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February 22, 1936 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1936-02-22

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The Weather
Continued cold today; fair
with moderate winds.




Demcrracy Still
Functions Well...
An Uncomfortable
International Scene ...



War Fear
Is Voiced
By Thomas
Noted Socialist Believes
Both Parties Fear To
Face Basic Issues
Cites Program Of
'Planned Economy'
Credits Roosevelt With
'Personal Liberalism,'
But Not Socialism
An America headed straight for
war and Fascism can only be saved
by tossing capitalism out the window
and substituting Socialism, Norman
Thomas, twice a Socialist candidate
for President, told more than 500
persons in Hill Auditorium last night.
Both the New Dealers and the more
conservative Democrats and Repub-
licans are afraid to discuss the fun-
damental issues, Mr. Thomas
charged, and "neither the New nor
Old Dealers are sure they dare touch
the prosperity they say has returned,
lest it disappear." In an address
spiced by witty anecdotes and epi-
grams, the Number One Socialist
spoke on "A Program for Our Times,"
sponsored by the Faculty-Citizens
Committee, and talked on two other
occasions earlier in the day.
A philosophy as well as a pro-
gram is necessary, Mr. Thomas as-
serted, outlining both from the So-
cialist viewpoint. The philosophy, he
said, is a "planned economy of abun-
dance, resting on social ownership of
the means of production, which is
for use and not for profit." He em-
phasized the need for working out
immediate steps, "the dynamics of
change," which he explained were
involved in organization of three
(1) An industrial or vertical or-
ganization of workers, .including
white collar workers.
(2) Consumers cooperatives as a
training schoolfor 'the ublic.
(3) An active political party.
Pointing to the unemployed and
the inequality of income in America,
Mr. Thomas held that the "present
degree of recovery is ominous in two
respects." First, he said, production
is increasing in advance of employ-
ment and money wages, "and this of
itself dooms the present prosperity to
impermanency." Secondly, he con-
tinued, "the degrees of recovery is
accompanied by a vast debt" which
he believes is inflationary in its char-
The New Deal, he asserted em-
phatically, is not Socialism. "It is a
program of not soaking the rich but
soaking the poor. It does not give
security, but instead gives us a crazy
kind of a bill wherein the govern-
ment taxes payrolls. What Roose-
velt did was to provide an ingenious
scheme for subsidizing scarcity."

Thomas Terms Fight Between
Old Parties A 'ClassConflict'

Famous Socialist, When
Interviewed, Talks About
Chances Of Radicals
Norman Thomas will, if he is asked,
be the Socialist candidate for Presi-
dent next fall, and he hopes his op-
ponents are Franklin D. Roosevelt
and William A. Borah, but he prefers
to be a Congressman from New York.
Asserting the "necessity" for the
Socialist party to put a candidate
in the field, Mr. Thomas in an in-
terview yesterday said he would again
serve as his party's standard bearer
if he was asked, but that he would
greatly prefer not to do so.
"If I do run," he declared, "I will
get the most votes if the Republican
candidate is Senator Borah." He
argued the point on this theory:
The left-wing laborers and farm-
ers are now planning to vote for
President Roosevelt not because they
favor him, but because they fear
any Republican candidate of "the
Hoover type," and feel the Socialist
party's chances are too slim. Sen-
ator Borah, "while he is not really
a liberal," is the only man in the
field who would be at all acceptable to
them, but if he should win the nomi-
nation, the left-wingers would cast
their voters for Thomas because they
see little difference between either
Borah and Roosevelt and regard
neither of them as an "evil."
No other candidate but Borah, Mr.
Thomas declared, would have that
effect. He believes President Roose-
velt's chances of reelection "the best
of anybody in the field," but held
that it depends "very largely" on
who the Republican candidate is.
However, he warned that when and
if Roosevelt is elected, "he will never
serve another term under American
Despite the fact that Mr. Thomas
views Fascism as "a great danger im-
Tryouts Called
For The Daily
Report Monday
Candidates Will Be Given
'Beats' And Instruction
In News, Head Writing
Eligible second-semester freshmen
and sophomores who are interested
in trying out for the editorial staff
of The Michigan Daily are asked to
report at 4:30 p.m. Monday at the
Student Publications Building on
Maynard Street.
Tryouts for the sports staff and
the women's staff will report at 4
p.m. Monday and 4 p.m. Tuesday, re-
spectively, at the Students Publica-
tion Building.
To be eligible for work on The
Daily, the tryout must be at least a
second-semester freshman and have
received at least one grade of "B" or

