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April 02, 1936 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1936-04-02

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Installation Of
New Officers
To Be Monday
Principal Speakers To Be
Dean Lloyd, Miss Smith
At LeagueBanquet
Tickets for the annual League in-
stallation Banquet, to be held at 6
p.m. Monday, April 6, in the League
Ballroom, are going rapidly, Maureen
Kavanagh, '36, ticket chairman an-
nounced yesterday.
All the newly-appointed League of-
ficials are to be officially installed at
the banquet. The principal speakers
of the evening will be Dean Alice C.
Lloyd and Shirley W. Smith, vice-
president of the University.
Tickets for the affair, priced at
65 cents, may be obtained from 2:30
to 5:30 p.m. today and tomorrow
in the Undergraduate Office, Miss
Kavanagh stated.
This event marks the only occasion
throughout the year when all of the
sorority and unaffiliated women on
campus meet together. It has been
planned that all sorority women will
be seated at separate tables accord-
ing to their houses.
Presentation of the two recently
created Ethel McCormick Scholar-
ship Awards are to be made and
the activity cup is to be given to
the sorority or independent zone hav-
ing gained the greatest number of
merit points during the year.
Charlotte Rueger '37, newly-elected
president of the League, is to an-
nounce the names of the new members
for the 1937-38 Undergraduate Coun-
cil. It is planned that all the past
presidents of the League will be
present for the occasion.
Mortarboard and Senior Society.
senior honorary organizations, will
hold their annual tapping ceremonies.
This will mark the first time that
Senior Society has held its tapping
at the Installation Banquet.
Other committee members recently
announced, are: Florence Harper,
'36, in charge of table arrangements
and the menu, and Winifred Bell, '36
in charge of patrons and patronesses
All-City Contest
In Badminton
Nears Finish
With only the semi-finals and fi-
nals to be played off in most divi-
sions, the Ann Arbor city badminton
tournament neared its finish today.
A University player scored an up-
set when Mrs. Henry Lewis, last
year's woman's singles champion, was
eliminated early in the tourney by
Louise Paine, '36Ed, in straight sets.
Mrs. Lewis also lost her chance of
retaining the women's doubles crown
when she and her partner, Mrs.
Arthur Boak, were defeated by Miss
Hilda Burr and Margo Goodrich, '37.
A number of University players re-
mained in the running in both the
novice and open tournaments. In
the novice class, Betty Lyon, '39A,
and Louise Lockeman, '37Ed, will
meet at 8 p.m. today to decide the
championship of the women's
singles division, while Howard Chan-
ter, will be one of the finalists in the
men's singles.
Eustace Fox, Grad., Harry Kasa-
bach, '37M, Capt. Richard Coursey,
and Chris Mack are the survivors in
the men's singles, championship di-
vision. The two teams that will con-
tend, for the title in the women's
doubles are each composed of a
faculty member and a student, Mar-
go Goodrich and Miss Burr meeting
Louise Paine and Miss Hartwig.

The Alpha Epsilon Phi sorority an-
nounces the election of the following
offlicers: Gertrude Zemon, '37, dean;
Louise Ogens, '37, sub dean; Evelyn
Bluestein, '37, rushing chairman;
Charlotte Kahn, '37, scribe; Florence
Freeman, '38, treasurer; Myrtle Liff-
land, '39. sub treasurer; and Frances
Levison, '37, social chairman.
Gamma Phi Beta entertained at a
faculty dinner last night. The guests
were Professor and Mrs. W. G. Rice,
Dr. and Mrs. A. E. Wood, Dr. Emeth
Schutz, Miss Jeanette Perry, and
Mrs. Byrl F. Bacher.

