOSEPH A. ROTHBARD WOMEN'S BUSINESS MANAGER .. . .MARGARET COWIE WOMEN'SSERVICE MANAGER ...ELIZABETH SIMONDS DEPARTMENTAL MANAGERS Local Advertising, William Barndt; Service Department, Willis Tomlinson; Contracts, Stanley Joffe; Accounts, Edward Wohlgemuth; Circulation and National Adver- tising, John Park; Classified Advertising and Publica- tions, Lyman Bittman. NIGHT EDITOR: CLINTON B. CONGER 7 0 Letters published in this column should not be construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The Daily. Anonymous contributions will be disregarded. The names of communicants will, however, be regarded as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked to be brief, the editors reserving the right to condense all letters of over 300 words and to accept or reject letters upon the criteria of general editorial importance ri~nd interest to the campus. Naziism: Self Revealed To the Editor: The following quotations are from German newspapers: 1. Hitler is a new, a greater, and a more power- ful Jesus Christ.-Alois Spaniol, leader of the Nazis in the Saar. 2. The Pope is a Jew whole real name is Lipp- mann. --- Voelkische Beobachter, official Nazi newspaper. 3. Though their historical forms come from the Orient, all religions are derived from German monotheism, because the Nordic race originated. religion. - Professor Hermann Hollander, Nazi theologian. 4. Adolph Hitler is the real Holy Ghost. - Dr. Herrl, chairman of the Prussian Diet. 5. The creator of mankind appeared 2,000 years ago in the form of Christ. Today God re- veals himself to the German people again in the form of Hitler. - Trade Paper. 6. In its newly begun chapter of history, the German people has elected Adolf Hitler as its champion before God. - Dr. Frank, Reichscom- missar for Justice. 7. Result of new research: Jesus was Aryan on both parents' sides.-New Nazi pamphlet, "Die Herkunft Jesu." 8. The Nazi party has been proved to have better relations with the Lord in the Heavens than had the Christian parties which disappeared. - Baldur von Schirach, Reichstag member and head of the Hitler Jugend. 9. Hitler is lonely. So is God. Hitler is like God. -Dr. Frank, State Commissioner for Justice. 10. The appearance of Christ in the world was the first great emergence of the Nordic nature in a world tormented by decay.-Dr. Jaeger, former state commissioner for the church in Prussia. The Conning Tower' After Seeing a Stage Version of "Pride and Prej- udice," in the year 1936, and Regretting That Rudyard Kipling Could Not Si Beside Me RUDYARD went to Paradise -All too soon- Good Sir Walter met him On the mountains of the moon. Henry and Tobias And Miguel of Spain Sat with Shakespeare on the peaks -And there was Jane. Jane was only twenty-two -A girl from Winchester- Little of our mundane life Had been revealed to her. Trifling tiny problems Of Who might marry Whom Occupied her maiden mind And left no further room. Silly little questions' Of what might people say, These she answered cleverly, -For Jane had a way ... . Jane was born an artist, The finest of her time! -Oh Rudyard, Rudyard sing again And halo her with rhyme! Jane, a well-bred spinster Who never took a chance, Shyly peeked at Rudyard With a sideland glance, But the bold newcomer, Dropping on one knee, Looked her fully in the face, Saying, "I am He!" "Captain of the Janeites," Said Sir Walter then, "Rise and claim the guerdon Of a Man of Men! Staunch of soul, and great beyond Both prejudice and pride, Rise and clasp the waiting heart Of England's Bride!" CLAYTON HAMILTON. That w. k. bibliophile, Mr. Alfred E. Smith, has written a letter endorsing Book Sharing Week, saying that he heartily approves of the aims ands purposes of B.S.W. "Every one," he writes, "has among his collection of books many that have outlived their usefulness and they should be re- distributed." Well, we have a copy of Mr. Smith's "Up to Now," and we are keeping it. We are violently opposed to the sharing of books. Let the share croppers buy books! And here is a slightly phony generality: Books that have outlived their usefulness didn't have much to begin with. Nevertheless, what books do YOU think have outlived their usefulness, that is as- suming that they had any. 'THE SIXTH BEATITUDE,' by Rad- tn 3:30;11:00 a.m. on Saturday. clyffe Hall; (Harcourt, Brace). IT DOES not seem that, after the productions of Messrs. Faulkner, Saturday of this week in order that Caldwell and certain others, there the caps and gowns may be delivered would be much that is shocking left in time for the Convocation, May 1. in the writing way. But there is, and j Joseph A. Bursley, Chairman, of all places, it comes from England. Committee on Honors Convoca- Radclyffe Hall is the producer, tion. Miss Hall is the author of "The Well of Loneliness," which novel was first A Special University Convocation ;bootlegged and then sold openly all will be held in connection with the over the world. It had a success; it eleventh annual celebration in