minent in America today," he op-;
poses a completely united front of
liberals and radicals working against
it. "Specific united fronts," he fa-
vors, and he sees a united farmer-
labor party as the ultimate solution.
He is against, however, a Farmer-
Labor party in the 1936 election be-
cause he thinks it would be as futile
as "the Dutch capturing Holland."
The opportune time for a nation-
wide Farmer-Labor party to strike,
Mr. Thomas asserted, is in 1940, and
he thinks that that is the way So-
cialism will come in America and the
way Fascism will be prevented.
If Fascism comes to the United
States, Mr. Thomas advised, it will
come as the result of "another ca-
tastrophic depression or another great
As for the present campaign be-
tween the Republicans and the Demo-
crats, Mr. Thomas derided it as an
"unreal, pseudo class conflict." Pres-
ident Roosevelt, he thinks, "is doing
(Continued on Page 2)

House Passes
Farm Bill By
267-97 Vote
Dairy Bloc's Compromise
Amendment Beaten By
Strong Majority
Conservation Bill
Extended To 1937
$2,000,000 Appropriated
For Use In Dust Storm
Area Of Southwest
WASHINGTON, Feb. 21. -- (P) -
The Administration's half-billion dol-
lar farm bill was rolled out of the
House by a 267 to 97 vote today and
shuttled toward a conference with
the Senate for agreement on amend-

MissGoeels Condition h ockey T
Reprte A.Unchanged
Reports from authorities at the
cerning the condition of Dorothy
Goebel, '39, Detroit, who was in-
jured in a head-on toboggan crash
into a tree Wednesday afternoon, said
that her condition was "unchanged."
Miss Goebel had not yet regained
consciousness according to the late
report, and she was still termed "dan-
gerously ill" by officials. Tobacco Is C use
The two other students riding with
Miss Goebel on the 11-foot toboggan Of One University
were badly bruised and shaken up.
Madaline Meyers, '39, Detroit, was Fire Despite Rule
released from the hospital when her
scalp laceration did not prove ser-

eam Beats
t InGreat
Drive, 2-1
Wolverines Have Chance
To Enter Into Tie For
Big Ten Title


ious and the other occupant of the
toboggan, Elizabeth Henderson, '38,
was unhurt.
Miss Goebel did show slight im-
provement between the time of the
accident and Thursday morning but
since then there has been little

S premeouLeaders predicted quick work would
i be made of sending the bill down to
Will Be Bates' the White House for the President's
The measure, as passed by the
Subject Sunday House, was little different from the
Senate bill. In the last few hours
of debate, the House twice beat down
Inaugurates New Series attempts to insert a dairy protection
Of Lectures Which Will amendment more strongly worded
than desired by the majority lead-!
Be GivenWeekly ers.
Program Limited to 1937
The "Supreme Court and Uncon- The approval of one of the major
stitutionality" will be the subject of administration measures of the ses-
a speech to be given by Dean Henry sion came on schedule after the ma-

M. Bates of the Law School at 4:151
p.m. tomorrow in the Union.
A series of lectures to take place
every Sunday afternoon and planned
by Rush Bowman, '37, Union execu-
tive council man will be inaugurated
tomorrow by Dean Bates. Bowman
said that the other lectures would be
given by professors and other faculty

jority had whipped down 144 to 111
attempts by the dairy bloc to write
in a stipulation that lands taken out
of production under the soil conser-
vation-subsidy program not be used
for crops competing with established
dairying. A compromise amendmentf
seeking to meet dairy bloc objections
was adopted.


members and that those who are to The measure amends the 1935 soil
talk will be announced every week. erosion law to set up a temporary
"It is thought that the students program of benefit payments for soil
and general public would probably conservation work by the farmer in
welcome an opportunity to learn line with government plans. This
about the special studies or hobbies pogr.am may not extend beyond Dec.
of the various faculty members from 31,_1937.


time to time," Bowman stated, "and
this series is sponsored with the pur-
pose of acquainting students with
the hobbies and studies of the men
as 'well as with the professors them-
Dean Bates is a recognized author-

The bill provides for payments
after that date, or earlier if states
can arrange to participate before-
hand, in a permanent state coopera-
tive program based on soil conser-
vation as well as maintenance of
stable agricultural supplies and farm-
ers' purchasing power.
Fight In Senate Looms
In carrying out this goal, the See-
Sretary may use the domestic allot-
ment plan of paying producers boun-

ity on
of the

constitutional questions andc
personally several members
Supreme Bench through his
on different Federal com-
s and committees.


