L5, 1936
- W
Publisned every morning except Monday during th
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Chicago, Ill.
The Long-Run
View Of Things. ..
CHARLES A. BEARD, the historian,
in one of the finest discussions we
have yet read on the Supreme Court in The Na-
tion, reminds us that "the immediate considera-
tions (concerning the Court), such as the NIRA or
the AAA, are relatively unimportant, and that any
action now taken must come under a long-run view
of things."
That is too often forgotten in the controversies
of today. The Court, we hear, is blocking progress
because it invalidated the AAA, or it is a bulwark
against tyranny because of the same decision. Dr.
Beard, utilizing his knowledge of history, points
out that the Court as a "bulwark," might become
too harsh, or, in other words, fall too far behind
the times, and furnish a basis for a revolution.
Nor is it too ridiculous to be laughed off that
Congress would "pass now a whole sheaf of sup-
pressive bills if it had not been warned by the
President of the United States against embarrass-
ing him in the coming election." In the District.
of Columbia our legislators demonstrated this pos-
sibility by banning discussion of Communism in the
capitol schools recently.
It would be well for our reactionaries to pause
and consider whether their advocacy of the status
quo, if tolerated for many years as they evidently
desire, will not lead to destruction of the country
sooner than unfettered radicalism.
Telephone 4925
Dorothy S. Gies Josephine T. McLean William R. Reed
publication Department: Thomas H. Kleene, Chairman;
Clinton B. Conger, Robert Cummins, Richard G. Her-
shey, Ralph W. Hurd, Fred Warner Neal.
Reportorial Department: Thomas E. Groehn, Chairman;
Elsie A. 'Pierce, Joseph S. Mattes.
Editorial Department: Arnold S. Daniels, Marshall D.
Rports Department: William R. Reed, Chairman; George
Andros, Fred Buesser, Raymond Goodman.
Women's Departmenv: Josephine T. McLean, Chairman;
Josephine M. Cavanagn, Florence H. Davies, Marion T.
Holden, Charlotte D. Rueger, Jewel W. Wuerfel.
Local Advertising, William Barndt; Service Department,
Willis Tomlinson; Contracts, Stanley Joffe; Accounts,
Edward Wohlgemuth; Circulation and National Adver-
tising, John Park; Classified Advertising and Publica-
tions, Lyman Bittman.
Missing When
Most Needed ..
,HERE was a time when the greats
of our nation were usually charac-
terized by dignity, intelligence and a sense of
humor. This was true of the period up to the
Civil War, and you can check it in your history
books. But it would seem like a Utopian dream to
the Man from Mars were he to visit us today
and study our great national leaders.
When a Princeton junior named Lewis Gorin, Jr.,
started a movement known as the Veterans of Fu-
ture Wars, he had no idea that he had given birth
to the "greatest publicity stunt since the World
War." He started the movement as sheer burlesque
and he is now astonished and bewildered by
the reaction which it has caused among men of
national importance.
Indignation rides high.
In regard to the Ladies Auxiliary of Future
Veterans, Joe E. Murray, former national chaplain
of the Disabled American Veterans of the World
War, has said, "We would have laughed it off,
but they have brought in the name of a group of
women we hold sacred!"
James E. Van Zandt, commander of the Veterans
of Foreign Wars has said that the students were
"too yellow to go to war," whereupon the future
veterans replied that Mr. Van Zandt was a Red,
and challenged him to debate.
Mrs. Mathilda Burling, president of the New
York State Chapter of Gold Star Mothers called
the movement "unpatriotic and ill-mannered." l
At Rice Institute, Texas, a self-appointed groupl
of strong-arm athletes attempted to prevent the
formation of a VFW chapter with a barrage of
mud-balls, and cries of "Communists!" They were
successfully repulsed.
In the House of Representatives at Washington
Representative Fuller of Arkansas has announced
that the Veterans of Future Wars is an organiza-
tion "saturated .with Communism, foreign influ-
ence and a total disregard of American patriot-
ism." *
All of these facts seem to indicate that the sense
of humor for which Americans were once famous
has gone the way of a number of other American
institutions, and has left us a rather dull and
barren folk. Furthermore, Mr. Van Zandt, Mrs.
