THE MICHIGAN DAILY -WDEDY Pi ~1$ I936 _ THE MICHIGAN DAILY if concluded, will alleviate the present situation. Until a new "international morality" has been realized and until fair and equitable treaties are negotiated. no nation will ever be secure and no peace ever be perpetual. THE SCREE-FN ' - Publisned every morning except Monday during thoa University year and Summer Session by the Board in Control of Student Publications. MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matter herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50. Representatives: National Advertising Service, Inc., 420 Madison Ave., New York City; 400 N. Michigan Ave.; Chicago, Ill. EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT Telephone 4925 BOARD OF EDITORS MANAGING EDITOR ............. THOMAS H. KLEENE ASSOCIATE EDITOR ..............,THOMAS E. GROEHN Dorothy S. Gies Josephine T. McLean William R. Reed DEPARTMENTAL BOARDS eublication Department: Thomas H. Kleene, Chairman; Clinton B. Conger, Robert Cummins, Richard G. Her- shey, Ralph W. Hurd, Fred Warner Neal. Reportorial Department: Thomas E. Groehn, Chairman; Elsie A. Pierce, Joseph S. Mattes. Editorial Department: Arnold S. Daniels, Marshall D. Shulman. Sports Department: William R. Reed, Chairman; George Andros, Fred Buesser, Raymond Goodman. Women's Department,: Josephine T. McLean, Chairman; Josephine M. Cavanag, Florence H. Davies, Marion T. Holden, Charlotte D. Rueger, Jewel W. Wuerfel. BUSINESS DEPARTMENT Telephone 2-1214 BUSINESS MANAGER...........GEORGE H. ATHERTON CREDIT MANAGER .............JOSEPH A. ROTHBARD WOMEN'S BUSINESS MANAGER . ... MARGARET COWIE WOMEN'S SERVICE MANAGER .. .ELIZABETH SIMONDS DEPARTMENTAL MANAGERS Local Advertising, William Barndt; Service Department, Willis Tomlinson; Contracts, Stanley Joffe; Accounts, Edward Wohlgemuth; Circulation and NationalAdver- tising, John Park; Classified Advertising and Publica- tions, Lyman Bittman. NIGHT EDITOR: RICHARD G. HERSHEY _ _ THE ART CINEMA LEAGUE1 "THE LAST MILLIONAIRE" and "THE FIREMAN" A REVIEW By C. B. CARPENTER R ENE CLAIRE'S light-veined political satire, The Last Millionaire, presented last Saturday night at the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre by the Art Cinema League, again clearly shows the difference between the French and the American cinema. It exemplifies the French superiority in the matter of artistic conception and its inferiority in regard to mechanical details, such as photography, sound, and even direction. The Last Millionaire, is an almost impossible story, entirely fantastic, which pictures a poverty- stricken mythical kingdom in the land of some- where-across-the-ocean headed by an ageing but alert queen who bargains with a French multi- millionaire for $300,000,000 in return for the hand of her beautiful daughter. After his arrival in the country the pompous millionaire is accidentally hit on the head and therefrom becomes an imbecillic dictator making a series of absurdly amusing laws, such as forbid- ding the use of chairs, prohibiting any talking, requiring all the men to wear short pants, and holding required daily setting up exercises for the populace in the palace courtyard. The state mu- sicians, he discovers, are unable to compose him a new national anthem because they know only one tune - the old anthem - which they adapt in mood, tempo, and style to every occasion, and incidentally play repeatedly throughout the pic- ture. The milionaire, even in his right mind, knows less about government than the light-headed fan- tastic mite of a queen who runs - not walks - around the palace as if she were constantly being chased by an imaginary band of revolutionists. And the other characters are almost as imaginary, each one full of comic idiosyncrasies which lend their bit to the entire whimsically caricatured whole of the picture. Rene Claire has devised bril- liant satirical material with hilarious and penetrat- ing potentialities. If Mussolini or Hitler were to see The Last Millionaire they would blush with em- barrassment, but since they both, we are told, ap- preciate good music, they would enjoy the cleverly integrated instruments of repetition, variation, counterpoint, and coloring which are very evident in the picture. The repeating orchestra, the jittery queen, the sleepy detective on whom the millionaire relys so completely, and the ridiculous demands of the government are all subtle but lucid manipula- tions of the same satirical theme, and if The Last Millionaire had a quicker movement, a more selec- tive continuity, and a better mechanical execution, it could surpass almost any recent American comedy. The revival of Charlie Chaplin's The Fireman is