PAGE FOUR T HE MICfIIAN AILY- THURSDAY, APRIL 23, 1936 - -- --------- . ..... T MIC DAIL Student Self-Support And The N.Y.A.' NEW YORK DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin Is constructive notice to all members of the Vsyersity. Copy received at the ofice of the Assistant to the President ( maul 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday. Selections from an address by Richard R. Brown, Assistant Executive Director of the National Youth Administration, before the National Association of Collegiate Registrars at Detroit, on April 16, 1936. C STAGE N THE PROSPEROUS TWENTIES the "earn your way through college" tradition was firmly embedded in the strata of American life. Stories of the Horatio Alger type, with the hero earning a college education by selling automobiles or by K - r °-working as a waiter in a lunchroom, were avidly .°read by a large public. Nor did the educational authorities themselves doubt the value of this tradition but rather encouraged it and spread the Published every morning except Monday during tho gospel abroad. "Unquestionably," a dean of a University year and Summer Session by the Board in Control of Student Publications. large Eastern college stated recently, "the tre- MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS mendous increase in college registration during The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use the post-war decade was due, more than to any for republication of all news dispatches credited to it o-r not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rightsof other cause, to the wide-spread belief that any one republication of all other matter herein also reserved, of average ability and health could, indeed should,, second class mail matter. earn a college education . . ." The fact was that Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, $4.00; this belief or tradition stemmed and gained by mail., $4.50.tisbeif orm dtwo oefundmentaland pecul- Representatives: National Advertising Service, Inc., 420 strength from two more fundamental and pecul- Madison Ave., New York City; 400 N. Michigan Ave., i American traditions - first that hard wrk Chicago, Ill. iarlyAmrcntaiin--fsththrdwk EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT Telephone 495 d thrift were not only the highest virtues but were the inevitable concomitants to success; and, "VICTORIA REGINA" THURSDAY, APRIL 23, 1936 is unable to meet his classes this testimony to the wisdom of that old, old adage that By C. HART SCHAAF VOL. XLVI No. 140 week. nothing should be carried to excess. Perhaps inTHE most overrated show current- Notices some cases it is unavoidable that, in order to ly playing in New York is, in this Psychology 122 will not meet Fri earn enough money and to keep up in their courses, reviewer's estimation, Helen Hayes' enior and rdateSdents day morning. N. Maer. stuent mst o n ecesiv aoun o wok.latest vehicle. "Victoria Regina." Those senior and graduate students students must do an excessive amount of work. who have been invited to be guests Candidates for the Master's Degree Nevertheless it seems to me that Dean McKnight Laurence Housman, the author, of honor at the Thirteenth Annual in Hit s The sguage egia of Columbia College is correct in his statement sydidnt intend th HonorsConvocation of the University in forcandidat for eexar's ~~~~~~~~should ever- be produced. The original' ioHononddtersrte ate' that "the harm lies not so much in part-time book version contains many more of Michigan should order caps and Degree in History will be given at 4 work in itself as in the amount permitted and the scenes than are being used. What gowns as soon as possible at the Moe p.m., Friday, May 22, in Room B, unsystematic fashion in which the various forms Miss Hayes did was reduce the num- Sport Shop or Van Boven, Inc. It is Haven. Students who wish to take of student aid, including employment, are as- ber; and, as far as I am concerned, necessary to place these orders before this examination should register be- signed." Students who might do part-time work she could have reduced a lot more. Saturday of this week in order that fore May 15 in the History Depart- without undue strain are sometimes given scholar- Thuhrsfruawudse the caps and gowns may be delivered ment Office, 119 Haven Hall, indicat- withot unue srainare ometmes ivenThe author's formula would seem in time for the Convocation, May 1. igi hc agaete iht ships. Others who are temporarily embarrassed by tohv;enfil ipe rmal iefrABr an~y1 ing in which language they wish to shis.Oterswh a-c emorril ebarasedbyto have been fairly simple: from all j Joseph A. Bursley, Chairman, be examined. financial affairs find themselves forced to over- Victoria's long life he sought just one Committee on Honors Convoca- -____mne work when they might have been aided by a loan. thing: 4the simplest, most senti- tion. These are, in other words, matters which require mental, most