Burling, Dr. Fuller, et, al., are frightened, and in
their hasty attempts to do something - anything
--they have made themselves ridiculous, as well as
the organizations they represent, by hurling such
terms as "Communist" and "unpatriotic" at the
Veterans of Future Wars.
Organizations which are secure in their knowl-
edge that they are built on a foundation of im-
peccable ideals do not become panicky when they
aie burlesqued. They are able, rather to "laugh
it off," and enjoy the humor of the situation. In-
stead, the Veterans of Foreign Wars, and the
Gold Star Mothers, call communistic an organiza-
tion of American youths who have come to the
realization that there is every possibility of their
having to fight another war for America, and who,
as any intelligent person would, are demonstrating
their desire to avoid this unpleasant and unnecos-
sary call.
That they have chosen burlesque as their me-
dium of expression is wise, for it is the surest way of
gaining attention. It may be difficult for Repre-
sentative Fuller and Mr. Van Zandt to realize that
true patriotism consists not of a willingness to
fight wars but to keep the nation out of war.
If they come to understand the purpose of the
Veterans of Future Wars, they will, no doubt, blush
and hang their heads in shame, or perhaps they
won't, for the American sense of humor is not
what it used to be.
Jepson, soprano, is a fine program to listen to
while gathered around the hearth. Miss Jepson's
singing needs no word of praise and the orchestral
accompaniment is decidedly up to par. Tonight's
concert will include The Heavens Are Telling from
The Creation, Haydn; Overture to the Magic Flute,
Mozart; Un Bel Di from Madame Butterly, Puccini;
Good Friday Spell from Parsifal, Wagner.
COLONEL Stoopnagle and Budd's program for
"keeping Stoopnagle out of the White House"
is progressing pretty well. We hope that the cam-
paign is successful, for it would indeed be terrible
some Sunday night in 1937 to be sitting before the
loud speaker and hear "My Frien-n-nds," followed
by a detailed description of a rungless ladder for
washing windows on the ground floor.
F YOU HAPPEN to be up and around at 9:30 a.m.
today, you could do worse than to tune in on
WABC or other CBS stations, for a portion of the
Russian opera, Lady Macbeth of Mtsensk, by young
Dmitri Shostakovitch, is scheduled to be broad-
cast at that time.
COLUMBIA'S "The World Dances" program, at
8 p.m. each Sunday listens just as it reads.
Tempos of both torrid and tepid nature, character-
istic of various countries throughout the world are
broadcast. Tonight promises to be a gala night,
especially for addicts of the so-called "swing
music," for Tommy Dorsey, trombonist, and Red
Nichols, trumpeter extraordinary, will be guest mu-
sicians. Both Tommy and Red have acquired con-
siderable fame for their mastery of their respective
horns. Consequently, we should hear some first
class "take-offs" tonight.
STUART CHURCHILL, former Michigan student,
can be heard on a musical program Wednes-
days at 12:15 p.m. Churchill was long a featured
soloist with Fred Waring's orchestra but has been
on his own for some time now, having been on
several commercial and sustaining programs. Chur-
chill was singing in the Majestic Theatre in Ann
Arbor many years back when Fred Waring per-
suaded him to join his organization. That step
was a fortunate one for the now well-known tenor.
EARL "Father" Hines has brought his orchestra
back to the Grand Terrace in Chicago, return-
ing to the job Fletcher Henderson filled in the
interim. We are sorry to see Fletcher go, for his
band was worth listening to. "Choo" Berry, his
tenor sax man, rates fairly high among the present
crop of hot men. However, Earl Hines has a good
orchestra also, and his piano playing is up to snuff.
He is on nightly over WMAQ.
A Twentieth Century-Fox picture starring Warner
Baxter. featuring Gloria Stuart, Claude Gillingwater,
Arthur Byron, O. P. Heggie, and Harry Carey. Directed
by John Ford.
After Abraham Lincoln's assassination, eight
people were convicted and punished for complicity
in the crime. One of them was Dr. Samuel A.
Mudd, whose part in the affair was innocently giv-
ing medical aid to John Wilkes Booth during his at-
tempted escape into Virginia. "The Prisoner of
Shark Island" is the story of Dr. Mudd's unjust and
terrifying imprisonment on the yellow fever-in-
fested prison island southwest of the Florida Keys,
the futile attempts of his wife to bring about his
escape, and his heroic mastery of the fever epidemic
which took the lives of hundreds of prisoners be-
fore it was checked.
