THE MICHIGXN DAILY FR rjDA.Y THE MICHIGAN DAILYI Publisned every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session by the Board in Control of Student Publications, MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matter herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by mal, $4.50. Representatives: National Advertising Service, Inc., 420 Madison Ave., New York City; 400 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, Il. EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT Telephone 4925 BOARD OF EDITORS MANAGING EDITOR ..............THOMAS H. KLEENE ASSOCIATE EDITOR...............THOMAS E. GROEHN Dorothy S. Gies Josephine T. McLean William R. Reed DEPARTMENTAL BOARDS eublication Department: Thomas H. Kleene, Chairman; Clinton B. Conger, Robert Cummins, Richard G. Her- shey, Ralph W. Hurd, Fred Warner Neal. Reportorial Department: Thomas E. Groehn, Chairman; Elsie A. Pierce, Joseph S. Mattes. Editorial Department: Arnold S. Daniels, Marshall D. Shulman. ports Department: William R.nReed, Chairman; George Andros, Fred Buesser, Raymond Goodman. Women's Department: Josephine T. McLean, Chairman; Josephine M. Cavanagn, Florence H. Davies, Marion T. Bolden, Charlotte D. Rueger Jewel W. Wuerfel, BUSINESS DEPARTMENT Telephone 2-1214 BUSINESS MANAGER ..........GEORGE H. ATHERTON CREDIT MANAGER .............JOSEPH A. ROTHBARD WOMEN'S BUSINESS MANAGER ....MARGARET COWIE WOMEN'S SERVICE MANAGER ...ELIZABETH SIMONDS DEPARTMENTAL MANAGERS Local Advertising, William Barndt; Service Department, Willis Tomlinson; Contracts, Stanley Joffe; Accounts, Edward Wohigemuth; Circulation and National Adver- tising, John Park; Classified Advertising and Publica- tions, Lyman Bittman. NIGHT EDITOR: ELSIE A. PIERCE Abolish Hell Week.. . O NLY ONE CONCLUSION can be drawn from the extensive investiga- tion recently completed by the Executive Commit- tee of the Interfraternity Council and that is that Hell Week, as it now exists on this campus, should be permanently abolished. Feeble attempts have been made during the past three years by the Interfraternity Council to "modify" Hell Week, and yet injuries, sadistic practices, and criticism from faculty members of the detrimental effect the probationary period has on scholastic work, are still prevalent issues. And these conditions will continue as long as the Inter- fraternity Council passes rules which are ad- mittedly nothing more than a "front" for a dis- gusted University administration. Even if the Interfraternity Council were to pass regulations which did "modify" the initiations, it is not likely that they could enforce them. An excellent code of rushing ethics has been in exist- ence here for some years, but the many violations of it that are known by fraternity men are seldom reported. What then would fraternity members do in reporting another house for violating Hell Week rules which they themselves do not respect? The reasons for abolishing Hell Week are per- fectly obvious and, equally obvious is their unde- niable validity. The cardinal reasons are: (1) both active and pledge members of fraternities are use- less in the classroom during the probationary period, as many instructors will testify, (2) the practices endanger both the mental and physical health of the pledge, (3) many of the practices are barbarous and sadistic, and (4) the period does not serve its originally intended end. The source of an abolition should come from the general Interfraternity Council, but it never has and undoubtedly never will. House presidents in the interfraternity group reason in this man- ner: "Hell Week undoubtedly should be strictly modified and if every house conducted their Hell Week as we conduct ours, there would be no need for regulatory measures." It is pretty obvious, however, that this statement is a fallacy, when the Executive Committee sees fit to discipline two houses and warn many others for Hell Week activities. Where the action on the whole matter must come from and from where it now appears it will be coming is the Executive Committee. For three weeks they have been working on their investiga- tion and it is generally understood that aside from their disciplinary action, a very definite decision on the whole problem of Hell Week will be an- nounced. Whether this means modification or abolition no one but the Committee knows, but after viewing their extremely courageous action in meting out the stiffest punishment empowered to them under their constitution, it is not at all unlikely that they will abolish Hell Week. To those who question their power in taking such drastic action, refer to the constitution that governs the Interfraternity Council. The Execu- tive Committee has complete power to take any action on matte}"s relating to general