Spring Ensembles Show Mannish Trend

W.A.A. Board

Faculty - A lumni

I . I


Changes Plans I IHid Final Dane
Of Conference InUnion Ballroom
Many attractive and unusual
dresses were noticed at the Faculty-
tllrua y IS Set As Daite;Alumni dance last night, which took
Dr. Bell, New President place in the ballroom of the Union.
To Be Speakers This was the last of the series of
six dances which have been given each
qn announcement of a change in month throughout the winter season.
Mrs. Law'rence C. Stuart was in
plans of the W.A.A. training con- charge of all arrangements for the
ence was made yesterday at a affair, and a large number of faculty
A.A. board meeting by Jane Quirk, I and alumni attended.
chairman. The conference will Several dinner parties were given
held at the W.A.A. building from preceding the dance, and the hostesses
o p.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday and will and their guests later went to the
followed by a high tea. Miss Quirk Union. Among those who entertained
ealed. were Mr. and Mrs. Preston James, who
the conference was formerly slated had a small party at their home. Their
be held at White Lodge Country guests were Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Lb over Saturday and Sunday and Davis and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cop-
uld have been in the form of a
use party, but due to the activities also gave a dinner before the dance.
One of the larger parties was that
ng on this week-end, it was mmn- given by Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wagner.
;sible for all members to attend, who entertained Mr. and Mrs. W. B.
ss Quirk explained. Marshall, Mr. and Mrs. N. S. Bement,
Dr. Bell will open the program Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Price, Mr. and
h a talk of the qualities of leader- I Mrs. Willard Olsen and Mr. and Mrs.
p and will be followed by Brenda George Ehlers.
rkinson, '36, present W.A.A. presi- Among those on the dance floor we

Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Young of
Oak Park, Ill., announce the mar-
riage of their daughter, Eleanor, '36-
Lit., and John Schmieler, '36L, son
of Mrs. Peter J. Schmieler and the;
late Mr. Schmieler of Pittsburgh,
Mrs. Schmieler was a member of
Delta Delta Delta sorority and junior
editor of the Ensian. She also was
active on League and class commit-
tees. Schmieler held the Big Ten
swimming record in the 220 for five

Nu Sigma Nu, medical fraternity,
held initiation recently for the fol-
)owing men: Richard C. Armstrong,
'39M, Reed Dingham, '36M, James A.
Ferguson, '39M, .Marquis A. Kirk,
'39M, William D. Knapp, '36M, John
C. Lillie, '39M, W. Kage Locklin, '39M,
Herbert L. Nigg, '39M, William F.
Northrup, '38M, Cary S. Peabody,
'39M, James B. Thompson, '39M, Wil-
liam J. Warner, '39M, John W. War-
ren, '39M, Robert R. Wessels, '39M.

1 I 1

Gay Spring
With Flowers
Flowers in Spring array
will adorn your hat ...
and how colorfu 1 and
gay they are
And appropriate for
the tailored suit or coat !
All colors and head sizes.

At the DILLON SHOP 605 East Williams, Off State

cent, wno will speak ontne past year
of W.A.A., its activities and progress.
Dorothy Shappel, '36, present
W.A.A. treasurer, will present an in-
formal criticism of W.A.A. and will;
speak on the condition of the W.A.A.,
treasury. The subject of Miss Marie
Hartwig's talk, immediately after-
wards, will be "The Responsibility of
a W.A.A. board ,member." Miss
Hartwig is the acting faculty adviser
of the board.
A group discussion on the points
and awards of the organization will;
be led by Miss Parkinson and Adele
Gardner, '37, present point recorder. I
Both the point and award systems
have had innovations this year and
these will be fully explained to the
Installation of officers will follow
and the conference will close with a
talk by Date Landrum, '37, the new
president of W.A.A.

noticed Mrs. C. L. Clark, who appeared
in a flowered chiffon, with blue as the
predominating color in the dress. Mrs.
Floyd Firestone looked charming in
a gown of white crepe made on Gre-
cian lines and trimmed with rhine-
stones. Mrs. W. R. Drury seemed to
be enjoying herself chatting with a
number of friends and added a spring-
like touch with her dress of red flow-
ered net. A great many other spring
formals were also noticed on the
dance floor, despite the stormy wea-
ther. All in all this seemed to be
one of the most popular dances of
the series.
HAILER'S Jewelry
State at Liberty


-Associated Press Photo.
This shows one of the typical new spring ensembles, including a
cleverly designed watch fob to be worn with the new suits which are
tailored to look as mannish as possible. One of the new hats which have
become so popular for wear this season is also shown. It dips charac-
teristical y in front and sports a bright quill at the side.
Photoerahy And DancingrcPlay
Pa rt In Career Of-r Instructor

