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April 02, 1936 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1936-04-02

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Hold Se4
Correct Form
In All Events
To Be Shown
Entire Michigan Squad To
Stage Meet For Benefit
Of VisitingTrackmnen
Intermittent snow flurries and con-
tinued cold kept the Michigan track
team within the Field House for the
second consecutive day yesterday, but
Coach Chuck Hoyt took advantage
of the bad weather to get ready for
the second annual Track and Field
Clinic to be held here Saturday.
The clinic, attended by high school
trackmen and coaches throughout
the state, will commence at 10:30
a.m. with a motion picture display in
Natural Science Auditorium conduct-
ed by David L. Holmes, track coach
of Wayne University. The movies
will show events of the Olympic
games, held at Los Angeles in 1932,
and also action shots of- the great
college track stars of today. Holmes
will accompany the pictures with
comments on the various events and
the varieties of form shown.
Coaches Demonstrate Events"
The actual athletic clinic will get
underway :at 1:30 p.m. with high
school and college coaches demon-
strating particular events. Sprint
anddistance relays, high jump, broad
jump, hurdles, pole vault and shot
put will be analyzed and the various
styles of each explained.
The entire Michigan squad will put
on an" exhibition meet at 2:30 p.m.
in the Field House, demonstrating
to the visiting coaches and athletes
just why the Wolverines have per-
ennially great track teams. Coach
Hoyt will summarize the discussion
during the exhibition meet and com-
ment on the individual events.
Stoller Shows Speed
Moreau Hunt, Sam Stoller, Harvey
Patton, Jack Uhl, and Bill Watson
spent a good part of the afternoon
at the end of the indoor track yes-
terday practicing starts out of the
blocks. Stoller gave the others a
handicap of about two yards and
displayed the speed which he is able
to get with his unorthodox start by
passing the field within 20 yards.
San White was putting the shot
along with Johnny Townsend and
Bill Watson and although his 163
pounds do, not give him the same
power as the larger boys, he was do-
ing almost 43 feet. Hoyt expects
White to do a good deal better when
his fingers become strong enough to
get some snap into his puts saying
that White's form is almost perfect
Greene Wins
A.A.U. Diving
CHICAGO, April 1. - (/P) - Al
Greene, veteran Lake Shore A. C.
diver, gave a brilliant exhibition in
the optionals to win the low board
title, his first major championship.
Greene piled up a total of 156.69
points, giving him a wide margin
over Marshal Wayne of Miami, Fla.,
who was second with 144.65. Dick
Degener, Detroit A. C., was third
with 141.98, and Jimmy Patterson,
Ohio State's Big Ten champion,
had 136.85 for fourth.

Dynamic Jack Medica of the Uni-
versity of Washington and the Wash-
ington A.C., of Seattle, Wash., con-
quered his great Miami, Fla., rival,
Ralph Flanagan, in the 1,500 meters
free style in 19 minutes, 6.8 seconds.
Claudia Eckert, tall Chicago all-
around girl athlete, boiled through
the water in 1 minute, 2.5 secondE
to win the National Senior Women's
A.A.U. indoor 100-yard free style
championship by the narrowest 01
margins over Mary Lou Petty of the
Washington A.C., Seattle, Wash.
Katherine Rawls, the Miami, Fla.,
Swimming Club's great all-around
swimming star, cut her own Ameri-
can mark for the 300-yard individua:
medley from 4 minutes 8.1 seconds,
to 4:06.3.






ion To Feature
Coaches' Meeting





Phi Kappa Psi
Tracksters Win'