fraternities and their action shall be considered final unless five members of the Council submit a petition to bring the matter before the general Council. In such a case a three-fifths vote is necessary to veto the Executive Committee's action. If the Interfraternity Council should veto an action by the Executive Committee to abolish Hell Week, the University might and certainly should step in and take administrative steps to halt the practices. This indeed would be an unfortunate move for the fraternity system here, because once States' Rights And Child Labor W 7HEN an owner of a mill, employing children opposes a law which will prohibit child labor his action is easy to under- stand. We preclude these men from our appeal for definite action on the question of child labor just as naturally as we turn to those less in- terested in the profit to be made by employing children. We may turn to educators, for instance, and to the church. For surely they should side with us against a social evil. But apparently we have been mistaken, for in the state capital of New York, Dr. Nicholas Mur- ray Butler, president of Columbia University, was joined by Catholic groups in openly condemning the federal control of child labor on the grounds that such control would menace the rights of states. To say that children should be exploited under government sanction in order to protect states' rights is to hold it our duty to protect the welfare of the "state" in preference to that of its people. Such an argument exhibits its propounder as one who has the most atrophied conception of what a state is meant to be. To such a man the people must serve the state, not the state the people. How such a. perverted rationalization can be born, it is difficult to say. We were under the im- pression, heretofore, that in the colleges, at least, it was agreed that the proper function of a state is to protect and to foster the welfare of the people. Apparently Dr. Butler is leading the way to a different governmental conception. Now he is calling to the world the song which we thought had lost its charm when feudalism died. It is a dirge which seems to come at the funeral of many states and systems. Its melody and its lyrics cry that the "state" is the permanent value, the people transient. It exhorts us to lower our stand- ards that the "state" may go on. If we must stretch the provisions of our existing system to the full and it still cannot sanction the abolition once and for all of child labor, then there is certainly a fundamental wrong in the system. For no government in the 20th cen- tury can be called adequate if it cannot set down reasonable minimum standards for the health and education of its population. Progress consists not of a lowering of standards and ideals to strengthen the government, but of strengthening ideals and changing the government. A child-labor amend- ment would alter the government for the realiza- tion of an ideal, the fulfillment of which has been delayed an alarmingly long time. HFORUM] Letters~ published in this column should not be construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The Daily. Anonymous contributions will be disregarded. The names of communicant, will, however, be regarded as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked to be brief, the editors reserving the right to condense all letters of over 300 words and to accept or reject letters upon the criteria of general editorial importance and interest; to the campus. Who's Cuting Whose Thr-oat? To the Editor: I feel called upon to answer the letter of J.W.H. in Wednesday's Daily, because of the obvious lack of thought and reasoning which he has shown. I feel that if this attitude becomes widespread, much harm can be done. His attitude is typical of those in this University who jump at conclusions and speak their first impressions. The idea that the fraternities are cutting their own throats by disciplinary action is absurd. On, the other hand, the fraternities are cutting their own throats by allowing such practices and con- ditions to prevail as have been in the past. J.W.H., you fail to see that you are cutting your own throat by allowing out-dated practices to go on.