i thje Weather Lower Michigan; Unsettled, probably local snows today. 5k igan Paii Editorials The Problem Of Dormitories ... A Stout, Jolly Gentlemen.. M VOL. XLVI No. 135 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, APRIL 7, 1936 PRICE FIVE CENTS Jones To Accept Harvard Position Starting Next Fall English Professor's Plans Are To Receive Official ConfirmationApril 13 Will Teach English, American Literature Faculty Member Since '25' His Decision To ChangeI Ends Weeks Of Rumors By FRED WARNER NEAL (Copyright, 1936, by The Michigan Daily) Prof. Howard Mumford Jones of the English department will take a position at Harvard University in the fall, it was definitely established yes- terday. Although his appointment to the Harvard English faculty may not be officially confirmed until April 13, when they Board of Overseers of the Harvard Corporation meets in Cam- C a-rn A ~ + r m i ef hnf h c To Leave University Mortarboard Taps Twelve New Members League Committee Heads For Next Year Selected By New President Thirteen Honored By Senior Society Alpha Delta Pi Sorority Is Awarded Activity Cup For Most Merit Points Mortarboard and Senior Society, senior honorary organizations, cul-I minated the annual Installation Ban- quet, held last night in the League Ballroom, with their annual tapping ceremonies. Mortarboard, national sorority, tapped twelve junior women. They are Elsie Pierce, Lois King, Marjorie Turner, Mary Ellen Heitsch, Char- lotte Rueger, Maryanna Chockley, Harriet Heath, Charlotte Hamilton,J Edith Zerbe, Grace Snyder, Margaret Guest and Gretchen Lehmann. Thirteen third-year women were selected by Senior Society, campus independent group. The list is as bridge, no doub t remainsnan ethat easfollows:r ranes uarney, Ruhban- j been appointed and that he will ac- PROF. H. MUMFORD JONES dusky, Mary Andrew, Mary Bennett, cept the position. Ruth Clark, Margaret Goodrich, Jean Professor Jones will become profes- M-1- Gourlay, Ruth Lavender, Jane Mac- sor of English literateure. He will nree vom en Donald, Elizabeth Roura, Barbara teach 18th and 19th century Amer- Schacht, Lois Spreen and Miss' ican and English literature and hold Each Awarded Heitsch. seminar courses in comparative lit- Eac.-war edAnnounce Committee Chairmen erature, showing the connection be- 1 tFAt the same time Miss Rueger, new tween these fields and European lit- 100 At Dinner president of the League, announced erature. committee chairmanships for next Came Here in 1925 year. Jean Hatfield, '37, is to head Professor Jones, who came here Mary Heitsch, Elsie Pierce the orientation committee; Miss; in 1925, has taught Victorian liter- Heath the social committee; Rita ature and American literature cover- And Marjorie Turner Are Wellman, '37, the merit system com- i ing 1830 to 1870 and American lit- Honored mittee; Marjorie Mackintosh, '37, erature of the period since 1870. He publicity committee; Harriet Hatha-, is on leave this semester and will The first three awards ever to be j way, '37, house reception commit- teach during the summer at the Uni- tee; and Miss Guest, theatre arts. versity of Colorado, going to Harvard presented under the Ethel MCor- in the fall. mick Scholarship were given last dAlha Delta Pi sorority washawar nigh attheinstllaion Banuet edthe activity cup for the highesti Mystery has surrounded the Jones' night at the Installation Banquet, number of merit points. Members of1 Harvard appointment since the first held in the League Ballroom. to Mar- the house averaged 6.06 points. Alpha vague rumors of it were published in jorie Turner, '37, Mary Ellen Heitsch, Omicron Pi, Delta Delta Delta and The Daily on March 5. At that time, 37, and Elsie Pierce, '37. Pi Beta Phi ranked in the above Professor Jones was in Bermuda, The scholarship is one of the re- order. Ruth Sonnanstine, '36, chair- having interviewed President James cently-created Michigan League Un- man of this year's merit system com- Conant of Harvard in New York City dergraduate Council Awards and con- before sailing. He was unable to sists of three $100 awards given to mittee, made the presentation.s The motif of the banquet was in be reached until he arrived back in undergraduate women who have par- the form of a theoretical course, that Ann Arbor March 9, when he said ticipated in merit system activitiestomofia tere isory, tha. 4;e "declined to comment for a few and have a high scholastic record. of Michigay League History, 1936., days." Meanwhile, the Harvard Crim- Miss Turner was a member of the Jean Seeley, '36, retiring president, son, campus newspaper at Cambridge, Dramatic Club, the Frsh Frolic com- acted as toastmaster, introducing