Jump Eliminat



;_-, I


FOLLOWING lively comment con- sidesha throw of 48 feet, 11ainches
cerningth relative track strength in the shot, Watson's marks of 23


of the classes of 1937 and 1939, Ken
Doherty has gone to the little brown
notebook which holds so many of
Michigan's coaching secrets to bring
out comparative times and distances
for a dual meet between the two
classes, based on the best records of
the two classes made in freshmen
On the basis of these records,
the Class of 1937, led by Stan
Birleson, Sam Stoller, Bob Os-
good, Clayt Brelsford, Howard
Davidson and Walter Stone gets
a 562 to 47V.2 decision over the
present freshmen, led by Bill
Watson, Alan Smith and Roy
Although the score is close, the
present juniors can point out
that there is little chance for the
1939 trackmen to equal their rec-
ord of nine point-winners in
their first Conference meet. The
present freshmen may offer three
point-winners in their Confer-
ence meet, but little more.
As might be expected from the
showing of the present Varsity, it1
is in the field events that the fresh-
men clean up, but it is not for the
sole reason that the juniors were
lacking in strength. For Bill Wat-
son, the Saginaw foundry worker,
was the winner in three of the four
field events with distances which
would have guaranteed points in a
Conference meet, his shot put mark
being enough to win that event. Be-
Frosh Boxers
Finish Season
In Fast Show

feet, 11% inches in the broad jump
and 5 feet, 11% inches in the high
jump were winners.
Both teams were credited with
a slam, the freshmen in the
broad jump with Alan Smith and
Clark behind Watson, and the
juniors in the mile, which Harry
O'Connell, point winner in his
first Conference meet, won with
a best time of 4:33.9, followed by
Walter Stone and Sanford Ladd.
In the track events the juniors
were most closely pressed in the
half-mile and hurdles events. In the
half Harold Davidson was a second
slower than Clayt Brelsford's 1:59.8,
but at that was more than two sec-
onds better than brother Howdie,
who ran second last winter in his
first Conference meet and who has
since been a mainstay of the team.
In the hurdles Bob Osgood, 1935
Conference champion indoors, was
slightly better than Stewart, a first-
semester freshmen who- ran :08.6
in the 65-yard highs and :07.7 in the
Roy Heath and Alan Smith of
the present first-year class, de-
spite their promise, could get no
better than third in the quarter-
mile as they ran :51.8, slower
than Fred Stiles' :51.6 and Stan
Birleson's freshman standard of
In the dash Heath and Smith
also were forced down by Sam
Stoller's best time of :06.3 and
Fred Stile's :06.5, which both the
present yearlings equalled.
The relay points went to the pres-
ent freshmen on the basis of their
freshman record of 3:29.1 by Faulk-
ner, Davidson, Rosenberg, and Heath,
but the class of 1937 would protest
that decision with a team which
could have been composed of Cap-
tain Frank Aikens, Fred Stiles, Bob
Osgood and Stan Birleson.
Paper records don't mean a thing,
and the relative strength of the two
classes remains a moot point, but
every Michigan track follower is look-
ing forward to the combining of the
strength of the two squads on the
1937 Varsity.


