PAGE, POUR, THE MICHIGAN DAILY rR.TDAY, FEBRUARY ?1, 1936 PAGE FOUR FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1930 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Valley Authority is concerned. That is quite true. Also he held that the national defense has little if any concern with the Wilson Dam. also quite true. That isI Publiisned every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session by the Board in Control of Student Publications. MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited toeit or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matter herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbon. Michigan as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50. Representatives: National Advertising Service, Inc., 420 Madison Ave., New York City; 400 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, Ill. EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT Telephone 4925 BOARD OF EDITORS MANAGING EDITOR ............. THOMAS H. KLEENE ASSOCIATE EDITOR..............JOHN J. FLAHERTY ASSOCIATE EDITOR.............. THOMAS E. GROEHN Dorothy S. Gies Josephine T. McLean William R. Reed DEPARTMENTAL BOARDS Publication Department: Thomas H. Kleene, Chairman; Clinton B. Conger, Richard G. Hershey, Ralph W. Hurd, Fred Warner Neal, Bernard Weissman. Reportorial Department: Thomas E. Groehn, Chairman; E'lsie A. Pierce, Guy M. Whipple, Jr. editorial Department: John J. Flaherty, Chairman; Robert A. Cummins, Marshall D. Shulman. Sports Department: William R. Reed, Chairman; .George Andros, Fred Buesser, Fred DeLano, Raymond Good- man. Women's Departmeu,,: Josephine T. McLean, Chairman; Dorothy Briscoe, Josephine M. Cavanagh, Florence H. Davies, Mario. T. Holden, Charlotte D. Rueger, Jewel W. Wuerfel. BUSINESS DEPARTMENT Telephone 2-1214 BUSINESS MANAGER ..........GEORGE H. ATHERTON1 CREDIT MANAGER ............JOSEPH A. ROTHBARD WOMEN'S BUSINESS MANAGER .... MARGARET COWIE WOMEN'S SERVICE MANAGER ...ELIZABETH SIMONDS DEPARTMENTAL MANAGERS Local Advertising, William Barndt; Service Department,1 Willis Tomlinson; Contracts, Stanley Joffe; Accounts, Edward Wohlgemuth; Circulation and National Adver- tising, John Park; Classified Advertising and Publica- tions, Lyman Bittman. NIGHT EDITOR: CLINTON B. CONGER 1 Extra-Curricular' Activities. E XTRA-CURRICULAR activities are being opened up to freshmen now that they have adjusted themselves to the aca- demic obligations that are a student's first duty.' Virtually every day for the next two weeks fresh-1 men and sophomores will be extended invitations through the columns of The Daily to broaden their activities at the University. College life is not merely the class schedule that a student follows six days a week; it is something that includes more than academic routine, important as it is. Variety is essential to a well-rounded educa- tional program and the release from text-books and lectures that extra-curricular activities pro- vide is one of their virtues. Besides the diversion afforded by a worthwhile outside interest, such pursuits often constitute the only actual experi- ence in a student's college career. Participa- tion in campus dramatic and musical productions and work on campus publications illustrate such utilitarian activities. Walter B. Pitkin in "More Power to You" men- tions another advantage redounding to the per- son who refuses to confine himself to one line of activity. It is the increased capacity that is ac-I quired through the diverse activities sincerely pur- sued by such a person. This point is worth con- sidering because it helps one to realize that extra- curricular activities are not ends in themselves. Variety, experience, and increased capacity are not all that extra-curricular pursuits offer. The social atmosphere pervading most outside projects allows them to be an agent in forming many worthwhile associations and friendships that are of inestimable value both in undergraduate life and later on. Cognizant of the important role that extra- curricular activities occupy in a University career, the freshman should evaluate the announcements that are appearing in The Daily offering tryout positions to freshmen. He should consider them with the same care that he exercises in selecting his academic subjects from the catalogue, for he is about to classify in another extremely important "college" on the campus. The TVA Decision. . . THE SUPREME COURT'S decision on the TVA, while it upheld the Federal