saccharine incidents, ' To All Candidates for the Teacher's little more than better planning and more indi- real or fictitious, that he could dis- Spring Parley: The Sixth Annual Certificate for the Present Year: The vidual treatment to be remedied. Where it is cover or imagine. Thus your treat, Spring Parley convenes at Michigan first Convocation of undergraduate within the power of the college, as in the case of hen you see the show, is to witness Union Friday, 4:00 p.m. until Sun- da fruthe tdehs' ho are n-if LLWdidatesU forUthe teacher L I certiUfi t i I BOARD OF EDITORS MANAGING EDITOR ..............THOMAS H. KLEENE ASSOCIATE EDITOR.............. THOMAS E. GROEHN Dorothy S. Gies Josephine T. McLean William R. Reed DEPARTMENTAL BOARDS Publication Department: Thomas H. Kieene, Chairman; Clinton B. Conger Robert Cummins, Richard G. Her- shey, Ralph W. Hurd, Fred Warner Neal, Reportorial Department: Thomas E. Groehn, Chairman; Elsie A. Pierce, Joseph S. Mattes. Editorial Department: Arnold S. Daniels, Marshall D. Shulman. ports Department: Wlliam R. Reed, Chairman; George Andros, Fred Buesser, Raymond Goodman. Women's Departmeu, : Josephine T. McLean, Chairman; Josephine M. Cavanag, Florence I. Davies, Marion T. Hoden, Charlotte D. Rueger, Jewel W. Wuerfel. BUSINESS DEPARTMENT Telephone 2-1214 SUSINESS MANAGER..........GEORGE H. ATHERTON CREDIT MANAGER ...... JOSEPH A. ROTHBARD WOMEN'S BUSINESS MANAGER ....MARGARET COWIE WOMEN'S SERVICE MANAGER ...ELIZABETH SIMONDS DEPARTMENTAL MANAGERS Local Advertising, William Barndt; Service Department, Willis Tomlinson; Contracts, Stanley Joffe; Accounts, Edward Wohlgemuth; Circulation and National Adver- tising, John Park; Classified Advertising and Publica- tions, Lyman Bittman. NIGHT EDITOR: RICHARD G. HERSHEY The Future 01 The League... A S THE EUROPEAN crisis lingers on. and as the Ethiopian war seems to draw to a close, more and more doubt is expressed throughout Europe as to the value of the League of Nations. Its work of pacifying Il Duce and protecting Ethiopia from the rude advances of the Fascist state has been a flop. Even Great Britain's for- eign secretary, Anthony Eden, the League's most faithful champion, at last admits this, and makes a desperate, ominous plea for "action"--combined action by the nations of Europe against Italy. Foreign Secretary Eden also hinted that Britain may one day abandon the League unless the nations fulfill their duty of collective security. It is unfortunate for the League that its greatest opportunity to show its strength came at a time when the state of Europe prevented the taking of combined action against the aggressor. No country is today willing or' able to fight a war against Italy or any one else either with or without the support of Great Britain. And the nations which are prepared for war are not members of the League clique. But Mr. Eden surely appre- ciates the difficulties which have beset the League. It is reasonable to assume that there are other reasons for his disappointment in it and his pessimistic attitude. Of course, it is impossible for the nations of Europe to cooperate in the League as long as they are striving, each in its own way towards a goal which infringes upon what another nation con- siders its own. Italy, in its Ethiopian campaign, has completely disregarded the sovereign rights of Ethiopia, and has also disregarded the "rights"' of the British Empire. It is impossible for the League to settle the problems of empire-grubbing as long as the peoples of Europe find their eco- nomic conditions such that they are wide open to the allure of a dictatorship. And the people of Germany and Italy have always been psycho- logically suited to just such government. The next few months will prove quite definitely whether or not the League, as it is now consti- tuted is practical, that is, whether or not it is possible to settle international problems off the battlefield. Mr. Eden looks gloomily toward the an- swer, and this is certainly a bad omen, for there is no nation more eager to keep peace than Great Britain, and there is no nation better versed in the problems of diplomacy. When Britain an- nounces definitely that it expects the worst, it is time to bring out the oxygen tanks and begin the work of reviving the patient. Life-giving oxygen to the League will be the adoption of a new policy of putting individual nations back on ther feet, so that they may be able to cooperate in the settlement of interna- tional problems. The League must "begin at the ibeginning,'A must gain the confidence of its members, and then proceed to the broader work. The Wishiers . .. W 7 HILE University students were spring vacationing, a former Uni- versity student, Dr. William D. Moriarty, 59, blew himself and his wife into fragments with a bomb while seated in the back seat of an automobile in Los Angeles, according to police reports from that city. A professor of economics at the University of