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April 02, 1936 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1936-04-02

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The Weather
Mostly cloudy today and to-
morrow, with snow today, con-
tinued cold.


Mi ian


A omplishments Of
T . Naval Ccnferenpe .. .



Hitler Pact
Is Rejected
By French
Insistence On Immediate
Reunion Of Four Powers
Is Expected
England Virtually
Accepts Proposal
Nazi March In Rhineland
Not Mentioned In New
Program Of Dictator
PARIS, April 1 - (P) - Official
French circles declared tonight Adolf
Hitler's proposals for establishment
of a new European security pact are
The government is expected to in-
sist upon immediate reunion of the
four remaining Locarno powers to-
gether with an exchange of mutual
assistace agreements as provided in
the Locarno proposals drawn up at
Official circles and the French
press clung to their original thesis
that Germany must first be punished
for "her flagrant" violation of the
Locarno treaty.
British Approve Hitler's Proposals
LONDON, April 1.-(P)-A virtual
British acceptance of many of
Reichsfuehrer Hitler's counter-pro-
posals for safe-guarding the peace of
western Europe was indicated in au-
thoritative quarters tonight after a
day-long cabinet discussion.
Acting .with speed, the British let
it be known they regard the pro-
posals as conciliatory, valuable and
worthy of negotiatior despite, the
fact that Hitler has shown no peni-
tence for his march into the Rhine-
land nor has contributed much to
calm fears resulting from that action.
Among the chief features of Hit-
- 'l are:
Negotiations for a "new Locarno"
would be carried on for a period of
four months.
Germany, France and Belgium
would consent to have their frontiers
controlled by an international com-
mission composed of a representa-
tive of Great Britain, Italy and a
neutral power.
Countries Guarantee Strength
Each of the three countries would
guarantee not to increase its military
farces along the border and would
refrain from casting aspersions on
each other in publications and in
Negotiations for a 25-year non-
aggression pact, under Britain's lead-
ership, would begin after the French
Germany and Fran'ce would agree
to do everything possible in the edu-
cation of youth to avoid anything
"that might poison the attitude of
the two peoples to one another."
The treaty would be ratified by
the French, Belgian and German
peoples in plebiscites.
Immediately after the treaty is
ratified Germany would rejoin the
League of Nations.
Denounces New
'V.F.W,' Group

WASHINGTON, April 1. - (/P) -
The "Veterans of Future Wars," or-
ganized by Princeton University stu-
dents, was denounced in the House
today by Representative Fuller (Dem.,
Ark.), "as saturated with Commu-
nism, foreign influence and a total
disregard of American patriotism."
The college girls' auxilliary "asso-
ciation of Gold Star Mothers of Vet-
erans of Future Wars," (now renamed
because of objections by Gold Star
Mothers), was also characterized by
Fuller as "an assault on sacred moth-
erhood," influenced by Communists.
Fuller's attack on the organization
which has spread among colleges all
over the country, coincided with the
appearance at the capitol of Thomas
Riggs, Jr., young Princetonian and
one of the founders of the "Future
Veterans," as an announced lobbyist.
Sugar Excise Tax
Proposed By Bloc