government, cannot rightly be termed a victory for the Roosevelt administration. The government contended, really, and it seems naively, that it has its Constitutional power to regulate navigation and provide for the national defense. Of course it has and no one denies it, even the dissenting Justice McReynolds. The real ques- tion, which the justices must have realized, was whether or not the government had the right to use these Constitutional powers to sell electric power and to use that power to measure propriety of rates of privately owned public utility com- panies. Eight justices held that the government could use this as an excuse. They cited the United States vs. Chandler-Dunbar, when the court held that the government could sell on the open market ex- He concluded, and it seems quite properly, that these contentions of the government were shams to conceal its real purpose, which he said was to go into the business of manufacturing. Although we admire Justice MuReynold's frank- ness, we are glad, somehow, that the court did not take the case of the Alabama Power Co. to invalidate the TVA. We see no constitutional provision that would prohibit the Federal govern- ment from attempting to ascertain whether or not utility companies engaged in interstate commerce are charging exhorbitant rates for their power. And as a corollary, we see no prohibition, if the constitution is viewed at all broadly, to the govern- ment's experimenting in the manufacture of elec- tric power with the resources it already has con- structed, rather than allowing the power to be lost and its means of production degenerate. It seems almost certain that this question will come before the court in the near future. And if the vote in Monday's decision is any indication, our guess is that the TVA will again be upheld. Landscape Or Sport'?.. . EXPERIENCED SKIIERS have com- plained that there are dangerous spots in the Arboretum which could be made safer by the removal of three or four trees. Charles Moody, superintendent of the Arbore- tum, has replied that the Arboretum exists pri- marily for the study of tree growth, and that there are sufficient hills and trails, less daring, perhaps, but reasonably safe without the removal of trees. Regardless of whether experienced winter sportsmen find their pleasures gratified in the Arboretum, our alarming list of tragic accidents, called to public attention by Wednesday's accident, does not come from this group. Almost invariably, the accidents have resulted from inexperience or carelessness. Students, perhaps feeling their courage in ques- tion, have incurred painful and permanent in- juries through foolhardy risks which even ex- perienced skiiers and tobogganers would hesitate to take. The inevitable result of three girls who had never been tobogganing before riding an 11- foot toboggan on a dangerous hill dotted with trees is tragedy Just as "-And Sudden Death," by picturing vividly the horrible consequences of carelessness in driving made drivers stop and think, so a realization that foolhardiness in the Arboretum is neither courageous, daring, nor amusingumay help to save the limbs and lives of some youth now healthy. When tobogganing, remember to go with some- one who is experienced, if you are yourself new at the game; remember, too, to use the hills that are reasonably safe; and to keep your feet up on the toboggan, not dragging. With these excep- tions, you may have, if you're lucky, a fifty-fifty chance of getting up and walking away. As 0 thers See It A Better Reason Needed (From the Columbia Missourian) AFTER the junking of the AAA by the Supreme Court, several members of Congress have gone on record to curb the court's power. Senator Nor- ris of Nebraska in his speech Wednesday night fa- vors such curbing by restricting its appellate juris- diction. Friends of the administration last week began a new drive on the Court. Some forty bills have been proposed. The bills fall into four major cate- gories which would: forbid the court to declare acts of Congress unconstitutional; require un- constitutional decisions be unanimous or by a larger margin than five to four; increase the size of the court; direct the court to give advisory opin- ions on the validity of a law before it should be- come effective. The strongest argument contends that some action must be taken to prevent invalidation of important legislation through close divisions in the highest tribunal. When the Court divides 5 