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April 23, 1936 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1936-04-23

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The Weather
Lower Michigan fair today,
not quite so cool in afternoon;
tom:row unsettled, showers.


AOP *r
r4 tg an


The Future Of The League...
The Wishers .

VOL. XLVI No. 142



- --------- a a

Re port Revolt!
Of Ethiopians;
Italians Halted
Crown Prince Takes Over
Duties Of Haile Selassie;
Troops Are Massed
Badogho 70 Miles
From Addis Ababa
Emperor Makes Ready For
Desperate Last Stand On
9,000 Foot Pass
ADDIS ABABA, April 22.-(P) -
A serious insurrection among the
northern Ethiopian armies was re-
ported unofficially in Addis Ababa
today as the youthful Crown Prince
Asfa Wosan returned to the ram-
shackle old palace to resume his place
as his father's deputy in the capital.
Refugees from the North brought
varied reports of disaffection, but it
was uncertain whether this is handi-
capping Emperor Haile Selassie, who
is organizing a last stand in defense
of Addis Ababa in the towering Shoan
Mountains south of Dessye.
Some northern Galla and Tigrean
tribes in the territory which the Em-
peror was forced to evacuate are be-
lieved involved.
(Rome reports said Italy's north-
ern army, driving on Addis Ababa,
was only 70 miles from the capital).
Ethiopian leaders said they be-
lieved the Italians are now concen-
trating on an attempt to crush Ras
Nasibu, leakder of a southeastern
army, before proceeding further
against the capital.
Nasibu was called the "Savior of
Ogaden" after halting an Italian ad-
vance in November and thus far has
been the most successful Ethiopian
Haile Selassie was said to have re-
organized his army on a 9,000 foot
pass and to have held up an Italian
advance at Warra Hailu, 70 miles
south of Dessye.
Mussolini Adds
Io Wa Funds
As Ar'my Gains
(By the Associated Press)
Premier Mussolini poured another
$115,000,000 into his war fund today
as Italian hopes for victory in East
Africa were raised by fresh reports
of Fascist advances.
The Northern Italian army, re-
liable reports declared, has advanced
to the holy city of Debra Birhan, less
than 70 miles from Addis Ababa.
France, meanwhile, checked up its
frontier defenses and sought to puzzle
ou Adolf Hitler's next move since
lany's reoccupation of the
Rjjneland. -df
e French decided to respond £ a-
vorably to Turkey's request to re-
fortify the Dardanelles despite re-
ports, from informed sources that Il
Duce has taken an opposite position.
Case Of Spitzer
Considered By
-Gov. Fitzgerald

Italy Protests New
Strailt Rearmtament
ROME, April 22. - (/P) -Turkey's
move to rearm the Dardanelles has
aroused the opposition of Italy, per-
haps the most interested of all coun-
tries in keeping the straits free and
open, informed sources disclosed to-,
Italy, however, may eventually give
her consent in principle, being forced
to by similar consents granted by
other big powers, but her fundamen-
tal opposition will, nevertheless, con-
So far as Italy is concerned, the
rearming of the narrow link between
the Aegean and Black Seas is a vital
element in the complex situation in-
volving the major states in Europe.
Italy's opposition is on the diplo-
matic basis that the Treaty of Laus-
anne providing for the disarmament
of the Straits was freely negotiated
and signed by Turkey in 1923, and
therefore cannot be unilaterally ab-
Council Action

Student Case (Club Finaulists At Law' School.


New Tax Bill
Promises Hot
House Debate
Revenue Measure Is Short
Of Goal Set By Roosevelt
In Tax Message
Proposal To Raise
r;, 03 0,00,0()Yearly
Democratic Leaders Push
Other Legislation Aside
To Speed Adjournment.
WASHINGTON, April 22.- (A) -
Lining up the new tax bill tonight
for what may prove the session's
stormiest House debate, backers of
the measure conceded it would fall
short of President Roosevelt's revenue
goal and hinted at another tax meas-
ure next year,
The bill, estimated to produce
$803,000,000 in a single year, was
poised to start through a gauntlet
of sixteen hours debate with the open-
ing of tomorrow's House session.
The Democratic majority of the
Ways and Means Committee, formally
asking the House to approve the mea-
sure, said it would fail by $334,-
000,000 to meet the revenue require-
ments for three years laid down by
Mr. Roosevelt in his March 3 tax mes-