- In the first place, the University does not want to do away with fraternities. True, the University does not believe that fraternities are completely fulfilling their purpose on the campus, nor living up to their own ideals as set up in the rituals of each fraternity. For these reasons, the University administration has sought to have fraternities im- prove their ways of doing things. You, too, must admit that there is something wrong with frater- nities when at least two prominent houses allow over 50 per cent of their pledges to fail to make grades for initiation. Secondly, you mistake the purpose of the Ex- ecutive Committee. The Committee sincerely be- lieves that it can do something to improve the status of the fraternities. Its first move is to eliminate certain aspects of Hell Week which net the fraternities much adverse criticism and cause some university administrators to doubt the pur- pose of fraternities. It is felt by the Executive Committee that the fraternity system on this campus can be im- proved and made a much more important force I in campus life. But only a reorganization and a revision of ideas will achieve this goal. Your vision is indeed narrow when you imagine that the actions taken were prompted by selfish motives. You certainly miss the purpose, which is to improve the fraternity system to such a position that it will be a real asset to campus life. This improvement will take place, too, if we can get the cooperation of people like yourself, who, on the defensive, think that every move taken is a move to hurt fraternities. -M.E.R., '36. Michigan And New jersey To the Editor: The article is one of last week's issues of The 'Daily' concerning Prof. Pollock's Civil Service Commission loses much of its force when one looks up the authentic population figures of Michigan and New Jersey. The official census figures for 1930 show that New Jersey has nearly one million less inhabitants than Michigan, in variance with the article's statement that "New Jersey (is) a state of equal population (to Michigan)." On the population basis we find that .02%, per The Conning Tower NEGRO WOMAN YOU see her in a lonely cabin door At close of day; or sowing rhythmic seeds In ash-gray fields; or standing mute before You, clean of kerchief, to serve your trivial needs. This type is worn and weathered, and too lean. Patience is stamped in every lineament. Not the black mammy of the book and screen - A :woman whose bearing is most eloquent Of furrowed Time, whose partner she has been; Of waiting with no wonder in her eyes; Of nobleness, a thing she has not seen And does not know she carries in disguise. Illiterate yet learned, beyond all schools, From wells of wisdom ever closed to fools. As straight and balanced as her native pines, (That comes from toting burdens on her head) Her movements have the gentle, swaying lines Of Spanish moss, habitual and inbred. As black as night and waiting for the night, She has no hand in her dark destiny. Her eyes remote, as one of farther sight, She scarcely sees immediate imagery. It may be she is neither wise nor great; Her soul, surviving, may not be sublime; Still she persists, a figure defeating fate, A spirit free, and almost freed from Time. Her presence spreads a benedicite As in a desert the shadow of a tree. G.A. (Charleston, S.C.) Representative John S. McGroarty, of Cali- fornia, has resigned from Old Age Revolving Pensions, which is slang for the Townsend Plan. And we think that we know why. On Monday Representative Monaghan introduced a resolu- tion "to make John Stevens McGroarty honorary poet laureate of America." It seems that this honor is to come to him chiefly for his author- ship of a poem called "The Lady Eleanor," which was written to honor Our Favorite Diarist. It may be that we have read the poem, but we can't remember it. Mr. McGroarty has been conducting for many years a page in the Los Angeles Sunday Times, called "From the Green Vendugo Hills." Laureateship is nothing new to him, for three years ago he was made official laureate of California. His "Just California" concludes: Sun and dews that kissed it, Balmy winds that blow, The stars in clustered diadems Upon its peaks of snow. The mighty mountains o'er it, Below, the white seas swirled - Just California, stretching down The middle of the world. Now, this is not poetry; it is prosy verse. Per- haps Mr. McGroarty is resigning in order, as newspaper men who take leave of absence say, to devote his time to Literary Work. We wish that he would write a poem about the Townsend Plan, and we'll give him a start: The Old Age Revolving Pensions Are o'erbrimping with dissensions - It seems to us that "honorary poet laureate of America" is redundant. Who is non-honorary, or official, p. 1.? One of the first members to arrive on Capitol Hill mornings is Assemblyman James J. Wads- worth of Geneseo. He is there before 9 p.m., seldom leaves before 5 p.m., and, as the rule, is at work Saturday mornings - Albany Knickerbocker- Press. That either is a twenty-hour day or a minus- four-hour day. SIEGE PERILOUS hic jacet rex Arturus, rex quondam, rex futurus. Who journey forth from storied Camelot To seek the gleam beyond the sunset's glow - The blinding truth men search for but find not, The beauty legended of long ago - Leave warm hearth ease and love and gold behind, Forswear