PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY TIESDAY, APRIL 21, 1939 I LATE WIRE NEWS Geoghan Sees No Hoffman Angle To Wendel Case ITALIAN GENERAL HEAD- QUARTERS ON THE SOUTH- ERN ETHIOPIAN FRONT, April 5N.-(By Airmail to the Coast)-- (P)-The menacing Ethiopian Army of RasNassibu still blocked the path of General Rudolfo Gra- ziani's Fascist troops today, after the bloodiest battle yet fought on the Somaliland front in which flame throwers ad airplanes played a prominent part in the} Italian success. Italian reports indicated about 2,000 Ethiopians fell in the en- gagement, while the Italians lost about 700 Arab troops as well as 13 white, officers, all from the famous Libyan divisioi. The Libyans found themselves in hand-to-hand fighting with an enemy worthy of their praise. The Ethiopians literally passed under the sword without falter- ing. ItalianMarch Bloked After 2,700_Are Killed NEW YORK, April 20.-(P- District Attorney William F. X. Geoghan tonight said he had found no evidence to connect Gov. Harold G. Hoffman of New Jersey with the abduction of Paul H. Wendel, whose repudiat- ed "confession" of the Lindbergh kidnaping resulted in a three- day stay for Bruno Richard Hauptmann His statement was made in reply to a question about reports that Martin Scholssman, who is charged with the abduction, had quoted one of his accomplices as , saying: 1 "We got to do this for Hoff- . man." Geologist Studying American Colleges (Continued from Page 1) They will never be uncovered in your time or mine." However, the principal purpose for Dr. Priestley's being in the United States is not to lecture. He is study- ing the administrative organizations of the great colleges and universities, of the United States and Canada. A graduate of Cambridge and formerly a high official in that college, Dr. Priestley is the head of the ad- ministration of the University of Mel- bourn. The principal difference between the University of Melbourne, and Michigan, Dr. Priestley said, was in the help to students working their way through college. In Australia, N he said, the government helps many students through college while here in America the student is put on his own initiative to get through school. The NYA, Dr. Priestley said, is more along the line of the help sponsored in Australia. 18-Month-Old Girl ] /1rdent U/iv',ersilty Iuhl-) music It,, An 18-month-old girl is believed to be the youngest student in the University Broadcasting Service music classes, which have been taught this season by Prof. Joseph Maddy of the School of Music, a letter re- cently received at Morris Hall shows. The infant has been listening to the Tuesday singing classes for more than three months, the mother states in her missive. "She sits on a chair in front of' the radio and when you say listen, she sits with her ear cocked and; listens," the letter addressed to Pro- fessor Maddy states. "When you say sing, she makes a noise that she calls ringing. The first time I thought it' was just a chance, but I have watched her and she does it each week. She has learned to recognize the music' that introduces the University pro- grams and always exclaims when she hears it." The young pupil's loyalty to the University broadcasts is shown in the mother's statement that "she pays no attention to the other broadcasts but she does enjoy her music lesson.', General Public Sale Of Festival Seats Is Begun The "over the counter" sale of season tickets for the May Festival began yesterday, President Charles A. Sink of the School of Music an- nounced yesterday, and all tickets which have not yet been ordered by mail will be offered to the public at the general office of the School of Music on Maynard St. The roster of artists who will ap- pear in this year's Festival is headed by the distinguished Philadelphia Symphony Orchestra, under the di- rection of Leopold Stokowski. Dr. Stokowski will conduct the Wednes- day evening and Saturday afternoon concerts ,and Prof. Earl V. Moore of the School of Music will conduct the choral performances of Elgar's "Car- actacus" and Verdi's "Requiem" on Thursday and Saturday nights and the children's concert on Friday af- ternoon. In the other two concerts, two distinguished associate conduc- tors of the Philadelphia orchestra, Saul Caston and Charles O'Connell, will lead the orchestra. Amo ng the distinguished soloists who will be heard are Lily Pons, Giovanni Martinelli, Rose Bampton, Jeanette Vreeland, Efrem Zimbalist and Harold Bauer. T.VA. Projects Visited By Boy Scouts In Tour More than 30 Ann Arbor Boy Scouts returned early Sunday from a trip to Norris Dam in Kentucky-a trip made possible by months of bake sales and rummage sales. Accompanied by five University students as counselors, headed by Jurton Cline, '37, the Scouts, in a truck and two automobiles, travelled 1,400 miles, visiting besides Norris Dam and other TVA projects in Kentucky, the home of Mark Twain's parents in Jamestown, N. Y., Mam- moth Caves and Lincoln's birthplace in Kentucky. BUTTERFIELD DIES AT 68 BOSTON, April 20.-(oP)-Colonel Walter Scott Butterfield, owner of a chain of 19 motion picture theatres in Michigan, died here tonight _.. ..._.. _ _ -- r... Fisk Universit. ali:'usTo G'G'I htsiosifiedirecor tic ital Sunday! Famous (roup Of Singers Has Background RichI h Romance And Drama The Fisk Jubilee Singers, of Fisk, University, Nashville, Tenn., inter- nationally-known group of Negro choristers, will give a concert of Negro spirituals on Sunday, April 26,1 at the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.r The octet, which has been under the direction of Mrs. James A. Mey- ers since 1915, has a background rich in a tradition of romance and drama. The original singers first sang before Queen Victoria in 1871 in London. The only surviving member of the first group is Mrs. Maggie Porter Cole of Detroit. The trip to England in 1871 was sponsored by the Earl of Shaftsbury, and his private concert attracted members of Parliament and the nobility. Invitations followed to sing for the Queen, the Prince of Wales and the Kaiser, who gave the singers a reception at Pottsdam. They hold the unusual record of having given 52 concerts in Stockholm in one season. Since Mrs. Meyers became director of the singers in 1915, they have made two trips to Europe. The soloist of the group, Luther King, came to the Jubilee Singers from the David Mannes Music School of New York, and in May, 1932, was soloist with the Cleveland Symphony Orchestra. At that time his chorus of 75 Negro voices appeared with the Symphony as guest artists. Among the patrons of the concert are President and Mrs. Alexander G. Ruthven, Dean and Mrs. Clarence Yoakum, Dean and Mrs. W. R. Humphreys, Dean and Mrs. Her- bert C. Sadler, Mayor Walter Camp- bell and Dr. and Mrs. Charles A. Sink. The concert is sponsored by Benjamin House and the Dunbar Civic Center for the purpose of pro- viding scholarship funds for a de- serving girl and sending underpriv.- ileged girls to summer camp. Tickets at 50 and 75 cents may be obtained at Wahr's or at the Lydia Mendelssohn box office tomorrow. Tickets may be reserved by calling 3219 and 7784. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Place advertisements with Classified Advertising Department. Phone 2-1214. The classified columns close at five o clock previous to day of insertion. Box znubers may be secured at no extra charge. Cash in advance lie per reading line (on basis of five average words to line) for one or two insertions. 10c per read- ing line for three or more insertions. Minimum three lines per insertion. Telephone rate - 15c per reading line for two or more insertions. Minimum three lines per insertion. 10'discount if paid within ten days from the date of last insertion. 1! By Contract, per line -2 lines daily, tone month.........................Sc 4 lines E.O.D.. 2 months ............8c 2 lines daily, college year...........7c Z lines E.O.D., 2 months.............8c 100 lines used as desired..........9c 300 lines used as desired ...Sc 1.000 lines used as desired.......7c 2,000 lines used as desired ..........6c The above rates are per reading line based on eight reading lines per inch Ionic type, upper and lower case. Add 6c per line to above rates for all capital letters. Add 6c per line to above for bold face, upper and lower case. Add 10c per line to above rates for bold face capital letters. The above rates are for 7% point type. NOTICES STATIONERY: Printed with your name and address. 