to 4 for knocking out an act of Congress, the vote of one man is quite important. Figures are seldom given but the impression is left that the consti- tutional scales are frequently tipped in this deli- cate fashion. It is decisions of this nature that provoke the current agitation. In its 146 years, only 64 acts of Congress have been held unconstitutional by the Supreme Court. Some 27 of these decisions have been by unanimous vote. In the first decision rejecting an act of Con- gress that in Marbury vs. Madison, Chief Justice Marshall spoke for a united bench when he gave his clear exposition of the necessity for a judicial review in our federal system of government. Last year in the momentous decision throwing out the NRA, Chief Justice Hughes was supported by every member of the court. During the present term of the court, 102 of the 121 decisions made have been unanimous. This is about 90 per cent. There were ten 6-3 decisions, five 5-4 decisions, two 7-2 decisions and two 8-1 decisions. These decisions include not only acts of Congress but state laws. Previous to this term in only ten instances has the court lined up 5-4 rejecting an act of Congress. One of these was in the first case of Federal child labor law. The sec- ond child labor law was rejected 8-1. By adding the times the court has voted unani- mously or by a majority of 6-3 or greater, we find that the total of such decisions out of the 64 (federal acts) we are considering is no less than 53. In the great majority of the invalidations of acts of Congress, the weight of heavy numbers has been against the law in question. The Conning Tower] After Ten in the Cumberland Mountains P IN the Cumberland Mountains, While the moon was rising slow, A young schoolmarm and her boy friend Walked home from the movie show. It was after ten, a little after ten. "Oh, honey, what's your hurry? It's a beautiful night to roam." "Oh, my darling, I hate to leave you, But I really must get home, For it's after ten, it's after ten." "Honey, you've been to college, And maybe you think I'm slow, But I've got a job with the P.W.A."- '"Oh, my darling, I've got to go, For it's after ten, it's after ten." "Honey, I wish you'd listen, There's something that I've wanted to say, I've been thinking everything over"- "Oh, my darling, I must not stay, For it's after ten, it's after ten." "Honey, is it just your pappy? Well, I don't think it's right For you to keep on teaching And never be out at night- Not after ten, not after ten. "A dried-up old-maid schoolmarm, That's what he'll make of you, Your pappy just wants your wages"- "Oh, you hush, it is not true- But it's after ten, it's after ten. "Of course my pappy loves me, And when he isn't tight There never was a kinder father, But I'm afraid he's lit tonight, And it's after ten, it's after ten." "Kiss me good night, then, honey." And she whispered, "I'm so happy- You know I love you dearly, But a girl must mind her pappy- And it's after ten, it's after ten." There stood her pappy waitin', When she come in the door, It's true he had been drinkin', And he was terrible sore- It was after ten, it was after ten. And so he started to beat her, But when he picked up a knife, She took off her high-heeled slipper And struck to save her life, A little after ten, a little after ten. Her pappy had a funeral, And she was put on trial, And they sent her up for twenty-five years, Which might seem quite a while- But it was after ten, it was after ten. Up in the Cumberland Mountains It's beautiful out at night, And the moon makes love seem lovelier- But a girl ain't got no right to be out after ten, Not after ten. Floyd Dell When the charges of Communism grow hack- neyed, the chargers change to allegations of pub- licity seeking. Commissioner Valentine, for ex- ample, says in rebuttal to Representative Marcan- tonic's offer to meet him in a gymnasium, that he is "an example of a publicity-seeking demagogue." Well, a man can't get much public work done without getting publicity, whether he wants it or not. Sometimes he cares more about the work, or the cause, than he does about the publicity for himself. When the Commissioner says that he will go after Marcantonio with a flit gun, it might be charged that he also is seeking the publicity bubble at the phrase's month. Our guess is that both boys are sincere, and just a pair of trying-to- get-alongers. A Washington By KIRKE SIMPSON WASHINGTON, Feb. 20. -Claude Swanson of Virginia might well have been an important cog in the legislative wing of the Franklinf Roosevelt administration had the President not lifted him to cabinet1 service as naval secretary. The Vir- ginian had a background of congres- sional service in both house and sen- ate that would have made him a val- uable aide on the law-making front.