"The Prisoner of Shark Island" tells this remark-
able story powerfully and fully. It dramatizes
Lincoln's assassination, the swift and merciless
trials of those whom the government picked to pay
for it, and the following long, dreary, tragic, heroic
series of episodes on Shark Island. Warner Baxter
as Dr. Mudd and Gloria Stuart as his wife turn out
the best performances of their careers, and the sup-
porting cast aids substantially in bringing out the
full effectiveness of each scene.
The Conning Tower
When war is on, the babbling voices prate,
The taunting trumpets blare a fever breath,
The tom-toms stir the murder lust or hate
And wake the screaming antiphons of death.
When war is on, the friends of other days,
Now foes, grow monsters in a mist of red;
We lunge at fantoms through a burning haze
And laugh insanely at our mounting dead.
When war is on, the slow, enlightening years
Bring clearer wisdom and a gentler song,
And overlay our ancient rage and fears
With saddening knowledge that we, too, were
Dr. George E. Vincent, now our Fairfield County
neighbor, told some of his former Chicago neigh-
bors that there is no danger of a dictatorship in
this country so long as Americans retain their
sense of humor. And then he speaks of this as a
country "where we can see the ridiculous side of
politics." Dr. Vincent talks as though politics
were not unilateral.
"When there is a repression of laughter and
witticism about political personages, such as now
exists in Europe, the loss of other liberties is on
the way." -Said Dr. Vincent.
"Exists," in Dr. Vincent's sentence, agrees with
its 'subject "repression." But we move to amend
the sentence to "about political personages such
as now exist in Europe." Or Can't It Happen Here?
Of course, Mr. Jarome D. Barnum, publisher
of the Syracuse Post-Standard, is right: the pro-
posed child labor amendment is a danger to the
home. Let the kids work after school hours, so that
the house may be quiet for papa to write verses
about the little toy dog being covered with dust,
and Little Boy Blue being out bringing home
the bacon.
It was well enough when children were so young
that they were unable to read. But now that
the proposed child labor law is to interfere with
this and that, two young newspaper readers said
that yesterday was the last day that they would
even saddle their ponies; let alone mow the lawn
and rake the acorns.
Most of our generation - though we don't want
to give the opposition ammunition - was brought
up with the Alger idea that child labor was a highly
desirable thing; all our heroes were child laborers
-Mark, the Match Boy; Julius, or the Street Boy
Out West; Ragged Dick, Tattered Tom, and Ben,
the luggage boy. They were all young boys who
shined shoes, smashed baggage, or sold newspapers
-usually to millionaires. And frequently in the
vicinity of the old Astor House. "The speaker,"
it seems to us, on the last page of most of
those books "was a bright-faced lad of about eleven
years of age.''
Are of a sort that now might roonyer,
The books of Horatio Alger, Jr.
Among the lovers of peace, to hear them tell
it, is Mussolini. He probably also is in sympathy
with the abolition of child labor, and those little
soldiers will have to go to school again,
No admittance to the Tampa nudist colony with-
out a ticket, a dispatch says. A ticket, obviously,
saying "Admit Barer.''
I used to envy that avid fellow
Who laps up life with a loud "yum-yum,"
And wakes each morn in a mood that's mellow
To pluck the day as his luscious plum.
But now, what time I am low and glum,
And unreceptive to pleasantries,
I'll bite this lad when he cries, "Come, come,
It's great to be living in times like these!"
Now countless candidates bleat and bellow,
And jobs are down to their minimum;
The public prints, whether white or yellow,
Bear screaming streamers that scare me numb.
My income balks at cigars and gum
While taxes soar to their apogees,
So sell me this and you're going some:
It's great to be living in times like these.
Then tell me, gents, that my spine is jello,
And claim that of courage I've not a crumb.
Say that my vacuous songs repel; O,
This bard is used to opprobrium,
Yet fain am I to be fleeing from
The blues, the dumps and the miseries,
But how can I swallow this pabulum?
It's great to be living in times like these.
Prince, be happy but don't be dumb.
They're chucking Peace to the chimpanzees
While statesmen stand with inverted thumb.
It's great to be living in times like these.