100 sheets, 100 envelopes. $1.00. Many styles. Craft Press, 305 Maynard. 9x TWO fast gas-electric round trips mornings daily except Sunday be- tween Detroit and Ann Arbor via Michigan Central. 16x ONE THIRD OFF on all fur work. E. L. Greenbaum, 448 Spring Street. Phone 9625. 14x MAC'S TAXI--4289. Try our effi- cient service. All new cabs. 3x L writers. Don't Sam. Phone 2-3640. sell before you see for appointments. lox ;-. q LAUNDRY LAUNDRY 2-1044. Sox darned Careful work at low price. lx EMPLOYMENT BOARD job guaranteed to boy rent- ing room. Reasonable. Phone 4039. 433 TYPING 8c Typing 8c Phone 7728 Apt. B5 Anberay Apts. 434 FOR SALE Seven room house, large living room, fireplace, lots of closet space. Fin- ished attic, all conveniences, ga- rage, shrubs, flowers, fruit trees, off main highway. Must be seen to be appreciated. Phone 7537. 435 CAMERA for sale, 9x12 cm. Recomar with film pack adapter, 6 plate holders, case $37.50. Call 2-3169 at 7 p.m. 432 D~uffendack Speaks To Physicists' Club Prof. O. S. Duffendack of the phys- ics department spoke on "Quantita- tive Analysis by Spectroscopic Means" before the Physics Club of Detroit during spring vacation. This club is made up of research and industrial physicists in Detroit. Before his lecture a dinner was given for Professor Duffendack by his former students who are now liv- ing in Detroit. 6:00--WJR Jimmie Stevenson. WWJ Ty Tyson. WXYZ The Key Ring. CKLW Omar. 6:15-WJR News of Youth. WWJ Dinner Music. WXYZ Rhythm Time. CKLW JoeGentile. 6:30-WJR Duncan Moore. WWJ Newscast. WXYZ Day in Review. CKLW Rhythm Ramblings. 6:45-WJR Hot Dates in History. WWJ Musical Program. WXYZ Lowell Thomas, CKLW Song Recital. 7:00-WJR Myrt and Marge. WWJ Amos and Andy. WXYZ Easy Aces. CKLW Phil Marley's Music. 7:15--WJR Adventures of Jimmie Allen. WWJ Human Side of News. WXYZ Southern Gentlemen. 7:30-WJR Kate Smith. WWJ Evening Melodies. WXYZ Musical Moments. CKLW Sunset Serenade. 7:45-WJR Boake Carter. WWJ You and Your Governments. WXYZ Mario Cozzi. CKLW Time Turns Back. 8:00--WJR Lazy Dan. WWJ Leo Reisman's Music. WXYZ Crime Clues. CKLW Sweet and Swingy. 8:30-WJR Russ Morgan's Music: Guest Stars. WWJ Wayne King's Music. WXYZ Edgar Guest in Welcome Valley. CKLW Jazz Nocturne. 9:00-WJR Walter O'Keefe: Glen Gray's Music. WWJ V/ox Pop. WXYZ Ben Bernie and All the Lads. 9:30-WJR Fred Waring's Pennsylvanians. WWJ Eddy Duchin's Music. WXYZ Bert Stock's Music. CKLW Cronies. 10:00-WJR Parties at Pickfair. WWJ Benny Goodman's Music. WXYZ Emergency Peace Campaign, CKLW Mario Braggiotti's Music. 10:30-WJR March of Time. WWJ Jimmy Fidler. CKLW Jack Hylton's Music. WXYZ Rhythm Revule. 10:45-WJR Melodies. WWJ Prof. Bryon Rust. WXYZ Larry Funk's Music. 11 :00-WJR Bulletins. WWJ Russ Lyon's Music. WXYZ Baker Twins. CKLW Freddy Martin's Music. 11:15-WJR Wilard Robison's Music. CKLW Kay Kyser's Music. EVENING RADIO PROCGRAMS 11:30--WWJ George Kavanagh's Music. WJR Bernie Cummin's Music. WXYZ Ruby Newman's Music. CKLW Joe Sanders' Music. 11 :45-WJR Sol.,N,.violinist. 12:00-.-WJR Sami Jack Kaun i's Meslc' WWJ Dance Music. CKLW Basil Foreens Music. WXYZ Shanudor: Meredith Wilson's Music. 12:30--WJR Eddie Oliver's Music. WXYZ George Olsen's Music. CKLLW Johnny Johnson's Music. 12:45-WJR Laurie Higgins' Music. 1:00-CKLW Ted Weems' Music. STUDENT CONVALESCING Mary Neal, '37, is recovering from an operation in a hospital at Santa Fe, N. M. Under doctor's orders she is resting for another week before attempting the trip home. The 1936 Dramatic Season- MAY 18 Through JUNE 20 Ian 'eith Season Tickets NOW ON SALE at Garden Room of the Michigan Leagu~e building-at $3, $3.80, $4.80 and $6.30. Secure choice seats EARLY! A' LJ 0 L I.. . W K U~.a .5. U.N ~ J.WN K! Na - U.N .3.1 m 1W 1 I I I