+ Yet Swanson's assignment as navy secretary caused no surprise. To many it appeared as a probable Roosevelt move to off-set the refusal of Carter Glass, Virginia colleague in the senate, to take the treasury port- ' folio in the Roosevelt cabinet. Among Mr. Roosevelt's intimate advisors,' however, it was known before Glass disclosed his mind that the then President-elect was debating the question of having two Virginia sen- ators in his cabinet. ANOTHER theory of the Swanson: appointment often expressed at the time was that Mr. Roosevelt de- sired to open a way to the senate for Harry Byrd, who now holds the seat Swanson vacated. In view of subse- quent developments and Byrd's re-1 lentless opposition to so many Roose- velt policies, that is an almost for- gotten phase.+ Yet it is no stranger than that Mr. Roosevelt should first have tendered the treasury post to Glass. And it is' well known that Mr. Roosevelt con-' sidered proposing Byrd as John J. Raskob's successor as Democratic na- tional chairman if the latter resigned. At the off-year special meeting in Washington of the national commit- tee which had much to do with the evolution of the Roosevelt candidacy, Byrd was a Roosevelt leader. Of such contradictions is politics made. What is a far more probable ex- planation of Swanson's appointment as navy secretary is to be found in his unusual fitness by experience and natural bent for that post. He en- tered the house in 1893 as representa- tive of the Norfolk district where is located the largest naval station. Varying his congressional service with a four-year term as governor of Virginia, he came back to the sen- ate to serve on the naval committee until he resigned to enter the cab- inet. F THERE is any seasoned Demo- crat more navy-minded, more ex- perienced in navy department prob- lems, more popular with the service toward which the President's own bent leans so strongly than Senator Swanson, his name escaped memory. And to back that is old friendship born of intercourse in the war years when Mr. Roosevelt was assistant secretary of the navy himself and Swanson a naval committee senator. Ill health has restricted Secretary Swanson's activities from the start of his departmental service; but nev- er his driving for a bigger and better navy. And with another sea-minded Roosevelt, a presidential cousin, Col. Henry Roosevelt of the marines, to aid him as assistant secretary, Swan- son has been running the department closest to the President's heart to Mr. Roosevelt's complete satisfaction except for a too forward secretarial Notices Salary Checks: In all those cases where arrangements have been in effect for the deposit of salary checks in any one of the three banks that have now been merged, unless the Business Office receives directions to the contrary before Feb. 25, such checks will be deposited in the Ann Arbor Savings and Commercial Bank on the morning of Feb. 29 under the same general scheme that has been in effect with respect to the three banks. Shirley W. Smith. To Department Heads and Others Concerned: All time slips must be in the Business Office Feb. 21 to be in- cluded in the Feb. 29 payroll. Edna G. Miller, Payroll Clerk. American - Scandinavian Traveling Fellowships: The American - Scandi- navian Foundation will award to stu- dents born in the United States or its possessions a number of traveling fellowships, each $1,000, for study in the Scandinavian countries during the academic year 1936-37. Appli- cants must be graduate students, stu- dents who will graduate in June orE younger faculty members. They must be capable of original research and independent study, and it is desirable that they be familiar with at least one language in addition to English --preferably Swedish, Danish, or Norwegian. The fields of study in- clude science, literature, and other subjects. For details call at the Graduate School office. All applica- tions must be in New York before March 15. The University Bureau of Appoint- ments has received notices of Grad- uate Appointments in Syracuse Uni- versity to be made for the school year by 1936-37. These awards are open to qualified graduates of universities and accredited colleges in the United States, Canada, and foreign coun- tries. They include the following fields : Liberal Arts, Public Adminis- tration, Political Science, Social Psy- chology, Education,dstudent counsel- ling for men, and deanships for women. For details apply 201 Mason Hall between 9-12, 2-4, Thursday, Friday, Monday and Tuesday, Feb. 20, 21, 24 and 25. Concerts Cancelled: The Faculty Concert scheduled for Sunday after- noon, Feb. 23; and the Orchestra Concert scheduled for Sunday after- noon, March 8, have been cancelled. 