rather unfortunate since it is unquestionably one of his minor pictures, only about two reels long, and empoying pants-kicking and water-squirting as the most prominent laugh-provokers. Those who think Modern Times is old fashioned, how- ever, should look for a chance to see The Fireman. It is typical of the old, silent comedy and might now be retitled "Anything for a Laugh," all at the expense of the audience. As Others See It Dormitories And The Working Student.. .. TrIHE ADVANTAGES of a men's dor- mitory building program, already supported by almost everyone connected with the University, become more numerous and apparent the more one contemplates the changed situation which it would bring to the campus. Those now employed on the campus in boarding houses and restaurants are acquainted with condi- tions of employment: little pay for the amount of work, unclean conditions in many instances, little responsibility on the part of the employer and no hope of permanence of positions for the students. But the seriousness of the entire situation lies in the fact that nothing can be done to remedy it. One can only pray that jobs will hold out. The almost complete dependence for boarding fa- cilities upon outside agencies practically prevents the students, as well as the University, from doing anything to ameliorate conditions. Probably the most serious of these conditions, from the standpoint of the student, is the lack of permanence of jobs. Student employment can not be considered in the same light as em- ployment outside the realm of the University for the reason that the student is primarily here for an education and not to work for subsistence. If con- ditions force the student to work, the educational facilities are lessened for him. And if a student is thrown out of work his educational future be- comes even more dark in the face of his impending economic crisis. The benefits of coming to college are largely lost. College means little more to him than a tough place to get enough to eat. This situation has assumed more serious propor- tions on the campus this week because of the clos- ing of one restaurant which has meant the loss of jobs for almost 50 students. Undoubtedly as much as possible will be done by the University to get these students jobs but the institution is placed in an unfortunate position when the burden of helping those students is thrust upon its shoulders although it cannot possibly be held responsible for the conditions causing the unemployment. If dormitories are established on the campus, many of the problems and defects now existing in' relation to the employment situation will be amel- iorated. We do not assume, however, the naive po- sition that all will be right if dormitories are built. But more security will be afforded working stu- dents, better working conditions will prevail and greater responsibility will be assumed by the Uni-] versity. Today's Treaties.. N THE PRESENT European crisis one of the most disappointing and disheartening trends is the utter disregard for treaty obligations and disrespect for international law. Treaties are apparently negotiated now only for protection until the time is reached when they can be disregarded with safety. However, the disrespect for international law is not directly the result of the fickleness of man- kind or its lack of moral responsibility. As the liberal political writers of the 19th century pointed out, most treaties include germs for future wars. The present crisis in Europe, which is now almost a powder magazine, can be interpreted as a direct result of an unjust and impossible treaty. No nation could take the severe beating Germany suffered and submit to the terms it had to accept, America, Great Britain, France or any other great nation would very probably be up in arms and willing to abrogate its obligations if its very existence was threatened, just as the Germans, ome Conning Tower TO WORDS, THE GARDENERS Here, good words, is my sorrow; And cuttings of meadow-rue, Sturdy saplings of willow, And cypresses, green and new. Slips of empurpled pansies, Wistaria, mauve and white, Wet with the tears that heaven Wept for a day and night. Cover my grief with beauty Planted in richest loam, That neighbors will pause, and wonder, And take a flower home. FIDES. For the benefit of those who rely upon this de- partment for their news, it should be said that the third jury in the case of David Lamson, who wrote "We Who Are About to Die," .disagreed, 9 to 3 for conviction, and Lamson is free. I have a beautiful silk bed spread bought at World's Fair, cost $27.50 new. What have you? Mrs. J. M. Winsinger, 206 North Madison Street, Peoria, Ill. -Fellowship