It seems to us that Senator Vandenberg is now a
dappled gray horse. What do the home folks think
of him? What does Miss Margaret Tazelaar, of
the H. T. film staff, think? What does Mr. Paul
Hollister, of R. H. Macy & Co., think? And Mary
Master Needham, author of "Tomorrow to Fresh
Fields," to be published next Monday? And our
favorite Grand Rapids author, Constance Mayfield
Rourke, whose "Trumpets of Jubilee," which in-
cludes pieces about Henry Ward Beecher, Harriet
Beecher Stowe, and Horace Greeley, remains the
best collection of American biographies written?
These overlapping organizations clutter things
up. We feel that it is time for the Townsendites
and the American Youth movement to merge.
Publication In the Bullettn is constructive notice to all members of the
uIfverstty. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President
unti 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday.
VOL. XVLI. No. 133
Notice To Seniors, Graduate Stu-
dents: Diploma fees are payable now.
Early settlement is necessary for the
preparation of diplomas. In no case
will the University confer a degree at
commencement upon any student
who fails to pay fee before 4 p.m.
Monday, May 25.
In case the Faculty does not recom-
mend any paper. the fee will be re-
funded on surrender of receipt for
The above applies also to fees for
all special certificates.
Candidates for degrees or certifi-
cates should at once fill out card at
office of the Secretary of their own
college or school, pay the cashier* of
the University, have card receipted,
and file indicated section of this re-
ceipted card with the Secretary of
their own school or college. (Stu-
dents enrolled in the Literary Col-
lege, College of Architecture, School
of Music, School of Education, and
School of Forestry and Conservation,
please note that blank forms should
be obtained and receipted cards filed
in the Recorders' office, Room 4, Uni-
versity Hall.
Please do not delay until the last
day, but attend to this matter at
once. We must letter, sign, and seal
approximately 2,000 diplomas and
certificates, and we shall be greatly
helped in this work by early payment
of the fee and the resulting longer
period for preparation.
Shirley W. Smith.
*-The Cashier's Office is closed on
Saturday afternoons.
Faculty Meeting, College of Litera-
ture, Science and Arts: The regular
April meeting of this Faculty will be
held in Room 1925, Angell Hall, Mon-
day, April 6, beginning at 4:10 p.m.
Report of Executive Committee,
G. R. LaRue.
Report of Dean's Conferences,
Report of Nominating Committee.
Boak, Chairman.
Election of two representatives on
University Council, to fill out unex-
pired term of D. H. Parker and A. S.
Aiton, absent on leave.
Consideration of Resolutions D and
E in the report of the Committee on
Degree Programs.
Consideration of the Slosson Reso-
Faculty, School of Education: The
next faculty meeting will be held at
the Union on Monday, April 6, at 12
o'clock noon. The following special
orders have been authorized:
1. The election of representative to
University Council.
2. Consideration of courses relat-
ing to Speech.
3. Consideration of a new course
in the teaching of Mathematics.
Faculty, College of Literature, Sci-
ence, and the Arts: Cards for mid-
semester reports have been sent to
&partmental offices. Midsemester
reports are due not later than Fri-
day, April 10. More cards may be
had at my office.
These reports should name those
students, freshman and upperclass.
whose standing at midsemester time
is D or E, not merely those who re-
ceive D or E in so-called midsemester
Students electing our courses, but
registered in other schools or colleges
of the University should be reported
to the school or college in which they
are registered.
E. A. Walter,
Acting Assistant Dean.
'o Studeunts Having Library Books:
1. Students having in their pos-
session books drawn from the Uni -
versityaLibrary are notified that such
books are due Monday, April 6, be-
fore the impending spring vacation.
in pursuance of the Regents' regu-
'Students who leave Ann Arbor for
an absence of more than a week must
first return all borrowed books."
2. Failure to return books before
the vacation will render the student
liable to an extra fine.
3. Students who have special need
for certain books between April 6 and
the beginning of the vacation may
retain such books by applying at the
Charging Desk on April 6.
4. Students who have urgent need
for certain books during the vaca-
tion, will be given permission to draw
these books, provided they are not in
general demand, on application at
the Charging Desk after April 6.
WNm. W. Bishop, Librarian.
Students, School of Education.
Courses dropped after Friday. April
10, will be recorded with the grade
of "E" except under extraordinary
circumstances. No course is consid-
ered officially dropped unless it has'
been reported in the office of the
Registrar, Room 4, University Hall.
and preparation for the various pro-
fessions, will be addressed by Prof.
