G.O.P. Grants.
Veteran Chair
Of Convention
Steiwer Unanimous Choice
Of National Committee;
Is 'Middle-Roader'
CLEVELAND, April 21.-()-Sen.
Frederick Steiwer (Rep., Ore.), World
War veteran and generally conceded
to be a "middle-of-the-roader" in
party affairs, was the unanimous
choice today of the Republican Na-
tional Committee as keynoter and
temporary chairman of the National
G.O.P. Convention here June 9.
"Steiwer's was the only name
placed formally in nomination," said
Henry P. Fletcher, Committee chair-
man. "The selection was unani-
Ralph Williams, of Oregon, dean
of the committee, nominated Steiwer
for keynoter.
The Oregon Senator, elected in
1926 and reelected in 1932, is held to
be acceptable to supporters of Sen.
William E. Borah, (Rep., Ida.), Gov.
Alf. M. Landon, Col. Frank Knox,
and of others whose names have been
mentioned as probable candidates for
the presidential nomination.
Although opposed to much so-
called New Deal legislation, Steiwer
voted for the TVA extension, the La-
bor Disputes Act, the AAA Amend-
ments and other measures having
administration sanction. He has ac-
tively supported legislation sought by
War Veterans.
He opposed the $4,880,000,000 Re-
lief Bill, the Utilities Bill, the Wealth
Tax bill of last session and the Guf fey
Coal Bill.
Fletcher said the committee had
made no change in its plans, formu-
lated a month ago, to have the key-
note address delivered the opening
night of the convention rather than
during the day. This was decided,
he said, so as to reach a maximum
number of listeners over a nation-
wide radio broadcast.
A.S.M.E. Will Elect:
Restaurant Owner And Wife Killed In Crash
I i
-Associated Press Photo.
Frederick H. Harvey, Kansas City business executive, and his wife
became victims of the second Allegheny mountain air tragedy when
their plane crashed near Johnstown, Pa., 60 miles from where the
TWA Sun Racer met disaster with loss of 12 lives.
Prof. Hubbs Explains Varieties
Of Fish Life In huron Valley
Officers For
Officers of the Michigan studentj
chapter of the American Society of
Mechanical Engineers will be elected
when it holds its semi-monthly meet-
ing at 7:30 p.m. tonight in the Michi-
gan Union.
In addition to the election, the
program for tonight includes two re-
ports, one on the Chicago Conference
by Wilfred Williams, '36E, and one on
the requirements for becoming a state
registered engineer by Larry Lentz,
Grad. Plans will also be made for
the dinner meeting with the Detroit
chapter of the A.S.M.E., to which sev-
eral student chapters in the State of
Michigan have been invited.
Officers elected tonight will serve a
Phi Sigma Chooses
Seventeen Members
The election of 17 students, one
undergraduate and 16 graduate stu-
dents, to Phi Sigma, honorary biolog-
ical society was announced yesterday.
The undergraduate is William E.
Atkinson, '36, and the graduate stu-
dents named were Robert Abegg,
Robert W. Allen, Nolan H. Anderson,
Robert S. Campbbell, Benton Cancell,
Dorothy Devney, Ruth Gilbreath,
Elsie Herbold, William Kaufman,
Robert B. Lindberg, Grace C. Mad-
sen, Martha Marsh, Henry Mosley,
Alfred Perlmutter, Stanley Welsh,
and Mary Wharton.
Initiation ceremonies will be held
at 7:30 p.m. tonight in Room 3024
of the Museums building. Dr. Reuben
L. Kahn, director of clinical labora-
tories of the University Hospital, will
speak on "Parasitism and Tissue Im-
WASHINGTON, April 21.-(/P)-
The Senate confirmed the appoint-
ment of Homner Fisher as postmaster
at Grand Haven, Mich., today.
Says River Sewage Should
Be Treated To Destroy
Harmful Bacteria
(This is the fourth of a serics of
articles on the Huron River valley, writ-
ten by members of the University fac-
ulty for a guide boo kto the Huron
River. Other articles will appear at a
later date.)
The Huron River with its tributary
creeks and lakes is rich in fish life.