65 Submit Entries
In Hopwoo (ontest
With entries greater and talent
more evenly divided than last year,
according to Prof. Roy W. Cowden,
of the English department, director
of the Avery Hopwood and Jule Hop-
wood Awards committee, the contest
deadline was reached yesterday.
Professor Cowden reported 65 com-
petitors who submitted 85 volumes
of manuscripts for the 1935-36 com-
oetition. Last year 59 competitors
entered 70 volumes of manuscripts.
The poetry division showed the
most notable gains this year, Profes-
sor Cowden said, with the increase in
he major poetry contest especially
The numbers of volumes of manu-
:UintL in thn PVei~± uAvicirvno di-e

2 Trapped
Men Saved
Dr. Robertson, Scadding,
Rescued At 12:15 A.M.
By Valiant Crew
Men Will Be Taken
To Halifax Hospital

i I


. Photo by Gach.
Representing the outstanding student lawyers in the junior class
at Law School, the four men above will argue tomorrow in the finals of
the year's Case Club competition. They are, left to right, Jacob Weiss-
man, William McClain, Elbert Gilliom, and Clifford Ashton.


Meets A >roval IC_____________ __ ________
Of Fraternities caseTilCobSono
Houses Give Unanimous -T--c--io To-r
Support On Abolition Detroit Judges Are Chosen counsel will receive $50 each, and
Of Hell Week .. O losing counsel, $25 each.
ToPck__ecpets O_ In addition to the finalists in Fri-
Michigan fraternities are apparent- $50 And $25 Awards day's trial, two other outstanding
y satisfied that Hell Week is a thing .iunior students will be selected as
f the past for not one objection was After more than a full semester Case Club judges for the year 1936-37.
raised to the Executive Committee's of preparation and elimination, in The club's advisory board, composed
two-week-old abolition action as the which more than 100 junior law stu- of Professors John B. Waite, Wil-
[nterfraternity Council held its quiet- dents participated, the finals of the Liam W. Blume, and John E. Tracy,
est meeting of the year last night. annual Case Club competition at the and student judges Erle A. Kightling-
After questioning members of the Law School will be held at 2 p.m. to- er, Marion Yoder, Frank Barnako,
Executive Committee on the official morrow in Room 100, Hutchins Hall, and Donald Quaife, will make the
nterpretations of the rules, the dele- Law School. :election. This group has directed
ho sted, -the activities of the Case Club for
gates of the 33 houses represent, The final trial, which last year th past year.
as a matter of policy, gave a unani drew an audience of 450 persons, is As its final function of the year,
mnous vote of confidence to the Coi- expected to be witnessed by an even the club will meet at a banquet at the
rnittee upon its action on the Hell larger audience tomorrow.
Week issue. Lawyers' Club on May 5. More than
From the explanations of members Jacob Weissman, William McClain. 300 members and guests are expected.
of the Executive Committee the juris- Elbert Gilliom, and Clifford Ashton, ---_-- __ _
0diction of the Interf aternity Coun- all of the class of '37L, are the final-
cil -upon pledge training begins upon ists. The student lawyers have
worked four weeks in the prepara-ciCa 0 n i
pledge-day and ends upon the en- tion of their briefs and oral argu-
trance of pledgeships into the phase
of training which is specifically con- men.h n. dso r
troled y te ntionl oganzaton. Sitting on the bench as judges of
Irolled by the national organization. the trial will be the Hon. Harry B.
The only interpretation of the abo- Kedan. Allen Campbell, Homer Fer Canipits T alks
lition rules which aroused any men- uson, Arthur Webster, and Ira W.
tionable controversy was that a Jayne, circuit courts judges of the
pledge class could rot be compelled third Judicial district of Michigan. STs Bureau Set Up
to sleep at its fraternity house. h cial sit of Mich
After short discussion, a motion wosicur sts' 't'ot.04"Vve Of Faculty Are
a Aterst dallon a iton acting clerk of the court will be
that the rules allow a fraternity to Thoas Croft, '37L. Lsted B T~ly oi
require its pledge class to sleep at Reward to the finalists for their -
the fraternity one night each week' work in the competition will be two- In an effort to make the peace
butfold: a hae of the Henry M. Camp- movement hkrh a lasting thing, the
preceding a holiday, was passed with bell Case Club award, and the, honor University Peace Council announced
but one dissent. of being appointed student judges mclerday that it has set up a "speak-
T Cnt o hE e Co-for the coming year's Case Club ars bin cau" which will send faculty
continued on Pag 21 trials. A member of the Detroit law ad ,udent speakers to discuss peace
--firm of Buekley, Ledyard, Dickinson .nd w r before any organization re-
Mi te 1l To Speak and Wright, donor of the Campbell luesting them.
award, will be present at the trial The speakers listed by the bureau
(b1uFug O DaV t0o make the presentation. Winnin? nclude five faculty members, two