honor was at least an earnest attempt to of the Founder of the Lawyers' Club tell the truth about what we call an and donor of the Law Quadrangle, in "unnatural" sex relationship. It the Lounge of the Lawyers' Club, on made everybody suffer a good deal, Friday morning, April 24, at 11 a.m. however. Apparently the girls in the Members of the several faculties are story loved suffering. invited. Well, there is the same sort of de-' liberate suffering in "The Sixth Be- Spring Parley: The Sixth Annual atitude," Miss Hall's latest produc- Spring Parley convenes at Michigan tion. But there is more, and this is Union Friday, 4:00 p.m. until Sun- what is shocking. She is writing day 12:00 a.m. to discuss "Our To- about Britishers of the lowest class, morrow-What Shall We Make of living in filth and vermin in a lane on It?" Faculty Panel of twenty chosen the southern coast of England. She by the student general committee. is obviously sympathetic, anxious All students are invited to partici- that the moral of her title shall not pate. Sections on Saturday: be lost. But she persistently and Our University-Are We Satisfied? obviously prints one disgusting and Room 302. I non-essential detail after the other. The Arts-How to Use Them- She revels, it seems, in descriptions Room 304. of suppurating ulcers, dirty noses, Religion and Personal Adjustment. bedbugs and such. Room 305. And instead of lending truth to The Family-Its Place in Society. the frame of her story, it completely Room 306. obscures it. The people are, first, Our State and Its Economic Sys- bores. The copious incident, which tem-How to Better Them. Room is all there is in the novel, is mostly 318. boring incident. Hannah, the the- International Relations - How to oretically noble heroine of the piece, Improve Them. Room 316. is merely a stupid fool. With half her wasted energy she could have Paul F. Bagley Scholarship in made a life for herself and her two Chemistry. This scholarship of $200 children. The tortures come to a cli- is open to juniors and seniors spe- max in the last scene, when Miss cializing in chemistry and in need of Hall has Hannah dart into a burn- financial assistance. Application ing house and toss out three children. blanks may be obtained from the There is no reason whatever why she chemistry office, Room 212, and should not have jumped to safety af- should be filed in that office before ter them, except that Miss Hall didn't May 15. bother to think up a more credible ending. Or perhaps she was simply Graduates of the Class of '36: The{ bored. We were. University of Michigan sends several There is no "unnatural" sex in this bulletins each year which are of un- one, or practically none. And this is usual interest to all of the Alumni. In the sixth beatitude, in case you don't order that you may receive these remember: "Blessed are the clean of bulletins, please be sure and send heart: for they shall see God." your future address changes as they J.S. occur to Alumni Catalog Office, Mem- orial Hall, University of Michigan. I _( Lunette Hadley, Director. ice or the Assistant to the Prc;+tdeat BOOKS 2:30, 2:40, 2:50, 3:00, 3:10, 3:20, 3:30, 3:40, 3:50, 4:00, 4:10, 4:20, 4:30, 4:40, 4:50, 5:00, Hahn, W. A. Hay, J. Jensen, M. Johnson, F. H. Kanter, B. B. Kaplan, S. Kresin, C. E. Krieg, L. E. Lovenheim. E. P. McIntyre, W. E. McKenzie, B. Moore, W. O. Pecherer, B. Raiford, A. M. Seeley, A. L. Swan. D. H. Fr DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication In the Mlrltin Is constructive ' tlciv to all memberz of the 11. It is growing clear that the German revolu- S arino jPar(ev . .lion has a double heart, two seeds: that of the German state and of the Holy Roman Empire T 4 P.M. today this year's Spring of the Germans . . .. In this latter respect it ful- Paricy will begin. This year more filled our longing for the earthly sway of the than any beoic,. The Daily urges all students who godly; over this nation hangs the invisible crown - are in the leas concerned about the vital social Edgar J. Jung in Deutsche Randschau. issues which surround them to attend and par- 12. The Nazi party stands for positive Chris- ticipate. tianity. - The Program, Point 24. The principle reason why the Parley deserves 13. We can do without (Jesus), this savior of1 ycur consideration this year is because it has be- mankind. As a matter of fact we do not even needI fcre it a constructive program. Youth too often him. - Dr. Brunnen, Duesseldorf, January 2, 1934. has been criticized for its tendency towards de- structive criticism; we ourselves on the campus, in surveying social problems have been more will- ing to sec faults than to suggest roads to action. Thus, the active idea in the title "Our Tomorrow - What Shall We Make of It?" suggests that the discussions will be realistic and specific. There are many among us who have in the course of our college career, specialized in an aca- demic field with such thoroughness that we have1 perforce neglected to keep