the published a story declaring that "ar- mittee, and worked on the Freshman various speakers and the guests of rangements are being made to try Project during her first year on cam- honor. to bring Jones to Harvard." pus. She was also a member of The Activities Promote Welfare CameHereAs ssocateProfsso Daily business staff. Last -semester Dean Alice C. Llyd, in her talk, Came Here As Associate Professor she assisted with the orientation pro- explained the purpose of the League Between that time and this, the gram and acted as chairman of the activities as promoting the welfare of telegraph wires between Cambridge ticket committee for the Pan-Hellenic the students and moulding campus and Ann Arbor have been kept busy Banquet. She is affiliated with Pi standards. "The new officers," she with the result that yesterday, The Beta Phi sorority. said, "have a very tangible part in Daily received definite knowledge that Miss Heitsch, newly-elected vice- forming campus morale. It is their Professor Jones' appointment will get president of Assembly is a transfer duty to see all sides of a question and formal confirmation, from Lake Forest School, Lake Forest, to judge wisely." She stated that He is the author of many literary Ill. She was this year's general chair- the purpose and import of League works, including "A Little Book of man of the Assembly Ball, in which activities are harder to divine than Local Verse," "Gargoyles" (poems), capacity she led the grand march. those of the Women's Athletic As- "The King in Hamlet," "The Shadow" Last year she served on the publicity sociation because they are more di- (a play), "The Bibliography of Works committee for the affair. Also she has verse. She stressed the importance and Manuscripts of Byron," "The Case worked on the ticket committee for of the new Ethel A. McCormick of Professor Banoring" (a play) and both the Sophomore Cabaret and the Scholarships as a fine project, de- "The Life of Moses Coit Tyler." He Junior Girls Play. Her activities at serving of public approval. is the editor of "The Poems of Edgar the League include the chairmanship Vice-president Shirley W. Smith, Allan Poe," and a frequent contributor of the League Musical under the The- the other guest speaker on the pro- to such periodicals as the Saturday atre Arts group as well as orientation gram, planned his talk literally on Review of Literature. leader. Miss Heitsch is chairman of the history course theme of the af- No stepshave been taken to secure activities at Mosher Hall and treas- 'thi m en on Pe a successor to Professor Jones, and urer of the Mosher House Council. administrative officials were silent Miss Pierce; during her freshman 'Co aE eritus as to what action might be taken. year, was a member of both the Fresh- Oac h -- man Glee Club and the Penny Car- nival Committee. She has served on P resent F r 3 P r of e s.s o r s the League publicity committee, was publicity chairman of the Sophomore Cabaret, and is affiliated with Alpha I A new post was created for Profes- Gain Offices In Lambda Delta, first year scholastic sor-emeritus Thomas C. Trueblood, society. Miss Pierce has been a mem- City Elections ber of The Daily staff for three years, snowy-haired coach of the golf team, and is the first woman ever to hold at a dinner honoring his 80th birth- a position of night editor on the edi- day last night - the post of coach- An unofficial ballot of 3,176 votes torial staff. Also she has acted as emeritus. was cast in yesterday's off-year city publicity chairman of the Womens Professor Trueblood - famed orig- election which saw three University Athletic Association and president of inator of speech courses, noted golf professors, a student and Wilfred B. Wyvern, junior women's honorary so- coach and inventor of the "locomo- Shaw, director of Alumni Relations, ciety. She is a member of Delta tive" yell - was retiring after 35 elected to Ann Arbor offices. Gamma sorority. years as a teacher of golf and more Prof. Robert C. Angell of the soci- ______---than 50 years as a teacher of speech. ology department was elected to the The title of coach-emeritus was con- post of supervisor for the Sixth Ward Police Chief Says IHe Saw ferred on him by Fielding H. Yost at over Leland T. Strickland by a vote BrWe del With Bab a dinner in the Union, given in honor of 122 to 68. Prof. Ralph W. Ham- B'ruo, en y of Professor Trueblood by members mett, of the College of Architecture, PLYMOUTH, Mass., April 6. -(') of the speech department. won the race for alderman from Elmer __ John F. Hollis, former North Ab- Having had among his pupils two E. Mayer by a vote of 167 to 93 in ington police