The critics of the New Deal, he better and no grade lower than "C"
(Continued on Page 2) for his first semester.
instruction in elemenitary news
Day Indicted j1writing and head writing, and a
"beat," a department of the Univer-
ity or a campus activity which is a
For 1M tirder Of regular source of news, will be given
the tryout.
Iticiard Loch> Af promoted to the rank of reporter
e withthe appointment of a new man-
aging editor in the spring, he will
JOLIET, Ill., Feb. 21.- /0) - A ( compete with other staff members in
grand jury investigation of two sensa- his sophomore year for junior ap-
tional episodes at the Stateville Pen- pointments, all of which entail edit-
itentiary culminated today in the in- ing The Daily.
dictment of a convict for the razor-
slaying of Richard Loeb and of a Union Tryouts
former guard for aiding the escape nion pryoner
of a prisoner. E3OI
James Day, moody young robber or resh ene
from Chicago, was charged with mur-
dering Loeb in a prison bath room
Jan. 28. T eM n a
Homer Talley, ex-guard, was TM
charged with abetting the flight of
John Floss, Chicagoan, serving one A call to all freshmen interested in
year to life for armed robbery. trying out for the student organiza-
State's attorney W. R. McCabe said tion of the Union to "report at 4:15
that he was undecided whether to ask p.m. Monday in Room 302 of the
the death penalty for Day. Union was issued last night by Wen-
In a lengthy confession, made cel A. Neumann, '36, president.
public by authorities immediately Second semester freshmen whc
after the crime, Day contended that have met the scholastic requirements
he had killed Loeb in self-defense are eligible to report and to tryout
because Loeb had persisted in annoy- on one of the various committees of
ing him with improper advances. the Union. Those reporting must
Loeb, with Nathan Leopold, was in have at least a "C" average and one
prison for the 1924 murder of Bobby grade of "B" or better.
Franks of Chicago, Neumann and John C. McCarthy,
Floss walked out of the peniten-'36, recording secretary, will address
tiary Feb. 5. He was captured thethgruanexlitefncos
next day in Chicago. The prisoner the group and explain the function
told officials that he and Tally had of the Union and the work the try-
han nn "n litfp drinking haul" and outs will be engaged in. The fresh-


There will be no admission charged ties on the domestically consumed
for the lecture Sunday, and the stu- portion of their crops.C
dents and general public are urged A Senate fight seemed certain on
to attend. An announcement of the the amendment of Rep. John W.E
room in which Dean Bates will speak McCormack (Dem., Mass.), designed z
will be posted on the bulletin board. to protect consumers against too great x
_- a price increase by directing that
* 11production should not be discouragedT
Rinor-Ben Chen to a point too low to supply con-
il A sumer demands on the basis of the
W il* S e l average 1920 to 1929 consumption.
A similar amendment by Senators
rc Robert F. Wagner (Dem., N. Y.), was
BaptistCC rejected before the Senate voted thex
form plan, 56 to 20.
W sintn There will be no Daily pub-I
Waslon, ChampioiI sedSunday morning because of,
Of Nationhood" the fact that today, Washington's
Birthday, is a legal holiday. Pub-
Among the featured speakers on lication will be resumed with the
the programs of the local churches paper of Tuesday, Feb. 25.
Sunday will be Ring-Ben Chen, Grad.,
who will speak on Buddhism at 6'
p.m. during the meeting of the Roger
Williams Guild of the Baptist Church.1
The morning worship service will be
held at 10:45 a.m. with a sermon byj
the Rev. Howard R. Chapman. Part Of Frat
Dr. Brashares of the First Metho-
dist Church will preach on "Gifts!
from Luther" at 10:45 a.m. Sunday. By JOSEPH S. MATTES 1
George Abernathy, Grad., will be the That "Hell Week" is a definitely
guest speaker at the Wesleyan Guild necessary phase of fraternity pro-
meeting at 7 p.m. in Stalker Hall. cedure and that it is too firmly em-
Dean Frederick C. Grant, D.D. of bedded in Michigan tradition to be'
the Seabury-Western Theological wholly cast aside is the belief of
Seminary will be the guest preacher Michigan's undergraduate fraterni-
at the service of the St. Andrew's ties according to a survey conducted
Episcopal Church at 11 a.m. He will during the past week by Robert E.
also be the speaker at the regular " Merrill, '36F, chairman of the Inter-
student meeting to be held at 7 p.m. i fternity Council committee on
in Harris Hall.!"elW k.
The service at the Congregational "el Week."...
All but six of the 48 fraternities in-
Church will begin at 10:30 a.m. Prof.luded in the survey will definitely
Preston W. Slosson of the history eue ntesre ildfntl
department will lecture on "Wash- have a "Hell Week," Three houses
ington, Champion of Nationhood." have abandoned the procedure en-
The subject for the Presbyteria i tirely while the remaining three have
Church forum for Sunday will be old dec ded whether they will
"The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayam vs. 1 one o
the Hound of Heaven." Norman W. The old-time "Hell Week," which
Kunkel will preside over the discus- brought many violations of unaffil-
son, iated persons' privacy and the en-