F raterni t i Titile By RAYMOND A. GOODMAN ification regulation. One group would
With suggestions ranging all the like to put players out of the game
with five fouls, others think that
New Records Established way from eliminating the center-jump three personals in one half should
In Pole Vault And High to disqualifying a man for three per- disqualify a man, while still another
sonals in one half in their minds, cage section favors the elimination of com-
Hurdle Events mentors from all sections of the plete disqualification altogether and
United States will convene in the first the adoption of hockey's penalty box.
In the annual Interfraternity and Chances are that the most attention
Independent indoor track meet held session of the National Basketball will be paid to a suggestion which
last night in the Field House, Phi Coaches Association's three-day con- would have major and minor fouls
Kappa Psi nosed out the Alpha Delts vention today in New York City. and disqualification accordingly.
for the fraternity title by the nar- Franklin C. Cappon, Michigan coach, Pivot Play Discussed
rowest of margins, when the final left late yesterday for New York. s
event of the program placed the Changes in the center-jump will Reversion back to the old pivot rule,
count at 17-16. probably be the most important ques- which allows the pivot man to stay
Two record breaking performances tion discussed by the coaches in their in the foul lane as long as he likes
we tured inrdring therorne omeeting, which will draw up sugges- but permits him to hold the ball
were turned in during the course of in ob osdrdb h ue
tions to be considered by the rules}
the evening. The first was a new committee that meets later in the only three seconds, is certain to come
Interfraternity pole vault mark of 12 .in for a great amount of discussion.
feet, set up by Jim Kingsley of Psi Sprmg. Coaches Want Speed Many coaches are doubtful whether
Upsilon. The other was a new rec-
rd of 8.6 seconds in the high hurdles, The first move toward eliminating the present regulation has done any-
made by Gedeon of Phi Gamma Del- the center-jump and thus speeding thing to eliminate the pivot play,
a up the game was made last year when and think it has only deadened the
a.PacesPthe jump after a successful foul gpot game. Opponents feel that the foul
T ch warzeinn Phi Psi's was dropped from the books. It was lane should be widened to do away
The winning Phi Psi's were paced largely because of the clamor inade with the present double pivot that
by the fine performance of Fred by the far western and southwestern grew out of the present three sec-
Schwarze, taking firsts in the 60-yard coaches that this change was made ond rule.
dash and the broad jump. Ladd and and now this same group wants to Other changes to be discussed at
Hook were the leading point gainers go all the way. the meeting will be the moving of the
for the second place Alpha Delts. Counter suggestions have been of- !backstop from two feet to four feet
Al Christman of Acacia won the high fered, however, the mcst significant into the court, new fumble rules,
jump at 5 feet, 4 inches. Good, also j of which proposes that the center- lengthening of the time of the halves,
of Acacia, won the 880 in 2:08.3. ( jump be rotated in the same manner and the interpretation of "blocking"
In the final and deciding event of as the batting lineup in baseball. and "screening."
the evening, the 440-yard run, Den- Chances are that both of these will -- - -- --
nis of Triangles outdistanced the be tabled for meetings in future years
field to win in 56.4 seconds. Rockwell, to decide.
Phi Delta Phi, won the shot put with Another interesting set of proposals
a toss of 39 feet, 4 inches, placing -enters around the dissatisfaction of
ahead of Pillinger of Chi Psi. In many with the present foul disqual-
the mile, the winner was Stannard of
the Alpha Delts, running his eight
laps in 5:04.
Final Standings sie N nol

The final standing was as follows,
Phi Psi's, 17; Alpha Delts, 16; Chi
Psi's; 11; Phi Gamma Delta, 10.5;
and Triangles and Acacia tied for
fifth place with 10 points each.

Plate Practie

Plenty Of ActionJ
Nine Bouts On
Three Yearling

Last Of


Featuring plenty of action but no
knockouts. the third All-Freshman

L\LLVI+AV UV.7~, VI, u1A a
boxing show, held yesterday after-
noon at Waterman Gymnasium,
brings to a close the current boxing
season for freshman pugilists. The
program arranged by boxing instruc-
tor Verne Larson consisted of 'eight
freshman matches and one exhibi-
tion bout.
Opening the show, Maurice Simmon
won a close decision over Richard
Waldenmeyer in the bantamweight
division. In the other fight in this
division, which was the feature of
the afternoon, Mike Bowler, Filipino
and All-Campus bantamweight cham-
pion, defeated Ellman Service in a
fine boxing exhibition.
Ostich Bests Leopold
The two fastest matches on the
program saw Nathan Ostich, charging
middleweight bomber, batter a game
rival, Ben Leopold, into submission to
gain an easy decision; and Harold
Friedman, present middleweight
champion, outpoint the hard-fighting
Bob Trowell with a barrage of timely
punches. Friedman and Ostich gave
the best exhibition of offensive fight-
ing of any of the entrants in the
In the only lightweight battle listed,
the burly Dexter Rosen staved off a!
number of wild punches from his op-
ponent, Van Wolfe, and managed to!
land enough effective ones of his own
to give him the decision.
Welters In Slow Bout
In the welterweight division, both
fighters employing cautious tactics
got off to a slow start, but the de-
cision was given to the more ex-
perienced Hugh McCormick over Dick
Sharlarsky. The featherweight cham-!
pion, Joe Forcier, again succeeded in
winning over his rival, Leon Wolfe,
by one of the closest decisions ren-
dered during the show.
The only heavyweight fight sched-
uled on the program gave Don Siegal,
two hundred pound freshman tackle,
the decision over Jack Peters, another
contender in previous freshman