Two Are Killed In
Crash Of Airliner'
PAVILION, N. Y., April 1.--()-A
veteran aviator and an airlines of-
ficial lost their lives tonight when
the airplane they were flying from
Newark, N.J., to Buffalo crashed in
flames ,on a farm near this village.
The victims were Sanford L. Un-
derwood, of Buffalo, the pilot ,and
and William H. Garrett, of Newark,
assistant flight superintendent for
American Airlines, Inc. There were
no passengers aboard the plane.
In flames when it passed over Pa-
vilion, the tri-motored eight-seater
Stinson fell on the farm of Ralph
Shepard, two miles east of here. The
main portion of the wreckag burned
quickly but the men had been thrown
John Chesterfield, a farmhand, was
first to reach the scene. He said
Garrett was unconscious but alive
and continued to breathe a few min-
utes. He had been tossed nearly 100
feet from the wreck. Underwood1
was found only a few feet from the
plane, decapitated and slightly1
Nominated For
Parley Leader
Committee Will Consider
Choice Of Delegates;
Submit Many Topics
Mennan Williams, '36L, was nomi-
nated for student chairman of the;
Spring Parley to be held on April 24,
25 and 26, at a meeting of delegates
from various campus organizations
held last night in the Grand Rapids
Room of the League.
Williams' name will be considered
by the executive committee when it
chooses the chairman for the parley.
"Our Tomorrow --What Shall We
Make It" was the-.topic submitted to
the meeting by the continuation com-
mittee appointed at last year's par-
ley. Discussion of this suggestion as
the main topic for the Spring Parley
followed, and resulted in other topics
being submitted, among them "Fron-
tiers," "Building a New World," and
"Utopia." No final action was taken
on the choice of the topic, however,
such action being deferred until the
next meeting of the representatives
of campus organizations to be held at
7:30 p.m. Wednesday, April 8, in the
Grand Rapids Room of the League.
As sub-topics, Irving Levitt, '36,
chairman of the continuation commit-
tee, reported the choices of that com-
mittee to be "Government and Eco-
nomics," "Family and Sex," "Peace,"
"Education," and "Religion." During
this discussion, several other topics
were submitted from the floor, all of
which were more or less related to the
topics submitted by the continuation
Five Societies
Hear Address
By Industrialist
Opens Talk Summarizing
Growth Of Cooperative
Associations In Industry
In an address entitled "Mechan-
ization in Industry" presented before
a combined meeting of five college
engineering societies held in the
Union. Herman H. Lind, general

manager of the National Tool Build-
er's Association of Cleveland, warned
that "youth must adjust itself to
the machine age."
The societies under whose sponsor-
ship Mr. Lind spoke were the Amer-
ican Society of Mechanical Engineers,
The American Institute of Chemical
Engineers, the American Society of
Civil Engineers, the Aero branch of
the A.S.M.E. and the American In-
stitute of Electrical Engineers.
Mr. Lind introduced his speech with
a summary of the evolution of the
modern cooperative associations which
have been created in many of the
larger industries, stressing as the rea-
son for their formation the necessity
of a general code of ethics of the
companies in a specific industry, the
need for a one-price system, and the
necessity for collective solution of
problems common to all members of
a given industry.
The fundamental cause for mech-
anization of American industry, Lind
stated, was the unique "Yankee in-
genuity" which arose as a result of
untamed natural resources, the con-

Letter Reveals'
Townsend Saw
'Millions In It'
Early Vision Of Doctor
Is Recalled In Statement
Sent To Clements
Term Organization
Political Machime
Ex-Secretary Denies Fund,
For Old-Age Pensions
Was Spent For Lobbying
WASHINGTON, April 1.- (AP)-An
early vision by Dr. F. E. Townsend
that with proper organization of his
old age pension plan "there might
be millions in it" today was recalled
before a special House investigating
A statement to this effect, con-
tained in a letter from the Long<
Eeach, Calif., doctor to Robert E.
Clements, a co-founder, was read to"
the committee by James R. Sullivan,
special counsel, and recorded along1
with other developments, which in-
A committee assertion - promptly
denied - that the Townsend organi-
zation was a lobbying and political{

Student Senate
To Talk Over
War Problem
Four Speakers Scheduled
To Speak On Pacifism,
League Of Nations
Dawson To Talk On
League Of Nations
John C. McCarthy, Union
Secretary, Will Conduct
Second Session
The student answer to the problem
of how to keep the United States
out of war will be given at the sec-
ond session of the Student Senate
at 7:45 p.m. today in the Union Ball-
Four speakers -- three professors
and a graduate student - will briefly
sum up the facts regarding advocacy
of neutrality, joining the League of
Nations, more complete armamentsI
and pacifism. Following this, the
question, "What Proposals Can thel
Student Back to Keep the Country
Out of War?" will be thrown on the

