v THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, APRIL 5,19aCi . ..... IN THE WORLD OFN BOOKS Economic Auth Cause And Cu NATIONAL ECONOMIC SECURITY. by Prof. Arthur B. Adams. Uni- versity of Oklahoma Press. $2.50. By PROF. PRESTON SLOSSON (Of The History Dept.) P we never find our way out of the woods it will certainly not be from lack of guide posts, though it is per- haps unfortunate that they point so many different ways! One of the most plausible and persuasive of our recent guides is Dean Arthur Adams of the Oklahoma University College of Business Administration. Of his technical competence there can be no question; he is not only a life-long student of the business cycle and the author of several books on economic theory but he has had the practical experience of serving with 'the Fed- eral Trade Commission under the Wilson administration (Roosevelt is not the first President to have had a "brain trust"); it is certainly worth pausing to listen to what he has to say. Dean Adams attributes the depres- sion to the unequal distribution of in- come in the United States, which re- sults in the piling up of rich men's investments without any correspond- ing increase in poor men's purchases. "If the portion of the nationalincome saved and invested in new capital re- sults ultimately in producing a quan- tity or supply of consumer's goods and services with a value in excess of that part of the national money income which is used for the pur- chase of such goods and services, there will develop a market surplus supply in them. This is precisely what happened in the United States in the twenties" (p. 51). Again, "There' was never a time when as large a portion of the national in- come was saved and invested as in the twenties; .also there was never a time when current production ex- ceeded current consumption as much as it did in this period" (p. 75). Another question often asked ec- onomists, and variously answered by them, is whether the great depres- sion of 1929 was merely a dip in the trade cycle, like the depressions of 1837, 1857, 1873 and 1893, or some- thing unique, perhaps presaging an end of the capitalist system, or even an end to Western civilization. Dean Adams holds an intermediate posi- tion on this question. He points out, that most of the well-known depres- sion phenomena were present in this case as in others, "the vicious cycle of a downward movement in sales, prices, production, income and em- ployment" and then the subsequent convalescence. But he contends that some novel factors were also present. One was the surplus of labor even during the boom period, due mainly to improved machinery and indus- trial methods; another the long- time effect of the World War ("Only part of the inflation and industrial and economic maladjustments were liquidated during the depression of 1920. Therefore, in the depression of 1929 it was necessary to liquidate the consequences of two booms instead of one," (p. 75); another the absence of any "frontier," whether in agri- culture or in big new industries, to help recovery as in times past. These complications rendered it probable that if the depression had simply been permitted to run its course, as on all previous occasions, when norm- al conditions returned they would not mean the American conditions of 1926-29 but something much more like postwar British "normal" ec- onomic life "with a limited produc- tive capacity, a great army of unem- ployed supported by the dole, and a low standard of living" (p. 83). ority Considers FREUC re O f Depression ARCTIC ADVENTURE, My Life in - -- the Frozen North, by Peter Free- chen, illustrated with photographs traditional economic theories of and maps, Farrar and Rinehart. laissez-faire and also the strict inter- 3.50. pretation of the constitution. But - did it act wisely? Here again Dean' By PROF. W. H. HOBBS Adams takes middle ground. He (Of the Geology Department) classifies the New Deal measures THE AUTHOR of this remarkable under three heads: relief, recovery biography is a polar explorer with and reform. He approves part of experience on several great Arctic ex- each program and condemns other peditions, though he was never in features; for instance, he finds fault command of any. He has also been with the attempt to raise prices by a journalist and is the author of four inflation: "To bring about recovery widely read books, all dealing with the of business through artificial prices Northland, which have appeared in would tend to perpetuate these bad his native country, Denmark. He consequences of the boom of the uses the English language with that twenties and carry them over into a facility and beauty of expression new boom of the thirties" (p.122). which has been so remarkable in the