The Weather
Lower Michigan: generally
fair today, continued cold; fair
tomorrow, and not so cool.
C, 4r
The Results Of The Peace
Meeting .. .
The Student And The
Future ...
VOL. XLVI No. 141
Two Trapped
In Gold Mine
ClingTo Life
Rescue Workers Continue
Desperate Race Against
Time; Outlook Hopeful
Rotted Wood Slows
Work Temporarily
One -Way Communication
System Makes Possble
Contact With Victims
MOOSE RIVER, N. S., April 22. -
(Wednesday)-(AP)-His courage bol-
stered as he and his companion lis-
tened to feverish rescue workers tear-
ing into the rock wall that holds them
prisoners in an uncharted gold mine,
Dr. D. E. Robertson early today said
"I'm good for 30 hours."
Draegerman crews and carpenters,
coming to the surface after the 11:30
p.m. shift, expressed the opinion "the
boys on the next shift will break
The frantic efforts of the rescue
workers, delayed temporarily when
rotten cribwork blocked the passage-
way in the original operating shaft,
had reduced the distance still to go
to about 15 feet.
Dr. Robertson, who for nine days
has been entombed 141-feet under-
ground with Charles Alfred Scadding
sent words ofencouragement to the
After a conversation, Michael
Dwyer, minister of mines, said the
men had told him they knew help
was not far off.
'No Immediate+Danger'
"I am sure they are in no imme-
diate danger," said Dr. H. K. Mac-
Donald, one of the physicians with
the hospital unit at the surface after
he talked to Dr. Robertson and Scad-
"From the strength -of their voices
we are satisfied they are able to live
24 hours and engineers say they'll
certainly be through in that time.
"Those men are coming out of there
alive," he asserted. "We are equipped
for any emergency."
The collapse of the rotton crib-
work sent a chill of despair over the
hearts of the feverish miners and
the anxious watchers on the surface.
Immediately, carpenters were sent
below to replace the rotten supports
with new timbers. The delay, the
workers knew, cost precious moments.
A new pipe line similar, to the one
down which the communication sys-
tem was dropped yesterday was being
completed. Down the new hole, en-
gineers planned to drop heating ap-
paratus and other necessities includ-
ing a transmitter and receiving equip-
Loose Rock Cleared
Dwyer said the miners had cleared
up the four or five feet of loose rock
ahead of them and between 18 and 20
feet remained before they could pen-
etrate to the prison chamber.
Under ordinary circumstances, the
minister said, draegermen could tun-
nel through 20 feet of rock in five
hours but it may take longer in the
cramped quarters in the gold mine.
"I am. going down at 3 a.m.," Dwyer
said, "and I am going to stay down
until we get the men up."
"We are on the right trail," said
Provincial Mines Inspector J. Mes-
servey when the original operating
(Continued on Pane 2
Brucker May
Sidestep Clash
With Couizens
LANSING, April 21. - (RP) - The
possibility that the Brucker-Couzens
contest may be kept off the floor of
the Republican State convention in
Detroit Friday appeared today.
It was reported here that Brucker
may make a public announcement
that in view of his candidacy for the
party nomination for United States
Senator he does not wish to be elected
a delegate-at-large to the National
Convention. This would remove one
of the major sources of the pros-
pective conflict.
Backers of Senator James E. Couz-
ens, whom Brucker will oppose, con-
tend it would be favoritism to make
Brucker a delegate-at-large. Couz-
ens has not been mentioned for a sim-
ilar honor. The plan had been to
name Governor Fitzgerald and former
Governors Osborn, Green, and Bruck-
er. After Brucker became a sena-
Poke Daily's Poker
1?f £I;inr .) io- '
Know From Reans
School Heads Hopwood List
To Open 50th Big In Contest.
Session Here Closing Today
Professor .Slosson Adrlrisg Peace /Assembly
2,000 Ask
Peace At
If the gentleman who called The
Daily last night to find out whether
a flush will beat a full house will call
again today, he will be informed that
our poker expert was wrong.
The question sort of floored our
poker expert. He held a hurried con-
ference with "the boys" and reported
to the inquiring gentleman that a
flush does beat a full house. But
then they started arguing about it
again. And the final outcome of the
debate was that he was wrong. A
flush does not beat a full house. (For
the benefit of our non-poker playffrg
readers, a flush is five cards of one
suit, and a full house is three of a
kind and a pair.)