Including 18 species which have not
definitely been recorded here, but
which we feel sure occur in the lower
river, or at least once ran into the
stream from Lake Erie, the different
kinds of fishes in the river system
number 102. This number is made up
of four lampreys - lowly creatures in
the scale of evolution; the Rock Stur-
geon, long since extinct in the Huron;
the predaceous long-nosed Gar and
the Bowfin (dogfish); the herring-
like Mooneys and Gizzard Shad;
three subspecies of Cisco or lake her-
ring, and the Whitefish; Brook,
Brown, Rainbow and Lake Trout,
none native; 11 species of the sucker
family; the all too common Carp, the
Goldfish and 26 other, native species
of the same family (shiners, chubs
and dace); eight species of the cat-
fish family; Mudminnow, Mud Pick-
erel, Northern Pike and (in former
years near the mouth of the river)+
Muskellunge; Beel, for years after its+
introduction; a killifish and a top-+
minnow; the rare Pirate Perch; White
Bass; Yellow Perch, Sauger and Yel-
low Pike-perch or walleys; 12 species
of darters, brilliant little bottom
fished; small-mouthed and Large-
mouthed Bass, Warmouth Bass,
Green Sunfish, Bluegill, Long-eared
Sunfish, Pumpkinseed, Rock Bass and
the 2 crappies; finally four species of
marine relationships; Brooks Silver-
side, Freshwater Sheepshead, Mud-
dler and Brook Stickleback.
Many Varieties Caught
The species most commonly caught
by the many anglers who fish the
river and the lakes tributary to the
Huron are Yellow Perch, Bluegill,
Pumpkinseed, Rock Bass and Black
Crapple among the pan fishes, and
Small-mouthed and Large-mouthed
Bass, some northern Pike and a few
Pike-perch or walleyes among the
more desired game fishes.
The presence of so many different
kinds of interesting fish species in the
Huron River drainage system is due
to the wide variety of aquatic con-
ditions prevailing in this system. Near
the mouth of the river becomes vir-
tually a part of western Lake Erie.
The main river becomes small and
cool toward its head, and through
out much of its length alternates be-
tween long rapids and deep stehes,
including natural lakes as well as
artificial ponds in its course.
Great changes, mostly deleterious,
have taken place in the fish life of
the Huron system since the settle-
ment of the region about a century
ago. The several dams have blocked
off the migration of large fish from
Lake Erie into the mid-course of the
river, but have created ponds which
under proper fish management should
support more and larger fish than
primaevally occupied the river. The
great hourly fluctuations in the flow
of the river, due to the operation of
the dams for the production of elec-
tric power, as well as the rapid
changes of water level in some of
the ponds, harmfully affects fish pro-
duction in the river. Constant ang-
ling and the taking of fish by other
means for a century has of course
made great inroads into the fish
supply of the river and connected
Vandalism Detrimental
The act of man most detrimental
to the fish life of the river - an act
of civilized vandalism which is hap-
pily being in part corrected as this
Guide is being prepared -has been
the dumping into the stream of the
waste products from our cities and
industries: obnoxious sanitary sew-
age; harmful oily washings from fac-
tories, garages and streets; oxygen-
consuming wastes from a large rer
duction plant and a small cannery; at
least unsightly discharges from a
paper mill; poisonous gas-house
wastes. Much of this material can
and should be kept out of the stream.
The sanitary sewage can be thor-
oughly treated so as to destroy the
disease-spreading bacteria which it
carries; to remove the unsightly solid
matter which otherwise is deposited
with silt on the bottom to form a
thick layer of putrid sludge; to de-
strof the obnoxious odors; finally
to oxidize the dissolved organic mat-
ter so this will not remove the life-
giving dissolved oxygen from the
Report Plans Of
Sociology Field
Trip Complete
SCA To Sponsor Visit To
Chicago On May 1; Will
Study CityDevelopment
Plans had been completed yester-
day for the sociology field trip to
Chicago May 1-3 sponsored by the
Student Christian Association.
A tentative itinerary planned with
the coopeiation of Prof. Earl S. John-
son, head of the University of Chi-
cago sociology department, includes
visits to Hull House; Plebeian Forum,
a "hobo college"; Bughouse Square,
a "soapbox paradise" in the down-
town Loop district.
The trip is open to anyone in-
terested, it was announced, and all
registrations should be made as soon
as possible at Lane Hall as the group
will be limited to 40 persons. Regis-
tration fee was set at 50 cents. The
cost for 'the entire trip, Clark esti-
mated at 11 to 13 dollars, which price
includes transportation by train or
bus, meals for the three days, bus
fare for the Chicago sight-seeing
tour, and incidentals.
