The Weather li v ioilvUr4iv:tullo Sicr igan A& jElatt Editorials 7'lijI t i. Leonard Dworsky and Fred Martinr equala185bfeet in the javelin they will also be entered, Hoyt has an-v nounced.c Peace Parley Will Be Heldt OnApril 21 The University's peace meetings April 21-first Tuesday after vaca- tion-will be held on the mall be-t tween the Architectural College and the University High School, members of the Peace Council announced last night. The peace meeting, backed by the University Administration and prac- tically every organization on the cam- pus, was originally scheduled to be held in front of the main library. Prof. Preston W. Slosson of the history department will be faculty speaker, and student speakerswill be announced the first day of school after vacation, according to G. Men- nen Williams, '36,, chairman of the council. Classes will be excused be- tween 11 a.m. and noon, the time of the peace meeting. President Ruthven is expectd to preside, provided his broken leg is sufficiently well knit by that time. The meeting is being held Tues- day, April 21, rather than Wednes- day, April 22-National Peace Day- according to Williams, because the University does not wish to excuse 11 o'clock classes twice on Wednes- day, the Honors Convocation also being held on Wednesday. POSTERS ON GRAVE STONES GRAND RAPIDS, April 9.-(P) - A report that "Vote Democratic" University Hospital e Ambulance Refused 6 t Kerlikowski States Service a g Is Not Maintained After 1 5 P.M.; 'Doesn't Pay' p By FRED WARNER NEAL Kenneth C. Tappe, 511 Sunset s load, was in a critical condition last night in St. Joseph's Mercy Hospital n s a result of the automobile crashin vhich he was involved early yester- 1 lay morning. t Tappe was taken to St. Joseph'sf Mercy Hospital rather than the Uni- ersity Hospital because when George Ross, '39, a spectator at theaccident, I ,alled the University Hospital, he wasu old it had no ambulance service "that a time of night." And because Ross could not get a University Hospital Ambulance at Jefferson and Division Streets, where the accident occurred. Tappe was eft lying several vital minutes longer than he otherwise would have, Ross said. The University Hospital does not maintain ambulance service after 5 p.m., and the reason, according to Dr. Albert C. Kerlikowske, resident physician and assistant director of the Hospital, is that "it does not pay'" When Ross saw the accident, he rushed to the telephone and called1 the University Hospital, number 2- 2521. "Quick," he told the operatorc at the Hospital, "Send an ambulancer to the corner of Jefferson and Divi- sion. There was a serious accident here, and a man is badly hurt." "Sorry," replied the operator. "We don't have an ambulance this time ofI night. There is nothing we can do."'' Ross finally called St. Joseph's Hos-j pital on Ingalls Street, telephone number 2-3211. He told them theI same story, and the operator an- swered that an ambulance would be sent to the scene of the accident im- mediately. The ambulance from St. Joseph's came and took the critically injured Tappe to its hospital. Instantly he was given medical care. Tappe is now in a "very dangerous, condition, with a brain injury," ac- cording to Dr. Hugh M. Beebe, physi- cian in charge. Dr. Beebe said St. Joseph's Hos- pital maintains ambulance service all night. The information service at the Uni- versity Hospital would give out no other information last night than that "we have no ambulance service at night. You either have to call Staffan's Funeral Home or the taxi- cab company." The University Hospital, according to Dr. Kerlikowske, can't maintain an ambulance after 5 p.m. "because it costs too much.eWe can't operate our ambulance at any other time than from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Dr. Kerlikowske said. "During those hours, our one amlalance only operates between the various University medical units." 'Bleeding' Flowers In Calumet Church Regarded As Omen CALUMET, Mich., April 9. - (P) - Three roses, their delicate petals ex- uding a blood-red fluid, were care- fully guarded in a receptacle at St. Ann's Catholic Church today by the Rev. Father J. A. Paquet, pastor of the congregation. The pastor in a formal statement, declared he found the flowers April 4 in a communion ciborium after the congregation had prayed the night before to the little flower "to give us a tangible proof of her power with God and her love for us." The discovery, he said, occurred while he was giving communion. On entering the church, he added, he had noticed a very strong odor of roses, but saw no fresh flowers and the old ones in the vases were too withered to give forth such strong scent. "To my amazement," he said, "as I lifted the cover of the ciborium three fresh roses spotted with red fell on the corporal. The red spots were College Magazine Michigan's comic magazine, the 3argoyle, was selected as the out- tanding college comic in the country yy the American Association of Col- ege Comics, according to word re- eived yesterday by Norman William- on, '36. business manager of the 3argoyle. Four issues were submitted to the udging board which consisted of the ditors of Esquire, Life and an ad- ertising executive. The contest was pen to more than forty members of he AACC and the cup which is the ward, will be presented to the Gar- oyle in the annual convention April 7 in New York City. It will be in- cribed and remain in the Gargoyle's ossession for a year. In commenting on the Gargoyle's uccess, Don Miller, '36, managing ed- tor, attributed it to the improved nake-up and photography which the d 3argoyle has featured. The four c ssues which the Gargoyle entered in c he contest, he said, were the first u our consecutive issues this school b ear. The Gargoyle representative at the d onvention has not yet been decided s upon, according to Gilbert Tilles, '36, a assistant editor. f Churches Will f Hold Tre Ore Services Today First Methodist Churchz Will Be Scene Of Goodr Friday Worshipt A union service to be held at 1, p.m. this afternoon at the First Meth- odist Church will head the Good Fri- day services of Ann Arbor churches. The Rev. Allison Ray Heaps will be in charge of this service, and eight Ann Arbor churches and the Salvation Army will take part in it.a The program will be headed by aI portrayal of the life of Christ which will be given using colored slides.