Southern California, Dr. Moriarty's last spoken second, that regardless of one's interests or apti- tudes and no matter how great the sacrifice, it was to the good of all people, especially in a democ- racy, to acquire the greatest possible amount of education. In the last five or six years these traditions have been seriously shaken. With the depression has come not only the drying up of funds from private resources so that scholarships are no longer as numerous and as large as they once were. But the unemployment situation, too, has made it vir- tually impossible for young people to earn enough money to meet the total expenses of a college education. As the number of students seeking part-time jobs with which to keep themselves in college has increased, the available number of these jobs has decreased. The full effect of this trend was not felt, however, until 1932. For be- tween 1930 and 1932 it was counteracted, as the increase in college registrations by four per cent indicated by the tendency of young people, no matter how well qualified, to go to college and thus postpone their entrance into an already over- crowded labor market. But from 1932 to 1934 college registrations fell off by ten per cent. And it was this alarming situation which led in Feb- ruary, 1934, to the inauguration by the federal government of a college aid program. The problem of earning one's way through college had become acute. Itwas then that doubts, particularly as to the value of working for an education and its effect on the student, began to crop up. Were poten- tially good students, it was asked, being handi- happed, if not wholly lost sight of, because of the amount of outside work they were compelled to do? How many students were really capable of obtaining any great benefits from a college education? Was it, after all, worth the sacrifice and the efforts that were being made to help a large number of the students who were attempting to be self-supporting? And what effect was the increasing numbers of self-supporting students having not only on the academic but on the extra-curricular life of the college? Indeed, in 1932, a group of personnel officers from certain Eastern colleges were stirred to discover the an- swers to these and similar questions. Results Of Self-Help The conclusions of this group are startling and federal student aid, a further solution, it is sug- her suitors, the naive bride awesome- gested, lies in the shortening of the hours of ly learng that men shave, the young work and in the raising of the rates of pay, wife receiving a stern lesson from her so that, though earning the same amount of husband. And, after the prince con- money during the school year, students will have sort dies, it gets even better. For then heroine dramatically to punctuate all The objection that part-time work interferes the remainder of her life's happiness with the extra-curricular and social life of a col- with recurrent sighing asides of, "Oh, lege is to my mind the least serious objection Albert, Albert." of the lot. Valuable as these outside college ac- Tnigroom isial yu n et for tivities may be, they are not of sufficient im- eenk ahoead. I stood. butIcan wgdc portance to warrant giving up the theory of self- stand again, or sit, either. support. Though the proportion of self-supporting Miss Hayes' acting, of course, is students is undoubtedly large, nevertheless the excellent. Good as the girl, she gets majority, which should be a sufficient number, of better with age. The full change she students are able to engage wholeheartedly in encompasses within the two and a such activities. Nor will it be necessary, if it isI possible to cut down on the length of the part- time work, for students to refrain altogether from participating in the social and athletic life of the college. After making a survey of students recieving federal aid last year, the Com- mittee oA Federal Student Aid at Nebraska Wes- leyan University concluded that "students may earn a considerable proportion of their college expenses, carry an average number of hours, participate in a reasonable number of extra-cur- ricular activities, and still earn better grades than the average student." A Part-Time Institution I am much more concerned over the objection that the number of students doing part-time work is making of the college a part-time institution. Looking at this tendency purely from the scholastic point of view, it is a great pity that self-supporting students are not able to give as much time as they wish to their courses. It is not merely that worry and the amount of time spent on outside work may have a demoralizing effect on their scholas- tic achievements. It is much more fundamental than that. The essence of the, real scholar in my opinion is that he doesn't do only what he is told but a great deal else besides. He doesn't simply stick to the path pointed out to him but wanders off it out of curiosity and explores