The Weather Showers today or tonight. probably tomorrow; warmer today in south Iortionu Colr tomorrow. am- t4r 4bp 4ilt 41ty t g an ~~alj Editorials A o lA t ' i r i, .(I ('oufdeiwY VOL. XLVI No. 137 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, APRIL 9, 1936 PRICE FIVE CENTS 'Hands Off' Is Demand Of France 'Hitler Must Give Word Of Peaceful Intentions As Preface To Pact Britain Asks Early Peace In Ethiopia 'Annihilation' Of African Troops Asked ByI Duce In Rome Speech PARIS, April 8. -(3) - France demanded that Germany pledge to keep "hands off" the rest of Europe today as the price for France's signa- ture of new peace accords. A memorandum in answer to Adolf Hitler's peace plan cited the danger of Germany following up her occupa- tion of the Rhinel and with action against Austria, Danzig and Memel and claims for colonies. Renunciation of designs on those places must be given, the memoran- dumsaid,before "any plan for peace can be constructed." The proposal was sent to Great Britain, to whom Hitler submitted his counter peace proposals. France submitted her own peace plan in rebuttal to the Reichsfueh- rer's, basing it on "collective secur- ity" with regional mutual assistance pacts backed up by an international army under the League of Nations. Hitler's disarmament plan is "de- ceiving," the French note said, be- cause there is no plan for effective control." (Hitler proposed a series of bi- lateral peace pacts and also a dis- armament conference to limit arma- ments.) As for Hitler's ideas for "human- iing' war, the note said: "It is more' important to make it impossible." EDE PJRiTESTS GENEVA, April 8. - (/P) - Great Britain pressed for immediate cessa- tion of Italo-Ethiopian hostilities to- day after the League of Nations formed a sub-committee to investi- gate charges Italy was using poison gas in contravention of international rules of warfare. Britain's getion was taken inside a meeting of the League's Committee of 13 which resumed its efforts to- day to open the pathway to peace. A forenoon meeting of the Com- mittee of 13 had hardly begun be- fore Anthony Eden, foreign secretary of Great Britain, raised the question of charges Italy is using poison gas, and in the afternoon session he sub- mitted a list of specific occasions on which Premier Mussolini's troops were alleged to have employed it with dev- astating effects against Ethiopian men, women and children. 1,632 ITALIANS DEAD ROME, April 8.--(P) - Premier Mussolini declared today that only "total annihilation" of Ethiopian forces would satisfy Fascist colonial security as Italy counted her war dead from the African campaign. Italian newspapers published what were termed complete lists of East African fatalities, naming 1,632 Ital- ian soldiers killed, fatally wounded or disappeared since the Ethiopian invasion began. Hamtramck Mayor FacesAngry Mobr DETROIT, April 8. - (i) -Tear- ing dawn a frontiporch storm door, leaders of 300 men caused a near-riot today at the home of Mayor Joseph A. Lewandowski of suburban Ham- tramck, asserting they had been tricked by pre-election promises of jobs. The crowd previously had visited the headquarters of Fred Pabst, public works superintendent, whose office doorkwas kickedin. Pabst said the cards were passed out a week ago on the regular hiring day to men not given work then, and he expected to give some jobs today, but couldn't handle all of them. Lewandowski was defeated for re- election by former Mayor Rudolph G. Tenerowicz. Detroit Pucksters Beat Windsor, 8-1 When Is River Mouth? Answer May Decide Boundary Dispute That Is Question In Stats Contest With Minnesota, VanderVeldeExplains By FRED WARNER NEAL When is the mouth of a river? The answer to that question may determine the outcome of Michi- gan's fourth and latest boundary dis- pute, this time with Minnesota, ac- cording to Prof. Lewis G. Vander- Velde of the history department. For Michigan, the map division of the library of Congress has found, may justly claim four miles of Pi- geon Point on the Minnesota main- land, jutting into Lake Superior, and five small islands. The tiny parcels of land are 25 miles due west of Isle Royal and across Lake Superior from the Michigan mainland. Nearly 100 years ago, Professor VanderVelde, head of the Michigan history commission, explained, Con- gress decreed that Michigan's north- ern boundary should follow the line between the United States and Can- ada to the point where it last touched Lake Superior. The International Boundry Commission has ruled that that "last point" is the mouth of the Pigeon River. From that point, according to the old Congressional order, Michigan's boundary line runs southwesterly across Lake Superior to the mouth of the Montreal River, which is the Wisconsin-Michigan boundary. But, according to Lawrence Mar- tin, chief of the Library of Congress map division, the Southwestern line, drawn as it is, cuts off four miles of Pigeon Point as well as