( Ministers taking part in the presenta- tion of this are the Rev. William P. Lemon, the Rev. Norman W. Kunkel,I the Rev. Fred Cowin, the Rev. La- Verne Finch and the Rev. Mr. Heaps. Easter prayers and special Easter music will also be presented on theI program. Churches participating( are the First Baptist, the Congrega- ( tional, the Bethlehem Evangelical,1 the Church of Christ, the First Pres-t byterian, the First Methodist, the West Side (Methodist, the Calvaryi Evangelical, and the Salvation Army.E The St. Andrew's Episcopal Church will hold a three hour Good Friday devotional service starting at noon.' The Rev. Henry Lewis will be in charge. Four services will be held today at the St. Paul's Lutheran Church, of which the Rev. C. A. Brauer is the minister. At 9:30 a.m. a prepara- tory service for the German Com- munion service at 10 a.m. will be held. At 1 p.m. a service without a sermon will be held. At this service the en- tire passion history will be read. At 7:30 p.m. the regular Good Friday service with sermon will be held. At 1:30 p.m. the Rev. William Stell- horn of Columbus, O., will speak at the community service of the Zion Lutheran Church. His sermon topic will be "One Died For All." The closing Lenten service with the Holy Supper will be held at 7:30 p.m. The Rev. Ernest C. Stellhorn will preach. The Trinity Lutheran Church will hold a two-hour Good Friday ser- vice this afternoon from 1 to 3 p.m. The Litany chant will be sung at this service. A Communion service will be held at 3 p.m. The Rev. Henry O. Yoder is minister of this church. King Participates In Age-Long Rites LONDON, April 9.-(,P)-West- minster Abbey was thronged today when King Edward in person par- ticipated in the age-long 'ceremony of distributing coins on Maundy Thursday. It was the first time His Majesty had participated in a formal public ceremony since the funeral of King George, his father. The King wore morning clothes. Edward gave coins to 142 persons - 71 old men and 71 old women, spe- cially chosen. Customarily there would have been 42 recipients of the Maundy money - the number corre- sponding to the King's age on his next birthday. But by his command Peace Plan Is Refused By Italians Spanish Delegate Receives Cold Reception From Fascist Representative tcensed Because Of League Ruling Baron Aloisi States He Had No Instructions On War Settlement Question GENEVA, April 9. - (P) -Italy's delegate to the League of Nations de- lined tonight to discuss with a con- 'iliation representative the terms under which Premier Mussolini would Mlt war in East Africa. Salvador De Madariaga, Spanish elegate to the League who was in- tructed to obtain the terms, received a cold reception from Baron Pompeo Aloisi, the Fascist representative. Plainly incensed over the refusal f the League Committee of 13 to mpower Madariaga to go to Rome for the conversations, Aloisi said he had no instructions whatsoever on the war settlement question. Italian sources reported Aloisi told Madariaga: "It is rather for one to ask you your intentions than for you to ask me mine. The chief of our govern- ment has announced he is ready to send a delegate to Geneva after Eas- ter but he also suggested he would be glad to see you in Rome before the Geneva talks begin. Naturally we would like to know your answer. The League Committee, before giv- ing its instructions to Madariaga, had addressed an appeal to both Italy and Ethiopia to "prevent any breach of international law" during the East African war. The appeal followed a recommendation by Anthony Eden, British foreign secretary, particularly aimed at alleged use by Italian troops of poison gas. Madariaga, who appeared dejected after his conference with the Italian representative, said he would dis- cuss the problem with the League Committee tomorrow. (The Spanish delegate previously had been invited to Rome for the discussions but apparently declined on the ground that he would also have to go to Addis Ababa and the trip would require too much time.) Great Britain continued her de- mand for peace in Ethiopia when, by the action of her foreign secre- tary, Eden, the British nation split consideration of the Italo-Ethiopian war from League consideration of other international complications. "The British government has not been influenced nor does it intend to be influenced by external consid- erations or what might be happening in other parts of the world," Eden told the League Committee of 13. Observers at the Geneva session interpreted his remarks as cleav- ing the East African dispute from the Rhineland controversy. AT 'ITALIAN HEADQUARTERS ON THE SOMALILAND FRONT, April 10.- (Friday) - () -Eighteen Italian bombing planes and four scouting planes today flew over and bombed Ethiopian positions at Sasa Baneh Daggah Bur, Daga Hamodo, Bullaleh, Segag and Bircut. The attack was carried out de- spite a heavy rain. Strong anti-air- craft fire from the Ethiopians had little effect. Starving Chinese Sell Human Flesh CHUNGKING, Szechuan Province, China, April 10.- (Friday) -())-- At least 20,000,000 Chinese are starv- ing in this western-most province of China, as famine has followed Red armies which have devastated this once plenteous area. With a majority of the province's northern counties plundered to the last chicken, and even seed grain gone, terrible hunger and disease exist through about 30 per cent of the prov- ince's 70,0000,000 people. - Vernacular newspapers print grue- some accounts of the sale of human flesh, obtained by robbing graves, of cannibalism and of the sale of children by starving parents. Authorities in the larger centers report an alarming increase in the number of dead bodies and homeless and unidentified persons who have crawled miserably into the towns,