The outcome of the discussion was
that The Daily drew up its official
poker rules as follows, the lowest
A pair, two pair, three of a kind,
a flush, a full house, four of a kind, a
straight flush and finally and su-
preme, a royal flush.
Please call again.
Licenses For
Sandwich Men
To Be Argued
Riksen On Trial Thursday
For Selling Cigarettes,
Candy Without Permit
A tangle of city ordinances and
legal interpretations kept fraternity
5(0th Anniversary To Be
Celebrated By Michigan
Schoolmasters' Club
Deadline For Manuscripts
Is 4:30 P.M.; Jdges To
Be Announced In May
4 Charter Members Competition Keen,
ro Attend M eetiigs Cowden Discloses
High School Debate Team development Of Creative
Finals, Parent-Teacher Writing Among Students
Meeting Also Planned Is Purpose Of Award
Plans for the seventy-first meeting
of the Michigan Schoolmasters' Club,
association of administrators of col-
leges and secondary schools in the
state, which will meet here Thursday
through Saturday, April 30, May 1,
and May 2, were released here today
by Miss Edith L. Hoyle of University
High School, president of the society.
Combined with the University Hon-
ors Convocation, the finals of the
Michigan High School Forensic As-
sociation, and the seventh annual
conference on Teacher-Education,
the Schoolmasters' Club will for that
week-end make Ann Arbor the focus
of educational activity for the entire
state. In many high schools Friday
classes are dismissed to allow teachers
to attend the sessions, and in several
of the rrecent meetings nearly 1,000
members and associates have par-
ticipated in the sessions of the Club.
To Be 50th Celebration
All entries in the 1935-36 Avery
Hopwood and Jule Hopwood Awards
contest in creative writing must be
submitted not later than 4:30 p.m.
today, it was announced yesterday by'
Prof. Roy W. Cowden, director of the
Hopwood Awards committee.
With major awards available to sen-
ior and graduate students totalling a
possible $8,000, and minor awards
of $250 each available to undergrad-
uates, the competition has always
been keen and, according to Profes-
sor Cowden, this year is unusually so,
due to the even distribution of tal-
ent among contestants in the four
literary fields included.
To Announce Judges
Judges for the contest, selected
from among outstanding contemp-
orary authors, will not be announced
until late in May, and the decision
of the judges will be reported at the
time of the Annual Hopwood Lecture
on Literature, which will be given
during the last week in May.
While the judges rank and evaluate
-Michigan Daily Photo
Prof. Preston W. Slosson of the history department, (shown at the
microphone on the speaker's stand above), yesterday outlined a pro-
gram of international cooperation for world peace, while 2,000 shivering
students who attended the peace demonstration looked on.
Photographic Shots
Of 'Neckonomical'
Dates it Gargoyle
Presenting its first issue tomorrow
after having won a national award
for being the outstanding college
comic magazine, the Gargoyle prom-
ises the usual array of features for
April with some more to boot.
Among the features in the new
Spring Parley
Faculty Panel
To Meet Today
To Convene With Student
Chairmen; Three Men
Added To Membership
and sorority houses from getting The meeting this year has special
their midnight snacks last night. significance in the eyes of the so-
D. Ray Riksen, who nightly peddles ciety, as it will celebrate the fiftieth
sandwiches, candy bars, cigarettes, anniversary of its founding here in
etc., to 67 fraternities, sororities and 1886. Of the 19 charter members,
League houses, found himself for- four survive, and all four are expected
bidden to make his customary rounds to attend the Golden Anniversary Re-
yesterday because he does not have a ception and Banquet Friday night, at
peddlers' license. A complaint was which one of them, Dr. John Dewey of
sworn out against him by Sam Span- New York City, will be the guest
neli, one of his competitors, who ( speaker. The other three are Levi
purchase.d his $150 license Monday. D. Wines and Joseph H. Drake of
Both have been acting as "sandwich Ann Arbor, and Benjamin L. D'Oogea
men" for more than two years. of Ypsilanti.