abreast of the con- temporary world. Scholars we may be, but we never cease to be citizens of this country and of1 this age, and as such, particularly because of the special training we have received, we bear certain responsibilities which it is selfish and unsocal tor dodge. It is unfortunate that social consciousness? and social intellgence are taken for granted - too often where they do not exist. But if we who pride ourselves on representing the educated intel- ligence of the country will not inform ourselvest of civic affairs by just such means as the Springk Parley, and become active citizens, the essence oft democracy is lost. Michigan Returns To he Penn Relays. . O0DAY, after an absence of 18 years,l Michigan track athletes will be] competing in the famous Penn Relays at Phila- delphia. Although most attention has been given to the chances of one of the relay teams or individuals to win over other of the country's outstanding ath- letes, it is particularly satisfying to note how appropriate is Michigan's return to competi- tion in these Relays. During the years from 1907 to 1917, when Mich-t igan was not a member of the Western Conference,t it was with Pennsylvania that a close athletic rivalry and friendship was established, despitet geographical handicaps. After Michigan rejoinedf the Conference she could not be so closely iden-I tified in athletic life with Penn as before, butt a great appreciation of the friendship of the east-l ern school has remained.- Michigan is today one of the strongest trackr strongholds in the country. It is probable thatc no Mid-Western school could have supported thei Big Ten track meet last spring more successfully than did Michigan. And, as a university whoseI track teams have shown the highest ability andx spirit, it is appropriate that Michigan should bef represented at the ceuntry's outstanding trac: and field carnival, the Penn Relays. -M. Levi, Professor-Emeritus. 'till Tt) Indeuendeiras To the Editor: PLAY REVIEW "On Your Toes" is one of the shows that none I wish to present a problem to the Michigan is better than; campus. Why have we no organization of inde- You could almost say of that there play, "It's pendent men? The independents of this univer- too good for the average man." sity are failing to take advantage of the oppor- -__ tunities present on this campus. The averagel independent is restricted in his social contacts toj a rather small group, he does not participate in campus activities as fully as he might, and manyI independents are unable to take part in intra- mural athletics. All this because he has no organ-t ization. Furthermore there is practically no independent participation in campus politics despite the fact that they comprise the larger part of the student body. There is also a noticable absence of student government on this campus. I think that this too can be traced to a lack of any organization truly representative of independent men. In many universities independents have or- ganized and as a result are enjoying college life to a greater degree. I do not suggest any means whereby this end can be achieved, but I do urge the independent men seriously to consider this problem; and, if in the future an attempt to organize should be made it should be given whole. hearted support and encouragement., -Independent '37. ( Civil Service Statistics To the Editor: As it occurred to me at the time, it is ex-t tremely unfortunate that The Daily staff deleted, that portion of my letter in which I emphatically stated that I was not opposed to Civil Service Re-r form. In answer to Mr. Edward Litchfield's very fair letter (under the circumstances), I would liket to say that my original letter was merely to protestI the very flagrant abuse of actual facts. I have1 here before me The Daily article by Mr. Fred War-I ner Neal which states "while Michigan's govern- ment is run by 13,500 persons, New Jersey, a state, of equal population, gets along with 10,000. Thisa in spite of a difference in population of nearly 1,000,000. I am unable to see where it says, as Mr.t Litchfield apparently quotes from the article, "theI population of New Jersey and Michigan are not far apart." I'll admit that the Michigan state government is quite inefficiently run, but whyj make it worse by an unfair comparison with the! Next Monday is the beginning of Accident and Health Insurance Week; probably the week after will be Twenty-Year Endowment Week. Mr. Wal- lace Cox submits that Kress Stores contributes the best slogan for next week, which is "Remove this blade from envelope with care to avoid in- jury to edge." It is our candidate for the anti- climax prize. HORATIO ALGER JR., REVERSE TWIST I went to work when I was twenty,! And - boy! - what I didn't know was plenty: I didn't know lace from marquisette, I couldn't tell silk from rayon yet. A man came in for an eight-foot sheet- He wanted something that couldn't be beat; I did the best that I was able: I gave him a cloth for the