Forum, Washington, D.C. Three jacks and a pair of queens. According to Mrs. Margaret Hess, of Morocco, Ind., it wasn't Eli Whitney, but Mrs. Greene, General Greene's wife, who invented the cotton gin. It seems that Whitney was boarding with Mrs. Greene. This, though Mrs. Hess didn't say so, was in Savannah, Ga. Whitney was born in Mass- achusetts, but later lived in New Haven. Gin or not, he invented Whitney Avenue, New Haven, better known as the street Old Bully Phelps dwells on. For that matter, it was Queen Isabella, Co- lumbus's landlady, who discovered this country. HISTORIANS' PEEKLY-WEEKLY Recording Another Seven Days in the Annals, or Kennels (where the Man Once Bit the Dog), of Journalism SUNDAY. Spring, Gentile spring, votes Ja! in Ger- man plebiscite ... Nazis decide to let Nein pitch the second game of a no-game series . . France looking not unlike a self-portrait of Milt Gross, asks "Iss das nicht ein system?" . . . Tabloids, ex- ercising unlooked-for self-denial (believed by some to be a sudden desire to give up something during Lent), refrain from referring to the Ger- man election as NA'S PLEB . . . Floods recede, leaving W. Ogdennash Wordsworth, a spring poet of 1775 Longfellow Avenue, the Bronx, battling by a river's brim with an unidentified versifier from Queens. Both were arrested. In Poesy Court, Mr. Wordsworth claimed that the fight started over the name of a certain flower, which the man from Queens said was a yellow prim- rose, and nothing more. Mr. Wordsworth, on the other hand, maintained that a primrose, by a river's brim might well be something else, but didn't say what. The case was placed on file. MONDAY. Guggenheim Foundation awards sixty fellowships as WPA Band plays "For he has a joly Gug. Fellowship," with variations ... Italian planes bomb another Ethiopian town in latest peace move . . . Strike in Tin Pan Alley ties up Music (sic!) Industry in % time. TUESDAY. Cut-throat competition threatens worm industry, say worm-czar Henry Ernst, astounding millions of us who never, with or without apologies to Mr. Winchell, knew till now (a) that a worm industry exists; (b) that it has a czar; and (c) that its competition is of the cutthroat and not the cutworm variety ...I March goes out like a Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer trademark as Will Hays is re-elected for another Smash Year of uplifting in Motion Picturedom (not a travelogue. WEDNESDAY. Dr. Townsend, founder of Old Age Revolving Pensions for Flying Horses Ltd., hears about the brass ring. (Note: Not to be con- fused with the brass rail.) . . . New ultra-centri- fuge, a "weight microscope," makes a thin dime weigh half a ton, but fails to add an ounce to Papa's checking account . . . . Governor Alf Whitehouse of Kansas sings, "Oh, to be in Lan- don, now that April's here." THURSDAY. Hookless Fastener Company's ad- vertisement says " . . . ask first if the trousers are tailored with Talon," causing Veteran Ad Man to wonder why, with the Gilbert and Sul- livan season just around the button, the adver- tisement wasn't written to read: "Good morrow, good tailor ! Good tailor, good morrow ! We prithee a sale! or You'll learn to your sorrow Our way of concealing That Unbuttoned Feeling! So join with a gripper, Expressive of zipper, For trousers are tailored with Talon today, Yes, trousers are Taloned today!" FRIDAY. Stock market news: Amalgamated To- day & Tomorrow climbs five points as Walter Lippmann works seven minutes overtime. Mac- fadden Muscle & Clam shows strength despite threatened removal of letter R from oyster beds within thirty days. International Dye fades. Further details will be found under your Press Radio Bureau. SATURDAY. Out to lunch. Back Monday. YE OULDE AL GRAHAM. Mrs. Ambrose Glutz of Saratoga Springs is so strong an admirer of the President that she is or- ganizing a society of similarly-minded women to be known as the New Delias; club flower, the dahlia. The girls ought to come to town to see "Idiot's (New) Dealight." The New York City Guide, now being compiled by the Federal Writers Project of the WPA, got a letter from the Fifth Avenue Coach Company,, addressed Federal Riders Project. Still, maybe the stenographer meant Ridder's Project.} DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the luitln is ('onstruttiv," notice to ail niinljrs of the iversity. Copy received at the office of the Assi.stant to the President umW 3:30; 11:00 a m. on -aturday. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 8, 1936 VOL. XLVI No. 135 Notices Notice To Seniors, Graduate Stu- dents: Diploma fees are payable now. Early settlement is necessary for the preparation of diplomas. In no case will the University confer a degree at commencement upon any student who fails to pay fee before 4 p.m. Monday, May 25. In case the Faculty does not recom- mend any paper, the fee will be re- funded on surrender of receipt for payment. The above applies also to fees for all special certificates. Candidates for degrees or certifi- cates should at once fill out card at office of the Secretary of their own college or school, pay the cashier* of the University, have card receipted, and file indicated section of this re- ceipted card with the Secretary of their own school or college. (Stu- dents enrolled in the Literary Col- lege, College of Architecture, School of Music, School of Education, and School of Forestry and Conservation, please note that blank forms should be obtained and receipted cards filed in the Recorders' office, Room 4, Uni- versity Hall. Please do not delay until the last day, but attend to this matter at once. We must letter, sign, and seal approximately 2,000 diplomas and certificates, and we shall be greatly helped in this work by early payment of the fee and the resulting longer period for preparation. Shirley W. Smith. *-The Cashier's Office is closed on Saturday afternoons. Faculty, College of Literature, Sci - ence, and the Arts: Cards for mid- semester reports have been sent to departmental offices. Midsemester reports are due notrlaterdthan Fri- day, April 10. More cards may be had at my office. These reports should name those students, freshman and upperclass., whose standing at midsemester time is D or E, not merely those who re- ceive D or E in so-called midsemester examinations. Students electing our courses, but registered in other schools or colleges of the University should be reported to the school or college in which they are registered.a E. A. Walter, Acting Assistant Dean. Students, College of Engineering: The final day for the removal of in- completes will be Saturday, April 11- In cases of extenuating circumstances this time limit may be extended, but a petition for extension of time must; be filed in the Secretary's office on or before Wednesday, April 8. Students of the College of Litera- ture, Science, and the Arts: A meet- ing will be held on Thursday, April 9, at 4:15 p.m., in Room 1925 Angell1 Hall for students in the College of 1 Literature, Science, and the Arts and others interested in future work in1 Forestry. The meeting, one of the vocational series designed to give in- formation concerning the nature and preparation for the various profes- sions, will be addressed by Dean S. T. Dana of the School of Forestry. The next professional talk, to be given by Professor H. B. Lewis, Di- rector of the College of Pharmacy, will be on Tuesday, April 21. Students, School of Education: Courses droppedhafter Friday, April 10, will be recorded with the grade of "E" except under extraordinary cir- cumstances. No course is considered officially dropped unless it has been reported in the office of the Regis- trar, Room 4, University Hall. Graduate School Students: Stu- dents enrolled in the Graduate School will not be permitted to drop courses after Friday, April 10. A cours's not officially dropped until it is re- ported in the office of the Graduate School, 1006 Angell Hall. Students who have made any changes in courses since submitting their election cards should report the corrections in the Graduate School office. Changes of address should al- so be reported. C. S. Yoakum. The Automobile Regulation will be lifted for the Spring vacation period from 12 noon on Friday, April 10, until Monday morning, April 20, at 8 a.m. K. E. Fisher. Applications for Alumnae Council Awards, a Graduate Fellowship of of $500, two Senior Scholarships of $100 each, should be on file in the office of the Dean of Women by April 15. Awards will be made by April 30. Alice Martin Scholarships for Women: Four $100 scholarships are available for women students who have maintained a B average or bet- ter for the past two semesters, and are contemplating residence in Adelia Cheever dormitory. Applications may be filed in the office of the Dean of Women before May 1. ByrI Fox Bacher, Assistant Dean of Women. Hopwood Contestants should read carefully the regulations for the con- tests in the Hopwood bulletin. All manuscripts should be in the English Office, 3221 Angell Hall, by 4:30 p.m., Wednesday, April 22. No manu- scripts will be accepted after that time. R. W. Cowden, Director, Ilopwood Awards. Annual May Festival will take place May 13, 14, 15, 16, with four evening programs and two afternoon con- certs. The Philadelphia Orchestra, Leopold Stokowski, Conductor, The University Choral Union, Earl V. Moore, Conductor, The Young Peo- ple's Chorus, and the