the territory on either side, discovering for himself many new and fascinating things. He is both thorough and of an inquiring mind. Given plenty of time, he will do a distingushed piece of work. Yet too often the student who s working his way through college half hours of the play - transition from a child to a loggy old woman - is a feat which, as a histrionic tour de force, earns its applause. Any stu- dent of acting, I should think, could learn much from her performance; and it would undoubtedly throw a make-up class into ecstacies. But for those of us who are notM actors or make-up artists, "Victoria Regina" is, I think, much too highly praised. will. Then are self-reliance and in- itiative required. We are agreed, I hope, then, that though the "earn your way through college" is not perfect -has, indeed, its pitfalls which we must be careful to recognize and, if possible, to avoid -nevertheless, the principle upon which it rests is still sound. Let us now see more specifically how the National Youth Administration fits into the picture. More than half the money allocated to the NYA is being used to provide student aid. Having modified and expanded last year's FERA college aid program, the NYA is making it possible not only for college students but for secondary school and postgraduate students to earn sufficient funds with which to continue thei; education. Some 354,- 000 students throughout the country are now participating in this phase of our program. Of these, 121,500 are college students - an increase of1 day 12:00 a.m. to discuss "Our To- morrow-What Shall We Make of It?" Faculty Panel of twenty chosen by the student general committee. All students are invited to partici- pate. Sections on Saturday : Our University-Are We Satisfied? Room 302. The Arts-How to Use Them- Room 304. Religion and Personal Adjustment. Room 305. The Family-Its Place in Society. Room 306. {Our State and Its Economic Sys- tem-How to Better Them, Room 318. International Relations - How to Improve Them. Room 316. Paul F. Bagley Scholarship in Chemistry. This scholarship of $200 is open to juniors and seniors spe- cializing in chemistry and in need of financial assistance. Application blanks may be obtained from the chemistry office, Room 212, and should be filed in that office before May 15. "Over the Counter Sale of Season May Festival Tickets: All remaining season tickets for the May Festival six concerts) are now on public sale at the Business Office of the School of Music, Maynard Street, at $6.00, $7.00 and $8.00 each. (If Festival coupon from Choral Union course ticket is returned, the price is re- duced to $3.00, $4.00 and $5.00). Sophomore, Juniortand Senior En- gineers:bMid-Semester reports for grades below C are now on file and open to inspection in the office of the Assistant Dean, Room 259 West En- gineering Building. School of Education Students: Or- ders will be taken for commencement invitations Wednesday and Thurs- day, April 22 and 23. The sale will be conducted in the University High School, first floor. Seniors, College of Architecture: Orders for Commencement An- nntir~rcma tc 1aill h ~ rn hi-ra will be held in the Lydia Mendel- ssohn Theatre on Tuesday afternoon, May 12, at 4:15 p.m. This convoca- tion is sponsored by the School of Education, and members of other faculties, students and the general public are cordially invited. Faculty members ,and students who are can- didates for the teacher's certificate are requested to wear academic cos- tume. President Ruthven will pre- side at the Convocation and Dean Henry W. Homes of the Graduate School of Education of Harvard Uni- versity will give the address. Events Of Today A.I.Ch.E. meets at 7:30 p.m., Room 1042. Dr. H. W. Rinehart of E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Co., will speak on "Synthetic Ammonia." Refreshments. Poetry Reading Contest: The pre- liminaries for this contest will be held in Room 205 Mason Hall on Tuesday, April 28, beginning at 3 p.m. Con- testants may draw for the order of speaking at 5 p.m. on Thursday, April 23, in Room 205 Mason Hall. At this time a list of the poems each contest- ant expects to read should be hand- ed in, or else such a list should be left for Professor Hollister in Room 3211 Angell Hall. Zeta Phi Eta meeting at the Michi- gan League at 7:30 p.m. to meet the National President. Varsity Glee Club: Important re- hearsal for next concert, tonight, 7:30 p.m. Full attendance is imperative. U. of M. Radio Club meets at 7:30 p.m., Union. Mr. A. E. Lewis, Super- visor of transmission and mainten- ance of the Bell Telephone Company of Grand Rapids, will talk on modern communication. Les Voyageurs meeting at the Union at 7:30 p.m. Hillel council p.m. Foundation: Very important meeting at Foundation, 5 interesting since they represent probably the first is compelled to remain content with just getting 17,000 over the peak month of March, and Friday, April 23 and 24, from systematic