Miss Bloomer, Director Of
Ruddigore,' To Present
Dance RecitalFriday
Photography as well as dancing
plays a large part in the career of
Miss Ruth Bloomer, Dance Instruc-
tor in the Physical Education De-
oartment for Women. The dance
t ecital tomorrow night and the danc-
ing in Ruddigore are Miss Bloomer's
most oustanding accomplishments
of this year, her first at the University
of Michigan.
Miss Bloomer was graduated from
New York University, where she re-
,eived her B.S. degree in Physical
Education and studied modern dance
under Martha Hill, an instructor al-
so at Bennington College, Vermont,!
and director of the BenningtonI
School of Dance.
Teaches In WestI
Before coming to Michigan, the
new dance instructor taught three
years at the University of Oregon,
where she started the first West'
Coast Dance Symposium. It was
organized as a tentative "five-year
plan" in which representatives from
Universities in California, Washing-
ton, Oregon and other western states
meet once every year to study the
latest developments in dance.
Miss Bloomer's summers for the
past two years have been spent at
the Bennington School of Dance in
Bennington,tVermont. Two years
ago she acted as general assistant
and last summer served on the staff
as official photographer. Since pho-
tography is her hobby, she has col-
lected all the necessary instruments
which have enabled her to make
dance studies in slow motion as well
as color. ,
The slow motion pictures are

mainly analytical studies of various
dance techniques. Among her color
collections are some photographs of
Doris Humphrey and Charles Weid-
man, famous dance artists, in their
"New Dance," which had its premiere
in Bennington last summer. She al-
so has many pictures of Martha Gra-
ham, a leading American dancer,
choreographer, and teacher of mod-
ern dance.
Popular Dance Number
One of her dance numbers, "Quick
Henry, The Flit," which is being pre-
sented here tomorrow night, has al-
ready found public recognition. Af-
ter a recital at the University of
Oregon she was interviewed by an
advertising representative from a
western oil company who asked per-
mission to put her dance in motion
Miss Bloomer holds an office in
the American Physical Education As-
sociation as the Moving Picture
Chairman of the National Dance
Section. In this capacity she makes
a study of motion pictures and keeps
a record of all the available pictures
on the subject of dance. Last year
;he acted on the advisory board of
the National Dance Section.
Her contribution to the American
Physical Association this year was at
the convention of the Mid-West sec-
tion in Grand Rapids, where she
gave a paper on men in modern
dance, illustrated with some dance
techniques by the men in the Play
Production classes.
Miss Bloomer has had entire
charge of the dancing in tomorrow's
recital. She has instructed all the
dance groups, including the Play
Froduction men and women, the
Dance Club, the Freshman and Jun-
ior Major classes and the Advanced
Dance Class.

Women ! Misses
We must make room for our icW stock
fTwo Groups -
Knits Prints - Crepes Knits - Prints - Crepes
Sues to 44
Evening and dinner dresses are
Close-out also included in this group-
Values to $19.75 Values to $29.75.
"Che Elizabeth "Dillon

SQ ilors have taken the town by
storm. .. the rougher the smarter.
Sailors with small brims . .. large
flattering ones .,.
$ 950



for the New

i ty

Easter.. .
This Year Means the Correct
Hat for Every Costume

,c '



J VV 114 rLi

Bretons! . . . for their in-
triguing sugar loaf crowns
. . . and for their great
adaptability to your ward-
3.95 up
"The Gibson Girl" . . a
dash of the charming
"nineties" . . . a dash of
the very latest! Smartest
with your new suit- In
felt and straw.
2.95 up
A Flower and a Veil...on
a saucy straw! Enchant-
ing prelude to the ro-
mance of Spring . . . For
your dressier dresses.
3.95 up


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In a season of so many
types in fashion, you can't
be too careful about select-
ing your Easter Bonnet !?'

Special for Thursday Only
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Pnl tic $7 -0A - Fae A nnpw $1 n







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