following solo- ists will participate: Lily Pons, Jean- nette Vreeland, sopranos; Rose Bampton, contralto; Giovanni Mar- tinelli and Paul Althouse, tenors; Keith Falkner and Julius Huehn, baritones; Efrem Zimbalist, violin- ist; Harold Bauer, pianist. The fol- lowing Choral Works will be given: "Caractacus" by Elgar: "Manzoni Requiem" by Verdi; "The Children at Bethlehem" by Pierne. The programs are as follows: First Concert, Wednesday evening: The Philadelphia Orchestra Leopold Stokowski, Conductor. Toccata and Fugue in D minor ..Bach Aria-...,..................Bach Fugue in G minor ........Bach Come, Sweet Death .........Bach Passacaglia...............Bach Prelude to "The Mastersingers". ..Wagner Prelude to "Lohengrin" . . .Wagner "Tristan und Isolda" Love Music .....................Wagner Second Concert, Thursday evening: The Philadelphia Orchestra University Choral Union Earl V. Moore, Conductor "Caractacus" by Elgar, A Dramatic Cantata Soloists: Vreeland, Althouse, Falk- ner, and Huehn. Third Concert, Friday afternoon: The Young People's eFstival Chorus Orchestra Accompaniment Harold Bauer, soloist Earl V. Moore, and Saul Caston, Conductors Overture to "Russlan and Lud- milla"..................Qlinka The Children at Bethlehem .Pierne Concerto No. 5 in E flat for Piano and Orchestra .........Beethoven Fourth Concert, Friday evening: The Phil.adelphia Orchestra Lily Pons, soloist Charles O'Connell and Saul Cas- ton, Conductors Overture to "Marriage of Figaro" .. . . . . . . . . . . . .M ozart Arias from "Magic Flute" ..Mozart "Pamina's Air" "Queen of the Night" Lily Pons Symphony No. 1 in C minor .. ............... Beethoven Canope and Minstrels ... .Debussy Aria, "Bell Song" from "Lakme" . ... --.-. ....... .... D elibes Miss Pons Choral and Fugue ... .Zemachsen Fifth Concert, Saturday afternoon: The Philadelphia Orchestra Leopold Stokowski, Conductor Efrem Zimbalist, violinist Symphony No. 1 in C minor ... .........................B rahm s Concerto in D minor for Violin and Orchestra ...............Sibelius The Bird of Fire.......Stravinsky Sixth Concert, Saturday evening: The Philadelphia Orchestra The University Choral Union Earl V. Moore, Conductor "Manzoni Requiem" ........ Verdi Vreeland, Bampton, Martinelli, Falkner will be the soloists. Season tickets $6.00, $7.00 and $8.00 each (if Festival coupon from Choral Union season ticket is re- turned, the price is reduced to $3.00; $4.00 and $5.00 each) may be ordered by mail. Orders will be filled in se- quence. The "Over the Counter" sale of remaining unsold season tick- ets, will begin Monday morning, April 20. Events Of Today Chemical and Metallurgical Engi- neering Seminar: Dr. Richard Schneidewind will be the speaker at the Seminar for graduate students in Chemical and MetallurgicalEngi- Engineering Bldg. on the subject "Malleable Cast Iron." Alpha Nu meeting at 7:30 p.m., in the chapter room on the fourth floor of Angell Hall. The pro- gram will be a parliamentary drill which will be presided over by Wil- liam Groening. This program will be both educational and also enter- taining. Members are requested to be present or else let one of the of- ficers know the reason that you can- not be there. Several debate teams will be selected at this meeting. All persons who wish to speak on one of the teams will be given an opportuni- ty to do so. Pi Tau Pi Sigma: Regular meet- ing at the Union, 7:30 p.m. Room posted. Lieut. Auburn will demon- strate five-meter, two-way com- munication equipment for aircraft. Uniforms required. Adelphi House of Representatives meets at 7:30 p.m. in the Adelphi Room on the fourth floor of Angell Hall. All members are urged to be present. Phi Sigma meets at 7:30 p.m., Room 3024 Museums Building. Miss Crystal Thompson of the Visual Ed- ucation Division of the Museum will speak on "A Study in the Methods of Museum Exhibits." A conducted tour of the division will follow the talk. Refreshments. Stanley Chorus: Important re- hearsal at 7:15 p.m., at the Union. Congress Sees Red LAST SPRING CONGRESS grunted and groaned and gave forth the District of Columbia teach- ers'-oath bill. It was proposed by Mr. Blanton of Texas and slipped through in the annual appro- priations bill for the district. According to its provisions, every salaried employe of the district's schools upon receipt of his pay check must sign an oath that he has neither taught nor advocated communism since receiving his last check. Thus the Board of Education has a monthly check-up on the "red menace" in its faculties. Janitors and charwomen receive a good old double-check, for they are paid every two weeks. The bill was greeted by loud guffaws from the press, with the exception of William