dining-room table. I'm head of the firm now because I got the breaks, But still I make the same mistakes. -M.B. Our rain-dappled hat is off to Larry Adler, who has been playing the harmonica for King Gustaf of Sweden. Larry had been playing what the Times wireless called "classical tunes," though it didn't say what even one of them was. The King asked for something lively, and Larry played "Yankee Doodle" and "The Sidewalks of New York." It was, the Nice correspondent said, a command performance. We are a veteran har- monica player, too, and those so-called lively tunes are easy, for they can be played with the dia- tonic scale, which is standard equipment. We may be no Larry Adler, but we have had command performances too. They are "Please stop that noise." Sinclair Lewis, who penned "It Can't Happen Here," nevertheless is taking no chances . . . Two Thompson machine guns fortify his Vermont estate.-- Ed Sullivan in yesterday's Daily News. Exaggeration. He has only one, and her name is Dorothy. TRUETALK (Willa Cather in the Commonweal) Ten Years Ago From The Daily Files April 24, 1926 N addition to having Michigan's new football stadium, a bowl- shaped structure seating 70,000 or more spectators and located in the hills west \or southwest of the present area of Ferry Field ready for the 1927 football season, a new field house, as large as the Yost field house, but with no seating accomodations, will be ready by that time according to plans of the Athletic association announced yesterday. "Nothing equal to it in the history of legal education anywhere in the world" was the characterization given the gift of William W. Cook, donor of the Lawyers' Club, by Dean Henry M. Bates, of the Law School, at the Founder's day banquet last night, in the club. Prof. James W. Glover was ap- pointed to succeed Prof. Joseph L. Markley as chairman of the mathe- matics department of the literary col- lege by the Board of Regents' at their meeting Thursday night. This action followed the Regents' decision to ac- cept Professor Markley's resignation as chairman of the department on account of ill health. Redecoration of the entire interior of Hill Auditorium has been begun by workmen of the buildings and grounds department. The generalI color schemes now in use will be re- peated. Accompanying the Arctic expedi- tion of Com. Donald B, MacMillan this summer, Dr. Walter N. Koelz of the U. S. Bureau of Fisheries, who is stationed at the University for scien- tific investigation, will study the fish of Davis strait, through which the ship will sail on its way to the west- ern coast of Greenland, Baffinland and Labrador. Literary Seniors: Orders for Senior Literary Commencement Invitations will be taken in the lobby of Angell Hall on Friday: 1 to 5 p.m., Monday, 1 to 5 p.m., Tuesday, 9 to 12 a.m. Senior Engineers: Class dues may be paid to a member of the Finance Committee who will be stationed in the second floor corridor of the West Engineering Building Friday, April 24, and Monday, April 27, from 9-11 a.m. and 2-4 p.m. Contemporary: Manuscripts for the fourth issue should be left in the English office, 3221 Angell Hall, as soon as possible. Palmer Field Tennis Tournament: Women's singles, women's doubles and mixed doubles are to be arranged. Students wishing to enter must sign on the bulletin board at the Women's Athletic Building by Saturday noon, April 25. / Crop and Saddle: Any woman stu- dent wishing to try out for this rid- ing club is asked to get in touch with Eleanor French, the club president, or leave her name at Barbour Gym- nasium, Room 15. The tryouts will be held today at 2 p.m. Transportation will be ar- ranged. Foreign Students, Attention: The two programs of Negro spirituals to be presented next Sunday at 4:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. in Lydia Mendel- ssohn Theatre by the Fisk Jubilee Singers afford an unusual opportuni- ty to hear American Negro music au- thentically interpreted. For four generations the Fisk Jubilee Singers have preserved the tradition of this form of folk music, which has so powerfully influenced American mu- sic. Foreign students interested in understanding the cultural aspects of American life will do well to avail themselves of this opportunity to hear this program of Negro music presented by Negro singers. J. Raleigh Nelson. Academic Notices Foine Arts 192 and 204: Trip to De- troit, on Saturday, May 2, to see (1.) a private collection of Chinese pot- tery and (2.) a potter's wheel in action. Those wishing to go please write to me saying at what time it will be feasible for them to leave Ann Arbor. James M. Plumer, 4016 Museum Bldg. Psychology 122 will not meet Fri- day morning. N. Maier. Candidates for the Master's Degree in History: The language examina- tion for candidates for the Master's Degree in History will be given at 4 p.m., Friday, May 22, in Room B, Haven. Students who wish to take this examination should register be- fore May 15 in the History Depart- ment Office, 