Further Action Postponed
Thqir report asserted, however, that
the bill "will take care of the Pres-
ident's request until the next session
of Congress, which canhthen act more
intelligently in the light of the con-
ditions then existing."
In contrast to that intimation of
a tax bill after the elections when
new levies will be a less weighty po-
litical problem, some Democrats on
the Senate Finance Committee fore-
cast that the present bill might be
broadened to bring it into line with
the presidential revenue suggestions.
1The Senate committee is scheduled
to meet privately tomorrow to scrut-
inize the bill carefully with the help
of congressional and Treasury tax
May Consider Processing Taxes
Some members were talking of
tapping additional sources of tempo-
rary revenue to produce $100,000,000
to $150,000,000 annually for three
years. That they may consider new
processing taxes has been admitted
for some time. Although these were
suggested by the President, the House
Ways and Means Committee ignored
House Democratic leaders, pressing
for speed on legislation holding the
key to congressional adjournment,
agreed to sidetrack all other con-
troversial questions until the House
passes the tax, relief and naval ap-
propriation bills.

vcripts in the several divisions are: ScesCiae okO
major fiction 12, minor fiction 22, Sccess Climaxes Work Of
major drama 7, minor drama 6, major Laborers After 10-Days
poetry 10, minor poetry 13, major es-
iay 8, minor essay 7. Digging In Tunnels
MOOSE RIVER, N. S., April 23.-
Faculty Panel (Thursday) - (P) -Dr. D. Edwin
Robertson and Alfred Scadding, en-
G e s iews On tombed since April 12 in a partially
GivesVilews U0 water-filled pit of the Moose River
Gold Mine, were rescued early today
~rind 1Parley and brought to the surface.
I'""J The doctor was carried out of the
mine shaft on a stretcher. As he
Professors Request Chance passed weary miners on the surface
he waved and said, "Thank you,
To Express Differences boys."
Am g SAn official in charge of the tele-
Among Selves phone stretching along the rescue
tunnel reported the diggers had
Seventeen members of the Spring reached the entombed pair at 12:15
Parley faculty panel placed their ap- a.m., Atlantic Standard Time.
proval on this year's parley at a lun- Scadding was brought out a few
^heon in the League yesterday and minutes after Robertson.
advanced many suggestions as to Special Drill Is Used
what should be discussed. The successful reaching of the men
The Parley, with its main topic came as a climax of nearly ten days
"Our Tomorrow - What Shall We of gruelling, day and night digging
Make It?"-meets Friday, Saturday amid the constant danger of rock
ind Sunday in the Union. The first slides.
meeting, a general session which will The ill men will be kept in the
be opened by President Ruthven, will temporary hospital for at least a
start at 4 p.m. Friday in the Union's day before the 75-mile ambulance
north lounge. trip to Halifax over rough roads will
Those present, in addition to stu- be undertaken.
dent chairmen and G. Mennen Wil- A diamond drill brought here
iams, general chairman, were Prof. especially for the purpose was used
Robert C. Angell and Prof. Arthur E. to reach the men. It was stopped
Wood, of the sociology department, when the hole was within two inches
Prof. Joseph R. Hayden and Prof. of the men's prison.
Harold M. Dorr of the political science Robertson Able To Hear Rescuers
department, Prof. Stuart A. Courtis Rescue workers had talked this
of the education school, Prof. Max morning to Dr. Robertson, who told
S. Handman of the economics de- them over the one-way telephone
partment, Prof. John L. Brumm, that he was able to hear the voices
chairman of the journalism depart- of the grimy rescue party. He asked
ment. them then to have a hypodermic
Prof. Howard Mumford Jones of needle ready.
the English department, Prof. Roy Since Sunday three feet of water
W. Sellars of the philosophy depart- had separated the entombed men
ment, Prof. Preston W. Slosson of and a first tube through which they
the history department, Prof. John had received vials of cocoa, soup,
F. Shepard of the psychology de- brandy and other nourishment. Al-
partment, Prof. Leroy Waterman of though still able to send up messages,
the oriental languages and litera- Dr. Robertson and Scadding would
tures department, Dr. Charles W. not take the chance of fording the
Brashares, Methodist minister and icy water to receive further food.
Dr. E. W. Blakeman, chief parley ad-! Contact Made Through Shaft
visor. The contact with the entombed
The faculty men also favored dis- men was made through the same
cussion among themselves regarding slender shaft where workers heard
questions raised by students from the rappings in the cold, wet hours o
floor, an entirely new proceedure. In last Sunday morning-the first indi-
the past, as was pointed out by Dr. cation that life existed in the pit te
Blakeman, questions have been ad- which the three men had descended
dressed or referred to one professor, a week before.
answered and the matter was set- The miners who squirmed through
tled, unless brought up again in an- to Robertson and Scadding were Joe
other question. Simpson and George Morrell of Stel-
larton, members of the "Draegermen'
crew, and J. Hirschfield of the Gold-
APRIL GARGOYLE ON SALE enville gold mines.
April's Gargoyle is being sold on
the campus today and it contains Stud Take
all the old features with a few new ents
ones thrown in. The results of the
magazine's "flashiest dressed man on Ox rd Peace
campus" contest are given in this
i ue A-^vr~Uini fn T~nniL1 'RA i^. Iiii