Randolph Hearst, red-baiter extraordinary and ardent advo- cate of America First. Ludicrous legislation from the present Congress was no surprise, but this little bit was the tops. It was a fascist document com- parable to the best efforts of our neighbor B. Mussolini. The one redeeming feature of the bill is that recalcitrants are merely discharged, and not exiled. In the days of ancient Rome, fortunate youths were educated in Greece. There, as disciples of Plato they wandered in Attic shade on the banks of the Ilissus. Today the Italian youth is given a wooden gun and marshalled in columns to declare allegiance to the state. With the continued snout- ings of Congress, a like end is in view for the United States. Perhaps, at some future date, our faculties will be chosen from the nucleus of the Liberty League, and Edgar Hoover's Public Enemy list com- piled from Who's Who by Mrs. Dilling. A campaign to raise $375,000 for the University in Exile, composed of Nazi refugees, has been start- ed in New York. The ideal University of Utah man wears striped clothes and loud socks, co-eds voted. Then they picked a conservative dresser as "most popular man." "Of course. I don't intend to refuse the money Ten Years Ago From The Daily Files April 8, 1926 PASSING in a modified form the proposed new constitution for the student government of the University, the Student Council last night au- thorized the establishment of college councils in the literary, engineering, law, medical and dental colleges. Benito Mussolini,strong man of Italy, was near death today. He had just emergedafrom the Congress of Surgeons, and had raised his arm in salute to the plaudits of the multi- tude, when aswoman pressed a re- volver into his very face and fired. At that very moment, Mussolini, as is has habit, threw back his head; the bullet passed through his nostrils and with a quick step backward, the Fascist premier put his hand to his face and drew it away covered with blood. Newspapermen from 22 American republics tonight opened the first Pan-American congress of journal- ists in Washington, and were coun- seled by Secretary Kellog' to exer- cise their influence in the "cause of peace and international understand- ing." "Youth should revolt, but it should revolt for things worth while-not just for the sake of disagr:eement, but for the ends of life that will not suffer youth to be silent," said Rabbi Stephen Wise of New York who spoke yesterday in the Natural Science Au- ditorium. Diversion of industrial alcohol alone furnishes an announced illicit liquor traffic in this country totalling $3,600,000,000 in sales, Emery R. Buckner, United States District At- toiney in New York City, estimated; f-ncn-,,-hpnrpn iinn QRmifp 'rnynitt-n I 1 1 1 Students from Erie, Pa., are in- vited to a luncheon to be held at the Boston Store, Erie, Pa., at 12:15 p.m., Monday, April 13, sponsored by the Michigan Club of Erie, Pa. Commencement Invitations: Com- mencement Invitations will be sold by the Senior Committees in the va- rious schools and colleges during the week following the spring vacation. Definite dates will be announced by each committee, at which time samples and order blanks will be available. Seniors are urged to an- ticipate this sale of orders prompt- ly with their respective committees. W. B. Rea, Auditor of Student Organizations. Academic Notices History 92: Absentees from the first two written tests may take make- ups at 4 p.m., Wednesday, April 8, in Room B, Haven. History 12: Lecture Group I: The make-up examination for the midse- mester will be given at 4 p.m., in Room B Haven, Wednesday, April 8. Sociology 54: For blue book April 8 at 11 a.m. students whose names begin with A-M will meet in 25 A.H.; N-Z in 231 A. H. Physical Education-Women Stu- dents: Registration for the outdoor season in physical education will be held in Barbour Gymnasium. Wednesday, April 8-1:30 to 5:00 p.m. Thursday, April 9-9:00 to 12:00 a.m. and 1:30 to 5:00 p.m. Fri- day, April 10-9:00 to 12:00 a.m. All students taking physical edu- cation must register at this time. Lectures University Lecture: Dr. Raymond E. Priestley, Geologist on Shackleton and Scott Expeditions, will give an il- lustrated lecture on "Antarctic Ex- ploration with Shackleton and Scott," on Monday, April,20 at 8:00 p.m., in the Natural Science Auditorium. The public is cordially invited. Concert Organ Recital: E. William Doty, assistant professor of organ, will appear in the series of twilight organ recitals in Hill Auditorium Wednes- day afternoon, April 8, at 4:15 o'clock. The general public, with the excep- tion of small children, is invited to listen to the following program: Allegro Vivace (Symphony V).Widor