Sports of the Day
(By the Associated Press)
AUGUSTA, Ga. - Lawson Little,
present British and American ama-
teur champion, stated that he was
going to join the ranks of the pro-
fessional golf players. It is under-
stood that Little will sign contracts
involving a return of at least $10,000
to him, for the first year, apart
from whatever he may make in open
COLUMBUS, Ga. -Branch Rickey,I
general manager of the St. Louis
Cardinals, was hurt in a motor car
accident near here and, after an ex-
amination, physicians said that his
condition was "fairly serious but not
Rickey suffered lacerations of the
forehead, eyelids and nose, but physi-
cians said that they found no bone
fractures and that apparently the
veteran baseball man suffered no in-
ternal hurts.
LAKELAND, Fla.-Paced by Hank
Greenberg, who got two singles, a
double, and his first home run of
the season, the Detroit Tigers beat
the St. Louis Browns 16 to 11. An
entire team of reserves, with the ex-
ception of Greenberg, finished the
game after the Tigers had scored 12
runs in the first five innings.
Table tennis is reputed to have
started in 1880 but did not enjoy wide-
spread popularity until about 1920.
Our Stock is
Complete with All
the Newest SPRING

In the Independent division, only
one new record was established. Don- Mds d
kerof .D.s ws te wnne ofthe Michigan's Varsity diamond squad
ker ovault, settas thp wner of t suspended outdoor drill yesterday be-
of 11 feet, 4 inches. The final stand- cause of inclement weather, but Coach
Fisher did not forego putting the men
ings in this division, were A.A.'s, 28 through a stiff hitting workout in
Wolves, 20; J.O.E.'"s,* 17; D.D.'s, 13: the Field House.
Forestry, 11; Upper Pen and Orgyler, A week from tomorrow the Wol-
verines, 16-men strong, will open their
annual southern trek during spring
Football Te m Has vacation. The club has registered
steady improvement in the few days
Si D lI of outdoor play and unless yesterday's,
IndoorSignalDi.r cold and snow continue for several
days, more improvement should be
Inclement weather forced Coaches shown during the next week.
Cappon, Weber, and Courtright to Fisher has stated that of the 16
confine yesterday's football practice men he takes south, five or six will
to a lengthy blackboard drill in Yost be pitchers. Work in practice games
Field House. The grid squad went during the next few days will be the
outside for but fifteen minutes to run deciding factor on who is taken on
through signals and limber up. the trip that lists 10 games in 12 days.
The coaching staff took advantage The last two of those will be the
of the enforced indoor session to in- dfirst two games of the Conference
troduce additional plays which the schedule for the Wolverines, and will
squad needs before a real scrimmage be at Ohio State, April 21 and 22.
can be held. It is this scarcity of plays I Judging from the makeup of the
that has been preventing any serious first string-club that has won all four
scrimmage practices. in the intra-club games played so
Cappon said that a scrimmage of far, Joe Lerner will be at first base
some sort will be held Saturday after- when the season opens. Don Brewer
noon. It is not probable that a reg- aseems a pretty sure bet for second
ulation game of the type that was base and Steve Uricek appears to be
held every week-end last spring will slated for the short stop post. Carl
be held for some time yet. Ferner will be at the hot corner. In
___h___fr__m______yet I the outfield Merle Kremer has played
well in left, George Rudness is in the
HOCKEY PLAYOFFS center spot and Vic Heyliger has the

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