E. V. Moore of the School of Music.
The next professional talk, to be
given by Dean S. T. Dana of the
School of Forestry, will be on Thurs-
day, April 9.
Students, College of Engineering:
The final day for the removal of in-
completes will be Saturday, April 11.
In cases of extenuating circumstances
this time limit may be extended, but
a petition for extension of time must
be filed in the Secretary's office on
or before Wednesday, April 8.
Students, College of Literature, Sci-
ence, and the Arts: Except under
extraordinary circumstances, courses
dropped after Friday, April 10, will be
recorded with a grade of E.
The Automobile Regulation will be
lifted for the Spring vacation period'
from 12 noon on Friday, April 10,
until Monday morning, April 20, at
8 A.M.
K. E. Fisher.
Contemporary: Manuscripts for the
fourth issue may be left at the Eng-
lish office, 3221 Angell Hall, now.
Mimes Banquet: Due to an una-
voidable conflict, the Mimes Initia-
tion Banquet has been postponed
from April 6 until Friday, April 24.
Academic Notices
English 32, Sections 1, 5, 10: Make-
up examination for my sections will
be held Monday, April 6, 4 p.m. in
Room 3226 Angell Hall.
Karl Litzenberg.
Students of Mathematics: A com-
prehensive examination in mathe-
matics for students who are this se-
mester entering upon concentration
in this subject will be held in Room
3011 A.H. on Tuesday, April 7, 4-6
p.m. J. W. Bradshaw.
Departmental Adviser
Chemistry Lecture: Dr. G. Egloff,
of the Universal Oil Products Co.,
will lecture on "Modern Gasolines
and Lubricants" on Tuesday, April 7,
4:15 p.m., Room 165, Chemistry Bldg.
The lecture, which is under the aus-
pices of the American Chemical So-
ciety, is open to the public.
Faculty Concert: The University
Symphony Orchestra, Earl V. Moore,
and Thor Johnson, conductors, will
provide an interesting program in
Hill Auditorium, Sunday, April 5, at
4:15 p.m., to which the general pub-
lic with the exception of small chil-
dren is invited without admission
charge, as follows:
Overture, "Merry Wives of Windsor"
Symphony in D Minor......Franck
Lento-Allegro non troppo
Allegro non troppo
Three Dances, "Nell Gwyn" ......
..................Edward German
Country Dance
Pastoral Dance
Merrymakers' Dance
Graduation Recital: Virginia
Flowers Ritter, pianist, will appear in
graduation recital at the School of
Music auditorium on Maynard Street,
Tuesday, April 7, at 8:15 o'clock. The
general public, with the exception of
small children, is invited to listen to
the following program:
Chaconne ............ Bach-Busoni
Siciliano ................. Scarlatti
Bouree . .. . .. ... . ... .. . .. Scarlatti
Sonata, Op. 22 ... .......Schumann
Les Collines d'Anacapri.....Debussy
The Night Winds ............ Griffes
The Fountain of the Acqua Paola..
Exaltacion ................. Turina
Organ Recital: E. William Doty,
assistant professor of organ, will
appear in the series of Twilight organ
recitals in Hill Auditorium Wednes-
day afternoon, April 8, at 4:15 o'clock.
The general public, with the excep-
tion of small children, is invited to
listen to the following program:
Allegro Vivace (Symphony V).Widor
Chorale Prelude, "O Man Bewail Thy
Grievous Sins" ............ Bach
Prelude and Fugue in D Major.. Bach
Impression .................. Doty
Chorale in A Minor .......... Franck
Prelude in E Major ...... Saint-Saens
Chant de Printemps ......... Bonnet
Events Of Today
First Presbyterian Church:
Meeting in the Masonic Temple, 327
South Fourth. Ministers, William
P. Lemon and Norman W. Kunkel.
9:45 a.m., Westminster Student
Forum, Mr. Kunkel, leader. Sub-{
of the meeting and discussion will be
A Communion Service for students
will be held in the Chapel of the
League, Sunday morning at 7 a.m.
The group will have breakfast to-
gether in the cafeteria after the pro-
gram. Any friends outside of the
group are welcome to the service.
First Methodist Church:
Dr. C. W. Brashares will preach on
"If Thou Hadst Known." - The ser-
vice begins at 10:45 a.m.