the Susie, Brick, Belle Rose and Lucille Islands, which have heretofore been con- sidered Minnesota possessions. The main issue, Professor Vander- Velde pointed out, is just where the mouth of the Pigeon River, which borders Pigeon Point, starts. If the boundary line, i.e. the mouth of the Pigeon River, should be farther south than it is, then Michigan has been gyped these 150 years since the Treaty of 1783. If not, then Martin is wrong, and everybody is contented. The question remains, then, how do you determine the mouth of a river? There is no scientific way, according to Prof. K. C. McMurray, Allen To Attend Budapest Parley Next September Prof. Shirley W. Allen of the School of Forestry and Conservation yes- terday received designation papers from President Aexander G. Ruth- yen making him the official delegate from the University to the Second In- ternational Forestry Congress in Sep- tember at Budapest. Professor Allen will leave the cam- pus tomorrow on sabbatical leave un- til November. He will make a study of the training of forest employes of eastern National Park Services until the middle of June, at which time he and his family will go on a European' travel tour. He intends to attend the ninth meeting of the International Union of Forest Research Organiza- tions at Soprone, Hungary Aug. 25 to Sept. 8, a tour of ten districts of Hungary, with lecture sessions in each. Leaving the forestry tour on Sept. 8, Professor Allen will proceed to Budapest for the forestry congress. The First International Forestry Congress was convened in Rome in 1926, at which time Dean Samuel T. I Dana and Prof. Robert Craig, Jr., of the forestry school, represented the University. Only six forestry schools in the United States are members of the in- ternational association, they being Yale, Harvard, Michigan, Duke, Syra- cuse and Idaho universities. $175,000 Fire Hits Kalanazoo Garage KALAMAZOO, April 8.--(/P)-Fire destroyed the Brophy Chevrolet Ga- rage tonight and the loss, including 29 new automobiles, was estimated by firemen at $175,000 The interior of the building was ruined by the flames, which started in the workshop, apparently from an explosion. Several used automobiles and a few motorcars left. by patrons for repairs burned. All fire apparatus in the city re- sponded to a general alarm, and pre- vented the spread of the flames to nearby buildings. chairman of the geography depart- ment. "It is sort of a haphazard system," Professor McMurray ex- plained. "Frequently the deepest channel is selected, but there is no set formula that will allow you to say any particular point is the mouth." Rivers at best are poor boundaries, in the opinion of Professor McMur- ray, and river mouths are even poor- er. Michigan is going into the fight, if there will be one, in a good mood, be- cause she has just won a boundary dispute from Wisconsin, Professor VanderVelde pointed out. The Mich- igan-Wisconsin dispute really dates from 1845, it was explained, although no action was taken until 1885. Only within the past 30 days did the Su- preme Court render a decision fa- vorable to this State. The difficulty with Wisconsin, Pro- fessor VanderVelde said, also con- (Continued on Page 2) Grant Charter To Future War Veterans Here Paul Brunt Will Command Local Post; Work Begins After Spring Vacation The Michigan Post of the Veterans of Future Wars was organized here yesterday, and officially recognized by the headquarters of the organization at Princeton...' Paul R. Brunt, '38, has been ap- pointed Commander of the Post by Lewis J. Gorin, Jr., national com- mander. Brunt has announced that the work of completing the organiza- tion of the Post will be begun shortly after Spring Vacation, at which time the drive for membership will begin. A letter received yesterday from John Paul Jones, Regional Comman- der for the Great Lakes, made official the organization of the Post here, and acknowledged Brunt's appoint- ment. Regarding membership, Jones announced that the registration fee is 25 cents. Of this amount, he ex- plained, one half is sent to the Na- tional Council at Princeton to cover the expense of cards, buttons and informative material. The other half is retained by the local post to cover expenses. Bulletins received from the Na- tional Council explain the organiza- tion of the Veterans of Future Wars. According to the bulletins, "the Na- tional Council is supreme." It is com- posed of the national commander, the secretary, the treasurer, the adjutant- general in charge of the Home Fire (Women's) Division, and the nine re- gional commanders. Directly under the regional commanders are the post commanders, whose work is coordi- nated within the state by state com- manders. Each post commander is considered directly responsible to his regional commander at headquarters, and through him to the National Council. The Home Fire Division of the Vet- erans of Future Wars, the bulletin states, is a completely