IS.C. Beaten
By Wolverines
In Track. Meet
State Loses To Weakenedl
Michigan Team; Stoller
Does 60 In :06.2'
A badly weakened Michigan track
eam opened its indoor season last,
ight in Yost Field House with a
9-36 win over Michigan State, dis-
laying neither the strength neces-
ary to a Conference champion nor
he decapitated character which
would put it completely out of the
'unning for a Big Ten title.
As expected, the Wolverines showed
glaring weakness in the pole vault
with Dave Hunn declared ineligible,
n the high jump, and in the shot put,
ut strength in the dash, the mile
un, the half-mile and sustaining
points in every other event were en-
ouraging to Michigan supporters.
Both teams scored slams in one
vent, Michigan in the opening mile
and State in the shot, as the Wolver-
nes took the relay. The Spartans
were able to register but two other
irsts outright, in the quarter-mile, in
which Harvey Patton and Stan Birle-
on of Michigan did not run, and in
he high jump.
Outstanding performances of the
evening were turned in by Sam Stol-
er in the 60-yard dash as he tied for
the second time during the week the
American and world's cinder track
record of 6.2 seconds, and in the mile,
as Clayton Brelsford, Michigan's
Conference indoor champion, put on
a last-quarter sprint which gave him
a 35-yard advantage over his arch
rival, Ray Fink, a Michigan sopho-
Brelsford's time of 4:22.2 broke the
Michigan dual meet record of 4:23.4,
set last year by Moore of Ohio.
Bob Osgood of Michigan, however,
was the individual star of the meet by
virtue of his double win in the high
and low hurdles events. Osgood also
ran anchor on the mile relay team
with Steve Mason, Charles Miller and
Ben Starr as it coasted to a win in
In the half-mile, featured event of
the meet with the presence of Jim
Wright, of State, who placed second
in the I.C. 4-A meet last year, How-
ard Davidson stepped ahead of Ben
Starr, also of Michigan, as Wright
ran third all the way.
4l Week' Vital
ernity Tradition
strenuous "work weeks." The aver-
age "Hell Week" will last four days,
he said.
Paddling, long a controversial and
much-criticized phase of "Hel.
Week," will be continued in the large
majority of houses, but more than
half of these houses, Merrill added
have indicated that it will be ad-
ministered only mildly or under sup-
ervision of alumni.
The committee has formulated a
set of recommendations, concluding
their study of the attitudes of frater
nities, and will present them to th
council for regulatory action at it
next meeting.
Whether the council will act in ac
cordance with the resolution of th
National Interfraternity Conference
last fall, to the effect that "an edu
cational campaign among activ
chapters for the elimination of 'Hel

With all the protestations over the
"No Smoking" rule in University
buildings, according to the 1934-35
president's report such rule is justi-
fled. In three years previous to 1935
there was a total of 32 fires, ten o
which were caused by cigarettes or
lighted matches, the report says.
During the past school year four
fires were reported as occuring on
University property. Of this nump
ber three occurred as the result of a
mischances in the regular routine o fi
work, and the other was caused by ni
lighted tobacco.-m
The approximate damage of all the o
fires last year amounted to $360.15 t
and payments by the insurance com- t
pany for the loss amounted to $355.15.
On May 2 at 6:30 p.m. the fire at- e
tributed to smoking occurred. A jan- t
itor's closet on the first floor of Uni- e.
versity Hall caught fire when a pipe n
which had some lighted tobacco in it ti
was put into a coat pocket by the
janitor. The damage resulting w
amounted to $5. a
Poster Contestm
Is Sponsored By a
Tower Officials B
Burton Organization To
Award $50 In Prizes t
For Student Entries J
A poster contest for all University s
students is being sponsored by the l
committee of the Burton Memorial m
Tower Fund Organization. Prizes a
amounting to $50 for the best posters S
in the opinion of the judges will be w
offered. g
The rules of the contest state that c
all posters are to visualize the Tower J
and Carillon and what they will to b
the campus and the community, and h
the share of the community will have a
in their erection. An individual pos- a
ter may treat on any one of these g
three points, of a phase of one of a
them, or of all three together, ac- t
cording to the picture that comes to t
the mind of the artist. officials said.
March 1 will be the deadline of all C
entries, and posters should not be
less than 20 by 24 inches in size anda
in not more than three colors. t
It is planned by the committee to N
use all posters entered in the "Build-n
ers of the Tower Movement," a pro-a
ject sponsored by the local UniversityI
club in which $25,000 is to be collect-,
ed for the construction of the bellf
chamber and the superstructure
above the bell chamber.
After being displayed and used inF
the drive, the posters may be claimedh
by the students submitting them.s
Proofs of pictures of the Burton
Memorial Tower together with infor-s
mation about the Tower and Carillont
will be made available in proof formc
for the guidance of contestants at thei
Alumni Association Office or Room
205 Mason Hall.I
There will also oe a division of thec
contest for school pupils of the city,
public, parochial and private. In this
division a separate-group of prizes,c
amounting to $30, will be given to the
The M. L. Burton Tower will bef
erected on the campus of the Uni-
versity this spring and summer andf
1 will honor the memory of Marion Le-j
roy Burton, president of the Uni-
versity from 1920-25, and will house
the $50,000_Baird Carillon.
Cains Are Made In
Ethiopia By Italians