chief, declared tonight leading Presidential candidates-Sen- the Fifth Ward. Prof. Leigh J. Young, that he had notified the Mercer ators William E. Borah and Arthur H. of the forestry school, was unopposed County, N. J., grand jury, that he saw Vandenberg, and among his friends for the job of alderman from the Sev- Paul A. Wendel, disbarred lawyer, and William Jennings Bryan, Arthur J. enth Ward, and was returned to office Bruno Richard Hauptmann with the Beveridge and Chauncey Depew, Pro- , ,,; 7 41 ,-+oc f. him *,tfh----,- ---o T h T. ,fessor Trueblood is even more to Tornado Blast Hell 'Week Is Sweeps South; 300 Are Dead Spring Windstorms' Lash Gainesville And Tupelo; Death Toll Mounts Business Districts Burn To Wreckage Mississippi And Tennessee Are Hit; Arkansas And Georgia Also In Path GAINESVILLE, Ga., April 6. - W)P) - A furious spring windstorm which passed in three minutes killed nearly 150 persons here today in a blast that turned the business section into blazing wreckage increasing to more than 300 the dead in tornadoes lash- ing the South. The death toll mounted steadily 'throughout the day and on into the night as rescue workers braved storm- caused fires to search the wreckage. At 10:15 p.m. (C.S.T.), 145 bodies had been removed from the debris of wrecked buildings, the latest being six unidentified bodies, burned be- yond recognition, taken from a build- ing near the twisted Cooper Pants factory. Tragedy In Tupelo In anothei storm-stricken commu- nity, Tupelo, Miss., like Gainesville, a town of approximately 8,000, the list of dead also mounted steadily as workers pursued their grim hunt of the litter of its westside residential section. Late tonight, 134 bodies had been removed from the wreckage at Tu- pelo where the blast struck Sunday night. Both here and in Tupelo, author- ities expressed the fear that the lists would continue to grow as the wreck- age was cleared away. Fires that fol- lowedthe tornado hampered the res- cue work in Tupelo. Gainesville's dead included the bod- ies of many burned beyond recogni- tion in the outbreak of flames which followed the abrupt windstorm. Stone J. Crane, head of the Red Cross relief work here, said 630 build- ings were demolished and 33 others practically blown away. The check still was incomplete. Loss Of Life The heaviest loss of life apparently occurred at the Cooper Pants Man- ufacturing Co., two story brick struc- ture, where 125 were employed. The twister blew up the building like an explosion and fire swept the wreck- age. Some of the workers escaped, but Bob Baldwin, Sr., vice-president of an Atlanta American Legion post, said he himself helped remove 45 bodies from the plant. Many others were re- ported trapped in the structure. Alabama, Tennessee, Arkansas and South Carolina also felt tornadic winds but their full fury centered here and at Tupelo. There were no official estimates of the property damage in the storms but rescue workers said it might reach above$8,000,000. From 1,500 to 2,000 were reported injured in the stricken areas. GAINESVILLE, Ga., April 6. - (' - Police and special patrolmen re- ported tonight that 16 persons had ,been arrested for looting in Gaines- ville's devastatedrbusiness section. '80th Birthday Prof. Trueblood Banished I -=L- -im- m -00- w v -% NL- -NL- -in. -mm- Ph, Daily Survey Shows Only Flashiest Dressers 16 Disfavor Action Of " Executive Committee Several Say Modify, Not Abolish System Five Fraternities Resent Move Of Committee; 20 Sufficient To Ratify By JOSEPH S. MATTES The majority of general fraterni- ties which committed themselves definitely in a survey conducted by The Daily last night indicated that they would uphold the Executive Committee in abolishing Hell Week if its action becomes an issue in an In- terfraternity Council meeting. The results of the survey, which was undertaken before the commit- tee's action was known to fraterni- ties, show that of the 39 houses in- cluded, 20 will support the Executive Committee's action and 16 will op- pose it, while three house presidents refused to express the attitudes of their fraternities. Three houses could not be contacted. Several Are Lukewarm In sanctioning abolition several houses were lukewarm. They. said their sympathies were towards modi- fication, but would "most likely up- hold the action of the Executive Com- mittee." One house, in favor of modification definitely, said they would support the Executive Commit- tee anyway. The remaining houses favoring abolition stated definitely they would support the Committe. The great number of houses favor- ing modification enough to veto the committee's action did not indicate that their disapproval was strong. Some, however, maintained that Hell Week was a vital phase of fraternity life. One house, favoring abolition, believed a four-day period of house cleaning, devoid of paddling, razzing and other common Hell Week ac- tivities, should be substituted for the now-abolished practice. 