subsidiary or- ganization, and the post commander and adjutant-general have complete charge of this organization. The activities of the organization are based on a manifesto drawn up by the National Council, and Brunt has announced that copies of this Manifesto will be available to Mich- (Continued on Page 2) Brother Of Student Hurt In Plane Crash NEW YORK, April 8-(P )-A 22- year-old student pilot was killed and two others were injured, one critical- ly, when two biplanes crashed as they banked for a landing at Roosevelt Field, near Mineola, N. Y., late today. Douglas Turnbull suffered a brok- en leg, severe shock and cuts and bruises, according to his brother, Al- lan Turnbull, '36Ed.. who called his home in Garden City, N. Y., last night when informed of the Roosevelt Field crash. The University student said he was told his brother, an instructor at Roosevelt Field, would recover. Dean Dana Speaks SOn Forestry Today Dean S. T. Dana of the forestry school will speak at 4:15 p.m. today in Room 1025 Angell Hall in the voca- tional lecture series being sponsorec H earst's Plea Is Turned Down SHigh Court Lobby Committee Beyond Jurisdiction Of Court; J stice W'heat Rules Big Anti-New Deal War Chest Bared Head Of Crusaders Tells Of Large Contributions By Industrialists WASHINGTON, April 8. - (RP)- The Senate Lobby Committee scored a direct court victory over William Randolph Hearst today, and in simul- taneous hearings disclosed a select group of wealthy industrialists con- tributing heavily to anti-New Deal organizations. Hardly waiting to hear the argu- ment of the lobby committee's coun- sel, Chief Justice Wheat of the Su- preme Court of the District of Co- lumbia refused the publisher's plea for an injunction restraining the committee from examining telegrams passing between himself and his em- ployes. Beyond Jurisdiction He upheld the committee's conten- tion that, as a branch of the Senate, it was beyond the jurisdiction of the courts. Flatly he denied Hearst's allegation that an abridgement of the constitutional right of freedom of the press was involved. Elisha Hanson, Hearst's counsel, announced he would appeal. At today's hearing the committee examined Fred G. Clark, national commander of the Crusaders, and other officers of that organization, revealing that 39 individuals had con- tributed $62,687 to the Crusaders and $183,205 to other organizations, prin- cipally the Liberty League. Thirty of the 39 gave but small sums, with the major portion of the totals con- fined to nine donors. Gave Large Sums Irenee DuPont gave the Crusaders $10,000, the Liberty League $86,000 and other organizations $1,550; Lam- mot DuPont, the Crusaders $1,000, the Liberty League $10,000, and oth- ers $15,750; E. F. Hutton, New York broker, the Crusaders $5,000, the Lib- erty League $10,000; George M. Hof- fett, president of Corn Products Re- fining Co., $5,000 to each; J. Howard Pew, president of the Sun Oil Com- pany, $54,600 to the Crusaders, $10,- 000 to the Liberty League, $5,000 to the Sentinels of the Republic, $5,000 to the National Economy League and $10 to the. American Taxpayers League; John M. Schiff of Kuhn Loeb and Co, $1,750 to the Crusaders, $1,000 to the National Economy League and $8,000 to others; Alfred P. Sloan, president of General Mo- tors, $10,000 to the Crusaders. 2 Houses Protest Hell Week Rulings Two fraternities have petitioned the Executive Committee for recon- Spring Parley Do 'Round Panel, Topics Came Out Where? Are Approved 'Tomorrow - What Shall We Make It?' Is Chosen;E Ask Students To Attend President Ruthven Expected To Concurj Dean Lloyd, Dean Bursley Praise Selection; Time Is April 24, 25, 26 The University administration lent its support to the 1936 Spring Parley yesterday as the campus organization heads, meeting last night in the League, gave final approval to the topics, faculty panel and student chairmen. President Ruthven is expected to put his formal approval on the Par- ley, which is to be held April 24, 25, 26 in the Union, Cday when such ac- tion is recommended to him by Prof. Henry C. Anderson of the engineering college, spokesman for the adminis- tration during the President's illness. Professor Anderson united with Dean of Students Joseph A. Bursley and Dean of Women Alice C. Lloyd to praise the Parley and its choice of topics and faculty members. Sub-Topies Announced The main topic for the Parley1 suggested by the executive com- mittee to the campus leaders com- posing the expanded continuations committee, is "Our Tomorrow-What Shall We Make It?" Under that, will be discussed these sub-topics: 1. Our University - Are We Sat- isfied? 2. Our State and Its Economic System - How to Better Them. 3. The Arts - How to Use Them. 4. Our International Relations - How to Improve Them. 5. Our Religion - Its Relation to Personal Adjustment. 