119 Haven Hall, indicat- ing in which language they wish to be examined. Lectures Mayo Lecture: Dr. Virgil Counsel- lor, of the Mayo Clinic, will deliver the Mayo Lecture Friday, April 24, at 4:00 p.m., in the University Hos- pital Amphitheatre. His subject will be "Practical Considerations in Gy- necologic Surgery." Anyone interest- ed is cordially invited. Public Lecture:"IslamicDecora- tive Arts" by Dr. Mehmet Aga-Ogu. Illustrated. Sponsored by the Re- search Seminary in Islamic Art Mon- day, April 27, 4:15 p.m. in Room D, Alumni Memorial Hall. Admission free. Events Of Today English Journal Club meets at 4:10 p.m. in the League. Mr. Hart Schaaf will present a paper on "Politics" and the Modern Novel." Prof. Howard Mumford Jones will speak on the riotous subject: "Tom Moore in America." Phi Lambda Upsilon: Initiation in Room 303 Chem. Bldg., at 7:15 p.m. All members please attend. Initia- tion Banquet at the Union, Sat- urday; April 25 at 6:15 p.m. Contemporary: Business meeting at 4 p.m. at the Contemporary office, Student Publications Building. Mimes Initiation Banquet: Michi- gan Union, at 6:30 p.m. Informal. Initiates please have stunt and bring fee. The All-Campus Party, sponsored by the Inter-Guild Federation and the SCA, will be held this evening from 8:30 till 12:30 in the Auditorium of Lane Hall. Those attending the Spring Parley at the Union are cor- dially invited to come over after the evening's session. Admission, 25 cents a person, 35 cents a couple. Dancing and refreshments. Mr. Seager will be unable to meet English II, Section 34, at 2 o'clock. Coning Events Annual French Play: The 30th an- nual French Play: "Chotard et Cie" by Roger-Ferdinand will be present- ed on Tuesday, April 28, at 8:15 p.m., Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre, by mem- bers of the Cercle Francais. The general public is cordially in- vited. Tickets on sale at the theatre Monday and Tuesday next week. Alpha Epsilon Mu meeting Sunday, April 26, in the Russian Tea Room, Michigan League. All members be present. Meeting of the Ann Arbor Branch of the American Association of Uni- versity Women on Saturday prompt- ly at 2:30 p.m., at the Toledo Art Museum, Toledo, Ohio, with Mr. Blake-More Godwin giving a lecture on Ancient Glass. Please make reservations with Mrs. John F. Shepard. Graduate Outing Club will have an early morning bird hike, Sunday, April 26. The group will meet at 6:00 a.m. in the park behind the Museum at the corner of Geddes Ave. and Forest. Breakfast will be served for approximately 15 cents. All graduate students are cordially invited to attend. Episcopal Student Picnic: Cars will Adelphi's freshman debate team The University Bureau of Apponit- last night won the annual Adelphi- ments and Occupational Information Alpha Nu debate, supporting the neg- I has received announcement of United ative of the question: Resolved, that States Civil Service examination for the method of handling a moral Specialist in Public Finance, Bureau problem as typified by the 18th of the Census, Department of Com- amendment is wrong in principle. merce, Washington, D.C., salary, $5,- 1600; also Detroit Civil Service exam- The Polish cabinet, headed by inations for Assistant Civil Engineer Count Alexander Skrzynski, has re- (Sanitary Design), Assistant Me- signed after a split on the financial chanical E n g i n e e r (Mechanical reform scheme calling for a large re- Equipment Design), Assistant Elec- 't : comic-opera state of New Jersey? So far. the effort to make a new kind of duction in state employes. Foreign trade of the United States flows in and I would like to state again that I regret very poetry, "pure poetry," which eschews (or re- out of nearly 300 ports, yet about one-third of much that I should be interpreted as an opponent nounces) the old themes as shop-worn, and con- 4 the exports and one-half of the imports move I of Civil Service Reform, since I merely tried to fines itself to regarding the grey of a wet oyster DAILY O FFICIAL through N w Yrk. make the argument for that cause more sound shell against the sand of a wet beach through a by endeavoring to prevent people from thinking we drizzle of rain, has not produced anything very 1 Although the value of China's import trade base our arguments on fantastic claims with utter memorable: not even when the workmanship was showed a decline in the last year, the value of in- disregard for facts and authentic statistics. I good and when a beat in the measure was unex- FRIDAY, APRIL 24, 1936 dustrial machinery imports increased 19 per cent feel it is particularly unfortunate since I have pectedly dropped here and there with what one of VOL. XLVI No. 141 trical Engineer (Pumping Plant De- sign), Minimum Induction salary, $3600. For further information concern- ing these examinations, call at 201 Mason Hall, office hours, 9:00 to 12:00 and 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. Marsh and Mandlebaum Scholar- ships: The following applicants for