Riksen, who was arraigned in jus- The sessions of the Club will be
tice court yesterday, pleaded not held on a' system of conferences in
guilty; demanded a jury trial and the various fields, and the music
was released on $25 bond to be conference, arranged by Charles A.
tried at 2 p.m. tomorrow. He said Sink, president of the University
that when he started in the business School of Music, is of special interest,
two years ago, he was informed by opening with an entire day devoted
police and City Clerk Fred Perry to a festival of solo and small in-
that he did not need a license. Span- strumental ensemble groups assemb-
neli, who was peddling at the time, led from the Michigan High Schools
did not have a license. under the direction of Prof. William
Now, Riksen claims, the city's legal D. Revelli, director of the Varsity-
interpretation which Mr. Perry said R.O.T.C Band. Two band clinics will{
he received from City Attorney Wil- be held Friday, one with the South-
liam M Laird, has been reversed. eastern Michigan High School Band,
Bam Mh. Li hs bend revers, hwhich will also give a concert in Hill
But the ruling is and always has Auioimai:4 ~. n n
been, Laird declared last night, that Aiditorium at 7:45 p.m., and one
no license is required when an in-wI
dividual is peddling goods he makes Debate Finals To Be Held
himself-like sandwiches. The house The nineteenth annual conference
to house sale of such things as candy of the Michigan High School Forensic
bars and cigarettes, he said, neces- Association, sponsored under the,
sitates a license. Schoolmasters' Club by the University
-- __Extension Division, lists the StatetI
championship debates, to be held at
educed 8:15 p.m. Friday in Hill Auditorium,
and a speech contest between stu-
'noesdents in beginning University speech
I" courses for a prize offered by the
R iee Or atorical Association, held at 2 :30
R s d Ag i p.m. in the Lydia Mendelssohn'
iseTpeateO h R. Hayden of the po-
NYA students whose hours and litical science department will ad-
wages were reduced earlier in the dress members of the association at
year stand a chance of having them a general conference Friday morning'
put back to the former plane if the in Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre, on
cut has worked too great a hardship "The Changing Orient."
the manuscripts, the final determina- Gargoyle will be two contrasting The faculty panel of the Spripg
tion of awards rests with the Hop- groups of candid camera views show- Parley, which convenes at 4 p.m. Fri-
wood committee. The committee re- ing an economical evening and a day in the north lounge of the Union,
serves the right to eliminate un- "neckonomical" evening. Other art will meet for luncheon today in the
worthy manuscripts in all contests. work in the magazine will stress Union with student chairmen of the
The highest single awards present- color. Winners in the Gargoyle's parley's sections.
ed over the five-year period in which flashy dress contest will be announced Three faculty men have been added
Hopwood Awards contests have been in this issue. to the panel, Irving Levitt, '36, execu-
held totalled $2,500 each, and were Payoffs to be proffered in this is- tive chairman, said, bringing the total
given to Dorothy Tyler, in the fiction sue go to the faculty, which is lam- number up to 21. They are Prof. Har-
division, and Annemarie Persov, in pooned on the cover, and the Inter- old M. Dorr of the political science
the field of poetry, during the 1930-31 fraternity Council, which receives department, Prof. John Dawson of
contest. some attention in Preposterous Per- the Law School and Dr. Theophile
Maximum Awards Given sons. Raphael of the Health Service. Prof.
Last year the maximum awards -Howard Y. McCluskey, originally
amounted to $1,500 each, and were ! named to the panel, is unable to be
presented to Donald Elder and Hu- Theatre Grou present, Levitt said.
bert Skidmore for their entries in the p- With G. Mennen Williams as pre-
fiction division. Seven minor awards "To siding chairman, the first sessions
tof $25 each were presented, and the To G ive 'Alice
totlof pzesh fereseed, xclu e of of the parley will be devoted to gen-
total of prizes offered, exclusive of eral session, in which faculty men
the freshman contest, amounted to In W on erland' will answer questions put to them
$7,850. ''from the floor. The questions should
The four literary fields include the pertain to the general theme of the
drama, essay, fiction and poetry, and parley, Levitt said. The main topic
the purpose of the Awards, as stipu- Flay ProductionWorking for discussion this year is "Our To-
lated in the will of the late Avery With Children'sTheatre morrow -What Shall We Make It."
Hopwood, prominent American dra- Under that, in separate sections Sat-
matist and member 'of the class of For Play Starting May6I urday afternoon and evening, will be
1905, is to develop "the widest pos-!discussed:
sible latitude" in students' creative Lewis Carroll's "Alice in Wonder- I1. Our University.
writing, and "that the new, the un- land" will be presented by Play Pro- 2. The Arts-How to Use Them.
usual and the radical shall be espe- duction May 6-9 with matinees Friday 3. The Family - Its Place in So-
cially encouraged." and Saturday in the Lydia Mendel- 3.