6. The Family - Its Place in So- ciety. The Parley will meet in general session Friday afternoon and night in the Union Ballroom with G. Men- nen Williams, '36L, as general chair- man. At this with the entire faculty panel of 17 members will be present, and questioners from the floor, with any remarks bearing on the topic, will be recognized. Saturday afternoon and night the six sub-topics will be discussed separately and at the same time, with various faculty men as- signed to each section and with stu- dent chairmen presiding. Sunday morning, the entire Parley will recon- vene in the Ballroom to correlate and bring together the information and discussion that has taken place. Chairman Named For the sub-topic sections, the stu- det harmn il b: urunve- DETROIT, April 8. -(A") --Charles Koebka, 68, was robbed today-in a revolving door-of $1,086, his life savings. Trapped by two men as he was entering the National Bank of De- troit, Koebka's pockets were rifled as he stood with one outdoor-burglar who had crowded into a revolving door compartment with him. The other man, pretending to be looking for his glasses, held the door. Koebka had drawn the money out of the Detroit Savings Bank intend- ing to put it in a deposit box in the National Bank. "Father has been worrying about his money," a daughter said. "H transfered it from the bank to his safety deposit box several times." Increased Sales Tax Suatested y State Board Proposed To Fill Gaps Following Homestead Tax Abandonment LANSING, April 8.- (AP) -The Leg- islative Council placed its impressive endorsement today behind a proposal to exempt homesteads from taxation, and to make the state sales tax or a new tax offset the resultant drop in local revenues. A taxation sub-committtee sub- mitted a comprehensive report, which was accepted by the Council. On only one major point was there a conflict. The members of the sub- committee divided on strictly party lines as to the need for an immediate special session of the Legislature to halt or amend the May tax sale. Five Republicans, in the- majority report, recommended that the sale be held "because it offers the only feasible opportunity to sift the chaff from the grain in the matter of own- ership of real property." A Demo- cratic minority led by Rep. Casper J. Lingeman, Grosse Pointe Shores, in- sisted an extra session should be or- dered at once. Lingeman contended $72,000,000 of Detroit city taxes which are delinquent will be jeopardized if the sale is not stopped. He pro- posed that the legislature authorize the state to buy all tax titles and hold them for possible redemption, or lower penalties so title buyers would-f not be attracted. The Council took no action on the special session demand. Speaker George A. Schroeder, of the House, said he favors an extra session. House Drafts tax Measures Slosson Is famed For PeaceeTalk listory Professor Chosen Main Speaker At Rally Day After Vacation University Behind Peace Movement Phree Students Will Talk; Demonstration Is Set For Library Steps Prof. Preston W. Slosson, of the istory department, was selected last ight as faculty speaker for the eace Council's demonstration April 1 in front of the Library. The demonstration will be held ,pril 21, the first Tuesday after the pring vacation, according to G. /ennen Williams, '36L, chairman of he council, rather than April 22 as >reviously announced. The demonstration, which will also eature three student speakers and nand music, will be held at 11 a.m., 1 o'clock classes being called off that lay. The demonstration has the >acking of the University Adminis- ration and President Ruthven will >reside if his broken leg is sufficient- y knit by that time. Union, League Back Rally The League, Union, Interfraternity ouncil, Panhellenic Association, The aily and a number of similar cam- 'us organizations are backing the 'eace demonstration, which will be eld in conjunction with National eace Day on April 22, and the heads >f these organizations-Charlotte lueger, '37; Wencel Neuman, '36; 3eorge Williams, '36; and Betty Ann 3eebe, '37--are members of the Peace :ouncil's executive committee. Professor Slosson, leading campus dvocate of United States member- ;hip in the League of Nations, highly ralsed the idea of a peace demon- stration in accepting the council's nvitation to speak. "The Princeton students, as every- >ne knows," he said, "have started in organization of Veterans of Fu- ure Wars: The joke is an excellent >ne, but it has. its serious side of it- Chat unless war is very speedily re- trained, they probably will actually e veterans of future wars. In other words," he continued, "the Ameri- an student has a personal as well s an altruistic purpose in the pre- vention of war. Group Is Powerful "Unfortunately there is little an individual at the head of a govern- ient can do to prevent war," Profes- sor Slosson declared, "but, while a nowflake cannot stop a railroad train, a group of them can. A single individual cannot stop war, but hun- dreds of thousands of citizens in colleges, each a leading citizen in his