1936 Mechanical Engineers: Mr. T. W. Prior of the Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company of Akron, Ohio will be in Room 221 West Engineering building on Monday, Feb. 24, for the purpose of interviewing Mechanical Engineers interested in possible em- ployment with this organization. A tentative appointment is advisable. H. C. Anderson. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication In the Bullein i eon:nt e nth e to an members of the University. Copy received at the ollice of the Ass1t:ant to the President until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday. Political Science 184: This class will meet in Room 2013 A.H. instead of 2014 A.H. as scheduled. E. S. Brown. Lectures Public Lecture: "Old Mesopotamian Art" by Professor Leroy Waterman. Illustrated. Sponsored by the Re- search Seminary in Islamic Art. Monday, Feb. 24, 4:15 in Room D, Alumni Memorial Hall. Admission free, Events Of Today English Journal Club: Regular Feb- ruary meeting at the League at 4:15. Professor Reeves, of the Political Science Department, will lecture on The Hereford Map. The public is invited. U. of M. Public Health Club desires the attendance of all members today at the Women's League at 8 o'clock. The meeting will be short and will be followed with an address by a not- ed speaker. Contemporary: Tryouts for candi- dates for the business staff will be held at 4:30 p.m. today at Contemp- oraly's office in Student Publications Building. Con temporary: General business meeting at 4:30 p.m. today. All members desiring to remain on the business stalf must be present. Esperanto: The class in Esperanto will meet today at 4:00 o'clock, 1020 Angell Hall. Hillel Foundation: Traditional Fri- day Night Services will be held at the Hillel Foundation at 8:00 p.m. It will be followed by a fireside discus- sion on "'A Jewish Appraisal of the Pharisees" which will be led by Dr. Bernard Heller. All are welcome. Sunday Evening Forum will be held at the Hillel Foundation at 8:00 p.m. It will be followed by a lecture by Dr. Bernard Heller on "Moses and Washington" followed by Social and Smoker. All are welcome. 'ComingEvents The Romance Journal Club will meet Feb. 25 at 4:15, Room 108, Ro- mance Language Building. Professor Julio del Toro will read a paper on "Carlos M. Ocantos, Argentine Nov- elist," and Professor Camillo P. Mer- lino will discuss briefly three books. Graduate students are cordially in- vited. Acolytes will meet for the first time this semester on Monday, Feb. 24, at 7:30 p.m., 202 South Wing. Dr. Am- brose, of the Philosophy Department, will present a paper on "The Prob- lem of Meaning." All members are urged to attend. Genesee Club: Important meeting I FRIDAY, FEB. 21, 1936 VOL. XLVI No. 96 and Fridays, this cass will meet in Room 2014 A.H. instead of 2013 A.H. as scheduled. I word now and then. cure senatorial habits. It is hard THE SCREENI t 3 I What is the right age for what? "His," declares Commissioner Valentine, of Mr. Marcantonio," isI the arrogance and immaturity of youth." The Supreme Court is popularly known as Nine Old "PRO Men. There must be a day or two in a man's life. %1 when he is the precise age for something impor-; AT THE MICHIGAN )FESSIONAL SOLDIER" entieth century-Fox picture,, d by Darryl F. Zanuck, starring Bartholomew and Victor Mc- and featuring Gloria Stuart. tant. 34 1 { A Tw produce( Freddie Laglen, The "It Can't Be Filmed Here" debate appearsj to be a filibuster. Mr. Lewis says that the Hays As a mercenary soldier who is hired' office banned the production; Mr. Hays says that by well-meaning revolutionists to kid- it didn't Our guess is that "It Can't Happen Here" nap a beloved boy king so that he may be safe during the overthrowing will appear in the movie houses next spring or of a corrupt government, Victor Mc- summer, and that the Fascists and the Com- Laglen stalks in his usual tough way munists will agree that the Green