PAGE SIX THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 21. 1936 ; - -- Prof. Slosson To Lecture On Dictatorships Preuss Will Lecture On Neutrality; Dorr, James, Handman Also To Talk Visitors To Speak To Present Series Of 24 Talks During Coming Summer Session Noted General Dies Alumna Gives Talk On Fascist They Still Wonder How Far George Passed Buck i FREDERICKSBURG, Va., Feb. 20. 'settle the matter among themselves Bloom's contention that the river was 20 to 1 that Walter Johnson can't A rchaeolo ists P) - Prompted by civic pride and With coins. too broad in Washington's time for throw a dollar that far." t just plain curiosity, residents of this All tries have allen short of the any one to throw anything over it, T o ri itytdasmark--but with iron washers, not sil- city surveyors were dispatched to thert historic city today showered bushels Ivrmr.Ofca eod hw ie akna h l ahntnmal cabled the British ublic re- ver mark Officia recoordshoo : iver whereeaoldh colonialngmops Italian Government Very of iron washers into the Rappahan- V k. B. F. Cole, commonwealth's at- kfarm. e te d hn o ffcedvwhereorclialimaps Active In Excavations, nock river. torney--half way across. "372 feet, said an o iicial announce- are housed. He said a reply revealed acie In E cvainCarlton Massey, city engineer -37 fmcid nofiia nnuce. distance of 1,320 feet. Unable to wait until Saturday when two thi s,Wrong,"met. came bk Common- Says Miss Van Deman totid."rn, aebc omn Walter Johnson tries his arm against Ben F. Pitts, president of the chain- But up in Washington, Bloom coun- wealth's Attorney Cole. "From Wash- Miss Esther Boise Van Deman, the legendary prowess of George ber of commerce --half way. tered with: ington's surveying office (still stand- well-known archeologist, and one of Washington in hurling a dollar across Charles H. Lewis, druggist- three- "I don't care how far the distance ing). 1,300 feet would mean a high the river, the citizens are trying to quarters. is today, it was 1,320 feet when Wash- water mark higher than the tallest ,oIrked by Representative Sol ingtn hved there. I'm still betting church steeple here." i spoke yesterday afternoon in the Natural Science Auditorium on her work in the excavations of ancient r t I - - .. . . s , . . 6 .. ." F H .. , y L "Modern Dictatorships" will be the topic of Prof. Preston W. Slosson of the history department in the first of 24 lectures scheduled for the 1936 Summer Session, it was announced yesterday by Prof. Louis A. Hopkins, director of the session. Four lectures will be given in each of the first six weeks of the session. Prof. Preston E. James of the geog- raphy department will deliver the second lecture of the first week on "Rio de Janeiro and San Paulo." "The American Neutrality Policy" will be discussed by Prof. Lawrence Preuss of the political science department and "What Every Layman Should Know About Cancer" by Dr. Carl V. Weller of the pathology department in the last two lectures of the first week of the session. Visiting Professors To Lecture In the second week, Prof. A. Frank- lin Shull of the zoology department will lecture on "Trees, Sun Spots and History" with slides; Prof. E. B. Reu- ter of the University of Iowa will dis- cuss "The (Decline in Population1 Growth;" Dr. Nelson G. Smillie of1 Harvard University will talk on theE "Common Cold;" and Prof. Edward; B. Green of the psychology depart-' ment will discuss "Recent Advances and Applications of Mental Measure- ments." An illustrated lecture on "Niagarae Falls and Vicinity" will be the firstt lecture of the third week by Prof.I Irving D. Scott of the geology de- partment, and will be followed by a lecture on "Henry Adams, Artist and Critic of the Modern Age" by Prof. Robert E. Spiller of Swarthmore Col- lege. Dr. Sturgis To Speak "Anemia," an illustrated lecture by Dr. Cyrus C. Sturgis, director of the Simpson Memorial Institute, and "The Integrity of Humanism" by Prof. H.S.V. Jones of the University, of Illinois will conclude the lectures of the third week. In the fourth week the following lectures will be given: "Recent Ex- cavations in Rome" by Prof. John 0. Winter, chairman of the Latin department; "The Hittite Discoveries and Their Bearing Upon Linguistic Science" by Prof. E. H. Sturtevant of Yale University; "War and Eco- nomics" by Prof. Max