the simple round of toil and rest, And search, heart sick and haunted, till they find Beauty a legend, truth a mirthless jest. Who quested after truth and found it not, Who searched afar for loveliness in vain Return at last to love, hearth ease, and gold, Rest at the last by dim fires, turning again The pages of old books wherein is told How Arthur kept the faith at Camelot. HARLAN There was a decrease in motor accidents and fatalities during the first seven weeks of 1936 over a corresponding period in 1935. There must have been a tremendous decrease during those weeks in motoring and in pedestrianism. From January 18 to the last of those seven weeks few persons did any motoring or walking except what they considered necessary. To our notion, the figures of comparative safety are based on false assumptions. Mr. Hamilton Fish, Jr., is less proud of being a Harvard man because the President, another Communist like Heywood Broun, also is a Har- vard alumnus. If Mr. Fish fails of election as running mate to Senator Borah he might have four idle years on his hands to qualify as a Yale or a Princeton man. Will sugar be cheaper because of the SupremeI Court's unanimous decision? The fans want to know. And do graduate of the Sugar Institute attend Sweet Briar College? And are the Insti- tute's attornqys Sweet & Sweet, 150 Nassau Street, New York. They talk against gambling, yet Senator Borah BOOKS BIBLIOPHOBIA, ITS CAUSE CURE. By DOROTHY S. GIES BIBLIOPHOBIA, Its Cause Cure, might well be a AND Awl tool( worthy the intensive research of some earnest and inquiitiv onlg scholar. Surley no other hobby is ridden so madly, so extravagantly ,so zealously as book-collecting. Whether it be the lure of the antique, the love of speculation, or the limitless breadth of the field, the pernicious disease of bibliomania finds more and more vic- tims every year. A. Edward Newton, that delightful harbinger of the hobby, is no doubt partially responsible for populariz- ing the sport among rich and poor. Again the lively market competition is an important factor, for the ad- vertising given to important sales stimulates public interest tremen dously. While the acquisition of cer- tain rarities by museums is decreas- ing the available supply, the num- ber of bidders keeps increasing year by year. Perhaps this permanent hoarding of older works is respon- sible for the astonishing value of comparatively recent manuscripts and books at public auctions. Sometimes the value of an edition seems totally without rhyme or rea- son. At Sotheby's auction rooms in London in 1929 Charles Dickens' writing desk, on which he wrote all his greatest work, was put up for sale. The desk had been given. him when he was an obscure young man of 21, and he used it consistantly un- til his death. At the same sale a first edition of his Tale of Two Cities was offered. The writing desk brought exactly $25, the battered book $6,- 500. Likewise Tennyson's cloak, of black broadcloth with bronze chain and hook, brought $30, an infinitesm- al part of the value of certain Tenny- son editions. The highest price ever paid for a manuscript by a modern author is 834,000. Twelve chapters of Thomas Hardy's A Pair of Blue Eyes were sold to a collector for this sum at a re- cent sale. A copy of Hardy's Jude The Obscure, with an inscription by the author concerning the criticisms which caused him to give up novel vriting, sold for $4,100. The man- uscript of Far From The Madding Crowd, which A. Edward Newton bought at a Red Cross sale in Lon- don in 1915 for $1,750, is now valued at $75,000. More astonishing yet, perhaps, are the values so swiftly acquired by the works of living authors. The script of R. C. Sherriff's Journey's End, 400 typewritten pages, copiously marked, was sold by that author for $7,500. For the more modest collector, who cannot afford this traffic in manu- scripts, the prices of recent first ed- itions may stimulate his speculation. The first edition of Thornton Wild- er's Bridge of San Luis Rey, published only as far back as 1927, is already quoted at $40, while Edna St. Vin- cent Millay's Renascence, if you have a copy, is valued at $32.50. No doubt the value of these and many others will be enhanced with passing years. Occasionally some curious cir- cumstance is responsible for a soar- ing price. When Lewis Carroll saw the first edition of Alice In Wonder- land, in 1865, he was so disappointed 1ith the illustrations that he wrote to all who purchased copies offering to replace their books with a better later printing. Now this same edi- tion is so rare as to be worth several thousand dollars. Both the first American edition (1866) and the sec- ond London edition (1866) are rare enough to be extremely valuable. Of course the cherished hope of