Hauptmann Guilty In Opinion
Rendered By Professor Shartel

Death Date

Professor Kynoch
Evidence Sound;
Of Case Is Given




h . floor for discussion by those students
'n present. The Senate, a medium for
Assets To Incorporators student opinion, meets fortnightly
A disclosure that the assets of Old and is open to all students in the Uni-
Age Revolving Pensions, Ltd., the versity.
Townsend Corporation, belonged to Upholding neutrality, Prof. Charles
the three incorporators, and that they F. Remer of the economics depart-
considered it "a trust." ment will speak; upholding American
Testimony that E. J. Margett, San membership in the League, Prof. John
Francisco area manager for the P. Dawson of the Law School; advo-
Townsend organization, who had been I cating fuller armaments, Professor-
listed previously as receiving between emeritus William H. Hobbs; and ad-
$1,800 and $2,100 a month, at one time vocating pacifism, Adrian Jaffe, '36.
had three. indictments returned These speakers will address the Sen-
against him in the state of Wash- ate for seven minutes each. Presiding
ington, two charging grand larceny will be John C. McCarthy, '36, record-
and the third alleging that he "ac- ing secretary of the Union.
cepted the earnings of a common McCarthy also served as chairman
prostitute." two weeks ago when the Senate de-
Clements, recently resigned as bated the choice of a political party
Townsend Plan secretary, occupied for the 1936 campaign. At that time,
the witness stand throughout a long advocates of the New Deal and for-
day of testimony, time after time mation of a Farmer-Labor party car-
denying statements, or intimations, ried the day, there being a dearth of
from the committee side of the room, Republicans, Socialists and "stand-
and at one point persistently parry- pat" Communists.


ing assertions by Representatives The student senate grew out of an
Hoffman (Rep., Mich.), and Ditter idea advanced by professors in social{
(Rep., Pa.), that old age pension science units of the University. A
funds were spent in lobbying activi- council of six of the students, chosen
ties. in a rotating manner from the en-
Lobbying Fund Maintained tire group, decides each two weeks
Clements conceded that a "con- on a topic and speakers. Suggestions
gressional action" fund was main- asked from the floor each session will
tained; that about 50 dinners had be put into effect whenever possible,
been given attended by congressmen Edward Stone, '36, president of the
and that various regional area man- council, said.
agers paid $5 a week were in Wash-
ington at different times to "explain"
the Townsend Plan to their congress- Tracy Lectures
The witness at about the same time Befor M ' "1 f
con firmed that three men; Dr. Town- D 1 r ei g
send, his brother, Walter L. Townsend, Of
and Clements had sole control of the OfLaw Officers
Old Age Revolving Pensions funds,
Clements conceded under Sullivan's
questioning that Old Age Revolving Tells Members Of Institute
Pensions, Ltd., was incorporated
under a unique California law by Many Confessions Come
which the incorporators could dis- From Unbalanced Minds
solve at any time and divide the as-'
sets Confessions by persons of unbal-
anced mental character, such as
Prof. Carna Is those of Paul Wendel, Trenton law-
yer, in the Lindbergh kidnaping case,
are not to be considered reliable and
Lecturer Today in the long run will usually be repu-
diated, Prof. John E. Tracy of the
PLaw .School said yesterday in con-
nection with his talk to members of
the Law Enforcement Institute on
"Philosophy and Logical Analysis "Obtaining Evidence in a Way to
will be the subject of Prof. Rudolf Make it Usable."
Carnap's University lecture at 4:15 A confession, he continued, is not
p.m. today in the Natural Science enough, although naturally valuable,
Auditorium. to carry a case through to a success-
Professor Carnap is a member of ful conclusion in court. The com-
the faculty of the University of Pra- mission of a crime, and a corpus
gae, and is this year a visiting pro- delicti in murder cases, must also be
lessor at the University of Chicago. established, and the two facts must
Ile is a leading member of the philo- be linked together by evidence.
sophical movement known as the Inspector John Navarre of the De-
Vic~nna Circle, which has attempted troit Police homicide squad told the
to apply the method and perspective members of how a faint mark on a
of science to philosophy, railroad time table and a telephone
This movement originally ex- number scrawled on a piece of pa-
pressed the fusion of the Ernst Mach per, discarded by the police officers
tradition in Vienna with the newer who first examined them, were re-
development of mathematical logic, covered from a wastepaper basket
associated in England with the names and proved to be the clues which led
of Russell and Whitehead. The label to the ultimate solution of the John
first adopted for the resultant posi- Dickinson murder in Detroit last
tion was "logical positivism." simmer
Professor Carnap is the author of
several books and articles, among Lieut. C. J. Scavarda of the State
them being his "Unity of Science" Police urged state-wide application
and his "Syntax of Sneech." , In 1of Detroit's system of thorough ex-