1 1 i J ll a _a e.c.v a U a r GAL y

William D. Mitchell, former United ° ' Speech
States Attorney-General, will give the Pt>
principal address at the Founder's A n A a l Ban
Day banquet of the University Law
Club which will be held at 6:30 p.m.
tomorrow in the dining room of the An illustrated lecture on his recent
Law Quadrangle. icsrarch into the cause and remedy
The dinner is an annual tradition for the oscillation of railroad truck,
of the Law Club, held in honor of was given last night at the Union b:
the late William W. Cook, who made Mr. f. A. Otis of the Chicago Rapid
possible the construction of the Law Tiansit Co. following the annual ban-
Quadrangle and who founded the Law quet of the Transportation Club.
Club in 1924. Dean Henry M. Bates Mr. Otis told of the various unsuc-
will act as toastmaster, and Regent cessful attempts to stop "shimmy-
! James. Murfi will give a short1 ina.""ne of the chicauses of bas-

ocal ministers and seven students.
)iganizations desiring speakers, ac-
iording to Alice Brigham, '36, a mom-
_er of the Peace Council, can get in
ouch with the Union, the League,
L ame Hall or the office of Dr. Ed-
aid W. Blakeman, counsellor in re-
i;ious education, in University Hall.
Dr. Blakeman, advisor to the Peace
Council, explained that the speakers
ire avaliable for fraternities, sorori-
ies or any organization wishing a
ihe speakers are Prof. Preston W.
lossori of the history department,
'rof. John Dawson of the Law School,
rof. iennett Weaver of the English
lepaitment. Prof. John Shepard of
he psychology department, Dr.
;iakeman, the Rev. Dr. W. P. Lemon,
' iesbyterian minister, the Rev. H. P.
.Luley, unitarian minister, G. Men-
en Williams, '36L, chairman of the
-<ace Council; Cyril Hetsko, '36L,
Lbe Zwerdling, Grad., Winifred Bell,
36, Michael Evanoff, '36L, Patricia
Noodward, Grad., John Brigham,
361, and Miss Brigham.

Arrest Two Youths
For Theft Of Auto
Ann Arbor police yesterday ar-
rested Rodney Lemble, 18 years old,
and George Gillen, 17 years old, for
the theft of an automobile belonging
to Edmund Wright, 411 E. Jefferson,
which the two boys are alleged to
have driven away and stripped April
16. The car was recovered the same
night it was stolen, and a radio, tail
light and floor mat which they re-
moved were recovered from them by
the police yesterday.
Arraigned before Judge Jay H.
Payne on a charge of "unlawfully
driving away an automobile," the two
boys demanded an examination,
which was set for April 29, and fur-
nished bonds of $1,000 each.