Friday night the student group will
see moving pictures showing the "ur-
ban pattern which shows regions and
developments in the city." This film
will be followed by another picturing
what socialscience attempts to do
with the maladjusted child who is a
victim of the urban pattern. These
movies will be shown by members of
the George Williams College staff.
Departing from Lane Hall the af-
ternoon of May 1, the students will
leave Chicago late Sunday to arrive
in Ann Arbor early Monday morning,
May 3.
William Wilsnack, '37, president of
the SCA said that all questions con-
cerning the trip should be phoned in
to Lane Hall.
LANSING, April 21.-(P)-Gover-
nor Fitzgerald jointed the Texas
Rangers today, and received a 10-
gallon hat to go with the job. R. G.
Sober of Dallas, presented the Gov-
ernor with his commission and hat,
inviting him to attend the Texas
centennial. Governor Fitzgerald in-
formed him it might be difficult to
get away because this State also is
observing its centennial.
water. Such oxidized sewage is not
harmful to fish or man, but retains
the strong fertilizing qualities which
make sewage of potential benefit. The
chemicals such as nitrates and phos-
phates in completely treated sewage
increase the growth of the minute
plant life which is the base of the
aquatic food chain,
Graduate Receives
Architectural Prize
Rudolph A. Matern, who graduated
from the Michigan School of Archi-
tecture last June, received word last
Sunday that he had received the dis-
tinction of having two designs given
honorable mention in a national ar-
chitectural competition sponsored by
the Portland Cement Association and
Pencil Points Magazine.
Matern was one of three Detroit
men who were awarded prizes in the
competition, in which the jury of
seven distinguished architects had to
select from more than 1,500 entries.
Matern, however, was the only one
to have two designs accepted. Both
were for a concrete house in a south-
ern climate, awards in the contest
being given for the best solutions of
the problem'
Graduate Student
Will Give Recital
Mildred Bastian, pianist of Albion,
Michigan, who is graduating from
the School of Music this year, will
give a program of piano numbers
in a graduation recital at 8:15 p.m.
tomorrow at the School of Music
auditorium on Maynard Street. The
general public, with the exception of
small children, is invited.
She will begin the program with
Beethoven's "Sonata, Op. 53 (Wald-
stein), Allegro con brio, Adagio molto,
Rondo." Following, she will play
Chopin's "Nocturne, Op. 72, No. 1"
and "Mazurka, Op. 30, No. 4." Other
numbers selected are "Toccato, Op.
17" by Schumann, "Prelude, Op.
32, No. 5" by Rachmaninoff, "Etude,
Op. 7" by Stravinsky and "Theme and
Variations, Op. 35" by Paganini-
costs us more to build
a car like this
FoRD quality goes far below alloy-steel that contains 13p
the surface. It is built into chromium, 13% nickel and
every part of the car-in those 2% silicon. This unusually
things you see and those that high alloy content increases
are hidden. We say it with resistance to heat-insures
assurance-because it has more efficient, economical
been the experience of so performance and longer life.
many millions of drivers-- Intake valves, as well as
that many months after your exhaust valves, are made of
first ride you will still be say- this more expensive steel in
ing--"I'm glad I bought a the Ford V-8. It is one of
Ford." several good reasons why the
The Ford Motor Company Ford engine is singularly free
is not content with ordinary of valve troubles.
specifications for 'materials. It costs us more to build a
Its own standards of quality car like this -yet the price
for many important parts are of the Ford V- 8 remains low.
considerably higher than Ford manufacturing methods
usually accepted standards. save many dollars for Ford
Ford valves are an example owners - and bring fine-car
of this extra value. They are quality within the reach of
made of a nickel-chrome every one who drives.
Clare Saltz, '38E, 1114 Ford Ave-
nue, Ypsilanti, was arrested for
speeding yesterday morning and fined
$9.55 by Justice Harry W. Reading.
Saltz was arrested for driving 40
miles an hour down Washtenaw Ave-
nue. His fine was temporarily sus-
Residential summer school (co-
educational) in the heart of
French Canada. Old Country
French staff. Only French spok-
en. Elementary, Intermediate,
Advanced. Certificate or College
Credit. French entertainments,
sight-seeing, sports, etc.
Fee $150, Board and Tuition.
June 26-July 31. Write for an-
nouncement to R e s i d e n tial,
French Summer School.
Montreal, Canada
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