On the other hand, he strongly ap- case of several well-known writers proves of President Roosevelt's "soak- from foreign lands. the-rich" tax program, saying "We Already he is widely known in need not fear that the nation will America as the author of Eskimo (Liv- have a shortage of necessary invest- eright, 1931), though probably best ment funds needed for new capital from the film version of the same expansion in the future; one of our story which was managed on several difficulties up to 1929 was that there expeditions to the Arctic by Freuchen, was a surplus of capital funds and a himself, who is starred as the brutal deficiency of consumers' purchasing sea captain. Another of his stories power" (p.150). . If the Supreme -------- -~~~ Court stands in the way of necessary economic reforms, the constitution should be amended to give the Fed- eral government greater power (and the author was born in Calhoun's South Carolina at that!). Current Affairs Are What are Dean Adams' own reme-N.n dies? He does not content himself His New Comments Or with negative criticism, but gives usI Inconsistent a sight of his own medicine chest:( (1) discontinue inflation, (2) scale I INTERPRETATIONS by Walter down "old debts of farmers, home Lippman. Macmillan. $2.50. owners, railroads, local governments, and distressedbusiness enterprises By ARTHUR MILLER and keep interest rates low, (3) dis- continue the government public Some say Mr. Lippman sold out to works program, (4) give the govern- the vested interests after a short ment power to forbid agricultural career as a Socialist critic, some say overexpansion: "The farmers should he is and was too unbiased to take reduce production in their own in- any side or dogma for his own and terest; in the future they should not no one is right. be paid to do it, but penalized if they Asffar as serving as a guide to cur- refuse" (!); (5) enforce the anti- rent affairs, the newest Interpreta- trust laws, but permit codes of "fair tions are like the old, not useful. To trade practices" (not including price be sure they heed no one doctrine fixing) and give the government the and an invective against the Roose- power to regulate hours and wages velt era occurs almost as often as of laborers employed in industries does a eulogy. But like all of Mr. engaged in interstate commerce; (6) Lippmann's work, they are so incon- unemployment insurance "paid for sistent as to be almost whimsical. by taxes on industry"; (7) Federal One had better look over the -news bycotaxestion oindustcry ; at F dea of the last three years for an under- ing interstate business; (8) a bal- standing of the New Deal for these anced budget by simultaneously re- are not its interpretation, they are the ducn edpndturysimand increasing interpretation, by and large, of one ducing expenditures man's mind and mark the pitiful anti- taxes (pp.262-65). climax of a development that never * crystalized. So far, I have attempted only ex- I said pitiful but that is the wrong position and not criticism, since the word. It would denote that Mr. Lipp- opinions of an expert are of more mann was at one time better than interest than an amateur's views he is now. That is not true. He has been the victim of zeal. He about them. I might say, however, uttered and still does, fragments of that astonishingly little is said in Socialist, Democratic, Republican and the book about the international even anarchic doctrine and when he factor in depression and recovery, took parts, doctrinaires held with and European parallels and influ- hope that he was coming their way ences are almost neglected; that the altogether. He slammed away at factor of over-extended credit and the evils of Big Business and the wildcat speculation in bringing on Socialists preened their feathers and the depression seems too little em- overlooked his criticism of them. He phasized. Finally, there is something abhorred what he thought dogma, and a little naive in the concluding para- the business men rubbed their palms graph which argues that there is no j overlooking his criticism of them. danger in giving the Federal govern- No one daredunderstand him be- ment "unlimited power to regulate cause if he was understood, what was industry" since we elect our own becoming a literary institution would t A d"do ns anv ne as- be broken.. If EN: Writes Vivid Tale Of Arctic is largely autobioaraphical and has}the so of a Dani' ] LtIIieIaln pasior V1 cV a CLLVI c L I Utz 1 5 tA.Lt,) L Gf tf..LYkV.L just appeared in English Ivalu, the at c1 an Eskmouo mothcr. RYasm sens Eskimo Wife (Furman, New York, and 'iieuclirn become lifelong ft iends, 1935). and Freuchen was closely associated THE LASI1 PURITAN. By George or to find peace in religion, for he S Sanr yana . Seribner'.s. $2.75. rejects the latter as mentally dis- Few men in the long history of polar in thle import ant enterprise of the hi.etsthe ltrt asmetall g ds- t 'honest. On strictly Puritan grounds, explorations have played so colorful Thule Colony for the betterment of By MARGARET N. NEWNAN e convinced himself that it is wrong a part, and this is vividly portrayed the Smeh Sound Greenland Eskimos. in this remarkably personal narrative. He thus lived eighteen years in Green- H E Last Puritan by Santayana be a Puritan, yet he w unable for which a large and enthusiastic land and was for six years manager eught to arwise more curiosity and lost both the women he loved, and circle of readers is assured. The bookI of this far northern colony, where he locughtato trouweomorehcuriosit and has alreay been sected by the Book maied an Eskimo woman by whom thoughtful discussion than any other made himself thoroughly miserable Club for the month of April. Long he had children that are now growing book this year, not only because its I until the World War put an untimely before Courtauld had spent five up in Denmark. His years in North eminent author, c4 the age of seventy- end to his career. months in meteorological vigil in an Greenland were, like those of all the three suddenly left his rarified philo- "The trouble with Oliver," says his isolated Arctic station, or Byrd seven Eskimos, ever on the verge of starva- I sophial writings to iniulge in a pop- cOatui Mtrh.', "is that he never months in an Antarctic one, Freuchen tion and with frequent hairbreadth ular novCl. but also because it deals realizes that all ladies are women." for the same scientific purpose had escapes from, death which are never- wilh one of the most subtle and Neither Mario nor Oliver's other lived a year of voluntary exile in theless taken as a part of the day's inhibiting influences still shackling friend, the coarse and fleshy Jim Northeast Greenland. Whereas Cour- work. Many of these perilous experi- the American attitude today - the Darnley, labored under any such tauld and Byrd had been safe from ences are portrayed in his remarkably Puritan spirit. delusion. Mario brought up in the dangerous predatory animals, Freu- honest and truthful narrative. The u;isa de usm'n.eMar.ousrontuyght('of hr Eu. upi,. aythe ..,'i. ,.ptpSflr.,r.LrJ..yA 'anta -.Ca4hL.A-EuroLAanAtradition WAs thet. Santayana Catches Essence Of Puirf'iti' SpVirit In HNis Fimno Nve1l } r a chen had his dogs eaten by wolves, and later was obliged to defend him- self against them on perilous daily trips during the dark Arctic winter.; Physically, Freuchen is a giant, and1 he looks the Viking of his ancestral! stock. nn onsna of V.ic'a xnrl npdto n nt EC t customs of the Eskimos in sexual ' L ' c "v't' t")" "'t1"~ matters, so different from our own, aIna, to suppose that Puritanism has an thinc to di with 11it P ihp ditopi te of all that Oliver stood direct opposite of all that Oliver stood fn WPvn hrohliemrt Un one o ni s expe A1 s 11n Inne Arctic. Freuchen was caught out in a winter blizzard, he dug into a snow drift for shelter, but had one of his feet frozen solid. Gangrene later set in and, being far from a surgeon. Freuchen "fitted a nailpuller over each toe in succession and banged them off with a hammer." These primitive amputations were to be but a beginning, for in 1927 after his en- gagement as a member of the second University of Michigan Expedition, the foot had to be again amputated diagonally across the ankle, so that he was unable to participate in the expedition. Still later it had to be amputated below the knee joint, as those know who have seen the film. Eskimo. Early in his career, Freuchen be- came associated in exploration with the famous Danish explorer, Ras- mussen, who was born in Greenland. impression. He always held that capitalism was compatible with both corruption and progress. He pointed to the former and believed, like a good Socialist must not, in the latter. The essential difference between the Lippmann of 1914 and 1936 is then, that his belief in progress has solidified to dogma. But he will still slam at dogma, the word, and write dogma, the deed. He has conse- quently been vastly overrated. Peo- ple have been reading into him what he begins to say and what they want to hear. He is one mass of contra- dictions and the only people who, without studying him, understand , are described with even greater frank- C LU UUIany ng o o w pur y. Rtatneri or. Htie went through ie merry, nes, i theatwerepossile thank iit is a natural revolt against nature, debonair, and sophisticated, sampling composed of a cold, merciless pas- all its good things and taking what- his earlier, Eskimo. For his Eskimo sion for reality, a hatred of all shams, ever