attempt to analyze a tradition which by in each of his studies. He has no time to do 1935 - and 5,100 are postgraduate 1 to 5 p.m. in the Second Floor Draft- Albert Hamilton of Los Angeles, for too long a time had been accepted at its face the bits of exploration that make the difference students. ing Room, by Lucy Cope, Errol Clark, former president of the National value. It was their opinion that: aetween adequate and 'really good scholastic or Robert Morris. Orders close Fri- Federation of Methodist Young Peo- work. Of interest is the kind of work day. ple will acdress the Student Alliance First, the health hazards involved in com- On the other hand, the survey of last year's the students are performing. No sur- at 8 p.m. today in Lane Hall. bining a full collegiate program with sufficient federal student aid program undertaken by the vey of the whole NYA student aid Crop and Saddle: Any woman stu- outside employment to provide full support are Office of Education reveals that in average scho- program has yet been made; but the dent wishing to try out for this rid- mostserius.Offie ofEduatio revalsthatin aerae sco- Oio outhAdmiistatio CamiusgCoEventsnt most serious. lastic achievement the college aid students were Ohio Youth Administration has just ing club is asked to get in touch with Second, constant worry over financial mat- aic a the e cudents y ee finished a study of the college and Eleanor French, the club president, English Journal Club will meet Fri- ters and excessive time devoted to self-support highe than the regular students in fifty-three programs in sixty-six or leave her name at Barbour Gym- day at 4:10 p.m. in the League. Mr. produce a demoralizing effect on the student's per cent of the institutions. And in ninety-nine colleges and universities. This study nasium, Room 15. Hart Schaaf will present a paper on scholastic achievement, general adjustment institutions submittng grades approximately fifty- shows that by far the greater num- The try outs will be held Friday, "Politics and the Modern Novel." and social contacts. five per cent of the students, a comparatively ber of students are engaged in intra- April 24, at 2 p.m. Transportation Prof. Howard Mumford Jones will Third, the more numerous the self-sup- large number, received an average grade of "A" mural work - approximately eighty- will be arranged. speak on the riotous subject: "Tom por "B." This superiority is explainable in several six per cent of the college students Moore in America." porting students, the thinner the available 1 ways. In the first place, certain colleges have fol- and ninety-six per cent of the post- Esperanto Class: The EsperantoMorinAeca means of assistance must be spread. lowed the policy of selecting students largely on graduate students. College students classes will meet hereafter on Wed- Fourth, an excessive number of self-support- the basis of high scholarship. In the second place, are most commonly performing cler-nesday and Friday at4 Annual French Play: The 30th an- ing students renders the competition for jobs . . 'tical and office work, while graduate Room 1035 Angell Hall. nual French Play: nChotard et Cie so keen that employers are able to take advan- it is undoubtedly true that many of the students students are usually acting as re- by Roger-Ferdinand will be present- tage of students. selected to receive federal assistance not only 'search assistants. Among college Senior Engineers: Commencement ed on Tuesday, April 28, at 8:15 p.m., wanted a college education to such a degree students wonk in libiaries and mu- announcements for the engineering Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre, by mem- Fifth, a disproportionately large number that they were willing to work hard for it but scums, as laboiatory assistants and as school will be on sale Thursday, Fri- bers of the Cercle Francais. of self-supporting students, being in a sense were of a conscientious type and thus made reseai'ch assistants is equally divided day and Monday, April 23-27, from The general public is cordially in- part-time students, tends to turn the college the most of the opportunity that was given them, averaging between ten and twelve per 9-11 a.m., and 2-4 p.m., on the second vited. Tickets on sale at the theatre into a part-time institution. An education, like most desirable things, is most cent apiece as compared with the floor corridor of the West Eng. Bldg. Monday and Tuesday next week. Sixth, a too large proportion of self-sup- highly valued when some sacrifice is made to thirty per cent who are doing clerical Receipts for payment of senior dues porting students jeopardizes the extra-curric- acquire it. It s the exceptional person who fully and office work. Fourteen per cent 1 must be presented before orders will Advanced fencers: The final com- ular and social life of the institution. appreciates the things which come to him easily are engaged in extra-mural activities,~ be