every hobbyist is to unearth some priceless tome in the moldy back- shelves of a second-hand store. One dealer recently discovered in a pile of dusty books he had bought for a few cents a first edition of Poe's Murders in The Rue Morgue. He sold it to a collector for $25,000. It is not always easy to recognize the value of a vol- ume, and doubtless scores of interest- ing ones still lie buried in dusty ob- scurity. Thus a worn old copy of The Narrative of The Shipwreck of The Whale-Ship Essex, of Nantucket bL ought $1,675 the other day in New York, when it was found to have be- longed to Herman Melville, and con- tamed the original incident around which Moby Dick was written. A local book-collector delving in a De- troit shop not long ago brought to light a valuable first edition set of N rpoleon's Memoirs. FRIDAY, APRIL 3, 1936 VOL. XLVI No. 131 Noicies Notice To Seniors, Graduate Stu- dents: Diploma fees are payable now. Early settlement is necessary for the preparation of diplomas. In no case will the University confer a degree at commencement upon any student who fails to pay fee before 4 p.m. Monday, May 25. In case the Faculty does not recom- mend any paper, the fee will be re- funded on surrender of receipt 'for payment. The above applies also to fees for all special certificates. Candidates for degrees or certifi- cates should at once fill out card at office of the Secretary of their own college or school, pay the cashier* of the University, have card receipted, and file indicated section of this re- ceipted card with the Secretary of their own school or college. (Stu- dents enrolled in the Literary Col- lege, College of Architecture, School of Music, School of Education, and School of Forestry and Conservation, please note that blank forms should be obtained and receipted cards filed in the Recorders' office, Room 4, Uni- versity Hall. Please do not delay until the last day, but attend to this matter at once. We must letter, sign, and seal approximately 2,000 diplomas and certificates, and we shall be greatly helped in this work by early payment of the fee and the resulting longer period for preparation. Shirley W. Smith. -The Cashier's Office is closed on Saturday afternoons. Faculty, School of Education: The next faculty meeting will be held at the Union on Monday, Apri 6, at 12 o'eock noon. The following special orders have been authorized: 1. Elective of representative to University Council. 2. Consideration of courses relat- ing to Speech. 3. Consideration of a new course in the teaching of Mathematics. 4. Proposal to cooperate with the Kellogg Foundation in offering cer- tain new courses. Faculty Meeting, College of Litera- ture, Science and Arts: The regular April meeting of this Faculty wlil be held in Room 1925, Angell Hall, Mon- day, April 6, beginning at 4:10 p.m. Agenda: Report of Executive Committee, G. R. LaRue Report of Deans' Conferences, Kraus.. Report of Nominating Committee, Boak, Chairman. Election of two representatives on University Council, to fill out unex- pired term of D. H. Parker and A. S. Aiton, absent on leave. Consideration of Resolutions D and E in the report of the Committee on Degree Programs. Consideration of the Slosson Reso- lution. Fraternity financial reports as of March 31, 1936, will be due in the Office of the Dean of Students not later than Wednesday, April 22. J. A. Bursley, Dean. Freshmen i'n the College of Litera- ture, Science, and the Arts who have not received their five-weeks pro- gress reports may obtain them in Room 102, Mason Hall, from 8 to 12 and 1:30 to 4:30 according to the Science, and the Arts: Except under extraordinary circumstances, courses dropped after Friday, April 10, will be recorded with a grade of E. To Students Having Library Books: 1. Students having in their pos- session books drawn from the Uni- versity Library are notified that such books are due Monday, April 6, be- fore the impending spring vacation, in pursuance of the' Regents' regu- lation: "Students who leave Ann Arbor for an absence of more than a week must first return all borrowed books." 2. Failure to return books before the vacation will render the student liable to an extra fine. 3. Students who have special need for certain books between April 6 and the beginning of the vacation may retain such books by applying at the Charging Desk on April 6. 