LANSING, April 22-IP)-Gov. Fitz- talk. hengerhdiscomfort on thehrailroad'
geadcniee oih hte o Also a part of the Founder's Day and how the swaying has beep,
gerald considered tonight whether to Program will be a University convo- -topped by the adoption of the cylin-
permi J theextzrdtotenisseecation at 11 p.m. in the lounge of drical wheel in preference to the olh
of Jacob Spitzer, Detroit mechanic thayr'Cu.cncloe
accused of kidnaping his own son. the Lawyers Club. ,conical one.
Both Spitzer and his wife appeared
at the extradition heaiing today,ac Slosson Says CrisisRhine
companied by their two daughters1. ~ ss n S y Cr is ORh e
and the four-year-old son, Jackie,E
whom Spitzer took from Knoxville Endanoers Leaiue Of Nations
last March.
A Knoxville court had awarded cus-
tody of the children to a Mrs. Maude By ARNOLD S. DANIELS The statements of Prime Ministei
Barrett of Knoxville. The kidnap- Grave doubt as to the chances for Stanley Baldwin and British Foreigr
ing charge was preferred because survival of the League of Nations as Secretary Anthony Eden to the effeci
Spitzer violated the court order. it now stands were expressed today that the League is proving "insuffi-
Mrs. Spitzer, who has been living by Prof. Preston W. Slosson of the cient" for the solution of internation-
in Chicago, said she was prepared to history department. al problems, Professor Slosson said
remain in Detroit to make a home for Professor Slosson feels that the seem to point to a new trend in Euro-
the children, but added it might be greatest menace to the League is not pean policies. This trend, he said
necessary for them to separate again the Ethiopian conflict,, but the has been demonstrated by the al-
if her husband became unemployed. Franco-German problems on the liance between France and Russia
Govrenor Fitzgerald said he saw in Rhine. The invasion of Ethiopia by which seems to indicate that security
that statement evidence of a lack of Italy, he said, is similar in its effect will no longer be sought in the League
family stability, upon the League to the seizure of of Nations, but in alliances and treat-
"She may return to Chicago and Manchuia by Japan because it will ies between individual nations. The
the family scattered to the four severely injure the prestige of the development of alliances, said Pro-
winds," he asserted. "It should take League, but will do it no actual harm. fessor Slosson, may be the plan be-
more than unemployment to separate None of the affairs which concern hind Great Britain's threat that shc
a family with children in which the the League today, Professor Slosson will desert the League unless "com-
parents have the proper devotion." 'said, are of sufficient importances bined action" is taken by the coun-

isu ccodn o o mier, so
editor of the Gargoyle, winners of
this contest should apply at the Gar-
goyle offices in the Student Publica-
tions Building for purchase certifi-
cates with which to obtain their

Oath At Wayne
Albert Hamilton of Pasadena,
Calif., chairman of the social action
committee of the American Student
Union, who took part in the forbidden
Wayne University peace strike yes-
terday in Detroit, will address the
Student Alliance at 8 p.m. today here
in Lane Hall.


Tyler Affair Not A Blot Upon
.1m,. f c , ..., Ct r

"ezroit s nee(

The recent havoc high municipal
Tried® In~ ourt and banking officials wrought With
.fig n C urt Detroit city funds is not really a blot
upon the "otherwise stainless char-
Sn laint' acter" of the Motor City's govern-
ment, William Lovett, secrtary of the
Detroit Citizens League, declared
Sam Spanneli, fraternity food ped- here yesterday.
jIer who surprised his unlicensed Mr. Lovett, in Ann Arbor to dis-
°ompetitors Tuesday by purchasing cuss civil service with Prof. James
m permit, said last night that it was K. Pollock of the political science de-
he police, rather than he, who swore partment, asserted that the Tyler-
>ut a complaint against D. Ray Rik- O'Shea defalcations do not mar De-
en, his rival. Riksen will go on trial I troit's municipal record of good gov-
it 2 p.m. today in justice court for ernment because "there is a world of
Aiolation of the peddlers' ordinance. difference between theft and graft."
Spanneli's statement was corrob- The embezzlement of more than
>rated by Chief of Police Lewis W. $395,000 by Harry M. Tyler, assist-

oral bA v e ttDas DETROIT, April 22.- P)-A'fiat
refusal to support the government
Although Mr. Lovett admitted that "in any war" was shouted by many
"prasw<hv<ento efcn of the 800 students at Wayne 'Uni-
"perhaps we have been too self-con- o h 0 tdnsa an m
fident, too trustful, for our own versity who took the so-called "Ox
ford Pledge" at a peace meeting to-
good," he pointed with pride to De- day despite a ban by the Board of
troit's 2-year record of good govern- Education.

ment. He said he "heartily agreed"
with Prof. Arthur W. Bromage, mu-
nicipal expert of the political science
department, who, in an interview
with The Daily during the winter,
referred to Detroit's government as
"one of the cleanest in the United
States." "Professor Bromage is quite
right," according to Mr. Lovett, who
believes that misappropriation of
welfare funds several years ago by
Lewis and Kiesgen also failed to
affect Detroit's record. He declared

The pledge was repeated after Dale
Mericle, editor of "The Collegian,"
student newspaper, jumped on the
platform and charged that Joseph P.
Selden, dean of students, denied them
the right of free speech in attempting
to enforce the board's order.
Selden had just finished his an-
nouncement forbidding administra-
tion of the pledge.
Leaders of the American Student
Union branch at the university as-
serted that all wars are excused as


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to changit ILgr~eatly of LU destrouy t. ItiesCo01 Europe.


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