community, can. The idea of these peace committees and other peace movements is, I take it, an attempt to get those snowflakes together." Members of the faculty and presi- dents of fraternities and sororities are being contacted by the council' publicity chairman, Marshall D. Shulman, '37, said, and will be asked to send expressions of their support to The Daily and to dissemenate in- formation regarding the peace move- ment among their groups of students. illialm Centner Wins University SpeechContest William A. Centner, '38, of Battle Creek, won the finals of the Univer- sity of Michigan Oratorical Contest, yesterday afternoon in Room 4203 Angell Hall. He will be awarded the Chicago Alumni Medal, .and will go to North- western University May 1 to compete for a prize given by Frank O. Lowden. First and second prizes are $100 and $50. Other speakers from North- western, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa, and Western Reserve, will be compet- ing at that time. The subject of Centner's talk was, "The Challenge to Liberty." He de- nounced the present economic "slav- ery" of the American people, and declared it worse than their political subjugation before the Revolution. He was chosen from a field of four finalists. The other speakers were dent chairmen will be : Our Univer - sity, Norman L. Sharfman, '37; Our To P y Bo u State and Its Economic System, Cyril PaHk 6 r n a Hetsko, '36L; Our International Re- -___ lations, Abe Zwerdling, Grad.; Our WASHINGTON, April 8.-(l - Religion, Irving Levitt, '36; the Fam- W ily, Winifred Bell, '36. Capitol hill committees today con- Both Dean Bursiey and Dean Lloyd,I centrated upon problems of income in "fully approving" the 1936 Parley, and expenditure. urged students to attend. "It is a While the House Ways and Means very interesting choice of topics and Subcommittee set about the drafting l ;i , sideration of its recent action in faculty," Miss Lloyd said. And Deanirev- abolishing Hell Week in Interfra- j Bursley declared he thought a"every enue program for partly funding ternity Council meeting, it was student will benefit by attending and bonus payment and the new farm learned last night. openly discussing these topics." program, the appropriations commit- The deadline for submitting peti- ___________ tee heard WPA administrator Harry tions was 7 a.m. today. Five petitions L. Hopkins explain why he needed will be necessary to force reconsid- BULLETIN $1,500,000,000 to carry on with gov- eration of the ruling, ernment relief efforts. Neither George R. Williams, '36, The Ways and Means Committee, or Paul W. Philips, '36, president and K. C. Tappe, 611 Sunset Drive, done with hearings at which seg- secretary of the council, respectively, was seriously hurt in an automo- ments of organized business con- would comment as to the possibility bile accident at the corner of demned features of the proposed tax of the council overriding the action of Jefferson and Division Streets at bill, gave indication that corporations the Executive Committee. 1:45 a.m. today. saddled with debt might be accorded -- -; special treatment. Hopkins' appearance before the ex- o r xte sive 1. ciliiesecutive session of the House Appro- Modern, Extensive Facilities hpr priations Committee was followed by rGraduatenew Democratic objections against Pla 1 nned For raSathe ool any separate Congressional inquiry into the operations of the WPA. Chairman Buchanan (Dem., Tex.), This i the fourth of a series of ar- University." According to Dean Yoa- said that Hopkins' testimony in con- tides on the construction and plans jkum and the donors of the Trust t th th t of the Horace H. Rackham Graduate ku an th doosothTrs eir ihteaporainr- school and the Burton memorialduTower. Fund, the Rackham building will con- quest would satisfy "all legitimate Although the plans for the Grad- tain everything ,to further this aim. demands" for an investigation. ASpecial meeting places for the 30 uate School have not yet been com- or more research organizations on! pletely drawn up, Dean Clarence S. the campus will be included in the Harold t1hHeads Yoakum recently outlined briefly school, and the facilities will also be what they would include and made available for special academic so-" State Welfare Study cieties, both state and national. _____ the significant statement that the "To be a real memorial to Mr. building would provide a center and Rackham," Dean Yoakum said, "the LANSING, April 8.--IP)-Governor "home" for all graduate students, !building had to be constructed so Fitzgerald appointed Harold D. linking up memories now resulting as to suggest and utilize those activ- Smith, of Ann Arbor, secretary of from experiences in the class room, ities and forces which increase the the Michigan Municipal League, to- dormitory and seminar. well-being and happiness of man- day as chairman of a commission to The building, as planned tenta- kind." plan the integration of State relief .