-_ __ssohn Theatre, it was announced yes- ciety.
a E erdy byValntie B.Wint, dree 4. Our International Relations -
Subpoena Expected tiday by Valentine B. Windt, direc- How to Improve Them.
Play Production is working in *co- 5. Our State and Its Economic
ForDr. Townsend operation with the Children's The-
atre in presenting this play. This 6. Our Religion -Its Relation to
WASHINGTON, April 21.- -P)- is the last in a series of three plays Personal Adjustment.
Issuance within a short time of a offered by this group this year. Sea- Student chairmen are Norman
subpoena for Dr. F. E. Townsend to son tickets for the Children's The- Sharfnan, '37, the university; John
appearbefore the special House com- atre plays will be honored only at Polk, '37, the arts; Winifred Bell, '36,
mittee investigating his old age pen- the two matinee performances, how- the family; Abe Zwerdling, Grad., in-
sion organization was looked for to- ever. ten national relations; Cyril Hetzko,
night in informed quarters. Virginia Frink will be assistant '37L. the state and economic system;
The definite date at which the sub- director to Mr. Windt. Oren Parker andLevitt, religion.
poena would be sent out by the com- will design the stage settings for Faculty members on the panel will
mittee was not made known. "Alice in Wonderland" and James be allocated to each section, which
Doll, '36, the costumes. Poster de- they will attend during section meet-
signs and advertisements have been ings Saturday.
" In Strength made by Donald Brackett, '36. The parley will convene in final
The script for the play which has session at 9 a.m. Sunday in the Union
been adapted from the book by Lewis to bring together and correlate the
,ionBrown ays Carroll is the same that was used discussion that has gone before.
in Eva La Gallienne's New York pro-
I elctin cnteed o th Boah-noxduction.
election centered on the Borah-Knox Tickets for the play will go on saleRackham Grant Is
fight, Washington commentators soon at the box office of the Lydia A d B Co
pointed to the great size of the Demo- Mendelssohn Theatre. Evening per- pprove y ourt
cratic vote as compared with the formance will sell at 50 and 75 cents,
Republican. The Democratic vote, matinees at 50 cents and children's DETROIT, April 21.-(Special)-
the largest in the state's history, ex- tickets 25 cents for any time. Authority to set aside an additional
ceeded 1,150,000, while the Repub- A map showing the route of Alice's $1,500,000, from the estate of the late
licans polled little more than 800,000. wanderings in Wonderland, is on dis- Horace H. Rackham was granted by
Knox captured Chicago and won the play in the League Library. The a court here today to be used in the
larger popular vote, but Borah won map, which was drawn for a produc- building of a new University Grad-
a majority of delegates by carrying tion of the play in Cleveland is the uate School.
the out-state districts. This situa- possession of Francis Manchester, '35. The latest gift was announced some
tion as well as the heavy Democratic "Alice in Wonderland" books are also weeks ago and will be used to obtain
registration in such states as Cal- on display. a better setting for the building and
Professor Slosson Raps
Defeatist Attitude And
Attacks Isolationists
3 Students Speak
At Demonstration
Michael Evanoff Places
Blame Of War Squarely
On Economic System
Two thousand students and faculty
members proved their desire for peace
yesterday by shivering in the cold for
45 minutes while Prof. jPreston W.
Slosson denounced isolation and told
them that they, themselves, can keep
America out of war.
Three student speakers, John Mar-
tin, '36L, Michael Evanoff, '36L, and
Patricia Woodward, Grad., also ad-
dressed the peace demonstration
which was held on the mall between
the College of Architecture and Uni-
versity High School. Prof. Bennett
Weaver of the English department
presided in the absence of President
Ruthven. The Varsity-R.O.T.C. Band
also attended the meeting.
Attacks Defeatist Spirit
"The greatest danger of war," Pro-
fessor Slosson asserted, "lies in a de-
featist spirit." By a "defeatist spirit,"
he said he meant the attitude ex-
pressed by "two letters by professors
in The Daily" yesterday, declaring
against war, but holding that the
United States must nevertheless be
heavily armed.
"There is no single incident in
history where preparedness has pre-
vented war," Professor Slosson said,
"but armament rivalry has caused
many wars."
Professor Slosson, an ardent ad-
vocate of United States membership
in the League of Nations, slapped at
isolation when he said "an isolation-
ist is not consulted when war comes.