Did Bruno Richard Hauptmann
really kidnap and murder the baby
son of Col. Charles A. Lindbergh?
The answer to that question, asked
by millions of persons who expected
the execution of the Bronx carpenter
Tuesday night, is "yes," according
to Prof. Burke Shartel of the Law
Summing up the most damning ev-
idence against Hauptmann and at
the same time considering the de-
fense, Professor Shartel concluded
"that if any man was ever convicted
on sufficient evidence, Hauptmann
was." Over and against the evidence
and expert testimony advanced by
the prosecution, Professor Shartel
pointed out, Hauptmann's defense
"offered little or nothing of sub-
stance. It seems almost inconceiv-
able that all this evidence could lead
to an erroneous conclusion, or that
the persons who gave it could have
been involved in a frameup.
Hauptmann was convicted by the
Flemington, N. J. jury, Professor
Shartel believes, chiefly on these
(1) The proof given by Arthur
Koehler, who was graduated from
the University School of Forestry &
Conservation in 1911, that the ladder
used to take the Lindbergh baby from
the second floor of his home was
Japanese Army
Is Driven Back
By Mongolians
Serious Crisis Is Seen As
Moscow Remains Silent
On NipponInvasion
MOSCOW, April 2. - (Thursday)
- OP) - Soviet dispatches from Ulan
Bator early today said Mongolians
had reoccupied all territory invaded
by Japanese-Manchukuoan troops,
pushing the invaders back into Man-
choukuo with heavy losses.
Fighting lasted all day Tuesday and
until daybreak Wednesday, when the
Mongolians recaptured the outpost
of Adyk-Dolon, said the accounts
from the capital of the Outer Mon-
golian Peoples' Republic.
The ending of the pitched battle,
bringing a grave crisis in Russo-Jap-
anese relations, caused relief here.
Dispatches from Ulan Bator termed
a statement by the Japanese army
command in Manchoukuo that the
conflict was provoked by a bombing
raid of Mongolian planes a "shame-
less lie."
In the course of the day and night
of fighting, the dispatches added, the
invaders failed in several attempts
to capture Tamsyk-Bulak, 30 miles in-
side Mongolia. No casualties were
Latest reports from Mongolia said
calm has returned but a close guard
is being maintained to resist any fur-
ther attempt to seize Mongolian ter-
Moscow continued to keep a close
eye on the situation but officials re-
frained from comment.
Student Elected To
Flying Club Council
Glenn H. Brink, '38E, was elected
a member of the executive council of
the National Intercollegiate Flying
Club yesterday at its annual conven-
tion in Washington, D. C. Brink is
an officer in the University Glider
The club decided to hold a national
intercollegiate flying meet at Detroit
next June, and mapped a program
for the development of private flying

not only as a college sport but for
recreational and business activities of
college alumni after leaving school.
Other officers chosen were: Joseph
B. Hartfanft, Jr., of the University of
Pennsylvania, national president;
Earl M. Bennetsen, University of
Minnesota, vice-president; Clarence
D. Martin, Jr., son of Governor Martin
of Washington and a student at Har-
vard, secretary-treasurer, and W. E.
Stinson, Ohio State, member of the
executive council at large.
Lindbergh May Fly
A *Y. ---- LA.1.11 3

New Developments May
Alter Electrocution Of
Bruno Hauptmann
Hoffman Steadfast
In Reprieve Denial
Wilentz To Appear Before
Grand Jury; Wendel
Case To Be Taken Up