4. Students who have urgent need for certain books during the vaca- tion, will be given permission to draw these books, provided they are not in general demand, on application at the Charging Desk after April 6. Wm. W. Bishop, Librarian. The University Bureau of Appoint- ments and Occupational Information has received announcement of United States Civil Service Examination for Assistant Director (Historic sites and buildings), National Park Service, Department of the Interior, salary $5,600. For further information concern- ing this examination call at 201 Ma- son Hall, office hours, 9:00 to 12:00 and 2:00 to 4:00. Graduates of the Class of '36: Your Alma Mater desires to keep in touch with you. Please send your future changes of address, as they occur, to the Alumni Catalog Office, Mem- orial Hall, University of Michigan. Lunette Hadley, Director. Contemporary: All those who con- tributed manuscripts for the third is- sue should call for them at the Con- temporary offices in the Student Publications Building as soon as pos- sible. Contemporary: Mansucripts for the fourth issue may be left at the Eng- lish office, 3221 Angell Hall, now. The Last Millionaire: This clever French comedy has complete English sub-titles. The box office for this show will be open from 10 a.m.-6:00 p.m. on Friday and from 10:00 a.m.- 10:30 p.m. on Saturdays. Call 6300 for reservations. Spring Trips for Foreign Students: Three excursions have been planned for foreign students during the spring vacation, one on April 13 to the Ford Factory, one on April 15 to Greenfield Village and the Ford Mu- seum at Dearborn, and one on April 17 to Battle Creek, where the group will visit the Sanitarium and the Kellog Corn Flakes Plant. Students interested in joining these groups should leave their names at once at my office, Room 9, University Hall. J. Raleigh Nelson, Counselor to Foreign Students. Academic Notices Schedule of Preliminary Examina- tions for the Ph.D. in English for Spring, 1935-36. April 25, American Literature. May 2, Nineteenth Century. May 9, Eighteenth Century May 16, Renaissance. May 23, Criticism. May 30, Mediaeval. June 6, Linguistics. Students who intend to take these examinations should register in the English Office, 3221 Angell Hall, be- fore April 6, 1936. History 48: Midsemester, April 7 at 10 a.m. Room G, Haven Hall: Sec. 1, Sec. 2 (Anderson to Goldfluss). Room C, Haven Hall: Sec. 2 (Gray to Whitesell), Sections 3, 4, 5. Library Science Special Lectures: Dr. James I. Wyer, Director of the New York State Library, will deliver a series of lectures to students in Li- brary Science and others interested on Friday and Saturday, April 3 and 4. The lectures will be held in Room 110 of the General Library at 4:10 p.m. on Friday and at 10:00 a.m. on Saturday. Dr. Wyer will give illustrat- ed lectures on the Presidents of the American Library Association as a basis for reviewing the history of librarianship in the United States in the last sixty years. Events Of Today Transportation Club will leave the East Engineering Building for the Ford Plant at 1:20. Will be back by 5:45 p.m. -Fourth Dance Recital: Tonight at 8:30 p.m. Presbyterian Student Party: An in- formal fireside party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Norman W. Kunkel, 1417 South University Avenue will be DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Hulletin is constructive notice to all members of the "iverslty, Copy received at the Otlice of the Assistant to the President untl 3.30; 11:00 a.mi. on Saturday. following schedule: Surnames beginning Monday, April 6. Surnames beginning Tuesday, April 7. . Surnames beginning Wednesday, April 8. A through G, II through 0, P through Z, f Literature, Students, College 4 THE SCREEN AT THE MICHIGAN "LOVE ON A BET" An RKO picture, starring Gene Ray- mond, nd featuring Helen Broderick and W,-ndy VBarie.. If it were not for the presence of Helen Broderick and the few good lines that give her ever-entertaining wit a chance to assert itself, "Love On A Blet" wtould he wastpd money for So the delving and investing and it s producers and a trying hour and Ldding go on in this endlessly in- a half for its audiences - even for tr guing hobby that combines the Gene Raymond fans, because here the ti nill of the chase, the culture of the :matinee appeal of this gentleman dilettante. and the peace of the par- reaches its nadir. ?or game. I MICIIGAN JOURNALIST S1 'EL) The first issue of The Michigan Journalist, laboratory newspaper of the department of journalism, is scheduled to make its appearance on the campus today. The newspaper, prepared by more than a hundred journalism students, was printed in Lansing by the Lansing State Jour- In view pf the immense potential- ities of the plot situation -- that of a young man who bets his wealthy uncle $15,000 to a job he does not want that he can start out in New York penniless in his underwear and arrive in Los Angeles 10 days later with a good suit of clothes, $100 and a girl ready to marry him -one would ex- pect some good entertainment. But the script writers, the director, and the actors have almost made hash ndl. It will appear as a weekly uTil out of it, having devised too few ex-