FRONT, Feb. 20.- (Delayed)-- (A)
-Italy's northern army resumed the
- offensive today and conquered im-
e portant new territory without so
e much as a shot being fired.
- A force of 20,000 white troops
e marched 12 miles, conquering 20 new
11 towns, to add new laurels following

3oth Counters Are
Made By J. Fabello
)espite Handicaps From
Shortage Of Man Power,
Squad Plays Hard
Seven valiant Michigan hockey
layers transformed themselves into
band of courageous, unconquerable
ghters in the packed Coliseum last
ight when for 70 minutes of the
ost bruising kind of hockey, they
t-battled a 14-man Minnesota
eam for a brilliant 2-1 overtime vic-
The game, one of the most brilliant
ver to be staged in Ann Arbor, put
he Wolverines back in the Confer-
nce race, and they need only to-
ight's tilt to tie for the Big Ten
Trailing, 1-0, in the third period
ith less than four minutes to play as
result of Bob Carlson's first stanza
oal from the red line, Michigan
vened up the count using a four-
nan attack when Johnny Fabello,
ophomore flanker, snagged a loose
uck in the Gopher defense zone
fter a pile-up, and skating across
he mouth of the goal, flipped a back-
and shot into the twine past Goalie
ud Wilkinson.
David, Simpson Star
It was this same curly-headed Fa-
ello who, with almost half the over-
ime perio gone, rode in on Gib
ames' rebound and poked in the
inning tally.
Even with the strong Minnesota
quad making use of three forward
ines and two sets of husky defense-
nen, Michigan was never outplayed
s Captain Larry David and Bob
impson stopped the Gophers cold
with hard and efficient body checking.
impson, playing his initial year of
ollegiate hockey, as also were Gib
ames, Irwin Shalek and Johnny Fa-
ello, won his spurs last night as
e banged the. heavier Gophers all
round the rink. Fabello, flashing
3, great stick handling and skating
ame was all over the ice as he acted
s the spearhead of the Wolverine at-
ack throughout the later stages of
he game.
With the capacity crowd backing
Coach Eddie Lowrey's little squad to
the limit, the game started fast and
furiously when first Ridgeway Baker
and then Bill Bredeson were put off
the ice in rapid succession to leave
Minnesota with only four men. Low-
rey put four forwards on the ice in
an attempt to get off to an early
lead, but the Gophers held as first
James and then Heyliger 'missed
from close in.
Heyliger Put Off
Heyliger was put off for spilling
Bjorck and Larry Armstrong put on
his second line in a futile attempt to
Late in the period Bob Carlson,
spare Minnesota defenseman brought
the puck up the ice and let go a
drive from the red line. Shalek
misjudged the flying rubber and
dropped to the ice a moment too
late as the disc slithered into the
With the Michigan players openly
grinning as the Gophers frantically
called for offsides in order to replace
one forward wall with another, Min-
nesota kept up a concentrated of-
fensive throughout the second pe-
riod. As each of the three Gopher
forward lines took turns filing in
and out of the game, the Michigan
forwards only tightened their grips on
battered sticks and occasionally got
a breathing space when Lowrey put
in his lone relief man, Jack Merrill.
With the rabid crowd begging for
a score the Wolverines put on the
power, and the Coliseum was turned
into a roaring bedlam when the Scit-
(Continued on Page 3

Farley Addresses
Democrats At Rally
ST. LOUIS, Feb. 21.- (P) - Post-
master-general James A. Farley told
a Democratic rally tonight the Roose-
velt administration "has rescued

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