Word was received by Gov. Har-w
old Hoffman from Clarence Dar-I
row (above), famous Chicago crim-b
inal lawyer, aserting the belief
that Bruno Richard Hauptmann p
should have another trial. b
made from wood in the attic ofh
Hauptmann's Bronx home.-
(2) The testimony of handwriting
experts that the penmanship of thea
author of the ransom notes was
Hauptmann's. .
(3) The finding of some of thew
ransom money on Hauptmann's per -
son and in his garage.s,
He was inclined to discount, how-
ever, the importance of Dr. John
F. (Jafsie) Condon's and Coloneld
Lindbergh's testimony that it wasv
Hauptmann's voice they heard ino
the Bronx cemetery, April 2, 1932.t
Also, he continued, it is probablec
that little weight was given to the
statements of persons who said theyh
saw Hauptmann before the kidnap-
ing near the Lindbergh estate anda
after the kidnaping sending a ran-
som note to Dr. Condon.
Perhaps the most damning bit ofo
evidence furnished against Haupt-
mann - Koehler's testimony on the
(Continued on Page 2)t
Italians Reportt
Decisive Victory
Over Ethiopiansc
Claim Emperor Led Own
Troops In Battle Near
Lake Ashangi Sector r
ROME, April 1. - (P) - A decisive
Italian victory over 20,000 picked
Ethiopian warriors led by Emperorr
Haile Selassie himself was reported
today. An official communique saidj
7,000 of the Ethiopians were killed.
Italian casualties were put at more
than 1,000, most of them among Eri-
treans in the huge battle fought yes-
terday in Northern Ethiopia.
At the same time it was announced
the government had received a letter
from Salvador De Madariaga, repre-
senting the League of Nations, dis-
cussing procedure to be followed for
arranging preliminary peace terms.
Officials said no negotiationshad been
started and that the discussion was
solely on the matter of procedure.
Marshal Pietro Badoglio, comman-
der-in-chief of the armies in Africa,
said yesterday's battle took place in
the Lake Ashangi sector, 30 miles
south of the former main Italian lines
at Amba Alaji. His communique said:
"In the Lake Ashangi zone, toward
Quoram, a great battle was fought
March 31.
"The army of Emperor Haile Se-
lassie, with the troops of his body-
guard furnished with modern arms
of every kind, attacked our position of
Mai Ceu.
"Theday closed with a complete
victory for our arms."
Wallace Sets Rates
For Soil Program
WASHINGTON, April 1.-(AP)-
Secretary Wallace today fixed rates
of payment ranging up to $2 an acre
for soil building crops sown in the
North Central states under the new
Soil Conservation Program. Mich-
igan is included in the group.
( Farmr re' to nbeira id ra

TRENTON, N. J., April 1. - () -
Bruno Richard Hauptmann, who has
lived beyond three of his death dates,
faced a new one tonight --Friday
night at 8 p.m. - but under conditions
which made it extremely doubtful he
would die even then for the Lindbergh
baby murder.
Col. Mark O. Kimberling, state
prison warden, moved the death time
back a day later than was asked by
the Mercer County (Trenton) grand
ury, whose unexpected intervention
halted the execution on the hour set
for it last night.
Failure of the grand jury to reach
a decision by Friday night in the
strange case of Paul Wendel, held on
a murder charge for the same crime
which condemned Hauptmann, would
bring .a still further delay, Kimberling
Court Order Required
The warden explained that if Wen-
del were indicted for the murder, it
would require an order from acourt
or some other "competent authority"
to delay the execution beyond the
current week.
Whether he would regard a reprieve
from Gov. Harold G. Hoffman, who
has announced there would be none,
as coming from a "competent author-
ity" was a subject of speculation.
The governor has indicated no
change in his position against an-
othereprieve, which he has been in-
formed he has no legal right to grant.
The grand jury was in session again
today but it was reported it was con-
sidering attets nt cofnected with
the Wendel case, which had kept it
in session for a record period last
night -hours after Hauptmann was
To Take Up Wendel Case
It was expected to take up the Wen-
del case again tomorrow. Attorney-
General David T. Wilentz, who has
contended all along that Hauptmann
alone was responsible for the kidnap-
ing and death of the Lindbergh baby,
said he would accept an invitation
to appear before the grand jury to-
"I will be glad to give any help I
can," he said.
Wilentz, who has opposed Haupt-
mann's every move t escape the
electric chair, said he believed the
jurors would finish their delibera-
tions tomorrow.
Detroit Awaits
Returns From
DETROIT, April 1.-(P)-A "wash-
day" for Detroit's government was an-
nounced today by Mayor Frank Couz-
ens, who commissioned every munici-
pal department head to investigate
all cash accounts.
"This is Detroit's washday," the
mayor declared, "and if you have any
dirty linen it is time to bring it out
now. I want you to tell me right
here and now if there are any indi-
viduals in your departments about
whom you may have the least sus-
picion of honesty, character and sin-
cerity of purpose."
Meanwhile, Detroit awaited the
one-man grand jury investigation into
thefts of city funds.
Judge George Murphy will sit as
a one-man grand jury, having been
assigned to the case by Judge John
P. Scallen. McCrea requested the new
investigation, alleging "certain elected
and appointed city officials" were in-
volved in conversion and neglect of
duty and that "certain individuals"
were guilty of numerous crimes.
Sadler To Continue
In Vocational Series
Dean H. C. Sadler of the College
of FngnPmigwil cna a4,5 n-


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