Stalker Hall:
12 noon, Dr. Bessie Kanouse wlil
continue the class on "Developing a
Christian Personality."
6 p.m., Wesleyan Guild meeting.
Members of the group will present a
dramatization, "The Little Miracle."
7 p.m. Fellowship Hour and supper.
Harris Hall: Celebration of the
Holy Communion at 9:30 a.m. in the
Chapel at Harris Hall.
The regular student meeting will be
held in Harris Hall this evening at
7 o'clock. Dr. Raphael Isaacs will
speak on "The Historical Background
of the Crucifixion." All students and
their friends are cordially invited.
St. Andrew's Episcopal Church:
Services of worship today are: 8:00
a.m., Holy Communion; 9:30 a.m.,
church school; 11:00 a.m., Kinder-
garten; 11:00 a.m., morning prayer
and sermon by The Reverend Henry
Lewis. Special musichappropriate to
Palm Sunday will be sung by St.
Andrew's choir.
Congregational Church:
10:30 a.m., Service of worship with
Palm Sunday sermon by Mr. Heaps.
Special program of instrumental and
vocal music. Ensemble of three
harps will play. Also brass and string
choirs. Miss Dorothy Park will be
the soloist, and the combined choirs
will sing. Musical program under
the direction of Thor Johnson.
6:00 p.m., Student Fellowship. Fol-
lowing the supper Mr. Heaps will give
Van Dyke's "God of the Open Air,"
illustrated with colored slides, ac-
companied by interpretative music.
Church of Christ (Disciples):
10:45 a.m., Church worship service.
Rev. Fred Cowin, Minister. 12 noon,
Students' Bible Class, H. L. Pickerill,
Campus Minister, leader.
5:30 p.m., Social hour and supper.
6:30 p.m., Forum. In keeping with
the campus wide emphasis on peace
the topic for the Forum will be, "A
program of peace education and ac-
tion." Special consideration will be
given to the part students can have
in such a program. Techniques for
peace action on campus will be dis-
cussed. All students interested in
this topic are cordially invited.
Zion Lutheran Church:
Ernest C. Stellhorn, Pastor.
Church worship service in German
at 9:00 a.m.
Palm Sunday church service at
10:30 with sermon by the pastor on
"Jesus Feasting with His Friends."
Lutheran Student Fellowship and
supperhour at 5:30 in the Parish Hall.
Lenten Cantata "From Olivet to
Calvary" Sunday evening at 7:30
given by the Senior Choir.
Holy week services on Maundy
Thursday (German) with Holy Com-
munion. Good Friday afternoon ser-
vice at 1:30 in English and Holy Com-
munion service Friday evening at
7:30 (English).
Trinity Lutheran Church:
Henry O. Yoder, pastor.
Palm Sunday service at 10:30 with
full liturgical service. Sermon will
be delivered by the pastor using as
his theme "The Inescapable Christ."
Mr. Gerhard Naeseth will sing Ride
On-Ride On, by John Prindle Scott.
Lutheran Student Club will meet
in Zion Lutheran Church at 5:30.
Program at 6:30 led by students on
great Easter Music.
The Lenten Cantata "Bethany"
will be rendered by the sixteen mem-
bers of the choir on Wednesday at
7:30 p.m.
Holy Communion service on
Maundy Thursday night at 7:30.
Students of Lutheran Church are in-
vited to the Sacrament of the Altar.
Good Friday service will be held
from 1:00 to 3:00 on Friday after-
noon with liturgical service adopted
by many Lutheran churches.
St. Paul's Lutheran Church:
9:30 a.m., Church school.
9:30 a.m., German Lenten service.
Sermon: "Our Savior-Crucified."
10:45 a.m., Regular morning ser-
vice. Sermon : "Mary's Loving Sacri-
4:30 p.m. An outdoor meeting and
roast will be held at the Island, for
students and young people. Meet at
the church. A discussion on "The
Proper Observance of Lent" will be
led by the pastor.
7:30 p.m., The last in the series of
Sunday evening Lenten lectures will
be given by theipastor, "With Our
IChurch in Africa" is the subject. It
will be illustrated by motion pictures
recently released by the Missouri Sy-
Lutheran Student Club:
Following talks by two of the mem-
bers, the Lutheran Student Club will
go in a body to Zion Lutheran Church