The way to prevent war, he stated,
is through international cooperation.
Outlines Program
But in the last analysis, Professor
-Slosson declared, the piroblem of
keeping out of war is up to the indi-
vidual. He outlined these activities
the college student interested in
peace should follow:
1. Vote for candidates and plat-
forms that favor international co-
2. Send letters to your congress-
man expressing your views on spe-.
cific issues. These, he said, the con-
gressmen "will not read but will
3. Consider yourself in your com-
munity as a "nucleus for peace prop-
4. Do not read "yellow journals."
Applause followed this statement.
5. Be courteous to foreigners in
an attempt to promote international
understanding and good will.
Professor Slosson indirectly hit at
the Rev. Fr. Charles E. Coughlin, De-
troit radio priest, when he referred
to "a reactionary demagogue in De-
troit who started a telegram cam-
paign which kept the United States
out of the World Court."
Criticizes Fallacious Ideas
Martin pointed out that the United
States is in "absolutely no danger
of attack" from any nation. He crit-
icized as "fallacious" the philosophy
of "my country, right or wrong," and
said that the peace demonstration
was the answer to The Daily's plea
for action by peace groups here.
Speaking from the collectivist's
viewpoint, Evanoff placed the blame
for all war squarely on capitalism.
"The struggle for markets threatens
to drag the dying capitalist system to
the bottom of the sea," he said, "and
us along with it." He hit at the
House of Morgan, and charged that
it, "along with other great capitalists,
are foremost among the merchants of
He cited Russia, "where the atmos-
phere of war is abolished," as the "one
spot in international politics" where
a peace policy prevails. The way out
for America, he advised, is the unity
of all forces for peace.
Miss Woodward, last of the student
speakers, pointed to the "prominent
part women play in the war process,"
and urged the students to "put hu-
manity first" and work for an "ag-
gressive pacifism."
Fire Sweeps Business
on them, Prof. Lewis M. Gram, chair-
man of the University NYA com-
mittee, announced last night.
Although Professor Gram empha-
sized that he is not promisingsto re-
store the hours of all students who
Roosevelt Gainii
Throughout Nat
were cut, he indicated that the Uni-
versity NYA has funds on hand with By FRED WARNER NEAL
which it may raise the hours of those Byes ED WANER NEAL
students who were especially hard President Roosevelt is gaining in
hit by the reduction. strength throughout the nation, if
He also explained that full hours the opinions prevalent in Washing-
for April must be worked, regardless ton are any indication. Prof. Ever-
of spring vacation. The same thing ett S. Brawn of the political science
applies to June, he said, when all department said yesterday. r
time must be in by June 20. Professor Brown, who spent Spring
NYA chcst forMarcharenow.Vacationin Ahe national capital,
NYA checks for March are now declared that the Washington poli-
available at the offices of the build- ticians see signs of a growing Roose-
ings and grounds department, he velt trend in nearly every activity,
added, and are to be called for im- and believe that the chances of de-
mediately. feating the President are growing
slimmer day by day.
Funeral Services In the first place, Professor Brown
explained, dissention within the Re-
Held For Col. Howe publican ranks is giving the New
Deal its biggest boost. As Wash-
ington observers see it, he pointed
ENROUTE WITH PRESIDENT out, squabbling among the bevy of,
ROOSEVELT TO FALL RIVER, G.O.P. contenders is not only causing
Mass., April 21.-(iP)-President and chaos in the party ranks, but is alsoI
1' Mrs. Roosevel~t iourneved to Fall ! aienating the large number of un-
fornia, shows, the Washington poi-'
ticians believe, the trend to Roose-
Professor Brown was present at
many of last week's heated sessions
of the Black-Schwellenbach Senate
investigation into lobby aKtivities,
and that too, he believes, did the
Republican cause no good.
With the American Liberty League
Wayne University
Faculty Man Dies
Prof. James Herbert Russell of
Wayne University political science
department, a University of Michi-
van graduate. died vesteirdaiv in the~
to provide more funds for an en-
dowment. The new gift raised the
total gift from the Rackham estate
to $6,500,000 and was a part of the
estate which was to be used for the
"benefit of humanity."
Probate Judge Thomas C. Murphy
granted the petition of the Detroit
Trust Co. and Bryson D. Horton, ex-
ecutor, to set aside the extra sum be-