accepted. bats will continue, as before vaca- The full truth of some of these conclusions I am and by natural right. Young men of wealth six per cent as readers and graders I tion, on Friday at 3:30 in the base- somewhat inclined to question. Though it ismay have the pick of the universities of the world of papers and sixteen p cent are Academic Noticesment room of the Barbour Gym. working on a number of miscellaneous ANMisses Weber and Field will have doubtless true on the whole that the health but few of them realize how fortunate they projects.Chemistry 17 and 36: Dr. McAlpine four combats to complete in the hazards of over-work are most serious and that are and how much they might gain by taking Te _aue_-f --hkyRound Robin, and Misses Taylor, constant worry over financial matters can be de- advantage of the opportunities which lie before students has depended upon the qual- proval It is simply that I believe Parsons, and White will have three oralizing, this does not prove the assertion of them. So, in my opinion, the fundamental prin- ity of the people in carge of the pro- those iyou who have abeen admin- to complete. If for any reason those President Conant of Harvard University that ciple in back of the "work your way through col- gram. Where this has been carried istering and studying this program participating will be unable to at- working one's way through college is more de- lege" theory still holds true - and it is upon out conscientiously and carefully- have probably weighed the merits of tend, please notify the manager, structive than productive. It simply gives added this principle that the federal student aid program and in most instances I am happy one or more of these proposals and 21646, before Friday. is firmly based. to report that such has been the have thought well or poorly of them able to the holo di f frtrat case - federal student aid, as the for one reason or another. All I want Graduate Outing Club will have an hatye ica iethe ors o The COddling Argument Director of Personnel at Iowa State to do now is to recall them to your early morning bird hike, Sunday, College recently reported, "has been minds, setting them before you at April 26. The group will meet at accepted as true. And why frustrated? That is, We have still with us, of course, those who think invaluable to the students. It has random rather than attempting to 6:00 a.m. in the park behind the of course, impossible to say, yet it is interesting it damaging to morale for young people to accept been of assistance in a financial way, give them in the order of their im- Museum at the corner of Geddes to speculate on the possibility that contributing government-created opportunities. They tremble and the training derived through this portance. Ave. and Forest. Breakfast will be to his sense of frustration was a perversion of when they think of how month by month the experience has been almost equiva- It has been suggested: served for approximately 15 cents. mind leading him to believe the "power to do good" self-reliance and initiative of thousands of stu- I lent to another college career." In- First, that there be an early an- i All graduate students are cordially must be derived from an outside force, a divine dents is being undermined by this government deed, a survey of eighty-two Cath- nouncement as to whether or not the invited to attend. being. program. Having gone to college at a time when olic colleges and universities made program is to be continued during the That speculation is interesting to the extent it was comparatively easy for a young man to find by the Department of Education of next school year and what its details Contemporary: Business meeting the National Catholic Welfare Con- will be. Students are anxious to Friday at 4 p.m. at the Contemporary that all of us are familiar with people who may a job that enabled him to meet his college ex- fre shtowed tat he feel stu- wi ae. plans fre all; an office, Student Publications Building. be called "wishers"- people who would like ever penses. it is hard for the conservatives to appre- enet aid program that thei 'unanit- thecolleges themselfor next fall; a so much to "do something if they only could," who ciate the fact that such opportunities no longer mous approval" And the letters which plenty of time to arrange for the Mimes Initiation Banquet Friday, sigh for powers or capacities that can never be exist in their former abundance. Accordingly a we have been 'eceiving give further careful selection of students. April 24, at the Union, 6:30 p.m. All theirs so long as those self-same sighs are ex- government program which creates part-time jobs indication of this wide-spread ap- Second, that a person in the pay of active members and initiates plan- haling the capacities already theirs. 1 for students seems to be designed to coddle and probation not only on the part of the NYA be assigned to the super- ning to attend please call Ed Ad-