5 Advocate Status Quo Advocates of the status quo, num- bering five houses, in some cases dis- played resentment at the committee's action. i p1aciUan of01 UIII'Zt3hrnlUJ 2 ref clsosd On Campus Urged To Do 'Darnedest' Men who feel that they haverthe punch to get anywhere in the Gar- goyle's "Flashiest Dressed Man on Campus Contest" are advised "to ex- ert themselves to the limit in the next three days," for the Gargoyle is creating a voting booth in Angell Hall lobby with free ballots to those who wish to express their choice. The booth, which opens today at 9 a.m. and will be open every day from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. until Friday at noon when the contest closes. Cliques have already formed, according to C. Grant Barnes, '37, of the Gargoyle business staff, and these rival groups are doing their utmost to advancer their favorites. Among the leading contenders, Barnes said, are two faculty mem- bers, Prof. Donal Hamilton Haynes of the journalism department and Charles E. Koella of the French de- partment. Undergraduate leaders mentioned by Barnes are Jack Arun- del, '38, Walter Woodward, '36, and Charles F. Kennedy, '36. He did give the assuring information, however, that it is still anybody's race and en- tirely possible that some dark clothes horses will flash through on the last furlong. Students Lose Jobs As Chubb House Closes 48 Without Work When Restaurant Shuts Doors; NYA Offers To Help Forty-eight students were put out of work and more than 100 students were forced to change their eating place yesterday when the Chubb House closed its doors. The owners said that they had closed permanent- ly although efforts will be made to reopen under new management. Thej reasons for the closing were not dis- Decision Of Interfraternity Council Brings To Close Ancient Tradition Action Final After Period Of 48 Hours Three-Fifths Majority Vote Required To Veto Actin Of Executive Committee By THOMAS E. GROEHN Hell Week, a custom almost as old as the fraternity system itself, was abolished from this campus yesterday by a unanimous decision of the Ex- ecutive Committee of the Interfra- ternity Council. The announcement culminated more than a three week investiga- tion by the Committee into the Hell Week activities of fraternities, dur- ing which time two houses were tem- porarily closed and seven others were warned. The Committee further stated in their final report that "during the period of pledgeship, fraternities shall attempt to inculcate in their pledges the development, of friendship, the importance of scholarship and a sense of respect and duty to the fraternity and University." Ritual To Terminate Pledgeship By action of the Committee Hell Week in any form was abolished and pledgeship shall terminate with the ritual of the national society. The action taken will be considered final if no objection to it is made within 48 hours. If, however, five members of the Council register a pro- test to either President George R. Wil- liams or Secretary Paul W. Philips, within the stipulated time, the matter must be brought up before the gen- eral Council for ratification. A three-fourths majority vote of the Council would be required to veto the Executive Committee's action and from results of a Daily survey made last night, the necessary three-fifths would not be obtained. To Offer Suggestions It was also announced that with- in a short time the Committee will offer suggestions to the fraternities to accomplish their desired ends in re- gards to the period of pledgeship. Although the Hell Week question has been a pertinent one in Interfra- ternity Council meetings for the past three years, abolition was never seri- ously considered by its members. The sentiment was always toward "modifi- cation" of the practices with no real definition advanced as to what mod- ification was. However, many of the houses had eliminated their more questionable practices. The chief criticism against the pro- bationary period came principally, from year to year, from faculty mem- bers who objected to both actives and neophytes attending classes unpre- pared and half asleep as the result of Hell Week activities. Workers' Union Is Formed ere By 150 Students Sentiment for a labor union among student workers crystallized Sunday morning when more than 150 Univer- sity students met to form the