Mountains of through this mildly amusing and oc- Vermont are beautiful. casionally exciting picture which is no more than a vehicle for himself It is M. C.'s acute comment that Al Smith and and for Freddie Bartholomew. Herbert Hoover have something in common: they Master Bartholomew is the perfect both say burocracy instead of bureaucracy. boy monarch, being extremely pat- riotic, ever so royal, and almost too1 On Friday, February 21, the U. S. Marines, of meticulously mannered. And he, as Philadelphia, will send two bowling teams, one the American public believes all boy composed of women, to bowl against a picked ito play football, baseball, and every Beverly team at the American Legion Alleys.- other game he can think of, including Beverly, N.J., Banner. craps. Sunday, Feb. 23, at 4:30 at the Union. Brotherhood Day: The various re- All members are urgently requested ligious groups at Michigan are being to be there. invited by the Faculty Committee on Religious Education to join in an In- ter-Faith program Feb. 29 and March Womnen Students: There will be a 1 (rather than Feb. 22 and 23,)r Winter Sports Party for all women E. W. Blakeman, students on Saturday afternoon. The Counselor in Religious g roup will leave the Women's Ath- Education. letic Building at 2 p.m. and return at 4 o'clock for refreshments. The Student Christian Association announces the postponement of the Graduate Outing Club will meet at opening of the series of "Moment of Lane Hall Saturday, Feb. 22, 2:30 Beauty" programs scheduled for to- pan. Transportation will be provid- day at 5:15 p.m. The programs are ed to the Wolverine Day Camp for an to occur every Friday afternoon dur- afternoon of skiing, skating and to- ing the second semester. Watch the bagganning. Supper will be served for Daily for the opening date. approximately 40 cents. All gradu- ate students are cordially invited to Notice: It is requested that any- attend. one possessing a picture taken of any ROTC parade or ceremony be good . First Presbyterian Church meeting enough to inform the editor of the in the Masonic Temple, 327 South Michiganensian. The Ensian is very Fourth Ave. Ministers, William P. desirous of borrowing one to use in Lemon and Norman W. Kunkel. New the 1936 publication. Such a pic- students are cordially invited to the ture, if lent, will be returned in good Sunday program. condition. 9:45, Forum for Youth, Mr. Kun- nkel, leader. Subject: "The 'Rubaiyat' The New Gulliver: An unusually of Omar Khayam vs. the 'Hound of high interest in this picture forces us Heaven' of Francis Thompson-Can to remind our patrons to order their we still believe in a God who cares?" tickets early. The box office will be - open Wednesday from 12:00-6:00 10:45, Morning Worship. Dr. Lem- open Friday and Saturday from 10:00 on preaches: "Capacity Input." a.m. - 8:30 p.m. 5:00, Round Table Discussion, Dr. James A. Woodburn, leader. Sub- ject: "Man's Other Religion, Nation- Academic Noces alism." Psychology 110 will meet in Room 6:00, Fellowship supper with cost Room 315 West Medical Building, supper. 6:30, Westminster Guild meeting. Psychology 122 will neet in Room Philip Gaston will lead a discussion 3056 N.S. on Monday and Friday at on the subject of the 5 o'clock meet- 9 instead of Room 3126 The next Presbyterian Student Sociology 51, Section 1: M. F. at 9 Party will be at the Temple on Sat- will meet in Room 208 University urday evening, Feb. 29 and will be a Hall instead of 315 Haven Hall. Leap Year Party in charge of the girls. History 92: This course will meet in West Physics lecture during the sec- Lutheran Student Club: Informal ond semester. party in Lane Hall, Saturday evening, Feb. 22 from 9 to 12. Admission will English 293: The class in Biblio- i be 35c. All Lutheran students are "As long as you get fun out of life," wrote Mrs. Roosevelt, "even if you are near the starvation point, youth and hope will win out." For the information of our sister journalist it may be said that if you are near the starvation point for some time, and also your family are near it, youth soon vanishes and hope grows to despair before you can say Joe Robinson. Of course there are complications, and the inevitable love story finds its way into them. It is concerned I with a Countess Sonia (Gloria Stuart) and a young American mil- lionaire (Michael Whalen) who is more enamored with champagne andI show girls than anything else. A Parisian night club scene gives the opportunity to introduce the song