suited his fancy, including the had the greatest devotion, and she and a certain self-inflicted austerity conquest of Oliver's two sweethearts, is made the heroine of his story Ivalu. and inability to enjoy life. Oliver, Rose and Edith. Yet successful and the nineteenth century hero, is a charming as he was, he seems com- tragic figure, for although handsome pletely overshadowed by the figure As a member of the Eskimo colony and wealthy, the star of the Williams of the stark, desolate Oliver with his at Thule, Freuchen knew intimately football team and top student in his courage and his doubts, the four Eskimos who had accom- class, he is always questioning and As a novelist, some of Santayana's panied Peary to the Pole, also the tortured by his desire for perfec- methods are questionable -his char- two who went on the faked polar tion and an absolute Reality. Cursed acters rarely speak like human beings, journey of Cook's, and Freuchen de- with too much conscience and sense yet they express fundamental atti- scribes the Eskimos' near-adoration of duty, inhibited at every turn by tudes which are absorbingly inter- for Peary and their ridicule of Cook. circumstances and tradition, he 1 esting. His Boston scenes are especi- It was Freuchen who alone with an spends his life dutifully or expertly ally good, and there is a very amus- Eskimo companion reached Peary's performing a multitude of tasks that ing chapter that would delight any cairn on Navy Cliff in remote North- seem meaningless to him. Dominated lazy college student's heart, describ- east Greenland and retrieved Peary's by reason, he is never able to yield ing how the gay Mario chose his record more than twenty years after spontaneously to his natural impulses, courses at Harvard. it had been deposited there. Around the cairn the sand was trampled and the footprints were plain. Writes Freuchen, "I felt vastly inferior, and grateful to him for the souvenirs he had left us. The few matches that lay exposed for twenty years, the footprints of the man, himself, the stones he had touched and built with became dearer to me than the count- less stories I have heard of him and F 0 R S P R I N G N E E D S the many hooks written by and about him" . I)Hundreds- ,of n lenim ma i d l i Coming down off the ice cap onto. the land, he described its beauty in language suggcstive of Peary's own: The warm colors were like welcom- ing smiles. I heard the hum of the bumblebee, a sound unfamiliar to me since my departure from the green pastures of Denmark, and saw the gieen leaves of the little willows which dared not lift their branches in the air but crept furtively among thej stones along the ground, pretending that this was the way to greet the summer and bask for a few weeks in the Arctic sun." { xuitlCU ti il s lg rriieu people are geTtng their Spring cash from us-on their own signatures --why don't you? You get the cash without delay. The payments are arranged to suit you and you can have a year or longer to repay. Use this personal money service. Add up your Spring needs and see us NOW. Loan iup to $300 --.30 months to repay 2.n( Floor Wolverine Bldg. Room 208 208 EAST WASHINGTON STREET i? otne 1000-4001 Cor. 4th Avenue Ann Arbor PEOA L FINANCE CO. ~~- him are those with no point of view The interest of the reader is held and with similar contradictory minds. from the first page till the last and Of course the greatest test of this there are few pages without a special view is his current job. The best thrill. proof of the impotence, now and be- -- fore, and the inadequacy of his criti-__ cism lies in the fact that he is criti- - .- cizing reactionary and conservative along with liberals and radicals on the pages of conservative papers. I am convinced that he still thinks he is criticizing them and that he still believes in his anti-dogmatic, super- objective self. What he has managedG A GARE ever, is to criticize the radical from the usiess an' poit o vie an --The Very Best of ;N INFORMATION governme n Ul ue6 ayu b sume that such power would be ex- ercised against the interest or in opposition to the will of the majority of the people?" (p. 268). It evades the real issue, for it is not the tyranny but the inefficiency and incompet- ence of the government that the in- telligent American business man us- ually fears. This nation is, no doubt, inescapably on its way to a consider- able degree of Federal Socialism, but whether this be good or evil will de- nn ntip l the i cdAn f thncP .penc entirely on ue wisun of uose who hold public office and assun'ja, The government, therefore, was the weighty responsibility of regulat- right to act, even tho it challenged ing private industry. Member of Federal Reserve System. VNSU% Your Financial Problems