S. Handman of the economics department; and "Neutrality and Ethiopia" by Prof. Henry W. Miller of the engineering college. To Discuss Supreme Court Prof. Harold M. Dorr of the po- litical science ,department will dis- cuss "Constitutional Reform and the Supreme Court," Prof. Arthur W. Bromage of the political science de- partment will lecture on the "Forty- Eight Indestructible States," Prof. Hayward Keniston of the University of Chicago will discuss "Modern Poets of Spain and Spanish America," and a lecture on astronomy will be given the fifth week. "The Chemist and the World's Food Supply" by Dr. Howard B. Lewis, head of the biological chemistry de- partment, will be the first lecture of the sixth week. Gyroscopes Pnd their application to ocean liners and aircraft will be demonstrated by models and explained by Prof. J. P. benHartog of Harvard University and "In ReTichborne," a celebrated I legal controversy, will be discussed by Prof. John E. Tracy of the Law School. Prof. Bruce M. Donaldson, chairman of the fine arts department will deliver the last lecture on a sub- ject as yet unannounced. Regents' Report Is Found In Library (Continued from Page 1) could use in the lamps in their dwell- ings. The occurrence of a fire in a building occupied by Professor Agnew rendered it imperative on the part of the committee to enforce the most exact and rigid observance of the terms of the fire insurance policies granted to the Regents. The Super- intendent of Grounds was instructed to require the professors to suppress the use of all lights in every building except those using sperm oil, tallow or lard. These early meetings of the execu- tive committee were held in Detroit, and in comparison with the great amount of work accomplished by the executive committee now, their duties were comparatively light. -Associated Press :hoto Brigadier General William "Billy" Mitchell (above), 57, died in Doc- tor's Hospital in New York after a long illness of influenza and heart affliction. Educators To Talk At St. Louis Parley Several members of the faculty of the School of Education plan to attend the 1936 mid-winter confer- ence of National Educational Associa- tions this weekend at St. Louis. Among those who will be present are Prof. George Meyer of the De- partment of Vocational Education, Dr. M. G. Fraser, special lecturer in education, who will present a paper at one of. the conferences dealing with the influence of pressure groups on text book making, and Dean James B. Edmonson of the School of Edu- cation, who will address the confer-; ence on the subject: "New Educa- tional Agencies for High School Grad- uates." Prof. Howard McClusky will also present a paper on educational psy- chology. monuments in Rome. Miss Van Deman praised the ar- cheological work of the Fascist gov- ernment, which, she stated, has done more during Mussolini's term of office than any of the governments which preceded it. This fact was clearly illustrated by slides of Rome before and following the excavations. Most of the work, Miss Van De- man said, has been done in the vi- cinity of the Coliseum and the Ap- pian Way, which has been rebuilt and broadened. She stated that the g4(dtest Oroblems encountered fin excavating the ruins was the crowded condition of the modern city. She showed by slides how this situation has been relieved, enabling workers to uncover the magnificent forums of Caesar and Augustus, along with many of the buildings surrounding them. She stated that in three years the work of excavation will have been completed, and ancient Rome will have been uncovered in its entity. Miss Van Deman, who was grad- uated from the University in 1891, was a Carnegie research professor here from 1925 to 1930, and is a Fel- low Emeritus of the Carnegie Insti- tute of Washington. She is also a member of the American Academy in Rome, where she has resided dur- ing the last four years. In that time she has assisted in excavations car- ried on by the Academy and the gov- ernment. She has, according to Prof. Leroy Waterman, dated more of the relics of Rome than any other ar- cheologist who has taken part in the i.e C UNION BAND at MASONIC TEMPLE TONIGHT SATURDAY - IN THE BEAUTIFUL RAINBOW ROONM e"ichigain Union BEST MUSIC i ANN ARBOR S2OB STEINLE and His MELODY MEN FEATU RE FLOOR SHOW Reservations: Dial 4151 9- 12 1, r