Student Workers' Federation. As far as can be determined this. is the first labor union of students to be formed in the United States. According to Eugene R. Kuhne, Grad., secretary of the Federation, it is drawing members from restau- rants, laboratories, NYA projects and other places of employment. At the meeting Sunday more than 50 stu- dents paid their membership and se- mester fees of 25 cents each and at least 70 others evidenced intentions to join. A life membership card and a semester working card will be issued to each member. The Federation is open to any stu- dent, high. school or University, who is working or intends to do so. The constitution and by-laws com- From Michigan Campus; 20 Fraternities Approve I Presidents or Lree nouses reue lsd to commit themselves inasmuch as they thought there would be consid- Those students who have pur- erable internal disagreement on the chased meal tickets at Chubb's will official attitude of their houses. Two have their tickets honored, it was of these presidents estimated that a( explained. majority of their houses would favor The 48 students now out of work abolition, however. because of the closing seriously adds Since invalidation of the commit- to the acute employment situation tee's action would require three- in Ann Arbor. However, it was stat- fifths of the council membership, 20 ed yesterday that all those students houses in favor of abolition would be who have lost their jobs should im- sufficient to uphold abolition of Hell mediately report to the NYA employ- Week. ment bureau and file application _____ _______ blanks. It was explained that the Iu "W University will do everything possible Banche Yurka to offer employment to these stu- dents. W ill lere However, Prof. Lewis M. Gram, WPlay chairman of the University Commit- s tee on NYA, explained that the num- In 'Distaff54de', ber which can be employed depends upon the number of vacancies. Under the regular allotment all the jobs The nearly completed list of New are taken up this month and new York actors who will appear in the ones cannot be created, but he point- 1936 Dramatic Season to be presented ed out that the turnover is rather for five weeks from May 18-through large so that many will be able to June 20 in the Lydia Mendelssohn obtain positions in the near future. Theatre, was announced yesterday by He stated that possibly more will be Robert Henderson, director. put on next month under the in- The latest addition to the roster creased allotment which is made up is Blanche Yurka, who has just scored of the surplus left over from the be- an outstanding success as Madame ginning of the year. De Farge in "A Tale of Two Cities." He also explained that it would be Miss Yurka, who is at present on her possible for those already on the way to Hollywood to make another pYA frose aready oyedh picture, will appear in John Van NYA payroll and formerly employed Druten's "The Distaff Side." ThisI at Chubb's to petition for an increase play, which will be presented from in hours if they are below the 15- h_ _rk h n ork , nw. But he stressed that and given the task of organizing a speech department- the first of its kind in the world. In 1918 he estab- lished the first speech courses in New Zealand and Australia, and in 1930, he established speech courses in South Africa. Having taken up golf in 1896, Pro- fessor Trueblood started to teach it in 1901-before most people knew what it was. In 1922, when the sport was established among the colleges, Professor Trueblood became head coach of the golf team, a post he kept until last night. Four years, 1932, 1933, 1934 and 1935, University of Michigan golf teams under him won Big Ten championships, and in both 1934 and 1935 his teams won National championships. In his long career as golf coach, his teams played 64 Big Ten dual matches, winning 54, tying two and losing but eight. And so to Professor Trueblood last night, "Old Man" Yost, Dean Edward I June 4 to June 9, will also include Estelle Winwood, star of "The Bishop Misbehaves" and "The Ugly Runts" of last year's season, Margalo Gill- more and Effie Shannon. The opening production of the Sea- son will be the current New York stage success, "Libel," in which Ken-1 neth MacKenna will play the leadingI role of Sir Mark Lodden. Doris Dal-! ton, who appeared this season in New York in "Tomorrow's A Holiday" and "Sweet Aloes," will play opposite Mac- oVUr m1Wa. 1V. ~,1Ca1G-auUl the possibility of an increase depends upon the vacant positions and it would possibly mean a decrease for others. Debate Decision Is Given Rutgers Team Rutgers University defeated the University of Michigan last night in