THE PERPLEXITIES of financial problems bezome lessened to a minimum 'when your budget pro- vides for weekly additions to your savings account. OPEN AN ACCOUNT TODAY - Watch it grow and enjoy the feeling of security it will afford you. U . ~~bC And he was becoming. an insti- tution around the pre-war and post- war days. I say becoming because Mr. Lippmann had not as yet offeredI much in the way of construction. But he was a sensitive critic and liter- ary and thinking men's minds took it for granted that once he got started,a he could offer the world a few sug- gestions it could use. But he never did. Yet the impression may have been given here that something, either monetary or psychic sold a promising mind into the arms of the Herald Tribune and the Free Press. That is not so. For from the very beginning when Mr. Lippmann was intermit- tently espousing Karl Marx he did not understand Marx. He always understood business and business men. He criticized both Marx and business. But while he cracked at both he had his base on the side of business. I believe he thought he was criticizing both because he ex- plicitly said so and still says so. But what he thinks he is saying and what he actually says are not alike. For even while he was professing a liking for Socialism, his books written in that mind give an anti-Socialistic Ithe business man's point of view and the business man from the sameI platform. And the result of his ca- reer is not a more edified man to any extent whatsoever. The clean I and undeniable result is that Walter I wLippmann has not written, he has demonstrated political-literary pen--j manship. He has and does disguise admirably an inherent superficiality C with originlity and occasional pro- fundity. So he is now living implicitly I with those he calls explicitly his ene- mies. He stands now in his es- teem, the most unbiased, objective,j disinterested and therefore a quite disgusting partisan of the system. But there is nothing to cry about. It's all our fault. We should have known his measure before we bought him I the suit. FORTHCOMING BOOKS LITERARY CAREER OF SIR JOSHUA REYNOLDS by F. W. Hilles. Macmillan. $5.00. EUROPEAN THEATRE SINCEI THE WAR by Thomas H. Dick- inson. Holt. $3.00. POEMS by Robeit Frost. Holt. $2.50. THE BIG MONEY by John Dos Passos. Harcourt Brace. $2.50. Kains: Wood: GARDEN SHORT CUTS................. BULBS FOR YOUR GARDEN ............ . Taylor. THE COMPLETE GARDEN..................................... Taylor: GUIDE TO THE WILD FLOWERS ...... ....................... Murray: PLANNING and PLANTING THE HOME GARDEN.............. Ortloff : GARDEN BOOK OF ANNUALS AND PERENNIALS.............. . Rogers: TREE FLOWERS OF FOREST, PARK AND STREET ............ House: THE WILD FLOWERS ............. . Stevens: GARDEN FLOWERS IN COLOR ................................. Wilder: WHAT HAPPENS IN MY GARDEN ......................... Stevens: CLIM BING ROSES .......................................... . Nicholas: THE ROSE MANUAL ....... . Henderson: GARDENING FOR PLEASURE . ..............:..............,. Oliver and Hottes: PLANT CULTURE ................................... . Hottes: 1001 GARDEN QUESTIONS ANSWEREDE........................ . Hottes: BOOK OF ANNUALS ...................................:....... . Hottes: BOOK OF PERENNIALS................................... . . . Hottes: BOOK OF SHRUBS............................................ . Ries: HOW TO GROW PERENNIAL FLOWERS... .......... ............ Ortloff and Raymore: NEW GARDENS FOR OLD. . ..................... . Garden Guide : AMATEUR GARDENERS' HANDBOOK ............. Roberts and Rehmann: AMERICAN PLANTS FOR AMERICAN GARDENS W ilder: COLOR IN MY GARDEN....................................... . McCully: AMERICAN ALPINES IN T IlE GARDENS..................... . Leighton: FOUR HEDGES .............................................. Suddell: THE NEW GARDEN .......................................... Klickman: THE FLOWER PATCH GARDEN BOOK. ..................... . Meredith: ROCK GARDENS, HOW TO MAKE AND MAINTAIN THEM... . Correvon: ROCK GARDEN AND ALPINE PLANTS. . . ...... . Aiken: PIONEERING WITH WILD FLOWERS . ......................... . Wister: FOUR SEASONS IN YOUR GARDEN......... . .... . ............. Tipton: FLOWERS FOR EVERY OCCASION..,.......................... $1.79 1.49 3.50 1.85 5.50 7.50 3.75 3.00 2.00 2.00 2.75 3.00 2.00 3.50 2.00 1.50 2.00 3.00 1.00 2.00 1.50 2.00 5.00 2.00 3.00 2.00 2.50 4.00 3.00. 2.50 2.50 3.00 2.75 3.00 '~ i Al a I I I An EASTER GIFT For Mother or Girl Friend Take Home -a Box of STATIONERY 11 Hine: Cran: NEW FLOWER ARRANGEMENT................................ GARDENS IN AMERICA .................................... ..... EU El ; I 11 1. 7 - . 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